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Descriptors Very low 1-2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very high 6

Understanding Limited Some understanding Satisfactory Thorough Sophisticated
and analysis of understanding of of the world of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of
context, views the world of the text through an world of the text world of the text the world of the
and values text with reference analysis of the through an analysis through a detailed of text through an
expressed by to the values it values it expresses. of the explicit and the explicit and insightful analysis
the author. expresses. Limited Some awareness of implied values it implied values it of the explicit and
awareness of how how the author has expresses, and how expresses, and how implied values it
Unit 1 the author has responded to the author has the author has expresses, and how
responded to different contexts, responded to responded to the author has
Outcome different contexts, audiences and different contexts, different contexts, responded to
1: audiences and purposes. audiences and audiences and different contexts,
purposes. purposes. purposes. audiences and
Produce purposes.
Sustained Limited Some interpretation Clear and Comprehensive and Sustained and
interpretation interpretation of of textual meaning appropriate logical interpretation insightful
of the text. textual meaning through a broad interpretation of of textual meaning interpretation of
that makes little analysis of features textual meaning through a close textual meaning
tion of a attempt to analyse of the text. through a close analysis of features through a complex
selected features of the analysis of features of the text. analysis of features
text text. of the text. of the text.
Use of textual Limited reference Some use of textual Suitable use of Careful use of Considered and
evidence. to the text. evidence to justify textual evidence to textual evidence to accurate use of
the interpretation. justify the justify the textual evidence to
interpretation. interpretation. justify the
Use of Limited use of the Some use of the Sound control of the Careful control of Skilful control of
analytical features of an features of an features of an the features of an the features of an
features analytical analytical analytical analytical analytical
including use of interpretation. interpretation interpretation interpretation interpretation
metalanguage. including the use of including the including the careful including the highly

structure, appropriate use of use of structure, proficient use of

conventions na d structure, conventions and structure,
language, including conventions and language, including conventions and
the use of language, including the use of relevant language, including
metalanguage. the use of relevant metalanguage. the use of relevant
metalanguage. metalanguage.
Expressive, Written language Mostly clear written Generally fluent and Expressive, fluent Highly expressive,
fluent, and that shows limited language that coherent written and written fluent and coherent
coherent control of spelling, emplys some language that language that written language
writing. punctuation and conventions of employs the employs the that employs the
syntax of standard spelling, punctuation appropriate use of appropriate and skilful and accurate
Australian English. and syntax of spelling, punctuation accurate use of use of spellings,
Standard Australian and syntax of spelling, punctuation punctuation and
English. standard Australian and syntax of syntax of standard
English. standard Australian Australian English.

Very low 1-11 Low 12-16 Medium 17-20 High 21-23 Very High 24-30
UG ED D+ - C+ B B+ A A+

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