27a. Youth Intake Interview Form

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The document outlines a youth intake interview form that collects information on a youth's education, family, medical history, substance use, goals, and more.

The form collects information on a youth's demographic details, education, family structure, hobbies, peer relationships, medical history, mental health, substance use, and safety.

The form collects information on a youth's living situation, family relationships, family criminal history, family support systems, and significant family events.

----------------------- Page 1----------------------Youth Intake Interview Form Todays Date: Youths Name First Last Address: Birth Date:

Male/Female: Phone: ( ) Social Security #: Insurance Co: Fathers Name Occupation: DOB: Address (W) Phone (H) Occupat Middle

Place of Birth: Mothers Name DOB: ion: Address Phone (H) (W)

Persons Present for Assessment: Self identified race/ethnicity/cultural heritage Language youth/family speak at home (if not English) EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION School Building: Grade: Credits: GPA: IEP? No Skips GED No Yes: Yes: Tardies Diploma Trade School

Ever been diagnosed with ADHD? Attendance Pattern: Regular

What are your Academic Goals?: College Explain: Do you participate in any school sports?

Are you in any clubs or other school activities? What do you like best about school? What do you like least about school? Page 1

----------------------- Page 2----------------------What is your favorite class/subject? Have you ever been suspended? Have you ever been expelled? No No Yes: Yes: No Yes:

Do you have a history of fighting in school?

Is there a teacher, counselor, coach, or other adult at school that you can talk to? No Yes: Guidance Counselor: Do the parents help/support youth in school? No Yes:

How did youth do in school in the past? (elementary, middle school, grades, figh ting, suspensions): Additional Notes: FAMILY STRUCTURE/LIVING SITUATION Individual Lives with: Father Stepfather Mother Stepmother Both (biological) Legal Adoption Relatives: Other:

Who else lives in the home? (siblings, relatives, significant others, etc.) Home Environment: Describe the relationships and communication within the home (conflicts, how peo ple get along): What are your rules at home? Page 2 ----------------------- Page 3----------------------What consequences do you typically face when you dont follow the rules? What consequences did you face at home for this referral? What are some things you do together as a family? Significant family events, traumas, or major changes/Dates: What are some strengths you have as a family? What adult do you spend most of your time with? (Looking for a positive adult ro le model) Name: Relationship: Which extended family members provide support and how? Name: Relationship:

History of running away:


Yes: (How often, most recent occurrence)

Any previous out of home placements?: Family Criminal History: Mother: No Father: No Siblings: No Relatives: No Additional Notes: YOUTH What do you like to do for fun? (favorite hobbies/interests) What are some things that youre good at? Page 3 ----------------------- Page 4----------------------What are some things your child is good at? How would you describe yourself? Do you go to any youth groups, church groups, or clubs? Have you ever had a job? Are there positive people in your life who serve as a resource/mentor for you? Name: Relationship: Name: Relationship: Additional Notes: PEERS How would you describe your friends? Lots of Friends Mostly Older Few Friends Mostly Younger No No Friends Same Age Yes, Comments: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Crime(s): Crime(s): Crime(s): Crime(s):

Do parents know and approve of friends? Have your friends changed over time? How/Why?

Have any of your friends gotten into trouble with the law? How do your friends do in school? (grades, attendance, behavior) What do you value in a friend? MEDICAL Does youth, or has youth ever, taken medication? No




Any pregnancy, delivery, or developmental milestone (walking, talking, potty tra ining) concerns?

Page 4 ----------------------- Page 5----------------------Is there any history of head injury? No Yes:

Any past hospitalizations, serious injuries, or frequent or chronic illnesses? MENTAL HEALTH Have you ever received any psychological or counseling services? es: Have you ever attempted suicide? No Yes: No Yes: No No Yes: Yes: Yes: No Y

Have you ever had suicidal thoughts or gestures? Any history of depression or withdrawal? Any history of sleeping or eating problems? Any auditory or visual hallucinations? Family History of Mother: Father: Siblings: Relatives: Mental Illness: No Yes, Explain: No Yes, Explain: No Yes, Explain: No Yes, Explain: No

Have any family members been in counseling or treatment for mental illness or su bstance abuse? Additional Notes: Victimization/Abuse: Physical Abuse? Emotional Abuse? Sexual Abuse? No No No Yes: Page 5 ----------------------- Page 6----------------------DRUG AND ALCOHOL History: (date/age of first use, date/age of last use, heaviest use, frequency, tolerance, method of ingestion, etc.) Alcohol Marijuana Mushrooms Acid No No No No Yes: No Yes: Yes: Yes: Yes: Yes: Yes:


Cocaine Pills Heroine No

No Yes: No


Yes: No Yes: Yes:

Inhalants (huffing) Cigarettes Other: Drug of choice: No

Have you ever been under the influence of drugs or alcohol while at school? No Yes Have you ever (unsuccessfully) attempted to quit using drugs or alcohol before? No Yes: Has anything bad ever happened to you because of your drug or alcohol use? (scho ol, home, legal, friends, work) No Yes: Have you ever done a wake and bake? No Yes Page 6 ----------------------- Page 7----------------------Have you ever combined drugs in order to enhance an effect? (stacking) Yes No

Have you ever used one drug to counteract the effects of another drug? (morphing ) No Yes Have you ever been in drug and alcohol treatment or received an assessment? No Yes: Family Substance Abuse: Mother: No Father: No Siblings: No Relatives: No Additional Notes: SAFETY Are any weapons available in the home, or does youth have access to weapons? No Yes: Does youth have preoccupation with or use of weapons? Any history of fire setting? Any history of animal abuse? No No Yes: Yes: No Yes: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Substance(s): Substance(s): Substance(s): Substance(s):

Any concerns about anger management or impulsivity?

REPAIRING HARM Who was hurt by your actions? What have you already done to make up for your actions? Is there anything else you could do? What can you do to show people you will make better choices in the future? GOALS What are some of your short-term goals? (within the next month) What are some of your long-term goals? (within the next year) Page 7 ----------------------- Page 8----------------------What are some goals you would like to work on with me? How can I help you achieve these goals? Additional Notes: Page 8 ----------------------- Page 9----------------------SHORT TERM COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT/SKILL BUILDING AREAS PLANNING/GOALS 1. POSITIVE ADULT: Is there a positive adult to support the youth with meeting the goals? If not, GOAL: 2. HEALTHY IDENTITY: Is the youth involved in any positive activities or pursue any positive interests? If not, GOAL: 3. COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS: Is the youth engaged with any educational/vocational activities or involved in any community groups or resources? If not, GOAL: 4. REPAIRING HARM: Has the youth taken responsibility for his/her actions; do h e/she understand the impact of his/her behavior; has he/she made efforts to repair harm? If not, GOAL: Page 9

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