Cleaning A Carburetor
Cleaning A Carburetor
Cleaning A Carburetor
The carburetor is the most common problem area in all small engines. The
carburetor is where the fuel mixes with the air to be burnt. Carburetors are on
almost all types of combustion engines. When an engine sits for a long period of
time without being ran, the fuel will start to break down. Make sure you replace
the fuel in your tank before you start your engine after cleaning the carburetor
otherwise you will just recreate your troubles.
The carburetor being cleaned in this is off an old motorcycle and will look like
most other carbs off a motorcycle or ATV. While most carburetors won't look the
exact same as the one being shown, they still will have most the same functions
and layout.
Tools needed:
Phillips screwdriver
Flat screwdriver
Needle nose pliers
Wire brush
Wrenches or socket set
Supplies needed:
Carb and choke cleaner
Carburetor and parts cleaner (optional)
Gasket set or carb rebuild kit (recommended)
After removing the carb, you need to remove the throttle slide from the
cable(still attached to the vehicle). This can be a tough task but the picture
shows it completed to show the parts. After you have the cable unhooked you
can pull everything off the cable, and should have the parts in the picture.
Remove the float pin by pulling it out with a pair of needle nose pliers. After the
pin is removed, the float can be removed. In some carburetors, the needle will
be hanging on float and will come out with it. In this carburetor it is not this way
so some steps will be out of order.
Remove the air screw. The air screw is the smaller screw which adjusts the air
flow through the carb when the engine is running.
If the choke can be removed from the carburetor, remove it. Turn the top with a
wrench and the choke like slide out.
Be sure so wear safety glasses, gloves are recommended, for cleaning. Parts
should be scrubbed with a wire brush and then sprayed with carb and choke
cleaner. Spray the cleaner into the holes that the jets, air and idle screws, float
needle, and choke came from. When cleaning the jets, be sure to spray cleaner
into the holes. To make sure the jets are clean, look through them into light to
make sure the hole is cleaned. If jets are not completely clean, blowing
compressed air through the hole will remove left over debris.
Make sure all debris is removed from the carburetor. Dry the carburetor and all
parts, the easiest way is with compressed air. Blow compressed air into all
holes, and blow off all parts of the carb. After everything is dry, install the new
o-rings and gaskets back into carb if you have them, if not, reuse the old.
Install the float bowl onto the carb with the 4 screws on the bottom. The carb
should now be complete, without the throttle.
Install the throttle slide back onto the throttle cable. Put the throttle cable
through the top cap of the carb and put the spring on. Put the needle in the
slide and compress the spring and hook the end of the cable on to the slide.
Before sliding the slide into the hole, make sure the slot in the slide is lined up
with the idle screw. When they are lined up, slide the throttle slide in and screw
the top cap on. To set the baseline for the idle screw, look down either hole of
the carb and screw the idle screw in. When the slide starts to rise, screw the
screw in half a turn.
Slide and wiggle and carb back into the rubber boots. Tighten the screws on
the clamps to hold the carb into place. Install the fuel line and overflow line to
the carb.
The last step of the project will be to adjust your air and idle screw, to do this the
engine must be running. If you want to increase the idle, screw the idle screw
in. Screw the air screw out to richen and in to lean out.
Membersihkan karburator
Karburator adalah area masalah yang paling umum terjadi di semua mesin
kecil. Karburator adalah tempat pembakaran bahan bakar dengan udara untuk
dibakar. Karburator ada di hampir semua jenis mesin pembakaran. Ketika
sebuah mesin duduk dalam jangka waktu yang lama tanpa berlari, bahan bakar
akan mulai rusak. Pastikan Anda mengganti bahan bakar di tangki Anda
sebelum Anda menghidupkan mesin Anda setelah membersihkan karburator
jika tidak, Anda hanya akan menciptakan kembali masalah Anda.
Karburator yang dibersihkan dalam hal ini tidak seperti motor tua dan akan
terlihat seperti kebanyakan karbohidrat lainnya dari sepeda motor atau ATV.
Sementara kebanyakan karburator tidak akan terlihat sama persis dengan yang
ditunjukkan, mereka tetap memiliki fungsi dan tata letak yang sama.
Setelah melepas karbohidrat, Anda perlu melepas throttle slide dari kabel
(masih menempel pada kendaraan). Ini bisa menjadi tugas yang sulit tapi
gambarnya menunjukkan selesai untuk menunjukkan bagiannya. Setelah Anda
melepas kabel, Anda dapat menarik semua kabel, dan harus memiliki bagian
dalam gambar.
Pada karburator ini jarum pelampung dipegang oleh pelat percikan bahan
bakar. Lepaskan piring ini agar jarum pelampung bisa dibawa keluar untuk
Lepaskan sekrup udara. Sekrup udara adalah sekrup yang lebih kecil yang
mengatur aliran udara melalui karbohidrat saat mesin menyala.
Jika tersedak bisa dikeluarkan dari karburator, lepaskan. Balikkan bagian atas
dengan kunci inggris dan choke seperti slide out.
Geser dan goyah dan karbohidrat kembali ke sepatu karet. Kencangkan sekrup
pada penjepit untuk menahan karbohidrat pada tempatnya. Pasang garis bahan
bakar dan garis meluap ke karbohidrat.
Langkah terakhir dari proyek ini adalah menyesuaikan sekrup udara dan idle
Anda, untuk melakukan ini mesin harus berjalan. Jika Anda ingin meningkatkan
daya tahan, sekrup sekrup yang menganggur. Ulangi sekrup udara untuk kaya
dan bersandar.
Cleaning a Carburetor