BW Content 7.0.3 For Campus Management
BW Content 7.0.3 For Campus Management
BW Content 7.0.3 For Campus Management
Campus Management
Version: 1.0
BW Content 7.0.3 for Campus Management
10 January 2007
Distribution: Public
Change history
Table of contents:
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................6
2 Content Activation..........................................................................................................6
2.1 Replication of DataSources .......................................................................................................................6
3 DTP ..................................................................................................................................7
4 Transformations .............................................................................................................9
4.1 Academic Structure ....................................................................................................................................9
4.1.1 Academic Period Unit (Text) ....................................................................................................................9
4.1.2 Event ......................................................................................................................................................10
4.1.3 Event Package .......................................................................................................................................10
4.1.4 Event Package Texts .............................................................................................................................11
4.1.5 Event Texts ............................................................................................................................................11
4.1.6 Event Type .............................................................................................................................................11
4.1.7 Event Type Texts ...................................................................................................................................12
4.1.8 Module....................................................................................................................................................12
4.1.9 Module Texts..........................................................................................................................................13
4.1.10 Module Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................13
4.1.11 Object Type .....................................................................................................................................14
5 Data Loading.................................................................................................................29
6 Queries ..........................................................................................................................31
6.1 Queries for Module Booking....................................................................................................................31
7 Various ..........................................................................................................................32
7.1 Instructor for Event Offering....................................................................................................................32
1 Introduction
This document only contains information regarding the 7.0.3 Content. For the 3.5.3 Content a separate
cookbook is available.
The BW Content 7.0.3 contains several additional areas to the 3.53 Content. Following areas are new:
• Module Booking MBK
• Module Offering MOF
• Program Completions PCP
• Stage Completion SCP
• Program Type Progression PTP
• Performance Indices PI
Listed above are some abbreviations that are used in the naming conventions for this content. The 7.0.3
Content is available as of Feature Pack 4 (read support package 4). Some corrections were made to this
content afterwards. Therefore, make sure that when you are using the Content on a 7.0.3 basis, that you
have support package 5 as the latest level.
At the time of writing, Performance Indices backend functionality (in CM) is only available in ERP2005s. You
currently cannot use PI’s in ERP2005 (CM 6.0). Furthermore, for the Performance Indices (PI) some
additional corrections were done in BW. If you want to use Performance Indices, make sure that you have
support package 6 as the latest level.
The extractors have been delivered with ERP2005 (CM 6.0) Support Package 8. Availability is March 2007.
2 Content Activation
To be able to use the Campus Management Business Content as delivered by SAP, it first has to be
activated. A pre-requisite of this is that the source system from which you want to load the data, is connected
to the BW system. Only then you will be able to replicate the DataSources and to load the data.
• Reload the entire tree containing the DataSources from this source system.
• To find the DataSources for Campus Management, navigate as follows: SAP Æ Higher Education
and Research.
• If you cannot find the node in the tree, make sure that you show the empty folders as well.
• Right click on the entry for Higher Education and Research. Choose ‘Replicate Metadata’ to replicate
the DataSources. All DataSources delivered by SAP for CM will now be replicated. This will take a
few minutes.
With the new BW 7.0 Basis, transfer rules and update rules are not valid anymore. A new process is used to
load data from the InfoPackage to the InfoObject or from the InfoPackage to the InfoSource and from the
InfoSource to the DSO. This process is called DTP (Data Transfer Process).
DTP’s are delivered with the content. You can easily create them yourself if you choose not to use the SAP
delivered ones. If you want to activate the DTPs, go to the BI Content in the navigation panel and choose
Data Transfer Process (DTPA). All the ones relevant for Campus Management start with 0HE_ in the
description. Find those and activate them.
4 Transformations
The processing for mapping the fields has been changed as well. Now you can use transformations to
graphically map the fields. You can choose to use the transformations as they have been defined in the 7.0.3
content. In that case, goto the BI Content in the navigation panel and choose Transformation (TRFN). All the
ones relevant for Campus Management start with 0HE_ in the description. Find those and activate them.
In case you do not want to use the content transformation, or are having problems in doing so, this chapter
lists all transformations as they were defined in the content.
4.1.2 Event
Transformation between DataSource 0HE_EVENT_ATTR and InfoObject 0HE_EVENT. Subtype ATTR.
4.1.8 Module
Transformation between DataSource 0HE_MODULE_ATTR and InfoObject 0HE_MODULE. Subtype ATTR.
Hierarchy Node
5 Data Loading
For each of the DataSources you have now created/replicated the transformations and the DTPs. The idea is
now to create an InfoPackage for each of these object. This can be done via the context menu in the
DataSource view.
When creating InfoPackages for the objects of the academic structure and student master data, please
beware that for some objects you can specify the validity in the InfoPackage. It is recommended to always
load from 01.01.1800 to 31.12.9999.
When creating InfoPackages for the transactional data you have the option to use the delta mechanism. The
advantage is that once an initial load has been done, only changed records will be loaded to BW.
Delta loading is possible for the following objects:
• Module Booking
• Program Completion
• Stage Completions
• Program Type Progression
Once you have create the InfoPackage and specified all attributes of it, you can start the loading on the last
Once the loading has finished you will have to start the Data Transfer Process (this is valid for all objects).
If this is finished, you might have to activate the data. This can be done via the context menu on the DSO
(can be found under the DTP).
6 Queries
With the delivery of the BW 7.03/7.12 Content Add-On, Campus Management delivers a number of queries.
The queries are split up over each of the DataStore Object (ODS) that they analyze. These queries serve as
an example / implementation accelerator.
7 Various
In the following screen, define the fields you want to extract additionally and active the structure.
Activate the structure. The DataSource has now been enhanced with the customer field.
The method DATA_TRANSFORM should be implemented in case you want to extract extra fields for master-
and transactional data.
This BAdI is called after the load of the data has been done. The table C_T_DATA contains all the extracted
data. Via a loop over that table you can easily enhance the data. Here is the example coding for the
METHOD if_ex_rsu5_sapi_badi~data_transform.
CASE i_datasource.
WHEN cl_hrpiq00bwconst=>c_datasource_mbk.
* In this example we assume that there is more than one program
* usage per module booking. The default implementation of the
* extractor needs to be enhanced.
LOOP AT c_t_data INTO ls_data.
CLEAR: lt_p1724[], ls_p1724, lt_studies[], ls_studies.
SELECT * FROM hrp1724 INTO TABLE lt_p1724
WHERE plvar = cl_hrpiq00const=>c_plvar_active AND
modreg_id = ls_data-modreg_id.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
7.2.3 Modify the DSO object 0HE_DS06 and the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1
The last step is to modify the DataStore Object, the InfoSource and the Transformations. Create an
InfoObject (RSD1) ZHE_PRUS2 (Program Usage 2). Via RSA1, goto the InfoProvider view, look up
0HE_DS06 and change it.
Add the ZHE_PRUS2 as a data field. Activate.
Goto the InfoSource view. Look up the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1 and add the field ZHE_PRUS2 to the
InfoSource. Activate.
Goto the DataSource view and replicate the DataSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1. Activate it.
Goto the InfoProvider view. You might have to delete the existing Transformation. You can create them with
the mapping as given previously. Additionally, map your created field.
That should be it.
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