Manifolds and Topology Preliminary Exam April 22, 2008
Manifolds and Topology Preliminary Exam April 22, 2008
Manifolds and Topology Preliminary Exam April 22, 2008
Manifolds/Topology Prelim
April 22, 2008
Part A
1. (a) Let X be a path-connected, locally path connected space. Define a covering space P : X X
(b) State the theorem which classifies covering spaces of X, with fixed base point x0 X.
(c) Assume (RP 2 , x0 ) = Z/2Z the group with 2 elements (RP 2 is the real projective plane.) How
many inequivalent covering spaces are there for X = RP 2 RP 2 (include the trivial ones. Explain)
(d) Let P : X X be a covering space. A section is a continuous S : X X so that P S = Idx , the
identity. Show that if a section exists, P is a homeomorphism.
2. State (carefully) the Mayer-Victoris theorem
3. (a) Define the degree of a map f : S n S n (write deg(f ) where S n , n > 0 is the n-sphere)
(b) If the radius of S n Rn+1 is 1 and f, g : S n S n are two continuous maps with the distance from
f (x) to g(x) in S n less than , for all x, then deg(f ) = deg(g)
(c) Show that if f is not onto, deg(f ) = 0
(d) Show that, for any n > 0, there is always an onto map of degree 0.
4. (a) Calculate the homology groups of
S1 S2 S3
where means the one-point union.
(b) Calculate the homology of the plane, from which k points have been removed.
Part B
1. (a) Define an immersion and an embedding
f : M n Rk
(b) If S 1 is the circle, show that there is no immersion f : S 1 R1 . More generally, there is no
immersion f : S n Rn
(c) Explain - in words - why there is an embedding of the Klein bottle in R4 .
2. Consider the following 2-differential form in R3 .