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is conquered and apportioned,
n addition to what was said described in the verse, six years you therefore, the six years of working
above on the words, When you shall plant your field and six years the field and the vineyard will be
come into the land, etc., and the you shall prune your vineyard, for instantaneous and the land
land shall rest, a Sabbatical to in the future, the Land of Israel shall rest, a Sabbatical to G-d in
G-d, this verse can also be interpreted will [miraculously] give forth cakes the literal sense. It is only after
literally, describing the Jewish people and wool garments (Shabbos 30b). this initial period that the literal
entering the land in the imminent That is, although cakes and wool fulfillment of six years you shall
redemption. garments will emerge from the plant your field will begin, for there
Originally, following the exodus land (and not from the heavens), must be a dwelling place specifically
from Egypt, the Jewish people took nevertheless there will be no need for in the lower realms. This planting
possession of the land through a any labor to be performed in order your field, however, will be done
process of seven years of conquering to cultivate them. Eretz Yisroel will by others, as it says, And strangers
and seven years of apportioning yield them in a miraculous way and shall stand and pasture your
it among the Twelve Tribes. The there will be no need to wait before sheep, and foreigners shall be your
future redemption, however, will not they can be consumed. plowmen and your vinedressers
come about through conquering and (With regard to childbirth it is (Yeshayahu 61:5).
war. Rather, it will unfold amidst said, In the future, a woman will The latter discussion relates
peace and tranquility, calmness and give birth every day. Nevertheless, in particular to Rashbi, whose
comfort, and it will be instantaneous. even in the Future Era, the Era celebration is on Lag BOmer. Our
Moreover, there will be no need to of Redemption, the process of Sages say that Rashbi was well-
work the land, no need for the labor gestation will take time. But instead versed in performing miracles (for
of nine months, it will take only which reason they sent him to Rome
Issue 1067 3
in order to persuade the Romans to he did not experience exile (as the be the fulfillment of When you
lift their ban on Jewish observance). Alter Rebbe relates). However, the come into the land, etc., and the
Indeed, he was so spiritually elevated principal association of Rashbi with land shall rest, a Sabbatical to G-d,
that although Rashbi lived in the the redemption is as it is said, With in the literal sense [in the true and
time of the churban (the destruction this work of yours [the Zohar] complete redemption].
of the Beis HaMikdash), for him it they shall go out of exile with (From the address of Shabbos Parshas
was as though it never happened; mercy, for then there shall indeed Emor 5747, bilti muga)
Continued from page 13 sitting in front. however, since the loudspeaker was
After the farbrengen we davened not working one hundred percent,
He walked out of the zal, looked Mincha, and immediately after we couldnt hear so clearly. The
for a garbage pail, and since he Mincha the Rebbe again began, like Rebbe spoke for about 25 minutes,
did not find one, he put it on the the previous Shabbos, to sing Nyet and immediately began to receive
small ledge near the office of the Nyet, and everyone joined in until the women for yechidus. [At
secretariat, where the mail is placed. the Rebbe exited. Afterward, we this point, the womens section
Everyone was surprised that we had waited for the Rebbe to exit from the emptied out, as all the women went
not noticed the pack, since we are door of Gan Eden HaTachton, and downstairs to the big zal to stand in
always looking out that there should when he came out he made motions line. Then the Tmimim including
not be any dirt around the area with both hands. We stood in two the author of the diary went to the
where the Rebbe stands. The student rows on both sides, and when the ladies section and were able to watch
Chazan took the pack away. Rebbe makes encouraging motions from there]. This is not a regular
we all literally go up and down in yechidus, rather the Rebbe sits in his
This event led to the decision to
tandem with the motion. The Rebbe place and all the women pass before
stop smoking altogether in 770. If
also encouraged the little children him, and each one approaches with
only that resolution would last.
that were standing nearby. a note which the Rebbe reads, and
Tonight, the Rebbe took people then answers and sometimes asks
for yechidus, among them a We walked behind the Rebbe
in order to accompany him to his additional questions. There were
candidate for mayor of New York, some women whose yechidus lasted
who stayed with the Rebbe for 25 house, and in middle of the way the
Rebbe crossed the street towards twenty minutes or more, and there
minutes. Yechidus ended at 12 were some women who came with a
midnight. President Street [where the Rebbe
lives]. A car that was traveling quite a few notes.
During the night, I worked with The yechidus concluded at 1 in
distance away honked the horn, and
Chaim Masharki in the office of the the morning.
the Rebbe immediately jumped and
Vaad LHafatzos Sichos. I went to
went up on the curb. We continued When the Rebbe stood up to
sleep very late. We are still sleeping
to follow the Rebbe with our eyes leave, we immediately ran through
in a basement, what can we do,
until he entered his house, and from Gan Eden HaTachton to the small
Hashem should help...
there we went to the yeshiva dining zal, and after a brief wait the Rebbe
room to eat the Shabbos meal. entered for Maariv. The zal was
GENERAL YECHIDUS On Motzaei Shabbos, there was relatively empty due to the late hour.
FOR WOMEN IN 770 a review with the chozer, R Yoel At the conclusion of the davening,
Kahn. the Rebbe rode to his house.
Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh,
Bechukosai Sunday, 25 Iyar Tuesday, 27 Iyar
Today there was a very joyous Today there was a gathering for Today, the Rebbe made a sudden
farbrengen. The Rebbe stood up in women in the study hall of Chovevei appearance in the Kollel without
middle of the farbrengen, when they Torah, and at 8 in the evening it advance warning. He walked in and
were singing Napoleons march, and continued with the Rebbe in the looked at the sfarim. Obviously,
began to clap. It was a great pleasure big zal in 770. The Rebbe entered, nobody stayed there sitting and
to see the Rebbe standing to his followed by R Chadakov and R learning because they all ran to hide.
full height and clapping his hands. Groner. The entire room was The Rebbe went upstairs and then
Immediately when the Rebbe stands packed with women, as well as the came back down, and then returned
up, everyone else stands up, those ladies section. We [the men], stood to 770.
sitting behind the Rebbe and those partially in the small zal upstairs,
4 16 Iyar 5777
By Rabbi Heschel Greenberg
ANIMAL FOOD way, therefore her offering Once we brought the Omer
should come from a grain fed offering we were commanded
We are now in the midst of to animals. In other words, the
the period known as Sfira. It to count the days, as a way
inferior quality of grain served as of dealing with our individual
is based on the commandment a reminder to the woman and all
in this weeks parsha to count characteristics to bring light and
others that the errant behavior refinement to them. Each day that
50 days from Passover until came from the Animal Soul.
the Holiday of Shavuos, the we count is not just a repetitive
This conveys a dual lesson for exercise to know how many days
anniversary of the giving of the
us: we have until Shavuos, but it is a
Torah at Mount Sinai.
First, we have an Animal Soul refining process. Indeed, the very
This Mitzvah, to count the
and our immoral behavior comes word for counting in Hebrew,
days between Passover and
from our Animal nature. Second, Sfira, also has the connotation of
Shavuos, is referred to as Sfiras
we have the ability to overcome bringing light.
HaOmer, the Counting of the
that animalistic impulse because
Omer. The Omer was a measure
we also possess a Gdly soul. WHY THE FOCUS
of barley offered in the Beis
Indeed, the Gdly soul is our
HaMikdashThe Holy Temple on ON THE OMER?
true inner essence.
the second day of Passover. From
This explains why a woman In light of the above, one may
that day onward, we are to count
wonder why this ritual is known
49 days and then on the 50th day suspected of adultery had to
bring an offering that reminded as the Counting of the Omer?
observe the Festival of Shavuos.
her of her animal instincts. But An Omer is simply a unit of
In Chassidic literature the dry measure, equal to onetenth
why would a Festival offering,
question is raised why this of an ephah. A more appropriate
associated with holy festivals of
offering had to be from barley name for this Mitzvah would have
assembly, Passover and Shavuos,
whereas all the other flour been Counting of the Mincha
also have to come from barley?
offerings in the Temple were flour Offering, or Counting
made out of wheat? Barley was Chassidic thought explains
of the Barley Offering, since
considered to be an inferior grain that when we left Egypt as
barley was an important part
intended mostly for animals. liberated slaves we had been
of the Mitzvah. Why identify
The only other barley flour exposed to the impurity of Egypt
the Mitzvah by a secondary and
offering was the one a suspected for generations. We had to refine
ancillary aspect of it, such as the
adulteress had to bring to the our Animal Souls before being
unit of measure, rather than by
Temple. The Talmud explains the worthy and capable of receiving
the barley or the flour itself?
reason for her barley offering: the Torah. Hence the offering
of barley, animal feed, helped us The Midrash may have
She behaved in an animalistic
refine the Animal Soul within us. anticipated this question when
Issue 1067 5
The answer lies precisely in the paltry value of day of Passover, the day before
the Omer was offered.
the Omer measure of barley. Haman realized that
It follows, then, that the future
if Jewish power were only based on wealth and quantity, and final Redemption is also
connected to our internalizing
he could have easily triumphed over them. If the Jews
the lesson of the Omer offering.
were focused on the value of their offering, Haman could To understand the redemptive
always outspend them. After all, he had at his disposal the power of the Omer and discover
an even deeper reason for the
riches of the Persian Empire. When Haman realized that emphasis on the Omer measure
the Jewish people were preoccupied with an offering of barley, we must refer to a story
recounted in the Midrash of how
consisting of but one Omer, he knew that he could not Haman was defeated because of
vanquish them. This power of a Divine quantity was a the Omer:
When Mordechai saw Haman
sign that they possessed an infinitely more powerful approaching him with his horse,
weapon than Hamans 10,000 silver talents. he said, I believe this wicked
person comes only to kill me.
Now, Mordechais disciples
it connected the Counting of the to accumulate more than Gd were sitting and learning before
Omer with Manna, the heaven has ordained for us, it will not him. He said to them, Get up
sent food the Jews lived on change what we receive, just as and flee, lest you be burned by
throughout their 40 year sojourn the Manna was uniformly one my coal.
in the desert. The Manna too Omer for all, no matter how They replied, We are with
consisted of an Omers worth of much each person collected. you and will not leave you
food. No matter how much one This reinforces the idea that whether to be killed or to live.
collected, the daily portion of the barley offering represented What did he do? He wrapped
Manna never had more or less the need to refine the Animal himself in his tallis and stood
than the volume of an Omer. Soul. The argument presented in prayer before the Holy One,
Rabbi Berechyah said: by the Animal Soul that causes blessed is He, while his students
The Holy One, blessed is He us to sin is that we are in charge sat and learned.
said to Moshe: Go and say to the of our lives. The more we think Haman asked them, What
children of Israel, When I used we are independent of Gds are you studying.
to give you the Manna, I gave power and blessing, the more They replied, The Mitzvah
an Omer to each one of you, as emboldened the Animal Soul of the Omer which Israel would
is written An Omer per person. becomes to the point that it offer in the Temple on this day.
(Exodus 16:16). And now that exclaims: Its my life! I can
He said to them, What did
you are giving Me the Omer do whatever I want! Whereas
this Omer consist of? Was it gold
offering, I have prescribed for the Gdly soul always humbly
or silver?
Myself nothing but a single Omer realizes its dependence on Gd,
the Animal Soul is focused solely They replied, Barley.
from all of you. And moreover, it
is not from wheat but of barley. on itself and its needs; anything it He inquired, What was its
does to satisfy those needs is fair value? Was it worth 10 kantars?
Our offering of the Omer is
thus a vivid reminder of the Omer game. They replied, 10 manehs
of Manna that Gd provided in sufficed.
the desert. OMER AND REDEMPTION He said to them, Rise,
We can now understand for your 10 maneh have
The Midrash also states that
why a measure of Omer was so triumphed over the 10,000 silver
the merit by which the Jewish
significant. We brought the Omer kantars [that I gave to King
people entered the Promised
offering to remind ourselves that Achashveirosh]!
Land was the offering of the
Gd takes care of all our needs. Omer. Significantly, the Manna From this Midrash we see
No matter how much we may try ceased descending on the first that the Omer contributed
6 16 Iyar 5777
Issue 1067 7
Issue 1067 9
LANGUAGE ADJUSTMENT day series of fasts). Since the to get the permit from the army
Rebbe fasted and davened Maariv and all the documentation within
Thursday, 1 Iyar
earlier than usual [to be able to one week, and he was already
As he did yesterday (the first break the fast], we lost out on here.
day of Rosh Chodesh), the Rebbe Maariv with the Rebbe. After Maariv, we waited for
received the third aliya. This
the Rebbe to leave [to his house].
evening, there was a gathering of
THE KADDISH I stood near the mezuza of the
Tzach [every year on 2 Iyar, the
OF THE REBBE small zal and was talking to my
birthday of the Rebbe Maharash,
friends Yosef Meir Cohen and
there would be a members Tuesday, 13 Iyar Yekusiel Rapp. Suddenly, the
farbrengen in honor of the
Today is the yahrtzait of the Rebbes door opened and the
founding of Tzach], and we [the
Rebbes brother, R Yisroel Aryeh Rebbe exited. My blood froze in
participants] received mashke
Leib. The Rebbe said Kaddish my veins. I was electrified. The
and mezonos from the Rebbe.
five times during Shacharis. Rebbe saw me, and I began to
Tonight we had a Chassidus It was very crowded [because back up, but the Rebbe looked
shiur (class) in Yiddish. I dont everyone wanted to hear the at me for a number of seconds
know if we will continue, but for Rebbe] and I pretty much was that felt to me like a long time.
now it is difficult [apparently due not able to see the Rebbe, I only The Rebbe exited from the door
to the language barrier], and we heard his voice. of 770. It was drizzling outside,
hope to adjust. and the Rebbe extended his hand
When we came [for Mincha]
Motzaei Shabbos, Kdoshim, in the afternoon, they told us as though to feel the rain. The
3 Iyar that the Rebbe went to the Ohel, Rebbe entered the car and went
This evening, we finally had and we returned to our regular to his house.
a review in Ivrit of the sichos of place of learning in Chovevei
Shabbos Mevarchim Iyar [the Torah. Mincha was at 8:25. SHOCKING NEWS
previous Shabbos], after it was The Rebbe entered holding his
pushed off a number of times for Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh
gartel in his hand and said a few
various reasons. Behar, eve of Lag BOmer
words [apparently Mishnayos],
Sunday, 4 Iyar which I did not manage to hear The Rebbe held a surprise
because the Rebbe was speaking farbrengen this Shabbos, and
We had a shiur in the
somewhat low, and immediately at the end of the farbrengen
maamarim of the Rebbe Rayatz
said Kaddish. Afterward, we announced that the parade could
from the year 5708 with R
began Mincha. During the take place without his being
Shlomo Zarchi. The shiur was in
review of the shliach tzibbur, the present. [Afterward it became
Yiddish, and I understood a little
Rebbe said the Mishnayos. After known that there had occurred
more than the previous class in
Aleinu, he said Kaddish. The an event in Crown Heights that
Mishna, Machat shehi nesuna... was the opposite of Ahavas
Monday, 5 Iyar Yisroel, which was why the Rebbe
Rabi Chananya, he said in a
We davened Mincha with the somewhat louder voice, then the decided not to attend in person].
Rebbe, and for Maariv following Rebbe passed his hand over his For us, this was like a bolt from
the conclusion of the Chassidus forehead [and said a few lines of the blue. There are those who
study session at 9:20, we wanted Tanya quietly] and said Kaddish. claim that there might be another
to go daven with the Rebbe as change, and we are all hoping for
Thursday, 15 Iyar
usual, but R Shlomo Zarchi a surprise tomorrow.
informed us that the Rebbe had Today, Zalman Pariz arrived
At the farbrengen, the Rebbe
davened already. We expressed [ah, son of R Boruch Pariz]
also spoke sharply about Mihu
surprise as to why today the exactly at Mincha time, and he
Yehudi. At the conclusion of
prayer service was held earlier was very excited and pale. The
the farbrengen, the Rebbe sang
than usual, and he told us: The entire tefilla, he stared at the
Hinei Mah Tov UMah Naim,
Rebbe fasted today, the fast of Rebbe openmouthed. His arrival
and everyone joined in, and
ThursdayMondayThursday generated a tumult among the
then he stood up right away for
(as is known, after Pesach and Tmimim. In general, his leaving
Mincha. After Mincha, the Rebbe
Sukkos, those who are stringent the Holy Land was above the
touched the edge of the paroches
upon themselves, fast the three natural order, since he managed
as is his custom, and immediately
10 16 Iyar 5777
Issue 1067 11
As usual, Mincha is delayed when the Rebbe went the Shabbos truck, and it
continued alternating a truck, a
goes to the Ohel. During Mincha, the Rebbes group of children, a truck and a
face showed great seriousness, and it is hard to describe group of children, and here and
there were the clowns.
how painful it is to see the Rebbe like that.
Marching in the parade were a
number of classes of nonJewish
From Russia to 770 truck: with drums and cymbals. A few children representing the city,
Jews studying Torah in a cellar Tmimim were dressed up as since for maintaining peaceful
by candlelight in Siberia. Exodus clowns to add to the joy, and they relations it is not proper to
from Russia. And Jews studying entertained the children. exclude them and it is necessary
Torah openly in 770. [What follows is a description to accept them. Their costumes
Unclear Message truck: What of reciting psukim at the are colorful and majestic, their
the message is, what it is trying parade, three years before the shoes and belts are white, and
to convey, I have no idea. But it Rebbe went public with the 12 they sang American marching
depicts a village farm of Jews, psukim SZB]: The emcee, songs with drums and horns.
with a vegetable garden and Rabbi Goldstein, instructed the The march ended, and I
home farming. There is also a children to repeat after him word traveled with Chaim Reichman
Billy goat, who is busy eating the for word, Modeh Ani, Torah to the park, where the children
trees while waiting for the parade Tziva, Shema Yisroel, and went from the parade. Meanwhile
to begin, and also a few real Hashem hu HaElokim. It was a some rain began to fall. We got
chickens. special delight to hear thousands to the park and it is a large place
Brachos truck: The blessing of childish voices saying these with a grassy area in the center,
of Borei Pri Haadama and holy sayings. and in the center of the grassy
children eating watermelon etc. They set loose five gasfilled area was a stage and seats all
On a small trailer: On three balloons, and they flew upward around like in a stadium. First,
things the world stands. Image until they disappeared from sight they distributed sandwiches to
of a Seifer Torah, with a siddur [more than forty years ago, that all the children and guests, as we
Thillas Hashem and a sign that was a novelty, even for an older hadnt eaten since the morning.
reads on three things the world bachur SZB], and there was a In the park, they held a raffle,
stands. police helicopter flying overhead. in which each child purchased a
770 mobile: A private car Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Hecht ticket for a dollar and the prize
of one of the Chassidim with a was called up to speak, and he was a flight to the Holy Land.
model of 770 on the roof. began to lead the parade. The The lucky winner was a boy of
There are photographers actual march began at 11. A few seven, and the clowns lifted him
circulating among the trucks. I of the talmidim from kvutza led up on their shoulders. Afterward,
managed to have a few pictures the parade holding American Rabbi Goldstein held him up for
taken along with one of the flags. At the head: Dovid Malka everyone to see, and everybody
guys from the kvutza who will [ah], after him Gershom, applauded him.
be returning, by the name of Borovski, Scharf, Shabtai and a It is a shame that the Rebbe
Avrohom Kurant. I hope to see few others. I wasnt with them was not there, and also that it
the pictures [for our younger because I wanted to see and write rained so the program ended
readers: back then not everybody everything down. right away. Due to the rain we
had a camera and developing As soon as the march began, only managed to have a few
and printing the photos took a drops started to fall from the sky pictures taken.
few days SZB]. Among the and we were ready to give up, but On that day, the Rebbe was
crowd there are five policemen Boruch Hashem the rain stopped at the Ohel, so in the interim we
riding on horses. I should also quickly. went to rest up a bit and write in
point out that near the stage is Behind the flag bearers, the room until Mincha. As usual,
a smaller stage for the band that went the marching band of Eli Mincha is delayed when the
was playing Chabad niggunim. Lipsker with their drums and Rebbe goes to the Ohel. During
Afterward, the marching band cymbals, and they were followed Mincha, the Rebbes face showed
of Eli Lipsker arrived, kids by a group of children. After them great seriousness, and it is hard
12 16 Iyar 5777
Issue 1067 13
It was breathtaking to see how the Rebbe did
not tire. He stood at the parade and showed a
warm fatherly concern to all as though to his
only child. When we passed by the Rebbe, my
wife got excited and waved both hands at the
Rebbe, as though blessing him with the priestly
blessing. The Rebbe smiled broadly at her,
stopped clapping and waved both his hands
like she had done. * Mr. Aryeh Monson excitedly
shares his impressions of the Lag BOmer
parade 5750.
By Nosson Avrohom
r. Aryeh Monson One time, we were sent
experienced much from Har HaTzofim, supplied
in his life. In his with new weapons that we had
younger years, he gotten from Czechoslovakia.
enlisted in the Haganah and fought The order was to search for
in the ranks of the elite Palmach 35 soldiers who had gone to
brigade. As a young commander he reinforce the besieged Gush
fought on various fronts. He was Etziyon bloc residents and had
part of the most famous battles of not returned. We gathered at
that time, with the most famous Har Tor and from there we
one being the opening of the famed went on seven armored vehicles
Burma road for the supply convoys toward the Beit Jimal monastery,
to besieged Yerushalayim. He saw which overlooks Gush Etziyon.
death before his eyes more than When we looked with binoculars
once and was miraculously saved. at the Gush, our hearts sank.
14 16 Iyar 5777
After years of hard work, my
wife and I thought about traveling
abroad to rest up and revitalize
ourselves. Our oldest daughter,
Nechama Chaya Navon who
lives in Tzfas, heard about our
desire to go to New York. She
made a suggestion that we really
struggled with, but there isnt a
Issue 1067 15
We did not yet understand, as we understand become an integral part of the
landscape. We found ourselves
today, that if the Rebbe says something, it has to humming the same songs that
be. Indeed, this is what happened. For hours, the Rebbe the Chassidim sang. The Rebbe
himself showed signs of closeness
motioned encouragingly at the groups that passed by. to the members of the group.
The sky was still dark with clouds but not one drop fell Perhaps the Rebbe valued the
effort invested by the people in
until after the parade was over. Tzfas, Yerushalayim, Teveria,
and other parts of the country,
who left everything to travel
day that we dont thank her for it. stewardesses had to yell at them to see him. I dont know who
She told us about an to return to their seats. arranged it but they placed us,
organized group from Tzfas that As soon as we landed, we the members of the group, in a
was going to the Lubavitcher were welcomed by Chassidim at special spot that overlooked the
Rebbe in New York. She the airport with great warmth. farbrengen table, so we did not
promised two weeks packed with Transportation awaited us and have to push. We could see every
fabulous Jewish experiences. we were taken straight to 770 move the Rebbe made.
We finally decided to do it where we saw the Rebbe for the
and joined the group which was first time. STANDING
comprised of dozens of people. The shul was packed. When
We convinced another couple, the Rebbe entered, the Chassidim
cousins of ours, and a mutual burst into song and cleared a path It was finally Sunday and
friend, to join us. for him. The singing intensified the Rebbe was giving out dollars
Some time before this, we as the Rebbe motioned with his for tzdaka. I stood on line
had been exposed to Chabad hands. For us it was a culture with everyone else and noticed
Chassidus in all its glory when shock, but in a positive sense. We something amazing. The people
our daughter married a Chabad saw Chassidim standing on every waiting on line to receive a dollar
Chassid and the wedding took possible piece of wood, whether a stood emotionally wrought,
place in Kfar Chabad. Many chair or table, just to be able to tense and nervous. But as
residents came to rejoice, and we see or hear the Rebbe, who spoke soon as they got a dollar, they
met special people with a unique in Yiddish. relaxed and looked happy. The
charm, committed to their faith A few hours after arriving glow of the tzaddik seemed to
and pleasant in demeanor. We in Crown Heights, we were sent have transferred to them. I had
figured this trip would give us the to families according to a list prepared many requests before
opportunity to see the source of that had been prepared. The I stood in front of the Rebbe.
the inspiration for the Chassidic hospitality was excellent. We The crowding was intense and
movement which is spoken about stayed with the Antian family many people who had come
so much. who spared no effort to make to spend Lag BOmer with the
our stay a pleasant one. One day, Rebbe joined the usual number
The twoweek trip was
Rami Antian ah, even took us to of people who came on a typical
planned to coincide with Lag
his chemical factory which was in Sunday. It was really crowded.
BOmer. R Ceitlin himself
accompanied us as did Rabbi a town near the Hudson River. We slowly moved forward
Yigal Kaspi, the shliach in In the irreligious world, but at a certain point there was a
Maalot. Mrs. Bashari and Mrs. where we come from, hosting wave that pushed me forward.
Rochel Kupchik led the women. like this for someone you just In a moment, I found myself
The wonderful atmosphere was met, is rare. We were amazed standing in front of the Rebbe.
felt already within minutes of by the caring and by this broad As I looked at the Rebbe, the
takeoff. The excitement level perspective that all the Jewish words stuck in my throat. You
was so high that the Chassidim people are one family and how become different than you were
and friends broke out in dance this is expressed in deeds and not a moment before and this feeling
over the privilege of going to the just words. is with me till today. The Rebbes
Rebbe. At a certain point, the Within two weeks we had eyes, blue like the sea, and his
compassionate, loving gaze,
16 16 Iyar 5777
I would write down everything We excitedly got off the bus and ran to the
I felt, not because I am a
writer; on the contrary, Im far office. We rang the intercom and the secretary
from it, but because there is opened the door. He gave us the Rebbes answer which
nothing I experienced in my
life that compared to this, and we read again and again. The Rebbe said that the couple
it was important to me to give should be particular about kashrus and he blessed them
expression to such intensity.
I felt that the Rebbe was with children. When we arrived in Eretz Yisroel, we
bringing about a change in me. quickly showed the letter to our son. A year later, after
All my life I had met celebrated
leaders whom the entire nation nine years of marriage, their daughter was born, our
bowed to. Deep down I did not sweet granddaughter.
feel, towards any single one
them, any respect, aside from
the formal niceties that I had to
extend them because of their The streets were decorated with he began clapping.
job. With the Rebbe, I saw what flags and balloons. The stages That day, the forecast was
a different sort of leadership is. were decorated with the Twelve for pouring rain in New York.
He did not ask to be admired; his Psukim and the Rebbe stood Black clouds began forming
personality caused people to do on the central platform with the overhead but R Ceitlin told us
so. emcee of the event standing next that the organizers of the parade
to him. asked the Rebbe for a bracha
When I returned home,
I shared the experience with Children from the preschools that the parade not be canceled,
friends and I mention it in on up passed by in the parade and the Rebbe quoted, Rabbi
lectures that I give to those who as they sang and rejoiced in Shimon can be relied upon in
fought in the Haganah and who honor of the holy Tanna, Rabbi an emergency. From this the
were from the founders of this Shimon bar Yochai. It was most Chassidim understood there was
country. impressive to see the mothers nothing to worry about. The
with baby carriages holding girls truth is, we were pessimistic.
named Chaya Mushka for the How would we march in the
BLEAK WEATHER Rebbetzin ah. Behind them was pouring rain?
FORECAST a large group of fathers with their We did not yet understand,
Before we returned home, we three yearolds in the traditional as we understand today, that
attended the special Lag BOmer haircutting ceremony. The if the Rebbe says something, it
parade at the Rebbes court. Rebbe kept on waving and when has to be. Indeed, this is what
our group passed by the Rebbe, happened. For hours, the Rebbe
Issue 1067 17
18 16 Iyar 5777
Selected Halachos from the
One Minute Halacha project
By HaRav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Shlita,
Mara Dasra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights
STATUS OF A gave the teacherit may have there is room for leniency. The
required teiva first. But this recipient of the nontoiveled gift
conclusion is not unanimously should toivel it before using it.
I received a beautiful glass accepted by poskim; some In order to avoid these issues
platter piled with gourmet argue that teiva is not effective altogether, it is possible for a
chocolates as a Mishloach Manos if performed before the end giver to pretoivel the gift
gift from a dear student (with a user receives it, even if the gift whether it is presented with or
note that she had toiveled it). Just contained food. Ideally, the without foodunder certain
before Pesach, my family polished recipient should toivel the dish conditions. (This would be
off the last of the treats, and now again without a bracha.* especially appropriate if there
I would like to use the platter The giver may gift the item is doubt whether a recipient
for my Shabbos desserts. Does it without toiveling it first. Taking observes the mitzvah of tvillas
count that it was toiveled before the stricter opinions into account, keilim.) The procedure is as
it was gifted to me, or must I re the food should not rest directly follows: The giver first makes
toivel it? on the disha substantial a kinyan(halachic transfer of
The onus of tvillas keilim separation should be made ownership) by handing the gift
(immersion of new dishes in between the food and the dish, to another person who acts as a
a mikva) is on the owner. If rather than a ubiquitous paper shliach (representative) of the
someone purchases a dish and liner. However, even if the dish recipient and lifts it up on their
toivels (immerses) it with the is not covered in this manner, behalf. Once the kinyan has taken
intention of gifting it to another, it is still acceptable not to have place, it is as if the gift belongs to
there is no requirement for teiva toiveled it before gifting it. This the recipient, and the giver may
at that time, and its questionable is especially so in the above toivel it on their behalf.
whether the teiva is valid in example, since the dish was glass, *An empty metal food utensil
retrospect. for which the obligation of teiva is received as a gift must be toiveled
If the gift is being delivered dRabbanan (of Rabbinic origin); again, but without a bracha.
with food on itas with the since the teiva requirement for a (Many are stringent to retoivel
candy platter that the student foodbearing gift is in dispute, even glass dishes.)
Issue 1041 19
OF WOMEN AND WINE: one person to make a bracha for in all localesmany authorities
KIDDUSH VS. HAVDALA another, there must be at least do not consider it similar to
equal chiyuv. maaser sheini or maaser ani in
It is considered mitzvah min this respect. Additionally, many
hamuvchar (an optimal level of the conditions inherent in
of mitzvah performance) for all MUST I PUBLICIZE THAT
maaser sheini are not relevant
participants to taste the Kiddush FOOD WAS PURCHASED to maaser kesafimincluding
wine. With regard to Havdala, WITH MAASER? constraints of time, place and
however, there is no mitzvah for personal purityso many of
In the days of the Beis
others to partake of the wine. In the reasons given to explain the
HaMikdash, a host was obligated
fact, there are authorities who Mishnas admonition are not
to inform guests if serving them
caution against women drinking applicable.
food that was set aside for
the wine of Havdala. The
maaser sheini (the second tithe The issue of personal benefit
prevailing minhag (custom) is
of produce that is separated would apply if the giver extends
that only the person reciting the
in the first, second, fourth the monies in a prideful way
Havdala drinks, and neither men
and fifth years of the Shmita or with tangible reward, but a
nor women listeners sip the wine.
in Eretz Yisroel to be eaten in general advantage of appreciation
Several reasons have been Yerushalayim) or maaser ani would not be in this category.
offered for the minhag of women (tithe for the poor brought It would therefore seem that
refraining from drinking Havdala in the alternate years of the there is no halachic impediment
wine. One reason stems from Shmita cycle), as stated in the to such a practice. Indeed, it
the halacha that a man may Mishna and the Tosefta. There is prevalent that tzdaka funds
not be yotzei from a womans are various reasons enumerated are used for refreshments at
Havdala, and a man may not for this practice. Among them events held for the publics
recite Havdala for a woman are: Serving guests without benefit, such as seminars and
if he has already fulfilled his acknowledging that the food is community affairsand there
obligation.* Some suggest that maaser appears as if the host is is no need for it to be publicized
the custom that men participants utilizing maaser for their own if money earmarked for maaser
dont drink the wine developed needsan uninformed guest was used. More so, it would be
from the restriction on women, may even seek to compensate inappropriate to advertise the
while others state that any and the host for the meal in some source of the funds as maaser
all participants should abstain for tangible way. Causing another if it were to make wouldbe
completely independent reasons. to consume maaser unknowingly participants uncomfortable and
There is no issue for a woman may constitute gneivas daas hesitant to attend the function.
who makes Havdala for herself (deception); an unknowing guest One Minute Halacha is a succinct
(and other women) to thereafter may defile the holy food by eating daily presentation on practical Halacha
drink the wine. maaser sheini in a state of tuma in video, audio, and text formats, and can
* There is a halachic dispute (ritual impurity). be accessed by phone at 718.989.9599,
whether women have a chiyuv When it comes to maaser by email, [email protected], or by
(halachic obligation) in the kesafim (the charitable tithe from WhatsApp 347.456.5665.
mitzvah of Havdala. In order for ones earnings)practiced today
Express service
Fully Computerized
By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon
Issue 1041 21
Masters! The time has come for Yidden had to run away from (Maamer Mordechai on
reciting the morning Shma! You Mitzrayim for they were still sunk Meseches Psachim, written by
have succeeded in bringing us to in the impurity, on Pesach Sheini, the Tzaddik HaRav Mordechai
the point that we see the light of after a whole month of purifying from Nadvorna), that the words
Shma ( ) as well. ourselves, we can finally cleanse have the same numerical
Realizing that Sfiras ourselves of the impurity. value as the word ( meaning,
HaOmer is not just a mitzva of One of the most special and end of Galus and beginning of
counting, rather a continuous shining days of Sfiras HaOmer Geula).
journey of selfrefinement is Lag BOmer, the 33rd of the The Rebbe explains the
from Pesach through Shavuos, Omer. On that day, the Yahrtzait connection between the literal
we can understand the way of Rashbi, the tremendous lights translation of the Gemara,
Chassidus views the Yom Tov of of refinement are drawn into the that is teaching us that
Pesach Sheini. At first glance, world. It is connected with the we need to eat a meal, and this
this day, when during the time Pasuk homiletical understanding that
of Mishkan/Mikdash, those May my eyes be revealed and implies (see footnote 15
that were impure or far away by see the wonders of the Torah of that sicha), that all agree that
the first Pesach had a chance to of Hashem. It is through the we need the Geula. In the time
bring their Korban Pesach, has revelation of Pnimius HaTorah of Galus there is the incorrect
no real relevance to us today in that we can refine ourselves and perspective that eating
exile, as we are not bringing any prepare ourselves for Mattan representing the physical world
korbanos. Torah. is a contradiction to spirituality.
The Rebbe (HaYom Yom The days of Sfira are the The whole point of the giving
Pesach Sheini) teaches us: The bridge between the Yom Tov of the Torah was to break that
theme of Pesach Sheini is that of Pesach and the Yom Tov of conceived barrier and to reveal
it is never too late. It is always Shavuos. While we connected the truth in the world: that
possible to make things right. the word to the Yom Tov of everything comes from and is
Even if one was tamei (ritually Pesach () , the word here to reveal Gdliness. Thus,
impure), or one was far away, is connected to Shavuos. The we have a special Mitzva of
and even in a case of lachem, Gemara (Psachim 68b) tells us: having a festive meal on Shavuos,
when this (impurity etc.) was Rabbi Elazar said, All when we celebrate the giving
deliberate, nonetheless he can authorities concede that on of the Torah, to show this very
correct it. Atzeres Shavuot we point.
Rabbi Avtzon is the Rosh Yeshiva
In a famous Maamer (Seifer require also an assembly for you
of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati and a
HaMaamarim Meluket Vol. 3 (everyone should eat). What is well sought after speaker and lecturer.
LHavin Inyan Pesach Sheini) the reason? It is the day on which Recordings of his indepth shiurim
the Rebbe explains the deeper the Torah was given. (Psachim on Inyanei Geula uMoshiach can be
meaning of the Yom Tov of 68b) By feasting on Shavuot one accessed at http://www.ylcrecording.com
Pesach Sheini on a whole new demonstrates that he
level, based on a Maamer of the rejoices upon having
Tzemach Tzedek received the Torah.
The Yom Tov is not only for (Rashi)
sinners; rather, it is a unique On the second
opportunity for a second night of Shavuos 5751,
and higher jump the literal after the Chassidim
translation of Pesach Sheini returned for Tahalucha,
for all those who are serving the Rebbe delivered a
Hashem. short sicha in which he
What is the special Avoda connected the above
and Koach that comes from the mentioned Gemara
Yom Tov of Pesach Sheini? It is with the Geula.
the Avoda of Hishapcha, turning The Rebbe quoted
over our Nefesh Habahamis. a gematria from
While on Pesach Rishon the a Poilishe Seifer
22 16 Iyar 5777
Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: Tzemach is his name. Rebbi Yudan
son of Rebbi Aibu said: Menachem is his name. Said Chanina son of
Rebbi Abahu: They do not argue, for the numerical value of each is
the same he is Tzemach; he is Menachem. * From Chapter Fifteen
of Rabbi Shloma Majeskis Likkutei Mekoros, Volume 2. (Underlined
text is the compilers emphasis.)
The Rabbis said: Who is Moshiach the King? If he anointed, to Dovid: Dovid is eternally His anointed.
is among the living, his name is Dovid, and if he is Pnei Moshe)
among those already deceased, then he is Dovid.(If
he is among the living: If he is among the living, his Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: Tzemach is his name.
name will be Dovid, and if he is among the deceased, it Rebbi Yudan son of Rebbi Aibu said: Menachem is
will be Dovid himself. Pnei Moshe) his name. Said Chanina son of Rebbi Abahu: They do
not argue, for the numerical value of each is the same
Rebbi Tanchuma said: The reason [why Moshiachs he is Tzemach; he is Menachem. (He is Tzemach;
name must be Dovid is as it is said] And He does he is Menachem: They are both equal according to
kindness to His anointed, to Dovid. (To His Gematria. Pnei Moshe)
(Talmud Yerushalmi, Brachos 17)
Continued from page 29 many acts of kindness, far from 4 Shevat, they put tfillin on him
prying eyes. Only a few weeks and said Shema Yisroel and Vidui
The rabbi was surprised by ago, the dreaded disease was with him, while he was fully alert.
the seemingly bizarre request, discovered and after just two weeks, Then they began to sing all of the
wondering what exactly a kashrus he passed away. Before his passing, niggunim of the Chabad Rebbeim,
supervisor could be doing each his family gathered together to part at the conclusion of which he
morning. The owner then told him from him. They describe a mind returned his soul to his Maker.
that before R Shlomo would start blowing intensely emotional scene. R Shlomo Vishedsky left
his busy day at work, he would put
It was the night before he behind a beautiful Chassidic
on tfillin with about 150 passersby.
passed away, at around 2 a.m., and family, including his wife Rishe
When the rabbi of the city heard
he was in extremely high spirits. He and sons and daughters: Mrs.
that, he decided to leave R Shlomo
said to his children, Say lchaim, Chana Sudakevitz, Tokyo, Japan;
at his post, saying, Nu, am I going
disconnect the machines from me, R Yehoshua Vishedsky, Donietsk
to close down a branch of the
it is a chasuna (wedding) now. Kiev, Ukraine; R Mendel
Chabad House? Ill find a different
And he began to loudly sing, Atem Vishedsky, Brussels, Belgium;
mashgiach for the other place.
shalom uveischem shalom. His R Pini Vishedsky, Nachalat Har
voice could be heard out in the Chabad; R Zalman Vishedsky,
WONDROUS DEPARTURE corridor of the hospital, when only Kfar Chabad; R Shmuel Vishedsky,
R Shlomo seemed to be days before he could barely speak, Kobe, Japan; Mrs. Chashi Offen,
functioning at full strength, working and so he continued to sing until he Kfar Chabad; Moshe Vishedsky.
hard to make a living, keeping his drifted off.
regular shiurim and involved with The next morning, Wednesday
Issue 1067 23
here were tears in his eyes and his
voice choked up, but he continued Rabbi Shlomo Vishedsky
speaking nonetheless, though
ah was born with a twin
not before ascertaining that his
grandchildren, whom he had just hugged sister while their father, the
and kissed, were far enough away so they
mashpia R Moshe, was being
wouldnt see their grandfather broken up over
the lost years. interrogated by the KGB for
This was an interview I did a year ago his role in the smuggling of
with R Shlomo Vishedsky ah. He spent
a long time telling me about his family in Chassidim out of Russia. *
Russia under communist rule for a book I R Shlomo was born into a
was writing about his father, the mashpia,
R Moshe Vishedsky ah. life of mesirus nefesh which
The following article about R Shlomo accompanied him all his life.
contains information from that interview
as well as memories from the family which
* R Shlomo was a man of
were related during the Shiva. chesed who did mivtzaim
every day despite the burden
of making a living. * Memories
R Shlomo Vishedskys life story
begins with a sad drama, when he and his that he related to me, along
twin sister were born on 21 Shevat 5710. with stories that the family
They were born in Chernovitz while their
father, R Moshe, was being interrogated told during the Shiva.
in prison, far from home. A few months
earlier he had been arrested and charged By Shneur Zalman Berger
with being a member of an organization
of Chassidim who operated under orders
from Rabbi Schneersohn. He was also
accused of participating in smuggling
people associated with Schneersohn over
the border.
The birth of twins is no simple matter,
but despite the tremendous emotional
difficulty, their birth went peacefully and
the babies were fine. But their mother
Chasyas health was another matter. After
returning home with her babies, she had
a hard time functioning because of her
difficult situation. The one who took care
of the babies was the twins brother, R
Bentzion (now the menahel of the Yiddish
Cheder in Kfar Chabad):
I gave them bottles and changed their
diapers, even though I was just a little
boy. My mother was in terrible shape. I
remember that neighbors came to the house
and considered taking the twins because
it seemed to them that my mother would
soon not be among the living.
Hundreds of kilometers away, her
24 16 Iyar 5777
Issue 1067 25
husband was being tortured. herring, and the bris took place. When we were a bit older,
They also threatened him that R Shlomo related: they told me and my twin sister
if he did not accede to their At that time, as my father that my father had gone on a
demands, they would arrest was being interrogated and we business trip to Moscow. We had
his wife. R Moshe knew they waited for his trial, our home never seen pictures of him and
could carry out their threat. was under constant surveillance, had no idea what he looked like.
He imagined how difficult the so that friends of the family in I grew up knowing that my father
situation at home must be and general and Chabad Chassidim in was far away and someday he
how much worse it would get if particular were afraid to pass our would hopefully return.
she was arrested. His heart was street. R Yona Lebenharz told me After an imprisonment replete
torn, but he decided that it was that although the street served as with suffering and torture, R
better to go with mesirus nefesh a cross way to another street, he Moshe was exiled to a labor
and not inform on anyone. and all his friends avoided it in camp in distant Kazakhstan.
Chasyas condition fear that they would be suspected His wife continued running a
deteriorated until she was of wanting to convey a message Chassidic home in Chernovitz, as
hospitalized with a severe case to the family. Those who helped R Shlomo went on to tell:
of pneumonia while ten year old the family were not Lubavitcher My mother was a true
Bentzion supervised his siblings Chassidim but a few good Jews. eishes chayil (woman of valor),
and was in touch with the For Lubavitchers, it was too great and without my father she ran
doctors. a danger. the house and took care of
The KGB went to their house Despite the enormous us physically and spiritually,
and after finding out that Chasya danger, my mother decided that despite all the hardships. There
was hospitalized, they went to the we must have a bris. Of course it were certain areas in which my
hospital and mercilessly asked was all done secretly and cleverly. brother, Bentzion, served as a
the doctor in charge whether A few Jews came to our house the father. Since I can remember,
she could be arrested and taken night before the bris, while the my brother made Kiddush
to Kiev. The doctor said she had rest arrived in the morning. The on Shabbos and he ran the
high fever and pneumonia and sandak was R Moshe Kolyakov, Pesach seder. With my mothers
she would not survive the long a Boyaner Chassid who lived encouragement, he took me on
trip from Chernovitz to Kiev. in Chernovitz. The mohel was Shabbos to daven at the secret
Mrs. Vishedsky heard about this Velvel the shochet; that is what he minyanim.
only after her condition improved was called. I dont remember his At the end of years of
somewhat, when the doctor last name. suffering and isolation, R Moshe
informed her in secret. You dont I remember that after my returned from exile and finally
need much of an imagination to father was released, we once went could see his twin children who
know what would have happened home from shul accompanied by had been born six year earlier.
if she would have been arrested R Velvel the shochet. When we The excitement was
after childbirth. And yet, after she reached the house, the mohel tremendous, remembered R
was released from the hospital, said, We did the bris for this boy Shlomo. We traveled to the train
the KGB went to her home and here, and as a result, I suffered station to welcome him [at this
interrogated her for a long time. greatly, though he did not offer point, R Shlomo got all choked
specifics. up and couldnt speak for several
THE CHILD DEVELOPS They told me that in the minutes]. From the train alighted
The bris took place two and letters that my father sent from a Jew with a beard and they told
a half months late, both because prison, he did not ask about me this is my father. The truth is,
of the mothers hospitalization a bris, but at a certain point I did not know my father had a
and because of the great danger he asked, How is the boy beard. My father was very weak
that hovered over the family and developing? They knew what he and his face was bronzed after
whoever had contact with them. meant and said I was developing working for hours in the sun.
R Moshe Kolyakov, one of the nicely and they included the Until today, I can remember
Jewish askanim in Chernovitz, names of my sister and me, thus the first time my father taught me
brought a mohel and ten men to hinting that the bris had occurred the alefbeis. It was the day after
the house, bottles of vodka and and all was well. he came home, when he needed a
26 16 Iyar 5777
My father continued to teach R Mendel added, We do not as they hurried home. When they
me. There were also times that desecrate Shabbos. walked into the house, his father
a melamed came and taught me and R Mendel Futerfas faces lit
While mother and son were
and other children. My mother up and they showered her with
approaching the school, they
served as the lookout to make many blessings. When they asked
came to a hill filled with puddles
sure the children entered without her where she got such a clever
and mud from the snow that had
being exposed to prying eyes. idea from, she said, When I
started to melt. Shlomo suddenly
felt himself losing his balance was a girl, we heard that the
THE FALL and he fell into the mud. His Rebbe Rayatz planned on leaving
Life under communist mother pulled him out and there Russia. Before leaving, there was
oppression was complicated and he stood, muddied from head going to be a final farbrengen on
very difficult. Observing Shabbos to foot. It was only later that he Simchas Torah in Leningrad. My
posed additional complicated realized it was something his grandfather, R Bentzion, told
challenges. There was a time mother had done on purpose. my father in a telegram that he
when R Shlomo had to attend Mrs. Vishedsky and her son ordered him with the mitzva of
Russian school. Of course, he walked into the school. The honoring a father to attend this
did everything possible so as not assistant principal standing there farbrengen, so my father went.
to go on Shabbos, but one time was taken aback by the sight of Upon returning home,
there was an important national the muddy child. Mrs. Vishedsky my father was very excited,
exam given on Shabbos. Shlomo explained that her son had fallen and although he did not hear
was warned by the school that he into the mud, but she could not the sichos because of the
could not be absent that Shabbos, take him back home to change great crowding, one sight was
no matter what. because there was a national engraved in his mind. He got
Having no choice, that exam. The agitated woman up on the table while holding a
Shabbos he went to school expressed her concern that the Chumash and began dancing
accompanied by his mother. The boy would catch pneumonia with great intensity without a
entire way he wracked his brains and it wasnt at all acceptable break for many hours until he
to come up with a plan to avoid to walk into school like this, but finished and said, That is how
desecrating Shabbos. While on Mrs. Vishedsky played dumb and the Rebbe Rayatz danced on
their way, they met R Moshe began to hurry to catch the Simchas Torah with a Torah,
returning from shul together exam. Then the woman said that and at the end of the dancing he
with R Mendel Futerfas. R she would arrange another day said, One needs to be literally
Moshe said in passing to his wife, for Shlomo to take the test. moser nefesh [not to attend] the
Chasya, see what you can do. Mother and son were thrilled communist schools. From this
Issue 1067 27
Crown Heights.
R Shlomo was not the type to
tell stories about himself, except
when it was something that he
considered important. Still,
recalls his son R Zalman, My
father would sometimes recount
a moment in yechidus in which
he asked something for himself
or his parents, and whenever he
would do so tears would spill
from his eyes. My father could
not bring himself to ask many
questions in yechidus, and he
would ask for a bracha for his
parents only when they asked
him to do so.
In a yechidus that he was
granted in honor of his upcoming
birthday, he wrote to the Rebbe
about his work as a counselor in
R Shlomo Vishedsky at kos shel bracha yeshiva, and the Rebbe responded
to his questions. Suddenly,
story I derived the strength now, he told R Shlomo, One time, the Rebbe asked him, What
to prevent the desecration of the wealthy Chassid, R Meir is doing in connection with a
Shabbos. Simcha Chein had yechidus shidduch? R Shlomo shrugged
with the Rebbe Rayatz. R Meir his shoulders in confusion, and
AN EVERLASTING EDIFICE Simcha wore a large straw hat that is when the Rebbe instructed
which was considered a modern, him to get involved in finding a
There is not enough paper expensive item. The Rebbe told shidduch.
to fully record the life story of him, Under the straw roof lives A while later, he became
mesirus nefesh of R Shlomo a gentile farmer. What he meant engaged to his cousin, Rishe
Vishedsky, a story that continued was, in Russian villages, the Raskin. Before their wedding, he
until he turned 16, which is when simple peasants lived in small received a most unusual bracha
the family left Russia with the houses with straw roofs. R from the Rebbe. This was when
Rebbes blessing. They arrived in Simcha continued, You are a he went into yechidus a short
Eretz Yisroel on 9 Kislev 5726. Tamim in Tomchei Tmimim, so time before his wedding. The
Learning with mesirus nefesh why do you have cuff links on Rebbe blessed him, That you
in Chernovitz helped R Shlomo your shirt? should have, together with your
acclimate to Yeshivas Tomchei It was actually an old shirt kalla who is your match and the
Tmimim in Kfar Chabad. which was sewn with cuffs to one that was designated for you,
Already then, he was recognized begin with, but R Shlomo was a luminous and warm home, and
as a genuine Chassid who was not the type to look for excuses. it should be luminous and warm
particular in his adherence to the As soon as he got home he asked by you and warm and luminous
ways and practices of Chassidus. his mother to remove the cuffs by others.
Once, when he was a bachur, and to sew buttons on instead. Despite this, R Shlomo
he went to a dentist who rented After that, he was not willing to was pained that he had not
a room in the home of the wear a shirt with cuff links. received the traditional blessing
Chassid R Simcha Gorodetzky, After two years of learning in for chassanim and kallos, i.e.,
a distinguished Chassid. When Kfar Chabad, he traveled to the binyan adei ad (an everlasting
R Simcha saw him, he looked Rebbe to learn in 770. This was edifice). He was broken over
in wonder at the cuff links that in 5729. For the next eighteen this and completely distraught.
adorned his shirtsleeves and years he learned and lived in When it was the Shabbos before
28 16 Iyar 5777
the wedding, his brother Sholom two brothers moved to Eretz he had he would lend out, and
Dovber suggested that he say the Yisroel, and thus began a new when he didnt have he would
entire Thillim before Shacharis, chapter in which R Shlomo take out personal loans on his
in supplication to Hashem that worked hard to provide for his own account and then lend that
he receive the traditional bracha. family, in the fields of chinuch money to others. There were
During the farbrengen that and kashrus. even times that the person had
took place after davening, the R Shlomo was the type of not paid back the first loan and
practice then was that chassanim person who avoided making needed an additional loan. R
getting married that week would a commotion. His family and Shlomo would not hesitate to
go up to the Rebbe with a bottle of friends tell of a modest man, provide the additional loan.
mashke. R Shlomo went up with a who whatever he did he kept to His brother R Michel
bottle and the Rebbe poured from himself, without telling the world. recounts: My brother R Shlomo
his becher into the bottle and then However, during the Shiva, the was a very modest person who
back again. And then, unlike the family was kind enough to share didnt wish to talk about his
usual practice, the Rebbe poured some of his amazing acts of actions. Despite that, I can testify
some mashke for R Shlomo from kindness: about him that he was always
his becher. The Rebbe continued Collectors who would come thinking about how to help
to hold the bottle, looked into to Kfar Chabad to collect money others. He always had an inner
his open Chumash and then with knew they could stop off at his smile and that is why people loved
closed eyes said, It should be a home to take a break. They him. He helped many people
binyan adei ad. A heavy weight would eat and drink something and gave away so much without
was lifted from R Shlomos heart and even take a nap and then calling attention to himself.
when he received the hoped for set off to continue their rounds. For a period of time he
bracha. On numerous occasions before worked as a kashrus supervisor
Pesach, R Yaakov Katz, the rosh in the Nes Tziyona area, under
MAN OF KINDNESS yeshiva of Tomchei Tmimim, the auspices of the citys rabbi,
AND GIVING would send a few boys who had R Avraham Tzuriel. Once R
no family in Eretz Yisroel to our Tzuriel wanted to transfer him
The young couple settled in house, and they would be hosted from one restaurant under his
Crown Heights, and in the years for the entire holiday. supervision to another place.
that followed, R Shlomo, along The owner of the restaurant
Aside from that, he would
with his brother R Michel, ran a hurriedly contacted the rabbi and
often lend money to those in
shoe store on Kingston Avenue. requested that before he transfer
need and to those who asked for
Together, they pleasantly and the mashgiach it was worthwhile
his help, and they were many.
generously served the residents to come and see what he does
During the years that he lived
of Crown Heights. each morning.
in Kfar Chabad, he lent out
About thirty years ago, the large sums of money. Whatever
Continued on page 23
Issue 1067 29
A year after Ami and Avital Baram married, Ami
began taking an interest in Judaism. Avital found
herself dealing with a new Boss in the house
Hashem Himself! * Avital shares her journey with
us, until founding the organizations, Hitkashrut
Zugit, and Hitkashrut Chavaya Yehudit, as
per the teachings of the Rebbe, for the broader
By Hadar Mizrachi
30 16 Iyar 5777
Issue 1067 31
One of our main challenges is how to mediate and guidelines from the Rebbe
on the topic of shalom bayis.
for the children the existence of two worlds that There is a letter from the Rebbe
are not in conflict. Children can live with the differences which explains how much a
proper family life impacts all
but they cant live with a fight between parents where other aspects of a persons
they must take a stand. life, including health, and for
generations to come. In general,
the Rebbes approach allows
and together, they start building to kasher the kitchen, so the people to find where they
a path to understanding and husband ate cold food on belong at the place where they
cooperation. disposable plates for five years. are, without being judgmental
As for doing teshuva, I know Obviously, this fight did not serve and with understanding every
from experience that only when the couple nor the children. We individuals needs. Many couples
a person is not in a threatening taught them that it is possible to who come to us feel comfortable,
environment can he choose the become more religious in a much for this reason, sending their
direction that suits him. You more balanced fashion from both children to Chabad schools, and
cannot force someone to do sides. it is definitely a solution that
teshuva. One of the participants How are conflicts resolved at saves children and the whole
at a workshop said to me, If a workshop? house. We teach people the basic
only I could do teshuva. It The workshop is actually a principles of Ahavas Yisroel.
has to happen to a person; the course that lasts four months. There is a story we always
inspiration needs to happen During this time, people go tell in our workshops of a
willingly, not be forced. through a process which enables woman who wanted to move
What sorts of conflicts do them to dismantle things to Yerushalayim, to daven at
people bring to the workshops? and rebuild from a balanced the Kosel and eat kosher. Her
Often, when a person is first place. The workshops have husband was a businessman
becoming a baal teshuva, they professionals running them; a in Thailand and what can I tell
are flying. In such a situation, the psychologist, a communications you The licentiousness and
standing of the spouse becomes consultant, and Rabbi abundance of nonkosher food
weakened and he or she feels Nachmanson who finds common
betrayed. Many baalei teshuva ground between couples from a She went to the Rebbe and
become extreme out of fear or halachic perspective. he told her to go to Thailand
due to ignorance. Sometimes Rabbi Nachmanson has with her husband instead of to
they are particular about saved many marriages with the Kosel. In general, those who
chumros without considering the piskei halacha that enabled come to us and see the picture
environment. Problems also arise couples to preserve the family of the Rebbe realize they have
with the extended family. They unit. By the way, it wasnt easy come to a Chabad House. Some
dont eat with the family or they to find professionals who would are turned off at first, but the
cut off ties. But there really is no understand the complexities of intimidation quickly recedes.
need for that because solutions this kind of situation. Often, At the workshops, we first
can be found. baalei teshuva are in touch work on neutralizing the conflict,
There are instances where with rabbis who, unfortunately, the coercion and intimidation,
a spouse adopts a new practice encourage them to remain and teach how to respect one
without explaining it and as a strong without understanding another and operate effectively.
result, the opposing side has no the consequences on the We help couples develop choices
ability nor desire to understand marriage. We have also heard that fit their home and help
it. Very often, each of the spouses of cases where, due to lack of them move forward. Together
digs in to his and her position understanding, they threatened we examine what can be done
without trying to reach common the woman that if she doesnt to achieve more balance. For
ground. follow her husband, it will lead to example, there was a husband
We had a couple come to a divorce. who became a baal teshuva when
us where the woman refused We use many examples his children were older, and every
32 16 Iyar 5777
Issue 1067 33
of Chabad of Givatayim, and he times, people who come are for diversion and escapism, the
began to organize Shabbatons. exposed to Chassidus for the first true way to get out of that type
We started in Mitzpeh Rimon time in their lives. We guide them of selflimiting behavior is only
with R Slonim. About fifty people to where they can continue to through hiskashrus. This is the
would come, getting together for learn, and we have a lot of repeat path that the Rebbe paved for us.
Shabbos. The atmosphere was customers. Each weekend has Personally, I feel that my
good and there were speakers, lectures, farbrengens, musical hiskashrus to the Rebbe is
tfillos, and delicious food. appearances and everything expressed in the sense that there
We noticed that there was no that can help to open hearts and is a broad consciousness, warm
organization in Chabad that was minds. and secure, which is guiding
offering seminars like Arachim, What does the word this exile towards Geula, on an
so we began to hold seminars hiskashrus mean to you? individual level for each person
in hotels. We received a bracha Hiskashrus to me means and on a national level for our
from the Rebbe for success in connectivity. The opposite of nation, and ultimately for the
this shlichus, and thank Gd, separateness. This is the path to whole world.
today the seminars are very Geula. To know that you are not I feel that it is a privilege for
large and high quality. Each one a separate entity and that true me to be able to help build Jewish
attracts hundreds of people, and goodness is found in connections. families and spread the teachings
the crowd is extremely varied. Especially in our generation, of Chassidus in a way that leaves
Some people even come from when there are so many outlets people with a yearning for more.
our marriage workshops. Many
34 16 Iyar 5777
TIMES LIFE By Nechama Bar
my father asked the Tzanzer in, even before they said
Rabbi Chaim Shapiro, a
Rebbe for a bracha. My advice anything, the Rebbe got up in
Tzanzer Chassid and founder
is that you go to New York to respect and said, Welcome,
and director of the Refaeinu
be treated there, the Admur guests from Eretz Yisroel.
organization, relates:
said. With Hashems help the My parents were very moved
My father, Rav Leib Shapiro, and my father gave the Rebbe
treatment will work and your
is a known rabbinic figure in a note with their names
wife wont need an operation.
Kiryat Tzanz. Although we are and requests, as well as my
Tzanzer Chassidim, we have a Somewhat encouraged,
mothers medical file.
warm place in our heart for my parents flew to New
York. They stayed with a The Rebbe quickly reviewed
the Lubavitcher Rebbe and
Lubavitcher uncle, Rabbi Tzvi the test exams and the doctors
the Chabad movement. My
Hirsch Spritzer. R Spritzer opinion, and then blessed my
very existence is thanks to
warmly welcomed them. mother with a refua shleima.
the Rebbe, for my birth was a
This is wonderful hashga cha But my father was not
pratis! In two days I have an satisfied with a bracha. Rebbe,
For a while before I was I already received a bracha
appointment to see the Rebbe.
born, my mother suffered from the Tzanzer Rebbe.
Take my place!
nonstop pain. She went to her
My father was surprised If so, said the Rebbe,
family doctor who first thought
by the offer, knowing how very good.
it was a passing virus and gave
her some prescriptions, but hard it was to arrange an Rebbe, a bracha is not
when none of it helped, and appointment with the Rebbe enough. We want a promise
the pain increased, he sent her and how long a wait it was. that we will have more
for tests at the hospital. But my uncle did not see it children.
The test results were not as giving something up; he The Rebbe smiled broadly
saw it as extraordinary divine and said, Young man, what
good. The doctor, looking
providence, and felt that this is are you worried about?
compassionate, said, Your
why his appointment had been You will yet have sons and
condition is very serious. The
arranged for this time. grandsons.
only way to help you is with
My parents happily My parents left the Rebbes
an operation. We believe that
accepted his genero us offer. room happily, feeling like
surgery will heal you but there
They made the necessa ry a stone had rolled off their
is one problem you wont be
spiritual preparations and said had simple
able to have more children. hearts. They
My mother was very upset. many chapters of Thillim. faith in what the Rebbe said,
When the time came, they that they would have more
Although she had children,
nervously entered the Rebbes children.
she wasnt willing to agree to
office. As soon as they walked
this. As Tzanzer Chassidim,
Issue 1067 35