Banquet Hall Management System: Project Entitled
Banquet Hall Management System: Project Entitled
Banquet Hall Management System: Project Entitled
Project Entitled
Submitted by
Guided by
Bachelor of Science
This is to certify that Mr. XXXXXXXXXXXX (Seat No: ) has
successfully completed the project entitled BanQuet Hall Management
System undertaken at the XXXXXXX College under the guidance of Prof.
XXXXXXX towards partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science in the subject
of Computer Science of University of Mumbai during the academic year 2011-
T.Y.BSc Computer Science
BanQuet Management System Page
Table of Contents:
Preliminary Investigation
Organizational Overview
BanQuet Management System Page
Their are three Different Halls booked together or separately. The Main
hall, Shop Line Hall and Dining Hall. Main Hall has a stage for various uses. It
is Air-conditioned hall with well-Furnished glazed flooring. The people
managing the hall are qualified professionals dedicated to their works.
Description of System
Manager maintains each and every record for ease of its work.
Maximum work of billing and receipts is hand written and also a bit
time consuming.
Manager and staff logins are different and have specific rights to access,
retrieve or update data.
Feasibility Study:
BanQuet Management System Page
The currently developed system takes care of the major business part
that is, maintaining records of events and customers. It also helps the owner to
keep records of the employees. This software has keyboard and mouse inputs.
The output can be operated on screen or in few cases a hard copy can also be
retrieved by the user
The system can be operated by manager and the owner. The system can
also be used by multiple users in case of future enhancement and expansion of
the business. All the details of the operation and functioning of the software
will be made available to the user.
As much as possible the project will tried to make error free, but there is
some probability of errors in the system as hardware or operating system
problems. In case of corruption of the software, there will be no harm to
database and software can be reinstalled and all the data can be retrieved and
worked upon again.
Economic feasibility
Cost-based study: The development cost is very less than all the other
available softwares in market; since it the first version of the software. It will
also prove to be very profitable keeping in mind the other high valued
softwares. Operation of the software will be the only cost of electricity used
by the computer used and may rise in case if a person is hired to operate the
BanQuet Management System Page
Operational feasibility
Schedule feasibility
The project is estimated to be completed within a year. The basic
software is installed in to the users system on testing basis. The dates of the
deadlines are desirable and in case of delay of more than three months, the
entire amount will be paid back within next one months time.
System Requirements:
Hardware Specifications
Processor Type Intel Pentium III 733 MHz or
System RAM 256 MB minimum
Hard Disk 10 GB Recommended
Software Requirements
Operating System Microsoft XP professional SP2 or
Front End Visual Studio 2008 or higher
Back End SQL server 2005 or higher
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Stake Holders
The Admin is the Owner of the Hall
Manager has got all the Rights to Add, Update and Delete records
about the Customers, Functions and Staff.
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Gantt chart
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System Analysis
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Following Questions were asked to the development officer during the initial
phase of project development.
Event Table
The event table is a table of data that is typically written to the log file for each
scenario and also appears in the Analysis window. The event table contains
timing information about specific events that occur during the scenario. Only
stimulus events with event codes will appear in the event table. Event Trigger Source Activity Response Destination
Enter Event Insert Event Added New
1. New Event Admin Database
Details Details Event
Enter Insert
New Added New
2. Customer Admin Customer Database
Employee Customer
Details Details
Enter Insert
New Added New
3. Employee Admin Employee Database
Customer Employee
Details Details
New Enter New Staff / Added New
4. Requirement Database
Requirement Requirements Admin Requirement
Enter Insert
New Hall Added New Customer /
5. Booking Admin Booking
Booking Booking Database
Details Details
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Activity Diagram
Activity diagrams describe the workflow behavior of a system. The diagrams
describe the state of activities by showing the sequence of activities performed.
Activity diagrams show the flow of activities through the system. Diagrams
are read from top to bottom and have branches and forks to describe conditions
and parallel activities.
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Class Diagram
Object Diagram
Sequence Diagram
State Diagram
State diagrams describe all of the possible states of an object as events occur.
Each diagram usually represents objects of a single class and tracks the
different states of its objects through the system.
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BanQuet Management System Page |
System Design
Name: Event
Description: The table stores the details of the Event.
Field Type Size
Event_id Int Default
Event_name Varchar 30
Event_date Varchar 30
Event_Time Varchar 30
No of Guest Int Default
BanQuet Management System Page |
Name: Hall
Description: The table stores the details of the Hall.
Field Type Size
Hall_id Int Default
Hall_Name Varchar 30
Hall_Location Varchar 90
Hall_Capacity Int Default
Hall_Cost Numeric 9,2
Name: Package
Description: The table stores the details of the packages.
Field Type Size
Package _id Int Default
Package _Name Varchar 30
Package_Cost Numeric 9,2
Package_Items Varchar 30
Name: Customer
Description: The table stores the details of the Customers.
Field Type Size
Customer_id Int Default
Field Varchar
Type 30 Size
Empid Numeric
Int 90
Fname Varchar
Varchar 30
Mname Varchar
Varchar 30
Lname Varchar 30
Name: Employees
Dob Varchar 20
Gender Varchar 12 Description: The
Cont bigint Default table stores the details of
Email Varchar 30 the Customers.
Addr Varchar 30
Panno Varchar 10
Dept. Varchar 20
Post Varchar 20
Joindate Varchar 20
Sal Numeric 9,2
empQual Varchar 200
empExpr Varchar 200
BanQuet Management System Page |
Name: SweetDish
Description: The table stores the details of the SweetDishes.
Field Type Size
Sdid Int Default
Sdname Varchar 30
Sdprice Varchar 30
b. Persistent Classes
Persistent Classes are user defined classes whose instances can be stored
in a database. Instances of these classes that represent objects in the
BanQuet Management System Page |
Component Diagram
Package Diagram
Deployment Diagram
System Coding
Menu Tree
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Name: Bill
Description: The table stores the details of Bills.
Field Type Size Key Null Description
billid Int defaul Primary Not null Id of the bill
bookdate Varchar 20 Null Date of Booking
hallcost Numeric (9,2) Null Cost of hall
packagecos Numeric (9,2) Null Cost of package
swtdshcost Numeric (9,2) Null Cost of SweetDish
totalbill Numeric (9,2) Null Total Cost
paymode Varchar 20 Null Mode of Payment
chqno Varchar 20 Null Cheque no.
chqdate Varchar 20 Null Date on cheque
Name: Customer
Description: The table stores the details of Customer.
Field Type Size Key Null Description
custid Int default Primary Not null Id of the customer
custfname Varchar 30 Null First name of the customer
custlname Varchar 30 Null Last name of the customer
custcontact1 Varchar 11 Null Contact no. of customer
custcontact2 Varchar 11 Null Contact no. of customer
custemail Varchar 70 Null Email of customer
custadd Varchar 300 Null Customers address
BanQuet Management System Page |
Name: Employee
Description: The table stores the details of Employee.
Field Type Size Key Null Description
Empid Int Default Primary Not null Id of the employee
Fname Varchar 20 Null First Name of employee
Mname Varchar 20 Null Middle Name of employee
Lname Varchar 20 Null Last Name of employee
Dob Varchar 20 Null Date of birth of employee
Gender Varchar 12 Null Gender of the employee
Cont Bigint Default Null Contact no. of the employee
Email Varchar 50 Null Email id of the employee
Addr Varchar 200 Null Address of the employee
Panno Varchar 10 Null Pancard no of the employee
Dept Varchar 20 Null Department in which the
employee is working
Post Varchar 20 Null Post on which the employee
is working
Joindate Varchar 10 Null Date of joining of
Sal Numeric (9,2) Null Salary of the employee
empquali Varchar 200 Null Qualification of the
fication employee
Empexpr Varchar 200 Null Experience of the employee
Name: Hall
Description: The table stores the details of Hall.
Field Type Size Key Null Description
Hallid Int Defaul Primary Not null Id of the hall
Hallname Varchar 30 Null Name of the Hall
Hallloc Varchar 90 Null Location of the Hall
Hallcapacit Int Defaul Null Capacity of the hall
y t
Hallprice Numeric 9,2 Null Price of the hall
Name: Sweet Dish
Description: The table stores the details of Spare Parts.
Field Type Size Key Null Description
Sdid Int Default Primary Not null Id of the dish
Sdnam Varchar 30 Null Name of the dish
Sdprice Numeric (9,2) Null Price of the dish
BanQuet Management System Page |
Name: Package
Description: The table stores the details of Employee.
Field Type Size Key Null Description
Pckid Int Defaul Primar Not Id of the package
t y null
Pckname Varchar 30 Null Name of the Package
Pckprice Numeri 9,2 Null Price of the package
Pckit1 Varchar 30 Null Item in the package
Pckit2 Varchar 30 Null Item in the package
Pckit3 Varchar 30 Null Item in the package
Pckit4 Varchar 30 Null Item in the package
Pckit5 Varchar 30 Null Item in the package
Pckit6 Varchar 30 Null Item in the package
Pckit7 Varchar 30 Null Item in the package
Pckit8 Varchar 30 Null Item in the package
Pckit9 Varchar 30 Null Item in the package
Name: Event
Description: The table stores the details of Events.
Field Type Size Key Null Description
Eventid Int Default Primary Not null Id of the event
Eventname Varchar 30 Null Name of the Event
Eventsdate Varchar 30 Null Start date of the Event
Eventedate Varchar 30 Null End Date of the event
Eventstime Varchar 30 Null Start time of the Event
Eventetime Varchar 30 Null End time of the event
Eventegues Varchar 30 Null Estimated guest at the
t event
Custid Int default Foreign Null Customer related to the
Hallid Int default Foreign Null Hall booked for the event
Pckid Int default Foreign Null Package booked for the
Sdid Int default Foreign Null Sweet dish booked for the
Billid Int default Foreign Null Bill no generated for the
BanQuet Management System Page |
MainPage.LinkLabel1.Enabled = True
MainPage.LinkLabel6.Enabled = False
MainPage.Label7.Text = TextBox1.Text
MainPage.LinkLabel1.Enabled = False
MainPage.LinkLabel6.Enabled = True
End If
If i > 2 Then
MessageBox.Show("Login Attempts Exceeded", "Login Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password. Attempts Made " & i,
"Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("InValid User. Login Attempts Made " & i, "Data
Read Error")
If i > 3 Then
MessageBox.Show("Login Attempts Exceeded", "Login Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
End If
End If
End Sub
BanQuet Management System Page |
If TextBox9.Text = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Hall Booking Failed", "Book Hall",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
If TextBox21.Text = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Total Cost Field Invalid. Please Click on the
Calculate or Select Appropriate Values.", "Invalid Bill",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Test Cases
BanQuet Management System Page |
Screen Layout
1. Splash Screen
2. Login Form
BanQuet Management System Page |
3. MainPage
4. Manage Form
BanQuet Management System Page |
5. New Event
7. Add Package
BanQuet Management System Page |
8. Add Customer
9. Bill
System Implementation
BanQuet Management System Page |
Implementation Procedure
The Owner and Users were trained to use the system and their responses and
suggestions for updating were noted. The suggestions were considered and
changes were implemented wherever possible. The copy of the updated Model
was once again installed and the same above procedure was repeated with the
full system till the end user was satisfied sufficiently with the system.
An exe file was created by adding the current project to a setup project and
then was built by using build project using build menu.
Once the project has completed with the coding the application, and tested on
multiple machines, it is ready to be deployed. In order to deploy any
application, the user can use the Publish wizard provided by Microsoft.
BanQuet Management System Page |
Future Enhancements
No matter how much testing is done before deploying the project, there is
probability of errors in the system. I have tried my best, so that there are no
errors in the system. I will give support to the system and provide some
maintenance work to it as and when required.
System Enhancements
For the system that is developed, there is a chance for more
To design such a system that can be used by many users at same time.
System supporting credit card swapping and banking.
BanQuet Management System Page |
1. Beginning Microsoft Visual Basic 2008
Publication - Wiley Publishing, Inc.
By - Thearon Willis and Bryan Newsome.
1. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition
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