Minutes Oh 2017-05-17

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Minutes of the Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Open Meeting on Wednesday 17 th May, 2017 at the Public


1. Election of the Chairman of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council for 2017 to 2018
Steve Capstick was re-elected as Chairman (proposed by Alison Nelson, seconded by John Heap)

2. The Annual Parish Meeting

No comments were made by parishioners

Minutes of the AGM of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council on Wednesday 17 th May, 2017

1. Election of the Vice-Chairman of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council for 2017 to 2018
It was decided that a Vice-Chairman is not needed

2. Apologies
Peter Thornton (SLDC) and Stan Collins (CCC)

3. Minutes of the last AGM held on the 21st June, 2016

These minutes were confirmed to be a true and accurate record on 17-08-2016.

4. Chairmans report for 2016/17

The parish council has had a relatively quiet year with nothing major happening in the parish. There have been the
usual number of small planning applications for extensions etc and one for a new build house which was supported by
the council and approved by the SLDC Planning Committee.

The scheme to provide fibre broadband connections to properties in the parish continues and to date the main trunk to
the cabinet in Old Hutton is almost completed. It is hoped that there will be some properties connected by the summer
of 2017. Main trunks have also been laid in neighbouring parishes and, hopefully, they will be completed in the next
few months.

The community fund set up with income from the solar farm now has funds available.

Money from the government to the county council for flood damage caused by Storm Desmond has been spent locally
on resurfacing some sections of road and repairing pot holes.

As usual thanks to councillors and to our clerk for all they do to keep the council doing its responsibilities.

5. Review and adoption of appropriate standing orders and financial regulations

Revised standing orders were adopted on 07-11-2013; financial regulations were adopted on 20-04-2016

6. Review of inventory of land and assets

The values of these items were reviewed [see the document on the parish website]

7. Review and confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks
The parish council currently has the standard policy from Zurich Insurance (premium 205.33) for the period 01-06-
2016 to 31-05-2017 (and premium 210.00 for 01-06-2017 to 31-05-2018)

The replacement values of all items on the assets list for insurance cover were reviewed.

8. Review of the Councils membership of other bodies

These are CALC [current subscription 160.14] and the Upper Kent Local Area Partnership [no subscription].
Steve Capstick was appointed as the Parish Council representative to the Armistead Wind Farm Funding Committee.
John Heap was appointed as the Parish Council representative to the Upper Kent LAP meeting.

9. Review of the Councils procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and Data Protection Act 1998
None has been received.
Minutes of the meeting of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council on Wednesday 17th May 2017

170517-1 Present
Steve Capstick (chairman), John Heap, Alison Nelson, Ruth Rigg, John Shorrock, Arthur Robinson (clerk), and 13

170517-2 Apologies
Peter Thornton and Stan Collins (CCC),

170517-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meetings

The chairman signed the minutes of the parish council meetings held on 13-03-2017, 12-04-2017 and 03-05-2017 as
true and accurate records [see the documents on the parish website]

170517-4 Chairmans announcements

a) Work to extend Old Hutton Substation and install new equipment has been completed so there will now be
minimal activity at the site.
b) Cumbria County Council has launched a new website to report and track problems on highways. It is called
HIMS (Highways Information Management System) and can be accessed at:

170517-5 Declaration of interests none

170517-6 Open session

Concern was expressed that the parish had not been informed that the B6254 was to be re-tarred. This has caused
problems and CCC will be informed

170517-7 Planning applications

Applications submitted requiring council comments:
SL/2017/0215 Conversion and extension to Eskrigg Barn to form a dwelling and installation of a sewage
treatment plant. The Parish Council had no objection.
The progress of the following applications was noted:
SL/2017/0146 Installation of a new sash window at Bridge House. The Parish Council had no objection to
this application. Permission granted on 10-04-2017.
SL/2017/0266 Single storey rear extension with accommodation in roof space at Bleaze Lodge. The Parish
Council decided to support this application at its meeting on 12-04-2017.
SL/2017/0313 construction of a detached dwelling on land adjacent to Low Bleaze. The parish council fully
supported this application at its meeting on 03-05-2017.

170517-8 Payment of accounts

Payment of the following amounts was authorised:
60.00 to MBE Accountancy Ltd for the internal audit of the 2016-17 accounts
160.14 to CALC for the 2017/18 annual subscription
210.00 to Zurich Insurance for the annual premium for 01-06-2017 to 31-05-2018

170517-9 Financial report

a) The annual governance statement for 2016/17 was approved [see the document on the parish website]
b) The accounts for 2016/17 were approved [see the documents on the parish website]
c) The accounting statements for 2016/17 were approved [see the documents on the parish website]
d) The internal audit report for 2016/17 was approved [see the document on the parish website]
e) It was reported that the Community Account balance (after deduction of an unpresented cheque) was
3118.65 at the end of the financial year on 31-03-2017. The 2017/18 precept and grant have been received
so the total in the account is now 3688.51 of which 1495.84 has been budgeted for the broadband project.
f) A request from the North West Air Ambulance Charity for a donation was not granted.

170517-10 Correspondence
The following items of correspondence were received since the last meeting:
22-03-2017 from CCC notice of election on 04-05-2017 [put onto notice board]
24-03-2017 from CCC Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan; Main Modifications Consultation [filed as there is
little of relevance to the parish]
24-03-2017 from Statera Energy information about proposed gas-fired power station and battery storage
[forwarded to parishioners]
05-04-2017 from CALC April newsletter [forwarded to councillors]
02-05-2017 and 05-05-2017 - from SLDC notice of a code of conduct briefing [forwarded to councillors]
13-05-2017 from CALC May newsletter [forwarded to councillors]
170517-11 Extension of the B4RN broadband network to the parish
It was reported that all the trunk route and spurs had been completed in the parish except for road crossings at Hutton
Gate, Beckside, Middleshaw and Bendrigg Lodge and the sections from Bendrigg Lodge to Low Bendrigg, the
Substation and Greenmoor Bank to Ewebank. Service lines are being installed by residents at Eskrigg End,
Middleshaw Head and Ewebank. B4RN have scheduled fibre to be blown through the trunk from northern Lupton to
the Old Hutton cabinet to make it live in early June. This will enable many houses to have B4RN broadband by the
end of the year.

170517-12 Wayleave
Wayleave was granted to B4RN for the three trunk ducts from the Old Hutton broadband electronics cabinet to cross
the footpath near the church and to allow a chamber to be installed partly on the path (proposed by John Heap,
seconded by Ruth Rigg). The documents are stored in the Parish Council deeds file.

170517-13 Report from the Greaves Solar Farm Community Fund

The Solar Farm Community Fund has an annual income of over 4,000 which is paid quarterly in arrears. To date,
2,450 has been received and 1434 was paid to Old Hutton Public Hall for the purchase of a dishwasher. The Fund
Committee is building up the balance before advertising in August/September that funds are available for

170517-14 The proposed power station and battery storage plant at Hutton Substation
There was much discussion about planning applications SL/2017/0425 (battery storage) and SL/2017/0426 (a gas-
fired power station) at Greenmoor Bank. There will be an open meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 24 th May at Old
Hutton Public Hall for all residents of Old Hutton & Holmescales and New Hutton parishes and everyone is urged to
attend. It will summarise the applications, describe the many issues which are relevant planning considerations, and
outline how comments can be submitted to SLDC. There will be an opportunity to vote formally on the two applications
and the results will be part of the comments sent by the two parish councils to SLDC.

170517-15 Date of the next meeting

The next ordinary meeting is likely to be in July but before that an extraordinary meeting will be called to agree
formally the Parish Councils comments on planning applications SL/2017/0425 and SL/2017/0426

Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Over Bleaze, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0LU
Telephone 01539-725955 e-mail [email protected] www.oldhutton.org.uk

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