Student Perception Survey

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Student Perception Survey

SY 2016-2017

Teachers Name: __Ms. Tajalle_________ Room #: __2__ Grade: _Kinder__

Directions: Please circle the correct symbol that tells how you feel about each statement.

Always Sometimes
Rarely/ Never
1. My teacher tells me what Im going to
learn before each lesson.

2. My teacher tells me what we need to

learn and what our goal is for each

3. I record what I know (my own

progress) using my gumball machine.

4. My teacher prepares fun activities that

help me learn better.

5. The work I do in class makes me think.

6. My teacher makes me feel that I can

learn anything.

7. I learn important things during lessons

that will help me when I grow up.

8. I like learning new things in my

kindergarten class.

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