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INDEX NO. 124002


Prof .El-Amin Hamouda


University of Khartoum

In partial Fulfillment of requirement of the Degree

B.Sc. (HON) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

(Power system Engineering)

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering



I declare this report entitled “GENERATION PROTECTION AT GARRI

4 POWER STATION” is my own work except as cited in references. The
report has been not accepted for any degree and it is not being submitted
currently in candidature for any degree or other reward.

Signature: ____________________


Date: ______________________________


All the thanks and glorifying is due to Almighty ALLAH

To soul of my pure father who grew me up and guided me through life.

I owe my deepest gratitude to my advisor Professor El-Amin Hamouda. First for accepting
me as a student, then for the support and help he has given me throughout the project

Special thanks to my project partner for their hard work, support and cooperation

Besides, I also want to thank Eng. Mosab Mohammed, Eng. Nihad salah and Eng. Khalid
Mohammed for his significant assistance in simulation model establishment.
Many thank to my colleagues Ahmed Ibrahim, Ibrahim Khalid and all the staff and former
colleagues at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering for the pleasant
working atmosphere and your friendship.

Data concerning generator protection Scheme was obtained from Garri thermal power
Station. Specific calculations were performed on these data to determine the function of
the protection scheme. Then the results were analyzed and simulated by ETAP program.
In ETAP, different events were created to examine the protection system schemes and
Different results were obtained as a response of protection system to the abnormal

Generator protection of Garri station were studied and simulated

‫ﺗم ﺗﺣﺻﯾل اﻟﻣﻌﻠوﻣﺎت اﻟﻣطﻠوﺑﺔ ﻟﻠﺣﻣﺎﯾﺔ ﻣن ﻣﺣطﺔ ﻗري اﻟﺣرارﯾﺔ وﻣن ﺛم ﺗم اﺟراء ﺑﻌض اﻟﺣﺳﺎﺑﺎت ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺧططﺎت‬
‫اﻟﺣﻣﺎﯾﺔ واﻟﺣﺻول ﻋﻠﻰ ﻧﺗﺎﺋﺞ‪ .‬ﺗﻣت ھذه اﻟدراﺳﺔ ﺑﺎﺳﺗﺧدام ﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ )‪ (ETAP‬ﺣﯾث ﺗم إدﺧﺎل ھذه اﻟﻧﺗﺎﺋﺞ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ‬
‫وﺑدوره ﻗﺎم اﻟﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﺑﻌﻣﻠﯾﺔ اﻟﺗﺣﻠﯾل واﻟﻣﺣﺎﻛﺎة‪ .‬ﻓﻲ اﻟﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﺗم اﻧﺷﺎء ﻋدة اﺣداث ﻏﯾر طﺑﯾﻌﯾﺔ ﻻﺧﺗﺑﺎر ﺑﯾﺎﻧﺎت ﻧظﺎم‬
‫اﻟﺣﻣﺎﯾﺔ ﻓﺗم اﻟﺣﺻول ﻋﻠﻰ ﻧﺗﺎﺋﺞ ﻣﺧﺗﻠﻔﺔ ﻛﺎﺳﺗﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﻣن ﻧظﺎم اﻟﺣﻣﺎﯾﺔ ﻟﮭذه اﻟظروف اﻟﻐﯾر طﺑﯾﻌﯾﺔ‪.‬‬

‫ﺗﻣت دراﺳﺔ وﻣﺣﺎﻛﺎة ﺑﯾﺎﻧﺎت ﺣﻣﺎﯾﺔ اﻟﻣوﻟد ﻓﻲ ﻣﺣطﺔ ﻗري اﻟﺣرارﯾﺔ‪.‬‬


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... iv

‫ اﻟﻣﺳﺗﺧﻠص‬................................................................................................................................ v

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ x

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. xi

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Background: .............................................................................................................. 1

1.3 Problem definition:.................................................................................................... 1

1.4 Aims and objectives ................................................................................................ 2

1.5 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 2

1.6 Thesis outline .......................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTRE TWO ................................................................................................................ 3

Literature Review................................................................................................................ 3

2.1 The need for electrical protection.............................................................................. 3

2.2 Overview of electrical fault ....................................................................................... 3

2.2.1 Fault Types ......................................................................................................... 4

2.3 Protection component ................................................................................................ 4

2.3.1 Fuses ................................................................................................................... 5

2.3.2 Relays ................................................................................................................. 5 ELECTROMECHANICAL RELAYS ....................................................... 5 STATIC RELAYS ...................................................................................... 6 Digital Relays.............................................................................................. 6 Numerical Relays ........................................................................................ 7

2.3.3 Instrument transformers (CT\VT) ...................................................................... 7

2.4 Zones of protection.................................................................................................... 7

2.5 Protection quality .................................................................................................... 10

2.5.1 Discrimination .................................................................................................. 10

2.5.2 Stability............................................................................................................. 11

2.5.3 Reliability ......................................................................................................... 11

2.5.4 Speed of operation ............................................................................................ 11

2.6 Over Current Protection .......................................................................................... 12

2.7 Earth fault protection ............................................................................................... 13

2.8 Differential protection ............................................................................................. 14

CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................... 16

METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 16

3.2 Garri station overview ............................................................................................. 17

3.2.1 Introduction of QF-60-2 Generator of Garri-4 Power Plant ............................. 17

3.2.2 Specifications of QF-60-2 Type Turbo-Generator for Garri-4 Power Plant .... 18

3.3 Generator protection scheme ................................................................................... 18

3.3.1 Overvoltage ...................................................................................................... 18

3.3.2 Undervoltage Protection ................................................................................... 19

3.3.3 Reverse Power Protection................................................................................. 20

3.3.4 Unbalanced Loading ......................................................................................... 21

3.3.5 Under/Overfrequency and Overfluxing Protection .......................................... 22 Underfrequency......................................................................................... 22 Overfrequency: .............................................................................................. 23 Overfluxing ............................................................................................... 24

3.3.6 Loss of Excitation Protection ........................................................................... 25

3.3.7 Generator Differential Protection ..................................................................... 26

3.3.8 Stator earth fault protection .............................................................................. 27

3.3.9 over current protection...................................................................................... 27 Discrimination by current ......................................................................... 28

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................. 30

SIMULATION AND RESULTS ...................................................................................... 30

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 30

4.2 ETAP Software ....................................................................................................... 30

4.3 Circuit ...................................................................................................................... 30

4.4 ETAP simulation result ........................................................................................... 31

4.4.1 OverVoltage Protection .................................................................................... 31

4.4.2 Under Voltage protection ................................................................................. 32

4.4.3 Loss of Field ..................................................................................................... 33

4.4.4 Reverse Power Protection................................................................................. 33

4.4.5 Unbalanced Loading Protection ....................................................................... 34

4.4.6 Overfreqeuncy protection ................................................................................. 35

4.4.7 Underfrequency Protection ............................................................................... 36

4.4.8 Overfluxing Protection ..................................................................................... 38

4.4.9 Differential Protection. ..................................................................................... 39

4.4.10 Stator Earth Fault Protection .......................................................................... 40

4.4.11 OverCurrent Protection................................................................................... 42

4.5 Summary ................................................................................................................. 43

CHAPTER FIVE .............................................................................................................. 45

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMINDATION ................................................................. 45

5.1 Project review.......................................................................................................... 45

5.2 Recommendation..................................................................................................... 45

References ......................................................................................................................... 46

APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................... 1

Figure 2.1 Type of faults on a three phase system. ............................................................. 4

Figure 2.2 CT locations......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 2.3 Overlapping zones of protection system ......................................................... 10

Figure 2.4 Typical Power / Time Relationship for Various Fault Types.......................... 12

Figure 2.5 Traditional over Current curve ........................................................................ 13

Figure 2.6 Economical CT arrangement for O /C and E/ F .............................................. 14

Figure 2.7 Machine differential protection ....................................................................... 15

Figure 2.8 Feeder differential protection .......................................................................... 15

Figure 3.1 Generator-Transformer Unit ............................................................................ 17

Figure 3.2 Abnormal operation condition......................................................................... 18

Figure 3.3 Method of Discrimination by current .............................................................. 28

Figure 4.1 Single line Diagram of Simulation Circuit ...................................................... 30

Figure 4.2 Over Voltage action List ................................................................................. 31

Figure 4.3 Over Voltage (Voltage vs. Time) Graph at Bus1 ............................................ 31

Figure 44. Under Voltage Action List .............................................................................. 32

Figure 4.5 Under Voltage (Voltage vs. Time) Graph at Bus1 .......................................... 32

Figure 4.6 Loss of Field (Generator Reactive Power Vs. Time) Graph ........................... 33

Figure 4.7 Reverse Power action List ............................................................................... 33

Figure 4.8 Reverse Power (Generator Active Power vs. Time) Graph ............................ 34

Figure 4.9 Protection Operation of Un Balanced Loading Fault ...................................... 34

Figure 4.10 Negative Sequence Event Recorder .............................................................. 35

Figure 4.11 Over Frequency Action List .......................................................................... 35

Figure 4.12 Over Voltage (Voltage vs. Time) Graph at Bus1 .......................................... 36

Figure 4.13 Under Frequency Action list ......................................................................... 36

Figure 4.14 Under Frequency (Frequency vs. Time) Graph at Bus1................................ 37

Figure 4.15 Over fluxing Action List ............................................................................... 38

Figure 4.16 Over Fluxing (V/F vs. Time) Graph at Bus1 ................................................. 38

Figure 4.17 Internal fault .................................................................................................. 39

Figure 418. Differential Protection Event Recorder ......................................................... 39

Figure 4.19 External Fault ................................................................................................ 40

Figure 4.20 Protection Operation of stator Earth Fault..................................................... 40

Figure 4.21 Stator Earth Fault Event Recorder................................................................. 41

Figure 4.22 Protection operation of Over Current ............................................................ 42

Figure 4.23 OverCurrent Event Record ............................................................................ 42


Table 3.2: Generator reverse power problems .................................................................. 20

DC Direct Current

CT Current Transformer

CB Circuit Breaker

VT Voltage Transformer

SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition

DFT Discrete Fourier Transform

DSP Digital Signal Processor

IDMT Inverse Definite Minimum Time

SI Standard Inverse

VI Very Inverse

EI Extremely Inverse

O/C Over Current

E/F Earth Fault

STG Steam Turbine Generator

GTG Gas Turbine Generator

Xd Synchronous Reactance

Xʹd Transient Reactance

Xe Leakage Reactance

AVR Automatic Voltage Regulation

ETAP Electrical Transient Analysis Program

CHAPTER ONE Introduction


1.1 Overview
Sudan national networks consist of many generation stations that generate electrical power
from different sources. GARRI is one of main generation stations that supply Sudan
national network by about (500 MW).The reliability of this station is so important for
supplying power to the network as well as the stability of the network. This reliability could
be enhanced and grantee through proper protection systems.

1.2 Background:
The history of electrical power technology throughout the world is one of steady and, in
recent years, rapid progress, which has made it possible to design and construct economic
and reliable power systems capable of satisfying the continuing growth in the demand for
electrical energy. In this, power system protection and control play a significant part, and
progress in design and development in these fields has necessarily had to keep pace with
advances in the design of primary plant, such as generators, transformers, switchgears,
overhead lines and underground cables, indeed, progress in the fields of protection and
control is a vital prerequisite for the efficient operation and continuing development of
power supply systems as whole.

1.3 Problem definition:

The protection of generators is a hard task; It involves the consideration of more possible
abnormal operating conditions than the protection of any other system element. In
unattended stations, automatic protection against all harmful abnormal conditions should
be provided. But much difference of opinion exists as to what constitutes sufficient
protection of generators in attended stations.

CHAPTER ONE Introduction

1.4 Aims and objectives

The objectives of the project are to study protection of the power system elements at Garri4
power station specially the generators and analyze different Methods to protect the
generators from potential faults.

1.5 Methodology
In this project the investigation of elements protection will be done using data collection
from Garri4 power station and simulation using ETAP program because ETAP is the most
comprehensive solution for the design, simulation and analysis of Generation, transmission
and distribution.

1.6 Thesis outline

Chapter one provides essential background. chapter two will discuss protection system in
general way, chapter three will illustrate the generator protection schemes used in Garri4
power station, chapter four with implementation of ETAP will provide the setting
calculation used in protection scheme in the generator. Chapter five provides the
recommendation and conclusion.

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

Literature Review

2.1 The need for electrical protection

It is not economically feasible to design and manufacture electrical equipment that will
never fail in service. Equipment will and do fail, and the only way to limit further damage,
and to restrict danger to human life, is to provide fast, reliable electrical protection. The
protection of a power system detects abnormal conditions, localizes faults, and promptly
removes the faulty equipment from service.

Electrical protection is not an exact science, but is rather a philosophy based on a number
of principles. There are countless unique circumstances where protection is needed, and
the techniques that will be applied have to take the specific conditions into account.
Economic principles, namely the cost of the equipment that is protected, the cost of the
protection equipment itself, the secondary cost of an electrical fault (for example, lost
revenue or production losses), as well as probability analyses, all play a role in determining
the protection philosophy that will be followed.

2.2 Overview of electrical fault

Electrical faults usually occur due to breakdown of the insulating media between live
conductors or between a live conductor and earth. This breakdown may be caused by any
one or more of several factors, for example, mechanical damage, overheating, voltage
surges (caused by lightning or switching), ingress of a conducting medium, ionization of
air, and deterioration of the insulating media due to an unfriendly environment or old age,
or misuse of equipment.

Fault currents release an enormous amount of thermal energy, and if not cleared quickly,
may cause fire hazards, extensive damage to equipment and risk to human life. Faults are
classified into two major groups: symmetrical and unbalanced (asymmetrical).
Symmetrical faults involve all three phases and cause extremely severe fault currents and
system disturbances. Unbalanced faults include phase-to-phase, phase-to-ground, and

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

phase-to-phase-to-ground faults. They are not as severe as symmetrical faults because not
all three phases are involved. The least severe fault condition is a single phase-to-ground
fault with the transformer neutral earthed through a resistor or reactor. However, if not
cleared quickly, unbalanced faults will usually develop into symmetrical faults.

2.2.1 Fault Types

The faults are classified as:

A) Single phase to ground fault

B) Phase to Phase fault

C) Double Phase to earth fault

D) Three phase fault

E) Three phase to ground fault

Figure 2.1 Type of faults on a three phase system.

2.3 Protection component

A collection of protection devices (relays, fuses, etc.). Excluded are devices such as CT’s,
CB’s, Contactors, etc.

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

2.3.1 Fuses

Probably the oldest, simplest, cheapest, and most-often used type of protection device is
the fuse. The operation of a fuse is very straightforward: The thermal energy of the
excessive current causes the fuse-element to melt and the current path is interrupted.
Technological developments have made fuses more predictable, faster, and safer (not to
explode) Fuses are very inexpensive and they can operate totally independently, that is,
they do not need a relay with instrument transformers to tell them when to blow. This
makes them especially suitable in applications like remote ring main units, etc. (1)

2.3.2 Relays

The most versatile and sophisticated type of protection available today, is undoubtedly the
relay/circuit-breaker combination. The relay receives information regarding the network
mainly from the instrument transformers (voltage and current transformers), detects an
abnormal condition by comparing this information to pre-set values, and gives a tripping
command to the circuit-breaker when such an abnormal condition has been detected. The
relay may also be operated by an external tripping signal, either from other instruments,
from a SCADA master, or by human intervention. Relays may be classified according to

These relays were the earliest forms of relay used for the protection of power systems, and
they date back nearly 100 years. They work on the principle of a mechanical force causing
operation of a relay contact in response to a stimulus. The mechanical force is generated
through current flow in one or more windings on a magnetic core or cores, hence the term
electromechanical relay. The principle advantage of such relays is that they provide
galvanic isolation between the inputs and outputs in a simple, cheap and reliable form –
therefore for simple on/off switching functions where the output contacts have to carry
substantial currents, they are still used. Electromechanical relays can be classified into
several different types as follows:

a) attracted armature
b) moving coil

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

c) induction
d) thermal
e) motor operated
f) mechanical STATIC RELAYS

Introduction of static relays began in the early 1960’s. Their design is based on the use of
analogue electronic devices instead of coils and magnets to create the relay characteristic.
Early versions used discrete devices such as transistors and diodes in conjunction with
resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc., but advances in electronics enabled the use of linear
and digital integrated circuits in later versions for signal processing and implementation of
logic functions. While basic circuits may be common to a number of relays, the packaging
was still essentially restricted to a single protection function per case, while complex
functions required several cases of hardware suitably interconnected. User programming
was restricted to the basic functions of adjustment of relay characteristic curves. They
therefore can be viewed in simple terms as an analogue electronic replacement for
electromechanical relays, with some additional flexibility in settings and some saving in
space requirements. In some cases, relay burden is reduced, making for reduced CT/VT
output requirements. Digital Relays

Digital protection relays introduced a step change in technology. Microprocessors and

microcontrollers replaced analogue circuits used in static relays to implement relay
functions. Early examples began to be introduced into service around 1980, and, with
improvements in processing capacity, can still be regarded as current technology for many
relay applications. However, such technology will be completely superseded within the
next five years by numerical relays. Compared to static relays, digital relays introduce A/D
conversion of all measured analogue quantities and use a microprocessor to implement the
protection algorithm. The microprocessor may use some kind of counting technique, or use
the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to implement the algorithm. However, the typical
microprocessors used have limited processing capacity and memory compared to that
provided in numerical relays. The functionality tends therefore to be limited and restricted

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

largely to the protection function itself. Additional functionality compared to that provided
by an electromechanical or static relay is usually available, typically taking the form of a
wider range of settings, and greater accuracy. A communications link to a remote computer
may also be provided. Numerical Relays

The distinction between digital and numerical relay rests on points of fie technical detail,
and is rarely found in areas other than Protection. They can be viewed as natural
developments of digital relays as a result of advances in technology. Typically, they use a
specialized digital signal processor (DSP) as the computational hardware, together with the
associated software tools. The input analogue signals are converted into a digital
representation and processed according to the appropriate mathematical algorithm.
Processing is carried out using a specialized microprocessor that is optimized for signal
processing applications, known as a digital signal processor or DSP for short. Digital
processing of signals in real time requires a very high power microprocessor. In addition,
the continuing reduction in the cost of microprocessors and related digital devices
(memory, I/O, etc.) naturally leads to an approach where a single item of hardware is used
to provide a range of functions („one-box solution‟ approach). By using multiple
microprocessors to provide the necessary computational performance, a large number of
functions previously implemented in separate items of hardware can now be included
within a single item.

2.3.3 Instrument transformers (CT\VT)

Relays need information from the power network in order to detect an abnormal condition.
This information is obtained via voltage and current transformers (collectively called
instrument transformers), as the normal system voltages and currents are too high for the
relays to handle directly, and the instrument transformers protect the relay from system
‘spikes’ to a certain extent.[1]

2.4 Zones of protection

To limit the extent of the power system that is disconnected when a fault occurs, protection
is arranged in zones. The principle is shown in Figure 2.2

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

Figure2.2a Division of power system into protection zone

Ideally, the zones of protection should overlap, so that no part of the power system is left
unprotected. The circuit breaker being included in both zones. For practical physical and
economic reasons, this ideal is not always achieved, accommodation for current
transformers being in some cases available only on one side of the circuit breakers. This
leaves a section between the current transformers and the circuit breaker that is not
completely protected against faults. In Figure 2.2 a fault at F would cause the bus bar
protection to operate and open the circuit breaker but the fault may continue to be fed
through the feeder. The feeder protection, if of the unit type, would not operate, since the
fault is outside its zone. This problem is dealt with by inter-tripping or some form of zone
extension, to ensure that the remote end of the feeder is tripped also.

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

Figure 2.2bCT
Figure2-3 CTlocations

The point of connection of the protection with the power system usually defines
the zone and corresponds to the location of the current transformers. Unit type
protection will result in the boundary being a clearly defined closed loop. Figure
2.3 illustrates a typical arrangement of overlapping zones. [2]

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

Figure2.3 Overlapping zones of protection system

2.5 Protection quality

2.5.1 Discrimination

Discrimination, or selectivity, is the ability of the protection to isolate only the faulted part
of the system, minimizing the impact of the fault on the power network. Absolute
discrimination is only obtained when the protection operates exclusively within a clearly
defined zone. This type of protection is known as ‘unit protection’, as only one unit is
exclusively protected for example, a transformer, or a specific feeder cable. The term ‘zone
protection’ is also commonly used. Unit protection can only be achieved when the
following essentials are satisfied: • Sensing or measuring devices must be installed at each
(electrical) end of the protected equipment; and • There has to be a means of
communication between the devices at each end, in order to compare electrical conditions
and detect a fault when present.

The main advantages of unit protection are:

• Only the faulted equipment or part of the network is disconnected, with minimum
disruption to the power network.

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

• Unit protection operates very fast, limiting damages to equipment and danger to human
life. Fast operation is possible because the presence or absence of a fault is a very clear-cut

• Unit protection is very stable.

• Unit protection is very reliable.

• Unit protection is very sensitive.

The major disadvantages of unit protection are the following:

• It is very expensive.

• It relies on communication between the relays installed at either end

2.5.2 Stability

Stability, also called security, is the ability of the protection to remain

inoperative for normal load conditions (including normal transients like motor
starting). Most stability problems arise from incorrect application of relays and
lack of maintenance.

2.5.3 Reliability

Reliability, or dependability, is the ability of the protection to operate correctly in case of

a fault. Reliability is probably the most important quality of a protection system

2.5.4 Speed of operation

The longer the fault current is allowed to flow, the greater the damage to equipment and
the higher the risk to personnel. Therefore, protection equipment has to operate as fast as
possible, without compromising on stability. The best way to achieve this is by applying
unit protection schemes. The phase shift between voltages at different bus bars on the
system also increases, and therefore so does the probability that synchronism will be lost
when the system is disturbed by a fault. The shorter the time a fault is allowed to remain in
the system, the greater can be the loading of the system. Figure 2.4 shows typical relations
between system loading and fault clearance times for various type of fault.

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

Figure 2.4 Typical Power / Time Relationship for Various Fault Types

2.5.5 Sensitivity

The term sensitivity refers to the magnitude of fault current at which protection operation
occurs. A protection relay is said to be sensitive when the primary operating current is very
low. Therefore, the term sensitivity is normally used in the context of electrical protection
for expensive electronic equipment, or sensitive earth leakage equipment[2]

2.6 Over Current Protection

The term “overcurrent” refers to abnormal current flow higher than the normal value of
current flow in an electrical circuit. Uncorrected “overcurrent” can cause serious safety
hazards and costly damage to electrical equipment and property. The overcurrent relay
typically displays the inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) characteristic as displayed in
Figure 6 Traditionally, normally inverse (NI), very inverse (VI), and extremely inverse (EI)
have been applied, with each type of curve characteristic to a specific type of relay.
Multitudes of curves, up to 15 in one relay, user selectable, are available with modern

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

Figure2.5 Traditional over Current curve

2.7 Earth fault protection

Phase-to-earth faults are covered by earth fault relays. The most common form of earth

Fault protection operates on the principle that the vector sum of currents flowing in a

Balanced three-phase system equals zero. A very effective combination of overcurrent

And earth fault protection has developed in the era of electromechanical relays, and the

Same principle is still used today in most protection schemes. This is illustrated in Figure

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

Figure 2.6 Economical CT arrangement for O /C and E/ F

Only two phases need to be monitored by the overcurrent relay, the reason being that a
fault on the third phase will be either to one of the other two phases, or to earth. A phase-
to-earth fault will cause an unbalance in the three phases, resulting in a current flowing in
the earth fault element, tripping the earth fault relay. The same protection CTs are thus
being used in this arrangement.[3]

2.8 Differential protection

Differential protection schemes vary according to the type of equipment to be protected,
The most common being machine and feeder differential protection. The protection relays.
Differ in their compensation methods for typical internal losses in the equipment to be
protected, but operates on basically the same principle. The values of current going into
and out of the equipment are measured and compared. The relay trips if the difference in
Current exceeds a pre-set value, compensating for internal losses in the equipment and CT
Inaccuracies. Figure 2.7 and figure 2.8 illustrate the use of a differential protection scheme.

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

Figure 2.7 Machine differential protection

Figure 2.8 Feeder differential protection

With machine differential protection (motors or transformers), the sets of CTs are close to
each other, and only relay needs to be used in most cases, with current flowing through the
relay in case of a difference in current values. With feeder protection, the two sets CTs are
far away from each other. Two relays are installed, one at both end of the equipment, one
master and one slave. The slave relay measures the current at its end and sends it through
to the master relay via the communication channel[1]



3.1 Introduction
It is imperative need to install some protective system to protect the expensive elements of
modern power system such as generators, transformers, station bus-bar, and transmission
lines etc. from different types of faults witch are likely to occur sooner or later. In
generating station as a continuous operation of generators is much more necessary so the
fault part has to be cleared very quickly for uninterruptable power supply. Unlike other
apparatus, opening a breaker to isolate the faulty generator is not sufficient to prevent
further damage. The basic electrical quantities those are likely to change during abnormal
fault conditions are current, voltage, phase angle and frequency. Protective elements
utilizes one or more of these quantities to detect abnormal conditions in a power system
for taking further essential steps to isolate the faulty equipment to keep the healthy part in
normal working condition.

A modern generating unit is a complex system comprising the generator stator winding,
associated transformer and unit transformer that shown in figure 10 (if present), the rotor
with its field winding and excitation system, and the prime mover with its associated
auxiliaries. Faults of many kinds can occur within this system for which diverse forms of
electrical and mechanical protection are required. The amount of protection applied will be
governed by economic considerations, taking into account the value of the machine, and
the value of its output to the plant owner.


Figure3.1 Generator-Transformer Unit

3.2 Garri station overview

Garri thermal power station consist of three planets; Garri one, Garri two and Garri four.
Garri one and two are coupled together. Planet one consist of four Gas Turbines Generator
(GTG) which capable rating each with an installed capacity of 10.5kV, 38 MW, 50Hz and
two Steam Turbines Generator (STG) which capable rating each with an installed capacity
of 10.5kV, 36MW, 50Hz. The study carried out planet four which consist of two Steam
Turbines Generator (STG) which capable rating with an installed capacity of 11Kv,
60MW, 50Hz.

3.2.1 Introduction of QF-60-2 Generator of Garri-4 Power Plant

Garri-4 power plant adopts QF-60-2 type turbo-generator manufactured by Shanghai

Turbo-Generator Co., Ltd. With the rated voltage of 11kV, the generator is driven by
direct-coupled steam turbine, and is cooled by the enclosed circulating cooling air. The
generator is of brushless excitation (by coaxial brushless exciter and permanent magnetism
pilot exciter). The voltage of generator is adjusted by WLZ-4DW micro-computer type


automatic exciting regulator produced by the Hebei Industry University Electrical Factory
in China. From the view of steam turbine, the rotating direction of the QF-60-2, 60MW
synchronous generator is in clockwise rotation.

3.2.2 Specifications of QF-60-2 Type Turbo-Generator for Garri-4

Power Plant

Generator rating : 60MW, 50HZ, 70.6MVA, 11KV, 370A , 0.85 PF , Xʹd =18%,
Xd=166% , Xe=10.7% , CT (5000/1 A) , VT(11/0.11 KV) Type of generator (QF-60-2)

3.3 Generator protection scheme

In the following sections, we consider some prominent abnormal operating conditions
shown in figure 11 that need to be carefully considered while providing protection to the

Figure3.2 Abnormal operation condition

3.3.1 Overvoltage

Over voltage event occurs when the power system loses the load or when the generator is
feeding a very small load.

With health voltage regulator (AVR), over voltage should not happened, but it may be
caused by the following contingencies:


• Defective operation of the automatic voltage regulator when the machine is in

isolated operation.
• Operation under manual control with the voltage regulator out of service. A sudden
variation of the load, in particular the reactive power component, will give rise to a
substantial change in voltage because of the large voltage regulation inherent in a
typical alternator.
• Sudden loss of load (due to tripping of outgoing feeders, leaving the set isolated or
feeding a very small load) may cause a sudden rise in terminal voltage due to the
trapped field flux and/or overspeed.
For these reasons, it is prudent to provide power frequency overvoltage protection, in the
form of a time-delayed element, either IDMT or definite time. The time delay should be
long enough to prevent operation during normal regulator action, and therefore should take
account of the type of AVR fitted and its transient response.

Setting calculation:
V>1 Voltage Set = 1.15 x 110 = 126.5 V ∴126 V
V>1 TMS = (1.2 –1) x 2 = 0.4 ∴0.4 (IDMT)
V>2 Voltage Set = 1.5 x 110 = 165 V
V>2 Time delay = 0.1s ∴0.1 s

3.3.2 Undervoltage Protection

Undervoltage protection is rarely fitted to generators. It is sometimes used as an interlock

element for another protection function or scheme, such as field failure protection or
inadvertent energization protection, where the abnormality to be detected leads directly or
indirectly to an undervoltage condition. However, it should be addressed by the
deployment of ’system protection’ schemes. The generation should not be tripped. The
greatest case for undervoltage protection being required would be for a generator supplying
an isolated power system or to meet Utility demands for connection of embedded
generation In the case of generators feeding an isolated system, undervoltage may occur
for several reasons, typically overloading or failure of the AVR. In some cases, the


performance of generator auxiliary plant fed via a unit transformer from the generator
terminals could be adversely affected by prolonged undervoltage.

Where undervoltage protection is required, it should comprise an undervoltage element and

an associated time delay.

Setting calculation:

V<1 Voltage Set = 0.8 x 110 = 88 ∴ 88

V<1 TMS = 3 s ∴ 3 s (for alarm)

V<2 Voltage Set = 0.7 x 110 = 77 V ∴ 77 V

V<2 Time delay = 2 s ∴2s

3.3.3 Reverse Power Protection

Protection against revers power is provided for some generators to protect the prime
mover Parts which may not be designed to experience reverse torque or they may
become damaged through continued rotation after the prime mover has suffered
some form of failure. The reverse power protection should be provided with a
definite time delay on operation to prevent spurious operation with transient power
swings that may arise following synchronization or in the event of a power
transmission system disturbance.


Prime Mover Motoring Power (% Possible Damage Protection Setting

of rated)

Fire/explosion due to
5 - 25 unburned fuel
Diesel Engine

Mechanical damage to
gearbox/shafts 50% of motoring power

10-15 (split shaft) gearbox damage

Gas Turbine

> 50% (single shaft)

blade and runner

0.2-2 (blades out of cavitation
Hydro water)

> 2 (blades in water)

turbine blade damage

Steam Turbine 0.5 - 6 gearbox damage on

geared sets

Table 3.1: Generator reverse power problems

Setting calculation
Max motoring power for prime mover (IEEE std 242):

For steam turbine 3%

P1st = Generator rating = 60 MW

P2nd = Generator rating / (CT Ratio x VT Ratio)

= (60 x 10^6) / (5000 x 100) = 120 W

P>1 = 50% x 30% x P2nd

= 0.5 x 0.3 x 120 = 1.8 W

Time Delay = 8 Sec

3.3.4 Unbalanced Loading

A three-phase balanced load produces a reaction field that, to a first approximation, is

constant and rotates synchronously with the rotor field system. Any unbalanced condition

can be resolved into positive, negative and zero sequence components. The positive
sequence component is similar to the normal balanced load. The zero sequence components
produce no main armature reaction.

Effect of Negative Sequence Current

The resulting reaction field of the negative sequence rotates in the opposite
direction to the D.Sc. field system. Hence, a flux is produced which cuts the rotor
at twice the rotational velocity, thereby inducing double frequency currents in the
field system and in the rotor body. The resulting eddy-currents are very large and
cause severe heating of the rotor.
Setting calculation:
FLC = 60 x 1000 / (√3 x 11 x 0.85) = 3704 .92 A
I2therm>1 Set = 0.6 x 0.1 x 3704.92 x (1/5000) = 0.0444 A
I2therm>1 Delay = 2s ∴2 s (for alarm)
I2therm>2 Set = 0.7 x 0.1 x 3704.92 x (1/5000) = 0.051 A
I2therm>2 K = 15 ∴15
I2therm>tmax =15 / 0.1^2 = 1500s
I2therm>tmin = 5s

3.3.5 Under/Overfrequency and Overfluxing Protection

These conditions are grouped together because these problems often occur due to a
departure from synchronous speed. Underfrequency

Underfrequency may occur as a result of overload of generators operating on an isolated

system, or a serious fault on the power system that results in a deficit of generation
compared to load. This may occur if a grid system suffers a major fault on transmission
lines linking two parts of the system, and the system then splits into two. Prime movers
may have to be protected against excessively low frequency by tripping of the generators
concerned. An under frequency condition, at nominal voltage, may result in some over
fluxing of a generator and its associated electrical plant. The more critical considerations
would be in relation to blade stresses being incurred with high-speed turbine generators;


especially steam-driven sets. When not running at nominal frequency, abnormal blade
resonance’s can be set up that, if prolonged, could lead to turbine disc component fractures. Overfrequency:

Over frequency running of a generator arises when the mechanical power input to the
alternator is in excess of the electrical load and mechanical losses. The most common
occurrence of over frequency is after substantial loss of load. Over frequency protection
may be required as a back-up protection function to cater for governor or throttle control
failure following loss of load or during unsynchronized running. Moderate overfrequency
operation of a generator is not as potentially threatening to the generator and other electrical
plant as underfrequency running.

Setting calculation:
Under/Over frequency protection should be set as per Off-frequency turbine
limit but general typical data are considered in this report also these values
can be changed as follow customer requirement.
a. ∴Under frequency protection
IEEE standards:
F<1 Setting ∴ 48.0 Hz
Time Delay ∴ 10 s
F<2 Setting ∴ 47.0 Hz
Time Delay ∴3s
F<3 Setting ∴ 46.0 Hz
Time Delay ∴2s
F<4 Setting ∴ 45.5 Hz
Time Delay ∴ 0.1 s
b. Over frequency protection
F<1 Setting ∴ 52.0 Hz
Time Delay ∴5s
F<2 Setting ∴ 53.0 Hz
Time Delay ∴1s

CHAPTER THREE Methodology Overfluxing

Overfluxing is most likely to occur during machine start up or shut down whilst the
generator is not connected to the system. Failures in the automatic control of the excitation
system, or errors in the manual control of the machine field circuit, could allow excessive
voltage to be generated. Overfluxing occurs when the ratio of voltage to frequency is too
high. The iron saturates owing to the high flux density and results in stray flux occurring
in components not designed to carry it. Overheating can then occur, resulting in damage.
The problem affects both direct-and indirectly-connected generators. Either excessive
voltage, or low frequency, or a combination of both can result in overfluxing, a voltage to
frequency ratio in excess of 1.05p.u. , normally being indicative of this condition.
Excessive flux can arise transiently, which is not a problem for the generator. For example,
a generator can be subjected to a transiently high power frequency voltage, at nominal
frequency, immediately after full load rejection.

Setting calculation:

1p.u V/Hz setting = 11000 x 110/11000 / 50Hz= 2.2 V/Hz

V/Hz Alm Set = 2.2 V/Hz x 1.1 = 2.42 V/Hz

Time Delay = 0.5s (for alarm)

V/Hz> 1 set =2.2 x1.1 =2.42 V/HZ

Time Delay =45 Sec
V/HZ > 2 Set = 2.2 X1.15 = 2.53 V/HZ
Time Delay =6 Sec
V/HZ >3 Set =2.2 X 1.2 = 2.64 V/HZ
Time Delay =2 Sec
V/HZ > 4 Set = 2.2 X 1.25 =2.75 V/HZ
Time Delay =1 Sec


3.3.6 Loss of Excitation Protection

A loss of field (LOF) occurs when excitation to the generator field winding fails. This may
be a result of equipment failure, inadvertent opening of the field breaker, an open or short
circuit in the excitation system, or slip ring flashover. Whatever the cause, this condition
poses a threat to the generator and to the power system. The DC current input to the field
winding excites the rotor magnetic circuit to establish rotor flux. This flux generates an
internal voltage in synchronism with and opposed to the system voltage. When excitation
is lost, the rotor current decays at a rate determined by the field circuit time constant. The
internal generator voltage will decay at the same rate. If the generator is initially supplying
Vars to the power system, the Var output will decrease through zero as the generator draws
increasing reactive from the power system to replace excitation formerly provided by the
field circuit. Var consumption can exceed the generator MVA rating. The reduction of
internal voltage also weakens the magnetic coupling between the rotor and stator. At some
point during the decay, the coupling will become too weak to transmit prime mover output
power to the electrical system and the generator will lose synchronism.

This is similar to the loss of steady-state stability, to visualize the loss of synchronism
following a LOF event; we refer to the power angle equation:

𝑷𝑷𝒆𝒆 = 𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔 𝜹𝜹 Equation 3. 1

Setting calculation:
Zb = (Base kV2 / Base MVA) x (CT Ratio / VT Ration) =
(11^2/ 70.6) x (5000 / 100) = 85.6 Ω
Xd = X֝d (Pu) x Zb=0.18 X85.6 =15.408 Ω
Xd Ω =1.66 X 85.6 =142.096 Ω
a. Impedance element 1
Ffail -Xa1 =0.5 Xd =0.5 X 15.408 =7.7 Ω
Ffail- Xb1 =Xd = 142.96
Ffail Time Delay = 0.5 Sec


b. Impedance element
Ffail - Xa2 =0.5 Xʹd =0.5 x 15.408 =7.7 Ω
Ffail - Xb2 = KV2 /MVA =85.6 Ω
Ffail Time Delay = 0 Se
3.3.7 Generator Differential Protection

The circulating current differential protection operates on the principle that any current

entering and leaving a zone of protection will be equal. Any difference between these

currents is indicative of a fault being present in the zone.

Figure3.3 Principle of circulating current differential protection

It can be seen that current flowing through the zone of protection will cause current to
circulate around the secondary wiring. If the CTs are of the same ratio and have identical
magnetizing characteristics they will produce identical secondary currents and hence zero
current will flow through the relay. If a fault exists within the zone of protection there will
be a difference between the outputs from each CT; this difference flowing through the relay
causing it to operate. The calculation is performed on a per phase basis. The differential
current is the vector sum of the phase currents measured at either end of the generator. The
mean bias current (Ibias) is the scalar mean of the magnitude of these currents.

Setting calculation:


FLC = 60 x 1000 / (√3 x 11 x 0.85) = 3704.92A

Gen Diff Is1 = 0.1 x 3704.92 x (1/5000) = 0.07 A ∴0.1 A

Gen Diff Is2 = 1.2 x 3704.92 x (1/5000) = 0.89 A ∴0.9 A

Gen Diff k1 = 10% (IEEE Std. 242 recommendation) ∴10 %

Gen Diff k1 = 150% (Manufacture recommendation) ∴150%

3.3.8 Stator earth fault protection

Earth fault protection must be applied where impedance earthing is employed that limits
the earth fault current to less than the pick-up threshold of the overcurrent and/or
differential protection for a fault located down to the bottom 5% of the stator winding from
the star-point. The type of protection required will depend on the method of earthing and
connection of the generator to the power system.

Setting calculation:

The maximum generator neutral transformer secondary voltage;

𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉 = (11000/√3) x (0.11/6.3) V = 110.887 V

For 95% protection of the windings, the relay should be set as follows;

IN1>1 Current = 0.05 x (110.887/0.191) x (1/1000) A = 0.029A ∴0.03 A

Time Delay = 0.5s ∴0.5 s

[Calculation for 100% stator earth fault protection, 3rd harmonic method] 100% St. EF
VN3H = 1% of input voltage

= 0.01 x110.887 V = 1.1088V ∴1.1 V

Time Delay = 1 s ∴1 s Existing value 1s should be considered.

3.3.9 over current protection

The system requires discriminative protection designed to disconnect the minimum amount
of circuit and load that will isolate the fault. Correct over current relay application requires
knowledge of the fault current that can flow in each part of the network. Since large-scale

tests are normally impracticable, system analysis must be used, the relay settings are first
determined to give the shortest operating times at maximum fault levels and then checked
to see if operation will also be satisfactory at the minimum fault current expected thus, the
relay farthest from the source has current settings equal to or less than the relays behind it Discrimination by current

Discrimination by current relies on the fact that the fault current varies with the position of
the fault because of the difference in impedance values between the source and the fault.
Hence, typically, the relays controlling the various circuit breakers are set to operate at
suitably tapered values of current such that only the relay nearest to the fault trips its
breaker. The figure illustrates the method

Figure 3.4 Method of Discrimination by current

The figure illustrates that the relay at zone A trip first, then the relays at zone B, and finally
the relay at zone C. it is not practical to distinguish between a fault at F1 and a fault at F2,
since the distance between these points may be only a few meters, corresponding to a
change in fault current of approximately 0.1%
𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮𝑮 𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏 𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄
𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷 = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟓𝟓 × Equation 3. 2

Relay setting

By using current discrimination and from ETAP model in the next chapter

Relay6 Time Dial 0.025s Relay7 Time Dial 0.05s Relay 8 Time Dial 0.075s

Relay 9 Time Dial 0.1s

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

4.1 Introduction
Protection system was simulated by using power system software program called ETAP
(Electrical Transient and Analysis Program).

4.2 ETAP Software

ETAP power system software is the most comprehensive analysis platform for the design,
simulation, operation and automation of generation, distribution and industrial power

ETAP offers a suite of fully integrated electrical engineering software solutions including
arc flash, load flow, short circuit, transient stability, relay coordination, optimal power flow
and more. Its modular functionality can be customized to fit the needs of any company,
from small to large power system.

4.3 Circuit
The following diagram (figure 4.1) illustrates a single line diagram of the circuit used to
simulate the generator protection system.

Figure 4.1 Single line Diagram of Simulation Circuit

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

4.4 ETAP simulation result

4.4.1 OverVoltage Protection

Figure 4.2 Over Voltage action List

• The over voltage scenario was created by opening CB 10 and CB11 to disconnect
large loads.

Figure 4.3 Over Voltage (Voltage vs. Time) Graph at Bus1

• Bus 1 (generator terminal) voltage reached the relay setting, hence, the voltage
relay trips

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

4.4.2 Under Voltage protection

Figure 4.4 Under Voltage Action List4.

• The under voltage scenario was created by closing CB 10 and CB11 to insert a
large loads.

Figure 4.5 Under Voltage (Voltage vs. Time) Graph at Bus1

• CB 1 and CB 2 trip after detecting the under voltage fault in Bus 1 (Generator

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

4.4.3 Loss of Field

Figure 4.6 Loss of Field (Generator Reactive Power Vs. Time) Graph

• It is created by choosing loss of excitation option from transient stability analysis.

• The reactive power draw from the system before the condition is detected by the
relay and then trip.

4.4.4 Reverse Power Protection

Figure 4.7 Reverse Power action List

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

• The relay waits 8 seconds then trips.

Figure 4.8 Reverse Power (Generator Active Power vs. Time) Graph

• It is created by choosing loss of excitation option from transient stability analysis.

• The direction of the real power reverses before the relay detects the condition.

4.4.5 Unbalanced Loading Protection

Figure 4.9 Protection Operation of Un Balanced Loading Fault

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

• In the normal condition positive sequences are applied to the system.

• Negative sequence event created by choosing line to ground fault at Bus1 since the
fault occurs. Negative sequence current will appear in the system

Figure 4.10 Negative Sequence Event Recorder

• The Multifunction relay used as negative sequence current protection relay to

detects the faulty condition.
• CB1 and CB2 trips after 0.01 second from the detected fault.

4.4.6 Overfreqeuncy protection

Figure 4.11 Over Frequency Action List

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

• The over frequency scenario was created by opening CB 9, CB 10 and CB11 to

disconnect large loads.

Figure 4.12 Over Voltage (Voltage vs. Time) Graph at Bus1

• Bus 1 (generator terminal) frequency reached the relay setting, hence, the frequency
relay trips

4.4.7 Underfrequency Protection

Figure 4.13 Under Frequency Action list

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

• The under frequency scenario was created by closing CB 9, CB 10 and CB11 to

insert a large load.

Figure 4.14 Under Frequency (Frequency vs. Time) Graph at Bus1

• Bus 1 (generator terminal) frequency reached the relay setting frequency after 15
seconds from event occurring.

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

4.4.8 Overfluxing Protection

Figure 4.15 Over fluxing Action List

• The overfluxing scenario was created by disconnecting large loads from the system
by opening CB10 and CB11.

Figure 4.16 Over Fluxing (V/F vs. Time) Graph at Bus1

• CB1 and CB2 trips after Bus1 voltage over frequency ratio reached the relay


CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

4.4.9 Differential Protection.

Figure 4.17 Internal fault

• Unit protection for Bus1 was applied by using two current transformers CT 20 and
CT 21 with opposite polarity.
• In this case 3 phase fault occurred in the protected zone (Bus 1).

Figure 4.18 Differential Protection Event Recorder18.

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

• CB1 and CB2 trips after 0.01 second from detecting the fault by differential relay.

Figure 4.19 External Fault

• The fault occur outside the proteced zone bus 1 with the same polarity of CT.

4.4.10 Stator Earth Fault Protection

Figure 4.20 Protection Operation of stator Earth Fault

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

• Stator earth fault event created by choosing line to ground option at bus1 since the
fault occurs.

Figure 4.21 Stator Earth Fault Event Recorder

• Multifunction relay was used to detects the faulty condition

• CB1 and CB2 trips after 0.01 second

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

4.4.11 OverCurrent Protection

Figure 4.22 Protection operation of Over Current

• For over current protection four relays and CT were used

Figure 4.23 Overcurrent Event Record

• CB4, CB3, CB2 and CB1 trip in a sequence order.

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

4.5 Summary
• The generators starts withdraw reactive power from the system in the event of loss of
filed. The event will be detected by the revers power relay which trip the Circuit
Breaker. This event is designed using ETAP transient stability analysis by loss of
excitation event.

• In reverse power event the direction of the active power reverses. The reverse power
relay detects this event and trip the Circuit Breaker . This event was implemented
using ETAP by activating loss of excitation for transient stability analysis

• The generator frequency drops when the system is overloaded. Relay measures the
frequency of voltage signal given through VT. Under frequency relay detects this
event and trip the Circuit Breaker. This event was implemented using ETAP by
activating Under Frequency for transient stability analysis.

• Over Frequency event appears when the load is lost or when the generation
excessed the load. Relay measures the frequency of voltage signal given through
VT, over frequency relay trip the Circuit Breaker when the frequency of the system
rises above the set value. This event was implemented using ETAP by activating
Over Frequency for transient stability analysis.

• Over fluxing event appears when disconnecting a high load. If the percentage V/F
increased above the set value the over fluxing relay trips the Circuit Breaker. This
event was implemented using ETAP by activating Over Fluxing event for transient
stability analysis.

• Overvoltage event appears when the load is suddenly lost. Relay measures the
voltage s through VT, over voltage relay trip the Circuit Breaker when the voltage
of the system rises above the set value. This event was implemented using ETAP
by activating over voltage for transient stability analysis.

• Under voltage event occurs when the system is overloaded, so, the generator
delivers larger current and the voltage of the system drops. Under voltage relay
operates when the voltage of the system goes below the set value. This event is
designed using ETAP transient stability analysis by adding a high load.

CHAPTER FOUR Simulation and Result

• The generator voltage drops when the system is overloaded. Relay measures the
voltage signal given through VT. Under voltage relay detects this event and trip the
Circuit This event is designed using ETAP transient stability analysis by removing
a high load.


5.1 Project review

• Generator is very large unit, so that the protection is very important for security and
stability purpose.
• A real time of multifunction relay for scaled generator is applied in this project.
• Type of fault has a big impact on the design of generator, so detection and
correction mechanism of fault must be taking into account.
• All abnormal condition has been detected by ETAP.
• An average tripping time is achieved for all kinds of fault.

5.2 Recommendation
The lack of main and reliability back-up protection schemes in the event of abnormalities
and faults, the lack of comprehensive monitoring, the occurrences of abnormalities and
faults without protecting the supply units from them is the main reason for instability of
power supply.

To make a comprehensive and effective protection for the generation units at GARRI 4,
generator protection design scheme must also take into account some additional
considerations to increase the performance of the protection scheme, such as Scheduling
maintenance for generation units to avoid frequent outage of the electrical supply, in the
event of very sever fault the relay must trip the Circuit Breakers in very short time like
what happened in the transient study of over frequency by using ETAB implementation .

Also Study and simulation for generation unit (both generator and its step-up transformer)
could be done using protection relays of ETAP software besides online relay testing.
1. Strauss, Cobus. Electrical Network Automation and Commmunication Systems. 2010.

2. GARRI4 MANUAL. 2008.

3. Domin, J. Lewis Blackburn and Thomas J. Protective relaying principle and

applications. 1991.

4. Electric, Schneider. Network protection and automation guide. 2014.

Appendix A Relay Settings


Figure A-1 Voltage Relay Setting

Figure A-2 Reverse Power Relay Setting

Appendix A Relay Settings

Figure A-3 Negative Sequence setting

Appendix A Relay Settings

Figure A-4 Negative Sequence Relay Setting

Figure A-5 Over fluxing Setting

Appendix A Relay Settings

Figure A-6 Differential Relay Setting

Figure A-7 Frequency Relay Setting

Appendix A Relay Settings

Figure A-8 Stator Earth Fault Relay Setting

Appendix A Relay Settings

Figure A-9 Stator Earth Fault Setting


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