Arlyn Fs7 Portfolio

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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboangadel Norte
Dipolog Campus, Turno, Dipolog City



In Partial Fulfillment of the Experiential Learning Course

FS 7 (Student Teaching)


MARCH 2017

Page No.
Title Page---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i
Approval Sheet-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv
Certification Sheet----------------------------------------------------------------------------------v
Cooperating School Clearance------------------------------------------------------------------vi
Certificate of Completion------------------------------------------------------------------------vii
Certification from the English Editor--------------------------------------------------------viii
Table of Contents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ix

Chapter I: INTRODUCTION---------------------------------------------------------------------
What is Practice Teaching-------------------------------------------------------------------
Goals of Practice Teaching------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter II: TOWARDS BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL------------------------------
My Own Reflections for Chosen 5 Articles of
The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers--------------------------------------------
Student Teaching Expectations-------------------------------------------------------------
Dos and Donts in Student Teaching-----------------------------------------------------
A Brief Description of the Cooperating ---------------------------------------------------
a. History

b. Philosophy

c. Organizational Structure

d. Programs and Activities

MY TASK--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Week 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Cooperating Schools Expectations---------------------------------------------------
The Facilities of the Cooperating School--------------------------------------------------
Basic Information-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
a. Cooperating School

b. Cooperating Principal

c. Cooperating Teacher

d. Orientation Seminar

e. Orientation of Cooperating Principal

f. School Tour

Responsibilities as a Student Teacher------------------------------------------------------

How did I feel when I saw My Cooperating School? What
were My Apprehension--------------------------------------------------------------
The Tools That I Brought to My Cooperating School-----------------------------------
a. Knowledge

b. Attitude

c. Skills

d. Habits

My Grade Level Assignment, Class Schedule and Official Time----------------------

Reflection (Am I really prepared to teacher?)---------------------------------------------
Week 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My Job as Instructed by My Cooperating Teacher----------------------------------------
My Observation Report in Assisting My Cooperating Teacher----------------------
My Own Expectation------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Characteristics of the Learners I Handled in Teaching---------------------------
Synopsis about the Developmental Stages of
the Grade Level I Handled--------------------------------------------------------
My First Encounter with My Cooperating Teacher I Realized that------------------
My First Dealing with the Learners-------------------------------------------------------
Reflection (I am really meant for the teaching profession because)------------------
Pictures with Label-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Week 3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My Job as Instructed by My Cooperating Teacher----------------------------------------
The learning Resources of the Cooperating School that I Utilized--------------------
The Vision and Mission Statement of the Cooperating School
that I Analyzed----------------------------------------------------------------------
The School Officials of the DepEd--------------------------------------------------------
The Importance/ Uses of the Cooperating
Facilities in the Teaching Learning Process------------------------------------------------
The Ideas About My Cooperating School as My Second Home-----------------------
I Can Always Make My Second Home---------------------------------------------------
a. Safe and Secure by

b. Friendly by

c. Non- threatening

Week 4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Classroom Routines Performed by My Cooperating Teacher---------------------
Important Notes during My Observations with My
Cooperating Teacher--------------------------------------------------------------------
Synopsis on Establishing Classroom Routines
My Observations of the following:
a. Attendance

b. Passing of papers or books

c. Getting Materials

d. Line Formation

e. Making Assignments/ Reminders

f. Wheel of Responsibility

The Routines that I Establish as a Better Classroom Manager-------------------------

The Rules that I Set in My Class-----------------------------------------------------------
Reflection (If I had my own class in the future, I
would like to employ. . .) ----------------------------------------------------------
Pictures with Labels--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Week 5-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Activity that I Performed as Instructed by My
Cooperating Teacher--------------------------------------------------------------------
My Own Instructional Materials-----------------------------------------------------------
a. Print Materials

b. Non-Print Materials

c. Electronic Materials

The Instruction of My Cooperating Teacher--------------------------------------------

The Assigned Task Given by My Cooperating Teacher---------------------------------
What I did with My Assigned Task-------------------------------------------------------
What I Prepared with My Task------------------------------------------------------------
a. I think that I can do better if
b. I realized that

Pictures of Activities-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Synopsis about Characteristics of Good and Effective
Instructional Materials------------------------------------------------------------
Week 6-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sample of Assessment Tools of My Cooperating Teacher-----------------------------
My Own Test---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My Improved Test Based on the Suggestion of My Cooperating
Key to Correction/Answer Key-------------------------------------------------------------
My Ideas about Tests------------------------------------------------------------------------
Why Assessment Tools are needed? -------------------------------------------------------
Week 7-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Design Classroom Bulletin or Instructional Board as Instructed by Cooperating
a. Beginning with themes

b. Organizing ideas on what to place on the bulletin Board

c. Arranging your ideas in creative and artistic way.

d. Creating ideas using illustration design, figure and color.

Photograph of Bulletin Boards in our cooperating school------------------------------

How I Could Still Improve the Bulletin Boards------------------------------------------
Reflection (The lesson I have Learned in Designing or structuring My Bulletin
Week 8-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The School Activities that I Assisted-----------------------------------------------------
The Materials that I Needed for the School Activities----------------------------------
The School Activities that I Joined With My Cooperating
Teacher and My Class--------------------------------------------------------
How I Prepared for the School Activities?-----------------------------------------------
Why do I Need to Participate in School Activities?--------------------------------------
Reflection (After the Activities I Learned)------------------------------------------------
Picture of My Participation in School Activities-----------------------------------------
Week 9----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Non Teaching Duties that I Performed as Required by the
Cooperating School-----------------------------------------------------------------
Doing No Teaching Duties is Beneficial in My Life as a
Student Teacher because-------------------------------------------------------------
The Values that I Have Develop When I Rendered Non
Teaching Duties---------------------------------------------------------------------
Narrative Reports (Week 1-Week 9)-----------------------------------------------------
Experiences Working with Students------------------------------------------------------
Experiences Working with School Personnel-------------------------------------------
The Critic Teacher
The Cooperating Principal
Other School Staff
Experiences Working with the Community of the School------------------------------
Actual Classroom Teachings--------------------------------------------------------------
Special Demonstration Teaching----------------------------------------------------------
Final Demonstration Teaching--------------------------------------------------------------
Self Assessment for Being A Student Teacher-------------------------------------------
Personal Point of View of Student Teaching Experience-------------------------------
Appendix A Summary Table of 40 Actual Teachings,
Rating and General Average
Appendix B Lesson/Learning Plans of Special and
Final Demos with Evaluation Sheets

Appendix C Songs, games and other materials use in teaching

Appendix D DepEd Forms

(All kinds of forms used in the DepEd, filled up Properly and Correctly)

Appendix E Lesson plan (detailed, semi-detailed, brief)

(with accompanying reflection: Why did you teach lesson plan as your sample in the

Appendix F Test Papers/Students, Works

Appendix G Comments about the Student Teacher from Critic Teacher and

Appendix H Certificates
(Merit, Recognition, Appreciation, Participation, etc.)

About the Student Teacher



What is Practice Teaching?

Practice teaching is of paramount importance in the vocational training of student
teachers. It is this immersion into the real world of school that prepares the student in making the
transition from trainee to professional. The motivation for this study arose from the researcher's
own experience of practice teaching as well as protracted contact with student teachers in a
professional capacity. Practice teaching is defined as working as a student teacher to gain
experience.Student teachers observe subject teachers at work so as to learn about teachers' skills,
strategies and classroom achievements. They also evaluate their own teaching experiences
through conferencing with teachers and lecturers and through self-reflection, implement a variety
of approaches, strategies and skills with a view to bring about meaningful learning organization
and administration.

In this way student teachers gain experience in managing and evaluating class work; in
maintaining discipline and good order in the classroom; find their own teaching style and
personality and become acquainted with school. Teaching practice is an important component of
becoming a teacher. Practice teaching is teaching by a student under the supervision of an
experienced teacher. Good teaching practice is a key influence on student learning - a desired
outcome and primary goal of higher educational institutions. Teachers strive to meet the
principles of good practice in an effort to provide the best learning experience for their students.

Key considerations in shaping good teaching practice include:

Encouraging good communication between teachers and learners

Encouraging interaction among learners

Providing opportunities for active participation

Timely and appropriate response and feedback

Emphasising time on task

Motivating learning by communicating expectations

Respecting diverse talents and ways of learning

It is important to note that good teaching practice also subscribes to Biggss (2003)
principle of constructive alignment' which requires that all components of the curriculum
are aligned for maximum impact on student learning. For example, assessment tools and
strategies must be aligned to the learning outcomes.

Goals of Practice Teaching

1. To provide the prospective teachers with an opportunity of establishing an appropriate
teacher students relationship.
2. To provide an opportunity for evaluating the student potential as a teacher and suitability for
the teaching profession.
3. To develop personal relationship with others: administrators, teachers, parents and students.
4. To provide the future teacher with practical experience in school to overcome the problems of
discipline and enable him / her to develop method of control.
5. To provide with an opportunity to put theories into practice and to develop a deeper
understanding of educational principles and their implication for learning.
6. To enable the student teachers effectively to plan and prepare lessons.
7. To develop skill in the use of fundamental procedures, techniques and methods of teaching.
8. To develop desirable professional interests, attitudes and ideas relative to teaching profession.
9. To enable student teachers to acquire desirable characteristics / traits of a teacher and to
display appropriate behavior.
10. To provide student teachers with an opportunity to have teaching evaluated and to gain from
the benefits of constructive criticism.
11. To provide an opportunity for self evaluation and to discover own strengths and weaknesses.
12. To develop skills in future teachers related to teaching like fluent speaking, meaningful
reading, using blackboard and other teaching material.
13. To provide an opportunity to liaise with school environment, its functioning and with
community and its resources.
14. To provide for the exchange of ideas and methods between practicing school and teacher
training institution, by teacher training institutions, staff and students, perceiving new ideas
material and equipment in use in practicing schools and introducing new ideas, material and
equipment's into the school.
Towards Becoming a Professional

Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges itself to deliver effective and efficient
services along instruction, research, extension and production. It commits itself to provide
quality professional, technical and technological training with the aim of producing skilled, self-
renewed and globally competitive individuals.

Jose Rizal Memorial State University envisions becoming a center of excellence among
institutions of higher learning in the local, national and global arena.

Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and cultural diversity
in building a just and humane society.

College of Education Goals

College of Education aims to provide quality instruction, research, extension and

production that will equip the students with knowledge, skills and values for them to be
responsive to the demands of society.

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e), Article 11, of R.A. No. 7836, otherwise
known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 and paragraph (a), section 6,
P.D. No. 223, as amended, the Board for Professional Teachers hereby adopt the Code of Ethics
for Professional Teachers.


Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high
moral values as well as technical and professional competence in the practice of their noble
profession, and they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral
principles, standards, and values.

Article VI: Teacher and Higher Authorities in the Profession

Section 1. Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall
manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.
Section 2. Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of quality education, shall
make the best preparations for the career of teaching, and shall be at his best at all times and in
the practice of his profession.
Section 3. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have privilege of expounding
the product of his researches and investigations; provided that, if the results are inimical to the
declared policies of the State, they shall be brought to the proper authorities for appropriate
remedial action.
Section 4. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall,
therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive to such learning and
Section 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community informed about
the schools work and accomplishments as well as its needs and problems.
Section 6. Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community, especially in the barangay, and
shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed, to extend counseling
services, as appropriate, and to actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of the
Article VII: School Officials, Teachers, and other Personnel
Section 1. All school officials shall at all times show professional courtesy, helpfulness and
sympathy towards teachers and other personnel, such practices being standards of effective
school supervision, dignified administration, responsible leadership and enlightened directions.
Section 2. School officials, teachers, and other school personnel shall consider it their
cooperative responsibility to formulate policies or introduce important changes in the system at
all levels.

Section 3. School officials shall encourage and attend the professional growth of all teachers
under them such as recommending them for promotion, giving them due recognition for
meritorious performance, and allowing them to participate in conferences in training programs

Section 4. No school officials shall dismiss or recommend for dismissal a teacher or other
subordinates except for cause.

Section 5. School authorities concern shall ensure that public school teachers are employed in
accordance with pertinent civil service rules, and private school teachers are issued contracts
specifying the terms and conditions of their work; provided that they are given, if qualified,
subsequent permanent tenure, in accordance with existing laws.

Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners

Section 1. A teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotions of
learners in the subject or grades he handles, provided that such determination shall be in
accordance with generally accepted procedures of evaluation and measurement. In case of any
complaint, teachers concerned shall immediately take appropriate actions, observing due process.

Section 2. A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are of first and
foremost concern, and shall deal justifiably and impartially with each of them.

Section 3. Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced or discriminate against a learner.

Section 4. A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their
behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved.
Section 5. A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from tutorials other
what is authorized for such service.

Section 6. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learners work only in merit and quality of
academic performance.

Section 7. In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between teacher
and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip and
preferential treatment of the learner.

Section 8. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make
deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not
manifestation of poor scholarship.

Section 9. A teacher shall ensure that conditions contribute to the maximum development of
learners are adequate, and shall extend needed assistance in preventing or solving learners
problems and difficulties.

Article IX: The Teachers and Parents

Section 1. Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and shall
conduct himself to merit their confidence and respect.

Section 2. Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the progress and
deficiencies of learner under him, exercising utmost candor and tact in pointing out the learner's
deficiencies and in seeking parents cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of the
Section 3. A teacher shall hear parents complaints with sympathy and understanding, and shall
discourage unfair criticism.

Article X: The Teacher and Business

Section 1. A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate income
generation; provided that it does not relate to or adversely affect his work as a teacher

Section 2. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to the financial matters such as
in the settlement of his debts and loans in arranging satisfactorily his private financial affairs.

Section 3. No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be financially interested in,
any commercial venture which furnish textbooks and other school commodities in the purchase
and disposal of which he can exercise official influence, except only when his assignment is
inherently, related to such purchase and disposal; provided they shall be in accordance with the
existing regulations; provided, further, that members of duly recognized teachers cooperatives
may participate in the distribution and sale of such commodities.


The chosen articles of Republic Act 7836 as the Code of Ethics for professional Teachers
guide every teacher to perform his/her responsibilities with high standard and respect. This
serves as their guide in performing their duty and responsibility not only as teachers but also
mothers/fathers in nation. The teachers are the one who fulfill the knowledge of every learner. In
this act was being stated that teachers must possess all the innate qualities that a teacher has. It
contains the relationship between the learners and the teachers and also with the parents and the
teachers. In this act it also helps and guides the teacher in order to become a better teacher to the
students. So this code of ethics will serves as manual of their life.

Student Teaching Expectation

The student teacher is expected to do the same professional standards as the regular staff
members of the cooperating school. The student teacher should arrive at the school before the
cooperating teacher arrive and spend the full school day and any additional planning time as the
cooperating teacher requests. The student teacher must contact the school clerk, the cooperating
teacher and the Field Study Coordinator. The same applies if the student teacher is going to be
absent due to illness. He/she must contact the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor
the night before or as early as possible. When the cooperating is absent, the student teacher
must provide plans and other materials necessary to the cooperating teacher and add the extra
time on to his/her student teaching experience. The student teacher works with the cooperating
teacher each day to assure the immediate assistance in planning, teaching and evaluating. The
student teacher should collaborate with the cooperating teacher to guide the students especially
during the flag ceremony and also in cleaning the surroundings. It is expected that the student
teacher will have a clear understanding of his/her responsibilities for each week by the Friday

prior to the following week.

Terms and Reference in Student Teaching

Dos and Donts in Student Teaching

Dos Donts

Be on time every morning Try and be friends with the

students, you are their teacher
Dress professionally Be the first one to leave the
building after the bell rings
Ask for feedback Be afraid to ask for help if you need
Go with the flow Call in sick or miss a class unless it
is an emergency
Act confidently Gossip about other teachers
Show initiative Wear anything that you are unsure
Complete your lesson plans on time Be friends with any students on
your social media sites
Put forth maximum effort in all you Assume your students cant find
do you on your social media sites
Learn your students names quickly Expect every lesson to go the way
you planned it
Let students figure out their own Expect the children to know your
mistakes rules and routine by the second day
Greet all students and faculty with a Allow students to call you by your
smile first name
Treat everyone with kindness and Be too hard on yourself, not
respect everything will go the way you
Develop healthy lifestyle habits to Attend school in a drunken and
avoid being sick disorderly state
Stay after school if you need time to Make fraudulent allegations against
plan and help your mentor teacher a teacher and a student
Volunteer for everything and Attempt to handle all behavioural
anything that is going on at school problems by yourself
Maintain professionalism in all Create division amongst children
areas from personal appearance to because of abilities, residence in
organizational skills and catchment areas and economic
preparedness for each day. status.
Inspire students with a passion for Walk out of a class when students
lifelong learning. behaviour becomes too challenging



A Brief Description of the Cooperating School

a. History
History of Zamboanga Del Norte National High School

The Zamboanga del Norte National High School (ZNNHS) is a public high school
under the Department of Education of the Philippines in Dipolog City, Zamboanga del
Norte, Mindanao, Philippines. It has three campuses. ZNNHS Main Campus is in General Luna
Street, Estaka; Campus II is in Lower Turno; and the newest Miputak Extension Campus in

Zamboanga del Norte National High Schools takeoff can be traced to 1946.

The populaces desire for higher education caused them to travel to nearby island provinces of
Negros and Cebu. The provincial government of Zamboanga Peninsula, through ex-Governor
Felipe B. Azcuna, arranged the transfer of Zamboanga Provincial High School, then operating in
the erstwhile capital town of Zamboanga (now Zamboanga City), to his hometown in Dipolog.

A drawback is the school's dearth of physical facilities. Since its first hosting of the 1964
Mindanao Athletic Meet, the school has been the venue of a series of local, regional, and national
sports fests. In 1982 the Palarong Pambansa caused a renovation of the Zamboanga del Norte
Sports Complex, where the school is. This renovation required the demolition of 46 classrooms
and the Administration Building.

While the ZN Sports Complex may be the best in the region, the replacement of the lost
classrooms at the back of the three grandstands remains a faint promise.

Since the opening, the Zamboanga del Norte National High School is under the jurisdiction of
the Division of Zamboanga del Norte; then was transferred to the Division of Dipolog City per
Republic Act 8174, otherwise known as the General Appropriations Act of 1996 for all budgetary

Due to the influx of students from neighboring towns and the City of Dapitan, the school
needed more space and more rooms. Through the efforts of Patricia G. Ratilla, one of the faculty
members, ownership of a lot in Turno, which is a property of the national government for the
establishment of the City Normal College, was transferred to ZNNHS through a bill authored by
the then Congressman Ernesto S. Amatong. Hence, the existence of the ZNNHS (Campus II)
Turno Campus today.

The curricula offered by the school are Science, Technology, Engineering, &
Mathematics Program (formerly, Science and Technology Engineering Program [STEP] and
Special Science Curriculum), Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), Special Program for Sports
(SPS), Special Program for the Arts (SPA), Technical Vocational Education (TVS), BP-OSA for
out of school youths, and Special Program in Journalism (SPJ).

b. Philosophy, Objectives and Policies

DepEd Vision

We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose competencies and
values enable them to realized their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the

As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education continuously

improves itself to better serve its stake holders.

DepED Mission

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and
complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institutions, ensure an enabling and

supportive environment for effective learning to happen.

Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility
for developing lifelong learners.
School policies

1. Come to school on time.

2. Keep the school surrounding clean.

3. Use the learning materials properly.

4. Respect one another.

5. No bullying

c. Organizational Structure
d. Programs and activities

ZNNHS has several programs for its students.

The STEP Curriculum (Science, Technology, & Engineering Program): Students

who are in this program passed a competitive entrance exam, The first 35 will be
in the first section, while the second 35 will be in the second section. They will be
trained rigidly for a better future.

The remaining students will be in the BEC (Basic Education Curriculum).

Students who have a very high interest in the arts will be acquainted in the SPA
(Special Program for Arts).

The RSTVE trains students who are interested in technical courses.

The BP-OSA is for those who dropped out of school during their teenage years
and are capable of re-entering high school.


1. The Cooperating Schools Expectations

I was assigned at Zamboanga del Norte National High School (Main). Im

very much excited to have my practice teaching on that school. The following are
my expectations to the said School:

The cooperating school is competent school that could be able to produce

self-renewed individuals. I am very dedicated to teach in a school who
utilizes standard instruction. In this case, I could be able to explore my
hidden potentials in teaching.
The school produces many learning facilities like books, computers, for
the students to gain more knowledge.

The environment of the school is conducive for learning activities. The

structured classrooms and buildings or any establishments are planned
and built cautiously to avoid certain trouble.

2. The facilities of the Cooperating School

Zamboanga del Norte National high School have lots of facilities such as
school library, their school library have lots of books for the students to gain more
knowledge. The said school have their own computer laboratory; it is very helpful for the
students to improve their learning skills. The school have their supply office, through this
the teacher were not able to take their own salary for printing test paper and other school
papers intended for exams. They have also their own clinic; it can help to the students and
also the teachers in case of emergency in terms of illness.

3. Basic Information

a. Cooperating School

Zamboanga del Norte National High School (Main Campus) is located in

Staka, Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte. The school is very clean and the
classrooms are conducive for learning. The said school have lots of learning

b. Cooperating Teacher

My cooperating teacher name is Mayflor M. Binondo. She is married and

has 3 children. She graduated in college at Jose Rizal Memorial State University,
Dapitan Campus, Dapitan City with the course of Bachelor in Secondary
Education major in MAPEH. She is very helpful and approachable teacher. My
cooperating teacher is one of the best teacher Ive encountered when I taking up
this Field Study course. She is a good teacher and a very good mother to her

c. Orientation Seminar

The orientation seminar was on December 2, 2016 held at Gymnasium,

Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Dipolog Campus. The speakers discussed
about the Lesson planning, DepEd forms and K-12 curriculum.

d. Orientation of Cooperating Principal

We were talking about what a student teacher must possess during

internship. We must have to come to school before 7:30.

e. School Tour

As I did my school tour in Zamboanga del Norte National High

School (Main Campus), Ive noticed that there are lots of learning materials. They
have the school library having lots of books. They have the computer rooms for
teachers as well as for the pupils. They have medical clinic and nurses to secure
the health of every individual. They have guards and janitors so I can say that the
school is secured and safe.

4. Responsibilities as a Student Teacher

As I begin my field experience, I understand the importance of using

every opportunity to make my student teaching a constructive learning moment.

I am committed to maintaining a professional demeanor in doing so. The

following responsibilities constitute the minimum criteria necessary for a
successful placement and are key components in my final evaluation.

Read the student teaching handbook and know its content.

Report allegations of child abuse, misconduct or student harassment promptly.
Confer regularly with my cooperating teacher and university supervisor regarding
professional concerns, interests, questions, or problems.
Be professional in my relationship with the teaching community by being mindful
and respectful of the school's rules and regulations, of appropriate dress code and
appearance, and of the importance of punctuality and promptness in appointments
and assignments.
Become acquainted with the existing curriculum and materials.
Strive to implement the methods and strategies I have learned in my courses.
Write lesson plans for all lessons I teach and make them available to my
supervisor and my cooperating teacher.
Make regular entries in my student-teaching journal and submit them in a timely
Make every effort to become involved in school life through such means as
attending faculty meetings, parent conferences and after-school activities.
Participate in professional development days with the school faculty.
Familiarize myself with the community in which the students live, as well as the
neighborhood of the cooperating school.
Take initiative for assuming increasing teaching responsibilities appropriate to
the expectations of my program and level of study.
5. How did I feel when I saw my cooperating school? What are my

When I saw my cooperating school I felt so nervous but behind that

nervousness is an excited and happy. I felt happy because I know that this school
will help me to improve and develop myself to become an effective future teacher.

6. The Tools That I Need To Brought In My Cooperating School

a. Knowledge

I prepare my instructional materials that should use during demo teaching

including the lesson plan that serves as my guide. As a students teacher, I
need to be ready at all the times. I should develop myself to have self-
confident during my demonstration teaching. Thats why I should fully equip
myself with knowledge especially the mastery of the lesson plan.
b. Attitude

The Student Teacher should have time management during the demo
teaching. I must also have patience in handling the diversity of the pupils. I
must be an open-minded to every student and also a good model to them. I
must see to it that I am a student teacher who can help them to enhance their
learning ability.
c. Skills

During my demo teaching I prepared differentiated activities in order for

the students to enhance their skills.
d. Habits

My habit in waking up early in the morning to prepare myself must apply.

I should reach the school as early as 7:00.
7. My grade level assignment, class schedule and official time.


S.Y 2016-2017
Time Subject Day Teacher Room
7:00-7:15 Flag Raising Ceremony (Monday)
7:15-7:30 Homeroom Guidance (Daily)
7:30-8:30 MAPEH MTWTh Mrs. Mayflor M. Binondo 1
ESP F Mrs. Gliceria Torres 1
8:30-9:30 T.L.E MTWF Mrs. Caren Maosa 1
ESP Th Mrs. Gliceria Torres 1
9:30-9:45 RECESS
9:45-10:45 Araling Panlipunan MTW Mr. Filomeno Tamonan 1
10:45-11:45 FILIPINO Daily Ms. Leilane Narvaez 1
11:45-1:00 LUNCH BREAK
Afternoon Session
1:00-2:00 Mathematics Daily Mrs. Shirley Encarnacion 1
2:00-3:00 English Daily Mrs. Carmela Burguite 1
3:00-4:00 Homeroom Guidance Daily
4:00-5:00 Science Daily Mr. Julito Totao 1
8. Am I really prepared to teach?

Yes I am really prepared to teach. Since then, I have experienced on how to be

a teacher. I have observed different teachers during my Field Study 1 to 6. I
experienced on how to make lesson plans and also the demonstration teaching. I am
ready to face some circumstances in the field, thats why I am really prepared to teach

9. Grade Level Pictures

Week Task No. 2
1. My jobs as instructed by my cooperating teacher.

As a student teacher, it is my job to handle students and to make sure that

they are in good and safe hand. The role of the student teacher is to assist the
cooperating teacher in class. My cooperating teacher gave me tasks/jobs to do.
She instructed me to facilitate the learners. During my demonstration teaching
she always there for me to assist and she made her best to develop my skills in
teaching. She instructed me to guide the students in cleaning the surroundings.

2. My observation reports in assisting my cooperating teacher.

As a student teacher it is my task to assist my cooperating teacher. It is

really hard to facilitate learners. I really equip myself to do better just to cope up
all the things that a student teacher must do. I must have to be patient, to be
skillful and to have a well modulated voice. I experienced from my cooperating
teacher on how handle the students whenever they made bad attitude. She taught
me in making DepED forms and other school forms.

3. My own expectations

As a student teacher, I expected to have a class in a whole day. My

cooperating teacher is so good and kind enough. She helps me to develop my
skills as a student teacher. After my demonstration teaching she gave some
comments and advices to develop my teaching ability. I am provided by her
anything that I am going to use in my demonstration. I thought student teachers
will spend much money, but isnt. I am very happy and thankful that I assigned to
my very kind and approachable cooperating teacher.

4. The characteristics of the learners I am handling

It is normal for my Grade VII students to show bad attitudes and most of
all very noisy. Even they are noisy they show respect to me as their student
teaching. They cooperate and follow my instruction during my demonstration

5. My Synopsis/summary about the development stages of grade level I am


`They are the learners even they always play and very noisy they give
their best during my demonstration teaching. They cooperate and follow my
instruction. They can answer my question even I raised HOTS questions.

6. My first encounter with my cooperating teacher

Teaching is not easy job; my teacher does everything well and good. My
cooperating teacher is one of the best teachers I encountered. I want to be an
effective teacher like her. I realized that knowing her is really a big deal for
me because she has changed me she developed my teaching ability and I
learned a lot from her.

7. My first dealing with the learners

I observed that, the learners nowadays are too different from the learners
before. The learners before were so very quiet and they were listen when there
was a teacher talking in front. While the learners nowadays they are always
talking with their seatmate even there is a teaching talking in front.

8. Reflection
I am really meant for the teaching profession because.
This profession was my first choice. I really love teaching students. I want
to give and share my knowledge to those young ones who need to be taught. I
love to help people discover and build themselves. For me teaching is fun and a
very challenging profession. I want to teach because I want to help the students to
develop their learning ability not only for my students but also for me to develop
my teaching ability.

9. Picture with label

Task for Week 3

1. My job as instructed my cooperating teacher.

My teacher instructed me to always check the attendance of the students

and their must be recorded. And she instructed me also whenever she will be out

I should take care of the learners.

2. The learning resources of the cooperating school that I utilized are books,

flashcards, erasers, and chalkboards.

3. The mission and vision of the cooperating school that I analyzed.


The school is empowered to pole vault quality education as legacy to the most

important component of the school, the students, to develop students to become assests of

the society who ardently are maka-Diyos, Makabayan, makatao at makabansa.


To develop a highly intelligent, competent, civic-spirited, life-skilled & God-

loving Filipino youth actively participating & contributing towards the building of a

humane healthy citizenry; contributing to a friendly, productive, proactive & progressive

society that we can be proud of a contribution to the world.

4. The importance/uses of the cooperating school facilities in the teaching

learning process.

School Facilities Importance/Uses

Library Libraries are places, portals and resource

hubs that link us to valuable information.

School Canteen The two main ways in which school

canteens have an impact on school life are

in supporting teaching through proper

nutrition and health practices; including the

provision of special dietary requirements

for some students and staff, and in being

sectors of schools which can easily become

trouble zones if specific measures are not

put in place to prevent this.

Computer Laboratory Computer labs often include software that

many students may not have on their

personal computers due to cost or

accessibility. Math courses may require

students to utilize specific software

programs to illustrate math problems, for

example. Art and music courses may also

make use of software to demonstrate and

teach different concepts. Some courses may

be based on learning how to use specific

software programs. Graphic design

students may need to learn Adobe

Photoshop as a critical component of their

education. Computer labs ensure that all

students have access to such programs.

Comfort Rooms Comfort rooms are vital to the hygiene to

the public. Without comfort rooms, people

would be urinating and defecating in the

streets, alleys and drains, and not be able to

wash their hands or their bodies.

5. The ideas about my cooperating school home.

Zamboanga del Norte National High School serves as my second home. If the

school is the second home the teachers also will be the second mother/father to the

students. Even it is my first time I am assigned this said school I felt I belonged

already in this school. When I am on my cooperating school already I felt I have my

child there which is the students and there is my brother and sister which is my co-

student teachers. It helps me become more confident with myself. School does not

only help me learn things but teaches me to do things.

6. I can always make my second home:

Safe and secured I will make things that will encourage them to

stay at my home.

Friendly - This means that:

a. What happens in the classroom also promotes childrens health

b. Classrooms/schools are clean, safe and have adequate water

and sanitation facilities

c. There are written policies and regular practices that promote

good health 2
d. Health education and life skills are integrated in the curriculum

and the teaching-learning activities.

Non threatening I greet my students each day with enthusiasm

and find something positive to say as much as possible or as much

as time will allow for.

7. Reflections

After analyzing the cooperating schools mission, vision:

a. I realized that every school has its own objectives/goals, missions and

visions in which they really trying to reach out. It is very effective for

the teachers and also for the students to become a good citizen.

b. I need to do my best as a teacher in the future to adapt, keep and use

all the things that I have learned in my cooperating school because as a

student teacher it is very helpful for me in the future.

8. Collage of my Second Home.


1. The Classroom Routines Performed By My Cooperating Teacher

As what I have observed my teacher always followed her daily routines in her

classroom. Before she precedes her discussion she checked first the attendance and then

she collected their assignments.

Based on my observations to my cooperating teacher, she really does her teaching

profession well and good. The most important notes during my observations to my

cooperating teacher are: she prepared instructional materials every time she taught just to

make her discussion meaningful and on the learners health she really cared much to her

students. She settled her students every time there was some trouble with her students.

2. Synopsis on Establishing Classroom Routines

When routines and procedures are carefully taught, modeled, and established in

the classroom, children know whats expected of them and how to do certain things on

their own. Having these predictable patterns in place allows teachers to spend more time

in meaningful instruction.

"Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and

learning. Routines dont just make your life easier, they save valuable classroom time.

And what are most important, efficient routines make it easier for students to learn and

achieve more."
3. My Observations of the Following:

A. Attendance

Before the teacher starts her lesson, she always checked the attendance of

her students. She gave attention of the student who always late and absent and she

asked her student about the reason why he/she always absent and late.

B. Passing of papers or books

In passing papers and books, every column has a collector of everything

that need to be passed.

C. Getting Materials

In getting materials the teacher will prepare first the materials and when it

is prepared already she will call boys to distribute the materials to their


D. Making assignments

Assignments will be given after the discussion and will be checked by the

next day.

4. The Routines That I Established As a Better Classroom Manager

As a better classroom manager, I have established my routines clear with

the students. I make sure that my instruction is very clear to everyone. As a classroom

manager I should guide and manage them every day.

5. The Rules That I Set In My Class

The routines that I have established in the classroom are: the students must clean

the room every morning and during their vacant time in the afternoon they should clean

the room. I assigned my students to clean their Comfort Room and I assigned also to

water the flower and plants outside the classroom.

6. Reflection

a. If I already have my own class in the future, I want to employ that learning is not

difficult and hard but it is enjoyable and easy. I must create my classroom conducive for

learning. I must create my class enjoyable in order for them to participate.



Week 1

It was my first week in my practice teaching at Zamboanga del Norte National

High School (Main Campus). Fist I felt nervous because it was my first on that school.

The teacher in MAPEH assigned us to our critic teacher and I assigned Maam Mayflor

M. Binondo. My critic teacher handled Grade VII class and she handled five (5) sections

which was the Grade VII section Green, Chisel, File, Red and Ivory. I am very happy

because my critic teacher is kind and very approachable teacher.

Before my critic teacher starts her class discussion she introduced me first to her

students and I introduced myself to them. My critic teacher had her class in the morning

session from 7:30-11:45 and in the afternoon session she had her class from 1:00-3:00. At

exactly 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm the advisory of my critic teacher was their time to clean the

room and also the surroundings. In my first day my critic teacher my critic teacher gave

me a topic to be demonstrated on this week. I had my demonstration teaching and the

topic was all about the acne and warts and also the Tinea or Fungal Infection. After

my discussion I gave them a short quiz to test if they really understood my discussion. As

I observed their performance most of them participate my discussion. After my

discussion my critic teacher gave a comment and suggestion to improve my teaching

ability and she gave me another topic to be demonstrated to the next week.
Week 2

My second week in my practice teaching my lesson was all about P.E. Since it

was all about P.E before I start my lesson I let them first a warm-up exercise in order for

the body ready for doing such activities. I discussed about the Dynamic Stretching and

Cool-Down: Static Stretching Exercises in Arnis. I observed my students that they

enjoyed our lesson. After my discussion I gave them a short quiz to test if they really

understood my discussion.

Another topic that my critic teacher gave to me was all about the Blocking

Techniques in Arnis. The same on my first lesson I let my students to have a warm-up

exercise. After my discussion I let them to perform the Blocking Techniques in Arnis and

I rate their performance and it serves as their quiz. I have only Two (2) lessons because

that week was Third Periodical Exam.

Week 3

Third week during my practice teaching, I arrived there before 7:30. The topic

that I discussed was all about the Philippine Popular Music and the Vocal and

Instrumental Music. On this week I focused on the Music. After my discussion I let my

students to present various activities that I already assigned to them. I observed that some

of them cooperate with their group and a few of them were not. During their practice I

roamed to monitor and to check if they cooperate with their group. After their practice I

let them to present their assigned activities. I realized that if they monitor by the teacher

they cooperate participate any activities in the class. After my discussion, I gave them a

short quiz to test if they listen carefully and understand my lesson.

Week 4

Fourth week during my practice teaching I discussed the lesson all about the

Traditional Drama in the Philippines which was the Cenaculo, Moro-moro and

Dupluan. During my discussion I grouped my students into 3 groups and I gave them a

task to discuss with their group mates. After the discussion with their group mates I let

them present their assigned task. I let them discuss with their group mates in order for

them to share their knowledge to their classmates. Since the topic was all about Arts I let

them draw a creative Traditional Drama in the Philippines wither Cenaculo, Moro-moro

or Dupluan.

Another topic I discussed was all about the Deforestation and Soil Erosion in the

Philippines I used strategies in teaching during my motivation. I let my students to

arrange the jumbled letters to form a word and I raised some questions all about the

words they form. After my discussion I let my students to perform a poem, slogan, song

and oath all about the Deforestation and Soil Erosion in the Philippines. After my

discussion I gave them a short quiz to measure the knowledge of the students and to test

if they listen carefully and understand my lesson. After my Demonstration Teaching my

critic teacher gave some suggestions to my demonstration teaching. Some of her

comments are my weaknesses especially my voice not so loud. Her suggestions are very

important to correct and to change my weaknesses. She wants to develop and to improve

my teaching ability that I use in the future.

Week 5

Fifth week in practice teaching, my cooperating teacher let me to have a

demonstration teaching the topic was all about the Air pollution and Water pollution.

After my lesson proper I gave them a short quiz to test if they really understood my

discussion. This week we had our Special Demonstration Teaching. First I felt nervous

but with the help of my cooperating teacher I did my best job. She changed my

weaknesses, she correct me if Im wrong and most of all she valued me as her daughter.

Week 6

Sixth week in practice teaching I discussed about the Community Health

Problems in the Philippines. Since this week is a hearts week I grouped my students into

three (3) groups and they group according to the shape of the heart they got. During my

motivation I let my students to supply the missing letters and my critic teacher

appreciates it. After my discussion I gave an activity to my students which were to

present a poem, oath and slogan about the Community Health Problems in the

Philippines. After my discussion I gave a short quiz to measure if they really understood

my lesson. After my demonstration teaching my cooperating teacher gave some

comments about my teaching ability she said that there is an improvement in my teaching

Week 7

Seventh week in my practice teaching, I discussed about the introduction of

Philippine Folk Dances. During my discussion I raised some questions to measure their

knowledge. After my discussion I gave them a short to test if they really understand my

lesson. Another topic that I discussed was all about the Fundamental Positions of Arms

and Feet in Folk Dancing. Since the topic was all about P.E I let my students to have a

warm-up exercise before we proceed to our lesson proper. After my discussion I grouped

my students into five (5) groups and I let my students to practice the Fundamental

Positions of Arms and Feet in Folk Dancing within 10 minutes. After their practice I let

them to present their activity and their grade will depend on their performance. It is not

easy handling the students especially when having a class in the field. Another I

discussed was all about the Basic dance steps in 2/4 time signature. I prepared and

provide visual aids, speaker and music. Before I proceed to my lesson proper I let my

students to execute the Fundamental Positions of Arms and Feet in Folk Dancing for their

warm-up exercises. I let my students to execute the Basic dance steps in 2/4 time

signature and their grade was based on their performance. Being a P.E teacher you need

to have a voice that is too loud in order the students can hear your instruction especially

the students staying at the back.

Week 8
Week 9

I was assigned to Grade VII class. At first, I felt afraid and worried. There is a sort

of question I can handle them carefully. Most of the time, I observed that everybody is

participating in the class discussion. But as a child, there were some students who were

active in creating destructions.

As what I have observed, there were students who have difficulties in

understanding a lesson. In my three months being a student teacher, I can say that family

problems really affect the growth and learning of the pupil. Some of my students belong

to the broken family

During the group activity, they really did their best to win in the activity. Every

member is participating well. They respected me as their student teacher.


The Critic Teacher

My critic teacher is MRS. SUZETTE BARBANIDA is highly respected

teacher. I dont see her strict attitude in handling her pupils. That is why her pupils even

parents love her so much. She showed to them love and care all throughout the years. As

my critic teacher, she taught me how to handle different pupils with different attitudes. It

was a great help for me because I know it can help me a lot to become a better and

effective teacher someday and a part of a class. She always correct when there that

correction is a bog help. Being with her in three months helped me to learned more.

The Cooperating Principal

MRS. EVELYN R. JUMAWAN is a highly respected principal of

MIPUTAK EAST CENTRAL SCHOOL. She is approachable. She is not strict in dealing

with the pupils and teachers but strict in class hours.

Other School Staff

The security guards, maintenance manager and caretaker inside the

institution are approachable. They are doing their job well and with passion.


I am not familiar in this area. This is a little far from JRMSU Dipolog city. I am not

so familiar with the establishment and different areas. Every time my critic teachers ask

me some favors, Ive always asked her where it can be located. But as what I have

observed, the place is clean. There are street signs which are really needed. As what I

knew, there were establishment for the heath of the pupils and residents residing in

MIPUTAK EAST CENTRAL SCHOOL. There were great improvements.


Origin history

Dipolog City Is Situated In The Northwestern Part Of The Province Of

Zambaonga Del Norte Philippines. Bounded on the North by Dapitan City, on the East by

The Municipalty Of Polanco, On The South By The Municipality Of Katipunan And On

The West By The Sulu Sea With An Area Of 13,628 Hectares.

Originally, The Territory Of Dipolog City Was Very Wide And Expansive.

Pursuant To Act No. 302 Of Legislative Council, A Modified By Department Order

No.22 Series Of 1914, Of The Honorable Secretary Of the interior , And further modified

By Executive Order No. 14, Series Of 1925, Of His Excelency, Of The Governor
General Of The Philippines, The Municipality Of Dipolog, In The Province Of

Zamboanga Del Norte The Territory Technically As Follows: Beginning At The Center

Of The Mount Of Sicayab River, There In A South Easternly mdirection To The Primary

Station No. 143 Of Dipolog Cadastre No. 85, Extension; Thence To The Peak Of Mount

Limones: Thence In A Straight Line To The Intersection Of The Parallel 825 North

Latitude,With The Meridian 123 3 East Longitude; Thence Of Misamis And Zamboanga;

Thence south Along Said Boundary To The Crest O The Mountain Range Which Forms

The Watershed Of The Dipolog And Dicayas Rivers On The North And Salug And

Lintugop Rivers On The South ; Thence In A Westernly Direction Along The Crest Of

Saod Mountain Range To The Line Drawn Due Southeast From The Headwaters Of

Lubungan River; Thence Northeast Along Said Line And Along Said Line And Along

Said River To Its Mount; Thence North Alng The Seashores To The Point Of Beginning,

( Adm Code Department Of Mindanao And Sulu), With An Approximate Area Of 248,

587 Hectares. (Dipolog Cadastre)

Dipolog Is Composed of 21 Barangays including the Poblacion which is divided

into 5 Barangays District Namely; Barangay District No. 1- Estaka; Barangay District

No. 2- Biasing; Barangay District No. 3-Barra; Barangay District No. 4- Central And

Barangay District No. 5-Miputak. The Barangay Are Cogon,

Dicayas,Diwangalas,Gulayon,Lugdungan, Minaog,Olingan,Punta, Sangkol,San

Jose,Sinaman, Sicayab, Sta.Filomena, Sta Isabel And Turno. All Thse Nbarngays Are

Accessible By Barangay, City And National Roads From The Poblacion

Dipolog, officially the city of Dipolog (Cebuano: Dakbayan sa

Dipolog;Chavacano/Spanish:Ciudad de Dipolog; Subanen: Gembagel Gbenwa

Dipuleg/Bagbenwa Dipuleg), is a third class city and the capital of the province of

Zamboanga Del Norte on the southern Philippines island of Mindanao. Geographically,

the city is surrounded by rolling hills to the southeast and the Sulu Sea to the north.

Dipolog is known for its wild orchids and its sardine industry which stems from

the rich fishing area off its shores. It is known as the Gateway to Western Mindanao

through the Western Nautical Highway and has also been called the Bottled Sardines

Capital of the Philippines.

Dipolog city celebrated HUDYAKA ZANORTE AND

PAGSALABOK every month of May and June. And also the school of

Vincent they will have Lambiget every last month of second semester.

Actual classroom teaching

At first, I really felt nervous but when the days went on, I have become confident

enough to face pupils. During the actual demonstration, I always have my visual aids and

materials to be used. I always follow the suggestion she gave are for my success. This

made me realized that as a student teacher, I should go to class fully prepared to give

justice to the number of hours the pupils spent with me. The values that I learned from

being a student helped me in my daily demo teaching.

Special demonstration teaching

It is my first time to be observed some instructors coming from our school. In this

demonstration, I can say that this demonstration helped me a lot become a successful
teacher. My critic teacher appreciated my voice. She said that I have a loud voice

compared to the voice I used when I did my actual demonstration. The instructional also

that I used were suitable to my lesson. The nervousness was there but I end up with a

passing grade.

Final demonstration teaching

This is it!! I dont know what I really felt it this time. I want that this demo will be

successful and thanks God, yes it was successful. Although there is a slight mistake but

the observers gave me a satisfying grade. The pupils were cooperative and active from

the start until the end of the lesson. I considered this is one of my achievements. I cant

forget that I have a fear in demo teaching. I really felt nervous every time I do my demo

teaching. But thanks God. It was successful final demo teachin



Self Assessment for Being a Student Teacher

Assessment is a way of checking whether certain person is improving or not. It

can not only be conducted using test question or during exams, but also it could be used

to tell whether you are improving mentally. It also tells about behavior whether you are

changed into better person am a person who easily cries when there is a problem and for

me I cant solve it without the help of others. But this student teaching helps me on how

to strive hard to overcome the problem that I have. For me crying does not mean, giving

up. It just one way of releasing your feelings. What is most important is, after crying, you

stand tall and find ways how to solve that problem. This time, I have more patience in

dealing with the pupils. I have more techniques to employ and must see to it that I have

still have the courage to teach even though they are not behaving well.

During my internship, I always ask to guide. To give me strength in facing

everydays challenges. I know without him, everything is impossible. Every time I feel

down, I just ask his love and presence. I admitted that I m not strong enough to face

challenges, but I am thankful that God is always there. I cannot see him but I can feel him

because of the instruments and angels that he sent for me. They are my family and close


Personal Point of View of Student Teaching Experience

My experience during my students teaching was priceless. The effort, the

hardship, and the accomplishment made me love my course and feel that teachings a

noble profession.

I always thought that internship is full of hardship, sacrifices and sleepless night. I

am not wrong. It is ver6 hard when you are in the field. You must be careful with your

words actions and of course your attitudes. This time, you are not an observer late at

night and waking up early in the morning to prepare yourself so that can reach the school

at the exact time. It is not easy to make lesson plans and to prepare instructional materials

for your demonstrations teaching. And of course, it is not easy to find or ask money from

your parents so that you have money to use for transportation and in making visual aids.

Those experiences of mine are really hard to forget. The tears, the sweat, the

nervousness, the happiness are all in. however, it helps me a lot not only in molding my

mental ability but in molding my whole personality into a well-rounded one.

At first, I thought internship was just like the lower field study course but it was

not. It was more complicated. It needed more efforts and hard work. Most importantly, it

needed patience to finish this course. Lastly, though my student teaching experience was

stressful, yet its worth all the effort.


I had been lot of struggles and trials in my four years of studying college. I admit

that I am a person who easily cries when problem come. But I am still striving not to give

up. Passing all the subjects and receiving my diploma are all I dreamed in my life. To be

a licensed teacher who teaches different pupils will be my greatest achievement in life.

Its been a big question on my mind what I would be after graduating college. I

m afraid that I would be an addition to licensed teachers yet there is no item until now.

Would I be an effective licensed teacher? How?

I really have to finish my four-year course. After graduating college, I planned to

take LET Review in one of the review center here in Dipolog City and take the LET

Exam. I should have full focus during the review to be able to pass the exam. Of course,

everything is worthless if there are no prayers. If it is Gods will that I will be a licensed

teacher, I will use my profession to help my family and those children who need my help.

I believed that learning is continues. Even though Im already a teacher, I am open to join

and participate seminar and meeting to help me learn more in the field of teaching. If

given a chance, I will take the Civil service Exam. I will use my salary to finance myself

to take the Masteral Degree to learn more.

I will never stop learning. I will be open in every opportunity that comes in my

life. I will always ask God to guide me always and gives me attitudes that help me to b a

good teacher.

A. Internet



Appendex C Songs,Games,and other materials you use in your teachings



The love of Jesus sweet and marvelous

The love of Jesus sweet and marvelous

The love of Jesus sweet and marvelous

Ohhhh,ohhhh wonderful love

Higher than the sky deeper

Than the ocean wider

Than the universe

Ohhhh, ohhhhhhhh wonderful love.

The love of Jesus

I Got Love like an Ocean,

I got love like an ocean,

Love like an ocean,

I got love like an ocean,

In my soul,

Water Melon

Water melon, Water melon,

Papaya, papaya, banana banana

Fruit salad, fruit salad

Baby Jesus
Baby Jesus, baby Jesus

Do not cry, do not cry

Dont you know I love you?

Very much, very much

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