This document provides a child development checklist to assess skills across several domains, including self-esteem, emotional competence, social competence, physical development, cognitive development, spoken language, emergent writing and reading skills, art/music/dance skills, and dramatic play skills. Each domain lists specific milestones or skills and provides space to record evidence of whether the child has achieved each milestone and the date observed. The checklist is intended to track a child's progress in a variety of areas over time.
This document provides a child development checklist to assess skills across several domains, including self-esteem, emotional competence, social competence, physical development, cognitive development, spoken language, emergent writing and reading skills, art/music/dance skills, and dramatic play skills. Each domain lists specific milestones or skills and provides space to record evidence of whether the child has achieved each milestone and the date observed. The checklist is intended to track a child's progress in a variety of areas over time.
This document provides a child development checklist to assess skills across several domains, including self-esteem, emotional competence, social competence, physical development, cognitive development, spoken language, emergent writing and reading skills, art/music/dance skills, and dramatic play skills. Each domain lists specific milestones or skills and provides space to record evidence of whether the child has achieved each milestone and the date observed. The checklist is intended to track a child's progress in a variety of areas over time.
This document provides a child development checklist to assess skills across several domains, including self-esteem, emotional competence, social competence, physical development, cognitive development, spoken language, emergent writing and reading skills, art/music/dance skills, and dramatic play skills. Each domain lists specific milestones or skills and provides space to record evidence of whether the child has achieved each milestone and the date observed. The checklist is intended to track a child's progress in a variety of areas over time.
dexterity Uses tools (scissors, hammer) with control 5. Cognitive Development
Classifies objects by shape, color, size
Places objects in sequence or series
Recognizes, creates patterns
Counts by rote to 20
Displays 1-to-1 correspondence
Problem solves with concrete objects
Makes thinking visible
6. Spoken Language
Listens but does not speak
Gives single-word, short phrase
responses Takes part in conversations
Speaks in expanded sentences
Asks questions
Can tell a story
7. Emergent Writing and Reading
Skills Pretends to write with drawings & scribbles Makes horizontal lines of writing scribbles Makes some letters, prints name or initial Holds book right side up; turns pages right to left Pretends to read using pictures to tell a story Shows awareness that print in books tells story 8. Art, Music and Dance Skills
Makes basic scribble shapes
Draws person as sun-face with arms &
legs Makes pictorial drawings
Moves arms & hands in rhythm to beat
Plays rhythm instruments
Sings with group or by him/herself
Moves body to represent people,
animals, feelings Dances with others to music
9. Dramatic Play Skills
Does pretend play by him/herself
Assign roles or takes assigned roles
Needs particular props to do pretend
play Takes on characteristics & actions related to role Uses language for creating & sustaining the plot Enacts exciting, danger-packed themes