Manual of Fisheries Science Part 2

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Appendix 3.


Occasional Paper 60/3



T. Williams, Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft

During the FAO International Training Centre on the Methodology and Techniques of
Research on Mackerel held at Bangkok in 1958, the possibility of producing a one-man
measuring board was discussed. It was decided that the board needed to be simple to
use, inexpensive to produce, and one that would enable a research worker to measure
and record, single-handed, large numbers of fish under field conditions.

The Fisheries Laboratory at Lowestoft, England, made and tested a board according to
the principles laid down at the Training Centre and found that it fulfilled these

Figure 1 is a drawing of the board showing the scale marked in centimetre units, and a
line drawn down its median axis to help keep fish straight during measuring. The scale is
drawn using an ordinary pen, and printers' ink Grade HJ. 150/A, on a white, matt
surfaced, plastic material, which is attached to the wooden board with an impact
adhesive (Evostick was the adhesive used).

The plastic surface is 0.02 inch thick and the material has the trade name Astrafoil. It is
supplied with one side polished and one side matt, and it is necessary to roughen the
polished side before attaching it to the wooden board.

Parana Pine, a knotless wood which is easily obtainable locally in England, was used to
make the measuring boards, but a hard wood would be equally suitable. It was not found
necessary to treat the wood of the boards that were used during the trials, but it may be
found desirable to varnish it to prevent warping, should the boards be subject to
continuous soaking, followed by storage under conditions of high temperature.

When measuring fish, each one is laid on the board with the head touching the upright
headpiece. The fish is straightened so that it is parallel with the median line, and the
length is recorded by a pencil mark in the centimetre space within which lies the extreme
end of the tail or other point on the fish from which the measurement is to be taken.

The length distribution of the sample is built up by recording the lengths of the fish in this
way. The marks, each of which represents a fish, are usually arranged in blocks of five,

either or .

Two or more samples may be measured without the board being cleaned, provided there
is sufficient space for recording, and the samples are clearly separated.

Figure 2 shows a series of lengths recorded on the board and a fish being measured.
Sample 1 has been completed, and is separated from Sample 2 by a line drawn by
the measurer.

The method of measuring described above results in the fish being measured to the
centimetre below its actual length, e.g., a fish of 25.8 cm is recorded as 25 cm. If it is
required to measure a fish to the nearest centimetre, e.g., a fish of 25.8 cm being
recorded as 26 cm, then this can easily be achieved by screwing a 5 mm block to the
upright headpiece, as illustrated in Figure 1.

A soft pencil is used for recording on the board and the marks can be removed with an
ordinary pencil eraser. If, after a period of use, the board becomes difficult to clean
thoroughly, xylol applied with a soft cloth and rubbed hard will remove all the pencil
marks. This should not be done too frequently, as xylol removes a little of the ink each
time it is applied.

Astrafoil supplied by D.E.P. Ltd., Frith Park, Walton-on-the-Gill, Tolworth, Surrey.

Printers Ink, Grade HJ. 150/A supplied by Hellerman Ltd., Crawley, Sussex.

Note by S.J. Holt (FAO)

Since this paper was written the measuring board described has been used with
success by Mr. G. Tront aboard the FAIRTRY, a large British factory trawler. At FAO a
soaking test has shown that bubbles between the plastic surface and the wooden base
removed themselves when the board is immersed for a few hours; thus wetting improves
the board, at least in this respect.

FAO has distributed 20 models of the board among IPFC member countries for field
tests, the results of which it is hoped will be reported to the Council.

Author's Note

Later versions of the board have been made with resin-bonded marine plywood
approximately 18 mm thick; this material is less liable to warp and has a longer life under
field conditions.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Appendix 3.3
A Method of Measuring Headless Fish (Reprinted from J.Cons.Perm. Int.Explor.Mer,
31 (2): 279-83)

A common problem for the fishery scientist is to measure some attribute of a population.
The study of catches of fish by commercial vessels for species, size, age, maturity or
other characteristics often involves the organization of some sampling system. Of the
many observations that can be made, the one that is most frequently chosen is that of
total length which can be quickly and accurately measured. Total length is usually closely
related to many of the other factors, e.g., weight, age, maturity, etc., so that any of the
latter may often be most easily determined from the length data plus a small key sample
relating length with the factor concerned.

The difficulties usually encountered when trying to obtain the length composition of a
commercial catch are those of planning and organization, e.g., deciding the size of the
sample to be measured, the frequency of sampling, and the stage at which the
measuring should be done, e.g., whether at sea, immediately after landing, or later -
after sorting and selling.

If it is decided to measure the fish ashore, an additional complication sometimes occurs

i.e., the heads of some of the fish may be removed at sea before stowage, and part of
the catch landed headless. The problem then is the difficulty of finding out what was the
total length of all the fish.

This problem has recently been encountered in South Africa, where a team from the
Lowestoft Laboratory is carrying out a survey of the stocks of hake (Merluccius
capensis) in the area. It was found, however, that there are linear relationships between
the total length (Lt) of the fish and the measurements Lp (the length from pectoral fin to
end of tail) or La (the length from anus to end of tail). These relationships were therefore
calculated as follows: a sample of over two hundred fish, covering the whole of the
length range, was taken, and on each fish measurements were made of Lt, Lp and La.
Mean values of Lp and La were plotted against total length to give two straight line
relationships, (Lp=0.728 Lt+0.788; La=0.568 Lt+2.293) which are shown in Figure 1.

These relationships were then read from the graph (Figure 1) and used to construct a
specially calibrated measuring board that immediately converts Lp or La into total length.
For the Lp calibration the board is graduated in units of 7.28 mm, each unit being
equivalent to 1 cm of total length; thus if Lp measures 35 cm this is equivalent to a total
length of 47 cm and this is read off directly from the board (Figure 2). Other examples
are given in Figure 3. The factor for La is 0.568, and for this conversion the board would
be graduated in units of 5.68 mm. One board could be graduated to measure both Lp
and La (Figure 4).

In this way the total lengths of large numbers of headless fish are measured quickly and
easily, and a size composition of the catch by total length is directly recorded, without the
need of any further conversion. It is obvious that the relationship Lp or La to Lt will vary
between species, or possibly between similar species from different areas, and new
values of the function of Lp and La to Lt should be established when any new stock is

When measuring headless fish a board without a headstock is necessary because the
base of the pectoral fin is placed against the end of the board, the fin being held at right
angles to the fish. However, a normal board with headstock can be used in the usual
way for measuring total length of whole fish, whilst the end away from the headstock is
calibrated to measure total length of headless fish by means of either Lp or La (Figure

The most suitable type of measuring board for this work is the one-man board
developed at the Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft; this board is surfaced with a matt
white plastic (Astrafoil), is cheap to produce, quickly and easily calibrated, and has
proved most satisfactory in use. It is fully described in the FAO Indo-Pacific Council
Paper No. 60/3. The measuring boards used in South Africa were made of 1.9 cm resin-
bonded marine plywood, which has proved less likely to warp than other types of wood.

The Lowestoft board can be used in the ordinary way with two men, one recording and
one measuring, but its main advantage is that it can be used as a one-man board, the
measurements being recorded directly on to the board by the measurer. A soft pencil is
used for recording and will write on the plstic-surfaced board through water or fish
slime. A pencil mark is made in the centimetre space within which the end of the tail lies,
and the marks are usually built up in blocks of five as shown in Figure 6. When a sample
has been complete it is a simple matter to transfer the numbers of fish, marked on the
board at each length, to a log book. The board is then cleaned with an ordinary india
rubber and the procedure repeated for subsequent samples.

This method is similar to the one described by Davenport and Harling (1965), but instead
of transferring the recorded measurements from the plastic board to a log book, they
used a new graduated plastic strip, pinned to the board, on each occasion.


Davenport, D. and W.R. Harling, Method of rapid measurement for large samples of fish
1965 J. Fish,Res.Bd Can., 22:1309-10

Figure 1. The relationships between LT and LA for South African hake. LT = total length;
LP = length from pectoral fin to end of tail; LA = length from anus to end of tail.

Figure 2. Measuring board graduated in units of 7.28 mm to give total length by
measuring Lp.

Figure 3. Three examples of LP being directly recorded as total length.

Figure 4. Board without headstock graduated to record total length from both LP and LA.

Figure 5. A. Measuring board graduated to measure both total length of whole fish and
also total length (from LP) of headless fish. B. Positions of the fish on the board.

Figure 6. The method of recording on a one-man measuring board.

Appendix 3.4







Example of the type of form used for recording measurements of many specimens of the
same species

Number of Stones Sampled: DATE FISH
All fish measured; non
(Delete as appropriate)
1 measured; discarded

0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3

4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9

Appendix 3.5

Standard form used by ICES for reporting measurements of fish landings from
regular market sampling programmes

Table 1. Netherlands. Number (in thousands) of North Sea Whiting of different sizes landed at Dutch
ports in 1962 specified by three month periods
Northern North Sea Central North Sea Southern North Sea
(cm) Jan.- Apr.- Jul.- Oct.- Jan.- Apr.- Jul.- Oct- Jan.- Apr.- Jul.- Oct.-
Total Total Total
March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec.
20 12 12 5 5 42 1 43
21 1 6 7 3 9 9 21 2 4 22 28
22 11 2 13 11 13 1 25 112 6 8 49 175
23 2 23 7 9 41 5 20 40 1 66 41 3 28 119 191
24 6 40 19 20 85 19 53 49 1 122 176 46 52 210 484
25 29 99 32 42 202 28 87 89 4 203 237 109 92 260 698
26 114 160 60 73 407 58 165 205 18 446 484 186 145 366 1,181
27 253 227 102 93 675 75 217 362 36 690 721 375 256 427 1,779
28 506 309 139 168 1,122 79 242 459 47 827 1,101 603 328 396 2,428
29 864 343 139 185 1,531 54 213 486 60 813 895 723 377 498 2,493
30 1,011 314 170 230 1,725 42 233 533 62 870 1,055 734 55 402 2,741
31 965 262 182 285 1,694 42 191 479 35 747 634 601 368 328 1,931
32 883 258 177 251 1,569 23 166 425 46 660 409 421 317 263 1,410
33 730 188 124 249 1,291 18 87 326 38 469 343 393 258 194 1,188
34 456 152 85 220 913 8 70 216 42 336 131 278 256 127 792
35 354 117 57 199 727 3 55 164 25 247 176 203 183 80 642
36 217 69 36 154 476 3 31 111 24 169 89 141 133 50 413
37 148 55 29 171 403 4 8 118 13 143 50 79 84 50 263
38 77 35 12 129 253 2 7 71 10 90 13 59 52 27 151
39 78 29 11 103 221 7 34 5 46 10 47 35 18 110
40 39 9 15 84 147 1 10 6 10 27 4 28 30 10 72
41 28 13 3 42 86 6 15 3 24 17 9 5 31
42 17 10 4 39 70 10 1 11 7 12 5 24
43 8 3 4 17 32 3 2 5 5 6 2 13
44 10 7 17 34 1 3 1 5
45 4 1 9 14 2 1 2 3 8
46 5 6 11 1 1 2 5 1 6
47 5 4 9 1 1
48 2 1 1 4
49 2 2 4

50 1 1 1 1
50 1 2 3
Total 6,815 2,746 1,415 2,806 13,782 468 1,889 4,229 484 7,070 6,727 5,072 3,589 3,913 19,301

Table 2. Netherlands. Number (in thousands) of North Sea Whiting of different year-classes
landed at Dutch ports in 1961 and 1962 specified by three month periods
Northern North Sea Central North Sea Southern North Sea
class Jan.- Apr.- Jul.- Oct.- Total Jan.- Apr.- Jul.- Oct Total Jan.- Apr.- Jul.- Oct.- Total
March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec.
1960 32 13 2 407 454 20 54 5 79 60 42 139 787 1,028
1959 421 1,728 161 2,125 4,435 34 909 1,562 167
2,732 2,527 1,671 3,984 2,616 10,798
1958 1,204 1,805 333 751 4,093 56 1,087 1,361 912,595 4,980 3,233 2,768 891 11,878
1957 779 231 66 84 1,160 3 103 497 23626 387 343 72 802
1956 186 47 15 29 277 1 35 36
19551 130 19 2 151 12 12
Total 2,752 3,843 577 3,398 10,570 94 2,226 3,474 286 6,080 7,960 5,289 6,963 4,294 24,506
1961 3 52 60 495 610 8 93 206 12 319 285 87 1,276 2,509 4,157
1960 964 783 421 1,146 3,314 97 541 472 96 1,206 577 980 606 462 2,625
1959 4,192 1,217 590 956 6,955 312 874 2,387 296 3,859 4,323 3,202 1,448 860 9,833
1958 1,254 605 312 158 2,329 49 141 1,118 72 1,380 1,542 803 213 63 2,621
1957 292 84 20 51 447 1 239 55 8 303 46 19 65
1956 94 5 7 106 1 1 2
19551 16 5 21
Total 6,815 2,746 1,415 2,806 13,782 468 1,889 5,228 484 7,069 6,727 5,072 3,589 3,913 19,301

1) 1955 and older


The exact age determination of fish is one of the most important elements in the study of
their population dynamics. It forms the basis for calculations leading to a knowledge of
the growth, mortality, recruitment and other fundamental parameters of their populations.

Many species of fish can be aged from the discontinuities which occur in their skeletal
structures. These discontinuities may result from either changes (such as temperature)
in the environment which the fish inhabits, or changes (such as spawning) in the
physiology of the fish. However, many fish live in such a uniform environment that
discontinuities do not form in their skeletal structures and ageing of these fish has to be
done indirectly; it may often be impossible. In the first part of this section the methods
used for fish with skeletal discontinuities will be described and in the second part the
methods available for fish without them. The third part deals with growth rates and the
fourth part describes methods of obtaining age compositions from age-length keys.

4.1 Age Determination from Skeletal Structures
Almost every skeletal structure has been used for age determination of fish. Of these
otoliths and scales are the most widely used because they are easy to collect and store.
The thin bones of the head and of the pectoral and pelvic girdles have also been used.
Although bones are easy to store dry, they are time-consuming to prepare. The flesh has
to be removed by boiling them in water and then the fat removed in a solvent, otherwise
they go rancid in storage. Vertebrae are commonly used for rajids, which do not have
large bony otoliths and for tuna. Again these need time-consuming preparation. Ray
vertebrae have to be cleaned in a boiling solution of sodium hydroxide and then stored in
methanol. Tuna vertebrae are stored dry. Spines of some dogfish, Squalus acanthias are
also used for regular age determination of this species in England.

When starting an investigation it is worth examining several different structures to see

which gives the best results. In some instances two methods will complement each

As otoliths and scales are the two structures most widely used for age determination,
only methods for reading these will be described. Most of these methods are equally
applicable to reading the other structures with either no or slight modification.

4.2 Collection of Otoliths and Scales

4.2.1 Otoliths

The sagittal otolith is that used for age determination of most fish. It is located in the
sacculus of the inner ear. The manner of cutting into the head of the fish to remove it
depends on the type of fish. It amy also depend upon whether the fish are to be sold
subsequently in which case damage to the fish must be kept to a minimum.

For flatfish, a cut in the position illustrated in Fig. 4.1a exposes the otoliths and they are
easily withdrawn with forceps (Fig. 4.1c). When otolithing large numbers of flatfish the
operation is speeded up by using a board with a slot, 3 x 10 cm, cut in the surface. The
point of incision in the head of the fish is laid on the board over the slot; this enables the
knife to be driven easily through the skull at point X (Fig. 4.1c), and the cut made cleanly
in the correct position (Fig. 4.1b).

A number of methods can be used to extract otoliths from roundfish e.g. gadoids, the
simplest being a transverse cut across the head, slightly behind the eyes, far enough
into the skull to allow the head to be broken open. A knife or scalpel can be used for
small fish but a normal metal kacksaw for larger sizes makes the operation quick and
easy (Fig. 4.2). An inexperienced worker can easily cut too deeply and damage the
otoliths, but the right technique is soon learnt. An alternative method is to lift off the top
of the skull. This is a more difficult method, particularly with large fish, although there is
less chance of damaging the otoliths (Fig.4.3a). If the otoliths must be removed without

apparent damage to the fish then it is possible to extract them from under the gill
(Fig.4.3b) or from the roof of the mouth.

4.2.2 Scales

The scale lies in a pocket in the skin of the fish and is divided by a horizontal line into
two areas. The embedded area is covered with striations and concentric rings, while the
exposed area is unstriated. Scales vary in shape depending on the contours of the fish.
The best scales for age and growth rate determination are generally to be found on the
shoulder of the fish between the head and the dorsal fin (Fig.4.4).

The fish from which scales are to be taken should first be washed under cold running
water. During the washing, the body of the fish should be rubbed lightly in a head-to-tail
direction in order to remove any loose scales which may have rubbed off other fish.
Using forceps, a scale is then taken from the shoulder of the fish. A slight resistance
should be felt when it is pulled from its pocket in a head-to-tail direction. If no resistance
is felt or if the scale is not observed to pull from its pocket, it is probably that it did not
belong to that fish and it should be discarded. When a satisfactory scale has been taken,
it should be cleaned by dipping in fresh water and rubbed between thumb and forefinger
to remove any dirt or mucus. If sufficiently large, it should then be quickly examined by
eye to check that the area covered with concentric rings is not damaged. Sometimes a
scale is removed from its pocket at some stage in the fish's life; when this occurs, a new
one is grown very quickly, but the new scale has a regenerated centre which makes it
quite useless for age determination. Regenerated scales can easily be detected by the
confused nature of the striations and the absence of concentric rings near the centre.

4.3 Storing and Mounting

Storage systems need to have the following advantages:

(a) Occupy the minimum space.

(b) Need no maintenance, such as the continuous refilling of tubes holding otoliths in a
volatile liquid.

(c) Allow easy access and reference.

4.3.1 Otoliths

The most simple way, which can be used for the majority of species, is first to thoroughly
clean the otoliths and then to store them dry in conveniently sized paper envelopes or
plastic bags which are labelled and stacked in boxes. If it is necessary to keep the
otoliths wet, then small sample tubes of the appropriate size should be used and the
most suitable liquid selected. Alcohol or glycerine or alcohol/glycerine mixture or
creosote may be used, but care should be taken to ensure that the ring structure on the
otolith is not damaged or rendered unreadable by storage in an unsuitable medium.
Formalin should not be used. Whatever liquid is chosen as the storage medium, it is

advisable to check regularly its effect on the appearance of the otolith. In some cases
short-term storage may make the rings more easily readable, but this may be followed
by a period when there is a progressive deterioration in the clarity of the ring structure.
Small otoliths, such as those of sandeels or mackerel, can be conveniently handled and
stored by mounting a series in resin on a microscope slide (Fig. 4.5).

4.3.2 Scales

The scales should be mounted on glass microscope slides, the same way up as they
came off the fish, that is convex side up. A scale is slightly curved in cross section and
will curl off the slide if mounted the wrong way up. The scales may stick directly to the
slide once they have dried but in difficult cases either a spot of egg albumen or for very
thick scales, gelatine containing a fungicide or bactericide (e.g. thymol) placed under the
scales will help them to stick. Large scales, e.g. tuna, may be collected dry in small
envelopes. When slides are used they should first be numbered in a set order so that it
is possible to relate a particular scale with any data that may be recorded. When a slide
has its predetermined number of scales on it, the scales should be levelled up one with
the other. The line which divides the scale into two parts should be in a horizontal plane
in the slide, with the area containing the concentric rings underneath. This will help when
the scales are examined under the microscope at a later stage. It is usual to take two
scales, one from each side of the fish, one to act as a check on the other (Fig. 4.6).

4.4 Methods of Preparation and Viewing

Methods of viewing otoliths and scales do have some aspects in common but as the
otoliths is a three-dimensional structure and the scale almost two-dimensional, the
techniques used for otoliths are generally more complex than those required for scales.

4.4.1 Otoliths The structure of the otolith

As already stated otoliths are three-dimensional structures but they do not necessarily
grow at the same rate equally in all dimensions. If there is a pattern in the otolith it will be
composed of a number of concentric shells with different radii. Depending on the amount
of organic material in each shell or zone, its appearance will vary from extremely opaque
to completely hyaline (transparent). When reading otoliths it is usually preferable to
identify and count the opaque zones. If any characteristic growth patterns are visible in
the otolith they will usually appear opaque zones. In the simplest case one complete
cycle of otolith growth (e.g. an annual cycle) consists in the laying down of one opaque
zone and of one hyaline zone. The first zone is usually called the nucleus of the otolith.

The two types of zones or rings must never be referred to as light and dark. This only
creates confusion, because the method of illuminating the otolith determines whether a
zone appears as a dark or light ring (Fig.4.7). The terms summer zones and winter
zones should also be avoided. It is also best to avoid the term annuli unless it is certain
that the rings or zones are annual.

17 Viewing the fresh otolith
The ring structure may be most easily visible immediately the otoliths are removed from
the fish. If so, then every effort should be made to read them at that time. For some
species it may be the only time at which they are readable. Viewing the whole otolith

To view an otolith a number of techniques are available. The simplest of these is to
immerse the whole otolith in a clear liquid (water is quite commonly used), illuminate it
from above, and view it against a dark background. This method is suitable only if the
otoliths are relatively thin and translucent and all the rings can be seen (Fig. 4a). In
many species the outer rings become very narrow once the growth rate of the fish slows
down. These narrow rings sometimes grow only on the underside of the otolith, and are
completely invisible when the whole otolith is viewed from above in the manner
described (Fig.4b). They can be seen only when a cross section of the otolith is viewed
(Fig. 4c). When investigating any species of fish it is always necessary to check, by
examining a cross section, whether these narrow rings are present before accepting an
age based on viewing the whole otolith from above. Failure to understand this type of
growth pattern in otoliths can result in gross underestimates of age.

It is not possible to see the narrow outer rings more clearly by grinding either surface of
the whole otolith and then viewing it from above. Grinding the otolith will make it more
translucent but the rings on the underside will still not be visible from above, and grinding
may remove some of the rings completely (Fig.4.8d). Preparing a cross-section of an otolith

When the structure of an otolith makes it necessary to view it in cross-section then a
number of possibilities exist, either longitudinal or transverse or diagonal. All these
alternatives, illustrated in Fig.4.9, need to be investigated before the most suitable
section for routine age determination is chosen. It is frequently found that a very slight
change in the angle of a cross-section will help with the interpretation of a difficult otolith.

A simple grinding machine, for making cross-sections only, enables a wide variety of
otolith sections to be prepared, with the certainty that each section is across the nucleus
(Fig.4.10). After a little practice it is quite simple to break larger otoliths at the required
place with the fingers or by holding one end of the otolith firmly in a pair of forceps. If by
accident the break occurs off centre, it is a simple matter to correct this by using the
grinding wheel. Wetting the surface of the otolith with water or cedar wood oil, applied
with a fine paint brush, fills in any irregularities caused either by grinding or breaking and
makes the otolith much easier to read.

Whatever method is used to prepare the otolith it is necessary to ensure that the section
is taken across the centre of the nucleus. Failure to do this can lead to a number of
errors in interpretation. If the break misses the nucleus completely then the first ring will
appear to be the nucleus and the age will be underestimated by one year (Fig. 4a). If
only the tip of the nucleus appears on the section then the whole appearance and
spacing of the rings will be altered, making it easy to misinterpret. Possibly the true

nucleus will be ignored, but certainly some confusion will result (Fig.4b). Only when the
section passes through the centre of the nucleus will the true size of the nucleus and
rings and their relationship to one another be clearly visible (Fig.4c).

To section an extremely small otolith, e.g. that of an eel, the otolith should be placed on
a microscope slide and either covered with sellotape or sandwiched in sellotape before
being placed on the microscope stage. If illuminated from below it is easy to identify the
nucleus and, by pressing on it with a scalpel, to break the otolith directly across it. The
sellotape will prevent the very small broken halves from being scattered.

Once a satisfactory section has been prepared it can be viewed either by transmitted
light or by illumination from above or after being burned in the manner described by
Christensen (1964) Viewing the cross-section with transmitted light

The majority of readers of gadoid fish otoliths in Europe use the transmitted light method
of illumination. The prepared section is mounted in plasticine with the surface to be
viewed horizontal. The otolith is then illuminated from the side and the sectioned surface
placed in shadow. This method offers considerable advantages over the method of direct
illumination from above because it allows the reader to see more of the detailed
structure of the otolith (Fig. 4.12a).

A simple device used at the Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft allows the reader to put the
surface of the section into any degree of shadow required, which may well be different
for parts of the otolith. This device consists of an adjustable height bar. A brass base
plate supports a vertical pillar in which is housed a captive threaded rod. By turning this
thread the bar is raised or lowered to the height required (Bedford, 1964) (Fig.4.12b). The burning technique

Rings on the otolith of some species of fish, e.g. soles (Solea solea), are not visible
when viewed by any of the methods already described, and the narrow outer rings and
split rings of other species, e.g. plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and turbot (Psetta
marina), often present considerable difficulties. If the prepared cross-section is gently
burned over a very low flame of either a small Bunsen burner or a spirit lamp until it is
slightly charred, then the appearance of the existing rings is changed and a narrow black
ring is produced at each change from hyaline to opaque material reading outwards from
the nucleus of the otolith. (Christensen, 1964).

The amount and rate of burning varies between species and the technique required to
achieve the best results has to be learnt. Care must be taken to burn the whole of the
sectioned surface of the otolith evenly. If the otolith is burned too much it will crumble
into a grey ash; this usually occurs first at the edges of the section and it results in the
complete disappearance of the ring structure. If insufficient heat is applied then the
organic zones will not char.

To achieve the best results the centre of the sectioned surface should be held barely
touching the side of the flame and removed when it begins to turn dark brown. If after

examination, it is found to require additional burning then it is a simple matter to return it
to the flame until the desired result is obtained. After being burned the otolith is picked
up on a piece of plasticine which enables it to be moved under the microscope to any
desired position.

Each black ring encloses a white area representing the total growth during one year. A
large number of extremely fine hair-like concentric black rings can be seen in the white
zone, but the true, much thicker black annual ring is clearly distinguished (Fig.4.13).

The use of the burning technique makes it possible to age species whose otoliths were
previously impossible to read and to increase the accuracy of age determination of many
other species, particularly those of the older fish whose age had been constantly
underestimated in the past by other techniques. Problems of nucleus difficulties and
false rings can often be resolved after burning. The otoliths of all species do not burn in
this way.

Often a good technique is to use a combination of different viewing methods, e.g. whole
otolith, illuminated from above against dark background, and sectioned-burned or
unburned otolith. Queries arising from one method can sometimes be resolved by using
the alternative method on the second otolith of the pair. Unusual growth zones

Sometimes a particular year will produce unusual growth zones. For example, the
opaque zone may either be exceptionally wide or have a check in the middle or have
some other unusual characteristic which is easily recognizable.

The examples that have occurred in the otoliths of North Sea plaice were found in the
1944 and 1947 year-classes. Fish from the 1944 year-class often had an extremely thin
1946 opaque zone that was easily recognized; this thin zone sometimes occurred in up
to 20 percent of a sample of fish of the 1944 age group (Fig. 4.14). Many of the 1947
year-class fish had a distinctive triple nucleus; this was found in 0 and 1 group fish along
the Dutch coast and could be identified many years later in older fish taken from the
central North Sea (Fig.4.15).

Although these unusual zones often create difficulties of age determination when they
are being formed, once the difficulties have been resolved they serve as a useful check
on the validity of the age readings many years later by acting as a biological mark on the
otolith. However, one must always guard against the danger of becoming too familiar
and thus holding unfound assumptions. Always be objective.

Table4.1 Methods for Age Determination

transmitted or direct
direct water, alcohol xylene
from above
whole otoliths
embedding followed by
grinding (see ref. dry direct from above

dry, surface is
moistened with xylene, direct from above or
direct cedar wood oil horizontal
water, alcohol xylene
dry, surface is
Broken Otoliths moistened with xylene direct from above or
after grinding or with cedar wood oil horizontal
water, alcohol xylene
dry, surface is
burning moistened with xylene direct from above
or with cedar wood oil

Otoliths age reading by means of surface structure examination from S.Wiedeman-Smith


A summary of all the methods of reading otoliths is given in Table 4.1.

4.4.2 Scales The structure of the scale

Scales are almost two-dimensional structures. The anterior part is formed of a series of
sclerites which should extend in a regular pattern from the centre of the scale (Fig. 4.16).
If they do not and they are confused or irregular then the scale is almost certainly a
replacement scale and should not be used for age determination. The structural
discontinuities used for age determination result from irregularities in the pattern of the
sclerites; they may be slightly distorted (Fig. 4.16) or they may be slightly closer spaced
than the majority of the sclerites; usually the discontinuities are narrow and they are
usually called rings; as stated earlier the term annuli should not be used because this
presupposes that the rings are annual. Thus the scale presents a different picture to the
otolith. Preparing and viewing scales

Because scales are thin structures they need no preparation before viewing; the scales
should be cleaned before they are stored.

For reading, the slide on which the scales are mounted is placed on the stage of a low-
power microscope. The mirror and condenser are removed from the microscope, and
light from a lamp is reflected through the scale by means of a piece of white card or
reflector. The field of the microscope should appear dark apart from a small segment at
the bottom which should be very bright (Fig. 4.17). The magnification used depends
upon the size of the scale; in general, the lowest possible magnification is the best
because it enables the whole scale pattern to be seen.

4.5 Other Techniques

Staining can be used to intensify structural discontinuities or to make visible those not
available by ordinary light. Galstaff (1952) describes a method of staining tuna vertebrae

with alizarin but it takes up to 12 days' preparation. This demonstrates the disadvantage
of methods based upon staining; they are too time-consuming for processing large
amounts of material, even though batch processing will allow a quicker throughput.
However, if staining is the only method which will show discontinuities then it must be
used, even if it does result in smaller numbers of age determinations.

Polarized light and phase differentiation are also techniques that can be used.

4.6 Validation
In this section it is assumed that some pattern of structural discontinuities (for ease of
reference termed rings for both otoliths and scales, except when referring specifically to
one of the structures) exists in the structure which is being used for age determination
and that it has been made visible by some technique. The next step is to determine
whether any time-scale can be allotted to the pattern of rings. This time-scale need not
be annual. There are several ways in which to do this.

(a) by observing the timing of ring formation;

(b) by following a strong year-class through the fishery;

(c) by using the Petersen method.

4.6.1 Timing of ring formation

The opaque zone in the otoliths of North Atlantic species of fish is formed during the
period of greatest growth and it is usually wider than the hyaline ring, particuarly during
the early years of the fish's life. The hyaline zone is laid down mainly during the period of
slowest growth. But the timing of ring formation is considerably more complex than this
simple statement suggests.

Although the opaque zone is sometimes referred to as a summer zone, the timing of its
formation can vary considerably, depending upon the species of fish, where it lives and
its age. In general in the northern hemisphere, the opaque zone starts to grow earliest in
the southern part of the species' range and begins later with increasing distance north.
Within each area the younger fish begin to lay down the opaque zone before the older
fish. In the North Sea the otoliths of a young cod may show the beginning of an opaque
zone in February but an older fish may show no signs of it until June. A similar difference
in the timing of opaque zone formation between young and old fish also occurs in the
north-east Arctic, but the whole process is delayed by about two months; the opaque
zone in the older fish may still be visible on the edge in January of the following year.
This is illustrated in Fig. 4.18.

The type of zone forming on the edge of the otolith can be recorded from a series of
samples taken throughout the year. Then, provided that the zones are annual, the
growth pattern shown in Fig. 4.19 should be observed. This series of plaice otolith
photographs clearly illustrates both the timing of zone formation and the rate of growth of
the otoliths during a year and there can be no doubt that the zones are annual. It should
be noted that all these fish belong to the same age group 4, and have been caught

during one year in the same area (central North Sea). There can be a wide variation in
the timing of the formation of zones from year to year within a single species, between
different areas and between fish of different age groups. All these factors must be
considered when attempting to collect data to confirm the timing of zone formation.

When the samples are taken from a wide range of age groups from different areas, then
the seasonal difference in type of edge is not likely to be as marked. If sufficient otoliths
are available, the type of edge present should be recorded separately for each age
group from each area.

Exactly the same techniques can be used for determining the time of ring formation on
scales. The change in this instance is not between one type of material and another but
in the formation of the sclerites.

This method can be validly used whatever the period of the time-scale over which the
rings are laid down (for example, six months) as long as the sequence is regular.

4.6.2 Following a large year-class through the fishery

If a series of otolith or scale samples are available for a number of years from a stock, it
is often possible to confirm the validity of age determinations by identifying a large year-
class and following it through the fishery for several years. If the techniques used are
sound, then a number of independent readers, each given a different year's otoliths or
scales should all produce an age composition showing the dominant year-class; this was
the way in which the early North Sea sole otolith readings were confirmed.

4.6.3 The Petersen method

This method is named after the Danish fisheries' scientist G. G. Joh. Petersen, who first
described it. It depends upon the following sequence of observations:

(a) a length distribution of the species being studied has several modes which are
readily separable;

(b) observations of the otoliths or scales of the fish of each length show that almost all
the fish which constitute a length mode have the same number of zones or rings on
their otoliths or scales.

(c) the reason for the origin of the modes can be determined, enabling a time-scale to be
placed on the zones or rings.

The use of this method will be described in more detail in section 4.11.1.

4.6.4 Injection techniques

Artificial time markers can be introduced into skeletal structures by injecting chemicals
into fish. The initial work was based on the use of lead acetate but this is toxic and
tetracycline is now commonly used. It has the advantage of being an antibiotic drug,

stable in solid form. It is used in saline solution which must be used immediately or
within 24 h if kept in refrigeration.

Tetracycline is readily absorbed by vertebrate animals and deposited in bony structures

where calcification is taking place. The areas in which tetracycline is deposited in
skeletal tissue fluoresce yellow in ultraviolet light, enabling them to be detected easily.

In teleost fish, which possess acellular bone, the tetracycline is laid down as a narrow
ring timing the point of injection to within a month, the time taken to completely excrete
excess tetracycline (Fig. 4.20). In elasmobranchs, which have partially calcified,
cartilaginous, cellular bone the tetracycline is laid down diffusely throughout the skeleton
present at the time of injection. Parts of the skeleton laid down subsequently contain no

Initial tank experiments are carried out, if possible, to determine the optimum dose rate
of tetracycline. In the field the fish have to be tagged, as well as injected, because the
technique does depend upon retrieving the injected fish so that their otoliths and scales
can be examined. In the North Sea the method has been used for cod and whiting
(Jones and Bedford, 1968) and for rays (Holden and Vince, 1973).

4.7 Allocation of a Birthday

When it has been possible to view the zones or rings, count them satisfactorily and
establish that their formation conforms to a definite time-pattern, then it is possible to
age the fish. In the remainder of this section it will be assumed that the fish have one
spawning period a year and that the zones on its otoliths (rings on its scales) have an
annual pattern of formation.

The terms age, age group and year-class are frequently used. The age of a fish at a
given time refers to the period of time from birth to a given point of time. When the age of
the fish has been established it can be assigned to the appropriate age group which is
an integral number of years, according to a convention based, on an arbitrarily-adopted
birthday. Fish said to be of a given year-class are fish born in that particular year.

To simplify aging, age determinations are usually done in terms of age groups with
reference to a designated birthday. This birthday does not have to coincide with the
biological time of birth. For convenience, there is a convention to use 1 January for most
Atlantic species, even though the time of spawning of some members of a species may
be in the December of the previous year and other species may not finish spawning until
May. This system of identifying fish by age groups is shown schematically in Fig. 4.21
and by photographs of a set of North Sea plaice otoliths in Fig. 4.19. In the latter figure
the fish of age group 4 have four opaque and four hyaline zones in January. By June the
fifth opaque zone is visible but it does not become a 5-group fish until 1 January 1972.
For the whole period 1 January 1971 to 31 December 1971 it is a 4-group fish. Its true
age on 1 January 1971 would be 4 years exactly (assuming it was spawned on 1
January 1967) and on 31 December 1971 4 years, 11 months, 31 days.

The great advantage of this method is that it enables the year-class of a fish to be
established immediately by subtracting age group from year of capture (in the above
example 1971 - 4 = 1967) and it permits easy grouping of data collected by different

laboratories. The method does require good knowledge of the pattern of zone or ring-
formation because it may be necessary to discount zones or rings that have already
formed (the fifth opaque and hyaline zones in the plaice shown in Fig. 4.19 from June to
31 December) or to assume that a zone or ring should have been formed but it is not yet
visible. This is shown diagnostically in Fig. 4.18; the opaque-zone of a 15 year old Arctic
cod is not visible until the January of the year after which it is laid down; that is, the 1973
opaque zone is not visible until January 1974. In November and December 1973 it is
necessary to take this into account and not count the visible hyaline edge as the edge-
forming in the 197374 winter.

Notations such as age 4 + carry the same meaning if the same systematic convention
described above is used but notations such as 4 ++, 4+++ or even 4++++, the last
meaning a fish almost 5 years' old, are so meaningless that they have no value. The
terminology 3 ring fish, 4 ring fish, is also confusing unless it is known that all rings are
consistently laid down within a very restricted time period. For example, a species for
which 1 January is the official birthday may normally lay down its scale rings in
December. A fish chronologically aged 4 years (say, born theoretically on 1 January
1967 and caught on 14 January 1971) will be called a 3 ring fish if it has not laid its
fourth ring down by that date.

4.8 Special Uses for Otoliths and Scales

4.8.1 Spawning zones

Some species exhibit a different ring structure after the onset of spawning. In Arctic cod
the post-spawning opaque zones are extremely narrow and regular. These post-
spawning zones can be identified, counted and the otoliths used to provide data on the
number of times each fish has spawned, in addition to giving the age (Rollefsen, 1933)
(Fig. 4.22a).

One feature that can be observed on the otoliths of mature cod is the wider and brighter
hyaline zones that sometimes occur immediately before the first post-spawning opaque

4.8.2 Stock patterns

The otoliths of the same species of fish from different areas are often quite different in
appearance, reflecting the different growth pattern of the fish. An experienced otolith
reader is often able to identify, with considerable precision, the origin of a sample of
otoliths taken from an area where a mixing of stocks occurs. Three distinctive cod types
from the north-east Arctic north of Norway are illustrated in Fig. 4.22.

(a) from the eastern Barents Sea;

(b) from the western part of the area; and

(c) the resident coastal type.

Types (a) and (b) are found in members of the stock which have lived in different parts of
the north-east Arctic; type (c) is from a different stock the Norwegian coastal stock.

Differences in the size of growth zones on scales (distance between two rings),
particularly the first growth zone, are used to separate stocks of North Sea herring. Also
the country of origin of North Atlantic salmon can be determined by the number of growth
zones laid down while they are in freshwater during the early part of their life when the
growth rate is much slower under these conditions than in the sea (Fig. 4.23).

4.9 Some Difficulties and Possible Sources of Error

4.9.1 Differences between otoliths from the same fish

There can be differences in the number of rings present in the two otoliths taken from
the same fish. Fortunately this is an extremely rare occurrence and can usually be
detected by a fairly superficial examination of both otoliths, when a deformity in the
shape or structure of one or both otoliths is easily visible. Scales rarely differ unless one
is a regenerated scale or unless they are taken from different parts of the body.

4.9.2 Variation of age at length

It is not at all uncommon for the growth rates of the same species of fish taken from the
same area to show an extremely wide variation. For example, the ages of small North
Sea plaice in the 5 cm size group 2529 cm can range from 1 to 7, the 1 group being
most likely to occur in December when their actual age is 1 year and 11 months' old. The
5 cm group 3034 cm could contain fish between 2 and 12 years' old, and among the
larger fish (4549 cm in length) the age could lie between 7 and more than 20 years.

Wide variations in growth rates also occur in other species and great care should be
taken not to fall into the error of first looking at the length of the fish from which the
otoliths have been taken, deciding what the age is likely to be, and then looking at the
otolith or scale and attempting to make the preconceived age fit the visible structure,
either by grouping or omitting rings.

A similar error is to attempt to define size limits within which the nucleus or zones must
fall, based on the size of zones found on other otoliths. A slow-growing fish may have
three or four annual zones occupying the same space as one or two zones on a fast-
growing fish (Figs. 4.2.4 and 4.2.5). It is therefore impossible to say that some zones
must be false because three or four narrow annual zones occupy the space of one very
wide annual zone. These comments apply also to scales.



4.9.3 False rings and check zones

The main source of difficulty in otolith reading is to distinguish as certainly as possible

the true annual zones from secondary, false, split or check zones. If the otolith burns

satisfactorily this usually clears up any queries. It is usually assumed that any ring on a
scale which runs round the whole of the anterior edge is a true ring and is counted and
that one which does not do this is a false ring and is not counted. Solutions to these
problems can be gained only by study of the species under investigation.

Age determination is a skill which has to be learnt. Some people become more proficient
at it than others; some never become competent. While the European Inland Fisheries
Advisory Commission (EIFAC) is preparing a scale atlas based on fish of known age, the
whole purpose of reading scales and otoliths is to determine the age of fish whose age is
unknown and whose absolute age will always be uncertain. The best reader in the world
cannot state with 100 percent certainty the exact age of a wild fish.

To avoid errors and systematic bias, frequent cross-checking of results between readers
and by the same reader repeating the reading of a sample at a later date will ensure that
no wide differences of interpretation occur and that the readings remain consistent.
Readers must always be objective.

4.10 Causes of Zone and Ring Formation

Any major change in the environment in which a fish lives is likely to produce ring
formation (in this sub-section ring and zone formation will be considered synonymous).
In the earth's temperate zones differences between summer and winter are marked by
both changes in water temperature and amounts of food available. It is these very
regular and very marked changes which make the age determinations of most temperate
fish species so easy. But equally marked changes occur within the tropics. Many rivers
in the tropics are subject to seasonal floods. During the floods food is abundant and the
fish grow rapidly. In the dry season food becomes very scarce and the fish often starve.
This results in very marked rings forming on the scales. Examples are the Gambia
(Svensson, 1933) and the middle Niger (Daget, 1956). In Lake Chad (Hopson, 1965)
has described how the fall in temperature in November-January causes the formation of
rings on the scales of Lates niloticus. Poinsard and Troadec (1966) describe the age
determination of Pseudotolithus senegalensis and P. typus, two West African marine
species, both of which lay down two opaque zones during two warm seasons and two
hyaline zones in two cold seasons. Mature fish of the former species spawn twice a year.

Garrod (1959) aged Tilapia esculenta in Lake Victoria by proving that the rings which
occur at the edge of the scale were laid down at spawning. A time-scale was allotted to
the rings by then proving that this species spawned twice a year in the north of Lake
Victoria and once a year in the south. (Seshappa, 1969) describes a similar study to that
of Garrod, using the rings caused by spawning that form on the scales of Indian
mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta. Seshappa also examined the otoliths of this species
but found no zones on them.

When faced with the age determination of a new species the first question must be Has
it got rings on its scales or zones on its otoliths which can be read by some method?.
The second question must be What causes these rings or zones so that a time-scale
can be set to them?. The regularity of the event causing ring formation must be checked
to determine that no other events will lay down rings similar to the main seasonal rings.
This is most likely to happen if the species being studied is living in a small volume of
water, such as a small lake or pond. In temperate zones the main rings may be caused

by summer-winter variations in the environment but other events may produce rings
identical to annual ones. These events might be either plankton blooms or sudden
unseasonal changes in temperature or accidental discharge of pollutants, to quote three
possible examples.

However, some fish live in uniform environments, notably in the polar and tropical
regions and consequently no rings whatsoever are laid down in their skeletal structures.

4.11 The Indirect Age Determination of Fish

4.11.1 The Petersen method

This method has already been referred to in section In that section it was
referred to as a means of age validation of fish which had discontinuities in their skeletal
structures. The method can be used only with species which have a restricted spawning
season so that the fish bred in a single season can be identified as a single mode in a
polymodal length distribution. The mode with the lowest value is identified as soon as
possible after spawning; these will be O-group fish. Subsequent modes will be 1-group,
2-group fish and so on. The method can be very good for young fish but becomes
increasingly less useful for older fish as the growth rate slows down and the modes

In practice length-frequency distributions of fish are plotted caught over the shortest time
period possible; the shorter the time period the more precisely the modes will be defined.
A regular sequence of such length frequency distributions enables the progression of the
modes to be followed.

The following examples illustrate the problem.

(a) Sardinella aurita

In this tropical species age determinations by otoliths and scales is not easy
but the length frequency distribution ages those with a mode at 11.5 cm as O-group
and those with a mode at 18.5 cm as 1-group.

Fig. 4.26. Sardinella aurita. Ghana, Feb. 1968. Length distribution in the purse-seine

(b) The Greenland halibut (see next sheet)

4.11.2 Tagging

Tagging does not enable individual fish to be aged unless the age of the fish at tagging is
known indirectly, for example, by using hatchery reared fish or known 0-group from the
Petersen method. Otherwise, all that is known is that recaptured tagged fish must be at
least as old as the number of years for which they have been at liberty. Growth
parameters can be calculated from the recaptures of tagged fish (Gulland and Holt,
1959). The method described in this paper is very useful for fish living in areas where the
growth is continuous throughout the year, because it is based on this assumption. It is
less useful where this assumption does not hold, but it can be used if large numbers of
fish recaptured at annual intervals are available (Jones and Jonsson, 1971).

However, changes in the growth rate caused by both the tag and the tagging procedure
often occur. Therefore, the growth of the recaptured fish cannot be taken as a
representative of that of unmarked fish in the population in the same period.

(b) The Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Walb.)

The age of
this Arctic
species can
not be
by the use of
otoliths and
scales, but
the length
gives a good
estimate of
the length of
O-, I-, II- and
III-group fish.

Fig. The Greenland halibit (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Walb.) Godthb, 195363. changes
4.27. in the length distributions during the year.

4.12 Determination of Growth Rates from Scales and Otoliths

As the scale grows at approximately the same proportional rate as the fish, it can be
used for growth rate determination. This relationship, which may be linear or curvilinear,
can be determined by plotting scale size (V n defined below) against fish length. If it is
linear the length of the fish when each ring was laid down on the scale (referred to as
11,12,131n) can be calculated using the formula

where 1n is the length of the fish when the ring is laid down
Vn is the length of the striated part of the scale to the ring
V is the total length of the striated portion of the scale
L is the total length of the fish
c is a constant

If c = 0 or is small, values of 1, 12, etc., can be calculated easily as follows.

To calculate this relationship automatically a simple proportioning board can be used

(Fig. 4). It consists of a graduated rule fixed to the right-hand side of a polished board at
right angles to the bottom edge. This edge is lipped. An ungraduated rule, pivoted at the
bottom left-hand corner of the board and long enough to overlap the top right-hand
corner, completes the device.

To use the board an image of a scale is projected onto a rectangular piece of white card.
The bottom end of one edge of the card is placed on the nucleus of the projected scale,
and the positions of the rings and the edge of the scale are marked on the edge of the
card at an angle of 90 to the baseline. The marked card is then positioned on the board
with the edge of the card corresponding to the nucleus flush with the lip at the bottom of
the board. The lower edge of the diagonal, ungraduated scale is then placed at that
length on the graduated rule at the right-hand edge of the board which corresponds to
the length of the fish. The card is then moved along so that the line which marks the
edge of the scale is directly under the lower edge of the ungraduated rule. This rule is
then pivoted and placed directly over each of the marks on the card and the appropriate
length is read each time from the graduated rule on the right.

Griffiths (1968) describes a more sophisticated electronic proportion device which
automatically presents the growth data on the scale of a digital voltmeter.

As c becomes increasingly greater or smaller than zero so the values of 1 1, 12, etc.,
become increasingly incorrect using this method, the error being greater for 1 1 and
decreasing progressively toward 1n.

It is much less easy to back-calculate lengths from otoliths than from scales. In whole
otoliths the edges of the zones are rarely well-defined and in sectioned otoliths the same
difficulty exists. In addition there is the difficulty of sectioning the otolith accurately across
the middle of its nucleus. As already described in section the relative size of the
zones depends upon the point at which the section is made. Small differences in the
point at which the section is made may be perfectly acceptable for age determination,
but can result in a considerable difference in the size of the zones that are visible for
measurement. A series of transverse sections taken through the nucleus of the same
otolith will show considerable differences in both the shape of the otolith and the size of
the rings (Fig. 4).

If measurements are made on otoliths they are taken with a calibrated graticule fitted in
the eyepiece of the microscope. Projection techniques cannot be used because the
intnsity of illuminations is too low.

4.13 Age Compositions

The proportion of different age-groups pf fish in a catch or in the population is called its
age composition. If the problem is to get an estimate of the age composition of a single
catch of one species this is simply done by determining the age of all the fish in the
catch. Table 4.2 shows the age composition of 200 fish of one species taken in a single
trawl haul; the age of every fish caught was read.


Numbers: 24 102 45 20 9 Total 200

% 12.0 51.0 22.5 10.0 4.5 Total 100

The results in the table can be shown in a histogram (Fig. 40.30).

Fig. 4.30. Age composition of a hypothetical catch.

4.13.1 Use of age-length keys

In the previous example the age composition of a single, small catch was determined but
normally that of the total landings is required. Every year this may total several million
fish of each species landed and obviously it would be impossible to age each fish
individually. Instead, an age-length key is constructed and used with the length
composition data to estimate the total age composition.

The principle behind constructing an age-length key is that the length range occurring in
the landings is split into length strata of equal length range, for example, 59 cm, 1014
cm, 1519 cm or 34 cm, 56 cm etc. The length range of each stratum will depend
upon the growth rate of the species. For slow-growing fish the strata need to be smaller
than for fast-growing fish. Usually a maximum of twenty length strata is sufficient.

Having decided upon the length strata a certain number of otoliths (scales, bones) are
collected from randomly-taken fish in each stratum. How the number of fish taken is
calculated is described in section The ages of these fish are determined and an

age-length key constructed. An example is shown in Table 4.3, which is for whiting
caught off Scotland.

Table 4.3. Age-length key for whiting, trawl, Outer Hebrides. January-March
1968 (data from: Statistical News Letters No. 46, p. 142, 1968
Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Total
Year- numbers
1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958+ read
289 13 2 15
301 18 2 2 22
323 12 10 10 4 36
345 3 14 11 12 40
367 15 9 16 40
389 9 16 1 14 40
401 4 16 19 1 40
423 4 15 1 18 2 40
445 8 29 37
467 5 25 3 33
489 1 17 1 19
501 1 5 2 8
523 4 4
545 2 1 3
567 -

The length strata (or length groups as they are described in the table) are 2 cm. A total
of 377 whiting were aged of which 15 fish were in the 289 cm length stratum, 22 fish in
the 301 cm stratum and so on. In the total example 46 fish were aged 2 years' old, 60
fish 3 years' old etc. However, these fish were selected by strata so the age data in the
bottom row do not represent the age composition of the catch. They must be combined
with the total numbers of fish landed (Table 4.4).

Table 4.4. Whiting, Outer Hebrides, trawl, JanuaryMarch 1968. Estimated numbers in
total catch by 2-cm length groups and age (data from: Statistical News Letters No. 46, p.
142, 1968, changed and rounded off (ICES, 1970)
Length Total Age
groups numbers
cm landed 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
289 8,100 7,020 1,080
301 13,147 10,757 1,195 1,195
323 21,248 7,083 5,902 5,902 2,361
345 39,068 2,930 13,674 10,743 11,721
367 40,502 15,188 9,113 16,201
389 48,540 10,921 19,416 1,214 16,989
401 28,351 2,835 11,340 13,467 709
423 28,351 2,835 10,631 709 12,758 1,418
445 15,204 3,287 11,917

467 20,251 3,068 15,342 1,841
489 8,100 426 7,248 426
501 3,302 413 2,064 825
523 1,246 1,246
545 2,306 1,537 769

From Table 4.3 we know how the age groups are distributed in the different length
groups. In the length group 289 cm 13 fish out of 15 (=86.67%) were two years' old and
2 fish (= 13.33%) were three years' old. (From now on it is assumed that the percentage
of each age group in each length stratum is a valid sample applicable to the landings).
Therefore, 86.67% of the total number landed in the 289 cm group (8,100 fish) are two
years' old, and 13.33% are three years' old, i.e. 86.67.8100/100 = 7,020 fish are two
years' old and 13.33 .8100/100 = 1,080 fish are three years' old. The calculated values
for all other length groups are seen in Table 4.4. The sum of each column gives an
estimate of the total number landed in each age group.

Calculation is easier if a raising factor is used for each length group. This is obtained by
dividing the total number landed by the total number aged for each length stratum. For
the 289 cm group this is: .8100/15 = 540. Multiplying this factor by the number of fish of
each age in the age length key gives the number of fish in each age group, e.g.: 540.2 =
1,080. The final result is shown in Table 4.4.

If mean lengths for age are required for constructing growth curves the age composition
data (Table 4.4) MUST be used, NOT the age-length key (Table 4.3).

The results in Table 4.4 are showas a histogram in fig.4.31

Fig.4.31. Age composition of Whiting. Hebride, January-March 1968,trawl.

Such histograms can be obtained for a number of years and it is possible to put all these
figures together. Fig.4.32 shows the age distribution in the landings of sole for a number
of years on the west coast of Jutland. The black column in the figure correspond to large
years-classes. (In some species there are very grate fluctuations in the annual
recruitment and there is a corresponding variation in the proportions of the age-group in
the population. In the Danish sole fishery the large year-classes are those of1958 and
1963 and they can be followed in the catches for several years. Such large year-classes
are the basis of many fisheries and their absence can cause a serious reduction in the

Fig.4.32. Sole, North Sea, are composition of the landing in Hvide Sande, 196170

4.13.2 The number of fish to age

The number of fish sampled for age is a question of money and time. The precision will
be improved by any increase in sampling but the time (and money) spent will increase
too. A balance between the precision required in these estimates and the time used to
get this precision has to be struck.

The variance in each length group of the estimated numbers of fish age i can be written

The coefficient of variation of Ni is:

where in a certain length stratum

N = number of fish in the landings

n = number of fish sampled for age
pi = number of fish in the age-length key>br< at age i, in fractions
n.pi = number of fish in sample, age i
Ni = estimated number of fish, age i, in the landings of any one size group

Details of the derivation of these formulae are given by Gulland (1966).

The variance decreases by 1/n as more fish (= n) are aged. But it increases as the
number of age groups in each length stratum (p i) increases. If there was only a single
age group in a length stratum pi = 1, (1-pi) = 0 and the variance would be zero.

It is usual to try to make the variance in each length stratum equal so the answer to the
question of how many fish in an age length key? is as many as possible with the
manpower available, the total number of otoliths being divided between strata on the
basis of the number of age groups likely to be present in each stratum. This has to be
determined for each species. In brief it means ageing more large fish, where age for
length usually varies considerably, than smaller fish, where age and size are closely

4.13.3 Age-length keys for different gears

Different kinds of gear are often used in one fishery. For example, in the Danish sole
fishery two kinds of gear are used, trawls with small meshes and set nets with larger
meshes. Therefore, the landings from the set net fishery contain more big fish than the
trawl landings. These differences are visible in Fig. 4.3. As it is complicated to obtain a
sample which gives a representative picture of the length distribution of the total catch it
is easier to distinguish between and keep the two sets of data apart. One age-length key
can then be used separately with each set of length composition data and two sets of
age compositions calculated. Also, if the fisheries with different gears take place on
separate parts of the same stock, for example, one fishery on young fish and another on
the older fish, it is preferable to compile separate age-length keys for each fishery.

4.13.4 Age-length keys for each sex

Growth rates of male and female fish of the same species may differ; for example, if the
females are growing faster than the males a three-year-old female could be bigger than
a male of the same age. Handling the two sexes together in the age-length key can give
unwanted complications. It is, therefore, necessary to separate the two sexes in
constructing age-length keys. It is not always possible to sex commercially-landed fish
so this method is not always usable because the method also requires length
compositions by sex.

4.13.5 Frequency of construction of age-length keys

As fish grow during a year how often should age-length keys be compiled if they are to
be valid? For slow-growing fish (less than 10 cm a year) annual age-length keys are
used but for faster-growing fish it is necessary, to use keys compiled over shorter
periods. Table 4.5 shows an example for North Sea cod.

Table 4.5. Cod, North Sea, 1960. Quarterly age-length keys

I. Quarter III. Quarter
Group I II III IV V Total I II III IV V Total
Group cm
3039 36 1 37 3039 12 36 48
4049 62 4 66 4049 1 73 3 77
5059 15 18 2 35 5059 1 54 6 61
6069 19 1 1 21 6069 13 25 38
7079 4 20 9 33 7079 27 7 34
II. Quarter IV. Quarter
Group I II III IV V Total I II III IV V Total
Group cm
3039 26 4 30 3039 56 8 64
4049 51 1 52 4049 23 50 2 75
5059 41 9 50 5059 63 2 65
6069 2 21 3 1 27 6069 43 17 11 71
7079 28 7 35 7079 30 6 36

The smaller (and younger) sizes in particular show large changes in abundance during
the year. In the first quarter the number of fish in the 3039 cm length group is 37 and in
the fourth quarter the number has increased to 64. During the year fish smaller than 30
cm have grown and have successively entered the 30 cm length group. most of the
change in the distribution is due to the entrance of one-year-old fish in the last two

A single age-length key would give a biased age composition especially if there was a
difference in the number of fish landed in each quarter. In this instance it is better to use
the quarterly age-length keys with the respective quarterly landings.

4.14 Publishing Stock Record Data

Very often several countries carry out research on the same species and to facilitate
cooperation and to ensure that only the most important and useful results of such
investigations which are published standard tables are indispensable.

An example has already been given in section 3 (Appendix 5) for length composition
data; this also includes age composition data.

4.15 References
Bedford, B. C., 1964 Two mechanical aids for otolith reading. Res.Bull.ICNAF, (1):7981

Christensen, J. M., 1964 Burning of otoliths, a technique for age determination of soles
and other fish. J.Cons.Perm.Int.Explor.Mer, 29(1):7381

Daget, J., 1956 Mmoire sur la biologie des poissons du Niger moyen. 2. Recherches
sr Tilapia zillii (Gerv). Bull.Inst.Fr.Afr.Noire (a), 18(1):165223

Galstaff, P. S., 1952 Staining of growth rings in the vertebrae of tuna, (Thunnus thynnus).
Copeia, 2(1952): 1025

Garrod, D. J., 1959 The growth of Tilapia esculenta in Lake Victoria. Hydrobiologia,

Griffiths, P. G., 1968 An electronic fish scale proportioning system.

J.Cons.Perm.Int.Explor. Mer, 32(2):2802

Gulland, J. A., 1966 Manual of sampling and statistical methods for fisheries biology.
Part 1. Sampling methods. FAO Man.Fish.Sci., (3):pag. var.

Gulland, J. A. and S. J. Holt, 1959 Estimation of growth parameters for data at unequal
time intervals. J.Cons.Perm.Int.Explor.Mer, 25:479

Holden, M. J. and M. R. Vince, 1973 Age validation studies on the centra of Raja clavata
using tetracycline. J.Cons.Perm.Int.Explor.Mer, 35:137

Hopson, A. J., 1965 Winter scale rings in Lates niloticus (Pisces, Centropomidae) from
Lake Chad. Nature, Lond., 208(5014):10134

Jones, B. W. and B. C. Bedford, 1968 Tetracycline labelling as an aid to interpretation of

otolith structures in age determination - a progress report. ICES CM 1968/GEN:
11:3 p. (mimeo)

Jones, B. W. and J. Jnsson, 1971 Coalfish tagging experiments at Iceland.

Rit.Fiskideildar., 5(1), 27 p.

ICES, 1970 Demersal species. Nominal catch and fishing effort stock record data, 1968.
Stat. News Lett.ICES, (46):154 p.

Poinsard, F. and J-P. Troadeo, 1966 Dtermination de l'ge par la lecture des otoliths
chez deux espces de Sciaenidae cuest africaines (Pseudotolithus senegalensis C.
et V et Pseudotolithus typus Blks). J. Cons. Perm. Int. Explor. Mer, 30 : 291307

Rollefsen, G., 1933 The otoliths of the cod. Preliminary report. Fiskeridir. Skr.
(Havunders), 4(3) : 14 p.

Seshappa, G., 1969 The problem of age determination in the Indian mackerel,
Rastrelliger Kanagurta, by means of scales and otoliths. Indian J.Fish., 16(12):14

Svensson, G.S.O., 1933 Freshwater fishes from the Gambia river (British West Africa).
Results of the Swedish expedition 1931. K.Sven.Vetenskapsakad.Handl., 12(3):1

Smidt, E., 1969 The Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walb), biology and
exploitation in Greenland waters. Medd.Dan.Fisk.Havunders., 6(14):79148

Wiedeman-Smith, S., 1968 Otolith age readings by means of surface structure

examination. J.Cons.Perm.Int.Explor.Mer, 32(2):270

Fig. 4.1 Removal of otoliths from flatfish.

Fig.4.2 Removal of otoliths from roundfish.

Fig. Alternative methods of removing otoliths from

4.3 roundfish: (a) by lifting off the top the of the skull;

(b) by extracting them from under the gills.

Fig. 4.4. Hatched areas show the best positions for taking scales

Fig. 4.5 Storage of small otoliths by mounting them on a microscope slide.

Fig. 4.6 Method of mounting scales on a glass slide

Fig. 4.7 An otolith viewed by two different methods.

Fig. 4.8 Plaice otoliths: (a) a thin otolith from a young fish, (b)a thick otolith from an old

Fig. 4.9 A series of cross sections taken through a cod otolith.

Fig. 4.10 A grinding machine for preparing otolith sections.

Fig. 4.11 Three transverse sections taken at various points through the same otolith.

Fig. 4.12 Method of mounting and illuminating the cross section of a cod otolith.

Fig. 4.13

Fig. 4.14

Fig. 4.15 Plaice otoliths, all with a similar nucleus.

Fig. 4.16

Fig. 4.17 The lighting of the microscope field for scale examination.

Fig. 4.18 Zone formation of the otoliths of North sea cod (upper graph)
and Arctic cod (lower graph)
opaque - - - hyaline

Fig. 4.19

Fig. Otoliths of a west of Scotland cod, released after tagging and

4.20 injection of tetracycline, June 1968; recaptured July 1969.

Fig. 4.21 The age of fish. taking 1 January as the birthday.

Fig. 4.22 Typical north east Arctic cod otolith types.

Fig. 4.23 Growth curve for salmon.

Fig. 4.24 Plaice otoliths from similar sized fish.

Fig. 4.25 Two cod otoliths from fish of the same size but widely differing age.

Fig. 4.28 A proportioning board.

Fig. 4.29 A series of transverse sections taken through the nucleus of the same otolith


5.1 Introduction
The determination of the sex ratio and of the sequence of changes in maturity stage
during the year are of considerable importance in building a thorough knowledge of the
general biology of an exploited stock. These form part of the basis of stock assessment.
For some species it may be necessary to maintain routine programmes of sex ratio and
maturity stage analyses. The male and female fish of some species, such as North Sea
plaice, Tilapia and Sebastes, have such different rates of growth that they should be
treated as separate stocks in stock assessment work. Mortality rates may also differ
between sexes. Moreover, where the catch of a species contains a mixture of stocks,
maturity data may provide the best guide to the relative proportions of the stocks in the
catches and to changes in these proportions.

However, the determinations of sex and sexual maturity stages find their primary
application in providing basic knowledge of the reproductive biology of a stock. The
information derived from these analyses can be used in ascertaining the age and size at
which fish attain sexual maturity, the time and place of spawning and the duration of the

cycle from the beginning of the development of the ovary to the final release of eggs.
Together with fecundity estimates this information can be used to calculate the size of a
stock and its reproductive potential. The data have several practical uses. The age and
size at sexual maturity may be important in assessing the optimum age of first capture of
a species and the time and place of spawning can be used to plan fishing tactics
because many species of fish are easiest to catch when they congregate to spawn.
Conversely it may be considered advisable to limit fishing on an overexploited stock in
which future recruitment is jeopardized by a low spawning stock.

The two major groups of fish, teleosts and elasmobranchs, differ so much in their
reproductive biology that they will be dealt with separately. Most of the literature is
concerned with the description of teleost fecundity and almost all of that is limited to
description of species which lay all their eggs within a short period.

5.2 Teleosts

5.2.1 Sex determination

Determination of sex does not normally present any serious difficulties. In some species,
e.g., salmon, characins and some cichlids, this can be done from external characters
without opening the fish to expose the gonads. It is possible to sex plaice, and many
other North Sea flatfish by holding them towards a light; the body cavity of the female is
longer than that of the male (Fig. 5.1). Normally the body cavity has to be split open.
Even after exposure of the gonads, differentiation between the sexes by gross
examination may be difficult or impossible in small virgin individuals, as shown by
Howard and Landa (1958) for Anchoveta and by Schaefer and Orange (1956) for
skipjack and yellowfin tuna. In specimens which are beyond the immature virgin stage
the distinction between sexes can normally be made easily by eye examination; ovaries
are usually tubular, pink, and granular while the testes are flat, white and their ventral
edges frequently have a wave-like outline. In other species, for example herring, the
sexes of virgin fish can be distinguished from the colour of the gonads; the ovaries are
red and the testes are white-grey/brown. The testes also have a more flattened knife-
edged shape than the ovaries.

5.2.2 Maturity stages

The term maturity stages has a peculiar, but generally accepted meaning in fisheries
biology. It is taken to mean the degree of ripeness of the ovaries and testes of a fish and
not whether the fish has sexually matured or not. Thus the term first maturity is used to
Rastrelliger appears to meet most of the requirements and to be applicable, with minor
modifications, to a wide range of partial spawners. This is given in Table 5.2.

5.2.3 Gonad indices

Determination of maturity stages by visual examination using maturity keys lacks

precision because it relies upon subjective judgement. It is adequate for many purposes
but a more precise and more objective method is desirable in some causes. The most
practical way of achieving this with the minimum cost and labour is to calculate a gonad
index. This can be expressed as

Where w = weight for both gonads (g), and L = total length of the fish in millimetres.
Since the weight of most fish is closely proportional to the cube of the length this gives
an index which is approximately proportional to the relative weight of the gonads. For
female fish it is also a relative measure of the ova diameter, independent of the length of
the fish (Schaefer and Orange 1956).

5.2.4 Length - maturity keys

It is not normally possible to do maturity sampling on commercial fish markets; often the
fish are landed with the viscera and gonads removed. Also, fish markets do not normally
have the facilities required for this type of work. It is therefore customary to do maturity
staging on special samples either set aside ungutted for this purpose by the crews of
commercial vessels or collected on research vessels. These samples may not be
completely representative of the total catch because there is often a close relation
between maturity stage and the length of fish. Therefore it is better to construct a
maturity-length key and to use this to estimate the maturity stages in the population.

Exactly the same method of doing this is used as for constructing an age-length key (see
section 4.4.2) except that the number of fish of each maturity stage replaces the number
of fish per age group in each length stratum. The method of raising the maturity-length
key to obtain the maturity stages in the total number of fish landed is then calculated in
the same way as raising an age-length key to the age composition of the total landings. Bias in the maturity-length key

The distribution of maturity stages in the commercial landings may not be representative
of the distribution of maturity stages within the population in the sea. This can occur
because fish in different maturity stages are not equally available or vulnerable to the
fishery. For example, ripe herring are poorly represented in the catches of the Scottish
driftnet fleet from the north-western North Sea. There are two reasons for this; ripe fish
do not arise at night to the depth fished by a drift net to the same extent as fish in lower
maturity stages, and the spawning grounds in this area are difficult to fish by drift net.
Similarly, Schaefer and Orange (1956) have reported that yellow-fin tuna become
unavailable to the American fishery in the Pacific on the approach of spawning,
presumably because they then move either offshore or into deeper water to spawn.
Such phenomena should be apparent in the results after sampling throughout a
complete sexual cycle. They can probably be rectified only by appropriate research
vessel sampling.

5.2.5 Fecundity

Knowledge of the fecundity of a species is an important factor in fish stock management.

It is used to calculate the reproductive potential of a stock and the survival from egg to
describe a fish which is spawning for the first time. For all other animals the term
maturity is used because an animal reaches maturity (the ability to reproduce) once.
First maturity implies more than one maturity. The inconsistency of the expression and
the use of the term maturity stage probably arose because the first fish for which

maturity stages were described had one, clearly marked, annual breeding cycle with a
long interval in which the gonads returned almost to their virgin stage. However, it would
be more logical to talk of maturity and spawning stages.

Routine assessment of maturity stages is normally done by assigning individuals to

stages by characters which can be differentiated with the naked eye. A more refined
distinction between stages can be made by histological examination but this is not a
practical approach in routine sampling because it takes too long. The aim should be to
examine a large number of fish at frequent intervals to get a representative picture of the
stage of maturity of the population and the changes in this with time.

A large number of keys for maturity staging have been devised and described in the
literature. These cover the minor differences between species and those within a single
species, giving various degrees of refinement. Because gross naked eye staging
inevitably means subjective judgement, too high a level of refinement is unjustified. A
soale of not more than 8 stages is probably suitable for most species. Total (isochronal) spawners

Total spawners are those species in which, after maturation of the gonads begins, all
the eggs or sperm which are going to be spawned by the individual fish in a single
breeding period develop synchronously. Their release takes place over a short period of
a week or so and the breeding season is clearly defined. This is the commonest type, at
least in species of northern latitudes.

Maturity staging of total spawners is usually simple because nearly all the developing
eggs in the ovary are at the same stage and can fairly easily be allocated to that stage
on visual criteria of size, colour, and texture, although these stages may have no very
clear histological significance. A typical and fairly satisfactory key for classifying maturity
stages in total spawners which is widely applicable in species of this type is that of Maier
(1908) given in Table 5.1. This can be modified to suit the species under study. For
example it is often difficult to separate males into 8 stages.

This scale adequately meets the basic requirements. It (a) distinguishes in low maturity
stages between virgin fish and fish which have spawned previously, thus providing the
possibility of fixing the mean age and range of ages at maturity; (b) clearly defines the
stage both when release of eggs and milt is in progress and when it is completed,
allowing accurate fixing of the beginning, peak, and end of the spawning period; (c)
divides the intervening period into a reasonable number of stages, from which an
approximate prediction of spawning time can be made and (d) is capable of rapid
determination with the minimum of equipment, thus permitting large samples to be
analyzed under field conditions. Partial (heterochronal) spawners

Partial spawners are those in which spawning by individuals takes place over a
protracted period and in which ripening eggs at very different stages of development can
be found at any one time in the same ovary both before and during spawning. This

situation is found, for example, in North Sea mackerel, in sprats and in a number of
species, such as Rastrelliger and Chilean hake, in tropical and sub-tropical waters.

The construction of a maturity scale for partial spawners is more difficult because there
is a range of development stages in an individual gonad at any one time and the
differentiation achieved will inevitably be less precise. A key originally devised for
recruitment, on both of which a judgement of the minimum adult stock necessary to
maintain recruitment can be made. A knowledge of fecundity and the sex ratio of the
adult stock are also needed to calculate the size of the stock from estimates of annual
egg production which will be described in section 7. A third use of fecundity data is to
discriminate between stocks in fisheries exploiting a mixture of two or more stocks with
different fecundities (Baxter, 1963).

The problems of estimating fecundity depend upon several factors: the absolute number
of eggs produced; whether the species is a total or partial spawner; on the degree of
differentiation there is between the size of eggs which will be spawned in that season
and any immature eggs present which will be carried over to the next spawning season. Total spawners

As in maturity stage estimations the simplest case is that of total spawners. Fecundity
can be estimated by removing the ovaries from females in Stages III to V of the scale
given in Table 5.1. The fish from which they are taken should be measured and the
necessary parts taken for age determination. The ovaries should then be preserved in
modified Gilson's fluid (100 ml 60% alcohol, 800 ml water, 15 ml 80% nitric acid, 18 ml
glacial acetic acid, 20 g mercuric chloride) with a label to identify them with the fish from
which they were removed. The ovaries should be shaken periodically whilst in the
Gilson's fluid to help loosen the ovarian tissue and to ensure rapid penetration of the
preservative. After at least 48 hours in preservative the eggs can be completely liberated
from the tissues by vigorous shaking.

The most accurate way of estimating the number of eggs in the ovaries is to count them
all. This can be done with egg-counting machines but because the fecundity of most fish
is so high this is impractical to do manually. Instead, it is necessary to estimate the
number of eggs by sub-sampling. There are two basic methods of doing this, gravimetric
and volumetric.

Gravimetric sampling as its name implies is based on weighing the eggs. After the eggs
have been liberated from the ovarian tissues, they are thoroughly washed and spread on
blotting paper to dry in air. The total number of eggs is then weighed and random
samples of about 500 eggs are counted out and weighed. The total number of eggs in
the ovaries is then obtained from the equation F = nG/g where F = fecundity, n = number
of eggs in the subsample, G = total weight of the ovaries, g = weight of the subsample in
the same units.

If Gilson's fluid is not available it is possible to estimate fecundity using this method by
weighing both ovaries and then taking subsamples which are weighed. The eggs are
teased out with a pair of needles and counted. At least three subsamples should be
taken from each ovary, one from the anterior, one from the middle and one from the
posterior. The method is tedious and less accurate than if it had been possible to use

Gilson's fluid. Its great advantage is that it does not require large volumes of an
expensive fluid and can be used in the field. It is particularly useful for fish with low
fecundity and large eggs.

The volumetric method is very similar. After separation in Gilson's fluid the cleaned eggs
are put in a measuring cylinder and made up to a known volume with water. Subsamples
are then taken by shaking the container until all the eggs are evenly distributed through
the water, a subsample of known volume withdrawn with a Stempel pipette, and the
number of eggs in the subsample counted. The fecundity is then F = nV/v where n =
number of eggs in the subsample, V = volume to which the total number of eggs is made
up and v = volume of the subsample.

In practice, it is normally necessary to count more than one subsample from each fish to
get a reliable estimate of the fecundity. Replicate counts of subsamples from the same
ovary show that the distributions of the individual counts are of the Poisson type.
Because the variance in a Poisson distribution is equal to the mean, the number of
subsamples required to give any desired degree of accuracy can be determined from the
number counted in the first subsample from the equation, % accuracy = 100/m where
the mean, m, is taken as the count in the first subsample and n is the required number of

This method is subject to considerable bias because it is very difficult to get all the eggs
evenly distributed throughout the measuring cylinder. Unless great care is taken the
density of the eggs is higher at the bottom of the cylinder than the top and in the middle
of the cylinder than at the sides. The degree of bias is likely to be greatest if one person
has to shake the cylinder and take the subsamples.

Total counts of egg numbers in an ovary can also be made using automatic counters
either of the type described by Parrish, Baxter and Mowat (1960) (Fig. 5.2a) or the
Decca Master-count type described by Boyar and Clifford (1967) (Fig. 5.2b). The
advantage of using these machines is that sampling error, inherent in any subsampling
technique is avoided but their disadvantage is their slowness.

Automatic fish egg counters, based on the coulter counter, are now being designed
which enable the numbers of particles of several pre-set sizes to be counted. This will
eliminate one of the drawbacks of present counters, which count all particles, large and
small. In the new counters the number of particles corresponding to the size of the eggs
only is taken as the fecundity. Partial spawners

To date, fecundity analysis has been largely confined to total spawners because it is so
difficult to estimate the fecundity of partial spawners. In their early maturity stages, all the
oocytes due to be spawned in one spawning cycle may not yet have been differentiated
and, in later stages, some of the first eggs to develop may already have been spawned.
To get an adequate estimate of annual fecundity in such species, it is necessary to
obtain information on the number of spawnings per year, the number of eggs shed at
each spawning and the relation between these factors and the size and age of the fish.
Fischer and Balboutin (1970) have described useful techniques for sorting oocytes into
size groups and subsampling them in such species while Macer (in press) has described

a method for the horse-mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) based on histological
examination of the ovaries over a complete spawning cycle. His method is very time-
consuming and is not applicable to routine sampling programmes but it does allow a
solution of the problem.

5.3 Elasmobranchs

5.3.1 Sex determination

The sex of elasnobranchs can always be determined from external characters because
male fish have a pair of mixopterygia (intromittent organs, claspers) which are visible
from an early stage of development on the inside edge of the pelvic fins (Fig. 5.3). The
females do not have mixopterygia.

5.3.2 Maturity stages

The maturity of males can be easily and best defined from the state of development of
the mixopterygia. These of immature fish are small and flaccid and do not reach the
posterior edge of the pelvic fin (Fig. 5.3a). In maturing fish the mixopterygia are larger;
they extend to the posterior edge of the pelvic fins and the internal structure is visible but
soft and not ossified (Fig. 53b); in mature fish the mixopterygia extend well beyond the
posterior edge of the pelvic fin, the internal structure is visible and is hard and ossified
(Fig. 5c).

Maturity of females must be determined by internal examination. The reproductive

system of females consists of ovaries (usually two but in some species one only is
present), shell glands and oviduots (Fig. 5.4). In immature fish the ovary is barely
discernible and it contains no eggs; the shell gland is also very small and the oviducts
are thick-walled and white (Fig. 5.4a). In maturing fish white eggs are visible in the ovary
but the remainder of the reproductive system is similar to that of immature fish (Fig.
5.4b). In mature fish the ovaries contain yellow eggs, except immediately after ovulation
in viviparous species and at the end of the spawning season in oviparous species; the
shell gland is enlarged and the ovidcuts distended and, in viviparous species, thin-
walled, flaccid and often highly vascularized (Fig. 5.4d). In viviparous species maturity is
also associated with changes in the size of the cloaca (Fig. 5.4c).

5.3.3 Fecundity

Elasmobranchs are either oviparous (egg laying) or ovoviviparous (the eggs are retained
within the mother until the young are capable of free existence but no food is supplied by
the mother to the young) or viviparous which is similar to ovoviparity except that there is
some type of connection between the mother and the young by which they are fed.

Determination of the fecundity of the two live bearing groups depends upon knowing
both the number of young and the length of the pregnancy cycle. The former can be
determined by counting the developing, yellow eggs in the ovary or the number of young
in the uterus (the combined oviducal-cloacal system). In the latter instance care must
be taken to ensure that the young have not been prematurely aborted during capture
and in both cases it must be established that cannibalism does not take place in the

uterus. (In some species the first young to hatch eats the remaining eggs). The duration
of the pregnancy cycle is less easy to determine. The best way is to obtain samples over
one year and to determine the average length of the young and the volume of their yolk
sacs. Any inconsistent sudden increases in the growth of the young should be treated
with suspicion. Pregnancy cycles of live-bearing elasmobranchs are often very long, two
years for the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias (Ford, 1922). Often the females in one
stage of the cycle are not easy to catch and this can lead to false conclusions about the
duration of the cycle (see Holden (1974) for a full discussion of these problems).

Oviparous species are partial spawners and pose the same problems as teleost partial
spawners. The only study to date of this problem is that on the thornback ray (Raja
clavata) by Holden (in press). He determined the occurrence of egg capsules in samples
taken throughout the year and then equated the month in which the occurrence of egg
capsules was at a maximum with the maximum rate of egg laying observed in aquaria (1
egg every 24 h). For other months the rate of egg laying was assumed to be proportional
to the percentage occurrence of egg capsules. This, multiplied by the number of days in
the month, gave the number of eggs paid in that month. For example, let the percentage
occurrence in April (30 days) be 40% compared with 80% in June, the highest
percentage occurrence of egg capsules observed. 80% is taken as equivalent to one
egg laid in 24 h and therefore 40% is equivalent to 1 egg laid every 48 h which in 30
days would result in 15 eggs being laid.

5.4 Fecundity - Length Relationships

In all species fecundity appears to be related to the length of the fish by an equation of
the type F = aLb (Fig. 5.5). Such an equation can be converted to a linear form by
converting to logarithms, i.e. log F = a + b log L where F = fecundity, L = length of the
fish and a and b are constants. The value of b is normally close to 3 although for some
elasmobranchs it is nearer 2. Pitcher and MacDonald (1973) have shown that if mean
length is used in such an equation for the estimation of a stock the number of eggs is
underestimated because small fish have proportionately fewer eggs than large fish.

The constants are not the same for all species and for one species both a and b may
alter with time. Also stocks of the same species can be separated from statistically
significant differences between values either of a or b in the fecundity-weight and
fecundity-length relationships. As the weight of a fish is normally closely proportional to
the cube of the length the fecundity-weight relationship is linear for those species for
which b approximates to 3. (Fig. 5.5), and is of the form F = aW + b, where W is the
weight of the fish. Another way of expressing such differences is by using a fecundity
index expressed as either fecundity/weight or fecundity/length. The latter is the better
expression because it avoids the variance in weight within a stock during a season
caused by growth of the gonads.

5.5 References
Baxter, I.G., 1963 A comparison of fecundities of early and late maturity stages of herring
in the north-western North Sea. Rapp.P.-V.Run.Cons.Perm.Int.Explor.Mer,

Boyar, H.C. and R.A. Clifford, 1967 An automatic device for counting dry fish eggs.
Trans.Am. Fish.Soc., 96(3):3613

Fischer, W. and F. Balboutin, 1970 On the investigation of ovarial cycle and fecundity of
fish with special reference to partial spawners.
Ber.Dtsch.Wiss.Komm.Meeresforsch., 21:5677

Ford, E., 1921 A contribution to our knowledge of the life histories of the dogfishes
landed at Plymouth. J.Mar.Biol.U.K., 12:468505

Holden, M.J., 1974 Problems in the rational exploitation of elasmobranchs and some
suggested solutions. In Sea fisheries research, edited by F.R. Harden-Jones,
London Elek Science, pp.11737

Holden, M.J., The fecundity of Raja clavata in British waters. J.Cons.Int.Explor.Mer, (in

Howard, G.B. and A. Landa, 1958 A study of the age, growth, sexual maturity, and
spawning of the Anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus) in the Gulf of Panama.
Bull.Inter-Am. Trop.Tuna Comm., 2:391467

Macer, C.T., The fecundity and breeding biology of the horse-mackerel (Trachurus
trachurus) in British waters. J.Fish.Biol., (in press)

Parrish, B.B. and I.G. Baxter and M.J.D. Mowat, 1960 An automatic fish egg counter.
Nature, Lond., 185(4715)777

Pitcher, T.J. and P.D.M. Macdonald, 1973 A numerical integration method for fish
population fecundity. J.Fish.Biol., 5:54953

Schaefer, M.B. and C.J. Orange, 1956 Studies on the sexual development and spawning
of yellow-fin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) in
three areas of the eastern Pacific Ocean by examination of gonads. Bull.Inter-Am.
Tuna Comm., 1(6):281349

Table 5.1.
An eight-
maturity Stage
scale for
Sexual organs very small, situated close to vertebral column. Testis and ovary transparent,
colourless or grey. Eggs not visible to naked eye.IStateDescription
Maturing Testis and ovary translucent, grey- red. Length of gonads 1/2, or
IIVirgin virgin slightly more, of length of ventral cavity. Individual eggs can be seen
with magnifying glass.
Developing Testis and ovary opaque, reddish with blood capillaries. Occupy
III about 1/2 of ventral cavity. Eggs visible to naked eye as whitish
granular material.

Developed Testis reddish-white, no milt produced under pressure. Ovary
IV orange-red. Eggs clearly discernible, opaque. Testis and ovary
occupy about 2/3rds of ventral cavity.
Gravid Sexual organs fill ventral cavity. Testis white. Drops of milt produced
V under pressure. Eggs completely round, some already translucent
and ripe.
Spawning Roe and milt run under slight pressure. Most eggs translucent with
few opaque eggs left in ovary.
VII Spent Not completely empty, no opaque eggs left in ovary.
VIII Resting Testis and ovary red and empty. A few eggs in state of resorption.

Table 5.2. A
scale for
IStateDescript Immature Ovary and testis about 1/3rd length of body cavity. Ovaries pinkish,
ion translucent; testis whitish. Ova not visible to naked eye.
Ovary and testis about 1/2 length of body cavity. Ovary pinkish,
virgin and
II translucent; testis whitish, more or less symmetrical. Ova not visible
to naked eye.
Ripening Ovary and testis is about 2/3rds length of body cavity. Ovary
III pinkish-yellow colour with granular appearance, testis whitish to
creamy. No trans- parent or translucent ova visible.
Ovary and testis from 2/3rds to full length of body cavity. Ovary orange-pink in colour with
conspicuous superficial blood vessels. Large transparent, ripe ova visible. Testis whitish- creamy,
Spent Ovary and testis shrunken to about 1/2 length of body cavity. Walls
VRipe loose. Ovary may contain remnants of disintegrating opaque and
ripe ova, darkened or translucent. Testis bloodshot and flabby.

Fig. 5.1 Sex differentiation in plaice- above: male; below: female

Fig. 5.2a Automatic fish egg counter

Fig. 5.2b Automatic fish egg counter

Fig. Maturity stages of male elasmobranchs;

5.3 mixopterygia are cross hatched.
(a) immature, (b) maturing and (c) mature

Fig. 5.4Maturity stages of female elasmobranchs (a) immature, (b) maturing, (c) mature oviparous
species, (d) mature live-bearing species (wall of oviduct highlyvascularised).

Fig. 5.5 Fecundity/length and fecundity/weight relationships in herring


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