Black Belt Cerficaon

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Black Belt Cercaon

A whole new world of opportunies

Inspiring Minds, Facilitang Excellence

All About Black Belt
Black Belt
Program Objecves
The Black Belt cercaon program provides an advanced coverage of the Six
provides hands-on experience
Sigma methodology. The Black Belt training course provides not only the
praccal knowledge but also hands-on experience applying these tools on on real-world problems.
real-world problems. By the end of the program, candidates would be ready to
solve complex business problems using Six Sigma methodology.

Training Methodology
The program starts with a half day refresher on Green Belt tools and techniques.
Training methodology includes Lectures, Q/A, Small Group Discussions, Review
Sessions, Exercises, Tests, Hands-on praccal problems, Demonstraon, Case
Study, Live or Video Demonstraon, Simulaon, Role Playing, Teaching Others,
Guided Pracce with Feedback, Brainstorming, Problem Solving and Arcle

Case Studies, pracce quesons, data for exercises and pracce projects are
provided to all parcipants on the rst day of the training. Team exercises are
used throughout the workshop.

The Benchmark Six Sigma training format provides ample pracce in three ways
. Before training by the use of Pre- Course material provided by email on
. Between part 1 and part 2 of the training ulizing pracce exercises.
. During training with the help of two simulated pracce projects.
Why Choose
Course Duraon Benchmark Six Sigma ?
The course duraon of the Black Belt program is six days. The rst part of the . Most experienced and respected trainers
training (three days) covers Dene, Measure, and Analyze phases. Parcipants
and consultants.
are provided pracce quesons to use before they aend the second phase. . More than 10,000 Belts trained.
The second part covers improve and control phases. Praccal exercises are
. Highest recognion and respect across
completed at the end of each day to reinforce the concepts covered during the
day. Both the phases of training are usually held on Friday-Saturday-Sunday to sectors.
minimize disrupon to work schedules.
. Updated programs with latest inputs.
. Unique training and facilitaon
methodology with Mulsensory impact.
Pre-requisites . Complete Range of programs up to
The pre-requisite for aending a Benchmark Six Sigma Black Belt program is Master Black Belt Training.
compleon of a globally accepted Green Belt training. Compleon of a Green . Regular programs in eight cies.
Belt project prior to the Black Belt training is not mandatory. A good number of . Programs since 2001 with the best
parcipants are able to carry out their rst Six Sigma project as a Black Belt
trainer retenon.
. Unique aer training support through
very acve web based forum and group
Cercaon Requirements acvies.
On the last day of the training, there is a 150 queson mulple-choice exam . Unique aer training support through
that lasts 4 hours. The quesons on the nal exam include material that is covered in chat sessions with Master Black Belts.
all phases of the training. All parcipants who get an overall score of greater than . Project compleon support and
70% will receive a cercate that indicates that they are cered based on cercaon at no addional cost.
examinaon. . Conducted only by trainers with
An addional Project Compleon cercate can be achieved by candidates who cross-industry implementaon and
complete a valid Black Belt project and submit a project report within 3 years of leadership experience.
compleng the training program. This cercate will indicate that the candidate is . Six Sigma and Lean Implementaon
cered based on examinaon and compleon of one project. (oponal) follow-up with powerful Top/
Senior Management Workshops within
All project cercates are valid for a period of three years. Candidates will have to
submit evidence of project compleon or connuing educaon to get recered
. Recruitment & job support for
every three years.
companies and individuals.
Benchmark Six Sigma Black Belt Content Outline

If you compare Benchmark Six

Sigma Black Belt program
course contents with those
oered by other leading
providersyou will nd that
Benchmark coverage is same or
beer. The advantage is how the
material is covered by focusing
on the praccal knowledge that
is directly applicable to

real-world situaons.

Project Leadership Analyze Phase

. Leadership roles & responsibilies . Hypothesis tesng (Null & Alternate, Types of Errors, P values,
. Organizaonal roadblocks & how to address them Sample Sizes)
. Deploying Six Sigma in an organizaon . Relaonship between variables (Regression, Logisc Regression)
. Tests of means, variances, and proporons (t-Tests, ANOVA,
Chi-Square etc)
Manage Projects . Idenfy and handle non-normal data (Non-Parametric Tests)
. Benchmarking and replicaon . Lean tools and techniques to analyze data (5 Whys)
. Planning tools & me management
. Financial measures (NPV, IRR, Benets)
Improve Phase
. Idea generaon (Brainstorming, Creave Thinking)
Coaching Projects . Design of experiments and analysis (Full & Fraconal Factorial
. Team facilitaon (Team Stages) Designs)
. Team performance evaluaon and reward . Failure modes and eects analysis
. Project tracking . Implementaon of improved process
. Lean tools to improve (Kaizen, Waste Eliminaon, Kaizen)
Change Management
. Idenfy resistance to change Control Phase
. Implement a plan to counter resistance . Stascal process control (IMR, Xbar-R, C, U, P, NP Charts)
. Stakeholder management . Lean tools for control (TPM, Visual Factory)
. Sustain improvements (Control Plan, Lessons Learned,
Dene Phase . Financial reviews & validaon (Hard and So Benets)
. Voice of the customer (Survey Methods, Analysis of
Survey Results)
. Project charter Enterprise View
. Idenfy owners and stakeholders . Integraon of Lean and Six Sigma
. Project risk analysis . Six Sigma and Project Management
. Dierences between DMAIC & DFSS
Measure Phase
. Process mapping & analysis (SIPOC, Funconal Deployment
Maps, VA/NVA Analysis)
. Data types & collecon plan (Connuous & Discrete, Sampling)
. Measurement systems analysis (Connuous & Aribute) Our Six Sigma programs are not just about learning
. Basic stascs & process capability analysis (DPU, DPMO, DMAIC methodology. Importantly, they are about
learning scienc decision making techniques which
Sigma Level, CP/CPK, PP/PPK)
are extremely useful even if you are not doing a six
sigma project.
Paral List of Clients

Here is What
our past parcipants
say about Black Belt

I liked the explanaon on DMAIC along

with usage of tools and methods at
each of the steps. Very eecve and
simple way to get acquainted with six
sigmas concepts and methodology.
-Alain Comparet, CEO, Schneider

The best course to achieve customer

sasfacon and breakthrough
performance improvement.
- Y. Subrahmanyam, GM, Apollo

The Benchmark Six Sigma Black Belt

training and cercaon program is
comprehensive and well presented
with lucid lectures, various relevant
examples, focus groups for dierent
industries and a detailed treatment of
stascal methods which makes for a
valuable learning experience.
- Rajesh Sampathkumar, Asst.
Manager - Engineering Consultant,
Larsen & Toubro

One of the most interesng workshops

I have ever aended. The clarity of
concepts and their applicaon is very
well covered throughout the training.
Denitely recommend the course.
- Sudhi Snha Varshney, Manager-
Process Management, HDFC Life

I appreciate the in-depth knowledge of

the Instructor and his communicaon
- Rajeev Dua, Director, Sun

Training and course material were

to look things dierently.

- Niladri Shekhar Dua, Senior
Consultant, Price Water House

excellent. The trainer's concept and
clarity was remarkable and helped me

About Benchmark Six Sigma
Founded in 2001, Benchmark Six Sigma leads the change management workshops
in India, Benchmark ulizes a wide variety of management techniques that have
evolved over centuries to help client organizaons and professionals address
challenges and chart extra-ordinary growth paths.
Benchmark workshops have evolved as Industry best oerings in two formats. In the
Want to see Six public workshops format, we oer globally recognized programs with content and
Sigma success methodology that can be used in praccally any domain. In the customized
in-company workshops format, Benchmark is known for its ability to design and
stories in a specic deliver highly valuable programs with demonstrated applicability. Our in-company
industry or funcon? workshops are oered with or without consulng support.

While Benchmark has already iniated conduct of workshops in certain other parts
Visit Our Website of the world, years 2011 and 2012 are earmarked for iniaon of Benchmark programs in connents across the globe.

Benchmark has industry experience across 41 industry sectors.

. Explore jobs and gain . Recruit people for your

Benchmark Six Sigma compeve edge. Six Sigma team at no cost.
Job Portal Get short lisng support at
nominal fee.

Public Training Regional Oces

Level 14 & 15, Concorde Towers, Level 2, Raheja Centre Point,
UB City 1, Vial Mallya Road, 294 CST Road, Near Mumbai University,
Bangalore - 560001 O BandraKurla Complex,
Tel : +919343217449 Santacruz (E), Mumbai - 400 098
[email protected] Tel : +9193234 32233
[email protected]
Delhi/NCR Chennai Ci Centre, Level 6, 10/11, HYDERABAD
Dr.Radhakrishna Salai, Hyderabad Mid-Town
Ahmedabad Kolkata Chennai - 600 004 1st Floor, Mid Town Plaza
Tel : +919380615163 Road No. 1, Banjara Hills,
[email protected] Hyderabad - 500034
Mumbai Tel: +919391330353
Pune KOLKATA [email protected]
BF -144, Salt Lake City,
Sector -1,
Bangalore Kolkata - 700064
Phone: +9193310 04509
Chennai [email protected]


CORPORATE OFFICE SF 34, Ansal Fortune Arcade, Emirates Towers,Level 41,
Benchmark Six Sigma, The Corenthum Block K, Sector 18, Sheikh Zayed Road,
2714, Tower A, 7th Floor, A-41, Sector- 62, Noida - 201301 Dubai- UAE, PO Box 31303
Noida - 201301 Tel : +919810919501 Phone: +971 561442663
[email protected] [email protected]

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