Cost Estimation
Cost Estimation
Cost Estimation
Cost Estimation
By P L McCarthy 1
Buildings including stores, administration, changehouses, For some buildings such as accommodation and office units,
laboratories etc. would be estimated per square metre of floor costs per square metre or per person may be acceptable based
area, with special items such as laboratory equipment, on floor and layout plans.
computers etc. separately listed and factor costed.
Indirect costs should be separately estimated wherever possible.
Preliminary designs or at least floor plans are required. More These include:
detailed designs may be required for very site-specific items
such as concentrate handling and shipping facilities and water Engineering: The cost of engineering can be estimated from
supply dams or borefields. Earthmoving volumes should be a drawing list, specification list, estimate of workhours by
estimated. Some package items such as diesel power stations discipline, and allowances for disbursements and consumables.
may be factored directly from other projects despite their Estimates should include travel, accommodation and site
underlying complexity. allowances.
Procurement: Costs include land transport by the supplier,
Camp costs may be estimated per person, with pro rata shipping, land transport to site, import duties, nett value-added
allowance for messing and common facilities. taxes in some countries and the cost of inspection visits to
Indirect costs are often underestimated. They include: suppliers.
Working Capital: A properly prepared estimate of working a) Capital cost codes will be 200, where;
capital is required as discussed in "Working Capital".
1st Digit (2) designated mine capital.
Start-up costs may extend into the early production period. 2nd Digit (1-6) designated equipment type.
These should be carefully considered, including an allowance
for the learning curve as discussed in "Learning Curve". b) Operating cost codes will be 0200, where
Cumulative The learning index is different for different parts of the project.
Units of Output Add. hrs Cumulative hrs
Av.hrs/unit It may be 70%, for example, where an experienced contract
1 100 100 100
crew does overburden stripping. It is close to 50% for the
startup of underground mining with an untrained crew.
2 60 160 80 Examples which conform to the theoretical curve are the
4 96 256 64 advance rates in a new decline or shaft with an inexperienced
8 153.6 409.6 51.2
Concentrate Shipment Frequency and Payment contractors. It could also include capitalised interest
There will be a certain minimum shipment size which During the pre-production phase of construction,
may represent several weeks production, particularly owner's costs could include recruitment and training
during the early commissioning/learning phase. costs for the workforce. There will be a number of
Furthermore, full payment (the outstanding 10% to preparatory costs incurred which, once the project is
15%) will not be received until receipt at the in operation, will be part of the normal operating
purchasers works some 6 weeks later. Therefore the costs. The boundary between owner's costs and
full cost of several weeks full operation has to be working capital may be somewhat vague in this area.
borne as working capital. Perhaps it can be defined by classifying tangible
items, such as inventory and "first fill", as working
First Fill Consumables capital, and intangibles, such as training, as owner's
Though it will vary with the complexity of the
process the "first fill" - in such respects as grinding Whatever the classification used, the important thing is to
media, carbon, reagent suite etc. - can be a substantial ensure that relevant project costs are not overlooked.
Perhaps as an extreme example the initial inventories References
for a substantial nickel operation were $14.7M. The
scheduled annual concentrate production represented Mular, A L 1982. CIM Special Volume 25.
some 6 average shipments and therefore the operating
Noakes M and Lanz T (Eds) 1993. Cost Estimation Handbook
costs incurred prior to shipment were about $15M.
for the Australian Mining Industry, AusIMM.
Scott, J 1993. "Project Evaluation" Part 4 of Mining Investment
Owner's Cost
Strategy seminar sponsored by the government of Canada,
Fluor Daniel Wright and Teck Corporation.
The definition of this is not very clear. It can perhaps
be viewed as a "catch all" category to collect the Smith, L D 1987. Inflation in Project Evaluation, CIM Bulletin.
owner's ongoing administration costs during project
Thompson J V 1993. The Feasibility Study, Engineering and
construction. This would include staff costs for the
Mining Journal, September 1993.
owner's project manager, and liaison officers and
inspectors handling relationships with construction