Locations Penn Wood
Locations Penn Wood
Locations Penn Wood
Penn wood
I feel this would be the ideal location for my film as it is isolated this is to
reflect the internal struggle of the main character and feeling of
helplessness and loneliness. This is also a conventional location in the
thriller genre. Filming at this location would be during the evening
therefore it is unlikely there will be interruptions from the public during
filming. In addition, it is a large wood, allowing a vast array of places to
film such as creepy trees and wigwams which will create a sense of
mystery and fear for the audience. This will be the location of the
chase/fight scene between the two characters and the wigwam is the
ideal location for one of the characters to hide in. Wind may be an issue
therefore I will use a filter and microphone when recording dialogue, but
most of the footage will have a music track played over it. If the dialogue
is difficult to hear I will rerecord it at a separate location and add it over
the footage in post-production.