Rebuilding Indonesia's Industrial Estates: Joanna Octavia, M.SC Senior Researcher
Rebuilding Indonesia's Industrial Estates: Joanna Octavia, M.SC Senior Researcher
Rebuilding Indonesia's Industrial Estates: Joanna Octavia, M.SC Senior Researcher
Rebuilding Indonesias
Industrial Estates
Joanna Octavia, M.Sc
Senior Researcher
The industrial estate business in Indonesia has been rapidly growing since its inception in
the 1970s, but poor planning and weak implementation of past policies have led to policy
problems in four key aspects: administration inefficiency, poor infrastructure, antagonistic
labor relations, and limited incentives. These problems were further compounded by issues
such as rising labor costs and soaring land prices in or around Greater Jakarta, where most
of the countrys most prominent industrial estates reside. This paper examines root causes
of industrial estate problems, the likely implications, the governments response, and
possible policy recommendations.
In the development context, industrial estates there are now more than 12,000 industrial estates
have become synonymous with the process of that exist around the world, with an estimated 893
industrialization and are considered as powerful in ASEAN alone. According to the latest available
tools for employment generation, economic data from the Ministry of Industry in 2012, there
growth and competitiveness. Industrial estates, are 172 industrial estates currently scattered
in particular, have the ability to foster a catch-up across the Indonesian archipelago, most of which
strategy by providing an institutional framework, are dominated by manufacturing activities.1
modern services and infrastructure that is not
available in the rest of the country (UNIDO, 1997).
It is difficult to estimate the accurate numbers of
The challenge, however, is to create and maintain industrial estates in Indonesia due to the absence of a
industrial estates that are competitive not only in government body in charge of economic zones. UNIDO
the local market, but also in the global context. (2015) suggests that there are 260 industrial estates in
Research by UNIDO (2015) has suggested that Indonesia.
2 Policy Brief 2016/01
The countrys industrial estate development Since current President Joko Jokowi Widodo
program began in the 1970s when the national took office in October 2014, much of the
government, in cooperation with the regional governments focus has been on revitalizing
governments, set up the countrys first industrial the economy by increasing investment in the
estate in Jakarta, which became Jakarta Industrial manufacturing sector. The development of
Estate Pulo Gadung (JIEP).2 This was subsequently industrial estates, along with special economic
followed by Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut zones (SEZs), is seen as one of the most effective
(SIER) (1974), Cilacap Industrial Estate (1974), ways to facilitate industrial activities and
Medan Industrial Estate (1975), Makassar accelerate the process of industrialization in the
Industrial Estate (1978), Cirebon Industrial Estate regions across the Indonesian archipelago. In
(1984), and Lampung Industrial Estate (1986) addition, investment in manufacturing activities,
(Kwanda, 2000). Due to limited budget allocated particularly in industries that are labor-intensive,
to the program, in 1989 the government issued a have the capacity to increase national and local
decree that opened the industrial estate business employment.
to the private sector.3 This was subsequently
followed by the issuance of series of regulations The revision to the Government Regulation No.
that formed the legal and technical basis of the 24/2009, along with the issuance of policies
industrial estate development in the country.4 targeted at easing investment inside industrial
estates, are part of an effort to boost the
competitiveness of Indonesias industrial estates.5
Regulation of the Ministry of Home Affairs No. 5/1974 While these efforts have improved the investment
stipulates that land for industrial estate business can only climate in the country, considerable work still
be granted to a legal entity whose entire capital comes needs to be done to evaluate and resolve ongoing
from the government. problems caused by ineffective policies.
The Presidential Decree No. 53/1989 opens the industrial
estate business to the private sector. 5
The new Government Regulation No. 142/2015 on
The Government Regulation No. 24/2009 on Industrial Industrial Estates was issued as an implementation to Law
Area was issued as an implementation to Law No. 5/1984 No. 3/2014 on Industry, and became effective on December
on Industry. 28th, 2015.
Policy Brief 2016/01 3
The administration of industrial estates in a master development plan for industrialization
Indonesia is fragmented and not integrated was issued only for the Riau island of Batam.6 After
into the countrys overall industrial the 1989 decree that allowed the management
development strategy. of these estates by private companies, the
industrial estate business subsequently became
Two of the problems associated with the overwhelmingly dominated by the private sector.
administration of industrial estates are: (1) the Currently, only 6 percent of Indonesias industrial
lack of a coherent national strategy; and (2) estates are managed by the government, which
the lack of a dedicated government institution is in stark contrast to its regional counterparts:
assigned to develop, monitor and promote the Malaysia (78 percent) and Thailand (48 percent)
estates. (ADB, 2014).
The governments lack of involvement in the Moreover, Indonesia does not have a specific
countrys industrial estate development has government body responsible for the
led to soaring industrial land prices in more development of economic zones. This has
developed regions. led to unclear and inconsistent monitoring in
Compounding these problems is the process different institutions, such as the privately-
of administrative and fiscal decentralization run Industrial Estate Association of Indonesia
since 2001, which dispersed decision-making (Himpunan Kawasan Industri HKI), regional
authority to provincial and local-level governments, the Investment Coordinating Board
governments. (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal BKPM)
and various teams under the Ministry of Industry.
The government has attempted to resolve these Other countries competing in industrial estate
administrative problems by: (1) redirecting development in the region, such as Thailand and
industrial investment into industrial estates; Vietnam, established bodies such the Industrial
and (2) strengthening its role in the countrys Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) and Vietnams
overall industrial estate development strategy. Department of Economic Zones at the Ministry of
Planning and Investment, respectively (UNIDO,
Prior to 2014, the development of industrial
estates across the Indonesian archipelago
lacked an overall master plan. While the
Government of Indonesia had issued various 6
Batam was designated as an industrial zone by the
regulations as the legal basis for industrial estates, Presidential Decree No. 71/1971.
4 Policy Brief 2016/01
Chart 2. Comparative view of population size, land mass size, and number of industrial estates
The private sectors domination of industrial estate development and insufficient government
involvement have resulted in soaring industrial land prices, which makes investing in Indonesias
industrial estates more expensive than in neighboring countries. To illustrate, in 2013 a square meter
in Bekasi or Karawang was priced at US$191, which was significantly higher than US$119 in Bangkok
(Siahaan, 2013). This may be attributed to a strong demand for industrial land in more developed
regions in or around Greater Jakarta, and low capacity utilization for industrial estate areas outside of
Java. Land prices can only be managed when governments play an active part and have a significant
share in their countries industrial estate development.
by the district government (US$ 246), industrial The government has made a conscious effort to
estates in Bekasi still enjoy great popularity protect the stability of labor relations within
among foreign investors particularly due to their industrial estates by issuing a new minimum
proximity to Jakarta, ample supply of skilled wage policy and investing in plans to increase
labor, and easy access to Indonesias busiest port, workers skills and productivity. A key item in the
Tanjung Priok. fourth economic policy package issued towards the
end of 2015 was a fixed formula for setting regional
Frequent industrial action has played a role in minimum wages starting in 2016, which takes into
discouraging investment in the manufacturing account both the regions inflation rate and the
sector. In 2012 and 2013, several large-scale rate of economic growth. It was hoped that this
strikes and rallies demanding higher wages and could address the contentious wage negotiations
severance pay have disrupted production within between workers and employers (Burhanudin &
several industrial estates, causing some investors Octavia, 2015). Moreover, to address the problem
to consider moving to other manufacturing hubs of unskilled workers for specific industries, the
in the region.17 Minimum wage hikes for 2013 new regulation on industrial estates stipulates
reached 40 percent in some parts of the country, that educational and training facilities, as well as
which made running labor-intensive industries research and development centers, are among
more expensive (Vaswani, 2013). the minimum required supporting infrastructure
In reality, labor demonstrations at several that the government should be providing.19
industrial estates are considered to be against
the law. Decree No. 466/M-IND/Kep/8/2014
specified that 49 companies and 14 industrial
estates are assigned as Indonesias National
Vital Object (Objek Vital Nasional). National Vital
Objects are companies or industrial estates with
strategic importance that are granted special
protection from the police.18 However, continued
demonstrations at some of the national vital
objects show that the enforcement of these
regulations remained weak.
Another labor market problem related to the
governments ambition to expand industrial
estate development outside of Java is a
shortage of skilled workers for more specialized
industries in remote areas. Given their proximity Incentives
to raw materials, industrial estates in more
remote areas generally focus on more specialized, Fiscal and non-fiscal incentives are often
resource-based industries. The newly-established considered as additional inducements that
Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park in Central are used by governments to attract firms to
Sulawesi, for instance, focuses on ferronickel industrial estates.
smelter and stainless steel manufacturing Government Regulation No. 142/2015
industries, while the Teluk Bintuni Industrial offers generous incentives for prospective
Park in the far-flung province of West Papua and existing tenants in industrial estates.
manufactures fertilizer and petroleum. However, Incentives will be offered based on the zoning
these industries generally require workers with system that divides the countrys industrial
more specific skills that are beyond the quality of estates into four categories, with greater
labor available in the region. incentives available in less-developed regions.
According to interviews with executives at Batamindo
Industrial Park, notoriously frequent labor strikes and
rallies have caused disturbances to businesses, and led
some manufacturers to move their operations elsewhere. 19
Article 10(3) of the new Government Regulation No.
Article (2) of the Law No. 9/1998 prohibits protests at 142/2015 requires the government and/or regional
National Vital Objects, and Presidential Decree No. 63/2004 government to provide supporting facilities that include
allows the deployment of police forces to ensure the (b) educational and training facilities and (c) research and
security of these Objects. development centers.
8 Policy Brief 2016/01
In the past, there was no obvious benefit for appointed by the BKPM after receiving their basic
companies whether they opt to locate inside licenses (Manuturi, 2016).20
or outside an industrial estate in Indonesia.
However, some of the factors that investors Government Regulation No. 142/2015 also
consider are the types and value of incentives offers additional incentives to make the
compared to its counterparts in the region. Some countrys industrial estates more attractive to
of these incentives are fiscal in nature, such as investors. Some of these incentives include tax
tax holidays; the rest, like the simplification holidays and allowances, along with reductions
of procedures and one-window service for or exemptions from regional taxes, which will be
administrative matters, are considered non- provided based on the zoning system that divides
fiscal facilities. However, the old Government industrial estates into four categories. Greater
Regulation No. 24/2009 on Industrial Estates did incentives will be granted for businesses that opt
not include provisions on incentives or facilities to to locate in less developed zones.21 To simplify
attract companies to locate inside the countrys licensing procedures, the regulation also allows
industrial estates. Prior to the issuance of the tenants to skip filing the environmental impact
new regulation at the end of December 2015, only analysis (AMDAL) if the industrial estate manager
industrial estates located inside the countrys has already done so.22
SEZs were able to enjoy some fiscal incentives.
Today, industrial estates in Indonesia are 20
The estates included in this initiative are: Kendal
gaining popularity after the government Industrial Estate, Bukit Semarang Industrial Estate,
had started to issue regulations that ease Tugu Wijaya Kusuma Industrial Estate, Candi Industrial
investment inside the assigned areas. The Estate, Wilmar Integrated Industrial Estate, Modern
Cikande Industrial Estate, Krakatau Industrial Estate, Java
availability of a three-hour licensing policy for
Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) and Bantaeng
investors with projects that are worth at least Rp Industrial Estate.
100 billion (US$7.3 million), employ a minimum of 21
The four categories are: developed industrial
1,000 employees and are located inside industrial development estates (WPI) in Java; developing WPI in
estates designated by the BKPM, have resulted southern Sulawesi, eastern Kalimantan, northern Sumatera
in an investment commitment reaching Rp 52.9 (other than Batam, Bintan and Karimun) and southern
trillion, and employment absorption of almost Sumatera; potential WPI in northern Sulawesi, western
16,000 Indonesian workers (Amindoni, 2016). This Kalimantan, Bali and Nusa Tenggara; and potential WPI in
policy had since been expanded to allow investors Papua and West Papua.
to begin construction in nine industrial estates 22
Part Three: Obligations of Industrial Enterprises in the
Industrial Area, Article 38 (4).
Policy Brief 2016/01 9
1. The governments role in the countrys The governments role in industrial estate development
industrial estate development was has been expanded to include (but are not limited to):
Providing industrial estate infrastructure
Establishing industrial estate standards
Providing incentives and other facilities according to
the regulation as determined by the Law. (Chapter II,
Articles 4 and 5)
2. The definition for industrial estate The new regulation clearly defines the difference
infrastructure was unclear. There was between industrial infrastructure, supporting
confusion over which institution was infrastructure, and basic infrastructure; as well as who
responsible for providing each of these is responsible for providing each type of infrastructure.
facilities. (Chapter III, Articles 10 and 11)
3. Licensing procedures for companies Industrial estate tenants are not required to obtain a
located inside industrial estates were nuisance (HO) permit. (Chapter IV, Article 23(6))
neither simplified nor subjected to special
treatment or one-stop service (OSS). Industrial estate managers are required to facilitate
licensing OSS for companies inside the estates. (Chapter
VII, Article 35(3))
The new regulation allows tenants to skip filing the
environmental impact analysis (AMDAL) if the industrial
estate manager has already done so. (Chapter VII,
Article 38(3))
Industrial estates are allowed to construct and manage
their own sources of electricity for personal and
industrial use. (Chapter VIII, Article 42)
4. The old regulation did not offer any type The government is offering tax incentives to attract
of incentive for companies locating inside businesses to invest inside industrial estates. The
the countrys industrial estates. provision of incentives is based on a zoning system,
whereby greater incentives are provided for businesses
that will locate in less developed zones. (Chapter VIII,
Article 41)
10 Policy Brief 2016/01
Interviews were conducted for the development of a case
study on business licensing published by Transformasi in
October 2015.
Policy Brief 2016/01 11
Though industrial estates have existed in planned industrial estates outside of Java.
Indonesia since the 1970s, they have not been Papanek et al. (2014) proposed that private
fully utilized as a tool for economic growth companies can build infrastructure as a way to
through industrialization. Industrial estates have discharge their tax obligations, given that the
been an ongoing development agenda for the government has limited funding and capacity
Indonesian government, but prior to the current to build infrastructure in areas far from Jakarta.
administration they were merely a small, and often Involving the private sector will be beneficial
disengaged, component of the countrys overall for all parties as it has the potential to expedite
economic strategy. Various problems, ranging the process of infrastructure development.
from the lack of a coherent plan; inadequate However, strict quality control will need to be
provision of infrastructure; antagonistic labor put in place to ensure that these projects meet
relations; and limited incentives, have further a certain level of standard, and are free from
complicated the situation. bribery and collusion between contractors
and the government.
The revisions to the regulation on industrial
estates and a series of policy packages targeted 3. Negotiated agreements on selected industrial
at increasing investment in those estates have estates that exchange lower minimum wages
been well-received by the business community. for subsidized or free housing, childrens
In particular, there were several pivotal changes education and healthcare. This may give
introduced in Government Regulation No. companies, particularly those that are
142/2015 that were not present in the old concerned about rising labor costs, a powerful
regulations, including required facilities and incentive to relocate to these estates.
standards of industrial estates, the governments
role in initiating industrial estate development, 4. Better coordination between governments at
and the creation of industrial estate committees. the national and local levels to facilitate the
As of the time of writing, the business community is regulation of industrial land prices and land
waiting for the issuance of a ministerial regulation acquisition reforms.
(Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian Permenperin)
which will provide the technical details on the
revised government regulation. Industrial estates have the potential to spread
equal development across the archipelago if
Moving forward, there are several they are properly and holistically developed.
recommendations that the Government of However, the challenges faced by the Indonesian
Indonesia could consider to further improve the government are much more complex compared
countrys industrial estates: to other countries in the region. Aside from
1. The immediate creation of an Industrial Estate addressing problems caused by past policies, and
Authority of Indonesia.24 Having a single body building on that foundation, Indonesia also has
responsible for industrial estate development to remember that it does not exist in a vacuum.
will prevent the overlapping of implementation Decades of trade and investment liberalization
and monitoring roles between institutions. in other countries mean that investors have the
luxury of choosing the most favorable conditions
2. The acceleration of infrastructure develop- for their businesses, leaving Indonesian industrial
ment to address the inadequate provision estates to face fierce competition in attracting
of infrastructure, particularly for the 13 investment.
Article 5 of the Government Regulation No. 142/2015
12 Policy Brief 2016/01
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Policy Brief 2016/01 13
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