Application Form For M.Tech./M.Pharm. Programme: 1. Personal Information
Application Form For M.Tech./M.Pharm. Programme: 1. Personal Information
Application Form For M.Tech./M.Pharm. Programme: 1. Personal Information
1. Personal Information
3. Programme Selection :
Student Status : Full-Time Regular
Financial Status : Institute Assistantship Required
3A. Select the Primary Programme you are applying for (Compulsory) :
Programme : M.Tech
Department/School: Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology
Discipline: Chemical Engineering
Spec 1:No Specialization
Spec 2:No Specialization
Spec 3:No Specialization
Spec 4:No Specialization
Spec 5:No Specialization
3B. Additional Programme 1 : 3C. Additional Programme 2 :
Programme : null Programme : null
Dept/School:null Dept/School: null
Discipline: null Discipline: null
Spec 1:null Spec 1:null
Spec 2:null Spec 2:null
Spec 3:null Spec 3:null
Spec 4:null Spec 4:null
Spec 5:null Spec 5:null
Spec = Specialization
4. Qualifying Entrance Examination :
7. Declaration:
I declare that the information provided by me on this application form is correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any wilful misinterpretation of facts
will result in my disqualification and dismissal from the Institute if admitted.
Candidate signature