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Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

5.0 THEORY OF MOTORIZED power is transformed off incoming motor

VALVE ACTUATOR CONTROLS leads. The stop switch is normally closed
allowing a current flow path to exist up to the
5.1 Limitorque Electrical Controls open and closed switches. The circuit as
shown is deenergized with the valve in the full
Introduction open position.

Limitorque actuators allow valves to When the close direction switch (close
be remotely operated and, by use of a motor, switch) is closed, the closing coil of the
allow rapid valve operation that otherwise Reversing Starter is energized. This will close
would not be feasible. the main line (motor leads) "CL" contacts to
start the motor in the close direction, close the
This section deals with the control "CL" contact around the close switch (seal-in
circuit and operation of the actuator in the contact) and open the "CL" contact (electrical
motor mode. Although there are several interlock contact) in series with the open coil.
power sources used in actuators, this section The actuator will continue to position the
will be directed strictly to the use of electric valve in the close direction until the torque
motors. and/or limit switch detect binding or full stem
travel, the respective contact will then open
5.1.1 Components deenergizing the close coil which results in
the main line contacts opening, the seal-in
In the circuit in Figure 5-1, control contact opening and the electrical interlock
contact shutting.

The actuator can then be operated in

the open direction in the same manner as
described above. In the mid-position, the
actuator can be operated in either direction.

Power Supply

The function of the power supply is to

supply the energy required to operate the valve
to which the actuator is attached. Although
there are many sources of power, the
Figure 5-1 Typical Wiring Diagram assumption is made that 240 Volt Alternating

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Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

Current (VAC), which is a typical selection, is an open or close pushbutton is pushed. In

the power source. addition, the seal-in contacts and contacts
labeled "CL" and "O" are operated by the
Motor same coils in the reversing starter.

The function of the motor is to convert Control Transformer

electrical power to mechanical power.
Reversing any two of the three leads to the The function of the control transformer
motor will result in a change in the direction is to reduce the control voltage to a lower and
of rotation. The typical motor on Limitorque safer level. Normally, the primary windings
actuators is limited to a 15 minute duty cycle of the transformer is connected to two phases
which must be considered when performing of the motor power. The secondary windings
maintenance. provide the control voltage as single phase,
normally 115 VAC. The primary side may
Overload Heater Coils have two fuses for protection, while the
secondary side normally has one.
Overload heater coils (thermal
overload relays) are a form of protection in the Stop Pushbutton(s)
event of excessive motor current. Care must
be exercised when sizing the heaters due to The stop pushbutton(s) are always
their time delay. functional and are wired in series in the
control circuit so that an operation by any one
Reversing Starter of them will open the circuit, which causes
starter drop out and halts actuator operation.
Reversing starters have two separate They are a normally closed momentary open
functions: 1) to interchange power leads contact which de-energizes part of the circuit
which change the direction of rotation, and 2) when pushed. Stop pushbuttons are usually
to provide mechanical and electrical safety located at each of the operating stations and
interlocks that prevent the contacts for both locally at the actuator.
directions being closed at the same time which
would cause a direct short between phases. Open and Close Pushbuttons
The operation of the reversing starter is based
on using a small control current to control the The function of the open and close
larger motor current through electromagnetic pushbuttons is to initiate operation of the
switching. The coils shown in Figure 5-1 control circuit, which will result in energizing
operate the main contacts of the starter when the actuator motor. In typical applications,

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Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

there are two sets installed - one at the valve heaters, normally 1 per phase. Great care
(local) and one in the control room (remote). must be exercised when working on
In some systems, only one set of open and equipment which is protected with heaters
close pushbuttons is energized at a time. See which reset automatically when they cool.
REMOTE/LOCAL switch. Some nuclear plants do not have protective
heaters and some have them only when the
Seal-in Contacts (Contactor Auxiliary actuator operates in a certain direction.
Electrical Interlock Contacts
The function of seal-in contacts is to
allow the person operating the actuator to The electrical interlock contacts,
release the open and close pushbuttons (contactor auxiliary contacts), prevent both the
without having the actuator stop. This allows open and close contactors from operating at
electric controls to stop the operation the same time. If the relay is protected by
automatically at a pre-set condition without mechanical means, the electrical interlocks
operator intervention. As an example, once operate as a backup. The contacts are
energized, the actuator can be stopped by normally CLOSED contacts that open when
either the torque switch or limit switch the associated contactor operates. The open
depending on set-up of the valve-actuator. auxiliary contact is wired into the close
The seal-in contacts are labeled "O" and "CL" circuit, and the close auxiliary contact is wired
in Figure 10-1 and are in parallel with either into the open circuit. They are labeled "O"
the open or closed switch. and "CL" in Figure 10-1 and are in series with
either the open or closed coils of the reversing
Remote/Local Switch starter.

This is a selector switch which Lights

determines the location of control for the
actuator. If the remote location is selected, the The lights' functions are to give
local control pushbuttons will not work. approximate valve position information and as
a useful tool for troubleshooting the actuator.
Overload Contacts The lights indicate the point where a particular
rotor operates when activated by the limit
The function of the overload contacts switch, and is the same point where associated
is to protect the circuit from an overload actions, if any, should be activated by contacts
condition by interrupting the control circuit. on the same rotor. Normal operation has the
The contacts are an integral part of the sensing open rotor turning off the red closed light and

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Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

the close rotor turning off the green open light, set, and the drive assembly or cartridge. There
with both lights on between the open and may be a four-train (4 rotor) limit switch
closed position. The contacts are normally
aligned with the motor contacts on the rotor
and are 90 degrees off from the spare and
torque switch bypass contacts. In actuators
where the functions are divided by the use of
additional rotors, (4 train limit switches) the
lights may not function at the same time as the
Figure 5-2 Standard Limit Switch
rest of the contacts. The lights may be driven
by relays or actuated by external switches on assembly (Refer to Figure 5-3) when the
the valve. There are many different control standard limit switch does not provide enough
circuit arrangements. contacts, or the logic required for the control
5.1.2 Geared Limit Switches

Limit Switch

The function of the geared limit switch

is to count turns of the drive sleeve (or
wormshaft in SMB-0 through SMB-5
actuators) in order to keep track of valve
position, to shut off power to the actuator
motor at the proper stroke position, to turn
indicating lights on and off at the proper
positions, and provide interlocks, etc, as
required. The limit switch is a relative
mechanism and proper operating points must
be set to match any desired valve positions. Figure 5-3 Four-Train Limit Switch

Limit Switch Construction The rotors are a form of drum switch

with 4 contacts each. Normally 2 make and 2
Refer to Figure 5-2. The standard break, although Limitorque will provide other
Limitorque limit switch is made up of four configurations. There is usually one rotor for
main components: the rotors, the finger base, the open position which trips at the full open
the gear frame containing the intermittent gear position, and one rotor for the close position

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Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

which trips at the full close position. The The cartridge assembly, which drives
finger base is where the wiring is connected to the limit switch, is the connection between the
the limit switch. intermittent gears and the limit switch drive
gear located on either the drive sleeve or
Finger bases and rotors for outside worm shaft, depending on actuator size. The
containment use are made of black or red cartridge has either a straight or helical drive
plastic (Durez). For inside containment use, pinion gear and a spring loaded spur gear
the finger bases and rotors were originally called the secondary drive pinion which
made from a white/gray plastic (Melamine), meshes with the intermittent gears.
but are now made from Fibrite, a glass
reinforced phenolic with a brown color. The Refer to Figure 5-4. The primary
finger base is mounted on one side of the control functions on a standard four-contact
gearcase and is equipped with spring loaded rotor are the motor control, the indication, a
contact fingers and wire terminals. spare contact, and if installed, the torque
switch bypass (MIST). The standard four-
The actual counting function of the contact rotor is arranged so that the open rotor
limit switch takes place in the intermittent is to the left and close to the right when
gear set which can be compared to the looking down on the limit switch with the
odometer of a car speedometer. Each rotor fingerbase up and rotors pointing toward the
has its own intermittent gear set and can be set observer. Normal limit switch operation has
independently. The range of the intermittent the rotors positioned with the indication and
gear set is determined by the number of motor contacts closed except at the very ends
counter gears in each set which can be either of the valve stroke where the open rotor
3, 4, or 5, with 4 being the standard number. rotates 90 degrees at the open end and the
The intermittent gears are housed in an close rotor rotates 90 degrees at the closed
enclosed gearbox called the gear frame and end. The tripped rotor will immediately trip
have two covers with a gasket for sealing the back to the in-between condition when the
grease in the box. The center of one face of valve starts being driven toward the other end.
the gearbox has a set rod which pushes the There is no normal condition where both
secondary drive pinion out of engagement rotors are tripped at the same time, because
with the first intermittent gear, which allows you would not be able to drive the actuator in
setting of the limit switch. The setrod is either direction. All contacts on a rotor rotate
threaded flush or backed out of the case to when the rotor trips.
perform its function and is sealed by an "O"

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Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

contacts allow a valve to be opened or closed

when there is a high pressure across the valve,
thermal expansion of the stem, or some other

The torque switch bypass is normally

set by percentage of valve stroke. For
example, if the drive sleeve of a valve turns
100 turns from full open to full closed, then
10% bypass will be ten drive sleeve turns
from the open or closed position. The bypass
is normally percentage-based for the shut seat
Figure 5-4 Limit Switch Control Functions only, because of pressure differentials across
the valve adding to the torque load for
The indication contacts operate opening the valve. The problem with adding
opposite from their expected manner. The any percentage bypass when using a two train
indication contact on the close rotor turns off limit switch is you have to trip the associated
the open light when the valve is closed, and rotor early. Example: the torque switch is
the indication contact on the open rotor turns bypassed for 10 percent of valve stroke when
off the close light when the valve is open. opening a valve, the close rotor has to trip at
Both lights are on during in between open and 90 percent of the closing stroke. This requires
closed travel. the motor contact on the close rotor to be
jumpered and have the torque switch shut off
The interlock, or spare, contact is the actuator, plus you get a closed light
located above the indication contact and is 90 indication at 90 percent closed instead of 100
degrees out of phase with the motor and light percent. For this reason, many plants have
contact. When the motor and light contacts gone to 4-train limit switches where the light
are CLOSED, the spare contact is OPEN. indication, or the bypass, is placed on a
different rotor.
The purpose of the torque switch
bypass contact is to act as a bypass around the Limit Switch Setting
torque switch FOR THE OPPOSITE
DIRECTION to allow for high starting torque A most important point to remember
situations. The open rotor has the close torque in setting a limit switch is that a rotor cannot
switch bypass contact and the close rotor has be set unless the valve is in the exact position
the open torque switch bypass contact. These where you want that rotor to trip. The open

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rotor cannot be set when the valve is closed rotation of the intermittent gear shafts
and vice versa. Neglecting this point could while the valve is being repositioned.
result in valve or actuator damage due to 2. Observe the contact that you want to
mis-adjusted limit switches. set as the valve reaches the position.
For example, if you are setting the
open rotor to turn off the motor when
the valve reaches the open position,
watch the open motor contact.

NOTE: If the contact is tripped before you

start driving the valve, turn the set rod in to
Figure 5-5 End of View Rotors
disengage the secondary drive pinion. If the
rotor trips and opens the contact while driving
Figure 5-5 shows an end view of the
the valve to the desired position, stop
rotors, which means that you are seeing the
immediately and turn the set rod in.
torque switch bypass contacts are visible and
not the motor contacts for the rotor being set.
3. Note whether the contact has tripped
to shut off the motor when the valve is
Figure 5-6 shows the four possible
in its desired position. If it did so at
conditions of the limit switches. The first is
the correct valve position, the rotor
the condition when the valve reaches the open
does not need to be adjusted. If it did
position; the second occurs in mid-position;
so before the valve reached its desired
and the third is at the position called closed.
position, the contact needs to be
Condition 4 should not occur.
"backed up" by turning the
intermittent shaft in the opposite
direction you observed in step 1. If it
hasn't yet tripped, the intermittent
shaft needs to be rotated further in the
direction it was turning. Note that
Figure 5-6 Limit Switch Conditions there is no FIXED DIRECTION to
rotate an individual intermittent shaft. Limit Switch Adjustment Procedure If you stopped and ran the set rod in
during the positioning, run the set rod
1. Reposition the valve to the desired out, gently turn each intermediate
position. Note the direction of shaft in both directions to be sure the
secondary drive pinion has meshed

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with the intermediate gears, then gearcase by lightly compressing the

check to be sure the rotor is tripping at "O" ring.
the correct position. If you turned the 7. Verify that the gears are engaged by
set rod in before starting to position wiggling the intermittent shaft with a
the valve, go to step 5. screwdriver. It should be held by the
4. Disengage the spring loaded drive secondary drive pinion and not turn.
pinion (secondary) from the Don't do this fast, because the
intermittent gears using the set rod. secondary drive pinion might ride
Screw the set rod down flush with the across several teeth before engaging.
case. 8. Verify the operation of the limit
5. Turn the intermittent shaft of the rotor switch by manually positioning the
you are adjusting in the direction you valve a few turns and then returning it
worked out in step 3 above until the to where the limit switches were set.
rotor rotates 90 degrees. When the The switch should function at that
limit switch is in the exact position of point every time.
breaking the contacts from the
direction that the intermittent shaft Limit Switch Repair
should be turning when that rotor
turns, the limit switch is set correctly. Rotor Replacement
Since contacts really break when the
rotor is at the 45 degree position, that If a rotor on the limit switch breaks, it
is where they should be set. If you is very easy to damage the replacement if the
want the contacts to perform their following steps are not followed. Refer to
function when the valve is going open, Figure 5-7.
then your final positioning of the rotor
should be done by turning the 1. Remove the damaged rotor from the
intermittent shaft in the direction it stem spur pinion shaft. (Note the
rotates while going open until the rotor orientation of the contacts)
is in the desired 45 degree position. 2. Do not attempt to force the pin
6. Reengage the spring loaded secondary through the new rotor as the rotor will
drive pinion by backing out the set most likely break at the pin hole.
rod. Don't use a lot of force on the set 3. Place the new rotor on the stem spur
rod; you'll break the screw slot and pinion shaft and align the hole molded
have to disassemble the limit switch to in the rotor with the hole drilled in the
repair it. All you want to do is seal the shaft. There are generally two
different holes 90 degrees apart which

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Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

allow you to align the contacts for the Torque switches are provided with limiter
correct logic. plates which limit settings to a safe value, and
prevents overtorquing a valve in case the

Figure 5-7 Limit Switch

4. Using a Number 40 drill (0.098") and

the existing shaft hole as a guide, drill
through the rotor.
5. Install the 3/32" dia. x 3/4" long
groove pin through the hole.

5.1.3 Torque Switch

The torque switch used in the SMB/SB Figure 5-8 Leaf Type Torque Switch
has two possible functions. The first, on
setting screws come loose. There is no
torque closed valves, is to ensure that the
overtorque protection from incorrectly set or
valve has sufficient and accurate thrust on the
installed torque and limit switches.
valve stem to guarantee seating. The second,
on limit controlled valve operations, is to
The torque switch performs as though
ensure that the actuator and valve are
it senses torque, although it is simply sensing
protected from possible excessive thrust. The
how far the worm shifts on the wormshaft,
double-contact torque switch, with one set of
which depends on the resistance of the drive
contacts being for the open direction and the
sleeve to turning. When the torque or thrust
other being for the close direction, is normally
reaches a preset amount, the torque switch
used. Refer to Figure 5-8.
will open. The torque switch doesn't care how
The torque switch is operated by the axial
the torque and thrust forces are applied and
motion of the worm in both directions. The
used. If packing is too tight, if valve
contacts on the torque switch are double break
components are blocking the stem during the
contacts and are not self-wiping, which can
valve stroke, or if the stem threads are
lead to continuity problems in some actuators
damaged, the torque switch will still operate at
because of an oil film forming on the contacts.
the set amount of torque.

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Construction and Operation setting numbers. On the SMB-0 and larger

actuators, the limiter plate is fully exposed.
When the worm overcomes the
resistance of the spring pack Belleville SMB-000 and 00 Leaf Type Torque Switch
springs, it moves axially, which through a
linkage, rotates the shaft of the torque switch The smaller size SMB actuator torque
and opens a set of contacts. The direction of switch (Figure 5-8) is a fairly simple device,
worm movement determines if the open or with only one set of adjustments. The motion
close torque switch contacts open. of the worm is transferred through a lever arm
with a roller on the end and causes the shaft to
The setting screws on the face of the rotate. The striker hub is mounted on the shaft
torque switch determine the distance the worm and the adjusting screws clamp a set of
must move against the spring pack before strikers to the striker hub. The contacts for
opening the contacts. A higher setting will each direction are long metal fingers that are
cause additional travel, requiring more output lifted off their contact screws by the direct
torque to be developed before opening a action of a cam. The cam has a protrusion that
contact. is pushed by the adjustable strikers after the
lost motion is traveled, which will lift the long
A limiter plate designed to prevent metal fingers and open the contacts. The metal
moving the settings beyond a certain point is fingers are held on with the same screws that
mounted on the torque switch. The maximum hold the wire terminals, and replacing the
setting allowed by the limiter plate should wires or changing the torque on the mounting
match the value on the torque switch screws can change the operating point of the
calibration plate. The torque switch limiter torque switch. If this is done, the balance of
plates used on SMB and SB actuators are not the torque switch should be checked.
adjustable and should stay with the individual
actuator throughout its service life. If a new SMB-0 and Larger Torque Switch
torque switch is placed in an actuator, the
limiter plate should be removed from the old The motion of the worm in a SMB-0
torque switch and placed on the new one. If and larger actuator is sensed through a rack
the replacement torque switch is a newer style and pinion arrangement, with the rack being
and the limiter plate will not fit, a new limiter the outside surface of the bearing cartridge
plate should be ordered from Limitorque. On and the pinion being the gear on the end of the
SMB-000 and 00 leaf type torque switches, torque switch input shaft (Figures 5-9 and
the limiter plate is not exposed but is located 5-10). The motion of the worm is sensed
behind the striker hub which has the switch through the rack and pinion gear and fed

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through the shaft to the actuating link which

operates the dial through a set of positioning The positioning screws are used for
screws. The setting screws clamp pointers to mechanical balance during installation and
the dial, and the pointers act directly on the allow movement of the torque switch during
blocks which have the contacts mounted to installation when the pinion and bearing
them. cartridge teeth do not line up. The same
balancing screws are used to adjust for an
electrical balance after installation to
accommodate any Valve Diagnostic Testing
Equipment such as MAC, MOVATS,
VOTES, etc.



NOTE: Do not attempt to install any torque

switch into an actuator that is in a torqued
condition. This is to prevent and pre-
Figure 5-9 Knee Type Torque Switch compression of the Belleville spring pack
(Old Style) which would negate the torque switch

Installing the torque switch in an

SMB-000 and 00 actuator is accomplished by
ensuring the switch is oriented properly,
inserting it in the proper hole, and ensuring
that the roller fits properly in its groove on the

SMB-0 and Larger

When installing a torque switch in an
SMB-0 and larger actuator, preload can be
built into the torque switch setting in two
Figure 5-10 Knee Type Torque Switch
(New Style)

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1. If the valve is in a torqued condition The torque switch for an SMB-0 and
when the torque switch is installed, the larger cannot be adjusted if it is not installed
worm is shifted and the rack and in the actuator.
pinion drive will be engaged in the
wrong position. To set any of the torque switches, the
2. If the holes on the mounting bracket two screws located on the striker hub are
do not line up with the holes in the loosened and moved to the desired open and
housing and the mounting bracket is close setting from minimum. Adjust the
rotated to make them line up, one set torque switch to the value supplied by
of torque switch contacts will require Engineering or to any other acceptable
less motion than the other to open. To specification, and then tighten the screws to
prevent this from occurring, both lock-in the setting. If the screws are left loose,
settings should be set to 1, the the setting could drift and it will always drift
adjusting screws should be backed out toward a higher setting.
to the shoulders before attempting
installation, and the mounting holes The torque switch numbers are
should be lined up as close as meaningless except when used with the torque
possible. The actuating link should switch calibration plate, or have been checked
not come into contact with either of using diagnostic equipment. Otherwise the
the shoulders during installation. The only relationship between these numbers and
mounting screws should be tighten, the actual value of torque is that higher
and the adjusting screws should be numbers will cause higher torque. If the
turned until they just touch the spring pack is not correctly set, or the
actuating link, and locked in position. adjustment goes above the range of the torque
Then the torque switch should be reset limiting sleeve-thrust washer (X dimension)
to the original settings. limit, the actuator and valve may go to a
locked rotor condition.
Torque Switch Bypass
It is possible to adjust the leaf type
torque switch on an SMB-000 and 00 actuator The use of the torque switch bypass by
while the torque switch is out of the actuator if the limit switch is to bypass the open or close
a calibration fixture is available. torque switch contact for a preset period.
Bypassing is used to ensure that the actuator
gets a valve off either the mainseat or backseat
and drives it whatever distance the bypass

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covers. During this period of travel the only serves as a protective backup to the limit
protection provided the valve and actuator is switch.
the motor protection (fuses, relays, etc.).
Some nuclear plants do not have this Limit-Close Connection
protection for safety related valve/actuators.
The function of a limit-close
Because the torque switch bypass has a connection is to use the motor control contact
major effect on the operation of the on the close rotor to stop the motor at the end
valve/actuator, it needs to be thoroughly of the valve closing travel. The rotor is
understood. Determination of the proper adjusted to de-energize the circuit at the
bypass travel should be accomplished by a proper valve position to allow for coast and
thorough engineering evaluation. In order to inertia before the torque switch operates. The
properly set the limit switches, it is important torque switch normally serves as a protective
that the person setting the limit switches backup to the limit switch.
understands the action of the torque switch
bypass on the setpoints of the limit switches. Torque-Close Connection

The amount of bypass is normally The function of a torque-close

expressed as a percentage of the valve stroke. connection is to use the torque switch to open
the circuit at the end of the close stroke
Switch Connection Variations instead of the motor control contact on the
close rotor. This is accomplished by
Limit-Open Connection bypassing the close rotor motor contacts with
a jumper. When this is done, the limit switch
The function of a limit-open rotor turns to indicate the valve position, but
connection is to use the open rotor motor the motor continues to run until the torque
control contact to open and stop the motor at switch de-energizes the circuit. The need to
the end of the open valve stroke. This is the control the torque switch bypass to a
normal set-up, since few rising stem valves percentage of valve travel forces the use of the
have backseats that will withstand torque torque-close arrangement unless more than
opening, and most quarter turn valves are limit two rotors are available. This is the most
controlled in both directions. The rotor is common close connection in nuclear service.
adjusted to de-energize the circuit at the
proper valve position to allow for coast and
inertia (drift) before the torque switch
operates. The open torque switch normally

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Torque-Open Connection runs the actuator in the wrong direction for the
full stroke, the only protection will be the
The use of the torque-open motor overloads. None of the other designed-
arrangement to control valve position is rarely in protection will protect the actuator due to
used, but is similar in concept to that of the the operating protection being on the wrong
torque-close arrangement. In this case, the side of the control circuit.
motor contacts on the open rotor are jumpered
and the torque switch operates to de-energize The most effective steps for testing
the circuit. This connection may be used on after maintenance are:
quarter turn valves which require torque
opening, on some three way valves, and other 1. Manually open the valve and verify
special set-ups. the open limit switches.
2. Manually close the valve and check Testing After Maintenance the close limit switches. Observe any
binding or resistance to operation.
One of the most critical steps after 3. (The above two can be reversed
performing maintenance is the initial depending on starting position.)
operation and follow-up testing. Many newly 4. Manually mid-position the valve for
rebuilt actuators, and/or associated valves the first electrical operation. If there
have been damaged the first time they are run are problems with the settings, the
after having been repaired because of mistakes valve will not immediately be in a
in the testing process. position which could cause damage.
5. Energize the actuator and verify the
An actuator should never be run until indication is correct for mid-position.
the limit switches and direction of rotation of This will indicate that the limit
the motor have been checked. The limit switches are in an expected position.
switch functions should be checked in manual 6. Prepare for the first electrical run by
by positioning the valve at the desired placing your hand physically on the
positions and observing that the switches STOP control, so that the actuator can
operate. Something as simple as leaving the be stopped immediately if a problem
set rod screwed in at the wrong time can cause develops.
major damage, and the only way to verify this 7. Check the direction of rotation. Press
is by manually checking. the CLOSE button and verify that the
actuator rotates in the correct
The most important operational check direction, then stop the actuator. The
is the direction of rotation test. If the motor easiest way to verify the direction of

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rotation is to compare drive sleeve motor run until the limit or torque
rotation by motor to drive sleeve switch stops the motor.
rotation in manual after checking the 13. Verify that the open indication is
arrow on the handwheel for proper correct.
rotation. 14. Verify that the valve is in the correct
8. If the direction of rotation is incorrect, open position by placing it in manual
stop the actuator IMMEDIATELY and and checking in the open direction.
reverse two of the motor leads for 15. Operate the actuator from open to
opposite rotation. If the actuator is closed as necessary to verify that
allowed to run to the point where the everything is functioning.
limit or torque switch should stop the 16. Place the actuator in manual. Note
operation, the actuator will continue to any problems in going from electric
run because the protective and operation to manual. Operate
controlling features are on the wrong electrically. Verify the operation of
side of the control circuit. the declutch components in going
9. If the direction of rotation is correct, from manual to electric. This will
start the actuator in the close direction. insure that the actuator is ready to be
Be ready to stop the actuator if the released for unrestricted use.
motor begins to sound like the load is
increasing beyond an acceptable point, 5.1.4 Data
otherwise, let the motor run until the
limit or torque switch stops the motor. Unique Features
10. Verify that the shut indication is
correct. If not, the limit switch is out High rated starting torque - The motor
of adjustment. is sized so that its rated starting torque is
11. Verify that the valve is fully closed by above the required torque to operate the valve.
placing it in manual and turning the This torque is needed for a very short time
handwheel in the close direction. If it (on the order of fractions of a second to
is not, the limit or torque switch will several seconds). The rated starting torque of
need to be adjusted. the motor is usually between 65% and 90% of
12. Operate the actuator in the open the motor stall torque. The rated starting
direction. Be ready to stop the torque can be delivered for only fractions of a
actuator if the motor begins to sound minute (10 to 15 seconds is average) before
like the load is increasing beyond an the allowable temperature rise is exceeded and
acceptable point, otherwise, let the rotor or stator damage occurs. Since the
starting torque is needed for only a small

USNRC Technical Training Center 5-15 05/10

Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

fraction of the stroke, the temperature rise of Power cable sizing - Power cables for
the motor is not exceeded. these motors should be sized to provide at
least the current at rated starting torque at the
Short duty-cycle - These short duty- motor rather than the current at running
cycle motors do not reach thermal equilibrium torque. This is because the limiting condition
during operation. The duty-cycle is normally is "starting" and not "running". Some power
15 minutes for three-phase AC motors and cables are sized based on the locked-rotor
five minutes for DC motors and single phase current since the locked-rotor current is a
AC motors. This duty-cycle is based on the conservative estimate of the current at starting.
temperature rise for a motor running at 20% of
the rated starting torque. The justification for Limited duty-cycle, high starting
using this lower torque value to establish the torque motors are used instead of continuous-
duty-cycle is that the stem thrust for most of duty motors for MOV service. This is
the valve stroke is approximately 20% or less primarily to limit the size and inertia of the
of the thrust during seating for most motor. The equivalent continuous-duty motor
applications. Motors are also available with a would require a larger frame and have a higher
duty-cycle based on 40% of the rated starting inertia.
AC Motors
Totally enclosed nonventilated
(TENV) frame - Standard NEMA TENV Most AC motors in nuclear power
motor frames are used because a ventilating plant MOV applications are three-phase
fan is not effective for cooling a motor which 220/440, 230/460, or 240/480 VAC squirrel
operated for short intervals. TENV motor cage induction motors with factory lubricated
frames are enclosed to prevent the exchange sealed ball bearings. The motors are dual
of air between the inside and outside of the voltage (Limitorque usually sets the voltage at
case but they are not "airtight". Most MOV's the factory). Either nominal voltage is
for safety-related applications inside harsh available, depending on how the leads are
environments use T-drains to drain condensate connected (e.g., a 240/480 VAC motor can be
formed by steam entering the motor, and to configured as either a 240 VAC motor or as a
equalize the internal and eternal motor 480 VAC motor). The use of single-phase AC
housing compartments (under accident motors in nuclear power plant MOV
conditions). The drains prevent submergence applications is rare.
of the motor insulation which could cause
winding short circuits. Motor insulation is currently available
in the following classes:

USNRC Technical Training Center 5-16 05/10

Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

typically given for 230 VAC only. The

Class B This insulation is rated for parameters are adjusted by the user for other
125C (insulation hot spot) and is used in voltages.) The major points are:
mild environments and nonsafety-related
applications. (Note: This insulation was The rated starting torque (10 ft-lb) is
previously available for safety-related 90% of the locked-rotor torque (11 ft-
applications.) lb); however, the current at rated
starting torque is only 11 amps,
Class RH This insulation is rated for compared with the locked-rotor
175C (insulation hot spot) and is used in current of 23.8 amps.
harsh environments and is safety-related At the running torque of 2 ft-lb (20%
applications. of the rated starting torque), the speed
is about 1760 rpm and the current is
Class LR This insulation is rated for 4.2 amps. The duty cycle of 15
250C (insulation hot spot) and is used in minutes is based on the current drawn
MOV's which might have to operated in at running torque.
unusually high temperature environments The motor speed changes very little
(e.g., in the vicinity of potential high energy with variations in motor torque near
line breaks). synchronous speed. For example, for
the torque range of 0 ft-lb to 4 ft-lb,
The motors are available in three the speed only changes from 1785 rpm
speeds: 900 RPM (8 poles), 1800 rpm (4 to 1740 rpm.
poles), and 3600 rpm (2 poles). The squirrel The nominal speed published by
cage winding is normally made of cast Limitorque (for selection purposes) for
aluminum alloy but may be of cast magnesium this motor is 1700 rpm. Based on the
alloy. In general, frame sizes 48 to 56 have data presented above, this is a
aluminum alloy rotors, frame sizes 180 and conservative (low) value; i.e., the
greater have magnesium alloy rotors. motor actually runs faster than 1700
rpm. the motor actually operated at
Performance characteristics (speed 1700 rpm, it would draw excessive
versus torque and current are presented in current; therefore, the nominal speed
Figure 5-11 for a typical 1800 rpm, 60 Hz, published by Limitorque should be
three-phase, 230 VAC motor. used only to estimate the valve stroke
(NOTE: Motor performance curves for
230/460 and 240/480 VAC motors are

USNRC Technical Training Center 5-17 05/10

Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

Usually a match between the MOV required starting torque is achieved at the
motor capability and the strength of the valve minimum voltage. The MOV is normally
operated at full voltage. For an AC motor, the
torque is proportional to the square of the
voltage. Thus, at 100% voltage, an AC motor
can produce about twice the 70% voltage
torque. In this case, the large difference
between the minimum and maximum thrust
capabilities of the operator (due to the large
range in voltage) requires the survivable thrust
to be much greater than the required stem

DC Motors

Applications for DC motors include

redundant MOV's for vital services to critical
equipment and safety-related MOV's that
operate after a loss of both off-site and on-site
AC power or to meet a unique electrical train
power separation requirement. However, DC
motors are not as well suited as AC motors for
MOV applications. DC motors are more
expensive, have larger frame sizes for
Figure 5-11 Typical AC Motor Performance equivalent torque ratings, have poor speed
regulation, and have a shorter duty-cycle and
so are specified only for special applications.
and operator components can be obtained
when the available voltage is maintained
The DC motors are 125/250V, 1900
between + 10% and -10% of the motor design
rpm, compound-wound motors. A compound-
voltage. This variation is within the design
wound motor is a compromise between a
margin of the operator; however, specification
shunt-wound motor, which has good speed
of a reduced voltage for a safety-related valves
regulation, and a series-wound motor, which
(for example, 70% of rated voltage) can result
has a higher starting torque but poor speed
in a valve and operator that cannot withstand a
control. If the load on a series-wound motor
motor stall at nominal voltage. To operate at
reduced voltage, the motor is sized so that the

USNRC Technical Training Center 5-18 05/10

Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

is reduced, the speed can increase to several

times the rated speed.

Performance characteristics (speed

versus torque and current) are presented in
Figure 5-12 for a typical 1900 rpm, 250V DC,
compound-wound motor. As with the AC
motor described above, the rated torque is 10
ft-lb and the running torque is 2 ft-lb (20% of
the rated torque). The major differences are as

The rated starting torque (10 ft-lb) is

63% of the locked-rotor torque (16 ft-
lb). This margin is larger than in an
AC motor.
The speed regulation of the DC motor
is not as good. The speed drops from
2300 rpm to 1550 rpm when the motor
torque goes from 0 ft-lb to 4 ft-lb.

The effect of reduced voltage on a DC Figure 5-12 Typical DC Motor Performance

motor is not as significant as on an AC motor. Curve
The change in starting torque varies
proportionally with change in available
voltage. For example, an increase in available
voltage from 70% to 100% only increases the
motor torque 43% for a DC motor (compared
to a 100% increase in motor torque for an AC

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Motor Operated Valves Course Manual Theory of Motorized Valve Actuator Controls

USNRC Technical Training Center 5-20 05/10

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