Rettori and Duran, 1998
Rettori and Duran, 1998
Rettori and Duran, 1998
A procedure for the production, extraction, and purication of violacein was developed using Chromobacterium
violaceum (CCT 3496) cultivated on cotton, in modied 1 litre Roux bottles. A surface tray bioreactor was built to
perform these experiments. Violacein was extracted with commercial ethanol, and puried by ltration, Soxhlet
extraction, crystallization and high performance liquid chromatography. The violacein was analysed and identied
by proton and carbon-13 NMR spectroscopies, thermogravimetric analysis, mass spectrometry, UV-VIS spectro-
scopy and infrared spectroscopy. It was concluded that the product was highly puried violacein.
Chromobacterium violaceum is a Gram-negative, faculta- In this work we describe, in detail, a simple method-
tively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium (Kaufman et al. ology to obtain highly puried violacein.
1986). It is a common saprophyte found in water and soil
from tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and is
generally considered to be non-pathogenic (Ponte & Materials and Methods
Jenkins 1992).
Violacein (Figure 1), the major pigment produced by Microbial Production
this bacterium, is a bactericide (Lichstein & Van de Sand Four ml (but less is possible) of a suspension of C. violaceum CCT
3496 (grown for 12 h at 30 C on an orbital shaker at 120 rev/
1945; Duran et al. 1983), a trypanocide (Caldas et al. 1978;
min) were inoculated into 400 ml of liquid medium (0.5%
Duran et al. 1994), a tumoricide (Duran et al. 1996) and in D-glucose; 0.5% peptone; 0.2% yeast extract) in a 2000 ml Er-
addition it has anti-viral activity (May et al. 1991). lenmeyer ask. Two inoculated asks were incubated at 30 C
for 12 h on an orbital shaker at 120 rev/min. Then, suspensions
of C. violaceum were inoculated onto eight nonsterilized cotton
carpets (90 ml/carpet). Each carpet (approximately 10 20
0.5 cm) was inside a non-sterilized one litre modied Roux
bottle (i.e. one carpet per bottle). The eight bottles were incu-
bated at 30 C for 24 h in a surface tray bioreactor (Rettori &
Duran 1997) without aeration. After this time, the cotton attains
a bright violet color due to intracellular production of violacein
by the bacteria. If production is not attained, aeration of the
system is necessary. The modication of the Roux bottles was
simply a hole of 8 cm in diameter in order to facilitate the
insertion and removal of the cotton carpets.
The Soxhlet purication step with chloroform extracts Figure 3. NMR-1H spectrum of violacein dissolved in DMSO-d6 with
cell wall and membrane residuals (Melo 1996). The an aliquot of CDCl3 containing TMS.
Soxhlet step with diethyl ether solubilizes deoxy-
violacein, the minor pigment produced by C. violaceum
(Duran et al. 1983). A small fraction of violacein is lost in
Figure 2. Chromatogram from a sample (1.5 ml) of saturated etha- Figure 4. Decoupled NMR-13C spectrum of violacein dissolved in
nolic solution of violacein puried by crystallization. DMSO-d6 with an aliquot of CDCl3 containing TMS.
Concluding Remarks
The use of the surface tray bioreactor, the modied Roux
bottles and the cotton carpets greatly facilitates the
handling, by the operator, of all steps related to the
production and extraction of violacein. Production is
inexpensive, achieved in short periods of time (24 h),
and yields highly puried violacein.
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