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developed. A single keratodont measures 0.085 mm in 1. Annandale, N., Mem Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1917, 6, 119156.
length and 0.057 mm in breadth. Measurements of the 2. Boulenger, G. A., The Fauna of British India including Ceylon
tadpoles are presented in Table 2 and the structural details and Burma, Taylor and Francis, London. 1890, p. 541.
of the tadpoles in Figure 4. 3. Sarkar, A. K. and Sanyal, D. P., Rec. Zool. Surv. India, 1985, 82,
Tadpoles are mainly surface feeders. Keratinized mouth 285295.
4. Chanda, S. K., Mem. Zool. Surv. India, 1994, 18, 1143.
parts help the tadpoles in utilizing the periphyton. Gut 5. Dubois, A.,C. R. Acad.Sci. D, 1975, 218, 17171720.
contents of tadpoles belonging to early stages were ana- 6. Dubois, A., Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1992, 61, 305352.
lysed to know the food items. Phytoplanktons belonging 7. Dutta, S. K., Amphibians of India and Sri Lanka (Checklist and
to the following genera were recorded from the gut Bibliography), Odyssey Publishing House, Bhubaneswar, India,
contents. Oscillatoria, Phormidium, Anabaena, Gloeo- 1997, pp. 149150.
8. Boulenger, G. A., Rec. Indian Mus. Calcutta, 1920, 1226.
trichia (Myxophyceae), Achnanthes, Synendra, Tabellaria, 9. Altig, R., Herpetologica, 1970, 26, 108207.
Navicula, Melosira, Surirella, Nititzschia, Cymbella 10. Gosner, K. L., Herpetologica, 1960, 16, 183190.
(Bacillariophyceae), Ulothrix, Chaetophora, Spirogyra, 11. Sahu, A. K., J. Adv. Zool., 9, 97104.
Zygnema, Desmidium, Volvox, Scenedesmus (Chloro- 12. Edmondson, W. T., Freshwater Biology, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1959, 2nd edn, p. 1248.
phyceae). Zooplanktons (Philodina, Monostyla, Cyclops)
were encountered only in two cases. In one case a ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank Dr S. K. Dutta, Department of Zoo-
nematode was found. Occurrence of nematode in gut logy, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar for confirmation of identification of the
contents was earlier reported by Sahu11 in the gut of Rana frog. Financial support by the G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment
and Development, KosiKatarmal, Almora, is gratefully acknowledged.
alticola tadpoles. Food items were identified with the help
of Edmondson12. Received 13 October 2000; revised accepted 29 December 2000

A deep-sea bacterium with unique Mudholkar2 hypothesized that this high concentration and
constant value of nitrate in the sediments may be due to
nitrifying property the intense nitrification process. This process has long
been known to be restricted to aerobic or micro-aerophilic
A. S. Pradeep Ram, P. A. Loka Bharathi*, zone of water3 and shallow sediments4 and not to deep-sea
Shanta Nair and D. Chandramohan sediment cores. The nitrification process is often deduced
Department of Microbiology, National Institute of Oceanography, from the chemical profiles in water or from activity
Dona Paula, Goa 403 004, India measurements5. Though Carlucci and Strickland6 reported
more than three decades ago that nitrifiers are widely
Sediment cores collected from the Central Indian distributed in the marine environment, the number of
Basin (101 102 S, 7559 762 E) harboured a high nitrifiers mediating this process has rarely been deter-
population of nitrifying bacteria which ranged from mined. Nitrification is generally carried out by known
103 to 107 cfu per gram dry weight. This high density nitrifiers which either oxidize ammonia to nitrite (Phase I)
could contribute to the high nitrate concentration or nitrite to nitrate (Phase II)7. The present work reports
observed in these sediments. We report for the first an observation of a deep-sea nitrifying bacterium capable
time the unusual property of having both the phases of of performing both the phases of nitrification.
nitrification, i.e. NH4+ NO2 (Phase I) and NO2 NO3
Serially diluted samples from the sediment cores in the
(Phase II) under normal and high pressure conditions
in an autotrophic nitrifying bacterium isolated from CIB (101102S, 7559762E) were plated onto a
the deep sediments cores at 5000 m depth (1520 cm mineral medium which is essentially a modified Wino-
below the sea floor). gradsky medium8 with pure agar (Himedia, Mumbai) as
gelling agent. The medium was substituted with ammo-
THE Central Indian Basin (CIB) is characterized by nium sulphate at 2 mM (final concentration) or sodium
unusually high concentration of nitrate in the pore water nitrite at 0.5 mM (final concentration) as energy source
of sediments, which are highly siliceous. The nitrate and incubated for a period of 45 days at < 10C. The
concentration generally ranged from 31.25 to 50 g at N l1 colonies were enumerated and expressed as colony
and occasionally reached 76 g at Nl1, unlike the Arabian forming units (cfu) per gram dry weight sediment. Repre-
Sea where it ranged from 4.99 to 35.82 g at N l1. sentatives from morphologically different colonies were
Moreover, nitrate levels in the CIB sediments showed isolated and checked for the purity and nitrifying ability
no decline with increasing depth1,2. Nagendernath and (both phases) in liquid Winogradskys mineral medium.
Among the 101 isolates one (CIB12) was found capable
of performing both the phases of nitrification and
*For correspondence. (e-mail: [email protected]) henceforth selected for further studies.
1222 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 9, 10 MAY 2001

Whole cell fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis was buffered formalin, stained with 0.01% aqueous solution of
carried out for the isolate with a standard column of acridine orange (Himedia, Mumbai) and enumerated
25 m 0.2 mm methyl phenyl silicone-fused silica, fitted under epifluorescence microscope (Olympus BHF) using
to a gas chromatograph equipped with flame ionization a blue filter12. Experiments were repeated thrice and
detector and integrator (Hewlett Packard, USA), to esti- similar trends were noticed.
mate the concentration of unsaturated fatty acids of the The nitrifying bacterial population generally ranged
bacterial cells. G + C content of the isolate was deter- from 103 to 107 cfu per gram dry weight sediment. About
mined according to Marmur and Doty9. 85% of 101 isolates retrieved from the plates oxidized
The ability of the isolate CIB12 to nitrify chemo- only one phase, i.e. either ammonia to nitrite or nitrite to
synthetically under pressure was demonstrated by con- nitrate under autotrophic condition.
ducting experiments under 400 atm. at 5C. Preliminary Isolate CIB12, which was found to carry out both the
experiments showed that measurable activity was obtained processes under strictly autotrophic conditions, had distinct
in 57 days of incubation. Hence all experiments were colony morphology in being round, flat and very trans-
carried out for the above period. For high-pressure experi- parent, measuring 0.5 mm in diameter. Cells were gram-
ments a hydraulic pressure chamber (Tsurumi Suiki and negative, non-motile rods measuring 0.9 m 0.45 m in
Co, Model 02970, Japan) was used. The bacterial ino- size. It was oxidase and catalase negative and utilized
culum used for the experiment always contained 1.18 glucose oxidatively. High percentage of branched unsatu-
1010 cells l1. Experiments were also conducted at rated fatty acids indicated that the isolate was baroduric in
1 atm. at 28 2C for comparison. Nitrifying activity can nature13. Based on the scheme of Oliver14, it was found
be measured either by 15N technique or colourimetric that the isolate could belong to the genus Acinetobacter.
assay (chemical assay). Bianchi et al.10 had shown that the Reported G + C content for Acinetobacter ranges from 38
activity determined by chemical assay was comparable to to 45 mol% (ref. 15). However, in this isolate the G + C
N method. For the present study we used only the content was only 26 mol% which is much below the
chemical assay. The activity in terms of ammonia and reported values of 48 to 61 mol% for nitrifiers16. Experi-
nitrite conversion was estimated as described by Parsons mental studies with the isolate showed that they could
et al.11 and the results are expressed in terms of g at N l1. grow and nitrify at both 1 atm. and 400 atm.
The autotrophic ability of the isolate was further deter- There was an increase in the number of cells over the 7-
mined by assessing its ability to fix NaH14CO3 (specific day period (Figure 1), indicating normal growth. The
activity of 5 Ci/ml; BARC, Mumbai). For bacterial enu- increase in the number of cells under phase I was found to
meration, sub-samples from the above experiments were be 23% under pressure compared to 26% at normal
collected and preserved in 4% (0.22 micron filtered) pressure. In the case of phase II, the corresponding values
were 78 and 45%. However, increase in the number of
cells under normal and pressure conditions was not sta-
tistically significant.
Ammonia-oxidizing activity was about three times
greater under 400 atm. at 5C than at 1 atm. at 28 2C
(Table 1). Nitrite-oxidizing activity was higher under both
the experimental conditions. Nitrite-oxidizing activity was
at least four times higher than ammonia oxidation, but the
strain performed better at 1 atm. at 28 2C. The experi-
ments demonstrated that the strain oxidized ammonia
under simulated condition of high pressure and low tempe-
rature, indicating that it could be functional in the deep-
Figure 1. Bacterial counts of CIB12 after 7 days of incubation under
normal (plain) and high (hatched) pressure. (Conditions as mentioned sea sediments. In the deep sea, nitrification may not be
in Table 1.) restricted to the sedimentwater interface17 alone, but

Table 1. Nitrification and autotrophic activities of the isolate CIB12

Nitrification activity Nitrification activity Specific nitrification activity Specific activity, 14CO2 fixation
Condition (one week) (g at N l1) (d1) (g at N l1) (g at N l1 cell1 d1) (g at C l1 cell1 d1)

Phase I
400 atm. at 5C 8.09 ( 0.15) 1.16 ( 0.02) 0.77 1010 1.90 1012
1 atm. at 28 2C 2.81 ( 0.31) 0.40 ( 0.02) 0.25 1010 3.15 1012

Phase II
400 atm. at 5C 34.39 ( 1.82) 4.91 ( 0.35) 2.33 1010 11.99 1012
1 atm. at 28 2C 36.18 ( 0.07) 5.16 ( 0.01) 3.00 1010 15.92 1012

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 9, 10 MAY 2001 1223


could percolate deep down where oxygen or any other Studies on its molecular taxonomy would indicate its iden-
electron acceptor is available. The pore water chemistry tity and lineage. Further, work on these lines is underway.
from this area showed consistently high Eh values (with
more than + 300 mV)1, indicating oxidizing conditions. 1. Anon., Unpublished Report, National Institute of Oceanography,
This was mainly due to the influx of oxygenated (4.2 ml l1) Goa, India, 1997, p. 286.
Antarctic bottom water (AABW) above the sea floor18. 2. Nagendernath, B. and Mudholkar, A. V., Mar. Geol., 1989, 86,
The conditions were therefore conducive for the prolifera- 5766.
tion and activity of nitrifying bacteria. The cells were also 3. Iriarte, A., de-la Sota and Orive, E., Hydrobiologia, 1998, 362,
able to fix 14CO2 under both the experimental conditions 4. Van Luijn, F., Boers, P. C. M., Lijklema, L. and Sweerts, J. P. R. A.,
showing chemolithotrophy (Table 1). From the above Water Res., 1999, 33, 3342.
study it is evident that the strain not only oxidizes ammo- 5. Scott, J. A. and Abumoghli, I., Water Res., 1995, 29, 11211127.
nia and nitrite under both experimental conditions, but 6. Carlucci, C. F. and Strickland, J. D. H., J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.,
also is able to carry out the phase I activity better under 1968, 2, 156166.
7. Kuenen, J. G. and Robertson, L. A., in The Nitrogen and Sulphur
pressure. However, the specific activity was almost close Cycles (eds Cole, J. A. and Ferguson, S.), Cambridge University
to the reported values19 for Nitrosococcus oceanus and Press, Cambridge, 1987, pp. 162218.
Nitrosomonas marina, which ranged from 0.22 to 8. Rodina, A. G., in Methods in Aquatic Microbiology (eds Colwell,
20 1013 g at N l1 cell1d1. R. R. and Zambruski, M. S.), University Park Press, Baltimore,
Though Ward17 had recently emphasized that there are 1972, pp. 251322.
9. Marmur, J. and Doty, P., J. Mol. Biol., 1962, 5, 109118.
no available reports on the ability to carry out both the 10. Bianchi, M., Morin, P. and Le Corre, P., J. Mar. Syst., 1994, 5,
phases of nitrification by a single organism, we found that 327342.
in CIB region, especially at 1520 cm below sea floor 11. Parsons, T. R., Maita, Y. and Lalli, O. M. (eds), in A Manual of
(bsf), the nitrifiers completely oxidized ammonia to Chemical and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis, Perga-
mon Press, Oxford, 1984, 1st edn p. 173.
nitrate. The phylogeny of nitrifiers shows them to have
12. Hobbie, J. E., Daley, R. J. and Jasper, S., Appl. Environ. Micro-
descended from a common photosynthetic ancestor. The biol., 1977, 35, 12251228.
ammonia oxidizers are found in the beta and gamma 13. Allen, E. E., Faccitotti, D. and Barlett, D. H., Appl. Environ.
subdivision of the Proteobacteria, whereas the nitrite Microbiol., 1999, 65, 17101720.
oxidizers are found in the alpha, delta and gamma 14. Oliver, J. D., Deep-Sea Res., 1982, 29, 795798.
15. Juwi, E. Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (ed. Krieg,
subdivisions20. The photosynthetic bacteria are not only
N. R.), The Williams and Wilkins Co, Baltimore, 1984, vol. 1,
autotrophic, but also organotrophic. Besides they are able pp. 303307.
to oxidize reduced sulphur compounds to sulphur and 16. Brock, T. D. and Madigan, M. T. (eds), in Biology of Microorga-
then completely to sulphate. Hence it is speculated that nisms, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1994, 6th edn, pp. 721722.
this group of bacteria could be the missing nitrifers that 17. Ward, B. B., in Microbial Ecology of the Oceans (ed. Kirchman,
D. L.), Wiley-Liss Inc., New York, 2000, pp. 427453.
have retained the ability to oxidize reduced nitrogen
18. Warren, B. A., J. Mar. Res., 1982, 40, 823860.
compounds completely to nitrate. These forms could be 19. Ward, B. B., Glover, H. E. and Lipschultz, F., Deep-Sea Res.,
the ancestors from which either the ammonia or nitrate 1989, 36, 10311051.
oxidizers have descended. As possessing both the systems 20. Teske, A., Alm, E., Regan, J. M., Toze, S., Rittmann, B. E. and
for a chemolithotrophic mode of growth is too expensive Stahl, D. A., J. Bacteriol., 1994, 176, 66236630.
for the cell, the descendents may have retained only one
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The bacteria were isolated during the
of these traits. Besides, nitrite oxidizers have been shown Indian Deep-Sea Experiment (INDEX) on the Environment Impact
to augment chemolithotrophic lifestyle with heterotrophic Assessment of Nodule Mining conducted under the sponsorship of
metabolism of simple carbon substrate17. Retaining both Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi. We acknowledge the
the traits enables them to exploit unique niches several anonymous referees for their valuable suggestions. NIO Contribution
No. 3630.
centimetres bsf, where carbon or energy sources could be
much less than those at the surface or overlying waters. Received 28 August 2000; revised accepted 25 January 2001

1224 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 9, 10 MAY 2001

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