Slam Your Fist On The Table and Demand Moshiach!: D'Var Malchus
Slam Your Fist On The Table and Demand Moshiach!: D'Var Malchus
Slam Your Fist On The Table and Demand Moshiach!: D'Var Malchus
How can it be that no one opens his mouth in Rashab, nishmaso Eden. On Beis
Nissan the entire lifes service of
protest?! If the Jewish people would ask and the Rebbe Rashab ascended to
plead, bang on the table and demand that G-d, and every year on that day
Moshiach Tzidkeinu should come immediately, this phenomenon is repeated.
The concept of the service of the
now! Moshiach would be here already, righteous ascending On High on the
arriving even on Shabbos! day of their passing is explained in
the teachings of Chassidus regarding
Translated by Boruch Merkur Lag BOmer, celebrating the return
of Rashbis soul to G-d, a concept
that is elaborated upon each year
s we are now in the month The tragedy is even greater the Rebbeim delivered a maamer
of Nissan, may it be G-ds considering what the Mitteler Rebbe on Lag BOmer. (There is also the
will that we see the imminent writes at length in Shaarei Tshuva well known story regarding the
fulfillment of the promise, that after all the harsh decrees Mitteler Rebbes manner of conduct
in Nissan they shall be redeemed in and pogroms, etc., that have been on Lag BOmer that others would
the future [redemption]. up until that point, there shall be no experience overt miracles unfold
This is especially urgent in the more horrors suffered by the Jewish around the Mitteler Rebbe on that
wake of the slew of tribulations people. And this was said in the time day, and couples who suffered from
the Jewish people have suffered of the Mitteler Rebbe (1773-1827)! childlessness would be blessed with
throughout the years they have spent Notwithstanding all of the above, viable offspring.) But irrespective of
in exile. That is, not only have the all the suffering of exile experienced all the greatness of Beis Nissan, that
Jewish people suffered throughout up until now, Rosh Chodesh Nissan day has passed and still we are not
the four general periods of exile, (the rosh head of the entire saved!
beginning with the Babylonian exile, month) has already passed, and Now it is Gimmel Nissan,
which is called reisha di dahava still we are not saved (Yirmiyahu Shabbos, when everything relating
the head of gold (Daniel 2:38), but 8:20)! to [events that transpired during the
in each of the four exiles the Jewish In fact, now the second day of week, such as] Rosh Chodesh Nissan
people suffered numerous forms of Nissan has also gone by, the day and Beis Nissan ascends spiritually,
tribulations, especially in this final marking the passing of the Rebbe but still we are not saved! How
Issue 1063 3
can it be that no one opens his limits) on Shabbos, as well as the point and after a short pause,
mouth in protest?! If the Jewish problem related to preparing the the Rebbe smiled and said) we
people would ask and plead, bang Third Shabbos Meal and Melaveh shall conclude in the manner
on the table and demand that Malka! of professional orators, Uva
Moshiach Tzidkeinu should come It is not enough to simply join lTziyon Goel, vnomar amen,
immediately, now! Moshiach in when one sees children singing May it be G-ds will that He
would be here already, arriving We Want Moshiach Now!; the build the Beis HaMikdash
even on Shabbos! point is that the person should speedily in our days and grant us
Of course, when Moshiach truly want Moshiach and plead our portion in Your Torah.
Tzidkeinu finally comes, he will that he should come now! (From the address of Shabbos
resolve the problem regarding (The Rebbes holy face Parshas VaYikra, 3 Nissan 5742,
travelling beyond the tchum (city became very serious at this bilti muga)
Anywhere, Anytime !
CHITAS ,ww,j
INYONEI GEULA jhanu vkutd hbhbg
& MOSHIACH owwcnr
RAMBAM hyuekc ohrugha
4 4 Nissan 5777
By Rabbi Heschel Greenberg Midrash argues that if this was
truly a new king, why is there
no mention in the Torah that the
old king died and a new king
A PUZZLING MIDRASH king arose over Egypt, who ascended to the throne?
did not know Yoseph.
A significant portion of According to the second
What possible connection is view, the Torah seeks here to
the third book of the Torah
there between a person swearing underscore the wickedness of
Leviticusdeals with sacrifices
falsely about money and a new Pharaoh. Had this been a truly
brought as atonement for sin. At
king in Egypt? new king, he would have been
the end of this weeks parsha, the
Torah states: guilty of enslaving the Jewish
If a person sins, betraying DENIAL IN THE people. But according to the
G-d by falsely denying to his COUNTRY OF DE-NILE second view, Pharaoh was far
fellow concerning a deposit, more evil because he enslaved his
To answer this question, we benefactors. It was the height of
or money given in hand, or an have to discuss the issue of denial
object taken by robbery, or he denial and ingratitude.
in Egypt. (No, not de Nile).
withheld funds from his fellow Rashi cites two opinions in the We can now understand
or he found a lost article Talmud concerning the meaning the connection to our verse in
and he denied it and swore of a new king in our verse. One Leviticus. The crimes mentioned
falsely regarding any one of opinion takes it literally: a new here all involve denial that one
all these cases whereby a man king who did not know Yoseph. owes money to another. And in
may sin he shall return the The other opinion maintains several of the cases the denial
article which he had robbed that it was the same Pharaoh also involves denial of the other
regarding which he had sworn but now he acted as if he did not persons kindness, as in the case
falsely, he shall pay it with its know Yoseph. He was in denial of a loan or work that was done
principal, adding its fifths to of Yosephs role in saving Egypt for the benefit of the denier.
it He shall then bring his from total devastation due to the Like the case of Pharaoh, here
guilt offering to G-d seven years of famine that he the denial is not only an act of
There is a puzzling and predicted. dishonesty; it is also a radical
enigmatic comment in the example of ingratitude.
The first opinion may be more
Midrash on this verse: faithful to the literal meaning of When a person engages in
This is what the Torah the word new, but the second denial on some level, he must
means when it says, A new view is more plausible. The know that he is emulating
Issue 1063 5
Pharaoh, the personification G-d, The woman whom You when they realize that they got
of exile and the exile mentality. gave me, gave me from the tree, what they have from someone
Every time we deny G-ds role in and I ate. Rashi comments, else. This triggers denial of the
our lives or the role of others, we Here he denied G-ds others contributions to them
should realize that it is a sign we generosity. Not only did he and focuses instead on the way
are still trapped in a spiritual and deny that he was responsible for the other might have hurt them.
internal exile, akin to being slaves partaking of the forbidden fruit If one cannot outright deny the
to Pharaoh. because Eve gave it to him; he others role, the next best thing
And in this season, as we also blamed G-d for giving him is to accuse him of causing the
near Passover, the Festival of Eve, thus showing ingratitude to sin in the first place. His bad will
Liberation, it behooves us to G-d for having been given a wife cancel the good.
focus on liberating ourselves in the first place. Pharaoh was a prime example
from denial and ingratitude. From this we gather that of this syndrome. Pharaoh
fear can lead to denial even compensated for his huge
THE SOURCE OF DENIAL when it will also display a lack inferiority complex by acting
of appreciation and gratitude to big and saying, I own the Nile
Why, we must ask, do people others. How and why does fear and I have made it myself. He
engage in denial? cause both denial and a lack of proclaimed himself a g-d because
Children will reflexively deny gratitude? he was so insecure.
guilt when confronted with an
embarrassing situation.
This denial syndrome actually
began with the first human being Peoples fear derives from This analysis raises a pressing
who denied guilt. When Adam their need for validation. question concerning Sarahs
partook of the forbidden Tree Anything that diminishes us denial of laughter. How can we
of Knowledge, he blamed it on threatens our sense of self. We place her in the same category as
Eve. In turn, Eve blamed it on cannot tolerate compromising Pharaoh and others in denial?
the serpent. Their son, Cain, our image in the eyes of others. The answer is that, obviously,
responded in like manner to If we had healthy self-esteem, the fear that prompted her
G-ds inquiry about Abel with the which comes from the realization to deny that she laughed is
words, I dont know, am I my that we possess a G-dly soul, we categorically different from the
brothers keeper? would not feel our self-worth fear that prompted Pharaohs
being diminished by admitting denial. In Pharaohs case, he
Why is denial so deeply
guilt. On the contrary, once we feared losing his power and
ingrained in us?
admit guilt, we can bounce back greatness. Sarahs fear, in stark
The Torah answers the from our diminished position contrast, was due to her sensitive
question in a later episode. When through tshuva. and heightened spiritual state.
G-d asks why Sarah laughed
Sadly, most people do not She was concerned that she
when she heard from the angels,
have a healthy sense of self. could have acted disrespectfully
disguised as human travelers,
Instead, they focus on the about G-ds ability to give her a
that she would bear a child at the
physical and emotional layers child. Her denial was actually her
age of 90, the Torah states that
of their personalities and way of saying, It was not the
Sarah denied it, saying, I didnt
achievements and not on the true me who laughed. I could not
laugh because she was afraid.
G-dly. Anything that will further have possibly done such a thing. I
From this we see that erode their fragile sense of self am better than that. It was a total
fear impels people to deny could be devastating to them. So aberration.
wrongdoing. they pick the route that seems to However, the common
But why would one deny the offer the least amount of pain, denominator in all these
favors received from another? deny their guilt and even deny examples of denial is that they
Why deny and be guilty of not the good they have received from were prompted by fear of
only lying but also of ingratitude? others. losing something. In the case of
For example, Adam, when Moreover, people who have Pharaoh it was the fear of losing
denying his guilt, also engaged fragile egos and lack authentic his grip on power, and in the case
in an act of ingratitude. He tells self-esteem, feel even smaller of Sarah it was the fear of losing
6 4 Nissan 5777
Issue 1063 7
They are young and dynamic, pioneers, with
original and unique programming, brothers in
shlichus, passionate redheads and quick thinkers.
Their main work is with students and young
people, along with intensive involvement in media
aimed at the Chabad community. * Meet the
Crombie brothers, R Shraga, shliach in New Jersey
and director of, and R Sholom
Ber (Berele), director of the Shmaya center, a
Chabad House for students and young people in
Yerushalayim. They do the same type of work but
their views are different. * In this interview there
is plenty of mutual generosity of spirit along with
many intense divergences of opinion. It almost
seems as if they cant agree on anything for they
argue passionately, but they also respect each
others views.
By Shmuel Tzur
8 4 Nissan 5777
t is hardly necessary to he is involved in writing opinion Shraga: In general, everyone
introduce Shraga and Berele columns on leading websites that thinks the other guy has it easy,
Crombie to our readers. reach general audiences, along and everyone picks the place
Some of you may not have with interviews and participating where he thinks it will be easier
met them face to face, but most of in panel discussions on major for him to have an impact. I give
you surely have benefited from their television stations. credit to my brother for his work
activities at one point or another. How did it all begin, when with students in Eretz Yisroel.
The first is a shliach in New Jersey, did you go on shlichus? Today, boruch Hashem, its a
in the biggest Chabad House in R Shraga: I went on shlichus widespread phenomenon, but
the world, which is run by Rabbi over ten years ago. About a year when he went on shlichus, it was
Yosef Tzvi Carlebach. He also after I married, I joined R Yosef not common in Eretz Yisroel.
finds time to spread the wellsprings Carlebachs Chabad House in The concept of opening a Chabad
within the Chabad world, through New Jersey. My main work is House especially for students
the Lubavitch website Chabadinfo. with students studying here, not practically did not exist. Outside
com. There is hardly a shliach who necessarily with Israelis. But of Eretz Yisroel it started many
doesnt know his phone number when there are Israelis, its only years ago and the first shluchim
and who wont hesitate to call him natural that we have more of that the Rebbe sent out decades
and consult with him about hafatza a connection. There are many ago, like Rabbi Shlomo Cunin
in the media. shluchim here because there and Rabbi Yosef Carlebach and
I am a full time shliach, is so much to do. There is R others, began their shlichus on
he declared at the beginning of Carlebach who is here for nearly campus.
the interview. My involvement forty years, and who established Of course, you can look at
with the media began when I an empire of shlichus, and R the advantages of living in Eretz
was a bachur on Kvutza, when Boruch Goodman who is here Yisroel or abroad. Personally,
Chabadinfo was started, but till for thirty years and who works I wanted to live abroad for a
today, I try to see to it that it does devotedly with students. A few number of reasons. First, because
not take away in the slightest years ago, R Yeshaya Shagalov of the spiritual animal soul (if
from my work with the students. joined, who works mainly with it is possible to define it as such).
R Shraga has played religious students. I also work I live near 770, so last Motzaei
a key role in a number of in the Chabad House office, Rosh HaShana we were able to
trailblazing initiatives in the handling publications, their make Havdala at the Chabad
media: ChabadPedia a Chabad internet site and more, along with House and arrive for Maariv of
encyclopedia on the internet, holiday programs for students Motzaei Rosh HaShana in 770.
ChabadWorld a site for and activities around the year. We do this every Motzaei Yom
Judaism, Moshiach and Geula Berele: I have been at the Tov, as we are on shlichus in a
in English, and many more Chabad House in Nachlaot in place that is within reach of 770.
productions from the Merkaz Yerushalayim for eight years. I This is definitely a benefit in
Chabad HaOlami LKabbalas came on shlichus together with being here.
Pnei Moshiach. my wife Liba, right after our I think that there are many
His brother, Berele, broke wedding. Before that, I spent two advantages to living outside
new ground with youthful and years at a Chabad House in India. of Eretz Yisroel along with
enticing outreach to students When I returned to Eretz Yisroel the dangers of assimilation,
in Yerushalayim. Very quickly, I wanted to open a Chabad etc. There is a great openness
he found himself surrounded House with the spirit of India, to Judaism. When people live
by hundreds of students who something unique that wasnt outside of Eretz Yisroel, Chabad
enjoy his original programming. widespread at the time shlichus is something far more important
Many of those who collaborate with students. That is how I got to them than it is in Eretz Yisroel.
with him are big organizations to the artsy neighborhood of The question that every shliach in
in Yerushalayim that arent Nachlaot. Eretz Yisroel is familiar with is,
necessarily Chabad, yet they What are the differences in Chabad is here too?
find common ground with him. the openness to Judaism among Berele: I have thought a lot
Along with his lectures at Ohr Israeli students versus students about this and the truth is that
Chaya and around the country, elsewhere? outside of Eretz Yisroel, Israelis,
10 4 Nissan 5777
When I returned to Eretz
Yisroel I opened my place. I But if you say that you call it so because that
purposely did not call it a Chabad enables you to do things that are not proper for
House, because that represents
a certain stance with certain a Chabad House to do, that is a problem! You are doing
Israelis in Eretz Yisroel. I things that shouldnt be done?! What is not suitable to be
preferred doing something with a
name that is more inviting. Many done under the name of Chabad, is not suitable altogether,
of the activities done by Chabad and it is not proper for a shliach to be doing it.
Houses outside Eretz Yisroel are
more open and I wanted to do
something like that. demographics. I understand
If the outreach approach is that, but I personally feel good things, that they are borderline
in fact more open, should it about working in a place that is and should not be done under the
be called a Chabad House or openly Chabad. When I get up name Chabad House. Whoever
should it be called something in the morning and ask myself walks in to our place sees a big
else? where I am working, I know its picture of the Rebbe. We dont
Shraga: I may have some a Chabad House. My son knows hide the Rebbe, G-d forbid. On
contentions over the fact that that we go to the Chabad House every schedule of events that I
Berele does not want to call it for Shabbos or that his father print, there is a picture of the
a Beit Chabad. Today, this is a works at a Chabad House; and Rebbe prominently displayed. We
fairly common phenomenon. this is important to me. dont hide the fact that we are
Here they call it Friendship Berele: I dont think its shluchim of the Rebbe. Its the
Circle, and things like that, and essential. The mekuravim, essence of our lives and we are
sometimes it seems the idea is to among themselves, refer to it moser nefesh for it.
hide the fact that we are Chabad. as a Beit Chabad. Just a few Do you see a difference
Soup kitchens and other things minutes ago, a mekureves asked between the outreach done with
like that are opened Im not me when the Chabad House is students in Eretz Yisroel and
saying whats right and what open today. That means they abroad?
isnt right but to us, the fact know and understand that this Berele: Yes. I have a national-
that we call it a Chabad House is a Chabad House with Chabad religious friend here, an
has great significance. It says activities. But it has many other American, who traveled abroad
explicitly on the big building: Beis implications regarding the and wanted to spend Shabbos
Chabad Lubavitch. Sometimes character of certain activities that at a Chabad House. He looked
you need to employ an indirect you dont want to do under the for places to be on Friday
approach in order to reach other name of Chabad even though night and went to a meal at a
they are Lubavitcher activities of
Issue 1063 11
Chabad House. In Eretz Yisroel Concurrently, I think that that every detail, large and small.
he was used to a much more was the very idea of calling it Both of you are involved
conservative style and over there by another name to allow for with media in addition to your
he was taken aback by the more doing the type of programming student outreach work. How
open style. When he asked the necessary for this crowd. does that work?
shliach whether this was indeed Shraga: I dont agree. If there Shraga: Some shluchim dont
a Chabad House, the shliach said are things that cannot be done understand that an inseparable
this is the style here and it is, in under the name of Chabad, they part of their outreach includes
fact, different than other places. shouldnt be done. I agree with sending articles to newspapers
Shraga: There are answers you that the standards in Eretz and websites; it makes no
and guidance from rabbanim Yisroel are higher. There is a joke difference whether within Chabad
about what is permitted and that says, whats the problem with or out of Chabad. A shliach often
what is prohibited, and we act eating food with the rabbanut feels, I dont need to be one of
accordingly. I say the opposite, hechsher on planes going to Eretz those who runs after glory and
call it a Chabad House and stand Yisroel? Because its warmed sends in his pictures all the time.
behind it. Thats not an excuse, up with food with the mehadrin This is not correct for several
to not call it a Chabad House hechsher from abroad reasons. First, in the shliachs
and then do what you want. On I think there is a lack of city, the publicity begins not
the contrary, I think it should awareness on the part of before the event, but after. If
be called a Chabad House and it shluchim. In Eretz Yisroel there a shliach thinks hes going to
should maintain the appropriate are many things that are done start advertising before the Lag
standards worthy of the name. with greater consideration BOmer event, he is mistaken,
Berele: I still think that there for being particular about because the truth is that he
is a place for Chabad activities instructions of the Rebbe. Many starts advertising on Motzaei
that are not under the official people in America have no idea Lag BOmer about the next
name of Chabad. that there is a problem with the Lag BOmer. When he sends
Shraga: Then maybe you Israeli flag, for example. You an article and pictures to a
shouldnt do it altogether can see these flags at events and newspaper after every event, he
What is not suitable to be done dinners. Here, at our Chabad is starting the advertising for the
under the name of Chabad, is House, R Carlebach is well next years event.
not suitable altogether, and it is aware and he does not allow We see even within Chabad
not proper that Chabad is doing these kinds of compromises to how much the Rebbe invested
something like that and for a enter the Chabad House. himself in encouraging the
shliach to be doing it. Berele: Apropos to what publications of albums and
If you say Shmaya is a Chabad you said, I met someone in reports about the Lag BOmer
House, but we called it that Yerushalayim the other week who parades and Chanuka lightings.
because more people will come to did a lecture tour in communities We see that the Rebbe considered
a Chabad House called Shmaya, and at campus Chabad Houses in it very important to display these
I accept that. But if you say that the US. They let him speak about things and the Rebbe was very
you call it Shmaya because that Zionism, aliya etc., except for involved in the details.
enables you to do things that are one place where they didnt allow Shluchim often say that
not proper for a Chabad House it, R Carlebachs Chabad House. people within or outside of
to do, that is a problem! You are He was shocked to learn that the Chabad saw an article and
doing things that shouldnt be Rebbe says one does not need to decided to make a donation to
done?! make aliya in order to be a good them, as a result. Especially in
Berele: I think our standards Jew. the age of the internet, when I
are still very high, definitely Shraga: Abroad there is write an article about Purim, for
as compared to the openness more openness on the part of example, at the Chabad House,
abroad. Everything we do the students and, unfortunately, you never know whether a few
is done in consultation with also more openness on the part years down the line someone
mashpiim and with the spiritual of the shliach, which isnt always might do a search of the words
administration, and we dont proper. There is no such thing. Purim Chabad, and find our
make a move without them. Care must be taken regarding article. There are plenty of stories
12 4 Nissan 5777
who wanted to meet with me
because of that item.
We are very good at making sure that our
My involvement has changed message is always front and center. Now we
over time. I started writing for need to prove that behind this message are people who
Beis Moshiach and Chabadinfo,
and now my writing is mainly for are serious and who know what theyre talking about and
non-Chabad sources and even have a basis for what they say. Then people will want to
the general media that would not
be classified as religious. listen.
You also write on non-
Chabad forums about all sorts
to establish a place for yourself
of topics that dont necessarily
on the editorial pages or in the of the author, and everyone sees
have anything to do with
media in general, you must whos who, you ask yourself,
work at it, in the context of an what connection is there here
Berele: The Rebbe wrote to a actual job, and write about other to a Lubavitcher? True, it is not
number of people who thought things too, so that you will be a always easy, but I dont think my
that their writing was not columnist whose content is read job is to be involved in the media
influential, that they need to be and not only as someone who is to express views on other issues.
published wherever possible. Uri reacting. Can there be a Lubavitcher
Tzvi Greenberg and others got
Shraga: Im thinking of journalist?
answers from the Rebbe about
someone like Berke Wolf ah Shraga: If I would see Berele
who never wrote about secular setting out to become a journalist
How does writing on matters and wrote exclusively like others, getting involved in
subjects that have no direct about the Rebbe. Wherever he everything and using this position
connection to Judaism or went and worked, he expressed to put things in the press that
Chabad, pertain to a shliach? only the Rebbes viewpoint. In are usually frowned upon; or if
Berele: When there are any my work with the media I also I would see an article about the
controversies about religious work with journalists and I dont Rebbe, Moshiach, 770, etc. once
matters in Eretz Yisroel, you get involved with the dramas every ten or even a hundred
need to write about it and that take place in the world in articles, I would say it is worth it.
offer a response and position. general, nor in the frum world. But if I go to their world and Im
However, you also cannot just My only consideration is: what is just like everyone else, what was
be a commentator who writes our role. accomplished?
only opposing views and only Berele: Berke is one example, Berele: First, there is a
what believing Jews have to say but there is also the counter difference between a journalist
about every issue. If you want
Issue 1063 13
and someone who writes an undercover Lubavitchers. I hear I asked him to attend an
opinion column. I am not what hes saying, and Im not event of a Meshichist shliach.
involved at all today in writing saying its incorrect, but I dont Afterward, he told me: The truth
news articles; I just write an relate to it. is that I was at that event and I
opinion column. Second, Berele: I think that the saw how respectable it was and
the question is, what does it reality and communication today I view the message of the
mean to properly utilize your have changed so much since Meshichistim differently.
position? I can tell you that I Berke Wolfs time. Rabbi We are very good at making
have connections with all kinds Moshe Levinger used to be the sure that our message is always
of people on whom I have an spokesman for Gush Emunim. front and center. Now we need
influence through my writing He would send press releases to prove that behind this message
and I have a lot of things going saying here an encampment are people who are serious and
on with them behind the scenes. was started and there a tree who know what theyre talking
People tell me outright, its was planted. Then a group of about and have a basis for what
because of you that we look at young fellows came along that they say. Then people will want
the frum world, at Chabad, at operate like a well-oiled scoop to listen. When a person wants to
Meshichistim, differently. My machine, who strengthened ties hear the message, he is no longer
answer is, there are many things with journalists and that is how doing you a favor for listening
going on behind the scenes and they are getting their message out but actually comes with a desire
not only what you see up front. to the masses. Theres nothing to understand. The first thing he
Shraga: To love Meshichistim you can do; today it is impossible encounters is you, and he listens
is one thing, but if you were to to further ones agenda any other to you, and if you succeed in
decide to take this on as a full- way. touching him, he will also listen
fledged mission, and I think you What are your thoughts to the message.
have the abilities to do that, and about publicizing kabbalas Shraga: Im going to surprise
you would say to me, listen, I pnei Moshiach? you a little on this. I relate to
have the talent to be a journalist Berele: In our Chabad center, what Berele said. I made an
and instead of their taking we have the Rebbes picture and upsheren for my son and on the
someone else, I will be a reporter, the bold writing underneath: The invitation it said Yechi. My wife
thats something else. If this is only remaining avoda is kabbalas said, Whats this? What will an
a shlichus, I dont disagree with pnei Moshiach Tzidkeinu bpoel American who gets this invitation
that. mamash. People know what the make of it?
Today, we all know there is message is. People come to our I changed the wording to,
a lot of work that can be done place, which looks really nice and We want Moshiach now, and
in getting articles pulled, in which has shiurim and exciting of course, at the event, there was
withholding negative publicity. things going on, so they relate to Yechi, but it wasnt Yechi just as a
So maybe it is not necessary all of it. A journalist once came pronouncement, because Yechi as
to work in journalism but to me and when we were first a pronouncement is important to
in creating connections with getting acquainted he asked: those who know its significance.
journalists? Are you a Meshichist? He tried We proclaimed Yechi in front
Shraga: I look at it this way starting up with me about this. of the Rebbe and we know how
either hes wearing the hat I told him: You wont convince important it is, but you have to
of a Lubavitcher, like Berke, me and I wont convince you, so think what a mekurav will get
or he is someone who hides lets speak about it another time. from it. We need to convey a
his Lubavitcher hat and says, He said: You are the first message to him and sometimes,
I am hiding on the inside and Meshichist who isnt trying to We want Moshiach now is
fomenting a revolution from debate me on this. more extreme than writing Yechi
within. because he doesnt know what
I said: You know what I think,
Both are fine, but I relate Yechi is.
because it says so on my kippa.
more to the authentic Lubavitcher Now, what I need to do is prove Here, at the davening, at the
approach. The fact is that the first to you that Im normal. end of every tfilla, R Goodman
generation of Chabad spokesmen
He said: Wow, I get it... that
spoke as Lubavitchers and not as Continued on page 7
is indirect messaging.
14 4 Nissan 5777
By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon
Issue 1041 15
and interpreted a Talmudic teaching]: When a man seemingly breaking the chain of direct descendant from
gives seed first, a female is conceived. This alludes to Dovid HaMelech. So the question is asked, how can a
your mother. When a woman gives seed first, a male is descendant of the Tzemach Tzedek be Moshiach if he is
conceived. This refers to you. not a direct descendant of Dovid HaMelech?
The Mitteler Rebbe, the eldest son and successor of This question is addressed at length in the seifer Yechi
the Alter Rebbe, passed away on 9 Kislev 5588 (1827). HaMelech HaMoshiach (by Rabbi Shalom D. Volpo). In
Before the following Shavuos, the elder Chassidim brief, he suggests three points:
gathered in Lubavitch. Their goal was to persuade the 1. The Rebbe Rashab, also a direct
Mitteler Rebbes nephew and son-in-law, the Tzemach descendant of the Tzemach Tzedek, says clearly
Tzedek, who was then 38 years old, to accept the mantle (Toras Shalom pg. 176): At a farbrengen on Motzaei
of leadership. Among them was R. Peretz Chein, who Shabbos, 21 Kislev 5673, His candle will never
declared that he could prove from a teaching of the be extinguished; the light of the Baal Shem Tov
Sages that the Tzemach Tzedek should become the will constantly illuminate. Chassidus will, without
next Rebbe. He thereupon repeated the above teaching. a doubt, exist until the coming of Moshiach, for
Hearing it, the Tzemach Tzedek became very serious Dovid Melech Yisroel chai vkayam this was the
and replied, I accept. Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid and the Rebbe, and
The esteemed R. Hillel of Paritch then spoke up: so on, for we are of the seed of Dovid and we will
The chassidim want to hear Chassidus! continue until Moshiach. The Rebbe will take us all
The Tzemach Tzedek withdrew to his room. He soon out.
reappeared, wearing the white robe that he had inherited 2. There are many reasons to believe
from his grandfather, the Alter Rebbe, and delivered the that the father of the Tzemach Tzedek, Reb
above maamer, beginning with the words, Al Shelosha Shalom Shachna, was a direct descendant of Dovid
Dvarim Haolam Omed The world stands on three HaMelech.
things. 3. There are many proofs that to be
These words suddenly reminded some of the Moshiach, one does not actually have to be a
prominent elder Chassidim of what had seemed to be a direct descendant son after son from Dovid
mere passing comment of the Alter Rebbe a few decades HaMelech, and one who is a matrilineal descendant
earlier. They recalled that in 5553 (1793), they had been of Dovid HaMelech can also qualify to be Moshiach.
invited to his study to hear him deliver a maamer. At that One proof is from . We all know that
time, they noticed that his three-year-old grandson was the Gemara (Sanhedrin 98b) says, Says Rav: If
running around the room and playing with toy tfillin Moshiach is among the living, he is, for example,
that he had made out of potatoes. Whenever the cords Rabbeinu HaKadosh. This is despite the fact that
that served for toy straps got caught in the legs of the Tosafos (Sanhedrin 5a) brings down that Rabbeinu
table and chairs of the Alter Rebbe, he would unscramble HaKadosh says that he is a descendant of the
them for him. One of the elder Chassidim, seeing that daughter of Dovid.
the toddler was edging towards the Alter Rebbe while he The main thing is that as we prepare for 11 Nissan,
was in the midst of delivering his discourse, intended to which, being the birthday of the Rebbe, makes it our
help the little fellow untie his straps. birthday too, we must reflect as On ones birthday
Catching sight of the elder Chassid, the Alter Rebbe one should spend some time in seclusion, bringing to
said, Let him be: hes listening. You will yet know that mind recollections from the past and pondering over
hes listening. That comment was completely forgotten. them. As to those [of his bygone actions] that call for
But the maamer that the Tzemach Tzedek was now rectification or repentance, one should repent and rectify
repeating some 35 years later was the very maamer that them (HaYom yom 11 Nissan) on our Hiskashrus
they had heard long ago from the lips of the Alter Rebbe to the Rebbe and our dedication to The most recent
together with a little boy of three innovation in the work of shlichus: To receive our
As we are talking about the royal family, I want to righteous Moshiach in the true and complete
address a question that I have heard many people ask: Redemption.
We know that the Alter Rebbe is a direct descendant Rabbi Avtzon is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati
(son-after-son) of Dovid HaMelech (see introduction to and a well sought after speaker and lecturer. Recordings of his in-depth
HaYom yom) and that the Rebbe is a direct descendant shiurim on Inyanei Geula uMoshiach can be accessed at http://www.
of the Tzemach Tzedek. Yet, the Tzemach Tzedek
is a son of the daughter of the Alter Rebbe thus
16 4 Nissan 5777
Selected Halachos from the
One Minute Halacha project
By HaRav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Shlita
Mara Dasra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights
Issue 1063 17
hile more than
twenty-five years
have passed since
the following story
took place, each time Mrs. Ester
Rochberger of Rishon LTziyon
recalls the events, her emotions
are rekindled. So it was when we
asked to hear from her first-hand
about the miracle experienced by
her son, Shneur Zalman. Her voice
filled with emotion as she told her
story, recalling those days with the
utmost clarity.
Ill never forget the look of
total shock on the face of the
head of the hospitals childrens
ward, Professor Yitzchak
Winograd. For several long
minutes he explained to the
accompanying medical interns
about my sons serious condition
and the lengthy period of
rehabilitation still awaiting him.
Yet, quite incredibly, when the
moment came to examine him,
the doctor was positively stunned.
Everything had vanished as if it
had never been there.
THEIR APARTMENT there didnt appear to be any passed by the Rebbe for dollars
For several months since real solution on the horizon. distribution, he should request a
his birth, Shneur Zalman had As he reached the age of two, I blessing for our son as well, and
suffered from a troublesome considered registering him for so he did. My husband submitted
case of bronchitis that never nursery school. However, I knew the names of numerous people in
seemed to leave him. Twenty- that if his condition remained need of personal salvation and a
five years ago, they didnt know as it was, while he would be bracha, giving special mention to
how to treat this ailment as registered in nursery school, he our son.
they do today, recalled Mrs. would end up spending most of The fact is that since my
Rochberger. Every time that I his time at home. husbands return to Eretz Yisroel,
came to see the pediatrician, she As with all important there had been a significant
would write out a prescription for matters in our lives, I wrote a improvement in our childs
antibiotics. While the medications letter to the Rebbe. This was condition. In addition, three days
helped to improve his condition, in mid-5751, and I asked the before Rosh Hashanah we were
they regrettably lasted only for Rebbe for a bracha that our son privileged to find in our mailbox a
a brief period and the illness should become healthy and his reply from the Rebbe to a request
chv returned. Thus, the child coughing should stop. Several for a bracha that I had sent:
endured this disorder until the months later, in late Tammuz, my Their PaN from June 19 has
age of twenty-two months. He husband flew to Beis Chayeinu. been received, and it will be read
would cough incessantly and I asked him that when he at an auspicious hour at the
18 4 Nissan 5777
By Nosson Avraham
Translated by Michoel Leib Dobry
Tziyon of my holy and revered preparations, we read the leading to his room. My maternal
father-in-law, the Rebbe, of holy letter once and placed it in the instincts told me that this wasnt
and righteous memory, his soul bundle of correspondences our just the standard cry of a small
rests in the hidden treasures of family had been privileged to child. It sounded low and weak,
Heaven, may his merit protect receive from the Rebbe over and I realized that something was
us. the years. Implementing the bothering him.
At the conclusion of the Rebbes instructions to check It turned out that I wasnt
letter, the Rebbes secretary the mezuzos was postponed until wrong. When I came over to his
added in the Rebbes name: It after Yom tov. bed and touched his forehead,
would be proper to check the On the first night of Rosh I felt that he was burning
mezuzos in their apartment, to Hashanah, our Shneur was with fever. I quickly took his
be certain that all of them are happy and cheerful. We were temperature and was stunned
halachically fit if they havent overjoyed by the prospect that he to see that it was over 104F. I
been checked in the last twelve would finally be able to enjoy his realized that this was a matter
months. life as any normal child. of pikuach nefesh. Wasting no
However, this feeling time, I closed my Thillim and
A SUDDEN AND didnt last very long. On the rushed him to the special health
morning of the second day of clinic kept open on Yom tov for
SURPRISING INFECTION emergency situations. The clinic
Rosh Hashanah, I heard him
Due to the hectic holiday crying and I climbed the stairs opened at ten oclock in the
Issue 1063 19
20 4 Nissan 5777
Express service
Fully Computerized
Just as the moon becomes full after 15
days and begins to wane thereafter, so
too the Davidic dynasty, after fifteen kings
had descended from Dovid, sovereignty
diminished in the days of Tzidkiyahu; only
a glimmer of it remained Rabban Gamliel
in Bavel and the Nasi in Eretz Yisroel.
But then their reign will be renewed and
continue. * From Chapter Fourteen of
Rabbi Shloma Majeskis Likkutei Mekoros,
Volume 2. (Underlined text is the compilers
Gemara Sanhedrin 38a: Yehuda and Chizkiya, the office he held, Rebbi exclaimed, My children,
the sons of Rebbi Chiya, once sat at table with you throw thorns in my eyes!
Rebbi [Yehuda HaNasi], and uttered not a word. At this, R. Chiya remarked, Master, be not
Rebbi said to his servants: Give the young men enraged, for the numerical value of the letters that
plenty of strong wine, so they may be more inclined spell yayin-wine is seventy and that of sod-secret
to speak. When the wine took effect, they began is also seventy, teaching that when wine is imbibed,
to speak, saying: Ben Dovid [i.e., Moshiach] will secrets emerge.
not come until the two ruling houses of the Jewish
Maharsha: Ben Dovid will not come until
people come to an end namely, the Exilarchate
when wine is imbibed, secrets emerge: This
in Babylon (Rosh Gola ShBBavel) and the
concept is explained in terms of the Mitzva of
Patriarchate (Nasi) in Eretz Yisroel as it is written,
ibbur hachodesh (sanctifying the new month) and
And it shall be for a portent and a bludgeoning
what is said in the second chapter of Meseches
stone and for a rock upon which to stumble for the
Rosh HaShana [25a]: Rebbi Chiya once saw the
two houses of Yisroel (Yeshayahu 8:14).
moon in the heavens on the morning of the twenty-
Upon hearing the prediction of the demise of ninth day [which was a sign that the new moon
22 4 Nissan 5777
what you have seen], Dovid King of
and send me the Rebbi agonized over the Yisroel is alive and
watchword, Dovid well that after
demise of his rule, and
king of Israel is the cessation of the
alive and well [see Rebbi Chiya told him, Master, be Nesius, the Davidic
Thillim 89:38]. not enraged, for in virtue of wine is dynasty will be
The intent here renewed and the glory
imbibed, the secret of the ibbur (the of Dovid will sprout
with the choice of
watchword is to liken sanctification of the new month) will forth. Rebbi therefore
the new moon to the emerge ... the idea that the Davidic told Rebbi Chiya,
Davidic dynasty, as Go to Ein Tav and
dynasty will be renewed, along with sanctify the month.
stated in Midrashos
that just as the the preeminence of the family of the The reference to Ein
moon becomes full Tav (literally, good
Nsiim, speedily in our days.
after 15 days and eye) emphasizes that
begins to wane it is actually a siman
thereafter, so too the tov, a positive sign.
Davidic dynasty, after fifteen kings had descended Thus, the Gemara here in Sandhedrin states,
from Dovid, sovereignty diminished in the days of Ben Dovid will not come until the two ruling
Tzidkiyahu; only a glimmer of it remained Rabban houses in Yisroel come to an end the houses of
Gamliel in Bavel and the Nasi in Eretz Yisroel. Rabban Gamliel and the Nasi. For after the Davidic
The moon gradually wanes from the fifteenth day, rule will be totally eliminated like the moon after
shrinking until it disappears completely, but then fifteen days, when it is completely diminished it
it is [reborn and] renewed with light. So too, after will then be renewed like the rebirth of the moon.
the Davidic dynasty totally disappears after even Rebbi agonized over the demise of his rule, and
the rule of Rabban Gamliel in Bavel and the Nasi in Rebbi Chiya told him, Master, be not enraged,
Eretz Yisroel have died out then their reign will be for in virtue of wine is imbibed, the secret of the
renewed [and continue]. ibbur (the sanctification of the new month) will
To that end, since the concealment of the emerge from them [from Yehuda and Chizkiya], the
moon was to Rebbi, who was Nasi, a sign that his idea that the Davidic dynasty will be renewed, along
leadership would end, he did not want to [be the one with the preeminence of the family of the Nsiim,
to] say, Go and hide yourself! [despite the benefit speedily in our days.
Issue 1063 23
24 4 Nissan 5777
Issue 1063 25
uring the Shiva for her children on the path of Torah Following a special request
their father, R Yosef and mitzvos. from the Rebbe, a group of
Yitzchok and R Maybe it was because of these bachurim was sent from Lud
Menachem Mendel activities that R Eli received a to Haifa which included Eli.
Lipsker went to daven at the bottle of mashke or wine, now On Shabbos 5716, a group of
Reines shul (in the Oholei Torah and then, from the Rebbe, when shluchim visited Eretz Yisroel.
mesivta building on Troy Avenue) he went by for kos shel bracha. He They were sent by the Rebbe
where their father, R Eli Lipsker, did not ask for it, but the Rebbe following the terrorist attack in
davened in recent decades. would occasionally give it to him. Kfar Chabad, and they promoted
One of the people there, R Leibel Groner, who went to the importance of visiting the
today a learned Chassid with a console the family, told them that Rebbe to Anash and the Tmimim.
Chassidishe family, told them he heard the Rebbe refer to R Eli The shluchims visit made a
emotionally: There are many as, My baal menagen. deep impression on Alter Shneur
others like me here in shul who Zalman, his older brother, and he
are part of the Chabad family, but decided to go to the Rebbe. When
FROM KUTAIS TO LUD he told his father, he had him take
thirty years ago, when we made
our first steps toward Chabad R Eli Lipsker was born on Eli along.
and did not know the difference 21 Sivan in 1940 in Kutais. He
between a Chumash and a was the sixth child of Aryeh Zev
Likkutei Torah, it was your father (Leibel) and Malka. In Kutais,
the Lipsker children did not go Since they had no visas for the
who was mekarev us. On Shabbos
to public school. They learned United States, after receiving the
he learned Likkutei Torah with us
Torah in the attic which served as Rebbes bracha it was decided that
and during the week he guided us
the secret schoolhouse. R Leibel they would go via France where
in how to integrate into Chassidic
hired a private teacher for his they would spend time under
children who came every day to the influence of the mashpia,
R Eli gave a shiur in Torah R Nissan Nemanov, until they
teach them.
Ohr and Likkutei Torah until the obtained the necessary papers.
final weeks of his life. When I Eli was nine years old when
he arrived in Eretz Yisroel. The In the middle of the winter
went to the house to be menachem
Lipsker family was taken to an 5717, the brothers, Shneur
avel, his sons showed me a pile of
immigrant hostel in Beer Yaakov Zalman and Eli, sailed to
big papers on which R Eli had
and a few days later, R Leibel Marseilles and from there took a
printed the maamarei Chassidus
took his sons to the yeshiva on train to Brunoy, a suburb of Paris,
in magnified print so he could
Rechov HaRav Kook 16 in Tel arriving there on 15 Shvat. They
continue giving the shiur even
Aviv. It was the night of 19 Kislev went to the yeshiva and studied
when his eyesight was weakening.
and a farbrengen was taking place Nigleh and Chassidus. Their
During the Shiva, a broad documents arrived in the summer
with the elder mashpiim and
range of people, who were drawn but they did not have money for
leaders of the Chabad community
to Chabad thanks to him, came to the ship.
in Tel Aviv.
be menachem avel. Some of them
On Motzaei 20 Kislev, Eli had a beautiful voice and
were familiar to the family since
yeshiva began and the older boys he davened for the amud. He
they were also regular guests in
remained in Tel Aviv to learn while considered staying in France for
R Elis open home. A woman
Eli, the younger one, returned to Tishrei 5718 and being a chazan
came who emotionally said that
Beer Yaakov with his father. After on the Yomim Noraim and
if not for our fathers listening to
a while, R Leibel worked to open using the money he earned to
her, she would not be in the frum
a school in Lud, and the Lipsker buy two tickets, for himself and
world today. He saved her and
children were brought back from his brother. When the Chassid,
her three children. She said that
Tel Aviv in order to be the first R Yisroel Noach Blinitzky heard
our home was the only place that
students. The heads of the yeshiva about this, he adamantly opposed
welcomed her as she was, even
were Rabbi Meilich Kaplan, later the plan. You need to be with the
during the difficult situations she
the rav of the Chabad community Rebbe for Tishrei, he said. In
was in, said the son, R Mendy.
in Lud, and Rabbi Lazer order to demonstrate his sincerity
He remembered that period well
Gurewitz, the son of the famous he paid for their tickets, just so
and was very happy to see her and
Chassid, R Itche der Masmid. that they could be by the Rebbe
26 4 Nissan 5777
Issue 1063 27
the Rebbe saw the potential in that was originally from Poland. come up with a musical idea for
me and wanted me to contribute Remaining frum was not a given the Lag BOmer parade. I said
to the dissemination of Chassidic in those days in America. Her I would try to make a childrens
music in the world. father, R Moshe Buchtman, band with drums and it worked.
A short while later, young Eli was a rabbi in the Bronx where The Rebbe greatly encouraged
was called to the yeshiva office many Jews lived in those days. R the drummers. When we passed
where he was asked whether he Altein, who was Rabbi Jacobsons by the Rebbe, you could see how
needed financial assistance to son-in-law, opened a school for pleased he was. Several times the
continue his studies. Eli, who was girls and Leah was one of the Rebbe asked that the children
always particular about not taking first students. Later on, she went and I be called to do another
handouts, declined and willingly to Bais Yaakov in Brooklyn. round with the drums to add to
forwent the money they offered. When my grandparents the simcha.
From his perspective, the main had yechidus with the Rebbe Today, just about every Lag
thing was to remain a Tamim in at the time of my parents BOmer parade around the world
yeshiva and to be able to combine wedding, said R Mendy, they has drummers. Most people dont
this with studying music with the told the Rebbe about the family know that the one who came up
hanhalas approval. background. It turned out there with the idea was R Eli Lipsker.
At that time, his father arrived had been some close connection Having drummers at the
to visit his sons learning in 770. at some point between my parade was just one of his many
He heard that his son had started mothers family and the Rebbes musical initiatives. R Eli was a
studying music and he was family. pioneer of Chabad music in the
apprehensive about his spiritual The Lipsker couple previous generation, whether
future. At first, everyone was maintained a home of hospitality with his work on the Seifer
afraid I would go off the derech. and chesed, like he saw in his HaNiggunim, recording the
The hanhala of the yeshiva was parents home in Lud. Until Chabad nusach for the Yomim
afraid and my parents were afraid today, the Lipsker home is known Noraim, Shabbos and Yom
too. But after hearing that the in Crown Heights by numerous Tov, with his many concerts
Rebbe approved, they were no guests as an open house. In and the forgotten niggunim that
longer nervous and they even Tishrei, they had hundreds of he recorded for the younger
warmed to the idea. guests whom R Eli welcomed generation.
At a certain stage, I began graciously and with open delight. All along, R Eli merited warm
writing to the Rebbe and reporting My mother loves to cook and and close attention from the
to him about my progress in my she prepares huge meals for the Rebbe, both in his personal life
music studies, and the Rebbe guests. People are always coming and with his music. Before going
was very supportive. The Rebbe in and out, says Mendy. Last to big concerts, I would have
acknowledged what I was doing Sukkos, my father did not feel yechidus. One time, the Rebbe
and it was obvious that he was well. He was physically limited told me, At concerts you need
happy with my choice. At the and could not walk, so we built a to interact and have a rapport
same time, I continued learning small sukka for him on the porch. with the audience. That was a
in yeshiva. I studied for smicha But as Sukkos approached, this special guidance that I received
and shchita. I never shechted an bothered him and he asked us regarding my profession.
animal but I have the certificate to build a big sukka in the yard On countless occasions,
that I studied the laws of shchita. like we did every year, for the R Eli served as chazan in the
After that, I had nothing to do guests. Rebbes presence. Usually, on
with shchita. When I finished Chanuka there would be a rally
learning, I received the Rebbes THE FIRST DRUMMERS for children. I would perform
blessing to get married and with a band and the Rebbe would
establish a Jewish home.
stand facing us and encourage
R Eli began his musical the singing.
HOSPITALITY career as a yeshiva bachur. He
Sometimes, at a farbrengen,
R Eli married Leah the Rebbe would ask someone
In 5720/1960, when I was to sing a niggun. One time, the
Buchtman in 5723. She was
still in yeshiva, they asked me to Rebbe said, Lipsker is here; he
from a religious, American family
28 4 Nissan 5777
Issue 1063 29
of the refugees are met and they are
Right from the beginning of its creation, the
resettled in Chabad communities
Lubavitch Hassidic movement distinguished itself across the world. This work was
done with the financial aid of
by the fact that its followers were guided to apply
the American Joint Distribution
and practice religious prescriptions in every detail Committee.
of life * If the Gruzian Jews have maintained their However, Lubavitch wasnt
satisfied just with providing
Jewish identity and strong religious feelings and material support for the refugees,
practices in spite of over 50 years of Communist and immediately set out to create
an infrastructure of Chabad
propaganda and persecution, I am convinced organizations to spread the light
that this is the result of the great efforts invested of Judaism wherever it may be
needed. Rabbi Gorodetsky was
by Rabbi Levitin * The majority of Shochtim in in charge of developing Chabad
England, France, Italy, the Scandinavian countries activities in Europe, the Middle
East and North Africa.
and Belgium are former students of our Yeshivot In this weeks installment we
* When the Aliyah from Morocco was very high, present a series of documents
from 5736 (1975-1976) which
there was a consensus of opinion by all concerned detail just part of the tremendous
that the youth coming from our institutions in that work that he was directing in
Europe and North Africa at the
country are the best element * This is obviously a time, specifying the various cities
very succinct description of our activities overseas, where Shluchim were operating
and their institutions which were
since otherwise it would require hundreds of sponsored by the JDC.
pages * What Does Lubavitch Do? These documents reference
over sixty years that Chabad
worked hand-in-hand with the
JDC, starting from World War I
n the aftermath of World appointed Rabbi Binyamin
when the JDC sent money to the
War II, the Frierdiker Rebbe Eliyahu Gorodetsky to lead the
famed Mashpia Rabbi Shmuel
established the Lubavitch organization; the organization was
Levitin who was then in Georgia
European Bureau and tasked with ensuring that all needs
30 4 Nissan 5777
Issue 1063 31
their background and Toranic communities all over Europe and activities overseas, since
education, were appointed a certain number was sent to otherwise it would require
as Rabbis, teachers, scribes, Israel. hundreds of pages. However
Shochtim and Chazanim in Our activities in France I believe that even so it shows
our various religious-cultural served also as a springboard for clearly the positive role played
institutions created in those years our similar activities in other by our movement in maintaining
and which have since become countries, like Israel, Morocco, and strengthening the religious
famous all over Europe, like the Tunisia, the City of Melilla, spirit and Jewish values among
Yeshivah at Brunoy, the Bet- Madrid, Italy, Turkey, the Jews in Europe, North Africa and
Rivka Teachers Seminary for Scandinavian countries and even other countries.
Girls and the Bet-Rivka School Australia. In all these countries I wish to conclude by
for Girls at Yerres, a chain of we carried on and still carry on emphasizing once again that
Talmudei-Torah and day-schools in most of them religious-cultural the success obtained in our
in Paris and its suburbs as well and social activities (in Israel tremendous work in the various
as in the larger provincial cities also vocational training at Kfar- countries was due mainly to
of France, like Lyon, Marseille, Chabad) which include Yeshivot, the assistance and sympathetic
Toulouse and Nice. Talmudei-Torah, all-day schools attitude and understanding on
I believe the following two for boys, Bet-Rivka Schools for the part of the JDC leadership
facts, among others, will illustrate Girls, Youth Centers and Student towards our organization during
both the kind of our work and Centers with a Kosher restaurant all these years, for what I am
our close cooperation with the in Madrid. In addition, our truly and deeply grateful.
JDC: former Yeshivah students who Grand Rabbi B. Gorodetzki
1. In 1948 the Irish emigrated to such countries like Director-General for Europe,
Government made the JDC a Canada, England, Italy, Norway, Israel and North Africa
gift of 3 million pounds of meat Sweden, etc., hold responsible
to be distributed among Jews in jobs as religious functionaries
the DP camps and in Israel. In in those communities and the THE LIST
this connection there arose the majority of Shochtim in England, Attached to the memo was a short
problem of finding Shochtim and France, Italy, the Scandinavian two-page list of all the educational
Rabbis to handle the Kashrut of countries and Belgium are former activities under the auspices of
this large quantity of meat. The students of our Yeshivot. Rabbi Gorodetsky (aside for the Aid
JDC then entrusted us with this It should also be noted that to Russia program, which was kept
gigantic job, and I organized a during the early 1950s, when off the books for obvious reasons),
group of 50 Rabbis and Shochtim the Aliyah from Morocco was which were sponsored by the JDC:
who went to Ireland for this very high, there was a consensus PRESENT RELIGIOUS-
purpose. Moreover, I used this of opinion by all concerned CULTURAL AND SOCIAL
opportunity to send with them a that the youth coming from our ACTIVITIES OF THE
number of Yeshivah students to institutions in that country are LUBAVITCH MOVEMENT
learn the profession of Shechita. the best element and that their WITH JDC FINANCIAL
2. In 1949 or 1950 the JDC integration in Israel was much ASSISTANCE
received some 1,200 Sifrei-Torah easier than that of other Jews FRANCE
from Germany, which the Nazis from Morocco. 1. Yeshivah at Brunoy with
had confiscated from Jews all full board and lodging, including
over Europe. Again it was our PUBLICATIONS a school for Shochtim 88
scribes who were charged with students.
Our activities in France
the task of examining these Sifrei- 2. Bet-Rivka Teachers
include also publication of
Torah with regard to Kashrut Seminary for Girls at Yerres,
books and booklets in French on
and, if necessary, make the with full board and lodging 68
religious topics for the French
needed corrections since there students.
speaking countries in Europe, for
were no other scribes available in
North Africa, Canada and up to 3. Bet-Rivka Primary and
Europe in those days. Their work
recently also for Lebanon. Secondary all-day school for
enabled the JDC to distribute
these Sifrei Torah among Jewish This is obviously a very girls at Yerres with full board and
succinct description of our lodging 102 students.
32 4 Nissan 5777
Issue 1063 33
HAVE NACHAS By Devorah Leah
34 4 Nisan
for him to see the Rebbe speech and Adina sat there
Mr. Brody asked him if he
94.indd 2
Continued from page 17 the conclusion of the search until be extremely careful not to introduce
after Pesach. One room must be left chametz to the office following his
EARLY BDIKAS CHAMETZ unsearched, so that a search can be search.
It is permissible to begin conducted in that room on the night If one cleans a room from
although not complete the mitzvah of the fourteenth, with a blessing. chametz with the intention of
of bdikas chametz earlier than Here is a practical example of storing his Pesach items there, it is
the night of the 14th of Nisan. such a scenario: One intends to enter wise to wait until the night after he
Regardless of the date of the search, his office during Pesach. In that has cleaned it to conduct a search
it must be conducted during night case, the office cannot be included for chametz by either candlelight
hours and a candle must be used. in the sale of chametz. It must be or the use of an electric flashlight,
In such a case, a blessing is not cleaned and searched instead, but he and not to rely on the search that
recited, and care must be taken does not need to wait until the night he will conduct on the night of the
to avoid introducing any chametz of the fourteenth; he can search it fourteenth. He can then introduce
into the searched area following earlier, as explained above. He must his Pesach items.