Capcosts 1998
Capcosts 1998
Capcosts 1998
Professor Emeritus Department of Mining and Mineral Process Engineering University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Associate Professor Department of Mining and Metallurgy Universite' Laval Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
FtRST PRtNTlNG BY: Pacific Advertising Printing and Graphics 1 167 56th Street Delta, B. C., V4L 2A2 Canada
ISBN 0-919086-72-2
1. CapitallEquipment Cost Estimation, Evaluation ClM Volume 47. 1. Mular, Andrew L. 1 . Poulin, Richard 1 IV. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum V. Title: CAPCOSTS
From 1995 to 1997, major mining and mineral processing equipment prices were gathered under the general auspices of the CAMIRO-MPD (Metallurgical Processing Division of the Canadian Mining lndustry Research Organization formerly known as MITEC, the Mining lndustry Technology Council of Canada), the Canadian Mineral Processors Division of CIM, the Metal Mining Division of CIM and CANMET to revise and update CIM Special Volume 25 published in 1982. CIM Volume 25 is itself a revision of CIM Special Volumes 13 (1972) and 18 (1978) and is based on a course developed in 1978 by Professor Mular, with the title Mining and Mineral Processing Equipment Costs and Preliminary Capital Cost Estimations. This newest update is effectively a handbook for (1) estimating costs of mininglmineral processing equipment, for (2) estimating capital expenditures and for (3) aiding mineral project evaluations. The handbook is entitled CAPCOSTS. It incorporates additional equipment and sections dealing with mineral economics and project evaluation techniques. All data in CAPCOSTS have been analyzed by statistical methods unless stated otherwise. It must be emphasized that the costs herein are not exact costs; they cannot be considered as quotes from any single manufacturerlsupplier. Sample calculations are shown at the beginning of each section relevant to major equipment costing and, where appropriate, an explanation of data presentation is provided. A section contains various rules of thumb which may be useful for rough estimates when other data are not available. Capital expenditures are estimated by means of either ratio methods or updated costkapacity methods developed by O'Hara and others. O'Hara's technique to estimate total product costs is likewise employed in updated format. Mineral project evaluation techniques are reviewed and corresponding applications are presented in a realistic manner, while distinct features of ore deposit evaluation methodology are reexamined. A CAPCOST computer program can be purchased as a separate item. Users of this manual will find that the computer program reduces estimation time significantly.
We wish to express our appreciation to the major equipment firms, suppliers, engineering consulting firms and others who have contributed to this handbook by either supplying er verifying cost information. The compilation, analysis and drafting of all data was performed by the following individuals under general supervision: Mr. Haytham Hodaly, Technical Assistant Mr. Paul Bialikiewicz, Technical Assistant Mr. Kenneth Strobbe, Technical Assistant They deserve our thanks on behalf of sponsoring organizations. This handbook was sponsored by CAMIRO (the Canadian Mining Industry Research Organisation formerly known as MITEC), the Canadian Mineral Processors Division of CIM, the Metal Mining Division of CIM and CANMET. CAMIRO disbursed funds collected from these organizations and from the following individual sponsors: Cambior Inc., Centre de Recherche Minerales (CRM) and Cominco Ltd. Special thanks are due to Dr. Bryn Harris, who initiated interest and financial support for CAPCOSTS through MITEC, Mr. Ray MacDonald of CANMET, Secretary of CMP, who encouraged support by CANMET, Mr. Mike Mular, Chairman of CMP, who spearheaded support by the Canadian Mineral Processors, and Mr. Rick Zimmer, Chairman of the Metal Mining Division, who maintained corresponding interest in support from Metal Mining. We are especially appreciative of the technical assistance provided by the chairman of CAMIRO-MPD, Mr. Art Winckers of Teck Corporation, Vancouver, British Columbia. His critical comments were most relevant to the completion of this handbook. Continued interest, assistance and encouragement from members and affiliates of the mining and mineral processing industry was most welcome. In particular, we wish to thank Mr. John Scott (Fluor Daniel Wright) and Mr. Stu Jones (Svedala Industries) for their technical assistance and advice. Compilation of cost data was performed while at the Department of Mining and Mineral Process Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C. The assistance of Mr. Gordy Lagore and Mrs. Marina Lee, Departmental Secretaries, was greatly appreciated.
This handbook contains data in the form of graphs, tables and equations for the rapid estimation of the price of an item of major equipment used in the mining and mineral processing industry. Data collected from various sources are fitted by means of non-linear estimation to the equation, Price = axb,where X is a suitable parameter,'e.g., motor horsepower, and a and b are appropriate constants. Equipment cost data are employed for various purposes, such as for the preliminary estimate of the fixed capital cost of a mineral processing plant. Examples are given to illustrate the calculation of key parameters that determine cost. To update a cost item, the M&S(MinelMill) index is employed. Capital cost estimation procedures, based originally on the work by O'Hara (CIM Bulletin, February, 1980) and by Balfour and Pappuciyan (Annual Meeting, Canadian Mineral Processors, January, 1972, Ottawa, Canada), are presented in the form of tables. The former has been employed for open pit mines, underground mines and processing plants. The latter has been used for green field (grass roots) and battery limit (i.e., a crushing plant) processing plants, where an estimate of major equipment costs is necessary. A preliminary total capital cost estimate is useful in several ways. First, process engineers are able to determine rapidly whether sufficient funds are available for a proposed processinglmining method; second, where total product costs (i.e., operating costs) of alternatives are similar, a preliminary total capital cost estimate aids in final selection; third, total capital costs are utilized to establish economic criteria, such as cash flows and sensitivity data, that are so necessary for overall project evaluations. Recent methodology developed by Camm (US Bureau of Mines) for prefeasibility evaluations based on quickie cost estimates is summarized for situations where specific design parameters may not be available. Mine Mill total product cost estimation, patterned after O'Hara, is incorporated and a brief section on revenue estimation is offered. Capital and Operating cost estimation for small deposits (CANMET SP 86-11E) and small placer mines (USBM IC 9170) is discussed. Mineral project evaluation techniques are described and corresponding realistic applications are provided. Important features of ore deposit evaluation methodology are reviewed. Cost information was employed to construct a windows-based computer program, called CAPCOST, that is menu driven. It performs otherwise tedious calculations, while the HELP menu serves as a prompt for novices. A copy of the program can be purchased separately from the CAPCOSTS manual. The software package comes with security protection required to run the software.
vi 1 1 2
MAJOR EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATION 2 2 Usefulness 3 Suppliers 3 Importance of Specifications 4 Quickie Equipment Costs (1) Phone Suppliers 4 4 (2) Use Cost Index With Minimal File Data Cost Indexes 8 (3) Use Cost Index With Cost Vs Parameter t o 0.6 or 0.7 Power (4) Use Cost lndex With Cost Vs Parameter Relation Found From Data 9 10 Major Equipment Costs In CAPCOSTS
INTRODUCTION TO FlXEDMlORKlNG CAPITAL COST ESTIMATES Fixed and Working Capital Versus Total Product Cost Purpose o f Estimates Types o f Fixed Capital Cost Estimates Types of Working Capital Cost Estimates Useful Prior Information -
11 11 11 11 13 14
CAPITAL COST ESTIMATIONS FOR MINING Using The 0.6 Rule For Mines and MillsIExample Capital Cost Estimation For Open Pit MineslExample (O'Hara Method) Capital Cost Estimation For Underground MineslExample (O'Hara Method) Small Underground Mines and Processing Plants: CANMET SP 86-11E Small Placer Mines and Processing Plants: USBM IC 9170 -
14 14 15 17 20 21 22 22 26 30 34 35 36 37
CAPITAL COST ESTIMATIONS FOR MINERAL PROCESSING Capital Cost Estimation For Processing PlantslExample (O'Hara Method) Capital Cost Estimation For Processing Plants Via Cost Ratio Methods Example of Ratio Estimation For Mineral Processing -
MINE-MILL TOTAL PRODUCTION COST ESTIMATION O'Hara MethodIExample Dilution and Recovery In Revenue Estimation
MINERAL PROJECT EVALUATION TECHNIQUES Concept of Cash Flow Payback Criteria Time Value of Money Time Value Factors Discounted Cash Flow Criteria Sensitivity Analysis Risk Analysis The Influence of Taxation and Inflation On Evaluation Example Calculations
ORE DEPOSIT AND REVENUE EVALUATION Ore Deposit Evaluation Methodology Estimation of Revenue Example Calculation -
I Drilling Equipment . (1) Example Estimates (2) Tunnel Borer (3) Raise Borers, AC and DC (4) Drill Pipe (5) Jackleg Drills (hand-operated) (6) Stopers (hand-operated) (7) Production Drill Rigs, Percussive Crawler-Mounted (8) Production Drill Rigs, RotaryTruck-Mounted (9) Production Drill Rigs, Underground Jumbos
II. Excavating and Loading Equipment (1) Example Estimates (2) Walking Draglines (3) Bucket Wheel Excavators (4) Dozers (TracW h e e l ) (5) Graders (6) Front End Loaders
(7) Scoop Trams (8) Scrapers (9) Hydraulic Shovels (10) Continuous Miners (11) Continuous Miners, Boom Type (12) Longwail Miners
PAGE 82 84 86 87 88 90
Ill. Haulage Equipment Example Estimates Surface Haulage Trucks Truck Tires Locomotive Rails Underground Haulage Vehicles (Trucks) Mine Locomotives Car Dumpers Mine Hoists Mucking Machines (Rubber Tired) (10) Mucking Machines (Rail Mounted) (11) Slushers
IV. Ventilation and Cooling Equipment (1) Example Estimates (2) Air Compressors (3) Cooling Towers (4) Axial Flow Fans (Booster Fan) (5) Centrifugal Fans, (Main Fan)
V. Power Generation Stations (1) Example Estimates (2) Coal-Fired Generator Plants (3) Diesel Powered Generator Plants (4) Utility Substation (5) Transmission Lines (69kVB139kV)
MAJOR MINERAL PROCESSING EQUIPMENT COSTS VI. Comminution Equipment (1) Crushers/Pulverizers (a) Example Estimates (b) Jaw Crushers (c) Gyratory Crushers (d) Cone Crushers (e) Roll Crushers (f) High Pressure Grinding Rolls (g) Impact Crushers (h) Hammer Mills (i) Pulverizers
CAPCOSTS Page ix TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) TOPIC (2) Grinding Mills (a) Example Estimates (b) SAG Mills (c) Ball Mills (d) Pebble Mills (e) Rod Mills (f) Vertically Stirred Ball Mills (g) Ring-Roller Mills (h) Rotary Breaker (Bradford) PAGE
VII. Sizing and Classification Equipment (1) Classifiers and Screens (a) Example Estimates (b) Air ClassifierslCyclones (c) Hydrocyclones (d) Rake Classifiers (e) Spiral Classifiers (f) Vibrating Grizzlies (g) DSM Screens (h) Rotary Trommel Screens (i) Vibrating Screens, Inclined, Woven Wire Deck (j) Vibrating Screens, Inclined, Polyurethane Deck (k) Stationary Screens (I) Screen Decks (m) Banana Screens -
VIII. Storage, Handling, Motors and Pumping Equipment (1) Example Estimates (2) Ore Storage (a) Bins (Hoppers) (b) Boom Stacker-Reclaimer (3) Conveyors, Conveying (a) Rectangular Suspension Magnets (b) Belt Conveyors (c) Pneumatic Conveyors (d) Screw Conveyors (e) Conveyor Trippers (f) Vibrating Conveyors (g) Overhead Cranes (h) Bucket Elevators (4) Feeders (a) Ore (i) Apron Feeders (ii) Grizzly Feeders (iii) Vibrating Feeders (b) Reagents
. -
TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) TOPIC (i) Liquid Feeder, 4-10 cup (ii) Liquid Feeder, 20 cup (iii) Liquid Feeder, Hi Capacity PAGE
(5) Motors (a) Motor Starters (b) Voltage Rectifiers (c) DC Motors (d) Drip Proof Motors (575V) (e) Drip Proof Motors (2300 V) (f) Drip Proof Motors (4000V) (g) Explosion Proof Motors (575V) (h) TEFC Motors (575V) (i) TEFC Motors (2300V) (j) TEFC Motors (4000V) (k) Synchronous Motors (6) Heating Units (a ) Fire Tube Boilers (b) Shell I Tube Heat Exchangers (7) Blowers (a) Axial Flow (b) Centrifugal Fan (8) Pumps (a) Multistage, Centrifugal (b) Centrifugal, Stainless Steel (c) Vertical Centrifugal, Sump (d) Proportioning Diaphragm (e) Gear Pumps (Oil) (f) Proportioning Meter (g) Air Diaphragm, Reciprocating (h) Piston Diaphragm (i) Reciprocating Piston (j) Single Stage Centrifugal, Open Impeller (k) Single Stage Centrifugal, Closed Impeller (I) Vacuum, Water Seal (m) Vacuum, Dry Seal -
IX. Dust Collection Equipment (1) Example Estimates (2) Dust Scrubbers, Wet (Dynamic, Venturi, Cyclone) (3) Dust Scrubbers, Wet (Centrifugal Collector Types) (4) Dry Cyclone Dust Collector (5) Electrostatic Precipitators (6) Bag House Filters
TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) TOPIC (2) GravitylCentrifugal Separators (a) Reichert Cones (b) Humphrey Spirals (c) Shaking Tables (d) Dense Medium Cyclones (e) Water Only Cyclones (f) Heavy Media Separator Assemblies (g) Baum Coal Jig (h) Fine Coal Jigs (i) Circular Jigs (j) Bendelari Jigs (k) Mineral Jigs (I) Centrifugal Concentrators (3) Flotation Cells (a) Self-Aerating Flotation Cells (b) Conventional Flotation Cells (c) Column Cells (4) Electrostatic Separators (5) Magnetic Separators (a) Wet Drum Magnetic Separator (b) Wet Permanent Magnet, Alternate Pole Drum Separator (c) Induced Roll Magnetic Separators (d) Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separator (e) Permanent Guard Magnet Overband, Crossbelt (f) Permanent Guard Magnet Overband, Incline PAGE
XI. Solid-Liquid Separation Equipment (1) Example Estimates (2) Continuous Centrifuges (a) Perforated Basket and Pusher Discharge (b) Scroll Discharge, stainless steel (c) Scroll Discharge, carbon steel (d) Screen Cone (3) Dryers (a) Fluidized Bed (b) Rotary Gas, carbon steel (c) spray (4) Filters (a) Pressure Filters (i) Vertical Plate and Frame (ii) Horizontal Plate and Frame (b) Vacuum Filters (i) Horizontal Belt (ii) Rotary Disc (iii) Rotary Drum (iv) Rotary Tilting Pan
270 271
XII. Mixing and Leaching Equipment (1) Example Estimates (2) MixerslBlenders (a) Rotary Dry Blenders (b) Slurry Mixer Mechanisms (c) Agitator Mechanisms, Propeller (3) Pelletizers (a) Rotary Drum (b) Rotating Disc (4) Tanks (a) Wooden Tanks, Vertical (b) Epoxy Tanks, Horizontal (c) Polyethylene Tanks (d) Fiberglass Tanks (e) Vertical Fiberglass Tanks, Closed Top (f) Glass Lined Steel Tanks (g) Stainless Steel Tanks, Vertical (h) Steel Bulk Storage Tanks (i) SteelPressureTanks (j) Steel Fuel Tanks -
XIII. Liquid-Liquid Separation Equipment Example Estimates Autoclaves Reactors, Glass-Lined Carbon Regenerating Kilns Ion Exchange Column Mixer-Settlers (Solvent Extraction) Copper Electrowinning Plants Electrowinning Cells Bullion Furnaces -
291 292
RULES OF THUMB Costs Not In Handbook InstallationlStructural SteellConcretelPlant Costs Import Duties Updating Costs
CAPCOSTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION This is a handbook for (1) estimating costs of major mining and mineral processing equipment, for (2) estimating capital expenditures and for (3) evaluating mineral projects. The handbook title is CAPCOSTS, which is an update of CIM Special Volume 25 published in 1982 and entitled Mining and Mineral Processing Equipment Costs and Preliminary Capital Cost Estimations. Volume 25 is itself a revision of CIM Special Volumes 13 (1972) and 18 (1978). Cost Estimation Texts Available There are a variety of cost estimation sources. Certified cost engineers, who are members of the American Association of Cost Engineers, have ready access to the Cost Engineers Notebook. For our purposes, several text-like sources relevant to the mining industry are: (1) Balfour, R. J. and T. L. Papucciyan, "Capital Cost Estimating For Mineral Process Plants", Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mlneral Processors, CIM, Ottawa, Ontario, 1972. (2) Guthrie, Kenneth M., Process Plant Estimating, Evaluaton and Control, Craftsman Book Company of America, Solona Beach, CA., 1974, ISBN 0-910460-5-1. (3) STRAAM Engineers, Inc., Capital and Operating Cost Estimating System Handbook: Mining and Beneficiation, US Bureau of Mines, OFR 10-78, 1979. (4) Hoskins, J. R. and W. Green (Eds), Mineral Industry Costs, Northwest Mining Association, Spokane, WA, 1982, 248 pages, ISBN 0-931986-02-6. (5) Woods, Donald R., Cost Estimation For The Process Industries, McMaster University Bookstore, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 1983. (6) J. S. Redpath Limited, Estimating Preproduction and Operating Costs of Small Underground Deposits, CANMET SP 86-11E, Ottawa, Canada, 1986. (7) ----------, Bureau of Mines Cost Estimating System Handbook: Part 1. Surface and Underground Mining, IC 9142; Part 2. Mineral Processing, IC 9143; United States Department of the Interior, US Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C., 1987. (8) Stebbins, Scott A., Cost Estimation Handbook for Small Placer Mines, IC 9170, United States Department of the Interior, US Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C., 1987. (9) Camm, Thomas W., Simplified Cost Models For Prefeasibility Mineral Evaluations, Bureau of Mines, IC 9298, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C., 1991. (10) Ruhmer, W. T., Handbook On The estimation of Metallurgical Process Costs, 2nd Edition, MINTEK Publication 14, Randburg, South Africa, 1991. (11) Noakes, Michael and Terry Lanz, Eds., Cost Estimation Handbook For the Australian Mining Industry, Monograph 20, Aus. IMM, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 1993
CAPCOSTS Page 2 (12) ---------, Mine and Mill Equipment Costs - An Estimator's Guide, Western Mine Engineering, Inc., Spokane, Washington, 1994. Some additional texts, journals and papers relevant to cost estimation is given in the section dealing with Additional Sources of Cost Information on page 305.
CAPCOSTS Handbook CAPCOSTS differs from CIM Volume 25 and from the texts/booklets listed on page 1. Additional mining and mineral processing equipment and sections that deal with mineral economics and project evaluation techniques were added. Moreover, the handbook is intended for use in design courses at the university level and for individuals and groups who do not specialize in cost engineering. No attempt was made to incorporate detailed equipment sizinglselection, because textbooks are available for this purpose. Those who have not yet selected andlor sized their major equipment should refer to the following texts:
(a) Mular, Andrew L. and Bhappu, Roshan B., Eds., Mineral Processing Plant Design, SME-AIME, Littleton, Colorado, 1980, 946 pages. (b) Mular, Andrew L. and Jergensen, Gerald V. II, Eds., Design and Installation of Comminution Circuits, SME-AIME, Littleton, Colorado, 1982, 1022 pages. (c) Mular, Andrew L. and Anderson, Mark A., Eds., Design and Installation of Concentration and Dewatering Circuits, SME-AIME, Littleton, Colorado, 1986, 842 pages. (d) Hartman, Howard L., Senior Ed., SME Mining Engineers Handbook, SME-AIME, Littleton, Colorado, 1992, Vol. 1 and 2. (e) Weiss, Norman L., Ed., SME Mineral Processing Handbook, Littleton, Colorado, 1985, Vol. 1 and 2.
Estimating the cost of major equipment is unnecessary, when a firm price has been established---perhaps by calling the manufacturer/supplier for a firm quote. However, there are important reasons for estimating prices. This section deals with such methodology.
Typically, we wish to obtain with minimal effort an estimate of the cost, which has a known accuracy, of major equipment when (1) a procedure is being used for capital cost estimation that requires estimates of major equipment costs, (2) the cost of a standard item is being compared with an item of similar function but of different design, (3) an existing circuit is being expanded, so that additional equipment must be purchased, (4) a new plant is being designed and several alternative circuits, which provide similar gradeslrecoveries, must be compared, (5) existing equipment is worn out and must be replaced and (6) you are registered in a mining and
CAPCOSTS Page 3 mineral processing plant design course that requires capital and operating cost estimates for reports. Since time may be an important factor, "quickie" costs with some degree of reliability are needed. Suppliers Chances are high that most of us have had contact with at least a few of the major suppliers of equipment in this handbook. From time to time, we must seek out suppliers of unfamiliar equipment. Fortunately, in North America, mining and mineral processing equipment suppliers and manufacturers advertise in journals such as: CIM Bulletin, Mining Engineering, Engineering and Mining Journal, Canadian Mining Journal and Chemical Engineering. The latter three will print equipment catalogs each year that have proven useful. Most libraries house Frasers Canadian (or USA) Trade Directory, which is an extensive compilation of virtually all manufacturerslsuppliers. Alternatively, the Thomas Register (Thomas Publishing Company, Rexdale, Ontario) reportedly locates the most qualified suppliers in all of North America with ease. Perhaps the best source for our purposes is the Canadian Mining Journal's Mining Sourcebook published each year. The Sourcebook contains an up-to-date Buyers' Guide in two parts: the first is a Products and Services Listing and the second is a List of Suppliers of corresponding productslservices of interest. Lists are updated each year and reflect name changes due to acquisitions and expansions. The Sourcebook can be found in most libraries and most mining companies purchase it every year. Importance of Specifications The cost of an item depends on (i) the basic item and its mass andlor volume, (ii) the complexity of its design, (iii) the materials of construction, (iv) the choice of accessories and (v) the nature and complexity of the drive train and motor. Specifications must be clearly stated. Thus a lubrication system, if not carefully specified, may be different from previous ones which were more reliable and less noisy. The supplier might choose to supply something less costly to permit of a lower bid. Unless specifications are clearly stated, supplierslmanufacturers are faced with providing quality components subject to, in most cases, bidding competition. It is of interest that a buyer need not send out for bids. This choice may depend on factors other than price. For example, availability may become the important criterion. Suppose that the following is true: Supplier A bids $2,586,000 Supplier B bids $2,311,000 Supplier C bids $2,050,000 with delivery in 3 months with delivery in 6 months with delivery in 12 months
Each supplier will satisfy specifications, but the buyer might go with supplier B since his delivery time is twice as fast as that of the lower bidder. In choosing a supplier, the buyer might first ask for the delivery date, perhaps because he has construction deadlines to meet in order to satisfy financial agreements concerning startup dates.
CAPCOSTS Page 4 In most situations, buyers will purchase that which their experience has shown to be reliable. When choices are possible (generally the case) cost, availability, size-to-capacity and other factors become of prime importance.
Quickie Equipment Costs
Several ways to obtain quickie equipment costs are: (1) phone suppliers, (2) use a cost index with file data, (3) use a cost index in combination with the 0.7 rule and (4) use a cost index in combination with cost/ parameter relations developed from old andlor new cost data.
(1) Phone Suppliers
This is an obvious way to obtain the approximate cost of an item of equipment. However, there is a financial penalty for both the potential buyer (often he only needs a cost and never buys) and the supplier in that phone calls are necessary and some manhours are consumed. Most Clearly, likely, the price cannot be provided immediately, so that a delay is involved. individuals, both buyers and suppliers, may invest a substantial time to cost estimations. Rapid techniques are certainly called for, unless the project is at the bidding stage. (2) Use Cost Index With Minimal File Data Cost Indexes It is possible that an item of equipment identical to one of interest was purchased several years ago. Because there is a record of the transaction, the specifications and the cost are in your files. The current cost can be estimated by means of a cost index. Thus:
There are a large number of indexes available. The American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) Notebook lists 13 building cost indexes, 9 general constructionlequipment indexes, 7 plant construction/equipment indexes and 7 miscellaneous ones. Obvious questions are: What is a cost index? Where does it come from? How do you use it? A cost index is a ratio of costs at a particular time to costs at a specified base year. Where the price of an item at some time in the past is known, the current price can be estimated in several ways by application of a cost index. Such methodology has been in use since the early 1900's. Cost indexes are based on mean costs over a period of time. They may have an accuracy of the order of 10 percent and have been employed with this accuracy when the time lapse is less than about six years. Accuracy decreases after about 6 years. In consequence, cost indexes should be restricted to order-of-magnitude and factored estimate costing methods (see section on Capital Cost Estimates).
Of the various cost indexes available, the following are commonly employed in the process industries: (1) Engineering News-Record construction index (ENR), (2) Marshall and Swift cost index (M&S), (3) Chemical Engineering plant construction cost index (CE) and (4) Nelson
CAPCOSTS Page 5 Refinery construction cost index (NR). Each index is based on certain specific information as summarized in subsequent paragraphs (see Cost Engineering, October, 1968). (i) Engineering News-Record Construction Cost lndex (ENR) The ENR index is based on the costs of labour and building materials in the following proportions: 25 cwt of structural steel, 6 bbl of Portland cement, 1.088 mfbm of 2x4 s4s lumber, and 200 hours of common labour. The ENR base year is 1913; i.e., ENR = 100. (ii) Marshall and Swift Cost Index (M&S) The M&S index has several values. The value most often used and referred to is the all-industry equipment index. This index is the average of the indices calculated for 47 different industries. Other M&S index values are calculated according to the type of industry, one of these being an M&S(Mine/Mill) index for the mining and milling industry. This latter index is employed in this revised handbook. M&S indexes are based on equipment appraisals, modifying factors and judgments concerning current economic conditions (such as inflation). They are compiled quarterly by Marshall and Swift, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. The M&S index base year is 1926. (iii) Chemical Engineering Plant Construction Cost lndex (CE) The CE index is based on equipment, erection and installation, material, labour, engineering and supervision costs in the following percentages: 37% fabricated equipment, 14% process equipment, 20% pipes, valves and fittings, 7% process instruments and controls, 7% pumps and compressors, 5% electrical equipment., 10% structural supports, insulation and paint, 22% erection and installation labour, 7% buildings, materials and labour, 10% engineering and supervision manpower. The base year is 1957-1959. (iv) Nelson Refinery Construction Cost lndex (NR) The NR index is employed primarily for estimations in the petroleum industry. The total index is based on material and labour in the following percentages: 24% iron and steel, 8% building material, 8% miscellaneous equipment, 30% common labour, 30% skilled labour. The NR base year is 1946. Table 1 below compares cost index ratios (1996 value over 1986 value) for the ENR, the M&S (All-lnd), the M&S (MineIMIII) and the CE Cost Indexes.
Table 1, page 5, shows that the largest difference in index ratio values occurs between the ENR index and the CE index, a difference of about 9 %. Consequently, it may be argued that it does not matter which of the four indices is used, because the difference between them is within the accuracy of factored and order-of-magnitude cost estimation methods (see section on capital cost estimates). If the accuracy of these two methods is improved in a particular industry, the selection of an index will be important. The M&S index for mining and milling, denoted by M&S (MineIMill) or M&S(M/M), has been chosen for this handbook. Current values of cost indexes and other economic indicators are published in various journals such as Chemical Engineering, Oil and Gas Journal and Engineering News-Record Magazine. Table 3, page 7, lists the ENR, M&S(All-lnd.), M&S(Mine/Mill) and CE cost index values from 1950 to 1996. A review of some index values for 1997 is shown in Table 2 below.
Jan Feb Mar AP~ May June
In the event that a current M&S (MineIMill) cost index value cannot be obtained the data in Table 2 or 3 may be graphed and extrapolated (with caution). A rough rule of thumb (see Rules of Thumb, page 301 and Figures 218 and 219) is that the price of an item increased on the average by about 2.32 percent per year from 1989 to 1996. Thus, the index increased from 911 in 1989 to 1072 in 1996. This should be compared with an increase on the average of about 4.25 percent per year between the years 1987 to 1989 and an average of about 1.3% from 1982 to 1987!
Example of Use of Cost Indexes
A ball mill was purchased for $800,000 in June of 1989. What is the approximate cost of this unit today? Letting "today" be May, 1997, then any current cost index may be chosen for the problem, although the M&S(Mine/Mill) index is preferred. From Table 2, the index "today" is 1087.
CAPCOSTS Page 8 May is near the middle of the year, so the index for 1989 will probably be representative. From Table 3, the M&S (MinelMill) for 1989 is 911. Using the formula as shown under Item (2) on page 4, then:
CostNow = [CostThen]
nwt;:::', [
= $954,555
If the ball mill had been purchased in December of 1989, a more representative index would be the average for the years 1989 and 1990. Clearly, the application of a cost index is an averaging procedure. If an index for each item of major equipment was estimated in some way and compared yearly, significant differences would be apparent between items and from year to year. Accuracy is lost over the years for many reasons. For example, significant equipment changes and modifications may take place because of the tendency to build equipment with large capacity to size ratios. Costs will change accordingly.
(3) Use Cost Index With Cost Vs Parameter to 0.6 or 0.7 Power
Average costs of major equipment have been observed to follow, roughly, an expression written as:
Cost = a[~arameter]O.~
where the exponent 0.7 has been replaced by anything from 0.6 to 2/3 to 0.7. The choice of exponent is dependent upon the particular industry and upon the degree of conservatism exhibited by the estimator. The parameter can be mass, volume, capacity, dimensions, area, power draw and any other, including any combinations (such as capacity times dimension) that work. Usually, mass or size or capacity are first guesses (see Rules of Thumb on page 301 of this handbook). When a parameter that determines cost is known, the above expression is more useful in the following form:
(Cost), - (Parameter), (cost), - [(Parameter),
where (Cost), is the known cost at (Parameter), and (Cost), is the known cost at (Parameter),. The expression is often referred to as the 6/10 or the 7/10 rule by estimators. For example, suppose it is believed that the cost of a crusher is sensitive to its capacity. If the cost of a crusher of capacity 400 stph is estimated as $265,000, what is the cost of a similar crusher with capacity 500 stph? From the above:
= (265, 000)[%]
= 309.801
rounded to the nearest whole number. If the exponent is 0.6, this becomes 302,965.
CAPCOSTS Page 9 The exponent is an average and was judged years ago by estimators to be better than an educated guess.
(4) Use Cost Index With Cost Vs Parameter Relation Found From Data
When cost data (either from old files or from new quotes or other sources) are available for specific items of equipment it is possible to find an equipment parameter to which the cost is sensitive. Data must be placed onto a common index basis, so that the value of the index associated with each cost must be known. This cost is then converted to a common index using the expression on page 4. For example, suppose that file data show that in June of 1991, when the M&S (MineiMill) index = 959, the cost of a ball mill of standard specification is $800,000. To place this onto a common index basis of 1400, determine:
(Cost)l4oo = (1400)[~~:$~]
= 1,167,883
Now, with each cost on a common basis, graphs of (Cost),,, versus equipment parameters can be plotted on log-log paper in search of straight lines. Care must be exercised to employ costs of an equipment item of comparable specifications. Thus, if costs are available for 8 different ball mills, 6 of which have single pinion drive trains and 2 have dual pinion drives, the latter two must be analyzed separately for obvious reasons. Specifications are important to the accuracy of an estimate! When data appear to fall onto a straight line, a non-linear least squares method can be employed to fit the equation: (Cost)
= a[~arameter]
where a is a constant that depends on a variety of factors and b is a constant that varies with, among other things, basic equipment type, structural features, design, and efficiency. Coefficient a can be viewed as the "intercept" of a log-log line, while coefficient b is the slope. If the cost versus parameter data are not linear on log-log paper, alternative equations can be employed, although this additional complexity can be avoided by establishing ranges over which the data appear to give straight lines. The above equation is then fitted to each range. Of course, a and b will likely vary from range to range. After (Cost),,, is estimated from the cost vs parameter graph, it must then be converted to the current cost index. Suppose (Cost),, is found to be $1,170,000. What is the cost of this item when the M&S (MineiMill) index is 1075? Using the expression on page 4: (CBS~)~,,,~ ( 1 , 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 ) [ ~ ]= $898,393 to the nearest whole number = The choice of 1400 as a common base index is arbitrary.
Major Equipment Costs in CAPCOSTS
Costs of major equipment in this revised handbook are purchased equipment costs and are based on the price of the equipment in US dollars. In general, the cost in terms of Canadian currency would be: $ Canadian = (exchange ratio) times ($ US), where the exchange ratio is the ratio of the Canadian dollar to the US dollar. Exchange ratios can be obtained from various sources such as banks and newspapers. For the year 1996, Revenue Canada sets the average exchange ratio at $ Canadian = 1.3636 ($ US). However, the current exchange ratio should be applied to the estimated purchased cost in $ US to determine the current cost in $ Canadian. Unless specifically mentioned, import duties are not included. Because import duties may contribute substantially to the total cost of an item of equipment, some rules of thumb concerning import duties are provided in the section dealing with Rules of Thumb (page 301). The Marshall and Swift Cost lndex (Mining & Milling) is employed for updating equipment costs reported herein. Costs are adjusted to a common base value of 1400. lndex values are found in the journal, Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020. Table 3, page 7, of this handbook shows them from 1950 to 1996. Most items of equipment in this handbook are manufactured in the U.S. and may be distributed through Canadian subsidiaries. In Canada, to account for currency fluctuations, multiply each , by the exchange ratio (current Canadian to U.S. exchange rate) to US base cost, (Cost),, in Canadian determine a Canadian base cost if desired. It is best to estimate (Cost), dollars as follows: First estimate (Cost), in US dollars from graphs herein using the index ratio, and then convert to Canadian dollars via the current exchange ratio.
Unless stated otherwise, to obtain an estimate of the delivered cost of an item of equipment, multiply by the factor 1.03 which represents an overall average. The installed cost, on the average, of equipment employed for solids-fluids processes is either 1.39 times the delivered cost or 1.43 times the purchased cost.
It cannot be over-emphasized that the purchased equipment costs given in this handbook are approximations. Estimated prices of equipment must not be considered as quotes from any one source.
Each graph of (Cost),, versus Cost Parameter has associated with it the ranges and units for the Cost Parameter as listed at the top of each graph. Where necessary, specifications are shown for clarity. Most of the curves involve woor more suppliers. Sometimes more than one parameter range has been fMed for a given item of equipment. The equation:
, = a[~arameter]
is used throughout, where (Cost),, is the base cost in US doliars. Non-Linear least squares estimates of a and b for equipment items are shown with the corresponding graphs. Also, these coefficients have been incorporated into a computer program called CAPCOST.
CAPCOSTS Page 1 1 INTRODUCTION TO FlXEDMlORKlNG CAPITAL COST ESTIMATES Capital cost estimation is important to many facets of mining and mineral process engineering, where decisions must be supported by financial analyses. The total capital investment in a mine or a concentrator (mill) consists of a fixed capital portion and a working capital portion. Fixed and Working Capital Versus Total Production Cost Fixed capital is the total amount of money needed to purchase the necessary equipment, buildings and auxiliaries such as site preparation, preproduction development and utilities. Working capital represents cash that must be available to begin the operation. Of major importance is the fact that the total capital investment is a sum that is separate from the total production cost (total operating cost) paid out per unit time from gross income per unit time. Total product costs include operating costs such as direct production costs, fixed charges and plant overhead, and general expenses such as administrative costs, distribution and marketing costs, research and development costs and gross earnings expenses. Purpose of Estimates Preliminary capital cost estimates are useful to engineers who are involved in selection and design. Since most companies have a limit to available capital funds and/or lines of credit, an immediate assessment of initial cash requirements is provided. In situations where capital funds must be borrowed, the less borrowed the better. In effect, a preliminary estimate may serve as the basis for a "go or no-go" decision. In situations where the total product costs of alternative, but technically feasible, processes are similar, the one with smallest capital expenditure is selected. Here the preliminary estimate serves as a way to assess processing alternatives. Obviously, depending upon their degree of accuracy, capital cost estimates will serve many other purposes. These include participation in feasibility studies, plant expansion, and presentation of bids. Types of Fixed Capital Cost Estimates Five major Types of fixed capital cost estimates have been proposed by the American Association of Cost Engineers. These are:
(1) (2)
Order-of-Magnitude estimate based on previous cost data and minimal knowledge. It is a ratio estimate with confidence limits that exceed i30 percent. Factored or ratio estimate based on major equipment costs with a probable accuracy within i30 percent. Budget authorization (preliminary) estimate based on sufficient data to permit fund procurement and budgeting. The probable accuracy is within r20 percent. Definitive (project control) estimate based on almost complete data (some specifications missing and drawings not complete). Probable accuracy is within i10 percent. Detailed (contractors) estimate based on complete engineering drawings, specifications and site surveys. The probable accuracy is *5 percent.
(4) (5)
A Type (1) estimate does not have the flexibility of the Type (2) factored estimate; the latter allows personal judgments to be made. A Type (3) estimate becomes more time consuming and expensive compared to Types (1) and (2). Types (4) and (5) involve substantial time and money. Their extra accuracy is usually not justified when the preliminary feasibility of a project is still under evaluaton. In more recent years, the American National Standards Institute has grouped estimates into three classes (ANSI Standard 294.2). Class I is an order-of-magnitude estimate with an accuracy of +50 to -30 percent; Class II is a preliminary (budget) estimate with an accuracy of +30 to -15 percent; Class Ill is a definitive estimate with an accuracy of +15 to -5 percent. Accuracy can be increased as more and more information on the basic mining and processing method, capacity, equipment specifications, flowsheets, civillstructurallelectrical/mechanical drawings, arrangement drawings, piping and instrumentation diagrams, site layouts, and the like is acquired. Figure 1, after Mackellar, at the bottom of this page (SME preprint number 75-8-23) summarizes the accuracy of various classes. Accuracy is well within the range of ANSI specifications. In this handbook, estimates are expected to have the accuracy of either Class I or Class If. These serve as a check on Class Ill estimates and may lead to further investigation of design and layout decisions. In general, the cost of preparing an estimate will increase with the desire to increase its accuracy. Estimating costs can be as high as 2 percent of the total project cost!
CAPCOSTS Page 13 Types of Working Capital Cost Estimates Working capital cost may be estimated from the following, provided the corresponding information is available: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Raw materials inventory (1 month supply at cost) Materials-in-process inventory (1 month supply at cost) Product inventory (1 month at manufactured cost) Accounts receivable (1 month at selling price) Available cash (to meet expenses of wages, raw material, utilities, supplies for I month at manufactured cost)
(6) Working capital = (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)+(5) The Canadian Mining Journal's Mining Sourcebook, may be helpful for completing the table above. O'Hara (see "Quick Guides to the Evaluation of Orebodies", CIM Bulletin, February, 1980) recommends that working capital should be equivalent to 4 months of estimated operating costs on a full production basis. An alternative to the above methods is to estimate working capital cost as a percentage of annual estimated sales revenue. Of the order of 30 percent of annual sales has been recommended in the chemical industry. Another alternative has been to estimate working capital required as a percentage of the fixed capital investment. Anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of fixed capital will be necessary, with 15% being reasonable. Invariably, working capital requirements are estimated on the assumption that startup will be relatively trouble free. Feldman (Chemical Engineering, November 3, 1969) stresses that startup costs, which include operating costs, depend on fixed capital expenditure, newness of the process and the technology to the company, newness of the equipment type (i.e., is it the first 38 ft diameter ball mill?), labour quantity and quality and the extent of interplant dependency. To estimate startup costs: Startup Cost = A(O.l + B + C + D + NE) where A B C D
fixed capital cost factor for newness of process and technology factor for newness of type of equipment factor for quantity and quality of labour available number of plants or sections that make up the process chain
E = factor for interplant dependency Note: Startup Cost = 10% of A when 6 , D and NE are zero. C,
.07 radically new .04 very new .02 retativdy new -.03 old
To estimate startup time, a similar exp~ession empioyed with A equal to construction time. is Following the sequence at the top of this page, B is .15 or .05 or -.Of; C is .15 or .08 or .05 or -.01; D is .15 or .05 or -.01; E is .25 or t or -.02. Unfortunately, the data necessary to determine factors specific for mining and mineral processing startup are not readily available. Such factors as winter versus summer startup can be introduced if necessary.
Useful Prior Information
Regardless of the method being employed to estimate capital expenditures, p~ior technical information will be necessary. Specific details on the mining method (s), the basic flowsheet for milling, materiallenergy balances, major equipment necessary, approximate equipment sizeslcapacities, infrastructure envisaged and other details may be necessary. Appropriate information for a given capital cost estimation method used in this handbook is listed with the section that describes the method.
Capital cost estimations in mining usually involve cost versus parameter relations, where the parameter is, say, the capacity. A number of methods, where capacity parameters are coupled with other important relationships, are summarized in this section.
Using The 0.6 Rule For Mines and MiltslExample
O'Hara (see ClM Bulletin, February, 1980) has employed the 6110 rule to estimate the combined cost of a minelmill project. His data were converted to US dollars and then adjusted from a base year M&S(Mine/Mill) index of 565 for 1978 to a new base of 1400. Thus the correction ratio, 14001565, applied as a multiplier results in expressions involving T , milling , capacity (tonslday): Capital Cost = 869,239fi6
$ US (open piUmill project)
Capital Cost = 1,738,478E $ US (undergroundlmill project) The above expressions serve as very crude guides only. The costs of many projects differ widely from the average values predicted by the equations. The point to retain is that the 0.6 rule for estimating the cost of a minelmill, as noted by O'Hara, should be used only as a very rough estimate. Predictions will improve by quantifying the effects of specific local conditions
CAPCOSTS Page 15 such as high stripping ratios, vein thickness underground, complexity of mineral processing, degree of isolation and many other factors.
Example Calculation
Estimate the capital cost of an open pit/mill complex as of May, 1997. The design capacity of the mill is 20,000 TPD. From Table 2, page 6, the M&S(Mine/Mill) index is 1087. Thus:
Fixed Capital Cost Estimation For Open Pit MineslExample (O'Hara Method)
O'Hara stresses that a more accurate estimate of mine capital costs is obtained by judging the. influence of specific conditions unique to a given mine. For open pit mines, capital costs were distributed as follows: Site Preparation; Plant and pit roads. Pre-Production Stripping Costs. Open pit equipment - Sizing and Costs. Open Pit Maintenance Facilities. Electric Power Supply/Distribution and Water Supply part of Processing Plant; General Plant Services, Access Road to Main Thoroughfare, Townsite and Housing estimated as Infrastructure. (6) Feasibility Studies; Design Engineering; Planning (7) Project Supervision; Contract Management; Expediting & General Construction Facilities including Camp Costs. (8) Administration; Accounting; Legal; Pre-Production Employment of key operating staff. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Cost-Parameter expressions were developed for items (1) to (4); item (5) is estimated as part of processing or as part of infrastructure costs; cost items (6) to (8) may be expressed as percentages of the others. Table 4 summarizes the approach. Note that the pre-production stripping ratio, the number of trucks required and the number of shovels necessary must be estimated. Stripping ratios and tonnages of overburden to remove can be approximated from analyses of drill core available from exploration of the orebody. To estimate the shovel size, S, in cubic yards, use S = .13 P 4 , where T = tonlday of ore+waste to be mined, and round off S to the nearest standard size. Then calculate N the number of , where N is rounded to the next whole number. , shovels to employ, from N, = .007 (1/S)T0.8 The size of a truck required may be estimated from t = 8 Sf.' with t expressed in tons of capacity per truck. The number of trucks is found from N, = .2 ( l / t ) P 8 with t rounded to the nearest standard truck size and N, to the next whole number.
Example Calculation
Assume that an open pit mine is located in rugged terrain with heavy tree growth. Soil will be stripped at a rate of 25,000 tons per day for 60 working days, whereas rock overburden will be stripped at a rate of 12,500 tons per day for 300 working days. The amount of ore plus waste
flat terrain; lightly treed rugged terrain; heavily treed for soil overburden for rock overburden shovel fleet; N, = no. shovels truck fleet; N,= no. trucks drilling equipment
4) Maintenance Facilities.
5) Electric Power SupplyIDistribution and Water Supply part of Pro~essing Plant; General Plant Services, Access Road to Townsite and MainThoroughfare and Housing estimated as infrastructure. 6)Feasibility, Engineering, Planning. 7)Supervision, Management,Camp Construction Facilities. 8)Admin, Acct, Key Staff, Legal. 8 to 10% of (C,, + C,, + C , + C + C + C + C + C , , , , , , )
4 to 7% of (C,, + C,,
C ,
+C ,
C3, + C , 3
* C33+ C4)
CAPCOSTS Page 17 to be mined per day for normal operation is 25,000, where mill design capacity is 10,000 tons per day (i.e., a stripping ratio of 2.5). Estimate the capital cost of the mine from Table 4 when the M&S (MineIMill) index is at 1060. From Table 4:
S = .13(25000)04= 7.5 (use 8 cu. yd. shovels) N = .007(118)(25000)0~8 2.9 (use 3 shovels) , = t = 8(8)l.l = 78.8 ton (use 85 ton trucks) N, = 0.2(1185)(25000)06= 7.8 (use 8 trucks) (3) C = (1O6OIl4OO)(499813)(3)(8)O.', = , C = (1O6O/l4OO)(l9558)(8)(85)0.85 , = C = (1O6O/l4OO)(ll34575)(3)(8)0.n(25000)'0 , = (4) C = (106011400)(325964)(25000)0.3= , Items (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) =
Fixed Capital Cost = ((1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (6) + (7) + (8)) = $US 55,387,241
Fixed Capital Cost Estimation For Underground MinesIExample (O'Hara Method) For underground mines, O'Hara itemizes fixed capital costs that may be divided into the following categories: Shaft Sinking Mine Development (ore reserve tonnage equal to 2000 times daily mill tonnage) Hoisting Plant Compressor Plant Underground Mining Equipment Underground Mine Maintenance Facilities Electric Power SupplylDistribution and Water Supply part of Processing Plant; General Plant Services, Access Road to Main Thoroughfare, Townsite and Housing estimated as Infrastructure. Feasibility, Design Engineering, Planning
(9) (10)
Project Supervision, Management, Expediting and General Construction Facilities including Camp Costs Administration, Accounting, Legal, Key Operating Staff Employment
Cost versus Parameter equations were developed for items ( I ) to (6); item (7) is estimated as part of the processing or as infrastructure; items (8) to (10) are estimated as percentages of others. Table 5, page 19, is a summary of the estimation procedure where cost equations have been updated to an M&S (MinelMill) index of 1400. where T is the daily The rectangular shaft area, A in sq. ft., is estimated from A = 17 where D is shaft diameter in ft. , tonnage of ore hoisted. For circular shafts, D = 5.2 T0.15, , Hoist drum diameter is calculated from: D = (40 T+100 h0.5T0.6+ h03T12)0357, T is tonlday where hoisted and h is hoisting distance in ft. The height of the headframe complex, L in ft, is found from the fitted expression: L = .25 D + 5.5 (D/100)3+ 6.3 Hoisting speed, S in ft/min, is estimated from S = 1.6 h0.5T04. Once S is known, the hoist motor horsepower, H, is determined from H = .5 S(D1100)2.4. Approximately the weight of structural steel in a headframe, Ibs, where hoisting ropes are 1/80 of the hoist drum diameter, will be .12 h3 (D/100)2. To estimate the air consumed underground, the equation Q = 200T0.46is employed, where Q is cu ftlmin and T is tonlday mined. Example Calculation Estimate the fixed capital cost of an underground mine that will mine 5000 tonlday. Up to 6000 tonlday may be hoisted, using double drum hoists (one for ore and the other for cage service), in a circular shaft of 2000 ft maximum depth. Average stope widths are estimated at 30 ft. Note that circular shafts are for weak and incompetent rock. Assume that the M&S(MinelMill) index is 1060. Find: D = 5.2(6000)0.15 19.1 ft (say 19 ft) , =
1) Shaft sinking.
-A = cross sect. area, sq. ft. D = diameter,ft. T = tonlday, mined D = hoist drum diameter, inch
TABLE 5: Summary of Underground Mine Capital Cost Estimation* Cost Fauatlon C,, = 130387 184 FA0.,, Comments
rectangular; sets blocked to rock; F = ft. of shaft sunk. C,, = 1738480:~ + 4 9 6 ~ ~ ! . ~circular, concreted shafts C = 86924 TWOB , W = avg. width stope, ft, development reserves = 2000T hoist equipment; H = motor HP hoist installation cost hoist room cost headframe complex; L= ft of height
V, V,
4) Mine compressor plant. 5) Underground mining equip 6) Underground main tenance facilit.
Q = cfm of air
7) Electric Power SupplylDistribution and Water Supply part of Processing Plant; General Plant Services, Access Road to Main Thoroughfare, Townsite and Housing estimated as infrastructure. 8) Feasibility, 4 to 6% of (C,,+ C+ C plus 6 to 8% of (C,,+ C C C C+ C C+ C , , ) + , + + , , , + , , , ) design 9) Supervision, 8 to 10% of (C,, + C,, + C + C + C + C + C + C + C + C + C , , , , , , , , , ) camp 10) Admin., Acct. 4 to 7% of (C,, + C + C + C + C + C + C + C + C + C + C , , , , , , , , , , ) legal, key staff
(1)+(2) = 28,129,890
(3)+(4)+(5)+(6) = 20,891,669
Fixed Capital Cost =(I) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (8) + (9) + (10)= $US 60,714,351
Small Underground Mines and Processing Plants: CANMET SP 86-11E CANMET sponsored J. S. Redpath Limited, North Bay, Ontario, to prepare a manual for estimating costs of mining and processing small underground deposits. Both capital and operating costs were estimated in some detail for mining, although associated processing costs are very general (a cost-capacity curve for the concentrator and another for the tailings disposal area). Methodology can be useful. A sensible calculation procedure, which uses a series of blank forms to be filled out via computational procedures presented in the body of the text, is recommended. Calculation forms are: Form 1 Form 2 Basic Information Operating Costs (A) Operating Costs (B) Manpower Schedule Capital Costs (A) Preproduction Capital Costs (B) Ongoing Capital Costs Regional Cost Factors Minerat Deposit Value (A) Summary Of Geological Tonnes 8 Grade (Bj Geological Tonnes 8 Grade - Reserve By X-Section (C) Summary Of In-Situ Tonnes & Grade (Dl In-Situ Tonnes 8 Grade - Reserve By X-Section (E) Mineable Tonnes & Grade To Mill (F) Mineral Deposit Value Preliminary Cash Flow Summary
Form 3
Form 4 Form 5
Form 6
CAPCOSTS Page 21 Graphs and Tables are employed for estimation purposes. Procedures are relevant to North America and must be updated via cost indexes from about 1985. Small Placer Mines and Processing Plants: USBM IC 9170 Stebbins has written the Cost Estimation Handbook for Small Placer Mines. It was published as IC 9170 by the US Bureau of Mlnes in 1987. It relies on prior estimation strategies developed, initially, by STRAAM Engineers, and published in updated form as a Bureau of Mines Cost Estimating System Handbook: Part 1. Surface and Underground Mining, IC 9142; Part 2. Mineral Processing, IC 9143. The handbook has filled a gap, in that small placer mines are relatively unique. Mining and processing costs therein are representative of operations in the Western US and Alaska. The latter is typical of Canadian placer operations in the Klondike and Yukon Territories. To estimate capital costs, fitted equations (each of which may involve one or more multiplying factors) are provided for the following: Capital Costs Equations Supplied For Placer Mining: Exploration: Panning Churn drilling Bucket drilling Trenching General reconnaissance Camp costs Seismic surveying Rotary drilling Helicopter rental Mine eaui~ment: Backhoes Bulldozers Draglines Front-end loaders Rear-dump trucks Scrapers Develo~ment: Access roads Clearing Pre~roduction overburden removal: Bulldozers Draglines Front-end loaders Rear-dump trucks Scrapers Processing eauipment Conveyors Feed hoppers Jig concentrators Sluices Spiral concentrators Table concentrators Trommels Vibrating screens
In addition, fitted equations are supplied in the Stebbins handbook, along with corresponding multiplying factors, for each of the following to estimate operating costs: Operating Cost Equations Supplied For Placer Mining: Overburden Removal: Bulldozers Draglines Front-end loaders Rear-dump trucks Scrapers Tailings Removal: Bulldozers Draglines Front-end loaders Rear-dump trucks Scrapers Trommels Vibrating screens Mining: Backhoes Bulldozers Draglines Front-end loaders Rear-dump trucks Scrapers Processina: Conveyors Feed hoppers Jig concentrators Sluices Spiral concentrators Table concentrators
Supplemental: Employee housing Generators Lost time and general services Pumps All capital and operating cost equations were calculated in January, 1985 $US. Methodology to update costs is described in the manual. Site adjustment factors are used and labor rates are relative to a base of $15.69 per hour for mining and $15.60 per hour for milling. CAPITAL COST ESTIMATIONS FOR MINERAL PROCESSING The O'Hara method and the popular ratio and factored estimation techniques to determine capital expenditures for processing plants are described with corresponding examples. Infrastructure costs are estimated in a separate section. Capital Cost Estimation For Processing PlantslExample (O'Hara Method) O'Hara has itemized mineral processing plant fixed capital costs which may be divided into the following categories: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Plant-Site Clearing and Mass Excavation Concrete Foundations and Detailed Excavations Crushing Plant, Coarse Ore Storage, Conveyors Concentrator Building Grinding Section, Fine Ore Storage
CAPCOSTS Page 23 Flotation and/or Processing Section Thickening and Filtering Section Concentrate Storage and Loading Tailings Storage Electric Power Supply and Distribution (MineIMill) Water Supply (MineIMill) General Plant Services, Access Road to Main Thoroughfare, Townsite and Housing estimated as Infrastructure. Feasibility Studies, Design Engineering, Technical Planning Project Supervision, Contract Management, Expediting and General Construction Facilities including Camp Costs Administration, Accounting, Legal, Pre-Production Employment of Key Operating Staff Cost-Parameter equations were developed for all items other than items (11) to (13) which are calculated as percentages of the others. Table 6, page 24, is a summary of the estimation procedure. To use Table 6, values of cost equation factors must be employed. These are presented below.
F, = site factor F, = rock factor F = , climate factor F, = grind factor F, = process factor
1. O 1.5 2.5 1.o 1.8 3.5 1.O 1.8 2.5 1.O 1.5 1.8 1.O 1.2 1.6 2.0 3.0 5.0 1.O 1.6 2.0 3.0
~ollcatlon flat sites; less than 10 ft of overburden moderate slopes; some blasting required steep slopes; extensive blasting required solid rock for foundation support gravellsand as support moist soil as support; piled foundations mild climate cold climate severe climate soft ores; 55% -200 mesh; work index under 12 medium ores; 70% -200 mesh; work index = 15 hard ores; 80% -200 mesh; work index = 17 Au ores; cyanidation flotation; coarse low grade Cu ores flotation; hi grade Cu/Zn ores selective flotation; complex base metal ores complex Au ores; float, roast, cyanide gravity concentration tow grade Cu ores hi grade CulZn ores complex PbIZnlAg or Cu/Zn/Pb ores cyanided Au ores
F, = process factor
C so t
1) Clearlexcav. T=capacity, tpd 2) Foundation 3) Crushlconv. 4) Mill bldg. T=capacity, tpd
500-7000 500-7000
Cost F a t i o n C, = 86924 F, T O C = 43463 F, TO5 , C = 97790 P5 , C = 65193 FwP5 , C = I7386 F, P , C = 5433 F P7 , , C = lo866 F, P5 , C = 8693 f i 8 , C9= 6520 TO5
F, = site factor F = rock factor ,
T=capacity, tpd 500-7000 T=capacity, tpd 500-7000 500-7000 500-7000 500-7000 20-500 500-700
2000-30000 C , C ,
= 99963 PO6
= 9780 PO6
M=miles of lines = if paid by utility O 11) Water Q = water IGPM L = miles pipe 5006500
C , C ,
12) Plant services, access roads, townsite, housing estimated as part of infrastructure. ltem 10) and ltem 1I ) include mine requirements as well. 13) Feasibility, [4 to 6% of ((1)+(2))1+ [6 to 8% of (sum of items (3) to ( l l ) ) ] plan,design 14) Supervise/camp 15) Admin, staff 8 to 10?/0 of w m of items (1) to (11)
CAPCOSTS Page 25 Water requirements for Table 6 calculations are determined from the table below:
plentiful supply; 1 mile away scarce supply; open pit, hi tonnage reclaim when fresh supply scarce
Pipe diameters, D in inches, are estimated from D = .15 QO.,for either fresh or reclaim water. , , To estimate the total number of employees, N, refer to the section on Mine-Mill Total Product Cost Estimation (O'Hara Method)-----see Table 13, page 39. Peak power loads, KW, are found from the following: for open pitlmill complexes, P = 136 P5, while for undergroundlmill complexes, P = 27 P7 T in mill capacity, tonlday. with Concentrate tonnage is calculated as the mill capacity, tonlday, multiplied by recovery and the ratio of feed grade over concentrate grade.
Example Calculation
Estimate the fixed capital cost (at an M&S(MinelMill) index of 1060) of a mill, associated with an underground mine, that will treat 5000 tonlday of a 2% Cu ore (Bond work index = 15 kwhrlton) and that will produce a concentrate averaging 30% Cu with 92% recovery. A blast hole mining method is contemplated with stopes averaging 30 ft width. An access road will be 10 miles in length; two 4 0 4 bridges will be necessary. Fresh water is scarce at a distance of 3 miles; reclaim water must be pumped from the tailing pond located 1 mile from the mill. The mill is to be sited on solid rock at moderate slope in a cold climate. Power is obtainable from a utility company and the company agrees to pay for high voltage lines to the substation to be located nearby. A total of 392 employees are required with a subsidized family townsite. Referring to Table 6, page 24, and to the tables at the bottom of page 23 and the top of page 25:
D = .15(849)06= 8.6 (use 9 inch fresh water line of 3 mile length) , D = .15(714)06= 7.7 (use 8 inch reclaim water line, 1 mile length) , Q = 2.5(5000)0-6 415 IGPM fresh water, scarce supply = Q = .026(5000)12 714 IGPM reclaim water =
Fixed Capital Costs = Sum of all items = US $38,031,215 Capital Cost Estimation For Processing Plants Via Cost Ratio Methods
Balfour and Papucciyan (CMP Proceedings, 1972, Ottawa) describe four ways to estimate fixed capital costs. These are (1) Six-Tenths Rule, (2) Plant Cost Ratio Method, (3) Equipment Cost Ratio Method and (4) Plant Component Cost Ratio Method. To use methods (2), (3) and (4) the following information should be available: a rough flowsheet showing major items of equipment and their corresponding sizes along with sufficient information to estimate plant size and complexity. Material balances and energy balances will be of value. Methods (3) and (4) are critically dependent upon cost information files and records of actual costs. Class II accuracy is obtainable, provided factors employed are accurate;
(1) Six-Tenths Rule
To use the six-tenths rule, the fixed capital cost of a plant of known capacity must be available.
For example, let a 10,000 TPD concentrator cost $60x106 to build in 1989, when the M&S(Mine/Mill) index is 911 (see Table 3, page 7). Suppose that the cost of a similar 20,000 TPD plant is desired at an M&S(Mine/Mill) Index of 1060. Using the 0.6 rule:
The exponent, 0.6, is an average and in fact depends on the type of plant. Some estimators prefer to use a 0.7 rule as described in a previous section. Factors such as type of site, economic conditions prevalent, geographic location and regional productivity are responsible for substantial variation.
(2) Plant Cost Ratio Method
This method requires an estimate of the cost of major items of delivered major process equipment. If this cost is equal to N (often inflated to account for auxiliary items) then: Cost of solid process plant Cost of solid-fluid process plant Cost of fluid process plant
= 3.10 (N)
= 3.63 (N)
= 4.74 (N)
Multipliers above (Lang factors) can be broken down into parts as follows:
where FII represents foundations, supports, chutes, installation; P represents piping costs; CIB represents construction, engineering, building; OH represents overhead. The procedure assumes that reasonably accurate estimates of equipment costs are available and nothing is "abnormal".
Delivered costs have been estimated as 1.03times purchased costs, while installed costs are sometimes estimated as Q times delivered costs. The value Q is 1.45for solids plants; 1.39 for solids-fluids plants; 1.47for fluids plants (note: average is 1.43).An example of the plant cost ratio method: The current cost of delivered equipment items for a 20,000tpd primary crushing station happens to be $1.4 lo6, that the cost of the installation is estimated as: x SO Cost = 3.10( 1 . 4 ~ = $ 4 . 3 4 ~ lo6) 106 (3) Equipment Cost Ratio Method Compared with estimating method (2), page 27, more accuracy results from multiplying categories of equipment of similar nature by corresponding ratio factors and then calculating the resulting sum. Let the cost of the ith major process unit be Ci . Then a "plant" cost associated with item i is equal to Fi Ci where Fi is an appropriate factor. The cost of the total plant is then: Plant cost =
f FiCi
i= l
for a plant containing n items of major equipment and key auxiliaries. Table 7 below shows typical F, values (see Balfour and Papucciyan). Such tables may be expanded after several projects have been analyzed. Table 7: Equipment Cost Ratios
Factor, F,
Bucket elevator Mixer Furnace Drum dryer Kiln Conveyor Compressor Electrostatic precipitator Blower, fan Refrigeration unit Boiler Mills Vacuum rotary dryer Dry dust collector Storage tank Crusher Process tank Instrumentation Heat exchanger Wet dust collector Pump Electric motor
2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.1 4.1 4.8 6.0 6.8 8.5
(4) Plant Component Cost Ratio Method
This method provides considerable flexibility and involves a breakdown of fixed capital costs into plant components whose costs are a ratio of major equipment costs. The ratios are sometimes referred to as factors (i.e., factored estimates). Balfour and Papucciyan provide case examples of the plant component cost ratio method as shown below in Table 8 for various types of processing plants. It is of interest to note from the table that the fixed capital cost of an asbestos plant, a zinc refinery and a copper refinery respectively is 2.43, 2.28 and 3.24 times the corresponding major equipment costs. A generalized version of Table 8 is given in Table 9, page 30, which shows ranges for cost ratios. This table is typical of most plant component cost ratio methods. Table 10, page 31, is an example of the plant component cost ratio method suggested for process plants and used with success in chemical engineering.
Equipment Equipment installation Process Piping Electrical Instrumentation Process buildings Auxiliary buildings Plant services Site improvements Field indirects Project management Total:
Table 9, page 30, can be extremely flexible. Such components as geographic location (desert versus far North), type of industry (Cu versus Au versus Cu-Ni), type of labour pool and other components are readily incorporated as desired, when cost files of the correct type can be evaluated.
TABLE 9: Plant Component Cost Ratio Method (patterned after Balfour and Papucciyan) 1. Delivered equipment costs from references and on current cost index basis. (if delivery costs unavailable use 1.03 times purchased equipment costs) .................$000,000 2. Equipment installation. (0.17 to 0.25 times Item 1) ...................................................................................... .$OOO,OOO 3. Piping, material and labour, excluding service piping. ..$OOO,OOO (0.07 to 0.25 times Item 1) .................................................................................... 4. Electrical, material and labour, excluding building lighting. (0.13 to 0.25 times Item 1) ..................................................................................... ..$OOO,OOO 5. Instrumentation. (0.03 to 0.12 times Item 1) ....................................................................................... $000,000 6. Process buildings, including mechanical services and lighting. (0.33 to 0.50 times Item 1) ......................................................................................000,000 $ 7. Auxiliary buildings, including mechanical services and lighting. (0.07 to 0.15 times Item 1) .................................................................................... ..$OOO,OOO 8. Plant services such as fresh water systems, sewers, compressed air, etc. (0.07 to 0.15 times Item 1) .................................................................................... ..$000,000 9. Site improvements such as fences, roads, railroads, etc. $000,000 (C.03 to 0.18 times Item 1) .................................................................................... 10. Field expenses related to construction management. (0.10 to 0.12 times Item 1) ...................................................................................... .$OOO,OOO 11. Project management including engineering and construction. (0.30 to 0.33 times Item 1) ....................................................................................... $000,000 12. Fixed capital costs = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 .............................................. .$OOO,OOO Example of Ratio Estimation For Mineral Processing Consider the flowsheet shown in Figure 2, page 32, where each process unit has been numbered. This flowsheet is typical of the type found in the literature. A superficial glance indicates that adequate information is available for estimation purposes, while close examination will show that in many cases important details are missing. For example, in ltem 41, an equipment parameter such as pump capacity is not specified. In ltem 13, the material of construction has been omitted. It is important to specify those equipment parameters, such as capacity and materials of construction, which have been related to the cost of the process unit. Before attempting a fixed capital cost estimate using ratio methods,
return water
1 - 36"x60 vibrating feeder 1 - 4'x8; single rod deck screen 1 - 4-114' standard cone crusher 1 - 5x8' single rod deck screen 1 - 4' short head cone crusher 1 - 32'x32' open steel ore bin 1 - 32'x32' open steel ore bin 1 - weightometer 1 - 9'x12' rod mill 10. 1 - 54" classifier 11. 1 - 7x1 1' ball mill 12. 2 - 20-8 cyclones 13. 1 - 201x18'elevated soda ash storage tank & pneumatic conveyor 14. 1 - bulk line storage 15. 1 -18x8' super conditioner 16. 1 - 5'x3-way distributor 17. 12 - primary #24 roughers 18.24 - secondary #24 roughers 19. 12 - tertiary #24 scavenger 20. 5 - primary #24 cleaners 21. 5 - secondary #24 cleaners
22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
1 - 301x10'thickener 1 - 30'xlU thickener 1 - 9x6' disc filter 1 - 4x30' blanket table 2 - 20-8 cyclones 1 - 9'xIO' ball mill 6 - #24 scavengers 1 - 8'x8' super conditioner 24 - primary #24 roughers 24 - secondary #24 roughers 16 - scavengers 4 - primary #24 cleaners 4 - secondarv. #24 cleaners 4 - #24 tertiah cleaners 4 - #24 final cleaners 1 - 301x10'thickener 1 - 30'xIO' thickener 1 - 9'x6' disc filter 1 - 4'x30' blanket table 1 - tailings disposal pump
Table 10: Factored Capital Cost Estimate Guide
From Chemical Engineering Plant Design, Vilbrandt, Frank C. and Dryden, Charles E., McGraw Hill, N.Y., 1959, by permission of publisher 1. Purchased equipment costs from references .$OOO,OOO and on current index basis ........................................................................................ 2 .Installedequipment costs .$OOO,OOO a. From references; current index basis............................................................... b. Item.1. multiplied by 1.43................................................................................... .$OOO,OOO 3. Process p~plng.. .......................................................................................................... $000,000 Percent of Item 2: Type plant: Solid 7-10 Solid-Fluid 10-30 Fluid 30-60 4. Instrumentation.......................................................................................................... .$OOO,OOO Percent of Item 2: Amount of automatic control: None 2-5 Some 5-10 Extensive 10-15 5. Buildings and site development.................................................................................. $000,000 Percent of Item 2: Type plant: Outdoor 5-20 Outdoor-Indoor 20-60 Indoor 60-100 6. Auxiliaries (e.g., electric power) ............................................................................... .$OOO,OOO Extent: Pe~cent Item 2: of Existing 0 Minor additions 0-5 Major additions 5-25 New facilities 25-100 . . 7. Outs~de lmes .............................................................................................................. $000,000 Average length: Percent of Item 2: Short 0-5 Intermediate 5-15 Long 15-25 8. Total physical plant costs = Sum of Items 2+3+4+5+6+7........................................... 9. Engineering and construction .................................................................................... Complexity: Percent of Item 8: Simple 20-35 Difficult 35-60 10. Contingencies ......................................................................................................... Type process: Percent of Item 8: Firm 10-20 Subject to change 20-30 Speculative 30-50 Average 30 11 .Size factor................................................................................................................. Size plant: Percent of Item 8: Large commercial 0-5 Small commercial 5-15 Pilot plant 15-35 $000,000 .$OOO,OOO
CAPCOSTS Page 33 the reader should become familiar with the equipment cost equations in this handbook. This will ensure that the correct equipment parameter is involved in specifications. The table below follows Table 10 format and shows that purchased equipment costs based on an M&S(Mine/Mill) index of 1060 amount to about $2,912,210 for a 1200 TPD facility. The fixed capital cost is estimated as $9,678,122 and the total capital investment is $10,839,497. Note that working capital is taken as12 percent of the fixed capital cost.
Total Capital Investment For a 1ZOO TPD Plant
1. Purchased equipment costs (M&S = 1060)............................................ .$2,912,210 $541,678 Crushing: Grinding: $881,350 Copper Flotation: $525,596 Zinc Flotation: $963,586 2. Installed equipment costs (1.43 times Item 1)......................................... $4,164,460 3. Process piping (10 percent of Item 2) ........................................................ .$416,416 4. Instrumentation (3 percent of Item 2) ........................................................ $124,934 5. Buitdings and site development (35 percent of Item 2) ............................ $1,457,561 ..... Mill Building ..... Crusher Building ..... Assay, Machine Shop . . . . . Administration Building 6. Auxiliaries (10 percent of Item 2) ................................................................ $416,416 . . . . . Water Supply Diesel Standby Power . . . . . Tailings Disposal 7. Outside lines (8 percent of Item 2) .............................................................. $333,157 8. Total physical plant costs (2+3+4+5+6+7)................................................$6,912,944 9. Engineering and construction (25 percent of Item 8)...............................$1,728,236 10. Contingencies (10 percent of Item 8)......................................................... .$691,295 $345,647 11. Size factor (5 percent of Item 8) ................................................................
12. Fixed Capital Costs (8+9+10+11)......................................................... $9,678,122 US
13. Working Capital (12 percent of Item 12).............................................. $1,161,375 US 14. Total Capital Investment (12 + 13)..................................................... $10,839,497 US
CAPCOSTS Page 34 INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS FOR A MlNElMlLL COMPLEXIEXAMPLE (O'HARA ) Originally, infrastructure costs were estimated jointly for a minelmill complex by O'Hara. These costs are largely attributable to the mine, if it is underground, and not to the mill. Some flexibility to assign separately a proportion of infrastructure costs to the mill and the rest to the mine is obtained by calculating the joint costs and apportioning them according to experience. lnfrastructure costs are determined herein as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) General Plant Services Access Road to Main Thoroughfare Townsite and Housing Feasibility, Planning and Design Supervision. Camp Administration, Accounting, Legal, Key Staff
ltems (1) and (3) depend upon an estimate of the number of employees at the minelmill complex; item (2) depends on estimates of the lengths of roads and bridges. ltems (4) to (6) reflect a portion of these costs that are associated with infrastructure and previously estimated as part of the processing plant. Table 11 below summarizes infrastructure capital cost estimation, which uses equations developed by O'Hara.
Table 11: Summary of lnfrastructure Capital Cost Estimation
1) Plant services 2) Access road 3) Townsite, housing 4) Feasibility, plan,design
N= no. employees R=miles of road b=bridge length, ft N=no. employees
C s o t
CI2 = 17386 NO8 C , C , C , C ,
= 119520 N
= 43463 N
5) Supervisionlcamp
6) Admin, staff
If the number of employees is not known with any reliability, it may be estimated from Table 13, page 39, in the section dealing with Mine-Mill Total Product Cost Estimation (O'Hara Method).
Example Calculation
Calculate the infrastructure associated with the underground mine and mill complex described in the example problem on page 25, where a total of 392 employees are required with a subsidized family townsite. The M&S (MineIMill) index is 1060. From Table 11:
It should be noted that, because the bulk of employees at the underground/mill complex will be underground miners, some 75% of this cost is associated with the mining operation.
Camm (USBM Information Circular 9298) has presented quickie estimates of the cost to develop mineral deposits such as gold in the southwest. The approach permits the novice to estimate capital and operating costs with minimum effort. Using a combination of empirical mine dilution and recovery factors and Hugh Taylors rule, capacity (short tonslday) was calculated from: T c=--- 7 0 ' 5 for 350 operating days per year (7 day/ week) or 350L - 70 for 260 operating days per year (5 day/ week). In the above, T is the total tonnage, in short tons, to be mined, L is the mine life in years and C is capacity in short tonslday. To estimate L use L = 0 . 2 7 0 2 5 which is known as Taylors rule. If R is the deposit reserve (short tons) and M, is the recovery factor for the mining method, then T , = R, M, (1 + Dm)where Dm is the mine dilution factor. Both M, and Dm are expressed as fractions (not percents) and should be chosen from the averages reported for Canadian mines in Canada. Costs are based on average 1989 US dollars. A number of building cost indexes, as well as the M&S (MineIMill) index, are used for cost prediction. US labour costs, including mining labour, are employed and infrastructure such as power and access roads is estimated separately. It should be noted that the Camm methodology is adaptable to most deposits. Cost-Capacity equations must be updated before using (such as by means of the M&S(M/M) Index).
CAPCOSTS Page 36 Table 12 below summarizes many of the total cost equations developed by Camm. High correlation coefficients were observed for each. Each cost model is associated with a particular set of conditions as reported in IC 9298. Operating costs are in US$ per short ton. Table 12: Total Cost Equations Reported In USBM IC 9298
Ooen oit mine models-
I cost. US$
Q~edlna cost. U S W
Block Caving Cut-and-Fill Room-and-Pillar Shrinkage Stope Sublevel Longhole Vertical Crater Retreat
Mill models:
4x103to 4x105 2x10' to 8x1O3 5x10' to 4x104 1x10~ 6 x 1 0 ~ to 4x10~ 1x10~ to 4x10' to 9x1O3
Autoclave-CIL-EW CIL-EW
5x10' to lx104 5x1o2to 1XI 0 4 1x103 to 2x10 4 5x10~ 2x104 to 1x i o3to 2x1o4 5x10' to 4x1O4 5x10' to 4x104 5x10' to 4x104 1x10~ 1x10~ to 1x10~ 2x10~ to 6x1O3 to 7x1O4
CCD-MC Float-Roast-Leach Flotation, One Product Flotation, Two Product Flotation, Three Product Gravity Heap Leach Solvent Extraction-EW
The parameter X reported in Table 12 is the capacity in short tons per day as calculated from the expressions at the bottom of page 35. Flowsheets andlor mining methods that are associated with each of the models above are listed in IC 9298 and summarized below. Open Pit Mine Models These include an assumption on pit geometry (inverted lamp shade) and use of basic equipment such as diesel haul trucks. Costs are distributed to labor, equipment, steel, fuel,
CAPCOSTS Page 37 lube, explosives, tires, construction material, taxes, and haulage distance factor adjustments. Initial equipments costs account for a large portion of capital costs. Underground Mine Models Each model includes the cost of development, daily production, mine plant construction and operation and each is based on adit entry (a depth factor is used to correct for shaft entry). The mining method determines the cost equation to use, where costs are broken into categories similar to open pit mine models. The Block Caving mine model involves a high development cost and is appropriate for large massive deposits. Stope dimensions of 200' length 70' width 300' height ae assumed. The Cut-and-Fill mine model is assumed to be vertical with hydraulic ; sandfill for mined stopes. The method is used when selectivity is required with good recovery and adaptability. Walls can be weak. The Room-and-Pillar mine model is appropriate when ore bodies are horizontal (or nearly so), where rock bolts, in addition to pillars, will support openings. Ore recovery is about 85% with little dilution. The Shrinkage Stope mine model applies for vertical ore bodies and moderate to weak walls. Veins must be steep with a regular dip. Recovery is assumed to be 90% with 10% dilution. The Sublevel Longhole mine model is used for ore bodies that are vertical or steeply dipping. There must be strong hanging walls and foot walls. For weak to moderate wallrock, the Vertical Crater Retreat mine model is preferred. Mill models Each model involves a simplified flowsheet. A tailings pond is necessary for each, where its cost is basically the cost of preparing the pond site and then building an impoundment dam around it. The autoclave-CIL-EW mill model is for sulfide (refractory) ores and includes crushing, a primary ball mill grinding circuit, thickening, an autoclave circuit, CIL tanks, carbon stripping tanks, electrowinning, refininglcasting and tailings discharge. The CIL-EW mill model is for oxide deposits and incorporates crushing, grinding in a SAG mill-ball mill circuit, CIL tanks, thickening, carbon strippmg tanks, electrowinning with steel wool cathodes, refininglcasting and tailings discharge. The CIP-EW mill model is for oxide gold deposits. It incorporates crushing, a rod mill-ball mill grinding circuit, thickening, leach tanks, CIP tanks, thickening, carbon columns, carbon stripping tanks, electrowinning, refininglcasting and tailings discharge. The CCD-Merrill Crowe process mill model for gold ores involves crushing, a primary ball mill grinding circuit, leach tanks, CCD circuit, thickening, precipitation, refininglcasting and tailings discharge. The Float-Roast-Leach mill model is for gold deposits that require fluid bed roasting (carbonaceous or sulfide ores). Involved is crushing, a SAG mill-ball mill grinding circuit closed with mineral jigs, a flotation circuit closed with a regrind mill, thickening, disk filtration of concentrate, fluid bed roasting, carbon columns, electrowinning, refininglcasting and tailings discharge. The Flotation, One Product, mill model produces a single Au concentrate via flotation and incorporates crushing, a rod mill-ball mill circuit, flotation, thickening, disk filtration of concentrate and tailings discharge. The Flotation, Two Product, mill model is for deposits from which two concentrates are produced (lead and zinc concentrates for example). Involved is crushing, a rod mill-ball mill grinding circuit, a differential flotation circuit that produces two concentrates and a final tailings, thickening and disk filtration. The Flotation, Three Product, mill model incorporates unit operations similar to the two product plant but expands the flotation-dewatering section to include a third concentrate stream (e.g., a Pb con, a Zn con and a Cu con). The Gravity mill model is intended for deposits
CAPCOSTS Page 38 amenable to gravity separations (coarse Au or scheelite ore). Unit operations are crushing, coarse jigs, rod mill grinding, spiral classification and gravity tables, flotation, thickening, disk filtration and final tailings. A jiglflotation concentrate is produced for shipment to a refinery. The Heap Leach model is designed for operations that involve heap leaching of low grade Au and/or oxide Ag ore. Involved is crushing, transport to leach pads (cyanide leach circuit), carbon columns, carbon stripping tanks, electrowinning (steel wool cathodes), refining and casting. The Solvent Extraction-Electrowinning mill model is used to produce a copper cathode product such as for leach solutions from copper waste dumps or insitu low grade deposits. Involved are heap leach pads, two extraction stages and one stripping stage. Barren solution flows from the 2nd stage to leach pads; pregnant organic is sent to stripping by electrolyte from the EW circuit. Barren organic goes to the 2nd extraction stage; electrolyte loaded with copper is electrolyzed to produced high purity cathodes. The potential user of the Camm costing procedure should read IC 9298 carefully. M&S(mine/mill) index may be used to update approximately each equation. MINE-MILL TOTAL PRODUCTION COST ESTIMATION Broadly, total production costs may be divided into two main categories, namely, manufacturing or operating costs and general expenses. Operating costs include direct production costs (i.e., raw materials, operating labour and supervision, power and utilities, maintenance and repairs, operating supplies, laboratory costs, etc.); fixed costs (i.e., depreciation, property taxes, insurance and rent); plant overhead costs (i.e., medical, safety, fringe benefits, recreation, townsite subsidies, storage, etc.). On the other hand, general expenses consist of administrative charges (i.e., executive salaries, clerical wages, legal and consulting costs, office maintenance and communications) and distribution-marketingexpenses (i.e., shipping, advertising, technical sales, salesmen, etc.). However, there are many alternative ways to categorize total production costs. O'Hara MethodIExample O'Hara (CIM Bulletin, February, 1980) chooses to divide costs into two categories, namely, Operating Costs and Supplies and Administration and General Services. This approach is intended specifically for operating mines and mills in the mining industry. Consequently, it is employed herein with minor modifications. Table 13, page 39, summarizes the procedure employed to estimate personnel requirements. Underground personnel are distributed percentage-wise in accord with the mining method employed. For estimation purposes, the table below may be utilized. The
Shrrnkaae9 31 29 18 13
12 31 20 23 14
17 23 22 23 15
14 45 12 13 16
CAPCOSTS Page 39 Table 13: Estimating Personnel Requirements* I. Operating Labour: No = N,+N,+N, +N15 +N16 I ) Open Pit Mines: N, = N,, +N,, +N,, +N14 Drill1 Haulage1 Maint-
B l a s t s
N1l = Nu = .075(TP)O-' . I 1(TP)O5
N13 = .035(Tp)0.7
N14 = .21(T,)'.'
StaffN15 N16 =
1 08(TJ0.'
T, = TPD of ore+waste 2) Underground Mines: N , Shrlnkaae N = 4 . 5 7 7W-0.5 , Cut & Fill 5.46T0.7W-0-5
19.64T0.5W-0.5 2.16T0.7W-0.5
T = TPD mined
W = stope width, ft
3) Processing Plant: N ,
Simple Base Complex Base
6) Electrical Services: N , N = .03N0 Substations , N = .05N0 Diesel Generating Plant , N = .08N0 Coal-Fired Generating Plant ,
7) Surface Plant and Road Maintenance Services: N , N = .04N0 , 8) Townsite Employees: N , N =O , Existing Town N = .03N0 Bunkhouse Camp , 'N, = .05N0 Subsidized Family Townsite
Table 14: Mine-Mill Total Production Cost Estimation* I. Operating Costs; Supplies; Power: (Cl+C,+C3+C4+C5) $/day I ) Open Pit Mines: C, = (C,, + C ) $/day , Labour:
+ C,, = 155.59(Tp)05 9.540(Tp)07
Supplies: C = 29. 12(T,)05+ 2.695(Tp)07+1.955(Tp)0.8 , C ) , 2) Underground Mines: C = ( , + C $/day , Blasthole Labour: C = , 4936.7P.W-O
+ ), C
Supplies: C = ,
Labour: Supplies: C = 212.5P5 , C = 40.8P.' ,
4) Power: C = $/day , Diesel: C = , Utility: C = , Coal: C = , 222.7P5 83.47 156.67 C5= 13.057-5 $/day $/day 80.7N6) C = 1.35(1 , C = 1.35(l32.8N8) ,
6) Electrical Services(35% fringe benefits): 8) Townsite Employees(35% fringe benefits): 9) Townsite Operating Cost:
C = 1.35(l5.82NO) , C = 10.63N0 ,
C2 + C ,
T p = TPD,ore+waste;
CAPCOSTS Page 41 Table 14, page 40, summarizes the mine-mill total production cost estimation procedure. Operating costs and supplies have been related to capacities, while administration and general services are left as functions of the number, No,of operating personnel. Each wage dependent expression i n Canadian dollars, namely C,,, C,,, C,, C C C C C,, and C,, employed in , , , , the table has been updated from Special Volume 25 by the ratio (10001600). The value 1000 is an easily-remembered common wage base in Canadian dollars. To calculate wage-dependent expressions i n US dollars, multiply each by the ratio ((current average Canadian weekly earnings in mining times current US to Canadian exchange ratio)l1000). In Canada, the average weekly earnings statistic in mining is obtainable from STATISTICS CANADA (see phone book under Federal Government), Catalog #72002. In the US, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) should be contacted for current rates. Equipment-Tool dependent expressions in Table 14, page 40, have been updated from Special Volume 25 to a base M&S(Mine/Mill) index of 1400 by means of the ratio .877(14001800),where 800 is the base index employed in Special Volume 25 and ,877 is the 1978 average US to Canadian currency exchange rate. To update equipment-tool dependent equations in Table 14, multiply by the ratio ((current M&S (MineIMill) index)/1400). These items are: C,,, C C C , , , and C and are i n US dollars. ,
Example Calculation
Estimate the mine-mill total production cost when a simple base metal ore is to be mined at the rate of 7000 TPD (5-day work week) and milled at the rate of 5000 TPD (7-day work week). Primarily blasthole mining methods will be employed with average stope widths of 40 ft. Diesel generated power will be necessary. A family townsite must be subsidized for employees. Assume that the current average weekly earnings in the mining industry is at $1045, while the current M&S(Mine/Mill) index is 1060. Assume an exchange ratio of .7334 (US to CDN ratio). Referring to Table 13, page 39, first estimate the number of personnel required for the operation as follows: I. Operating Labour, No N, =O (40)-O., =259.8 N = 19.64(7000)~,~ , N = 1.06(5000)0.5 , = 77.8 No= 260 + 78 = General Plant Service Employees, N , N,= .05(338) = 16.9 N = .04(338) = 13.5 , N = .05(338) = 16.9 , N = 17 + 14 + 17 = ,
260 persons 78 persons 338 persons 17 persons 14 persons 17 persons 48 persons 24 persons 410 persons
Ill. Administration Employees, N , N = Nlo = .07(338) = 23.7 , IV. Total Employees = 338 + 48 + 24
The above results indicate that approximately 410 employees will be required. The distribution of 260 underground personnel may be estimated from the table at the bottom of page 38. For job categories of other personnel, the Canadian Mining Journal, Mining Sourcebook, may be helpful. Once employee requirements are estimated, Table 14, page 40, may be utilized to estimate daily total product cost. Remember to update each equation in the table by its appropriate ratio. In this example, wage ratio = (.7334)(104511000)= .7664 for US dollars and index ratio = (106011400) = 0.7571. Again, referring to Table 14 and in US dollars per day: I. Operating Costs; Supplies; Power 1) C, = 0 2 2 2) c = c , + c 2 2 C2, = (.7664)(4936.7)(7000)0.5(40)-0.5 C2, = (.757 1)(57.58)(7000)0.8(40)4.2 C2= 50051 + 24837 3, 3 = 31 + 32 ' ' ' C3, = (.7664)(212.5)(5000)0.5 C3, = (.7571)(40.8)(5000)0.7 C = 11516 + 11998 ,
= $3178
= $2040 = $2336 = $3440 = $10994
I + II + 111
= US $131,349 /day
To calculate the total production cost on a yearly basis, remember that some cost items are associated with a 5-day week; others with a 7-day week. Thus: C2, = 50051 x 260 days C2, = 24837 x 260 days C3, = 11516 x 365 days C = 11998 x 365 days , C =12968~365days , C = 699 x 260 days , C, = 3178 x 365 days
= = = = =
= =
The above suggests that the estimated yearly cost is equivalent to about $131,035 per day multiplied by 301.8 operating days equivalent. Dilution and Recovery In Revenue Estimaton The estimation of revenue has a direct bearing on an assessment of project success and is covered in subsequent sections of this manual. A brief summary of the work reported by O'Hara to assess dilution and recovery is provided for completeness. The estimation of revenues is dependent on recoverable ore reserves, on the amount of waste rock in mill feed, on the mill recovery and on the nature of the smelter contract negotiated by the minelmill and purchaser of concentrates. For reasonably regular ore reserve blocks, at least 95% of the ore reserve should be classed as recoverable. The percentage dilution (i.e., the percent of waste rock in the ore mined) depends on the mining method. Likewise, for underground mines, the stope width and the dip of the orebody are factors. Their influence on dilution may be estimated from the table below. Blasthole Shrinkage Cut&Fill Room&Pillar
where F = cost in $/ton of concentrate, M, = miles trucked by road, M, = miles transported by rail and Do = days of loading, ocean travel, and unloading when shipped by 15,000 ton freighters. The shipping cost expression is based on average 1978 costs.
Table 15: Recovery of Various Ores Milled By Flotation (head grades in %) Base metal ores: Cu in straight chalcopyrite ores in oxidized copper ores (sulphides) in oxidized copper ores (oxides) in copper-zinc ores in lead-zinc-copper ores MoS, in straight molybdenite ores in copper-moly ores Zn in straight sphalerite ores in lead-zinc ores in copper-zinc ores in copper-lead-zinc ores Pb in straight galena ores in iead-zinc ores in copper-lead-zinc ores Miscellaneous Ores: Tungsten ores (gravity separation) Nickel in nickel-copper ores Uranium ores (flotation-leaching) Iron ores (gravity-magnetic) Precious Metal Ores and Precious Metals in Base Metal Ores: (head grades in oz per ton) Gold in siliceous ores in pyrite ores in base metal ores Silver in straight silver ores in base metal ores ( 4 . 0 ozlt) Recovery Formulas: R = 100% (1- 0.07 Cu-08) Rcu,= 100% (1- 0.08 CuS4.') Rcuo= 100% (1- 0.40 c ~ 0 - O . ~ ) R = 100% (1- 0.16 Cu4') R = 100% (1- 0.22 Cu-08) R = 100% (1- 0.04 MoS,~.') R = 100% (1- 0.06 M0Si0.') R = 100% (1- 0.25 Zn4.') R = 100% (1- 0.32 Zn-o.e) R = 100%(1-0.45Zn4') R = 100% (1- 0.55 Zn-o.e) R = 100% (1-0.13 Pb4.') R = 100% (1- 0.18 Pb-O.') R = 100% (1- 0.28 Pb4.') Typical Conc. Grade: 28.5% Cu Variable Variable 25.5% Cu 22.0% Cu 88.0% MoS, Variable 56% Zn 53% Zn 52% Zn 50% Zn 60% Pb 53% Pb 45% Pb 75% wo, 10% Ni 77% u , , o 65% Fe Process: Cyanidation only Flot./Roast./Cyan. Flotation Flot./Grav. Separation Flotation
F lJ
cn --I cn
(c] (D
CAPCOSTS Page 45 MINERAL PROJECT EVALUATION TECHNIQUES The objective of any financial analysis is to evaluate the fundamental financial and economic characteristics of a project. ' In mining these characteristics are based on the geological and engineering parameters of the project, including the environment, and on the anticipated economic, social, and political aspects that can be quantified. The evaluation of mineral projects concerns the mineral supply process. The process of attaining economic production of minerals consist of a multi-stage series of activities by which minerals are converted from undefined geological resources to marketable commodities. Mineral projects are evaluated and subsequent decisions are made in light of their estimated economic characteristics. The economics of mineral supply is comprised of costs, risks and returns and expressed by the net return. The starting point for any economic study to support an investment decision is the gathering together and development of relevant experience and information. Economic evaluation techniques are then applied to reduce these future estimates to a few indicators of the economic attractiveness of alternative investment decision measures. These measures are intended to portray the quantitative economic consequences of the investment in terms of expected value, sensitivity and risk. Economic evaluation techniques rely on the concepts of cash flow and the time value of money. These combine in various ways to assess discounted cash flow criteria including net present value, rate of return, equivalent annual value and present value ratio. An exception is the payback period criterion, a commonly used economic indicator, based only on the estimation of future cash flows and not on the time value of money. To refine the evaluation, the impact of taxation may be introduced, along with the effect of inflation, to convert before-tax cash flow estimates to an after-tax basis. Single point estimates of expected future conditions are combined to assess the expected values of the discounted cash flow indicators. Sensitivity analysis may be used to examine the sensitivity of the discounted cash flow measures to realistic variations of input variables away from their expected values. Risk analysis translates perceived uncertainties concerning the input variables into probability distributions of possible values for the discounted cash flow indicators. The expected value, sensitivity and risk analyses, together with an appreciation of factors not quantifiable , are the ultimate criteria to compare before the investment decision is made. Concept of Cash Flow A cash flow analysis is based on provisional financial statements for a proposed mining project. These statements establish the benefits and costs of the project during the planned production period. The cash flow is the difference between the anticipated annual benefits (i.e., revenues) and the anticipated annual costs incurred by the project over a given period. The benefits are the earnings of the mine and the costs are the capital expenditures and annual expenses (such as wages, raw materials, operating costs, maintenance costs and income taxes).
CAPCOSTS Page 46 The cash flow distribution describes a particular situation by its stream of cash inflows and outflows over time. Cash inflows and outflows occur intermittently, at irregular intervals. To facilitate economic analysis, all inflows and outflows occurring during a particular time period, typically one year, are summed up and assumed to have occurred at the end of that time period. With the end-of-period convention, a cash flow distribution is represented by a positive or a negative amount of money occurring at equally spaced points in time. Figure 3 below is a representative cash flow diagram. Each of these arrows represents the algebraic total of in- and out-of-pocket operations. Three phases can easily be identified on the diagram. The first is the exploration phase where money is spent in relatively small increments but over a long period of time. The second phase is development of the mineral property where large capital cost expenses are required. Finally, the third phase is production where a stream of revenue occurs over time to compensate and reward the two investment phases.
Time (years)
CAPCOSTS Page 47 Capital cost allowance is used to calculate taxable income but does not appear above because it is not a cash operation even though it as an indirect effect through taxes. If capital cost allowance is subtracted from cash flow the result would be profit. Cash flow itself is not a measure of profitability and may merely reflect a high depreciation rate. However, cash flow is used to calculate profitability. Profit is an accounting concept while cash flow will represent how much cash surplus a project will generate in relation to how much cash outlay it required.
Payback Criteria
One of the primary concerns of most business people is whether money invested in a project can be recovered and when. The payback method screens projects on the basis of how long it takes for net receipts to equal investment outlays. A common standard used in determining whether to pursue a project is that no project may be considered unless its payback period is shorter than some specified period of time. If the payback period is within the acceptable range, a formal project evaluation may begin. One consequence of insisting that each proposed investment have a short payback period is that investors can assure themselves of being restored to their initial position within a short span of time. By restoring their initial position, investors can take advantage of other investment possibilities that may arise. If the venture has some uncertainty, payback time gives the length of time initial investment is at risk. The payback period is determined by adding the expected proceeds for each year until the sum is equal to or greater than zero. The cumulative cash flow equals zero at the point that cash inflows exactly match or payback the cash outflows. Table 17 shown below illustrates the payback time calculations.
Table 17: Projected After-Tax Cash Flows And Their Cumulative Sum
If linearity is assumed in the cash flow distribution of Table 17, the payback period becomes 3.3 years. There are several advantages to payback time. It is a simple, easily understood method and is commonly used in the business world. The method is particularly adaptable to simple problems. Initial project screening by the payback method reduces the information search by
CAPCOSTS Page 48 focusing on that time at which the firm expects to recover the initial investment. It may also eliminate some alternatives, thus reducing overall analytical efforts by the firm. The principal objection to the payback method is its failure to measure profitability. Simply measuring how long it will take to recover initial investment outlays contributes little to gauging the earning power of a project. Payback period analyses ignore differences in the timing of cash flows and hence fail to recognize time value of money. Time Value of Money Monetary values at different points in time may seem superficially equivalent. This is not because they have the same purchasing power, but because they have the same earning power. Equivalence is the basis of comparison between alternatives. Money has a time value because a dollar received today is worth more than a dollar received tomorrow: at the very least, today's dollar can earn the going rate of interest in a savings account, and more generally it can grow in value through other types of investment. Money is a productive resource so money lenders require compensation such as interest. Discounting is the application of interest rate over time, so that it is important to distinguish between simple, compound, nominal and effective interest rate. Simple interest considers the interest to be earned on only the principal amount during each interest period. In other words, under simple interest, the interest earned during each interest period does not earn additional interest in the remaining periods, even though it is not withdrawn. Compound interest is when the interest for each period is based on the total amount owed at the end of the previous period. This total amount includes the original principal plus the accumulated interest that has been left in the account. The nominal interest rate refers to the sum over one year of the interest rates used for each compounding period. Suppose there are m = 4 compounding periods in a year and that for each period a 3% rate of return is obtained. In this case, the nominal interest, i, is said to be 12%. However, the effective interest rate, EIR, which is calculated as if the compounding were done once a year instead of m times a year, is obtained from the following formula:
where i = the nominal rate expressed as a fraction, m = the number of compounding periods and EIR = the resulting effective interest rate. For the example of a 12% nominal interest compounded quarterly , the EIR is 12.55%. In project evaluation, it is usual to use a one year compounding period for interest or rate of discount. This rate of discount can be said to be the cost of capital associated with raising funds to invest in the project. It is the percentage rate of return that the project must generate to compensate those outside investors who supplied funds. It is referred to as the weighted average cost of capital and is the rental cost of money. From the lenders point of view, the discount rate is the interest rate that will compensate him for the loss of opportunity and for taking the risk of not being repaid.
CAPCOSTS Page 49 Organizations invest in those activities that have expected revenues in excess of costs, but it would be incorrect to directly compare the cost incurred early in the life of a project with revenues received only later. Cash flows must be adjusted for the time value of money.
Time Value Factors
Cash flow equivalence for amounts at different points in time can be converted by interest formulas. These are based on the following components: F= P= A= i= n= future worth present worth stream of equal end-of-period values effective interest rate per period number of interest periods
The compound amount factor, (FIP, i, n), will give a future value equivalent of a given present value, where Imeans "given". The expression is read: "future worth given a present worth with i rate and n periods". The present worth factor (PIF, i, n) gives a present worth equivalent of a given future value. The sinking fund factor (NF, i, n) yields a uniform series of end-of-period payments equivalent to a given future value, while the series compound amount factor (FIA, i, n) yields the future value equivalent of a uniform series of end-of-period payments. The capital recovery factor (NP, i, n) yields a uniform series of end-of-period payments equivalent to a given present value. The cumulative present value factor (PIA, i, n) yields the present worth equivalent of a uniform series of end-of-period payments. These six factors are traditionally found in tables for a spectrum of n and i values. Today, any spreadsheet software will transform cash flows at will. The relationships are relatively simple and can be condensed to the following algebric formulas:
F=R1+iJn .=A[(' +on-1
Special cases of the above relations such as gradient series and geometric series can also be mentioned. The emergence of modern computing tools eliminates the need to match each of the cases with a specific formula.
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Criteria
The two main criterion used to evaluate the cash flows of projects are the net present value (NPV) and the rate of return (also referred to as internal rate of return or DCF rate of return). The net present value is the amount of money at time zero that is equivalent to a sequence of cash flows discounted at a specified interest rate. Here, i, the discount rate, is considered to be either the cost of capital or an opportunity cost. If money is borrowed, return on investment
CAPCOSTS Page 50 must be at least equal to the cost of investment funds. If money is invested in a project, it cannot be invested elsewhere. This lost return is an opportunity cost. Investment as well as cost of capital must be recovered from project benefits; thus a project is acceptable if the NPV is greater than zero. A positive NPV implies that the project will yield a return in excess of the rate used in the calculation procedure. There may be several discount rates when alternative scenarios are analyzed, so that the NPV should be graphed against the cost of capital. The graph will illustrate the size of the returns expected f o a present value profile. ~ When projects have different initial investments or different lifetimes, the use of NPV to rank alternative projects is limited, because NPV does not take such factors into account. When comparing projects with different capital costs, the present value ratio (the NPV divided by the s present worth of the investment) i a more valid ranking tool that measures the efficiency of each investment. As for projects with different lifetimes, the equivalent annual value, which is a stream of equal end-of-period values, can be used for comparisons. The rate of return is defined as that interest rate which equals the sum of the present value of the cash inflows and those of the outflows for a project. It is the discount rate that will make the NPV equal to zero. The calculation procedure involves a trial-anderror solution. The return on investment is analogous to the interest rate received from a bank account, where the investment is recovered as well. The project is acceptable if the rate of return is greater than the cost of capital or a pre-defined hurdle rate. The incremental rate of return is often viewed as a risk premium. An implicit assumption is that cash flows generated by the project are reinvested at the rate of return. This is not necessarily a valid assumption; especially when the project has a high rate of return. The value of the project may be overstated in relation to some alternative investment if the funds released or generated by the project are reinvested at some rate less than the calculated rate of return. Neither the rate of return nor the NPV, take into account factors such as different investment levels or lifetimes (lives) for project ranking. Multiple rates of return are possible for particular cash flow distributions. There can be as many roots as there are sign changes in the CF distribution. Whether all roots are real depends on the magnitude of the cash flows. A particular problem is created when NPV and rate of return produce contradictory results. This arises because of the different time patterns embodied in the cash flow distributions and the implicit assumptions about reinvestment rates for the two criteria. Of course, the use of incremental or marginal analysis techniques will give more coherent results in the case of mutually exclusive projects. However, a more simple and conservative way is to favor NPV over rate of return, because the reinvestment rate remains the same for any proposal. Other criteria can be used, but either these are not widely accepted or they are for very specific applications. The discounted payback period is similar to the payback period described earlier but uses discounted investment and discounted revenues. The benefrt-cost ratio, mainly used for public investment, is the ratio of the present worth of benefrts and the present worth of costs. The investment would be acceptable only when the ratio is larger than one. Because all the criteria are based on the principle of discounted cash flow, the present is always favored in relation to the future via a direct relation to the rate being used.
Sensitivity Analysis
A sensitivity analysis examines the effects of variations in project parameters on investment decision criteria. The profitability of a mining operation is directly influenced by variations in cost, revenue and recovery parameters and by other economic and financial variables. A base case is established using the most likely values for each variable in the NPV analysis. Then a range of possible NPV's is calculated by testing the extent to which individual variables influence the economic attractiveness of an investment. Usually, a series of calculations is made using various values of the variable under consideration while holding all other variables constant. This is the simplest form of sensitivity analysis, examining the effect of one variable at a time. By varying a particular parameter over a range of values such as lo%, 20% and 30% of its most likely estimate, a range of profitability values is obtained for the project. By analyzing all parameters in this way, the sensitivity analysis enables a decision-maker to define the parameters to which decision criteria are most sensitive. These strategic parameters can be given more attention at the estimation stage and given careful scrutiny at the subsequent risk analysis stage. The results of a sensitivity analysis are often presented in graphical form, by means of spider diagrams as shown in Figure 4. Relative changes in particular factors are plotted against relative changes in the profitability of a project. The slope of each of the curves expresses the relative sensitivity to the factor such as the project life.
% change in profitability
> ,
The validity of the results depends on the appropriateness of the parameters fed into the equations. Three families of parameters are used, namely, cost, revenue and recovery. Cost per ton mined or milled, operating cost and capital cost are parameters that can be varied. Since one individual cost can be lowered to overall productivity expenses, cost per unit of metal could be more representative. Revenue would comprise price of metal on the market and exchange rate. Recovery is a catch all term here including production level, grade and tonnage, construction delays, start-up time required and rated capacity. These last parameters influence profitability. So does proper timing during the cash flow period to create best results. Sensitivity is used to answer "what i f ' questions. This would include best case and worse case scenarios, where many parameters are varied simultaneously. Risk Analysis The discounted cash flow criterion allows ranking of investment alternatives by comparing benefits with costs after adjusting for the time value of money. However, it is risky to assume that future benefits and costs are known with certainty. Risk is a measure of the degree of variability of possible future revenues and costs. Risk analysis is where probabilities are attributed to the results of a sensitivity analysis carried out on influential project parameters. In the mineral development framework, risk factors can be grouped into three categories, economic, technical and political. Economic risk is determined by the economic system as a whole. It is caused by the variability in mineral prices, in mineral demand and in foreign-exchange rates. Price risk, demand risk and foreign-exchange risk can be partially countered by resorting to the future markets. Technical risk comprises reserve risk (quantity and quality of reserves), completion risk (delays or overruns) and production risk (capacity). These risks are partially under the control of the organization active in mineral development. Political risk is the result of actions by government. Actions include changes in regulations concerning environment, taxation, ownership and currency convertibility. Risk evaluation attempts to establish the probability of variations in project profitability resulting from uncertainties in the project. Evaluating the cash flow of an investment opportunity will produce the most likely estimate of the net present value, which is the mean of the NPV distribution. The expected NPV (or the average of all possible NPV's) requires the calculation of cash flow for each of all the possible outcomes. A simple way to deal with risk is to raise the discount rate, that is to use a risk-adjusted discount rate. The rationale is that income from successful risky projects must be large enough to make up for losses incurred from unsuccessful risky projects. Raising the discount rate reduces the NPV if a project starts first with negative and then with subsequently positive cash flows. A correction factor could be employed, but this introduces a bias of arbitrary effect and magnitude.
CAPCOSTS Page 53 A more scientific approach is to use either combinatorial analysis or a simulation technique. When uncertainties are formulated with discrete distributions, a combinatorial analysis involves the determination of profitability associated with all of the possible combinations of project parameters together. Under the assumption of no interdependence, the probability of each combination is the product of the probabilities of occurrence of each individual parameter considered in the combination. The result of this form of analysis is a discrete distribution of probability values, reflecting the variability associated with the investment project. Simulation techniques, such as Monte Carlo simulations, constitute an alternative when analytical techniques are not feasible because of the number of alternatives, or because of the lack of specific values or probability distributions for some factors. The unknown distribution of profitability values is sampled by simulating random values of the input parameters. By repeating this process a large number of times, the unknown distribution is approximated by a histogram. Expected value and risk criteria are derived from this set of values. The Influence of Taxation And Inflation On Evaluation Taxation is an added cost in project evaluation. Since it affects the cash flow distribution associated with a project, it should always be considered in the analysis. Because taxation does not affect capital costs and operating costs in the same way, the best alternative on a before-tax basis may not be the best alternative on an after-tax basis. All operating expenses are deductible from revenues for the purpose of determining taxable income. The after-tax reduction in cash flow resulting from taxation is proportional to the effective tax rate. It is different for capital costs because generally they are not fully deductible from revenue in the year they are incurred. Rather, they are written off over time with some form of capital cost allowance. These tax shields reduce the taxable income during future time periods. Because of the complexity of taxation, a complete year by year cash flow distribution should be transformed to an after-tax basis. Of course, if only an isolated cost must be analyzed, the use of tax factors can be contemplated. These relate tax rates, depreciation and discounting to give an after tax cost. Mining project taxation is complicated by the presence, along with usual municipal and business profit taxes, of a specific mining tax that varies widely from province to province and from state to state. Rates vary, but more importantly, so do the rules of application and their form. Inflation is a general decrease in the purchasing power of money over time. It must be accounted for in project evaluation to avoid distortion of investment criteria. Inflation coupled with taxation and debt financing has significant effects on project profitability. Also investment criteria must be based on monetary values of equal earning power and purchasing power. Capital cost allowance is not indexed and is based on the price of an asset at the time of purchase. However, revenues and operating costs inflate with time, while the capital cost allowance does not. Thus, the relative tax shield created by the capital cost allowance decreases with time. The tax payments increase in current dollar terms as well as in constant
dollar terms. The overall effect is the reduction of the real after-tax profitability of the project. The effect is the inverse for project financing. Interest and principal are repaid in current dollars, not in an index form. These payments become relatively less important with respect to current dollar operating profits, thereby increasing the real profitability of the project. In an inflationary environment, taxation reduces the real profitability of a project while debt has the opposite effect. The overall effect of both items taken together depends on many factors, including the depreciation method, the debt-equity ratio and the inflation rate. To be consistent, after tax cash flows should be converted into constant dollars before applying any investment criteria. The monetary unit must have a constant value from year to year to permit comparison. Choosing a deflating rate can be complicated if high escalation is present. The different components of a project rarely change with the same magnitude. If costs and revenues are affected differently, the impact is magnified in the cash flow. The inclusion of taxation and inflation effects in a cash flow analysis will bring the results closer to reality and avoid the use of ad hoc corrections or adjustments. Example Calculations
A project with an expected life of 5 years requires an initial investment at time zero of $240,000. Annual cash flow will most likely be $67,000 and the equipment used in the project is expected to yield a salvage value of $70 000.
(1) Define the cash flow, (2) calculate the payback period, (3) calculate the net present value at a discount rate of 10% and the present value ratio, (4) calculate the equivalent annual value, (5) calculate the rate of return and (6) Perform a sensitivity analysis on the effect of varying annual cash flow and project life. (1) Define Cash Flow The following table can be constructed from the above information. Time. vears 0 1 2 3 4 5
(3) Calculate Present Value Ratio and Net Present Value At a 10% Discount Rate
The net present value, NPV, is the algebraic sum of the cash flows discounted to time zero.
NPV = -240,000
67.000 O
67.000 (I+O.I)~
67,000 (I+o.I)~
67,000 (I+o.I)~
The present value ratio is NPV divided by the worth of the investment ($240,000) at time zero, which is: Present value ratio = 579447 =0.24
The equivalent annual value is the five equal payments that would be equivalent to a present value of $57,447 Referring to the formula'on page 49, we have:
The rate of return is the rate that brings the NPV to zero. In the expression,
we must set NPV to zero and let the value i (0.1 in the example) be the variable whose unique value will cause NPV to become zero. Rewriting the above, we have:
The above is quasi-parabolic so it will have a single minimum. The value of i is found by any of a number of techniques. The easiest are direct search methods---in this case involving a unidimensional search in the i direction. An iterative method shows that i = 0.18. Thus 18% is the rate of return on the investment.
(6) Sensitivity Analysis: Effect Of Annual Cash Flow and Project Life The table below shows the sensitivity of Annual Cash Flow (ACF), $, and Project Life (PL), years, on the Project Rate of Return (PROR), %, and the Cash Rate of Return (CROR), %. Chanae In Annual Cash Flow Project Life
CAPCOSTS Page 57 as in the original sample received. Sample preparation procedures are bias prone and should be controlled carefully. Implementation of statistical quality control (SQC) at the analytical stage is mandatory. Two classes of assay methods are available, namely, semi-quantitative and quantitative. Generally, samples are taken during exploration drilling. Split portions will be sent for quantitative analysis. Wet assay and fire assay procedures are most common and results are employed for ore reserve estimation. Resource estimation requires proper interpretation (a) of geological data to develop an orebody model which defines the various geological domains and (b) of the results of the geostatistical analysis of assay data. Among other things, geological domains can represent rock types, alteration types, mineralogy, and structural features such as major faults. Geostatistical analysis includes the preparation of histograms, cumulative frequency plots and variograms. Histograms and cumulative frequency plots are used to distinguish distinct grade populations within geological domains. In general, the spatial variance of grade is evaluated by means of experimental variographs to determine the area of influence for a set of data points. Geological domains with distinct sample populations are evaluated separately. A variogram is a graph of the variance between measured values (sample assays for example) as a function of the distance between these measured values. A typical variogram has a shape similar to that shown in Figure 5. The most important features of Figure 5 are the nugget, the range and the sill. The nugget effect represents random and short distance variability such as sampling error, assay error and erratic mineralization. Many gold deposits display non-uniform gold distributions, because the coarse grains cause a "nugget effect". Low nugget values are indicative of a finely and evenly distributed mineralization. In general, there Figure 5: Typical Variogram
CAPCOSTS Page 58 is a positive correlation between ore grades up to the distance indicated by the range, which can be seen as the range of influence for the data points in a particular direction. Accordingly, the sampling density should be within the range and a sampling spacing of about 213 of the range is adopted accordingly. The sill value is equal to the sample variance. The slope and shape of the variogram may vary in different directions, displaying directional anisotropy in the mineralization. Methods for resource estimation include polygonal and block modeling procedures. The polygonal methods involve assigning grade, bulk density and area of influence to a polygon in a certain plane. They have the advantage of simplicity and ease of implementation and they provide an inexpensive preliminary assessment. However, subjectivity is involved in assigning the area of influence. In block modeling, the deposit is divided into equal-sized blocks. Inverse-Distance weighting and kriging methods are used to assign grade and density to each block. Inverse distance weighting depends on assigning a weight proportional for each sample to an inverse power of the distance from the location of the estimate to the sample. On the other hand, kriging is a method developed to provide the best linear unbiased estimate for grade based on a least squares minimization of the error of an estimation. This method has a theoretical base to resolve complex situations. Block size is related to the mining method and selectivity required for grade control; height of a bench is related to geologic controls, at least 112 the size of the smallest geologic feature, and to drill hole spacing, 112 to 114 of average spacing. These are conflicting requirements and final size will be a compromise. In ore resource evaluation mining and mineral beneficiation dilution and losses will be apportioned accordingly. This will result in an ore reserve estimate that can be used for estimation of revenue. Dilution is waste mined with ore; losses are ore left in the ground as a result of partial recovery.
Estimation of Revenue
The Net Smelter Return, $, provides a convenient way to express revenue in dollars per tonne. NSR are the proceeds from the sale of mineral products after deducting off-site processing and distribution costs. The following formulas contain most of the components of smelter contracts:
where a, is called an escalator and is used when treatment charges are adjusted. When accountable metal units are being adjusted, the base price participation factor, a is used. ,
$ = Value per tonne of concentrate
C A ~ O S T SPage 59
T, = transport cost ($It of concentrate) The treatment charge or accountable meal units can be subject to adjustment by a fraction of the difference between contract price and settlement price. The fraction will be different depending on whether the difference is positive or negative. Additional clauses to the formula could be weighing, sampling, moisture determination and arbitration in case of disputes. Credit for byproduct elements such as gold is calculated from:
[Gb - UdlPr[Pb- Rcbl
where G, = grade of byproduct in concentrate (g/t); U, = unit deduction (g/t); P, = proportion of , , concentrate paid for (%); P = price settlement ($/g of byproduct); R = refining charge ($/g of byproduct). Typically, concentrate penalties are calculated from:
Pn = [ A a -ArnlPp
where A = content of penalty element in conc, %; A = minimum content of penalty element , , , below which there is no penalty, %; P = penalty in $/tonne conc/% penalty element. Example Calculation Calculate the annual revenue from a Cu/Au deposit with a 500,000 tpy capacity and a mill feed grade of 2% Cu, 1.5 g/t Au and 0.02% As. Recovery is, respectively, 90, 80 and 60%. Copper, the main product, assays 22% in the concentrate under the following conditions: unit deduction = 1%, refining charge = $150/t, treatment charge = $754 proportion of concentrate paid = 99%, contract base price = $2200/t, settlement price = $2640/t, escalator is 0.1 when difference, P Po,is positive and .05 when negative. A = 0.1%; P = $10/t per percent of As. The credit for , , Au involves a unit deduction of 1 g/t at a proportion of concentrate paid for of 95%, a refining charge of $0.18/g of Au and a price settlement of $15/g of Au. Transport charge is $108/t of concentrate. I f f is feed grade with the same units as G,, then recovery is determined from:
= [tpyfeed](t)
expressed as a fraction.
=G ,
= 14.!Xglt = 0.~466%
Credit for Au = [l4.56 - l ] ( s ) [ 1 5 - 0.1%~= $190.91per tonne of concentrate Penalty for As = (0.1466 - 0.1)($10) = (.0466)($10) = $0.47 per tonne of concentrate In this example an escalator is used, although price participation is the norm for Cu. Thus:
= $481.1Ittonne of Concentrate
Since there are 40909 tonnes of concentrate, then the annual revenue must be:
= $481.1l(40909) = $19.682xlV.
The comparison between existing equipment with a short useful life and new equipment with a relatively longer useful life calls for the use of an equivalent annual cost method. The equivalent annual cost is the stream of equal end-of-period values that represent preferably the after-tax costs associated with the economic life of the equipment. Thus, the equipment with the lowest equivalent annual cost is chosen. The use of this method implies that services are required indefinitely, the new equipment can be replaced by identical equipment, and the existing equipment will eventually be replaced by the new equipment. For a valid comparison, both existing and new equipment must be evaluated under their best economic conditions, i.e. under their lowest cost life. For the new equipment, this life period corresponds to its economic life, i.e., the time period over which the equivalent annual cost of
CAPCOSTS Page 61 ownership is minimized. This cost of ownership of an asset consists of the initial capital investment, operating and maintenance costs which increase as the asset ages and deteriorates, and a decreasing realizable salvage value as the asset ages. Thus the cost of ownership of existing equipment over one or more years consists of increasing operating and maintenance costs as the asset deteriorates, decreasing salvage values as the asset ages, and possibility of an overhaul that would reduce operating and maintenance costs for a few future years. When the overhaul alternative is not considered, the minimum equivalent annual cost is achieved for a period of one more year and higher costs are associated with longer periods of time. Although an overhaul may require a significant capital investment it would typically decrease operating and maintenance costs over future years. After overhauls, the economic life must be determined by the same procedure as that used for the new equipment. The economics of replacement should be periodically reviewed in the light of technological improvements and unforeseen increases in costs. The method described assumes that the existing and the new equipment will produce equivalent benefits. If this is not so, after-tax benefits should be added to the cost components. lnvestments in MiningIFurther Reading lnvestments in mining require that a detailed cash flow analysis be applied with provision for taxation and inflation. This is illustrated via a comprehensive example, where a mining project has an expected capital cost of 102 million dollars completed by time zero and a stream of revenue of 50 millions for 6 years with operating costs of 20 millions. General inflation is 5 % and tax is 40 %. We want to calculate the net present value and the rate of return. Assume straight line depreciation. The following table presents the results.
Cash Flow Over Project Life
Time: yr Revenue Operating cost Operating Capital cost allowance Taxable revenue Taxes at 40% Profit Capital cost Cash flow (current $) Cash flow(constant $) NPV @ 10% $1.79 million ROR 1 0 . 6 %
4 5 6
Revenue and cost are inflated because any taxes and debt are paid in present dollars. Notice that capital cost allowance however is not inflatable. This means that the tax shield given by depreciation is relatively reduced with time. The resulting cash flow, in current dollars is deflated so that project evaluation criteria can be calculated with a constant dollar cash flow. The net present value is calculated with a 10% discount rate. This rate is theoretically the
CAPCOSTS Page 62 riskless rate, such as the Treasury Bond rate plus a risk premium. The lower limit of the discount rate is the cost of capital. No project should be considered if it can not exceed the cost of the capital needed. Companies will use a higher rate, called the hurdle rate, to rank investment opportunities. Readers are referred to the following texts which have proven useful for mineral project evaluation techniques: Gocht, W. R., Zantop, H. and Eggert, R. G. (1988) International Mineral Economics, Springer-Verlag. Gentry, D. W. and O'Neil, T. J., (1984) Mine Investment Analysis, SME-AIME, Littleton,Colorado. Vallee, M. (1992), Guide to the Evaluation of Gold Deposits, CIM Special Volume 45, Montreal, Quebec.
I. Drilling Equipment
Drilling equipment has been subdivided further as Borers, Drills, Stopers and Rigs (1) Example Estimates
(7) Production Drill Rigs, Percussive Crawler-Mounted (8) Production Drill Rigs, RotaryTruck-Mounted (9) Production Drill Rigs, Underground Jumbo
Drilling equipment prices have been related to equipment parameters such as size, mass and force.
Example 1:
What is the price of a 15 foot tunnel borer in Canadian dollars when the M&S (MinelMill) lndex is 1090? Figure 6, page 65, shows that the price is about US$6,900,000 at an M&S/(M/M) lndex of 1400. This price is first converted via the lndex ratio as 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ ~ = US$5.370,000. With an ] exchange ratio of 1.4, this becomes CAD$7,518,000 at an lndex of 1090.
Example 2:
What is the cost of a 10 foot variable speed DC drive raise boring machine with 100 feet of drill pipe at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400 in Canadian dollars? Figure 7, page 66, shows that a DC drive raise borer should be about US$1,800,000. On page 67, Figure 8 shows that at a cutter diameter of 10 foot, 100 feet of drill pipe is around US$141,000. Total cost is then US$1,941,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. At an exchange ratio of 1.4, this becomes CAD$2,717,400.
Example 3:
What is the price of a production truck-mounted rotary drill rig with a bit pulldown force of 100,000 Ib? Referring to Figure 12, page 71, the price is estimated as US$960,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex = US1747429. of 1400. If the lndex today is 1090, then this price becomes [%]960000 This is CAD$1,046,400 at the exchange ratio of 1.4.
Price = axb, US dollars where X is the cutter diameter in feet. Price includes basic machine; excludes special materials transport equipment such as belts, trucks and tunnel lining machinery. Range in X, ft.: 8 to 36 a = 440300
b = 1.0126
CAPCOSTS Page 66 Borers, Drills, Stopers, Rigs RAISE BORERS, AC and DC Price = axb, US dollars where X is the cutter diameter in feet. Price includes basic machine; excludes crawler, starter pipe, cutter, pitot bit and drive. It should be noted that these machines are sized by their rated cutter diameters. However, cutters of up to 40% larger than the rated size have been successfully used on these machines. AC Range in X, ft: DC Range in X, ft:
4 to 15
a = 98630 a = 186600
b = 1.262 b = 0.9896
5 to 15
NOTE: An hydraulic unit is of 5 ft cutter diameter and has an average cost of US$867958 at the M&S(M/M) Index of 1400.
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 67 Borers, Drills, Stopers, Rigs DRILL PlPE (For Raise Borer) Price = axb, US dollars where X is the raise borer cutter diameter in feet. Price is for 100 feet of drill pipe and includes guides. Range in X, ft:
4 to 16
a = 14460
b = 0.9895
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Price = axb, US dollars where X is drill weight in Ibs. Price covers light, medium and heavy machines; includes drill and jackleg; excludes drill steel oiler and hoses. Range in X, Ib: 48 to 77 a = 191.1
b = 0.8269
CAPCOSTS Page 69 Borers, Drills, Stopers, Rigs STOPERS (Hand Operated) Price = axb, US dollars where X is the number of stopers. Price covers 86 Ib machine; includes leg; excludes drill steel, oiler and hoses. Range in X: 1 to 10 units
a = 5298
b = 1.000
(Hand Operated)
CAPCOSTS Page 70 Borers, Drills, Stopers, Rigs PRODUCTION DRILL RlGS (Percussive, Crawler Mounted) Price = axb,US dollars where X is operating weight in pounds (Ib). Top HeadIHammer Drive Range in X, Ib: 18000 to 90000 Rotary Percussive Range in X, Ib: 68000 to 310000 a = 11740 a = 1.988 b = 0.4172 b = 1.1000
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
Price = axb, US dollars where X is the bit pulldown force in pounds (Ib). Range in X, Ib: 30000 to 126000
M&S(MinelMill)= 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 72 Borers, Drills, Stopers, Rigs PRODUCTION DRILL RIGS (Underground Jumbos) Price = axb,US dollars where X is operating weight in kilograms. Note: Range in X, kg: 8500 to 19200 19200 to 22000 0.454 kg = 1 Ib.
Page74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 86
(6) Front End Loaders (7) Scoop Trams (8) Cable Shovels (9) Scrapers
CAPCOSTS Page 74 Excavating and Loading Equipment EXAMPLE ESTIMATES Prices of excavating and loading equipment have been related to power, capacity and size parameters.
Example I:
What is the price of a 25 cubic yard, 230 foot boom walking dragline at an M&S(M/M) lndex of l4OO? Figure 14, page 75, shows that for (boom length)'(bucket size) = (230/3)'(25) = 146944.44, the price is approximately US$13,400,000. This covers the basic machine and includes the bucket.
Example 2:
4000 tons per hour of material is to be excavated by means of a bucket wheel excavator. What is the cost of a suitable machine today? From Figure 16, page 77, a bucket wheel excavator with a nominal capacity of 4000 tph has a diameter of 24 feet. The price of a 24 foot diameter unit, from Figure 15, page 76, is about US$7,120,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. If today's index is 1090, then this becomes approximately:
Example 3:
A wheel mounted front end loader with a flywheel horsepower of 400, is observed by technical personnel to have desirable operating characteristics during a mine site visit. What is the nominal capacity in ( y d ~of~ unit and what is its cost in current dollars? ) this Figure 20, page 81, shows that the nominal capacity of a 400 flywheel horsepower, wheel mounted unit is about 8 ( y d ~ ) ~ . From Figure 19, page 80, the price at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400 is approximately US$670,000. If today's index is 1090, then this becomes approximately:
Example 4: A long wall miner, operating with a face conveyor, requires a minimum height of 50 inches of operating height. 900 tons of roof support is judged necessary. What are the costs associated with this equipment at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400?
Figure 29, page 90, shows that the price of the miner is about US$1,300,000. Add US$149,400 for 900 tons of roof support; add US$1,800,000 for a face conveyor.
Price = axb,US dollars where X is the boom length squared (square yards) times the bucket size (cubic yards). Price includes basic machine and bucket. Range in X, (yds)' :
39822 to 2352000
a = 21290
b = 0.5414
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 76 Excavators/Loaders/Movers/Shovels/Miners BUCKET WHEEL EXCAVATORS Price = axb, US dollars where X is the bucket wheel diameter in feet. Price covers the standard machine. Range in X, ft: Range in X, ft: 3.5 to 18.15 18.15 to 37.7 a = 262000 a = 985.5
b = 0.8757
b = 2.796
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Figure 15 below shows how bucket wheel diameter in feet varies with a nominal capacity in tons per hour.
10' 1o3
/ I 1
Price = axb, US dollars where X is flywheel horsepower. Price includes basic machine fitted for mining applics Track-Type Range in X, HP: Wheel-Type Range in X, HP:
70 to 770
210 to 690
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
( FIGURE 17 (
Price = axb, US dollars where X is flywheel horsepower. Price covers basic machine and includes blade. Range in X, HP: 125 to 276 a = 1566 b = 1.049
Figure 19 below shows how flywheel horsepower varies with the nominal capacity of front end loaders of the track and wheel types.
6 7 8 1 0 1
v l
CAPCOSTS Page 82 Excavators/Loaders/Movers/ShoveIs/Miners SCOOP TRAMS Price = axb, US dollars where X is capacity in pounds. Coal Range in X, Ib:
Price = axb, US dollars where X is bucket size in cubic yards. Price includes motor with motor horsepower increasing with increasing bucket size. Llkewise, as bucket size increases, boom length varies from 35 to 70 ft, while boom power varies from 250 kW to 1350 kw. Range in X, yd3: 7 to 56 a = 535300 b = 0.7395
Price = axb, US dollars where X is flywheel horsepower. overburden. Standard Range in X, HP: 330 to 550 290 to 950 Price refers to standard machine used for stripping a = 438.3 a = 11280 a = 638 b = 1.236 b = 0.7068 b = 1.181
175 to 475
M&S(MinelMill)= 1400
Figure 22 below shows how the flywheel horsepower of scrapers will vary with nominal capacity in cubic yards.
CAPCOSTS Page 86 Excavators/Loaders/Movers/ShoveIs/Miners HYDRAULIC SHOVELS Price = axb,US dollars where X is bucket size in cubic yards. Price includes basic machine and bucket; add an average of 3% of the shovel price for options. Range in X, ( y d ~ ) ~ 3 to 35 :
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Price = axb. US dollars where X is the average capacity in tons per hour. Price includes hard coal cutting head and covers standard machine. Range in X, tph: 300 to 960 a = 98550
b = 0.3342
MbS(MhrelMiH) = 1400
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
1 FIGURE 27 1
CAPCOSTS Page 89 ~xcavators/~oaders/~overs/~hovels/~iners CONTINUOUS MINERS, BOOM-TYPE (ROADHEADERS), CONTINUED Figure 26 below shows how total horsepower for Boom-Type Roadheaders depends upon the height times width of cut (ft)'.
Price = axb, US dollars where X is the minimum roof to floor operating height in inches. Price covers standard machine. Range in X, inches: 36 to 66 a=13980 b=1.162
At an M&S(M/M) Index of 1400, add US$83,000 for each 500 tons of roof support; add US$1,840,000 for a face conveyor.
v l
Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102
(5) Underground Haulage Vehicles (Trucks) (6) Mine Locomotives (7) CarDumpers (8) Mine Hoists
(9) Mucking Machines (Rubber Tired) (10) Mucking Machines (Rail Mounted) (11) Slushers
In this section, haulage equipment prices are related to parameters such as size, mass and capacities and load sizes.
Example 1:
Estimate the cost of a 240 ton surface haulage truck that has a mechanical drive. From Figure 30, page 93, the price is approximately US$2,500,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400.
Example 2:
Some 1200 yards of steel that weighs 100 Ib per yard is required. What is the price at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400? The number of yards in 13 yard (39 foot) lengths is 1200/13 or approximately 93. This number will weigh (93)(13)(100/2000) = 60.45 tons. From Figure 32, page 95, the cost is US$47,500.
Example 3:
Estimate the price of a 10 foot diameter friction mine hoist. Figure 36, page 99, shows that at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400, the price (excluding motor, starter and rope) will be approximately US$2,500,000. Note that the selection of rope and motor horsepower depends on speed, depth, load and acceleration. The table on page 99 can be useful. Likewise, Table 5, page 19, of CAPCOSTS is useful for selection purposes.
Example 4:
Compare the estimated price of a 20 kw-ton electric slusher with one that is air operated. Figure 39, page 102, shows that each one will cost around US$12,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400.
1 FIGURE 30 1
CAPCOSTS Page 94 Trucks, Trains, Dumpers, Hoists, Muckers, Slushers TRUCK TIRES Price = axb. US dollars where X is the tire width (ft) times hub diameter (ft) times the square root of the number Price includes tubes if applicable. of plies Range in X, (ft)2(plies)0.5: 14 to 69 Note: number of plies ranges from 36 to 60 a = 582.2 b = 0.8599
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
t Y
a I
d 0
2l o 4
5 4
Price = axb, US dollars where X is the net weight of rail in tons and rail weighs 100 pounds per yard. Price covers straight rail in 13 yard (39 foot) lengths. Range in X, tons: 1 to 100 a = 785.8
b = 1.00
4 5 6
Price = axb, US dollars where X is the rated capacity in tons. Price covers standard machine. Range in X, tons: 5 ta 55 a = 33050
b = 0.7841
Price = axb. US dollars where X is locomotive weight in tons. Price covers battery, trolley and diesel locomotives Trolley Range in X, tons: Battery Range in X, tons: Deisel Range in X, tons: 2 to 30 2 to 25 5 to 40 a = 39060 a = 38280 b = 0.7305 b = 0.6048 b = 0.4726
a = 46800
MLS(Mine1Mill)= 1400
Price = axb, US dollars where X is the rated capacity of car dumped in tons. Price covers rotary car dumper and hydro-mechanical side tippler. Range in X, tons: 10 to 100
Price = axb, US dollars where X is the drum diameter in feet. Price excludes motor, starter and rope. Motor horsepower depends on speed, depth, load and acceleration. Table 5, page 19, can be helpful. Friction Hoist Range in X, ft: 5 to 15 5 to 7.24 7.24 to 15
CAPCOSTS Page 100 Trucks, Trains, Dumpers, Hoists, Muckers, Slushers MUCKING MACHINES (Rubber Tires) Price = axb,US dollars where X is the bucket capacity in cubic feet. Range in X, ft3: 10.59 to 21.19
[ ~ & ~ ( ~ i ~ e=l1400l l ) ~ i
(Rubber Tired)
( FIGURE 37 1
Price = axb, US dollars where X is bucket capacity in cubic feet. Price is for the standard machine. Range in X, ft3: 4.5 to 21 a = 8718
b = 0.845
. I .
0.6 to 9 3
' 3 4 5
3 4 5
3 4 5
3 4 5
Page 104 Page 105 Page 107 Page 108 Page 109
In this section ventilation and cooling equipment items have been priced as a function of parameters such as capacity, size and distance.
Example 1:
A portable air compressor of capacity 1000 cfm is required. How much will it cost and what size motor is necessary? From Figure 40, page 105, the price is about US$90,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. From Figure 41, page 106, the nominal horsepower drawn by the unit will be close to 225.
Example 2:
A cooling tower of 1 million BTU per hour capacity is required. How much is the unit expected to cost? Since 1 ice ton is 11940 BTUhr, then the cooling capacity is
1940 = 83.75 0 9 11
42, page 107, shows that the price will be around US$9,200 at an M&S(MlM) lndex of 1400.
Example 3:
An axial flow booster fan of capacity 10000 cfm of air is to be purchased. What is the approximate cost excluding air filters and heat exchangers? The table on page 108 shows that a 24 inch diameter unit has the desired capacity. Figure 43 on page 108 shows that the cost is approximately US$2700 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400.
Price = axb, US dollars where X is the capacity in cubic feet per minute at 102 PSIG. Portable and Stationary Piston; Range in X, cfm: Stationary Screw; Range in X, cfrn: 120 to 1200 90 to 3500 a = 384.4 a = 2720 b = 0.8062 b = 0.4615
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
Figure 39, shown below, relates the capacity of air compressors to their nominal horsepower
6 784102
CAPCOSTS Page 107 Compressors/Cooling TowersIFans COOLING TOWERS Price = axb, US dollars where X is capacity in ice tons. One ice ton is equivalent to 11940 BTUIhour. Range in X, ice tons: 20 to 97.38 97.38 to 500
6 7 8 1 0 2
Price = axb, US dollars where X is fan diameter in inches. Price excludes air filters and heat exchangers; includes motors. Range in X, inch:
24 to 63
CAPCOSTS Page 109 Compressors/Cooling TowersIFans CENTRIFUGAL FANS (Main Fan) Price = axb. US dollars where X is capacity in cubic feet per minute. Price excludes air filters and heat exchangers; includes motor and drive. Range in X, ft3: 200 to 2608.73 2608.73 to 200000
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
(Main Fan)
3 4
3 4
3 4
3 4
In this section, power generating systems have been costed on the basis of peak load in kilowatts.
Example 7:
Compare the cost of a utility substation with that of a coal-fired generating plant at a peak load of 10000 kw. From Figures 45 and 47, pages 112 and 114 respectively, prices at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400 are: Utility Substation: Coal-Fired Generator Plant: A substation is by far the cheapest. However, the cost of power distribution lines from the substation to the minelplant must be considered.
Example 2:
Estimate the cost of a 138 kV transmission line that will carry power a distance of 100 km. From Figure 48, page 115, the cost is estimated, at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400, to be US$18,000,000.
CAPCOSTS Page 112 Power Generation COAL-FIRED GENERATOR PLANTS (Update from CIM Vol. 25) Price = axb, US dollars where X is Peak Load, in kilowatts. Range in X, kW: 7500 to 25000
4 -
CAPCOSTS Page I 14 Power Generation UTILITY SUBSTATION (Update from CIM Vol. 25) Price = axb, US dollars where X is Peak Load, in kilowatts. Range in X, kW: 2000 to 30000
6 7 8 q 0 4
(1) CrusherslPulverizers
Page116 Page117 Page 119 Page 121 Page 123 Page 125 Page 127 Page 128 Page 130 Page 131
The price of crushing equipment has been related to the dimension or dimensions most commonly used when referring to a particular crusher. Graphs which relate size to horsepower and size to capacity often is included so that, given a size, a horsepower or a capacity requirement, a price can be found. In most cases, tables are provided to indicate some of the standard sizes of corresponding equipment. Capacities of the various crushing units have been based upon medium-hard material weighing approximately 100 Ib per cubic foot. Example 1: How much would a 60-inch by 48-inch (60 x 48) jaw crusher cost, where the 60 inches refers to the long dimension (length) and the 48 inches refers to the gape or width? In Figure 49, page 119, the price has been related to the area of the feed opening. The table above Figure 49 shows that the feed area for a 60 x 48 jaw crusher is equal to 2880 in.*. The cost of this unit is thus approximately US$600,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Note that Figures 50 and 51 relate a nominal horsepower and a nominal capacity respectively to area of feed opening. Such information is approximate only. Example 2: The price of an open circuit standard cone crusher that will handle 250 short tons per hour is required. Figure 55, page 123, shows that the price has been related to the diameter of the crusher at the discharge point. From Figure 57, page 124, a four ft standard cone crusher can handle from 200 to 350 stph, depending upon crusher set and chamber selected. Ore hardness and feed size are important as well. The price of a 4' unit, from Figure 55, is approximately US$280,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Example 3: What is the price of a 54 inch (roll diameter) x by 30-inch (length of roll face) double roll crusher and what is its approximate capacity and horsepower? The unit parameter = (54)2(30) = 87480 im3. From Figure 58, page 125, the price is around US$225,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. On page 126, Figure 59 shows that about 250 horsepower is required at 30 inches, while Figure 60 indicates a capacity of approximately 1000 stph.
CAPCOSTS Page 118 Crushers/Pulverizers EXAMPLE ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) Example 4: An impact crusher is being considered for limestone reduction, where the capacity desired is 900 stph. Estimate the horsepower and price of the crusher. Figure 63, page 129 shows that a crusher of feed opening 4500 in.' should be considered. From Figure 64, the estimated horsepower is 550. Figure 62, page 128 shows that the price is approximately US$295,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Example 5: A primary gyratory crusher is being consider for an open pit operation. The capacity is nominally 3500 stph. Estimate the cost of a crusher. What will be the approximate horsepower of the motor? Figure 53, page 122, shows that at about 3500 stph, the feed opening (gape) by mantle diameter is approximately 6500 in.'. The table on page 121 shows that a 60 x 109 (6540 in.') primary crusher should be agood choice. Figure 52, page 121, shows that the price at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400 is around US$2.7 million. Note that the cost includes drive and lubrication system but not the motor. Figure 54, page 122, shows that at 6540 in.', a nominal horsepower is about 950. Example 6: A hammer mill is required to treat 150 tph of approximately -1 inch material. Estimate the cost of the unit and the approximate horsepower required. The table on page 130 suggests that a suitable hammer mill will be one of rotor diameter 36 inches and rotor length 60 inches. The horsepower will be approximately 175 (see table) at a feed opening of 18 inch by 60 inch. Since rotor diameter by length is 2160, then from Figure 65, the price is estimated as US$150,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Example 7: A 78-inch diameter high pressure grinding rolls of 31.5-inch length is being considered for a diamond processing circuit. What is the estimated cost of this unit? Figure 61, page 127 shows that the cost is approximately US$5,200,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400.
Price = axb, US dollars where X is the area of the feed opening in square inches. Price includes drive and lube system; excludes motor. Range of X, in.2:
Feed Opening, 48 x 36 48 x 42 60 x 48 84 x 60
Range of Open 5 to 8 5 to 10 6 to 10 6 to 12
M&S(MinelMill)= 1400
2 a
4 3
3 4
CAPCOSTS Page 121 CrushersIPulverizers GYRATORY CRUSHERS Price = axb, US dollars where X is the feed opening (gape = G) by mantle diameter (D) in square inches. Cost includes drive and lubrication system; excludes motor. Primary Crusher Range, in.* : 1780 to 8200 800 to 2100 1650 2730 3996 5340 6540 800 1440 2100 a = 71.25 a = 336.9 2.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 7 5.5 to 8 6 to 9 8.5to 12 1.5 to 3.5 1.5 to 4.5 2 to 5.5 b = 1.199 b = 1.025
G bv D. in. x in.
30 x 55 42 x 65 54 x 74 60 x 89 60 x 109 16 x 50 24 x 60 30 x 70
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
Figures 53 and 54 show nominal capacity and horsepower versus gape x mantle diameter, in.' .
6 5 4 3
1 0 ~ ~ '
8 9103
, , I ,
Price = axb,US dollars where X is the diameter of the mantle at the discharge annulus in feet. Cost includes drive and lubrication system; excludes motor. Usual diameters are 2, 3, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 5, 5.5, and 7. Standard Cone Range in X, ft.: 3 to 7 Shorthead Cone Range in X, ft: a=25070 b=1.756
CAPCOSTS Page 124 Crushers/Pulverizers CONE CRUSHERS (CONTINUED) Figures 56 and 57 show horsepower and open circuit capacity (minimax) versus diameter, ft.
1 . 1 ,
Heavy Light
HBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
* I
M x lA a L a . l a k
M&S(MinelMlll) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 128 Crushers/Pulverizers IMPACT CRUSHERS Price = axb, US dollars where X is is the area of the feed opening, square inches. Price includes drive, feed box, lubrication system; excludes motor. Range in X, in.' :
1190 to 4600 4600 to 7030
M&S(Mine/Mill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 129 Crushers/Pulverizers IMPACT CRUSHERS (CONTINUED) Figures 63 and 64 show how nominal capacity and horsepower vary with feed opening.
Price = axb, US dollars where X is rotor diameter times rotor length, square inches. Price includes drive, feed box and lubrication system; excludes motor. Range in X, in.2:
24 to 1716 1716 to 7680
500 to 6000
12 to 20 30 to 40 75 to 100 150 to 175 175 to 250
i .x i n . ~ n
Feed Opening
11 x 11 1 3 x 20 1 8 x 36 18 x 6 0 22 x 66
a = 311.9
b = 0.9126
Capacity, stph, at Discharge Size 175 inch 2 to 3 6 to 8 18 to 20 6 to 8 75 to 90 20 to 25 140 to 160 45 to 50 75 to 85 175 to 220
M&S(MinelMill)= 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 131 Crushers/Pulverizers PULVERIZERS Price = axb, US dollars where X is required horsepower Light Duty Range in X, hp: Heavy Duty Range in X, hp:
5 to 150
10 to 62.3 62.3 to 200
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
5 6 7
Page 132 Page 133 Page 135 4 Page 137 J Page 139 Page 141 Page 143 Page 145 Page 146
(a) Example Estimates (b) SAG Mills (c) Ball Mills (d) Pebble Mills (e) Rod Mills
CAPCOSTS Page 133 Grinding Mills EXAMPLE ESTIMATES Grinding mill prices have been related, by means of equations and corresponding graphs, to either the nominal size or the horsepower of the mills. For most types of grinding mills a table or graph has been included, which shows a relation between mill size and horsepower. Thus, if a horsepower (or size) is known, an appropriate size (or horsepower) can be estimated such that a corresponding price can be determined. Approximate capacity versus horsepower curves or tables in ,this section are limited, because these depend upon many factors including the ore hardness and final grind size. Example 1, below, illustrates the use of Bond's equation for estimating required horsepower per ton. This expression should be used with caution without further information and experience. For convenience, Table 16, page 147, gives the equivalence between mesh sizes and screen aperture sizes in either inches or micrometers (microns). Both the US and Canadian sieve series are compared with the Tyler equivalent. Example 7: Estimate the power required to grind 100 stph (dry) in a ball mill and classifier closed circuit that operates at a circulating load ratio of 2.5. The feed to the circuit is 80% passing size F,, in micrometers, while the product leaving the circuit is 80% passing size P in micrometers. The , Bond Work Index, W I , is found to be 14.7. Bond's equation to estimate power per stph is:
where W = kilowatt hours per short ton required to grind from size F to P , , W, = the Bond work index Suppose the feed to the circuit is 80% passing 114 inch, while the final product is 80% passing 65 mesh Tyler. Table 16, page 147, shows that 65 mesh corresponds to 212 pm , while 114 . inch is equal to 6350 ~ m Consequently: W = 1O(l4.7)1
Kw Hriron
W = 8.25 Kw Hriron
CAPCOSTS Page 134 Grinding Mills EXAMPLE ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) drive efficiency. Mills of larger diameter can be more efficient so that a diameter correction factor must be added (this can represent a reduction in required power of up to 17% for a 20 ft diameter mill). Ignoring corrections for diameter and factors other than drive efficiency, the power required becomes: W = 11.O6 + .1(1l.O6) = 12.17 Hp HrITon. To treat 100 stph, then the required power is: lOO(12.17) = 1217 horsepower, say, a 1250 hp motor. The computation roughly applies to rod, ball and pebble mills. Example 2: Scale up from grinding tests in a calibrated 6' diameter SAG mill established that a 30' diameter by 12' length SAG mill should have a capacity of 1000 stph to reach a desired final size P . , What is the estimated price of a 30' x 12' SAG mill and what is the nominal horsepower? , ] Page 135 shows that the price of a SAG mill is determined from: Price = a ~ ~ [ b where D is mill diameter, ft, L is mill length, ft, and a and b are constants. If a and b are known, then D = 30' and L = 12' are substituted into the equation to obtain Price. The graph in Figure 67, page 135, provides the price at the f ratio of 2.65 ($ = ,3775). To convert the price i n the graph to an alternative ratio, you must multiply the price from the graph by 2.65[6]. From the graph at D = 30', the unconverted price is US$4,400.000 (where the diameter to length ratio = 2.65 and M&S(MIM) lndex = 1400). In our case, the diameter to length ratio is 2.5. Hence the price becomes 4400000(2.65)[%] = 4660000 US$. Figure 68, page 136, shows that the nominal horsepower per unit length of a SAG mill at a diameter of 30 ft is about 530. Since the length is 12 ft, then the estimated horsepower becomes 530(12) = 6360. At a ten percent drive loss, this becomes about 7000 hp. Example 3 : The horsepower required for a particular capacity and grind was 650, as found from the Bond equation. What size ball mill (for closed circuit grinding) is necessary and how much will it cost complete with liners and ball charge? Referring to Figure 70, page 138, a 10 ft diameter (inside liners) mill has a horsepower per foot requirement of about 65. Using a length to diameter ratio of 1 means that a 10' by 10' ball mill would be a suitable size. The cost of the mill is obtained directly from the graph in Figure 69, page 137, as approximately US$540,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Note that at LID ratios other than one, the cost obtained from the graph must be multiplied by LID. Assuming the charge to occupy 45% of the mill volume, then the cubic feet of loose balls required is 0.45(n (5)'(10)) = 353.4 ft3. The tons of balls required is then 353.4(280$)(112000) = 49.5 tons. At $600 per ton, the charge will cost about US$29,700 at an M&S(MIM) lndex of 1400. Total cost becomes approximately US$570,000.
where D is mill diameter in ft. of a mill with a length to diameter ratio of [b]. Price includes liners, backing, lubrication system, twin drive train; excludes motor and steel balls. At an M&S(M/M) Index of 1400, ball charge (excluding shipping, handling, packaging) will cost US$625 per ton, while a liner-handling crane (hydraulic drive with boom) and motor will cost approximately US$190,000. Ball charge bulk density is about 280 Ib/ft3. Usual ball charge is 10 to 18% of internal mill volume. Range in D, ft: 16 to 38 a = 8202 b = 2.134
To use the graph below to estimate prices when is other than 0.3775, multiply the price is the new ratio. taken from the graph by 2.65[b] , where
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
The capacity of a full scale operating SAG mill will vary widely with a number of factors, such as feed size distribution, ore type (related to geological characteristics that influence hardness and toughness), steel load, mill speed, discharge grate opening and so on. The capacity of a 34' x 16' SAG mill at a high tonnage open pit mine is known to vary from 300 to 2400 tonnes per hour, depending on the rock type, ore body faulting and degree of hydrothermal alteration. SAG mills are fed at a rate that maintains the mill holdup at a constant weight. A rough relationship (a variation of the Bond equation) between capacity and horsepower can -, be employed as follows: horsepower stph
where P and F,,are 80% passing sizes in product and feed and W , , index which can be as high as 30 and more.
where D is the mill diameter in ft. of a mill with length to diameter ratio of . Price includes liners, rubber backing, ring gearlsingle pinionlclutch assembly, lubrication system; excludes motor, starter and ball charge. At an M&S(M/M) Index of 1400, ball charge (excluding shipping, handling, packaging) for primary mills will cost US$600 per ton and for regrind mills will cost US$675 per ton. Ball charge bulk density is about 280 Ib/ft3. Usual ball charge is 40 to 50% of internal mill volume. Range in D, ft.: 5 to 17.8 17.8 to 24
Note: Cost of liners and backing is approximately 12% of total mill cost.
To use the graph below to estimate prices, multiply price taken from the graph by where is the length to diameter ratio of the mill being costed.
1I o7
. -
1 1 1
1 1 1 / l i I ; I !
p i G q
518 " Feed to 80% -48 mesh
. Price where D is the mill diameter in R of a mill with length to diameter ratio of includes liners, rubber backing, gearlpinionlclutch assembly and lube system; excludes motorlstarter.
Range in D, fi: 3 to 12 12 to 20 a=18840 a = 1061 b=1.428 b = 2.583
To use the graph below to estimate prices, multiply price taken from the graph by where is the length to diameter ratio of the mill being costed.
Figure 73 shows horsepower per mill length (Hplft) versus mill diameter (ft) based on a pebble charge of 35% of mill volume, pebbles of specific gravity 2,65, 75% critical speed and 75% feed solids. Figure 74 shows capacity (stph) versus horsepower for fine grinding of ore of specific gravity 2.65.
3 2
75% -150 MESH FEED TO 95% 3 2 5 MESH PRODUCT
u l
I -
a a
i G
5 3
5 4
5 6 7
5 6 7
Price = a ~ ~ [ ,b ] Dollars US
where D is mill diameter in ft. of a mill with a length to diameter ratio of . Price includes liners, rubber backing, gearlpinionlclutch assembly, lubrication system; excludes motorlstarter and rod charge. At an M&S(M/M) Index of 1400: a rod charger (pneumaticlhydraulic) with motor is approximately US$110,000, while steel rods will cost approximately U S 5 5 0 per short ton. Charge weighs about 350 Iblft3. Usual charge is 35 to 45% of internal mill volume. Range in D, ft: 5 to 14 a = 12440 b = 1.658
Note: Cost of liners and backing is approximately 15% of the total mill cost. If you wish to use the graph below for a length to diameter ratio other than 1.25, multiply the price taken from the graph by 0.8[8]. where is the new length to diameter ratio.
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
p q
3 4 5 8 7 q d
3 4 5 8 7 1 0 3
CAPCOSTS Page 143 Grinding Mills VERTICALLY STIRRED BALL MILLS (Vertimills) Price = axb , US Dollars where X is the horsepower drawn by the mill. Price includes magnetic body liners, alloy steel agitator liners, speed reducer drive and motor. Steel balls and motor starter are excluded. At an M&S(M/M) Index of 1400, steel balls will cost approximately US$675 per short ton. Charge weighs about 280 Ib/ft3. Range in X, hp:
Typical U by V ratios are: 11.88' x 17.17', 9.33' x 17.33', 7.25' x 16.67', 5.27' x 14', 3.42' x 14', where V is height at the operating level and U is tank diameter.
CAPCOSTS Page 144 Grinding Mills VERTICALLY STIRRED BALL MILLS (CONTINUED) In Figure 79A, capacity is related to horsepower via the Bond equation using a medium hard ore, where work inputs are scaled by vertimill factors. The upper curve is for coarser grinds; the lower one is for finer grinds. Figure 79B relates horsepower to the ball load.
3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is grinding ring diameter in inches. These mills are used in the cement and ceramics industries. Price includes built in air classifier; excludes motor. Range in X, inches:
30 to 60 60 to 73
CAPCOSTS Page 146 Grinding Mills ROTARY BREAKER (BRADFORD) Price = axb , US Dollars where X, in ft3, is diameter squared (ff) times length (ft). Cost includes drive; excludes motor and starter. Range of X, cu. ft.: Diameter x Length
1296 to 5488
Capacity Range
10 15 - 20 40 - 50 60 - 75 100 - 150
f . t liJYaU2
6x8 7~ 14 9~ 17 10.5 x 19 1 2 22 ~
Page 148 Page 149 Page 152 Page 154 Page 156 Page 157 Page 158 Page 159 Page 160 Page 161 Page 162 Page 163 Page 164 Page 165
CAPCOSTS Page 149 Classifiers and Screens EXAMPLE ESTIMATES In this section, costs have been related generally to size. In most cases, size-to-capacity relationships in the form of tables or graphs are included. For screens, an example of capacity estimation is provided below in Example 3.
Example 7:
A 20-inch hydrocyclone lined with urethanelceramic is required. How much will it cost? From Figure 85, page 154, a 20-inch unit will cost approximately US$7,700 at an M&S(MlM) lndex of 1400. If the current index is 1100, then the cost is closer to 7700[%] = US$6060.
Example 2:
An air classifier is to be used for recycling oversized material back to a dry grinding mill. The feed to the unit is 60 tph. How much will the classifier cost and what is the estimated horsepower and estimated maximum air flow rate? From Figure 84, page 153, a 60 tph unit will have a diameter of about 18 ft. The price, from Figure 82, page 152, is about US$225,000 at an M&S(MlM) lndex of 1400. Figure 84, page 153, shows that the horsepower of an 18 ft diameter air classifier is nominally close to 250. Figure 83, page 153. shows that at a horsepower of 250, the maximum air flow is approximately 45,000 cfm.
Example 3:
Estimate the area of a screen to be installed in secondary crushing circuit. The area can be approximated from the following: T Area = S = - = square feet CAB where T is the tons of feed of bulk density, d, = 100 fed to the screen. C is the capacity in tons per square foot per hour passed by a screen for material of bulk density, d = 100. If the , density is other than 100, vary C in direct proportion. A is a factor correcting for the percent of oversize in the feed, while B is a factor correcting for percent of feed to the screen that passes holes one half the size of the openings in the screen. There are other correction factors, but C, A, and B are major ones. These are shown in the table at the top of page 150, where feed is dry, screen openings are square and d, = 100. The screen analysis of the feed is:
58 49 39 2.5 2 1.5
28 22 1 0.75
15 0.5
8 0.25
4 0.125
e.g., the above states that 66% of the dry feed will pass a 3-inch square opening. Suppose that the dry feed rate to a double deck screen (the screen opening is known for each deck) is 250 stph. We have the screen analysis so that a mass balance is obtainable. The balance is shown in the diagram on page 150.
CAPCOSTS Page 150 Classifiers and Screens EXAMPLE ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) Table of Factors for Screening Calculations
Loedure X, inch
C. tonlft21hr
% Oversize in
% feed passing
IFador A
112 of size X
Factor B
Top Deck Area Calculation: 3-inch square openings, so C = 7.25 ton/ft2/hrfrom above table. % oversize in feed = 34% (from 100 - 66% passing 3-inch) Factor A = 1.05 from above table (from 1.03 +((34 - 30)/10) x (1.09 - 1.03)) % passing 112 of 3 = 1.5 inch is 39% Factor B = 0.99 from above table (from 0.9 + ((39 - 30)/10) x (1 - 0.9)) Area required = 2501(7.25 x 1.05 x 0.99) = 33.2 ft2
: Example 5
Estimate the cost of of a DSM screen of 5' 3" radius and 4' wide. From Figure 90, page 159, the screen price is approximately US$7,700 at an M&S (MIM) lndex of 1400. Note that this includes the feed box with standard design and reversible screen at 60 degrees but excludes the rapping or vibrating mechanism.
CAPCOSTS Page 152 Classifiers and Screens AIR CLASSIFIERSICYCLONES Price = axb, US Dollars
where X is classifierlcyclone diameter in ft. Price includes standard attachments; excludes motor and ducting. Blower is excluded for air cyclones. Capacity based on silica particles, -200 microns. Air Classifier Range, ft: Air Cyclone Range, ft:
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 153 Classifiers and Screens AIR CLASSlFlERSlCYCLONES(CONTINUED) Figure 83 shows how blower capacity depends upon horsepower, while Figure 84 shows capacity or horsepower versus diameter.
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is hydrocyclone diameter in inches. Cast ironlsfeel construction. Cost includes fittings and liners. UrethaneICeramic Liners, Range in X, inches: Rubber Liners, Range in X, inches: 4 to 12 12 to 24
1 to 13.46 13.46 to 50
a = 609.5 a = 106.3
b = 0.7582 b = 1.430
M&S(MinelMill)= 1400
1 FIGURE 85 1
Figure 86 shows the variation of nominal capacity versus hydrocyclone diameter. Capacities are approximate and depend upon geometric variables such as diameter, inlet pressure and characteristics of feed slurries.
I o4
3 2
I o3
3 2
10" I o0
6 7 8 1 0 1
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is length of tank in feet.
3' Width, Range in X, ft:
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Price = axb,US Dollars
where X is spiral diameter in inches. Cost includes motor. Simplex, Range in X, in.: 24 to 49.82 49.82 to 84 Duplex, Range in X, in.: 36 to 66
M&S(Mine/Mill) = 1400
i l ~ i i l ~ ! ~ i ~ i l ~ i ~ l
p z q
Price = axb, US Dollars where X, in ff', is width squared times length. Price includes drive and feed box; excludes motor. Range in X, ft3: 45 to 725 cal I endb+n 36 a = 2543 b = 0.5557
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is screen width in feet. Cost includes feed box with standard design for coal; excludes rapping or vibration mechanism. Estimation covers reversible screens at 60 degrees. 5' 3" Radius, Range in X, ft.: 2' 7.5" Radius, Range in X, ft.: 2 to 6 2 to 6 a = 4133 a = 3535 b = 0.4595 b = 0.4224
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X, in ft3, is screen diameter squared times length. Cost includes drive and feed box; excludes motor and starter. Range in X, ft3: 90 to 2800
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
6 7 8 1 0 3
CAPCOSTS Page 161 Classifiers and Screens INCLINED VIBRATING SCREENS (Woven Wire Deck) Price = axb, US Dollars where X, in ft3, is screen width squared times length. Cost includes drive and feed box; excludes screen cloth, motor and starter. Single Deck, Range in X, ft3: Double Deck, Range in X, ft3: Triple Deck, Range in X, ft? 125 to 1250 180 to 1600 125 to 1600 a = 1041 a = 2033 a = 3757
b = 0.5877
b = 0.5224
b = 0.4237
5 6
Price = axb, US Dollars where X, in f f , is screen width squared times length. Cost includes standard accessories and screen cloth Carbon Steel, Range in X, ft3: 10 to 66 66 to I665 Stainless Steel, Range in X, ft3: 10 to 62 62 to 1665
MbS(Mine1Mill)= 1400
6 789102
p E q
Deck T v ~ e Rotary Twin Trommel (urethane) Flat Deck Screens: Modular (urethane or rubber) hooked (urethane) hooked (rubber) Wire Mesh (10 mesh to 4 inch): heavy duty medium duty light duty Profile Rod or Wedge Wire, Standard, 28 mesh to 1/4 inch Polyurethane, Standard, 10 mesh to 1 inch Performated Plate, Standard: 10 mesh to 314 inch 1 inch to 4 inch
Prices based on 4 foot by 8 foot sheet of screen decking. Cost includes standard attachments. Actual prices vary with thickness (or gauge), percent open area and duty. Prices at M&S(M/M) Index of 1400.
CAPCOSTS Page 165 Classifiers and Screens BANANA SCREENS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is screen area in square feet. Price includes standard drive, Devcon coated cleat supports, huck bolts, feed boxldischarge box with AR liners, rubber lined cross members and drip angles. Motors and screen decking not included. To estimate screen deck prices: Polyurethane is US$103 per sq ft; Rubber is US$109 per sq ft; Wire is US$26 per sq ft at an M&S(M/M) Index of 1400. Double Deck; Range in X, ft2: 120 to 200 Single Deck; Range in X, ft2: 120 to 160 160 to 200 Typical Sizes, Width, ft. x Length, ft.: 6 x 20; 8 x 20; 10 x 20. a = 719 b = 1.048
Page 168
(a) Rectangular Suspension Magnets (b) Belt Conveyors (c) Pneumatic Conveyors (d) Screw Conveyors (e) Conveyor Trippers (f) Vibrating Conveyors (g) Overhead Cranes (h) Bucket Elevators -
Page 172 Page 173 Page 175 Page 176 Page 177 Page 178 Page 180 Page 181
(4) Feeders (a) Ore (i) Apron Feeders (ii) Grizzly Feeders (iii) Vibrating Feeders (b) Reagents (i) Liquid Feeder, 4-10 cup (ii) Liquid Feeder, 20 cup (iii) Liquid Feeder, Hi Capacity
Page 182 Page 183 Page 184 Page 185 Page 186 Page 187
(5) Motors
(a) Motor Starters (b) Voltage Rectifiers (c) DC Motors (d) Drip Proof Motors (575V) (e) Drip Proof Motors (2300 V) (f) Drip Proof Motors (4000V) (g ) Explosion Proof Motors (575V) (h) TEFC Motors (575V) (i) TEFC Motors (2300V) (j) TEFC Motors (4000V) (k) Synchronous Motors
Page 188 Page 189 Page 190 Page 191 Page 192 Page 193 Page 194 Page 195 Page 196 Page 197 Page 198
(a ) Fire Tube Boilers (b) Shell I Tube Heat Exchangers (7) Blowers (a) Axial Flow (b) Centrifugal Fan (8) Pumps
Multistage, Centrifugal Centrifugal, Stainless Steel Vertical Centrifugal, Sump Proportioning Diaphragm Gear Pumps (Oil) (9 Proportioning Meter (g) Air Diaphragm, Reciprocating (h) Piston Diaphragm (i) Reciprocating Piston (j) Single Stage Centrifugal, Open Impeller (k) Single Stage Centrifugal, Closed Impeller (I) Vacuum, Water Seal (m) Vacuum, Dry Seal (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Page 203 Page 204 Page 205 Page 206 Page 207 Page 208 Page 209 Page 210 Page 21 1 Page 212 Page 213 Page 214 Page 215
CAPCOSTS Page 168 Storage, Handling, Motors and Pumps EXAMPLE ESTIMATES In this section, the various process units have been related by means of graphs, equations and tables to size parameters or horsepower or capacity. In most cases, capacity/size/horsepower correlations are included.
Example 7.
A blower (centrifugal fan type) is needed for six flotation cells, each cell of 400 ft3 capacity. What capacity blower is required and how much will it cost? The maximum discharge need not exceed a pressure of 35-inch water gauge. Assuming 1.5 cubic feet per minute of blower capacity is required for each cubic foot of flotation cell capacity, the blower should have a capacity of 600 cfmfcell. Hence 6 x 600 = 3600 cfm are required. From Figure 128, page 202, the cost of a blower of this capacity is about US$4800 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400.
Example 2: A bucket elevator is needed to trans'port 120 tons per hour of a material of density 75 Ib/ft3a distance of 80 feet. What size bucket is needed and what will the elevator cost?
The capacity to be moved in cubic feet per hour is equal to 120 x 2000f75 = 3200 cubic feet per hour. From the table shown above Figure 107, page 181, the size of bucket required is 18 x 8 inches. The cost of this elevator is approximately US$46500 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400.
Example 3: A liquid feeder for a 10 percent solution of ethyl xanthate is required for a flotation circuit. A 20 cup size made of 316 stainless steel is judged necessary.
The amount of reagent to be added is 2000 cclmin. What is the estimated price of the feeder? From the table on page 186 above Figure 112, sizes 1 to 4 are appropriate. Figure 112 suggests that size one is the choice, since it has a lower cost of about US$1900 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400.
Example 4: A 240 rpm, 5000 HP synchronous motor is required for a 16 112 ft by 28 ft ball mill. What is the estimated price of the motor?
CAPCOSTS Page 169 Storage, Handling, Motors and Pumps EXAMPLE ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) Figure 124, page 198, shows that the price of the motor is approximately US$740000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Remember to convert from an index of 1400 to the current index. Thus, if the current value is 1100, then the estimated price becomes approximately:
Example 5:
A horizontal SRL (soft rubber lined) closed impeller slurry pump is required to transport 7000 USGPM of slurry in a grinding circuit. Estimate the price of the pump. Figure 139, page 213, shows that the estimated cost is about US$63000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400.
Example 6:
A 3000 ton per hour boom stacker-reclaimer is necessary to generate a live storage pile. Located underneath the pile in a reclaim tunnel is a feeder that will discharge to conveyor belts that transfer ore feed to SAG mills. What is the estimated cost of the boom stacker-reclaimer? Figure 97, page 171, shows that the price is about US$4500000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Note that a yard conveyor is not included in the price.
CAPCOSTS Page 170 Ore Storage BlNS (HOPPERS) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is bin capacity in cubic feet. For material weighing 80 to 100 pounds per cubic foot; either 45 or 60 degree hopper; steel. Range in X, ft3: 740 to 3960.7 3960.7 to 25912
6 7 8 1 0 4
Price = axb,US Dollars where X is capacity in tons per hour. Reclaimer capacity about 50% less than stacker capacity. Price includes idlers, head-end drive, head frame, pulleys, gravity take-up on tail pulleys, belting and ground mounted steel structure. Estimation covers conveyors carrying material weighing 100 Ib per cu. ft. with surcharge angle of 20 degrees at belt speed of 500 fpm. Yard conveyor not included in price. Range in X, tph: 2000 to 5000 a = 1140000 b = 0.1699
CAPCOSTS Page 172 Conveyors, Conveying RECTANGULAR SUSPENSION MAGNETS Price = axb,US Dollars
where X is the product of belt width in feet times the suspension height in cubic inches. Electromagnets. Range in X, ft x in.3: 104.96 to 2842.6 2842.6 to 419840
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is belt width cubed times belt length (cubic feet times feet). Price includes idlers, head-end drive, head frame, pulleys, gravity take-up on tail pulleys, belting and ground mounted steel structure. Conveyor carries material weighing 100 Ib per cu ft at a surcharge angle of 20 degrees at a belt speed of 500 cfm. Range in X, ft3xft: 200 to 343000
3 4
3 4
3 4
3 4
I FIGURE 100 1
CAPCOSTS Page 175 Conveyors, Conveying PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is diameter squared times length, cubic feet. Costs are for ranges of continuous vacuum, vacuum/pressure and pressure systems. Systems are custom designed with a wide variety of piping layouts, motors, blowers, control systems, diverter and feed valves and receivers. Stainless Steel, Range in X, ft3: 6.25 to 62.22 62.22 to 444.4 Carbon Steel, Range in X, ft3: 6.25 to 72.66 72.66 to 444.4
CAPCOSTS Page 176 Conveyors, Conveying SCREW CONVEYORS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is screw diameter in ft. times length in ft. Range in X, ft2: 7.5 to 43.85 43.85 to 1333.33 I l Ranae. ft. 10 to 40 12 to 48 12 to 48
4 5
4 5
4 5
Price = axb,US Dollars
where X is belt size, inches. Manually operated; 3-way discharge. Range in X, in.: 30 to 35.63 35.63 to 60
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is length times width in square feet. Heavy duty units; cost includes drive; excludes motor. For dry solids of bulk density 100 Ib/ft3. Range in X, ft2: 10 to 850 a = 654.8 b = 1.00
Figure 105 below shows how the nominal capacity of vibrating conveyors will vary with length times width.
Price = axb. US Dollars where X is lift capacity in tons. Price includes motors, required span type, cables, hooks, electrical controls; excludes tracks and crane support structures. 50 ft Span; Range in X, tons: 100 ft Span; Range in X, tons: 150 ft Span; Range in X, tons: 5 to 25 5 to 50 5 to 50 a=31580 a = 70870 a=240100 b=0.4098 b = 0.3669 b=0.1504
MBS(Mine1Mill)= 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 181 Conveyors, Conveying BUCKET ELEVATORS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is bucket size in square inches. Price includes drive, standard hood section and head section. 80 ft Centres; Range in X, sq. in.: 40 ft Centres; Range in X, sq. in.: 6x4 24 to 144 24 to 144 a = 5138 a = 2977 t ~ (den& h 15
b = 0.4432 b = 0.469
100 Iblcu. ft,
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 182 Feeders APRON FEEDERS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is in cubic feet ( width squared times length). Range in X, ft3: 32 to 1200
a = 4809
b = 0.5732
Price = axb,US Dollars where X is in square feet (width times length). Price includes feed box. Range in X, ft2: 3.5 to 190 Magnet Size 250 a = 3352
b = 0.645
width x Length
12 x42 14 x42 18 x42 24 x 42 24 x 54 30 x 60 30 x 72 36 x 72 54 x 72
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Price = axb,US Dollars where X is in square feet (length times width). Price includes drive, motor and starter Range in X, ft2: 5 to 21 21 to 70
FtGURE 110
(4 TO 10 CUP)
CAPCOSTS Page 186 Feeders LIQUID FEEDER (20CUP) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is a multiple of a single unit (range 1 to 4). 18-8 Stainless; Range in X: 316 Stainless; Range in X: 1 to 4 1 to 4
M(LS(Mine1Mill)= 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is a multiple of a single unit (range 1 to 3). 18-8 Stainless; Range in X: 316 Stainless; Range in X: 1 to 3 1 to 3 c~tv Ranae. cclmln 1000 to 8000 2000 to 16000 3000 to 24000
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is rated horsepower. For induction motor starters: motor voltage 575V, magnetic, full voltage starting, single speed, non-reversing, block type overload, EEMAC 1 enclosure, non-combination type. For synchronous motor starters: voltage @ 4160V, breaker type, full voltage, power factor 1, for brush type motors, EEMAC 1 enclosure, 3 phase, 60 HZ, non-reversing, fuse starter. Synchronous; Range in X, hp: 350 to 1539 1539 to 3551 3551 to 5000
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is rated horsepower. For DC motors; price includes isolation transformer. Range in X, hp: 250 to 4000 a = 205.8 b = 0.9856
M&S(Mine/Mill) = 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is motor horsepower. Price excludes rectifier. 1800 rpm, 240V; Range in X, hp: I 8 0 rpm, 750V; Range in X, hp: 80 rpm, 750V; Range in X, hp: 1 to 250 1000 to 6000 1000 to 6000
MILS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
1200 rprn; Range in X, hp:
1 to&f (4 Mt0400
a = 261.3 a = 81.44
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Mas(MinelMil~ = 1400
Mas(MilwlMil~= 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 194 Motors EXPLOSION PROOF MOTORS (575 V) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is motor horsepower 3600 and 1800 rpm; Range in X, hp: 1 to 4.5 4.5 to 17.5 17.5 to 150
1 t9gB'q.o
Price = axb. US Dollars where X is motor horsepower. 3600 and 1800 rpm; Range in X, hp: 1200 rpm; Range in X, hp: 900 rpm; Range in X, hp: 1 to 12 12 to 200
MBS(Mine1Mill)= 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 196 Motors TEFC MOTORS (2300 V) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is motor horsepower 3600 and 1800 rprn; Range in X, hp: 1200 rprn; Range in X, hp: 900 rprn; Range in X, hp: 250 to 500 500 to 1000
Price = axb,US Dollars where X is motor horsepower 3600 and 1800 rpm; Range in X, hp: 1200 rpm; Range in X, hp: 900 rpm; Range in X, hp: 250 to 500 500 to 1000
where X is motor horsepower. 700 rpm; Range in X, hp: 240 rpm; Range in X, hp: 2500 to 5000 1500 to 5500 5500 to 6500
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
b = 0.6505
I FIGURE 125 1
CAPCOSTS Page 200 Heating Units SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is heat exchange area, square feet. Tantalum tubes; Range in X, ft2: 2.36 to 9.52 9.52 to 223 Copper tubes; Range in X, ft2: 500 to 7500 Teflon tubes; Range in X, ft2: 101.8 to 538 Titanium tubes; Range in X, ft2: 3.1 to 12.16 12.16 to 918
M(LS(Mine1Mill)= 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 201 Blowers AXIAL FLOW BLOWERS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is capacity in cubic feet per minute. Discharge pressure is 1 atmosphere; vacuum pressure is 112 atmosphere. Cost includes motor; excludes mounts and air filter. Range in X, cfm: 100 to 716.88 716.88 to 2550
6 78$03
b = 0.1613 b = 0.5887
100 to 500
b = 0.1787
M&S(Mine/Mlll)= 1400
3 4
3 4
3 4
3 4
CAPCOSTS Page 206 Pumps PROPORTIONING DIAPHRAGM PUMPS Price = axb,US Dollars where X is the rated capacity in US gallons per minute for slurry at 50% solids. Price includes drive; excludes motor. Range in X, USGPM:
84 to 614
a = 682.8
b = 0.7509
lo4; 7 8
9 102
1 to 9.87 9.87to 50
a = 1325 a = 798
b = 0.1345 b = 0.3559
1 5 10 20 50
30 to 240 70 to 240
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
1 "I"'
, II 1 1
CAPCOSTS Page 2 10 Pumps PISTON DIAPHRAGM PUMPS (Thickener Pump) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is the maximum capacity in US gallons per minute. Cost excludes motor and drive. Simplex; Range in X, USGPM: Duplex; Range in X, USGPM: 6 to 46.23 46.23 to 330 12 to 88.46 88.46 to 660
CAPCOSTS Page 2 11 Pumps RECIPROCATING PISTON POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMP Price = axb. US Dollars where X is the rated capacity in US gallons per minute at 100 rpm. Stroke rate at maximum efficiency for slurries. Price excludes motor. Range in X, USGPM: 40 to 420
Slurry, Rubber Lined; Range in X, USGPM: Slurry; Hi-Cr Lined; Range in X, USGPM:
I o5
5 4 3 2
I 04
5 4
CAPCOSTS Page 2 13 Pumps SINGLE STAGE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP (Closed Impeller) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is the maximum capacity in US gallons per minute for a pump operating at I 0 0 ft of head near optimum efficiency. Price excludes motor and drive. Slurry, rubber lined; Range in X, USGPM: HC-250; Range in X, USGPM: 70 to 463 463 to 12500 a =6112 a = 272.3 a=759.5 b = 0.1078 b = 0.6141 b=0.5262
500 to 22500
3 4 5
3 4 5
3 4 5
b = 0.3162 b = 0.8388
b = 0.3223 b = 0.9258
b = 0.7371
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
(Water Sealed Blower Type)
5 6 7
5 6 7
CAPCOSTS Page 215 Pumps VACUUM PUMPS (Dry Sealed Blower Type) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is capacity in cubic feet per minute. suppressors. 15 in. Hg Vac.; Range in X, cfm: Price excludes motor, base and noise
15 in. 22 in.
239 to 510.5 510.5 to 2565 142 to 311.3 311.3 to 2045 13.4 to 108.3 19 to 157
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
(Dry Sealed Blower Type)
(2) Dust scrubbers, Wet (Dynamic, Venturi, Cyclone) (3) Dust Scrubbers, Wet (Centrifugal Collector Types)
(4) Dry Cyclone Dust Collector
Page 217 Page 218 Page 219 Page 220 Page 222 Page 223
Cost of dust collectors has been related to either capacity of a size parameter. A comparison of dust collector efficiencies is shown in the table below: Cyclones Bag Filters Electrostatic Precipitators Wet Scrubbers
Example 1:
Compare the cost of several types of dust collectors at an M&S(M/M) Index of 1400. The capacity required is 10,000 cfm (cubic feet per minute). From ~ i ~ u 143, page 219, the cost of a wet centrifugal dust scrubber of the irrigated type is re about US$30,000. Others of this class are of the same order of cost. A dry cyclone unit, from Figure 145, page 221, would have a diameter of about 4 feet at 10000 cfm. The cost from Figure 144, page 220, would be approximately US$11,000. On the other hand, a high voltage electrostatic precipitator without precleaners, from Figure 146, page 222, would cost (by extrapolation) around US$250,000. From the above prices, it is easy to see which item of equipment is the least expensive. Apart from cost, determining factors in the selection are: (a) the necessary efficiency of the collector equipment, (b) the effect of water in or on any exit gases and (c) the allowable pressure drops.
CAPCOSTS Page 218 Dust Collectors DUST SCRUBBERS (Wet Dynamic, Venturi, Cyclone) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is capacity in cubic feet per minute. Price excludes blowers, motors and ducting where applicable. Wet dynamic; Range in X, cfm: Venturi; Range in X, cfm: Cyclone; Range in X, dm:
2000 to 35000
MBS(MinelMil1)= 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 219 Dust Collectors DUST SCRUBBERS (Wet Centrifugal Type) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is capacity in cubic feet per minute. Price excludes blowers, motors and ducting. Irrigated; Range in X, dm: Kinetic; Range in X, dm: Spray; Range in X, dm: 2000 to 35000 2000 to 35000 2000 to 35000
M&S(Mine/Mill) = 1400
Price = axb, Dollars US where X is the cyclone diameter in feet. Price excludes blowers, motors and ducting. Range in X, ft: 3 to 8.8 8.88 to 18
CAPCOSTS Page 221 Dust Collectors DRY CYCLONE DUST COLLECTOR (CONTINUED) Figure 145 below shows how nominal dry cyclone capacity varies with cyclone diameter.
CAPCOSTS Page 222 Dust Collectors ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS Price = axb,US Dollars where X is gas volume in cubic feet per minute. Price excludes blowers and precleaners. Range in X, dm:
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is filter area in square feet. precleaners, blowers, motors and ducting. Range in X, ft2: 200 to 10000 Price includes standard attachments; excludes a = 53.3 b = 0.8772
I o2
5 6 7
5 6 7
Page 225
(2) Gravitylcentrifugal Separators (a) Reichert Cones (b) Humphrey Spirals (c) Shaking Tables (d) Dense Medium Cyclones (e) Water Only Cyclones (f) Heavy Media Separator Assemblies (g) Baum Coal Jigs (h) Fine Coal Jigs (i) Circular Jigs (j) Bendelari Jigs (k) Mineral Jigs (I) Centrifugal Concentrators Page 227 Page 228 Page 229 Page 230 Page 232 Page 234 Page 235 Page 236 Page 237 Page 238 Page 239 Page 240
(3) Flotation Cells (a) Self-Aerating Flotation Cells (b) Conventional Flotation Cells (c) Column Cells -
(a) Wet Drum Magnetic Separator (b) Wet Permanent Magnet, Alternate Pole Drum Sepa (c) Induced Roll Magnetic Separators (d) Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separator (e) Permanent Guard Magnet Overband, Crossbelt (f) Permanent Guard Magnet Overband, Incline
Page 245 Page 246 Page 247 Page 248 Page 250 Page 251
As previously mentioned, solid-solid separation equipment has been sub-divided into the various sub-categories. Prices of equipment items have been related to size, a capacity or a horsepower. In cases where cost has been related to size or horsepower, a table or figure showing corresponding capacities is provided.
Example 1:
A gold ore is to be treated by Reichert cones at a rate of 400 stpd. What will be the cost of the corresponding cones? From page 227, approximately 400188 or 5 units (rounded off) are required. Hence 5 x 88 = 440 stph of capacity will cost (from Figure 148, page 227) around US$420,000 at an M&S(MlM) lndex of 1400.
Example 2:
Dense medium cyclones are required to treat 200 stph of material. What is the cost of cyclones for this purpose? From Figure 152, page 231, a 20 inch cyclone has a nominal capacity of about 20 stph. Hence twelve (roughly 2 spares) of these in parallel should be adequate. From Figure 151, page 230, the cost with ceramic liners is about 12 x 15,000 = US$180,000 at an M&S(MlM) lndex of 1400.
Example 3:
A mineral jig will be employed to process 350 stpd of river gravel. What size jig is necessary and at what cost? From the table on page 239, an appropriate size jig appears to be a 16 x 24 Duplex with 384 square inches of area per cell. This jig has a capacity range of 200 to 500 stpd. From Figure 160, page 239, the price of a 500 tpd maximum capacity jig is US$23,000 at an M&S(MlM) lndex of 1400.
Example 4:
Eight flotation cells, each of 400 ft3 volume, are required for a rougher flotation section. How much will these cells cost? From Figure 163, page 242, the cost of a single cell is US$36,000 at an M&S(MlM) lndex of 1400. Hence the cost of 8 cells is 8 x 36000 or approximately US$288,000.
CAPCOSTS Page 226 Solid-Solid Separation Equipment EXAMPLE ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) The cost of launders will be approximately 8 x 8 x US$150 or about US$9600, where each cell is taken to have a length of about 8 ft. If paddles are necessary, then there is an additional cost of 8 x .09 x 36000 or US$26,000. Note that the motors likely needed are 60 HP per 2 cells and should be costed. If blowers are necessary, corresponding costs may be obtained in this manual. Note that about 1 to 1.5 ft3/minof air is necessary per cubic foot of cell capacity. Example 5: A wet high intensity magnetic separator is required to treat 25 stph of hematite ore. What is the price of a suitable unit? From Figure 170, page 249, the horsepower for this capacity is around 45. Figure 169, page 248, shows that the cost will be around US$520,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Example 6: It is desired to purchase an electrostatic separator with a 14-inch rotor of 18-inch length. What will be the cost and what is the capacity. The cost parameter is 14 x 18 x 1 = 252 sq. in. From Figure 165, page 244, the cost is estimated as US$27,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. The power supply, as noted on page 244, must be priced separately.' In this case, add an additional US$14,000. The effective rotor length is corrected for the ends, where 2 inches are ineffective at each end. Thus 18 - 4 = 14 inches of effective rotor length. Since capacity is estimated as approximately 90 Ib per hour per inch of effective rotor length, then capacity is about 90 x 14 or 1260 Ibs per hour.
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is nominal capacity in short tons per hour. Cost is for feed box, supports, rougher-cleaner-recleaner-scavenger unit per 88 tph of capacity. Capacity based on 30% feed solids of size -2 mm. Range in X, stph:
88 to 1056
2 :.
C z n
I o5
1111d111 I
7 8 4102
1 ,1
J l l ~1 1 1l i~i 1111 i
CAPCOSTS Page 228 GravityICentrifugal Separators HUMPHREY SPIRALS Price = axb,US Dollars where X is capacity in short tons per hour. Cost includes standard unit with feed box and supports. Nominal capacity is 1.5 stph per unit. 5-turn Steel; Range in X, stph: 1.5 to 3000 1 to 3000 a = 3600 a = 2165 b = 0.87 b = 1. O O
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
Price = axb,US Dollars where X is deck area in square feet. Price includes motor, rubber top and riffles. Price refers to single deck units. To estimate cost of double and triple deck unit, multiply single deck cost by 2.35 or 3.55 respectively. Rectangular Deck; Range in X, ft2:
5 to 90
a = 7041 a = 7698
b = 0.3619 b = 0.2147
8.33 36 90
Diagonal Deck
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is cyclone diameter in inches. Cost includes liners and fittings. Ceramic Liner; Range in X, in.: Ni-Hard Liner; Range in X, in.:
8 to 14.3 14.3 to 30 8 to 14.3 14.3 to 30
M&S(MinelMill)= 1400
Figure 152 below shows the variation of nominal capacity versus dense medium cyclone diameter. The graph is intended as a rough approximation only.
CAPCOSTS Page 232 GravityICentrifugal Separators WATER ONLY CYCLONES Price = axb, US Dollars where X is cyclone diameter in inches. Cost includes all fittings and liners. IronISteel Housing; Range in X, in.: Polyester Housing; Range in X, in.: 4 to 24 5 to 28 a = 1602 a = 443.2 b = 0.7416 b = 1.054
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 233 Gravitylcentrifugal Separators WATER ONLY CYCLONES (CONTINUED) Figure 154 below shows nominal capacity (stph, dry) versus cyclone diameter for water only cyclones. The curve should be employed for rough estimations only.
1011 7
Cone D i 5 7 10 14
R 5 to 20 20 to 70 40 to 140 8- to 250
I FIGURE 155 1
CAPCOSTS Page 235 GravityICentrifugal Separators BAUM COAL JlGS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is the jigging area in square feet. Price includes push water box, bypass flume and blower. Range in X, ft2: 72 to 220 r e u a . ft.,
72 105 168
3 7.5 10 12.5
M&S(Mine/MiH) = 1400
(Radially Arranged Jig Cells)
CAPCOSTS Page 238 Gravitylcentrifugal Separators BENDELARI JIGS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is jig area in square inches. Price includes internal mechanical diaphragm, motor and drive system; excludes platforms, walkways and discharge launders. Add about 40% for excluded extras. 1-Cell; Range in X, in2: 48 to 230 230 to 1764 2-Cell; Range in X, in2: 144 to 1764 3-Cell; Range in X, in2: 144 to 1764 x ~n, 12 x 12 18 x 18 26 x 26 36 x 36 42 x 42 a = 175.8 a = 232.5 b = 0.6767 b = 0.6749
. v* . stph 1-Cell v HorseDower to 0.5 0.5 1.5 to 2 . 0.5 2 to 4 2 3 to 6 3 4 to 8 3 *Capacity increases roughly in proportion to the number of cells.
CAPCOSTS Page 239 Gravitylcentrifugal Separators MINERAL JlGS Price = axb, US Dollars
where X is jigging area in square inches. Price includes motor; excludes ragging. Duplex; Range in X, in2: 96 to 864 Simplex; Range in X, in2: 96 to 864 8 x 12 simplex 8 x 12 duplex 12 x 18 duplex 16 x 24 duplex 24 x 36 duplex 1 to 35 15 to 50 50 to 200 200 to 500 400 to 1000 a = 2580 a = 1791 b = 0.3701 b = 0.3701
where X is maximum feed rate in tons per hour. 300g1sConcentrator; Range in X, tph: 60g1sAuto Discharge; Range in X, tph: 0.1 to 100 4 to 100 0.1 to 40
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
(Knelson Separator)
CAPCOSTS Page 241 Flotation Cells SELF AERATING FLOTATION CELLS Price = aXb, US Dollars where X is cell capacity in cubic feet. Price is based on a 10-cell row and includes paddles with drives and feed/junction/discharge boxes; excludes motors and launders. Range in X, ft3: 11 to 685 685 to 1000 Note: Data on page 242 can be useful to estimate horsepower and tons per day treated per cell.
M(LS(MinelMi1l) = 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is cell capacity in cubic feet. Cost includes motor guard, feedldischarge boxes; excludes motors, launders and paddles. Launders are approximately US$150 per foot' of cell length. Estimate paddle cost as 9% of the cost per cell. For blowers, about 1 to 1.5 cfm is required per cubic foot of cell volume. Range in X, ft3: 9 to 450 450 to 1000
where X, in cubic feet, is cell diameter squared times cell height. Price excludes pumps, feed and discharge lines. Range in X, ft3: 1000 to 7000 a = 1074 b = 0.5799
Note: Cells are typically 30 to 45 ft in height; diameters vary from 1.5 to 12 ft diameter and more. Remember that the retention time of a cell is its volume divided by the volume flow rate of feed slurry.
M&S(MinelMill)= 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 244 Electrostatic Separators ELECTROSTATIC SEPARATORS (Carpco Type) Price = axb, US Dollars where X, in square inches, is the product of drum (rotor) diameter times drum length times number of drums in the unit. Cost includes motor; excludes power supply. To estimate the cost of a power supply (High Voltage rectifier, AC wiper and controller) add US$14,000 at an M&S(M/M) Index of 1400. Range in X, in2: 105 to 2768 2768 to 10080 r Dla. mch h. inch ?xRQkm !dQEWUW 10 60 4 3 14 18 1 0.5 14 60 1 1 14 60 4 4 Note: Estimate capacity as 90 Iblhrlinch of effective rotor length. Subtract 4 inches from length to estimate effective rotor length.
. .
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
where X, in square inches, is roll diameter times length. Capacity is approximately 80 USGPM per foot of roll length. 36-inch Drum; Range in X, in2: 2592 to 4320 30-inch Drum; Range in X, in2: 1440 to 2225 2225 to 3600
M&S(MiieMill) = 1400
I[ -
CAPCOSTS Page 246 Magnetic Separators WET MAGNETIC DRUM SEPARATORS (Permanent Magnet, Alternate Pole) Price = axb, US Dollars where X, in cubic inches, is drum diameter squared times length. approximately 2 to 10 tph per foot of drum length at 1300 gauss. Range in X, in3: 1728 to 23328 a = 1418 Capacity is b = 0.2936
~~~(MinelMill) = 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is nominal capacity in pounds per hour. Capacity is approximately 90 Ib per hour per inch of effective rotor length; 12000 gauss field. Range in X, Iblhr:
1600 to 25600
CAPCOSTS Page 248 Magnetic Separators WET HIGH INTENSITY MAGNETIC SEPARATORS Price = axb,US Dollars where X is horsepower. Range in X, HP:
13 to 98
2 lo6 6
6 5
CAPCOSTS Page 249 Magnetic Separators WET HlGH INTENSITY MAGNETIC SEPARATOR (CONTINUED) Figure 170 below is plot of average capacity for many different materials versus horsepower drawn by the high intensity magnetic separator. Optimal conditions are assumed.
M&S(MinelMill)= 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 250 Magnetic Separators PERMANENT GUARD MAGNETS (Overband Crossbelt) Price = axb,US Dollars where X is belt width in inches. Range in X, inches: 20 to 42
M&S(MineIMill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 251 Magnetic Separators PERMANENT GUARD MAGNETS (Overband Incline) Price = axb, US Dollars
where X is belt width in inches. Price depends on belt cleaning length as shown below. 131-inch; Range in X, inches: 18 to 36 a = 2007 a = 2569 a = 1851 b = 0.7220 b = 0.4829
b = 0.4447
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
L .
3 --
131-~nch Cleanmg Belt Length
. -
I + : -
Page 253
(2) Continuous Centrifuges (a) Perforated Basket and Pusher Discharge (b) Scroll Discharge, Stainless Steel (c) Scroll Discharge, Carbon Steel (d) Screen Cone -
Page 255 Page 256 Page 257 Page 258 Page 259 Page 260 Page 261
(3) Dryers (a) Fluidized Bed (b) Rotary Gas, carbon steel ( c ) S P ~ ~ Y-
(4) Filters (a) Pressure Filters (i) Vertical Plate and Frame (ii) Horizontal Plate and Frame
(b) Vacuum Filters (i) Horizontal Belt (ii) Rotary Disc (iii) Rotary Drum (iv) Rotary Tilting Pan
Page 266 Page 267 Page 268 Page 269 Page 270 Page 271
CAPCOSTS Page 253 Solid-Liquid Separation Equipment EXAMPLE ESTIMATES Equipment prices in this section have been mainly related to size parameters. Relevant capacitylpower data are provided in most cases to ensure of rough relationships between size, power and capacity.
Example 1:
A thickener is required to dewater a tailings stream which contains 100 tons of dry solids per day. What size of thickener is required and how much will it cost? Assume that the tailings is reject from copper beneficiation. Normally, to specify capacity of a thickener, the Coe-Clevinger or Talmadge-Fitch-Roberts methods or variations thereof are employed, where laboratory settling tests are conducted. In this case a very simple method is used. Thus, from the table on page 270, the number of square feet of thickener needed per ton per day is 4 to 10. Choosing 8 ft21tpd, the total area required is then 8 x 100 = 800 ft2. The diameter of the thickener is then
the 32-foot thickener including mechanism and tank walls is US$110,000 at an M&S(MIM) lndex of 1400.
Example 2:
A laboratory leaf filter test showed that for a safety factor of 0.65 a filter that handles 34 Ib of dry solids per square foot per hour is required. What size of disc filter is necessary to treat 100 tons of dry solids per day and what is the cost of the unit? What size drum filter might substitute and at what cost compared with a disc? From 100(2000/24) = 8,333 Iblhr, it is found that the total surface area of filter needed is (8,333134) = 245 square feet. From a table of standard disc filter sizes (see page 267), a 6-foot diameter disc filter with 5 discs has a nominal surface area of 250 ft2. A 4-disc filter of the same diameter has a nominal surface area of 200 ft2. Thus, one possible size of interest is a filter of diameter 6 feet with 5 discs. From Figure 186, page 267, it is apparent that the cost of this disc filter is approximately US$110,000 at an M&S(MIM) lndex of 1400. An equivalent area drum filter is 8-foot in diameter and 10-foot in length. This would cost around (see Figure 187, page 268) US$150,000 at an M&S(MIM) lndex of 1400.
Example 3:
A hot air rotary dryer for reducing moisture content of a concentrate must have a volume of 1000 cubic feet. What is the cost of such a unit?
A stacked horizontal chamber pressure filter (e.g., the Larox) is being considered for the filtration of flotation concentrate. What is the estimated price of a filter that will treat 10 tons of concentrate per hour? Figure 184, page 265, shows that treating 10 tph of typical concentrate will require about 200 ft2 of filtration area. From Figure 183, page 264, the category of.filter with the correct range is the Larox PF. The cost is approximately US$675,000 at an M&S(MIM) lndex of 1400. If the current index is 1095, then the current cost becomes: US$528,000.
Example 5 :
Estimate the price of a perforated basket centrifuge that will dewater 40 tph of calcium sulfate sludge. The table on page 255 suggests that a 36-inch basket is required. From Figure 173, page 255, the estimated price is US$60,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400.
pusher discharge pusher discharge perforated basket perforated basket
M&S(Mine/Mill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 256 Continuous Centrifuges CONTINUOUS CENTRIFUGES (Scroll Discharge, Stainless Steel) Price = axb, US Dollars where X, in square inches, is bowl diameter times length. Cost includes main drive motor. See page 257 for solid bowl capacities. Screen Bowl; Range in X, in2: 504 to 2592 2592 to 3888 Solid Bowl; Range in X, in2: 218 to 2799 2799 to 3888 Dia. x h d h . sa. in 18 x 2 8 screen screen screen screen
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X, in square inches, is bowl diameter times length. Cost includes main drive motor. Screen Bowl; Range in X, in2: 504 to 1837 1837 to 5808 Solid Bowl; Range in X, in2: 200 to 5808
x l e m in. x IR 18 x 18 24 x 60 36 x 96 44 x 132
tons ~ ehr. r 2 8 20 40
solid bowl solid bowl solid bowl solid bowl
Range in X, Hp:
5 to 30 US GPM 1 to 25
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
7 8
Price = axb, US Dollars where X, in cubic feet, is diameter squared times length. Price excludes air handling system, motor starter and air heaters. Range in X, ft3: 480 to 19600 a = 8309
b = 0.4409
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 261 Dryers SPRAYDRYERS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is spray diameter in feet. Cost excludes motors. Range in X, ft: 12.5 to 17.8 17.8 to 25
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 262 Dryers SPRAY DRYERS (CONTINUED) Figure 180 below shows how evaporation capacity depends on spray diameter, while Figure 181 provides the horsepower versus evaporation capacity curve. For both figures, the inletloutlet temperatures are at 500 O F
a = 4085
b = 0.5409
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is total filtration area in square feet. Prices, as in most cases in this manual, are FOB source. NOTE: 1 tonnelhr = 1.1023 short tonslhr; 1 square meter = 10.7638 square feet. MINIMAX; Range in X, ft2: 17.22 to 67.81 PF; Range in X, ft2: 102.26 to 409.02 POWER PF; Range in X, ft2; 645.83 to 1550 a=233400 a = 55800 a=198500 b=0.115 b = 0.473 b=0.3217
'Clamping mechanism; cloth tension device; cloth drive mechanism; water pump
5 6
4 5 6
CAPCOSTS Page 266 Vacuum Filters HORIZONTAL BELT VACUUM FILTERS Price =axb, US Dollars where X, in square feet, is belt width times length. Add 14% of cost if wetted parts are to be stainless steel or rubber coated. Range in X, ft2: 10 to 192
CAPCOSTSpage 267
Vacuum F~lters ROTARY DlSC FILTERS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is filter area in square feet. Cost includes vacuum fittings and motor Range in X, ft2: 225 to 2500 Disc D i a A 4 6 7.5 9 11 13 114 Area Der Disc. sa. ft, 22 50 75 107 160 240 a = 3002
b = 0.6478
I&S(MinelMill) = 1400
7 8 9 0 3
37.5 62.5 75 95 113 250
M(LS(Mine/Mill)= 1400
I MaS(Mine1Mil)= 1400 1
6106 -
az a
7 6
5 4
p G E q
CAPCOSTS Page 270 Thickeners CONVENTIONAL THICKENERS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is tank diameter in feet. Price includes thickener drive, drive motor, lift, lift motor, controls, thickener mechanism (mild steel) with rakes, tank shell and anchor channel and prime painted; excludes erection, service, finish paint, remote controls, computers, motor starters, foundations or freightlboxing. Range in X, ft: r~al Cu con Cu tail Fe con Fe tail Co-Ni S Pb con 17 to 100 100 to 260 Area. sa. ft./tDd 2 to 6 4 t o 10 .4 to .8 4 to 10 5 to 10 2 to 6 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Ni con Zn con Potash SI. Mo Slimes Mo con U-ppt. 5 to 20 3 to 7 40 to 200 10 to 15 10 to 15 50-125
6 7 8 101
6 7 8 1 0 2
p z E q
b = 1.385
For typical unit areas, (settling areas in ft2/tpd) see page 270. Typical E-CAP height to diameter ratios: (28.2/9.84), (33.8/16.4), (53.8139.4).
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Page 273
(c) Propeller Agitator Mechanisms (3) Pelletizers (a) Rotary Drum (b) Rotating Disc (4) Containers (a) Wooden Tanks, Vertical
Page 281 Page 282 Page 283 Page 284 Page 285 Page 286 Page 287 Page 288 Page 289 Page290
(b) Epoxy Tanks, Horizontal (c) Polyethylene Tanks (d) Fiberglass Tanks
CAPCOSTS Page 273 Mixing, Leaching and Container Equipment EXAMPLE ESTIMATES In this section, prices are presented as a function of size, horsepower or capacity. Where relevant, tables or some additional graphs provide information to convert from these three parameters. Example 1: Estimate the price of a 70 cubic foot rotary dry blender at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1095. Figure 191, page 274, shows that the price is about US$30,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. This is then converted as follows: 1095 [m]30000 = US$23.500.
Example 2: What is the approximate price and size of a rotating disc pelletizer that will produce 10 stph of pellets? Figure 197, page 279, shows that the pelletizer should cost around US$64,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Figurel98, page 280, shows that the approximate diameter of the disc unit is around 10 foot. Roughly disc depth is about 12% of the diameter, or 1.2 fi. Figure 199, page 280, shows that the approximate horsepower of the unit is about 22 (say 25 to the next size motor). Example 3: Estimate the cost of a 650 US gallon vertical fibreglass tank, closed at the top and with a dish-shaped bottom. Figure 204, page 285, shows that the price is about US$2,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. If the lndex is currently at 1095, the current price becomes:
CAPCOSTS Page 274 MixersIBlenders ROTARY DRY BLENDERS Price = axb,US Dollars where X is operating volume in cubic feet. Cost includes motor and drive. Range in X, ft3: 5 to 78.5 78.5 to 550
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 275 MixersIBlenders SLURRY MIXER MECHANISMS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is volume of slurry to be mixed in US gallons. Cost excludes tank; includes motor, drive, shaft and impeller. Slurry is at 30% solids of specific gravity 3. Range in X, US Gal.: 85 to 6399 6399 to 154000
HP. normnal 25
CAPCOSTS Page 276 MixersIBlenders PROPELLER AGITATOR MECHANISMS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is, in US gallons, volume of fluid to be agitated. Cost includes motor; excludes tank. Range in X, US Gallons: 15 to 1200
2 to 5.4 5.4 to 14
M(LS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
'f 10'
2 g
5 4 3
l o
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is capacity in stph. Price includes motor. Range in X, stph: 5 to 125
CAPCOSTS Page 280 Pelletizers ROTATING DlSC PELLETIZER (CONTINUED) Figure 198 shows nominal capacity versus disc diameter, while Figure 199 shows horsepower versus capacity. In both cases, relationships are very rough and depend upon bulk density of feed and feed size.
3 2 2
8 9101
IIM&S(MineMill) =
I o5
3 d
W -
c f
4 3
I 2 o3
3 4
1 3
3 4
3 4
3 4
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is tank capacity in US gallons. Cylindrical, rounded ends; tanks must be vented. Fibreglass; Range in X, US Gallons: Polyethylene; Range in X, US Gallons:
55 to 207.3 207.3 to 3000
25 to 500
a = 8.497
b = 0.6986
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is tank capacity in US gallons. Vertical, for corrosive liquids. Range in X, US gallons: 65 to 2350 2350 to 10000
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 284 Containers FIBREGLASS TANKS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is tank capacity in US gallons. Range in diameter is from 3 ft to 7.5 ft. Range in X, US gallons: 58 to 870 870 to 6000
MBS(Mine1Mill)= 1400
7 6 5
4 3
rf 3
6 1o3 -
7 6 5
4 3 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6
4 5 6
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is tank capacity in US gallons. bottom exit. Range in X, US gallons: 10 to 321 321 to 10000 Vertical tanks with rounded bottoms; top entry,
MBS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
M&!3(MIne/M111) = 1400
CAPCOSTS Page 288 Containers STEEL BULK STORAGE TANKS Price = axb, US Dollars where X is tank capacity in cubic feet. Tanks have hopper bottoms. Range in X, ft3: 1277 to 9000 9000 to 41937
CAPCOSTS Page 289 Containers STEEL PRESSURE TANKS (Horizontal With End Caps) Price = axb, US Dollars where X is, in square feet, diameter times length. Shell thickness increases with diameter from 1.5 inch to 2 inch. Range in X, ft2: 75 to 960 a = 124.7
b = 1.087
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
where X is tank capacity in US gallons. Range in X, US gallons: 1000 to 40000 40000 to 50000
Page 292 Page 293 Page 294 Page 295 Page 296 Page 297 Page 298 Page 299 Page 300
(6) Mixer-Settlers (Solvent Extraction) (7) Copper Electrowinning Plants (8) Electrowinning Cells (9) Bullion Furnaces
In this section, prices are related to size (mainly volume or capacity). Note that some ~tems relevant to gold metallurgy were costed, along with ion exchange columns used in uranium processing. A classical mixer-settler is likewise costed.
Example 7:
An ion exchange column is necessary for the transfer of ions between resin and solution. The volume of liquid to be used for the transfer is 100 cubic feet, and the type of exchanger needed is anionic. Approximately, how much will this exchange column cost? From Figure 213, page 296, the exchanger must have a volume in US gallons. This amounts to 100 x 7.84 = 784 US gallons. Hence the cost is around US76,OOO at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. If the current index is at 1095, then this becomes:
Example 2:
A furnace is necessary to melt bullion, separate any slag and ultimately pour dore' metal into ingot form. What is the estimated cost of a 1000 Ib unit. Figure 217, page 300, shows that the cost is about US$26,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Normally, this cost would be updated to a current index.
Example 3:
A high temperature reaction at 2000 PSI must be conducted in a pressure autoclave. The volume of the unit is estimated to be 1000 US gallons. What is the estimated price of the unit? Figure 210, page 293, shows that this unit will cost about US$427,000 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. If the index is 1095 the current price is estimated as: 0g5 [Gal427000 = US$334,000
Price = axb,US Dollars where X is capacity in US gallons. Rated pressures at least 2000 PSI. Cost includes motor, stand, heating system and stirrer. Range in X, US gallons:
-08 2.46 to
2.46 to 1000
M&S(MidMill) = 1400
MILS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
~ t i s ( ~ i n e ~= 1 1 ) i 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is capacity in US gallons. Price includes fittings and supports; exchange resin suitable for Uranium processing. Range in X, US gallons: 213 to 17939 a = 2064 b = 0.5397
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
where X is mixer volume in US gallons. At an M&S(MlM) Index of 1400, capital costs for SX plants below include: delivered equipment and bulk materials; installation laborlsubcontracts at current rates; field construction management/supervision; engineeringlproject services; other; exclude: access roads to site; off-site powerlutility installations; mining equipment; permits; financing costs. Note: Settler area (ft2)= 0.527X0.9228, X between 2 and 1500. for Range in X, US gallons: 2 to 1500
Fo r t . l w ae-
13.9 x 106 316 - SS 4000 2+1, 1-Train 17.9 x 10' 8100 2+1, 2-Train HDPElConcrete 8600 2+1, 2-Train *36.4 x 106 FRPIConcrete 10600 2+1+1, 2-Train 40.0 x 106 FRPlConcrete 12200 2+1, 3-Train 25.8 x 106 HDPEIConcrete 16000 2+1, 4-Train 41.9 x 106 316 SS *uses more corrosion resistant materials due to high CI- concentration in leach solution
-a = 3854
b = 0.448
MIS(Mine1Mill) = 1400
3 4
3 4
3 4
M&S(MinelMill) = 1400
Price = axb, US Dollars where X is cell volume in cubic feet. Polypropylene flux cells are in parallel with 1 Ib of steel wool (50 oz Au per Ib of steel wool) per 4 ft3 of cells. Range in X, ft3: 4 to 125
Price = axb, US Dollars
8 9103
The estimation of the cost of items which do not appear in this handbook depends upon the following categories: (a) the item is not in the handbook, (b) the material of construction differs from that in the handbook and (c) the size of the item is not displayed in the handbook (i.e., the cost parameter is not within the range of interest). Moreover, there are certain features associated with installation costs, quickie plant costs, import duties and the updating of costs that merit further consideration.
Costs Not In Handbook
(1) Item Not Listed
If the item does not appear, then three courses of action are available: (a) Check the references shown on pages 1, 2 and 305. (b) If a cost cannot be found anywhere and the material of construction is steel, then a rough estimate is that the cost will be about US$6.00 per pound of equipment at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. Note that the weight must be known. (c) If a single cost and a parameter such as capacity or size or horsepower is available, the 6/10 rule can be used. This rule is:
where it is known that Cost is sensitive to Parameter. The exponent 0.6 is the average of hundreds of actual exponents. Sometimes, the rule is sufficiently accurate to allow the cost of an item computed from it to be employed for capital cost estimations of Type II accuracy.
Example of Use:
A siphon sizer of diameter 40 feet was known to cost $80,000 in June of 1988. Table 3, page 7, shows that the M&S(M/M) lndex is 870 in 1988, while the current value is 1095. In the absence of further information, estimate the current cost of a 50 foot diameter unit. Using the six-tenths rule: so that (Cost), = $91461. Updating this value,
If the item is costed, but the desired parameter value does not appear, the graph may be extrapolated. However, extrapolation is hazardous. It is likely that the lower end of the graph will tend to become horizontal, while at the upper end the equipment has a parameter value that is not realistic for the equipment. In such cases, multiple units rather than one very large unit may serve as a first approximation to the cost. InstallationIStructural Steel/ConcretelPlant Costs Installed equipment costs should be based on estimated man hours multiplied by labor rate, with labor accounting for 40 to 50 percent of installed equipment. However, Table 10, page 32, suggests that purchased major equipment costs should be summed and the sum then multiplied by the single factor 1.43 to determine installed equipment costs----clearly a rough approximation. In some situations, a more accurate method is to estimate the installed cost of each individual item, add this estimate to the purchased cost, obtain the installed equipment cost per item, and then sum the individual installed costs for total installed costs. This procedure avoids the following problem: Suppose that a low-carbon steel tank costs $3200, so that the installed cost is about $4576. If the tank is ordered in stainless steel, the cost will be about $6080 and the installed cost is then $8694 (using the 1.43 ratio). But why should it cost $1376 to install a low-carbon steel tank, while a similar stainless steel tank costs $2614 to install? The only difference in tanks is the material of construction. Since the factor 1.43 is an average, it is clear that neither of these installation costs is correct. One possibility is to choose the lowest cost; another is to average the two. Probably, the average is best when the item is virtually the only process equipment made of stainless steel. However, if most of the major process equipment is of stainless steei construction, the probable installation cost likely will be that based on carbon steel construction. The average weight of structural steel depends on the type of plant being designed. For processing plants, if the bay line area is known in square feet, roughly 20 Iblft2 of heavy steel is
CAPCOSTS Page 303 Rules of Thumb required. Light steel requirements are about 15 Iblft2. The price of structural steel per ton (fabricated and erected) is about US$4410 at an M&S(M/M) lndex of 1400. For the US gulf coast, poured concrete will cost between US$645 to US$675 per cubic meter. Such costs vary considerably with geographic location (i.e., the Andes mountains east of Santiago, Chile versus Winnemucca, Nevada, USA). Complete plant costs may be estimated by means of the 0.6 rule. Of interest is the following expression transmitted during a conversation with Dr. K. K. Humphrey of the University of West Virginia in the USA: C = IOTS where C is the cost of a coal preparation plant, T is the capacity in tph, and S is the cost, $/ton, of erected structural steel. For example, if a plant treats 24,000 tpd or 1000 tph and if the cost of the steel is $441Olton, then C = 10 x 1000 x 4410 = $44,100,000.
Import Duties
The following points are relevant to import duties if applicable: (1) Check to determine whether the foreign manufacturer has a Canadian outlet. If there is a Canadian outlet and if the item is assembled in Canada, there may be no duty involved. (2) If the equipment to be imported is used in the processing, smelting or refining of ores, metals or minerals, the equipment may be duty free. This should be checked carefully. (3) If an import duty must be paid, add approximately 15 percent to the purchase cost to cover duties.
Updating Costs
To update obsolete costs, when cost index values are not available, Figures 218 and 219 on page 304 can be useful. Figure 218 is a linear graph of the M&S(MIM) lndex versus year from 1960 to 1981. Distinct regions appear. From 1960 to 1965, the index changes very little. From 1965 to 1973, the index increases by about 3 112 percent per year. From 1973 to 1979 the average increase is about 10 112 percent per year. This becomes about 14 112 percent per year from 1979 to 1982. Figure 219, page 304, shows how the M&S(MIM) lndex varies with year from 1982 to 1996. Here, 3 distinct regions appear. From 1982 to 1987 the average increase in the index is about 1.3% per year; from 1987 to 1989 it is about 4.25%. However, from 1989 to 1996, the average increase per year becomes about 2.32 percent.
1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Progress Coal Age Cost Engineering Industrial Engineering Oil and Gas Journal Petroleum Refiner Canadian Mining Journals Buyers Guide (Sourcebook) Engineering and Mining Journal Engineering News Record
Equipment References
For detailed information on sizes, capacities and horsepower requirements, it is recommended that the reader consult bulletins supplied by manufacturers. See page 3 for trade directories.
Technical Papers
1. O'Hara, T. A., "Quick Guides to the Evaluation of Orebodies", CIM Bulletin, February, 1980, p. 87-99. 2. Mular, A. L., "The Estimation of Preliminary Capital Costs", Ch. 3 in Mineral Processing Plant Design, Mular, Andrew L. and Bhappu, Roshan B., Eds.,, SME-AIME, Littleton, Colorado, 1980, 946 pages. 3. Humphreys, K. K. and Mular, A. L., "Capital and Operating Cost Estimation", Ch. 6 in Design and Installation of Comminution Circuits Mular, Andrew L. and Jergensen, Gerald V. II, Eds., SME-AIME, Littleton, Colorado, 1982, 1022 pages. 4. Corneille, E. K., "Design, Capital and Operating Costs of Mineral Processing Plants", Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol. 2, Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers Inc., 1987, p. 255-288.
Abstract, v Accuracy of Capital Cost Estimates, 11-12 Acknowledgements, iv Agitator Mechanism, Propeller, 276 Air Classifiers, 152-153 Air Compressors, 105 Air Cyclone, 152 Air Cyclone Dust Collector, 218 Air Diaphragm, Reciprocating Pump, 209 Air Winches (slushers), 102 American Association of Cost Engineers, 1,4 Apron Feeders, 182 Atmospheric Rotary Dryers, 260 Autoclaves, 293 Autogenous, SAG Mills, 135-136 Axial Flow Blowers, 201 Axial Flow Fans, Booster, 108
Bag House Filters, 223 Balfour and Papucciyan, 26-29 Ball Mills, 137-138 Ball Mills, Vertically Stirred, 143-144 Banana Screens, 165 Baum Coal Jig, 235 Belt Conveyors, 173-174 Bendelari Jig, 238 Bins (hoppers), storage, 171 Blenders, rotary, dry, 274 Blowers Axial Flow, 201 Centrifugal Fan, 202 Boilers, Fire Tube, 199 Bond Equation, 133, 136, 144 Boom Stacker-Reclaimer, 172 Borer Tunnel, 65 Raise, AC, DC, 66 Bradford Breaker, 146 Bucket Elevators, 181 Bucket Wheel Excavators, 76 Bullion Furnaces, 300
Capital Cost Estimations, v, 11-30 Capital Investment, 11, 61 Capitalloperating Cost Models (USBM), 35-37 Open Pit Mine Models, 36 Underground Mine Models, 37 Mill Models, 37 Car Dumpers, 98 Carbon Regeneration Kilns, 295 Cash Flow, 45 Cash Flow, Discounted, 50 Centrifugal: Fan Blowers, 202 Fan, Main, 109 Single Stage Closed Impeller, Pumps, 213 Single Stage Open Impeller, Pumps, 212 Multistage Pumps, 203 Stainless Steel Pumps, 204 Vertical Sump Pumps, 205 Centrifugal Concentrators, 240 CentrifugalIGravity Separators, 240, 227-240 Cedar Wood Tanks, 281 Centrifuges, Continuous: Perforated Basket, 255 Pusher Discharge, 255 Scroll Discharge, Stainless Steel, 256 Scroll Discharge, Carbon Steel, 257 Screen Cone, 258 Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index, 4-7 Circular Jig, 237 Classifiers: Air, 152-153 Cyclone, Air, 152 Hydrocyclone, 154-155 Rake, 156 Spiral, 157 Classification Equipment, 148-157 Cloth Baghouse Filters, 223 Coal-Fired Generator Plants, 112 Column Flotation Cells, 243 Compressors, Air: Capacity, 106 Horsepower, 106 Portable, 105 Stationary, 105 Concentrating Tables, 229 Concentrators, Spiral, Humphrey, 228 Concrete Cost, 303
C (Continued)
Conditioners, 272-290 Cone Crushers, 123-124 Continuous Bucket Elevator, 181 Continuous Miners, 87 Continuous Miners Boom Type, 88 Longwall, 90 Contractor's Cost Estimate, 11 Conventional Flotation Cells, 242 Conventional Thickeners, 270 Conveyors Belt, 173 Pneumatic, 175 Screw, 176 Trippers, 177 Suspension Magnets, Rectangular, 172 Vibrating, 178 Cooling Towers, 107 Copper Electrowinning Plants, 298 Cost Basis, major equipment, 10 Cost Estimation, Types, 11-13 Cost Indices, 4-9 Example, 6 Graphs, 304 Sources, 6 Tables, 6,7 Cost Ratio Methods, 27-30 Plant Cost Ratio, 27 Equipment Cost Ratio, 28 Component Cost Ratio, 29-30 Costs Not In Handbook, 302 Crushers Cone, 123 Gyratory, 121 Hammer Mill, 130 Impact, 128 Jaw, 119 Pulverizer, 131 Rolls, Double, 125 Rolls, H g h Pressure Grinding, 127 Crushing Equipment, 117-131 Cyclones Dense Medium, 230 Water Only, 232 Hydrocyclones, 154 Air, 152,218
DC Motors, 190 Definitive Cost Estimate, 11 Dense Medium Cyclones, 230 Detailed Cost Estimate, 11 Diaphragm Pumps Air Reciprocating, 209 Proportioning, 206 Thickener (Piston), 210 Diesel-Powered Generator Plants, 113 Disc Filters, 267 Discounted Cash Flow, 50 Dollar Basis, 10 Dozers, 78 Draglines, Walking, 75 Drill Pipe, 67 Drilling Equipment, 63-72 Drills, Jackleg, Hand Operated, 68 Drills, Percussive, Crawler-mounted Production Rigs, 70 Drills, Rotary, Truck-mounted Production Rigs, 71 Drills, Stoping, Hand Operated, 69 Drills, Underground Jumbos, Production Rigs, 72 Drip Proof Motors, 575V, 2300V, 4000V, 191-193 Drum (Rotary) Dryers, 260 Drum Filters, Rotary, 268 Dry Cyclones, 152,218 Dry Magnetic Separators, 247 Dryers Fluidized Bed, 259 Rotary, gas, carbon steel, 260 Spray, 261 DSM Screen, 159 Dumpers, Car, 98 Dust Collection Equipment, 216-223 Dust Collectors: Dry Cyclone, 220-221 Electrostatic Precipitators, 222 Dust Scrubbers, Wet (,Dynamic, Venturi, Cyclone), 218 Dust Scrubbers, Wet (Centrifugal Collector Types), 219
.Efficiency of Dust Collectors, 217 Electromagnets, 172 Electrostatic Precipitators, 222 Electrostatic Separators, 244 Electrowinning Cells, 299
E (Continued)
Electrowinning Plants, for Copper, 298 Engineering News Record Cost Index, 5-7 Epoxy Tanks, Horizontal, 282 Equipment Cost Ratio Method, 28 Equipment Replacement, 60 Equivalent Annual Value, 55 Example Estimates, 64,74,92,104,111,1l7,l32,l49,l68,2l7,225,253 Excavating and Loading Equipment, 73-90 Excavators, Bucket Wheel, 76 Explosion Proof Motors, 194 Extrapolation of Curves, 302
Factored Cost Estimate, 30-33 Guide, 32 Example, 31,33 Fans Axial Flow, Booster, 108 Centrifugal, Main, 109 Feeders Apron, 182 Grizzly, 183 Liquid, 185-187 Vibrating, 184 Fiberglass Tanks, 284-285 Filters 263-271 Disc, Rotary, 267 Drum, Rotary, 268 Horizontal Belt, 266 Horizontal Plate-Frame, 264 Tilting Pan, Rotary, 269 Vertical Plate-Frame, 263 Filters, Bag House, 223 Fir Tanks, 281 Fire Tube Boilers, 199 Fixed Capital Cost, 11, 13, 14-30 Mine-Mill, 14 Open Pit Mines, 15-17 Example, 15 Processing Plants, 22-30 Example, 22 Ratio Methods, 26-30 Example, 30 Placer MinesIMills (Small), 20
Types, 11
F (Continued)
Underground Mines, 17-20 Flotation Cells Self-Aerating, 241 Conventional, 242 Column, 243 Fluid Flow Equipment, 144-192 Fluidized Bed Dryer, 259 Front End Loaders, 80 Furnaces, BuHion, 300
Gear Pumps (Oil), 207 General Expenses, 11, 38 Generator Plant Coal Fired, 112 Diesel Powered, 113 Graders, 79 Graph Extrapolation, 302 Gravity Concentrators., 227-240 Gravity Separators, 227-240 Grinding Equipment, 132-146 Grizzly Feeder, 183 Grizzly, Screen, Vibrating, 158 Gyratory Crushers Primary, 44 Secondary, 44
Hammer Mills, 130 Haulage Equipment, 91-102 Heat Exchangers (shell and tube), 200 Heating Units, 199,200 Heavy Media Separator Assembly, 234 High Capacity Thickeners, 271 Hoists, Mine, 99 Hot Air Rotary Dryers, 260 Horizontal Belt Filter, 266 Horizontal Plate and Frame Filter, 264 Humphrey Spirals, 228 Hydraulic Shovels, 86 Hydrocyclones, 154 Hydroseparators (thickeners), 270-271
Impact Crushers, 128-129 Import Duties, 303 Index, 306 Indices, Cost, 4, 5-7 Induced Roll Separators, magnetic, 247 Inflation, Influence On Evaluation, 53 Infrastructure Costs, 34 Example, 34 Introduction, 1 Investment, v, 11 Ion Exchange Columns, 296 Ion Exchanger, 292
Jackleg Drills, 68 Jaw Crushers, 119-120 Jigs Bendelari, 238 Circular, 237 Coal Baum, 235 Fine Coal, 236 Mineral, 239
LeachingIMixing Equipment, 272-290 Lined Steel Tanks, glass, 286 Liquid Feeders, 185-187 Loaders, 80 Loading Equipment, 73-90 Locomotive Rails, 95 Locomotives, 97 Longwall Miners, 90
Magnet, Guard, 250-251 Magnetic Separators Roll, Induced, Dry, 247 Wet, Drum, 245 Wet High Intensity, 248 Wet, Permanent Magnet, Alternate Pole, 246 Major Equipment Cost Estimation, 2, 10 Marshall and Swift Cost Index, 4-7, 304 Material Factors, 302 Materials Handling Equipment, 171-181 ; 91-102 Mesh Sizes, 147 Metal Tanks, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290 Mills, Grinding Ball, 137 Ball, Vertically Stirred, 143 Hammer Mills, 130 Pebble, 139 Ring-Roller, 145 Rod, 141 Rotary Breaker, 146 SAG, Autogenous, 135 Mine Hoists, 99 Mine Locomotives, 97 Mineral Jig, 239 Mineral Project: Applications, 60,61 Evaluation Techniques, 45-54 Miners Continuous, 87 Continuous, Boom Type, 88 Longwall, 90 Mixer Mechanisms, 275-276 Mixer-Settlers, 297 Mixing Tanks, 281-286 Motors DC, 190 Drip Proof (575V, 2300V, 4000V), 191-193 Explosion Proof, 194 Rectifiers, Voltage, 189 Starters, 188 Synchronous, 198 TEFC (575V, 2300V, 400V), 195-197 Mucking Machines Rail Mounted, 101 Rubber Tired, 100 Multi-stage Centrifugal Pumps, 203
Nelson Refinery Cost Index, 5-7
Off Road Truck Tires, 94 Off Road Trucks, diesel, electric, 93 O'Hara, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 2438, 39,40, 43, 44 Operating Costs, 11, 38, 39, 40 Open Pit Mines, Capital Cost Estimates, 15, 36 Order-of-magnitude Cost Estimate, 11, 12 Ore Deposit Evaluation Methodology, 56 Oscillating Conveyors, see Conveyors Overband, Crossbelt, Permanent Guard Magnets, 250 Overband, Incline, Permanent Guard Magnets, 251 Overhead Crane, 180
Papucciyan, 26-29 Payback Criteria, 47 Pebble Mills, 139-140 Pelletizers Rotary Drum, 277 Rotating Disc, 279 Perforated Basket and Pusher Discharge Centrifuges, 255 Permanent Guard Magnets, 250-251 Pipe, Drill, 67 Piston Diaphragm Pump, 210 Plant Component Cost Ratio Method, 29-30 Plant Cost Ratio, 27 Plate and Frame Filter Press, Horizontal, 264 Plate and Frame Filter Press, Vertical, 263 Pneumatic Conveyors, 175 Polyethylene Tanks, 283 Power Generation Equipment, 110-115 Power Lines, 115 Power Shovels, 86 Preface, iii Preliminary Capital Cost Estimate, v, 11, 12 Pressure Vessels, Autoclaves, 293 Primary Gyratory Crusher, 121-122 Scalper Screens, 160-163 Prior Information, 14 Processing Plants, Capital Cost Estimation, 22, 25, 30, 37
CAPCOSTS Page 315 Index P (Continued) Product Cost, 11, 38 Production Drill Rigs, 71, 72 Project Control Cost Estimate, 11 Project Evaluation Techniques, 45-54 Proportioning Diaphragm Pump, 206 Proportioning Metering Pumps, 208 Pulverizers, 131 Pumps Air Diaphragm, 209 Centrifugal, Stainless, 204 Centrifugal, Single Stage, 212, 213 Diaphragm, Proportioning, 206 Gear, 207 Metering, 208 Multi-stage, Centrifugal, 203 Piston, Reciprocating, 21 1 Thickener (Piston) Diaphragm, 210 Vacuum, Drywater Seal, 214, 215 Vertical Centrifugal, 205 Polyethylene Tanks, 283
Rail, Steel, Locomotive, 95 Raise Borer Drills, AC, DC, 66 Rake Classifiers, 156 Rate of Return, 55 Reactors, glass-lined, 294 Reciprocating Piston Pumps, 21 1 Rectangular Suspension Magnets, 172 Rectifiers, Voltage, 189 References, 1, 2, 305 Reichert Cones, 228 Revenue Estimation, 43,44, 58 Revenue Evaluation, 56-58 Ring-Roller Mills, 145 Rod Mills, 141-142 Roll Crushers, 125-126 Rolls, High Pressure, Grinding, 127 Rotary Breaker, 146 Rotary, Carbon Steel Dryer, 260
R (Continued)
Rotary Disc Filters, 267 Rotary Drills, trucklcrawler-mounted, 70-71 Rotary Dry Blenders, 274 Rotary Drum Filters, 268 Rotary Drum Pelletizers, 277 Rotary Dryers, 260 Rotary Tilting Pan Filters, 269 Rotary Trommel Screen, 160 Rotating Disc Pelletizers, 279 Rules of Thumb, 10, 301
SAG (Semiautogenous Grinding) Mills, 135-136 Scoop Trams, 82 Scrapers, 84 Screens Banana, 165 DSM, 159 Grizzly, Vibrating, 158 Rotary Trommel, 160 Stationary, 163 Screen Decks, 164 Vibrating, 161,162 Screen Aperture, 147 Screen Cone Centrifuge, 258 Screen Size Calculation, 149-151 Screw Conveyors, 176 Scroll Discharge Centrifuges Carbon Steel, 257 Stainless Steel, 256 Secondary Gyratory Crusher, 121 Secondary Screens, 161-162 Self-Aerating Flotation Cells, 241 Sensitivity Analysis, 51 Separators Centrifugal, 240 Electrostatic, 244 Gravity, 227-239 Heavy Media, 234 Magnetic, 245-248 Shaking Tables, 229 Shellrrube Heat Exchangers, 200 Shovels, HydraulidPower, 86 Siphon Sizer, 301 Six Tenths or Seven Tenths Rule, 14, 301
Slurry Mixer Mechanisms, 275 Slushers, 102 Small Underground Mines and Processing Plants (Redpath), CANMET, 20 Solvent Extraction, Mixer-Settler, 297 Solvent Extraction Plants, Capital Cost, 297 Specifications, Importance of, 3 Spiral Classifiers, 157 Spray Dryers, 261 Stainless Steel Tanks, Vertical, 287 Starters, Motors, 188 Start Up Costs, 13-14 Stationary Screens, 163 Steel Rail, 95 Steel Tanks, glass-lined, 286 Steel Bulk Storage Tanks, 288 Steel Pressure Tanks, 289 Steel Fuel Tanks, 290 Stoper Drills, 69 Storage Bins, 149 Boom Stacker-Reclaimer, 172 Bulk Storage, Steel, 288 Structural Steel Cost, 303 Surface Haulage Trucks, 93 Suspension Magnets, Conveyors, 172 Synchronous Motors, 198
Table of Contents, vi-xii Tables, Concentrating, 229 Tanks Epoxy, Horizontal, 282 Fiberglass, 284-285 Polyethylene,283 Stainless Steel, 287 Steel Bulk Storage, 288 Steel Fuel, 290 Steel, Glass-lined, 286 Steel Pressure Tanks, 289 Wooden Tanks, 281 TEFC Motors (575V, 2300V, 4000V), 195-197 Thickeners, Conventional, 270 Thickeners, High Capacity, 271 Time Value of Money, 48
CAPCOSTS Page 318 Index T (Continued) Tires, Truck, off road, 94 Total Capital Investment, v, 11 Total Capital Investment Examples, 15, 16, 20, 22, 30 Total Enclosed Fan Cooled Motors, 195-197 Total Product Cost, 11, 38-43 Total Product Cost, DilutionIRecovery Influence on, 43 Total Product Cost, Mine-Mill, 38-42 Towers, Cooling, 107 Transmission Lines, 115 Trams, Scoop, 82 Tripper, Conveyors, 177 Trommel Screens, 160 Trucks, Surface Haulage, 93 Trucks, Underground, 96 Truck Tires, 94 Tunnel Borer Drill, 65 Tyler Screen Ratio, 147
Underground Haulage Vehicles (Trucks), 96 Underground Mines, Capital Cost Estimation, 17, 37 Updating Costs, 303 US Sieve Series, 147 Useful Prior Information, 14 Utility Substation, 114
Vacuum Pumps Water Seal, 214 Dry Seal, 215 Variogram, 57 Vehicles, UndergroundISurface Haulage, 93, 96 Vibrating Conveyors, 178 Vibrating Feeders, 184 Vibrating Grizzly, 183 Ventilation and Cooling Equipment, 103-109 Vibrating Conveyors, 178 Vibrating Feeders, 184 Vibrating Screens, 161-162 Vibrating Grizzlies, 158 Vertical Plate and Frame Filters, 263 Vertical Pumps, Centrifugal, 205 Vertimills, Vertically Stirred Ball Mills, 143
Walking Draglines, 75 Water Only Cyclones, 232 Wet Permanent Magnet, Alternate Pole Drum Magnetic Separators, 246 Wet Cyclones (Hydrocyclones), 154 Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separators, 248 Wet Magnetic Drum Separators, 245 Winches, Air, 102 Wooden Tanks, 281 Work Index, Bond, 133,136,144 Working Capital, 1 1, 13,14