BW Content 7.0.3 For Campus Management

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Jeroen Boeracker

Campus Management

Version: 1.0

BW Content 7.0.3 for Campus Management

10 January 2007

Distribution: Public

Change history

Date Author Change

10.01.2007 JB Version 1.0

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Table of contents:

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................6

2 Content Activation..........................................................................................................6
2.1 Replication of DataSources .......................................................................................................................6

2.2 Activation of the Content ...........................................................................................................................7

3 DTP ..................................................................................................................................7

4 Transformations .............................................................................................................9
4.1 Academic Structure ....................................................................................................................................9
4.1.1 Academic Period Unit (Text) ....................................................................................................................9
4.1.2 Event ......................................................................................................................................................10
4.1.3 Event Package .......................................................................................................................................10
4.1.4 Event Package Texts .............................................................................................................................11
4.1.5 Event Texts ............................................................................................................................................11
4.1.6 Event Type .............................................................................................................................................11
4.1.7 Event Type Texts ...................................................................................................................................12
4.1.8 Module....................................................................................................................................................12
4.1.9 Module Texts..........................................................................................................................................13
4.1.10 Module Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................13
4.1.11 Object Type .....................................................................................................................................14

4.2 Student Master Data .................................................................................................................................15

4.2.1 Academic Scale Identification ................................................................................................................15
4.2.2 Academic Level ......................................................................................................................................15
4.2.3 Alternative assessment method .............................................................................................................15
4.2.4 Alternative assessment method Texts ...................................................................................................15
4.2.5 Appraisal Remark...................................................................................................................................15
4.2.6 Appraisal Type .......................................................................................................................................16
4.2.7 Appraisal completed...............................................................................................................................16
4.2.8 Appraisal status......................................................................................................................................16
4.2.9 Appraisal type.........................................................................................................................................16
4.2.10 Booking reason ...............................................................................................................................17
4.2.11 Calculation point..............................................................................................................................17
4.2.12 Cancellation reason ........................................................................................................................17
4.2.13 Ceremony category.........................................................................................................................17
4.2.14 Conditional Booking ........................................................................................................................17
4.2.15 Delivery mode .................................................................................................................................18
4.2.16 Due date schedule ..........................................................................................................................18
4.2.17 Event Package Category ................................................................................................................18
4.2.18 Exclusion Indicator for Module Bookings ........................................................................................18
4.2.19 Exclusion Indicator for Module Bookings texts ...............................................................................18
4.2.20 External Academic Work or Qualification Transferred....................................................................19

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4.2.21 Grade Assignment Category...........................................................................................................19

4.2.22 Graduation reason ..........................................................................................................................19
4.2.23 Graduation status............................................................................................................................19
4.2.24 Module Booking Status ...................................................................................................................19
4.2.25 Module Category.............................................................................................................................20
4.2.26 Module Fee Category......................................................................................................................20
4.2.27 No credit assignment ......................................................................................................................20
4.2.28 Performance index ..........................................................................................................................20
4.2.29 Processing Status for Academic Event Planning............................................................................20
4.2.30 Progression Category .....................................................................................................................21
4.2.31 Progression Result Status...............................................................................................................21
4.2.32 Qualification not achieved ...............................................................................................................21
4.2.33 Repetition type ................................................................................................................................21
4.2.34 Session pattern ...............................................................................................................................21
4.2.35 Special Fee Category......................................................................................................................22
4.2.36 Teaching method ............................................................................................................................22
4.2.37 Waitlist Booking...............................................................................................................................22

4.3 Module Booking ........................................................................................................................................23

4.3.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource ...................................................................................................23
4.3.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO ..............................................................................................................24

4.4 Event Offering ...........................................................................................................................................24

4.4.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource ...................................................................................................24
4.4.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO ..............................................................................................................25

4.5 Program Completions ..............................................................................................................................25

4.5.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource ...................................................................................................25
4.5.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO ..............................................................................................................26

4.6 Stage Completions ...................................................................................................................................26

4.6.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource ...................................................................................................26
4.6.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO ..............................................................................................................27

4.7 Program Type Progression......................................................................................................................27

4.7.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource ...................................................................................................27
4.7.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO ..............................................................................................................27

4.8 Performance Indices.................................................................................................................................28

4.8.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource ...................................................................................................28
4.8.2 Concatenation of Year and Session (Rule details) ................................................................................28
4.8.3 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO ..............................................................................................................28

5 Data Loading.................................................................................................................29

6 Queries ..........................................................................................................................31
6.1 Queries for Module Booking....................................................................................................................31

6.2 Queries for Event Offering .......................................................................................................................31

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6.3 Queries for Program Completions ..........................................................................................................31

6.4 Queries for Stage Completions ...............................................................................................................31

6.5 Queries for Program Type Progression .................................................................................................31

7 Various ..........................................................................................................................32
7.1 Instructor for Event Offering....................................................................................................................32

7.2 How to extract extra customer fields ......................................................................................................32

7.2.1 Enhance the DataSource .......................................................................................................................32
7.2.2 Implement the BAdI RSU5_SAPI_BADI ................................................................................................34
7.2.3 Modify the DSO object 0HE_DS06 and the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1..........................................36

7.3 Unit of Measurement ................................................................................................................................36

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1 Introduction
This document only contains information regarding the 7.0.3 Content. For the 3.5.3 Content a separate
cookbook is available.
The BW Content 7.0.3 contains several additional areas to the 3.53 Content. Following areas are new:
• Module Booking MBK
• Module Offering MOF
• Program Completions PCP
• Stage Completion SCP
• Program Type Progression PTP
• Performance Indices PI
Listed above are some abbreviations that are used in the naming conventions for this content. The 7.0.3
Content is available as of Feature Pack 4 (read support package 4). Some corrections were made to this
content afterwards. Therefore, make sure that when you are using the Content on a 7.0.3 basis, that you
have support package 5 as the latest level.
At the time of writing, Performance Indices backend functionality (in CM) is only available in ERP2005s. You
currently cannot use PI’s in ERP2005 (CM 6.0). Furthermore, for the Performance Indices (PI) some
additional corrections were done in BW. If you want to use Performance Indices, make sure that you have
support package 6 as the latest level.
The extractors have been delivered with ERP2005 (CM 6.0) Support Package 8. Availability is March 2007.

2 Content Activation
To be able to use the Campus Management Business Content as delivered by SAP, it first has to be
activated. A pre-requisite of this is that the source system from which you want to load the data, is connected
to the BW system. Only then you will be able to replicate the DataSources and to load the data.

2.1 Replication of DataSources

To replicate the DataSources that are delivered for Campus Management, proceed with the steps given
Activate the DataSources in the Source System
In the OLTP (read Source) System, run Transaction RSA9 (Transfer Application Components). When that
has run, start Transaction RSA5 and find the Node 0IS_HER. Mark it with F9, and activate the DataSources
by hitting the Button ‘Transfer DataSources’.
Replicate the DataSources in the BW System
• Start the BW Administrator Workbench (RSA1).
• In the left navigation panel, choose DataSources.
• Select the source system from which you want to replicate the DataSources

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• Reload the entire tree containing the DataSources from this source system.

• To find the DataSources for Campus Management, navigate as follows: SAP Æ Higher Education
and Research.
• If you cannot find the node in the tree, make sure that you show the empty folders as well.

• Right click on the entry for Higher Education and Research. Choose ‘Replicate Metadata’ to replicate
the DataSources. All DataSources delivered by SAP for CM will now be replicated. This will take a
few minutes.

2.2 Activation of the Content

To activate the Content that is delivered for Campus Management, proceed with the steps given below:
• Start the BW Administrator Workbench (RSA1).
• In the left panel, choose Business Content.
• You can choose the InfoProviders and activate the DataStore Objects (ODS) 0HE_DS06,
0HE_DS07, 0HE_DS08, 0HE_DS09 and 0HE_DS10. Make sure you use the Data Flow before and
after. When activating it is usefull to do it in the background. Sometimes you may get a time-out
when you activate it in foreground.
When activating the content, it is possible that you get an error message that a certain object is not
known/active. Since a lot of objects are activated, it could be that an InfoObject has a attribute that has not
been activated yet. This will result in an error since the InfoObject cannot be activated due to depending
objects. This is not a problem. The depending object will be activated somewhere along the line. When it is
actived, the InfoObject with the error can be activated as well.

With the new BW 7.0 Basis, transfer rules and update rules are not valid anymore. A new process is used to
load data from the InfoPackage to the InfoObject or from the InfoPackage to the InfoSource and from the
InfoSource to the DSO. This process is called DTP (Data Transfer Process).
DTP’s are delivered with the content. You can easily create them yourself if you choose not to use the SAP
delivered ones. If you want to activate the DTPs, go to the BI Content in the navigation panel and choose

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Data Transfer Process (DTPA). All the ones relevant for Campus Management start with 0HE_ in the
description. Find those and activate them.

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4 Transformations
The processing for mapping the fields has been changed as well. Now you can use transformations to
graphically map the fields. You can choose to use the transformations as they have been defined in the 7.0.3
content. In that case, goto the BI Content in the navigation panel and choose Transformation (TRFN). All the
ones relevant for Campus Management start with 0HE_ in the description. Find those and activate them.

In case you do not want to use the content transformation, or are having problems in doing so, this chapter
lists all transformations as they were defined in the content.

4.1 Academic Structure

In the BW Administrator Workbench, open the InfoSources for Campus Management (InfoSources Æ SAP
Application Components Æ SAP Sectors Æ Higher Education and Research Æ Academic Structure
(Campus Management).
Your replicated DataSources should be displayed there. A difference to the 3.53 Content is that the
DataSources have to be activated before you can use them. To activate one, double click on it, choose
‘display/change’ and then ‘activate’.

4.1.1 Academic Period Unit (Text)

Assign the DataSource 0HE_YSUNIT_TEXT to the InfoObject 0HE_YSUNIT. You can do this by right
clicking on the DataSource and choosing ‘Create Transformation’. Following will be the dialog. The subtype
here is ‘TEXT’.

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When confirming this, you can map the fields.

4.1.2 Event
Transformation between DataSource 0HE_EVENT_ATTR and InfoObject 0HE_EVENT. Subtype ATTR.

4.1.3 Event Package

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_EVPACK_ATTR and InfoObject 0HE_EVPACK. Subtype ATTR.

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4.1.4 Event Package Texts

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_EVPACK_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_EVPACK. Subtype TEXT.

4.1.5 Event Texts

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_EVENT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_EVENT. Subtype TEXT.

4.1.6 Event Type

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_EVTYPE_ATTR and InfoObject 0HE_EVTYPE. Subtype ATTR.

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4.1.7 Event Type Texts

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_EVTYPE_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_EVTYPE. Subtype TEXT.

4.1.8 Module
Transformation between DataSource 0HE_MODULE_ATTR and InfoObject 0HE_MODULE. Subtype ATTR.

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4.1.9 Module Texts

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_MODULE_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_MODULE. Subtype TEXT.

4.1.10 Module Hierarchy

A hierarchy was developed to enable the display of the Organizational Unit, Program and Module Group that
a module is linked to. An evaluation path PIQBWSM has been defined to determine the various relationships:

The hierarchy is extracted via two function modules:

• HRIQ_BW_HIERARCHY_CATALOG_SM Hierarchy description
The DataSource mapping of the hierarchy is as follows:
Hierarchy Header

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Hierarchy Node

4.1.11 Object Type

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_OTYPE_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_OTYPE. Subtype TEXT.

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4.2 Student Master Data

In the BW Administrator Workbench, open the InfoSources for Campus Management (InfoSources Æ SAP
Application Components Æ SAP Sectors Æ Higher Education and Research Æ Student Master Data
(Campus Management).
Your replicated DataSources should be displayed there. To activate one, double click on it, choose
‘display/change’ and then ‘activate’.

4.2.1 Academic Scale Identification

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_GRADSC_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_GRADSC. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.2 Academic Level

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_ACLEVL_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_ACLEVL. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.3 Alternative assessment method

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_AWRAT_ATTR and InfoObject 0HE_AWRAT. Subtype ATTR.

4.2.4 Alternative assessment method Texts

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_AWRAT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_AWRAT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.5 Appraisal Remark

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_APRMRK_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_APRMRK. Subtype TEXT.

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4.2.6 Appraisal Type

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_AGRTYP_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_AGRTYP. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.7 Appraisal completed

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_APCOMP_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_APCOMP. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.8 Appraisal status

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_APSTAT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_APSTAT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.9 Appraisal type

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_APTYPE_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_APTYPE. Subtype TEXT.

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4.2.10 Booking reason

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_MBKRSN_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_MBKRSN. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.11 Calculation point

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_CLCPNT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_CLCPNT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.12 Cancellation reason

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_MBKCRS_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_MBKCRS. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.13 Ceremony category

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_CRMCAT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_CRMCAT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.14 Conditional Booking

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_COBOK_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_COBOK. Subtype TEXT.

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4.2.15 Delivery mode

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_DELMOD_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_DELMOD. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.16 Due date schedule

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_DDSCHD_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_DDSCHD. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.17 Event Package Category

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_SECAT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_SECAT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.18 Exclusion Indicator for Module Bookings

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_ANNULM_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_ANNULM. Subtype ATTR.

4.2.19 Exclusion Indicator for Module Bookings texts

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_ANNULM_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_ANNULM. Subtype TEXT.

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4.2.20 External Academic Work or Qualification Transferred

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_TRNSFW_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_TRNSFW. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.21 Grade Assignment Category

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_NOGRD1_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_NOGRD1. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.22 Graduation reason

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_GRDRSN_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_GRDRSN. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.23 Graduation status

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_GRDST_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_GRDST. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.24 Module Booking Status

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_MBKST_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_MBKST. Subtype TEXT.

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4.2.25 Module Category

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_SMCAT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_SMCAT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.26 Module Fee Category

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_SMFCAT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_SMFCAT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.27 No credit assignment

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_NOCRD_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_NOCRD. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.28 Performance index

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_PINDEX_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_PINDEX. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.29 Processing Status for Academic Event Planning

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_EVPRST_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_EVPRST. Subtype TEXT.

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4.2.30 Progression Category

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_PGCAT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_PGCAT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.31 Progression Result Status

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_PGSTAT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_PGSTAT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.32 Qualification not achieved

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_CQFAIL_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_CQFAIL. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.33 Repetition type

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_REPTYP_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_REPTYP. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.34 Session pattern

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_OFFPAT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_OFFPAT. Subtype TEXT.

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4.2.35 Special Fee Category

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_SMLVCT_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_SMLVCT. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.36 Teaching method

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_TCHMTH_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_TCHMTH. Subtype TEXT.

4.2.37 Waitlist Booking

Transformation between DataSource 0HE_WTLBK_TEXT and InfoObject 0HE_WTLBK. Subtype TEXT.

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4.3 Module Booking

4.3.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource

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4.3.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO

4.4 Event Offering

4.4.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource

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4.4.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO

4.5 Program Completions

4.5.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource

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4.5.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO

4.6 Stage Completions

4.6.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource

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4.6.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO

4.7 Program Type Progression

4.7.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource

4.7.2 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO

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4.8 Performance Indices

4.8.1 Mapping of DataSource to InfoSource

4.8.2 Concatenation of Year and Session (Rule details)

Define the formula “CONCATENATE( ACAD_YEAR, ACAD_SESSION )” to concatenate the year and session into one

4.8.3 Mapping of InfoSource to DSO

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5 Data Loading
For each of the DataSources you have now created/replicated the transformations and the DTPs. The idea is
now to create an InfoPackage for each of these object. This can be done via the context menu in the
DataSource view.

When creating InfoPackages for the objects of the academic structure and student master data, please
beware that for some objects you can specify the validity in the InfoPackage. It is recommended to always
load from 01.01.1800 to 31.12.9999.
When creating InfoPackages for the transactional data you have the option to use the delta mechanism. The
advantage is that once an initial load has been done, only changed records will be loaded to BW.
Delta loading is possible for the following objects:
• Module Booking
• Program Completion
• Stage Completions
• Program Type Progression
Once you have create the InfoPackage and specified all attributes of it, you can start the loading on the last
Once the loading has finished you will have to start the Data Transfer Process (this is valid for all objects).

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If this is finished, you might have to activate the data. This can be done via the context menu on the DSO
(can be found under the DTP).

After this, you should be able to run queries.

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6 Queries
With the delivery of the BW 7.03/7.12 Content Add-On, Campus Management delivers a number of queries.
The queries are split up over each of the DataStore Object (ODS) that they analyze. These queries serve as
an example / implementation accelerator.

6.1 Queries for Module Booking

• Module Bookings by Booking Status 0HE_DS06_Q0001
• Module Bookings by Student & Period 0HE_DS06_Q0002
• Student Course Report 0HE_DS06_Q0003

6.2 Queries for Event Offering

• Event Offers 0HE_DS07_Q0001

6.3 Queries for Program Completions

• Program Completions by Qualification and Status 0HE_DS08_Q0001

6.4 Queries for Stage Completions

• Stage Completions by Program, Student and Grade 0HE_DS09_Q0001

6.5 Queries for Program Type Progression

• Progression Results by Program Type, Category and Result 0HE_DS10_Q0001

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7 Various

7.1 Instructor for Event Offering

The instructor (0HE_INSTRC) is a reference InfoObject on the attribute 0EMPLOYEE. To determine whether
the instructor is a Person (P), External Person (H) or a Student (ST) the extractor delivers the field OTYPE
for the object id of the instructor.
Currently it is not possible to modify/enhance the InfoObject 0EMPLOYEE as it is a HR object. In future it will
be possible for Industry Solutions to append these objects with Industry specific fields. Currently it is not the
case, therefore following enhancement should be made.
The InfoObject 0EMPLOYEE has to have OHE_OTYPE as a compounded field. In the transformation the
field INSTRC_OTYPE from the extract structure has to be mapped to 0HE_OTYPE. This way the object id of
the instructor is always linked with the otype that was determined at extraction.

7.2 How to extract extra customer fields

If you want to extract extra/missing fields for a given extractor, a BAdI exists that you can use for this. As
example we will enhace the extractor for Module Booking. It currently has only one Program for the Program
Usage. In case there is a need to have more than one Program there, following needs to be done.

7.2.1 Enhance the DataSource

Start transaction RSA6 and mark the DataSource you want to extend. Choose ‘Enhance Extraction

Enter a name for the DDIC structure you want to create.

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In the following screen, define the fields you want to extract additionally and active the structure.

Activate the structure. The DataSource has now been enhanced with the customer field.

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7.2.2 Implement the BAdI RSU5_SAPI_BADI

Start transaction SE18. Enter the BAdI name and choose from the pull-down menu Implementation Æ

Give a name for the implementation.

The method DATA_TRANSFORM should be implemented in case you want to extract extra fields for master-
and transactional data.
This BAdI is called after the load of the data has been done. The table C_T_DATA contains all the extracted
data. Via a loop over that table you can easily enhance the data. Here is the example coding for the

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METHOD if_ex_rsu5_sapi_badi~data_transform.

DATA: ls_data TYPE piqbw_mbk.

DATA: lt_p1724 TYPE TABLE OF hrp1724.
DATA: ls_p1724 TYPE hrp1724.
DATA: lt_studies TYPE piqstudies_t.
DATA: ls_studies TYPE piqstudies.

CASE i_datasource.
WHEN cl_hrpiq00bwconst=>c_datasource_mbk.
* In this example we assume that there is more than one program
* usage per module booking. The default implementation of the
* extractor needs to be enhanced.
LOOP AT c_t_data INTO ls_data.
CLEAR: lt_p1724[], ls_p1724, lt_studies[], ls_studies.
SELECT * FROM hrp1724 INTO TABLE lt_p1724
WHERE plvar = cl_hrpiq00const=>c_plvar_active AND
modreg_id = ls_data-modreg_id.
IF sy-subrc = 0.

READ TABLE lt_p1724 INTO ls_p1724 INDEX 1.

IF sy-subrc = 0.
ls_studies-plvar = ls_p1724-plvar.
ls_studies-cs_otype = cl_hrpiq00const=>c_otype_cs.
ls_studies-cs_objid = ls_p1724-objid.
APPEND ls_studies TO lt_studies.


iv_read_sc = 'X'
iv_read_st = space
ct_studies = lt_studies
invalid_parameters = 0
technical_error = 0

IF lt_studies IS NOT INITIAL.

READ TABLE lt_studies INDEX 1 INTO ls_studies.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
ls_data-program_objectid = ls_studies-sc_objid.
READ TABLE lt_studies INDEX 2 INTO ls_studies.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
ls_data-zzprogr_objid2 = ls_studies-sc_objid.
MODIFY TABLE c_t_data FROM ls_data.



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7.2.3 Modify the DSO object 0HE_DS06 and the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1
The last step is to modify the DataStore Object, the InfoSource and the Transformations. Create an
InfoObject (RSD1) ZHE_PRUS2 (Program Usage 2). Via RSA1, goto the InfoProvider view, look up
0HE_DS06 and change it.
Add the ZHE_PRUS2 as a data field. Activate.
Goto the InfoSource view. Look up the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1 and add the field ZHE_PRUS2 to the
InfoSource. Activate.
Goto the DataSource view and replicate the DataSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1. Activate it.
Goto the InfoProvider view. You might have to delete the existing Transformation. You can create them with
the mapping as given previously. Additionally, map your created field.
That should be it.

7.3 Unit of Measurement

Make sure that if you extract data that uses the unit CRH that this is available in the BW system. If not, you
might get errors when processing the DTP.

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