EP/EXPO/B/INTA/FWC/2013-08/Lot7/02-03 EN
December 2015 -PE535.016 EuropeanUnion, 2015
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
This paper was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade.
English-language manuscript was completed on 15/12/2015.
Printed in Belgium.
Authors: Dr Stephen WOOLCOCK, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, London School of
Economics, UK
Pierre SAUV, Director of External Programs and Academic Partnerships and a faculty member at the World Trade
Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland
Official Responsible: Elfriede BIERBRAUER
Editorial Assistants: Gyorgyi MACSAI and Elina STERGATOU
Feedback of all kind is welcome. Please write to: [email protected].
To obtain copies, please send a request to: [email protected]
This paper will be published on the European Parliament's online database, 'Think tank'.
The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the author and any opinions expressed therein do not necessarily
represent the official position of the European Parliament. It is addressed to the Members and staff of the EP for their
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ISBN: 978-92-823-8697-2 (pdf) ISBN: 978-92-823-8698-9 (print)
doi:10.2861/361456 (pdf) doi:10.2861/817246 (print)
Catalogue number: QA-02-16-108-EN-N (pdf) Catalogue number: QA-02-16-108-EN-C (print)
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
Table of contents
Programme 5
Biographies 6
1 The treatment of services and investment in the CETA
(by Pierre Sauv) 7
2 Market access issues in the CETA
(by Stephen Woolcock) 12
2.1 Powerpoint presentation 15
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
14.40-14.55 CETA: an important and ambitious deal for the EU with one of the first developed
economies in the world.
Cecilia Malmstrm, Commissioner for Trade, European Commission
15.10-15.30 Expectations and impact of the CETA for the EU and Canada
Steve Verheul, Chief negotiator, Department of Foreign Affairs and International
Trade, Ottawa, Canada
Mauro Petriccione, Chief negotiator, Deputy Director General, European
Commission, DG Trade
15.30-16.10 CETA's potential gains and risks for the EU
Dr Stephen Woolcock, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations,
London School of Economics, London, UK
Pierre Sauv, Deputy Managing Director and Director of Studies at the World Trade
Institute (WTI), University of Berne, Switzerland
16.10-16.55 Q&A
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Stephen Woolcock is an Associate Professor in international relations at the London School of Economics,
where he teaches international political economy, the political economy of international trade and
economic diplomacy as well as heads the LSE's International Trade Policy Unit. He is currently Programme
Director for the Masters in international Political Economy. Woolcock has worked on international trade
policy, both at the multilateral and preferential level and written on EU trade and investment policy. He
coordinates the consortium of research institutes that was awarded the framework contract to provide
briefing papers and studies for the INTA Committee. His recent books include S. Woolcock and N. Bayne
(eds), The New Economic Diplomacy: Decision-Making and Negotiation in International Economic Relations
(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011 3rd edition); S. Woolcock, European Union Economic Diplomacy (Ashgate,
Mr Pierre SAUV
Pierre Sauv, a dual Canadian and French citizen, is Director of External Programs and Academic
Partnerships and a faculty member at the World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland. He holds
visiting professor appointments at the University of Barcelona and the College of Europe. Mr Sauv was
educated in economics and international relations at the Universit du Qubec Montreal and Carleton
University in Canada, and at Cambridge and Oxford universities in the United Kingdom. He has held
visiting lecturer appointments at Sciences-Po in Paris, the London School of Economics and Political
Science and the Harvard Kennedy School and was a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings
Institution, in Washington, D.C. He served in the secretariats of the OECD, the GATT and the BIS. He was
previously a member of the negotiating teams on services and investment of the Canadian Department
of Foreign Affairs and International Trade during the NAFTA and Uruguay Round negotiations. He
currently advises the World Banks investment climate team. His teaching and research activities
concentrate on trade in services, investment regulation and comparative regionalism.
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
In 2004, manufacturing accounted for 21% of all EU outward FDI stock in Canada, but this has more than
doubled. The share of services declined sharply, from 73% to 35%, during this period. Despite such
volatility, both categories still constitute the vast majority of all EU FDI activities in Canada.
Most outward manufacturing FDI is invested in the manufacturing of fuels and chemicals (41 percent)
and of metals and machinery (31 percent).
The vast majority of EU outward services FDI in Canada is invested in financial services (70 percent),
followed by real estate, renting and other business service activities (20 percent).
Canadian FDI stock in the EU has been dominated by investments in services, which accounts for 77 % of
the total on average. Three quarters of this figure (74%) related to financial intermediation. Canadian FDI
stock in EU manufacturing is considerably smaller.
6. Characterizing negotiated outcomes on services and investment
CETA marked an important step forward for the EU in its negotiating approach to the nexus between
services trade and investment.
CETA marked the first time that the EU tackled both issue areas using a negative list approach; the first
time that it agreed to a ratchet clause to automatically lock in future autonomous liberalization in
covered areas; and the first time that it made full use of the space afforded to it by the Lisbon Treaty for
comprehensive investment rule-making spanning both investment liberalization and protection matters.
For Canada, CETA involved significant NAFTA+ advances in scope and coverage, chiefly via provincial
coverage (and the direct participation of provincial governments in the negotiations), with market
opening in services also secured via government procurement means and novel regulatory cooperation
disciplines, including on mutual recognition, areas in which the EU has significant internal market
CETA also allowed Canada to pursue an ongoing process of incremental change in investment rules with
a view to striking a better overall balance between investor and host country rights and obligations, an
objective widely shared by the EU.
7. The outcome on trade in services
The services chapters of CETA form the most sophisticated packages ever negotiated by the EU and
The outcome is significantly WTO/GATS and NAFTA+ (and GATS/NAFTA-X) in character, reflecting latest
learning by doing.
Unlike the GATS and its focus on four distinct modes of supplying services, CETA (like NAFTA)
distinguishes between two key market access modalities: cross-border supply and investment.
The Agreements cross-border service provisions are found in several complimentary chapters:
Chapter 11 on X-border services setting out key disciplines such as national treatment, most
favoured nation treatment and the prohibition of quantitative restrictions (subject to reserved
measures and sectors listed in Annexes 1 and 2 in Chapter 35);
Chapter 12 on the temporary movement of service suppliers (so-called Mode 4 trade under the
Chapter 13 on disciplines on the mutual recognition of professional qualifications
Chapter 14 on (non-discriminatory) domestic regulation
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
rules of origin in order to address the integrated nature of the Canadian and US car production. There are
also exceptions from full tariff liberalisation for the EU in the fisheries sector.
CETA enhances the means with which to tackle technical and regulatory barriers to trade
Non-tariff barriers are important in EU Canada trade. There has been less effort to quantify the impact of
these on EU - Canadian trade, than has been the case for TTIP. But given that Canada has largely followed
the regulatory approach of the United States the nature and importance of non-tariff barriers is likely to
be in the same order of magnitude. Dealing with the trade costs associated with non-tariff barriers (NTBs)
and regulatory policies in the EU and Canada will therefore represent an important share of the benefits
from CETA. NTBs are, in particular, important for the EUs main exporting sectors.
The CETA chapter technical barriers to trade (TBT) is modest when compared to the equivalent chapters
in other EU FTAs, and even more modest than the EU proposal for a TBT chapter in TTIP. But the
agreement includes a novel and interesting approach in the shape of the Mutual Recognition Agreement
of conformity assessment (MARCA). The MARCA Protocol promises to streamline the designation of
conformity assessment bodies (CAB)s and provides clear criteria for the accreditation of CABs. This is
important because it reduces costs and offers the prospect of a one-stop-shop for suppliers in EU-Canada
trade. As with all measures that address TBTs the effectiveness of this can only be determined in the years
following the entry into force of the agreement.
In the related area of sanitary and phytosanitary measures the CETA could be said to have followed a
pragmatic approach, aimed at facilitating trade in food and food products. Canada has followed the
predominantly science-based approach to risk assessment and management that prevails in North
America. This contrasts with the greater emphasis on precaution in the EU. But despite these underlying
differences in approach, CETA follows the pragmatism of the 2009 Biotechnology Dialogue. CETA
confirms the WTO SPS Agreement, but as with other EU PTAs, it is WTO-plus in a procedural sense in that
it establishes the institutions with which the Parties can apply the principles set out in the WTO SPS
agreement. CETA also builds on the existing agreement on veterinary equivalence, and promotes trade
facilitation in food and food products.
.. to be monitored and promoted by a Regulatory Cooperation Forum.
Chapter 26 of the CETA establishes a horizontal Regulatory Cooperation Forum to oversee the various
aspects of regulatory cooperation in TBT, SPS, services, environmental and labour cooperation. The
provisions on this Forum appear to be somewhat less developed than those in the EU proposals for a
similar Regulatory Cooperation Body in the TTIP.
The principles of regulatory cooperation specified in CETA do not appear to pose a threat to regulatory
sovereignty or the maintenance of standards. Article 2 stresses the aim of a high level of protection for
social, environment and consumer (SHEIC) policies. Article 2 (7) then reiterates the voluntary basis of
Regulatory Cooperation; neither Party is obliged to enter into such cooperation and may refuse to
continue or may withdraw. Other principles include openness vis-a-vis third parties wishing to join,
promotion of a climate for competitiveness and innovation, the pursuit of regulatory compatibility,
recognition of equivalence and convergence.
CETA achieves EU negotiating aims in public procurement . . .
Enhanced access to the Canadian public procurement market, including in particular access to the sub-
federal levels of procurement, was a major negotiating aim of the EU. CETA provides full coverage of
Canadian procurement, covering federal, provincial and municipal procurement as well as the state
owned Crown Corporations, with relatively few explicit exceptions. This advance has been facilitated by
the domestic reform process within Canada, and also follows the inclusion of provincial procurement in a
bilateral Canadian US agreement.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
The thresholds remain at the level of the WTOs Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), which
makes sense in terms of consistency, but it means that a significant share of Canadian procurement will
not be subject to the rules. The thresholds for internal trade within Canada remain significantly lower
thus providing an effective preference for Canadian suppliers. Having said this, indirect access via
affiliates of EU companies in Canada (and vice-versa) will be eased by the general extension of
transparency provisions. The introduction of a centralised electronic source for all information on
procurement and tenders will, when implemented at the sub-federal level in five years, provide improved
information. This will be especially important for EU small and medium sized companies that do not have
the resources to invest in local production in Canada to supply that market.
Criticism of the procurement provisions in Canada has focused on the extension of procurement to the
MASH entities (municipal, academic, social and health). But the coverage of these is for goods and
construction rather than services. Health and other public services remain excluded from coverage. There
has also been some criticism of the loss of the ability to provide preferences to small local suppliers to
sub-central government. However, it should be recalled that a significant share of this procurement will
be below the threshold of CETA.
In terms of contract award criteria the standard most advantageous tender wording is included. The
definition of most advantageous remains as in other cases open to some interpretation. CETA makes
explicit reference to environment and conservation of natural resources as being encompassed by this,
but not to employment laws/collective bargaining
The implications for the EU in procurement are likely to be limited in the sense that CETA does require
change the EU procurement rules. The existing de facto transparency of the EU procurement market
means there will be little change. EU schedules will however, be extended to include coverage of
additional entities for Canadian suppliers. This means more coverage for energy utilities and sub-central
service procurement than is currently offered by the EU to Canada under the GPA.
.. and Geographic Indications (GIs)
In the field of intellectual property rights a key EU interest was in gaining better protection for EU GIs. In
this area as in others, Canada has followed the US in arguing that GIs can be protected under existing
trademark law. The EU has been seeking a sui generis protection for GIs. In this topic the CETA is again
pragmatic in that CETA provides protection equivalent to that offered by the EU for 145 GIs, mostly in
meats, beers and cheeses. But it does not satisfy the EU aim of establishing a sui generis regime.
and a predominantly EU approach to Sustainable Development
The approach to sustainable development, in other words the promotion of environmental and labour
standards, follows the EU approach of peer review with recourse to a special panel of experts if required.
The panel of experts is then tasked with providing a report and recommendations in the case of a Party
failing to comply with the provisions on environment and labour standards. These requirements, as in all
EU PTAs, are that the Parties comply with Multilateral Environment Agreements and Core International
Labour Organisation standards that they have ratified. Canada has ratified almost all ILO Conventions
and all but two of the core labour standards.
This approach differs from the NAFTA model, which envisages a more legalistic dispute settlement
In short CETA provides a benchmark in terms of ambitious market opening, combined with rulemaking
that reflects both developments in the international economy and the desire to defend legitimate public
policy objectives.
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
MEP Christofer Fjellner (EPP) argued that the challenge for the Parliament was bigger than CETA, it is to
maintain the credibility of the European Union in trade policy. The CETA should be ratified as soon as
possible to ensure that the EU continues to be seen as a credible trading partner.
Some questions from other participants followed.
A representative from the public service unions pointed out that the 2011 sustainable impact assessment
of CETA did not recommend the inclusion of ISDS.
A representative from the European Services Forum thought CETA was a very good agreement and
should be passed as soon as possible.
A representative from the Belgian Stop TTIP, Stop CETA asked about the investment court system and
argued that ISDS created a structural incentive favouring investors over states.
There were also questions on whether CETA was a mixed agreement, and whether having the right to
regulate in a preamble does not mean it is less important than the protection for investors.
Commissioner Malmstrm responded by saying that CETA was completed and would not be reopened.
On the scheduling, she argued that the Commission negotiated on the basis of the preferences of the
Member States, and could not second guess these. If Member States chose to open a service sector, the
Commission cannot disregard this decision.
Mr Verheul from Canada said that the new Canadian government wished to see the early adoption of
CETA and supported it more enthusiastically than the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). In this, it reflects the
views of most Canadians, who are 85 % of European origin and hold similar views on the role of
government in society with the Europeans.
Canada is interested in diversifying its trade by trading more with the EU and strengthening its political
links through the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA), initialled in November 2014.
CETA should not be seen as a precursor to TTIP. It is a progressive, ambitious and modern agreement in
its own right.
CETA poses no threat to EU standards. Canada has never asked for any EU standards to be changed, nor
has the EU asked for any Canadian standards to be changed. On sensitive issues such as hormones in
beef, Canada will be pragmatic and will separate herds of hormone free cattle.
On services, public services have been excluded.
Business mobility has been improved.
On investment, CETA has moved a long way from NAFTA to make improvements. Canada is open to the
inclusion of the right to regulate in the text, because it has the same interests as the EU. But there is a
need to recognise the dangers of renegotiation that can upset the balance of the agreement.
On public procurement, Canada has opened up its market of EUR 135billion providing a single point of
access for EU suppliers; patent and copyright law has been updated and 145 EU GIs protected.
On sustainable development, CETA is the first time that the Canadian provinces have endorsed such
provisions in an FTA. In this context, the domestic legal structures have to be respected.
The two independent experts, Stephen Woolcock (London School of Economics) and Pierre Sauv (World
Trade Institute) then assessed the market opening and services as well as investment provisions.
On market opening, Woolcock was of the view that CETA is an important agreement in the evolution of
EU trade policy that brings economic benefits for both parties and consolidates EU Canadian trade and
investment relations. He argued that these were in structural balance so that the trade growth predicted
from CETA will benefit both parties. The market access provisions as ambitious within the order of 98 % of
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
tariff lines to be liberalised (many products already had zero MFN tariffs), but with enlarged Tariff Rate
Quotas for sensitive products (such as meat for the EU and cheese for Canada).
CETA enhances the ability to address non-tariff barriers through the establishment of a Regulatory
Cooperation Forum and in particular the MARCA Protocol (on mutual recognition of conformity
assessment). In the related field of SPS (sanitary and phytosanitary measures) CETA follows the pragmatic
approach of the EU Canada Biotechnology Dialogue.
On procurement, the CETA is ground breaking in its coverage of all levels of procurement at federal,
provincial and municipal levels. The inclusion of these levels was a major EU negotiating aim. It has been
facilitated however, by domestic reform in Canada. Access for SMEs in the Canadian market will be
enhanced by the single electronic portal for all procurement.
Finally, on sustainable development CETA is consistent with the approach followed in all previous EU
FTAs, which is one of promoting and facilitating labour and environmental standards and objectives
through cooperation and peer review mechanisms. Given the shared cultural and social values of the EU
and Canada, cooperation in this area should be more than possible.
Pierre Sauv then discussed the services and investment issues, which he thought were rightly dealt with
together in the agreement. He stressed that the benefit of negative listing was in providing greater
transparency for all concerned. In principle there is no reason why negative listing should be more or less
liberal than positive listing. The use of the two-schedule system with annex 2 provided the means of
indicating areas that were not bound.
He explained the ambiguity on the issue of ratcheting, on the one hand it provided certainty, but on the
other hand it is debatable that a sector or activity should be automatically liberalised as a result of
autonomous (unilateral) liberalisation.
On investment, the debate has gathered steam post CETA, which has been overtaken by events. Had this
not been the case, CETA would have been seen as a state of the art agreement in investment. It includes a
range of provisions that modernise and clarify investment protection and the arbitration provisions.
A further round of questions and answers followed that included the following:
Was there not an inherent conflict between the right to regulate and the ratchet mechanism?
Does increased trade not mean increased pollution/carbon emissions?
Was it not the case that the rail sector cannot now be regulated or taken into public ownership?
What were the criteria for contract awards in procurement and did these include employment
How did CETA affect the ability to award internal contracts in public procurement?
Mr Petriccione asked that the debate be put into the right context. Governments do not have the right to
regulate they have a duty to regulate. Nothing in any agreement will change this. There is no limitation
on the ability of any Member State to take a sector into public ownership, the only thing you cannot do is
do so without compensation.
On scheduling he reiterated the point that Member States make choices about which sectors (in services)
should be public. The Commission cannot make that decision and so must reflect the preferences of the
Member States in negotiations.
MEP Artis Pabriks (EPP) (Rapporteur for CETA in the INTA Committee) closed by arguing:
that CETA had indeed achieved the aims set for it by the European Parliament, so it was incumbent
on the EP to now ratify the agreement as quickly as possible;
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
there should be no postponement and CETA should be brought back to the Parliament as early as
possible in 2016;
the review mechanism included in the agreement should be used to up-date anything that needs
The meeting was closed by the Chair expressing his thanks to the speakers and to those who contributed
to the discussion through their questions.