Manifolds and Topology Preliminary Exam April 22, 2008

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Manifolds and Topology Preliminary Exam

April 22, 2008

No books, papers, or electronic devices may be used in this examination!

Write only your codename on your Blue Books, NOT your actual name!
This Examination has two Parts, A and B. Solutions of problems in separate Parts must be written in
separate Blue Books.
There are four problems in each Part. Each problem has equal weight. The passing score will be based
on your total score.
To receive full credit for a problem, the answer must be complete and correct. The scorers must not
be expected to supply any missing parts of any answer.
Problems in each Part may be done in any order. You must clearly identify where the parts of your
answers are. The scorers will not search at length for answers that are incomplete.
If you use a theorem, state it fully and concisely, or identify it clearly. In either case, verifying hypotheses
explicitly is essential.
Do not make assumptions that trivialize a problem.

Manifolds/Topology Prelim
April 22, 2008

Part A
1. (a) Let X be a path-connected, locally path connected space. Define a covering space P : X X
(b) State the theorem which classifies covering spaces of X, with fixed base point x0 X.
(c) Assume (RP 2 , x0 ) = Z/2Z the group with 2 elements (RP 2 is the real projective plane.) How
many inequivalent covering spaces are there for X = RP 2 RP 2 (include the trivial ones. Explain)
(d) Let P : X X be a covering space. A section is a continuous S : X X so that P S = Idx , the
identity. Show that if a section exists, P is a homeomorphism.
2. State (carefully) the Mayer-Victoris theorem
3. (a) Define the degree of a map f : S n S n (write deg(f ) where S n , n > 0 is the n-sphere)
(b) If the radius of S n Rn+1 is 1 and f, g : S n S n are two continuous maps with the distance from
f (x) to g(x) in S n less than , for all x, then deg(f ) = deg(g)
(c) Show that if f is not onto, deg(f ) = 0
(d) Show that, for any n > 0, there is always an onto map of degree 0.
4. (a) Calculate the homology groups of
S1 S2 S3
where means the one-point union.
(b) Calculate the homology of the plane, from which k points have been removed.

Part B
1. (a) Define an immersion and an embedding

f : M n Rk

(b) If S 1 is the circle, show that there is no immersion f : S 1 R1 . More generally, there is no
immersion f : S n Rn
(c) Explain - in words - why there is an embedding of the Klein bottle in R4 .
2. Consider the following 2-differential form in R3 .

= f (x, z)dy dz + g(y, z)dx dz + dx dy

Here f (x, z) and g(y, z) are smooth functions.

(a) Calculate d.
(b) Find condition on f and g so that is closed.
(c) Let : R3 R3 be given by (x, y, z) = (x, y, 0). What is ()?
3. State Sards theorem about the regular and critical values of a smooth map f : M n Rk
4. (a) Show that there is no embedding of a compact 2-manifold M 2 in R3 , so that for every point, the
Gaussian curvature is negative.
(b) Describe a non-compact smooth 2-dimensional sub-manifold of R3 , so that at every point the Gaus-
sian curvature is negative.

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