Written Emotional Expression
Written Emotional Expression
Written Emotional Expression
nal or
of Consulting
Consulting and
and Clinic;
Clinical Psychology Copyright 1998 by the American Psychulugkal Association, Inc.
t. Vol.
il. 66.
66, No. 1.
1, 174-184 0022-006X/98/$3.00
Joshua M. Smyth
State University of New "fork at Stony Brook
A research synthesis was conducted to examine the relationship between a written emotional expres-
sion task and subsequent health. This writing task was found to lead to significantly improved health
outcomes in healthy participants. Health was enhanced in 4 outcome typesreported physical health,
psychological well-being, physiological functioning, and general functioningbut health behaviors
were not influenced. Writing also increased immediate (pre- to postwriting) distress, which was
unrelated to health outcomes. The relation between written emotional expression and health was
moderated by a number of variables, including the use of college students as participants, gender,
duration of the manipulation, publication status of the study, and specific writing content instructions.
Emotional expression has long been given a central role in the age, and re-employment status. That a brief, written emotional
study and practice of psychology. Both historically and recently, expression intervention can impact overall health (including
psychologists have cited the expression of emotions as vital psychological well-being, physical health, and general function-
for good mental and physical health, although the inhibition of ing ) over a number of months is certainly a controversial finding.
emotion was considered deleterious (e.g., Breuer & Freud, Interest in the topic has resulted in numerous articles in presti-
1895/1966; Grinker & Spiegel, 1945; Rachman, 1980; Scheff, gious journals (e.g., Esterling, Antoni, Fletcher, Marguiles, &
1979). More recently, there has been a growing body of litera- Schneiderman, 1994; Greenberg & Stone, 1992; Pennebaker,
ture suggesting that emotional expression has salutary health Colder, & Sharp, 1990) and lay publications (e.g., Pennebaker,
effects (e.g., Esterling, Antoni, Kumar, & Schneiderman, 1990; 1990).
Fawzy et al., 1993; Mumford, Schlesinger, & Glass, 1983; Mur- This emerging area seems especially important in light of the
ray, Lamnin, & Carver, 1989; Pennebaker & O'Heeron, 1984; fact that this finding has been applied on the basis of a small
Spiegel, Bloom, Kraemer, &Gottheil, 1989), whereas emotional number of studies. For instance, entering students at a major
inhibition has detrimental health effects (e.g., Florin, Freuden- university are routinely asked to perform this writing task (J.
berg, & Hollander, 1985; Goldstein, Edelberg, Meier, & Davis, Pennebaker, personal communication, October 2, 1995). Any
1988; Jamner, Schwartz, & Leigh, 1988; Jensen, 1987; Larson, number of people may be "self-prescribing" the writing task
1990). on the basis of lay reports and publications. American Health,
Expressive writing specifically has been used to promote good for instance, published articles titled "Writing your wrongs"
health in a number of controlled studies (Donnelly & Murray, (Pennebaker, 1991) and ' 'Writing off the unemployment blues''
1991; L'Abate, 1992; L'Abate, Boyce, Fraizer, & Russ, 1992; (Willensky, 1993), both lauding the benefits of emotional writ-
L'Abate, Boyce, Russ, & Bird, in press; Lange, 1994; Murray & ing. Furthermore, people may have an intense desire to express
Segal, 1994). A brief written emotional expression task devel- or discuss traumatic events, yet experience social constraints
oped by Pennebaker (e.g., Pennebaker & Beall, 1986) calls for that force them not to talk about it (Lepore, Silver, Wortman, &
experimental participants to write an essay that expresses their Wayment, 1996; Pennebaker & Harber, 1993). Written expres-
feelings about a traumatic experience in their life (e.g., "write sion may thus fill a very important nicheproviding a mecha-
about your deepest thoughts and feelings about a trauma"), nism of emotional expression in circumstances where interper-
whereas control participants write about innocuous topics (e.g., sonal expression is not viable.
"write about your plans for the day"). Studies using this para-
Originally, writing was conceptualized as allowing individu-
digm have examined differences between control and experi-
als to confront upsetting topics, reducing the constraints or inhi-
mental participants across a wide range of outcomes including
bitions associated with not talking about the event. The work
health center visits, affect, immune measures, grade point aver-
of inhibition (i.e., the cumulative physiological drain) was con-
sidered to cause and/or exacerbate stress-related disease pro-
cesses (Pennebaker, 1989). Although early work focused on the
I thank Paul Wortman, Arthur Stone, and Camille Wortman for their
central role of emotional expression (cf. Scheff, 1979), evi-
many insightful comments on this article.
dence suggests that emotional expression may be necessary, but
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Joshua
M. Smyth, Department of Psychiatry, South Campus, Putnam Hall No. is not sufficient, to produce positive change (Murray, Lamnin, &
133, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York, 11794- Carver, 1989; Pennebaker & Beall, 1986). More recently, Pen-
8790. Electronic mail may be sent to [email protected]. nebaker and others have suggested that emotional expression
edu. facilitates cognitive processing of the traumatic memory, which
leads to affective and physiological change (Pennebaker, 1989, tics, dose, essay content instructions, outcome type, and publica-
1993). Specifically, written emotional expression leads to the tion status (each of these is discussed below). Should the writ-
transduction of the traumatic experience into a linguistic struc- ing task prove effective at producing positive change, promising
ture that promotes assimilation and understanding of the event, research areas may be suggested by significant moderating vari-
and reduces negative affect associated with thoughts of the event ables. Such information can help determine the mechanism(s)
(Pennebaker, Mayne, & Francis, 1997). of action and will be important in the development of emotional
Past reviews of studies using this written emotional expres- writing interventions to be tested in future research.
sion task (e.g., Pennebaker, 1993) generally concluded that ex-
perimental participants are superior to controls on a variety of Method
measures over the next few months. These reviews, however,
have relied on the narrative method. Studies are grouped, the Literature Search
direction and significance of findings is noted, and overall con- Relevant articles were located through a computer search of Psycho-
clusions are subjectively drawn from the number and consis- logical Literature, PsycINFO (Psychological Abstracts), and Citation
tency of the findings. The recent advent of statistical methods Index. Various permutations of keywords were used from the following:
for the aggregation and examination of research literature, meta- emotion, expression, health, trauma, written, and writing. All articles,
analysis (Glass, 1976), or research synthesis (Cooper & as well as a recent review of this literature (Pennebaker, 1993), were
Hedges, 1994) provides a more objective process for evaluating used to perform a backward search of the references until no new articles
the size and significance of an effect. Research synthesis consists were found. This generated 11 articles. First authors of the published
of statistical methods for generating an effect size for each studies were requested to supply information on any other published or
unpublished articles on written emotional expression. Responses to these
observed between-group difference, classifies those effect sizes
letters generated an additional 8 articles: 5 unpublished manuscripts, 2
by domains (e.g., moderating variables), and quantitatively
dissertations, and 1 article in press. The total group of 19 articles was
combines and compares effect sizes across studies by domain
then examined to determine if they met the necessary inclusion criteria
(Cooper & Hedges, 1994; Hedges & Olkin, 1985; Rosenthal, for this review.
1984). The use of research synthesis to evaluate new interven-
tions, such as this writing task, has been advocated (see Yeaton,
Inclusion Criteria
Langenbrunner, Smyth, & Wortman, 1995) and is especially
warranted because there is now a sufficient number of experi- As this review specifically focused on the impact of the written emo-
mental studies to conduct such a synthesis instead of using tional expression manipulation developed by Pennebaker (Pennebaker &
subjective judgment (Wortman, Smyth, Langenbrunner, & Yea- Beall, 1986), all studies had to contain a variant on his original task.
ton, in press). The advantages of research synthesis over tradi- Only randomized experiments were included to achieve a more stable
estimate of overall effect size (Shadish & Ragsdale, 1996 ). Accordingly,
tional narrative reviews in evaluating the efficacy of psychologi-
each study had to meet the following criteria: (a) It had to contain an
cal, educational, and behavioral treatments have also been noted
experimental manipulation of written emotional disclosure; (b) experi-
(Lipsey & Wilson, 1993). mental participants had to write about traumatic topics, whereas control
Although prior reviews concluded that written emotional ex- participants had to write about neutral topics: (c) the study had to
pression produces positive outcomes across a variety of mea- contain some outcome measure of health, denned as mental, physical,
sures, a number of questions remain unanswered. What is the or general functioning; and (d) the study had to contain statistical infor-
effect size produced by the writing task? Although the diversity mation necessary to calculate an effect size. Following these criterion,
of outcomes studied suggests the possible breadth of the impact 13 studies were included for use in this review. Among those excluded
of the writing task, it is not clear if the effect size of the written were 5 articles typically cited in literature reviews and introduction
sections of articles in diis area. Esterling et al. (1990) was excluded
emotional expression task is clinically relevant. That is, does
because it had no control group. Four articles by Pennebaker were ex-
this manipulation have the potential to meaningfully affect well-
cluded: 2 because they did not involve written emotional expression
being, health, or general functioning? The role of moderating
(Pennebaker & Chew, 1985; Pennebaker, Hughes, & O'Heeron, 1987),
factors in the apparently salutary effects of written emotional and 2 because they lacked an experimental manipulation (Pennebaker &
expression has also not been examined. O'Heeron, 1984; Pennebaker & Susman, 1988). One unpublished article
The first goal of this article is to conduct a meta-analytic examining the effects of expressive movement and writing (Krantz &
review of the written emotional expression literature to evaluate Pennebaker, 1995) was excluded because it lacked an adequate control
the overall significance (either beneficial, no effect, or harmful) group and confounded written and physical expression. One study in-
and effect size of the brief writing task. Furthermore, the effect cluded in the research synthesis (Greenberg, Wortman, & Stone, 1996)
size will be examined across various outcome measures: psycho- had one experimental group who wrote about imaginary traumas (i.e.,
traumas they did not actually experience). As this was not representative
logical well-being, physical health, and more general function-
of the original written emotional expression task, this particular group
ing. The second goal of this article is to determine the moderat-
was excluded from analyses. (It should be noted that all included studies
ing factors through which the effect of this writing task may
used participants that were both physically and psychologically healthy.)
be attenuated or enhanced. For example, the effect of written
emotional expression may vary across sample characteristics
(college students vs. adult community sample), outcome type Coding Variables
(e.g., self-report vs. objective data), or by dose (how much The following variables were extracted from each study, on the basis
writing was done). The specific potential moderating variables of guidelines provided by Stock (1994): (a) Report information (au-
evaluated in this research synthesis are participant characteris- thors, country, language, year of study, source of study), (b) setting
information (sampling scope and population type), (c) participant infor- Moderating Variables
mation (Ns, social status, age, education, gender, minority representa-
tion), (d) treatment information (number of writing sessions, length of Participant characteristics. Many studies used college students as
each session, spacing of writing sessions, presence of a manipulation participants, a population that may not allow generalization of the ob-
check, trauma past/current/mixed), (e) methodological information (at- served effects. To evaluate the generalizability of the findings, studies
trition, outcomes), and ( f ) effect size information (statistic type, value, using student participants are compared to studies with community or
significance, direction). Health outcomes included those measured at other nonstudent samples. Few studies have reported testing for gender
least 1 month postwriting, and short term effects were measured as pre- and age differences, although the process or meaning of written disclo-
to postwriting task differences. All coding was initially performed by sure (e.g., willingness to disclose) may differ across gender, age, or both.
me, following a precise codebook. This codebook was used by two Consequently, both mean age and gender ratio are tested as moderating
additional raters to recode all studies, yielding a range of agreement variables.
from 82 to 100% across all variables, with a mean agreement rate of Dose. The studies using a written emotional expression task vary
93%. Any observed differences between the raters was discussed by all somewhat in the length, number, and duration of the writing sessions,
three raters until consensus was reached and that code was used. ranging from a single 20-min session to one such session per week for
4 weeks. If the writing intervention functions on a dose-response curve,
longer writing sessions or more sessions should increase the effect. The
duration of the intervention (i.e., the time from the first to the last writing
Extrapolating Effect Sizes
session) may also moderate the effect, although it is not clear a priori
if extending the duration (also increasing the time between sessions)
As the studies included in this review reported a variety of inferential
would intensify or dilute any effect.
statistics, all results were transformed into Cohen's d as the measure of
Essay content characteristics. The relation of experimental partici-
effect size. Cohen's d is a standardized mean difference estimate
pants to the trauma they are to write about has also been varied. Studies
(Hedges, 1981). The majority of transformations and analyses were
have called for participants to write about the most traumatic event in
performed using the software DSTAT (Johnson, 1990). Transformations
their life (e.g., Greenberg & Stone, 1992), ongoing traumatic events
and analyses not performed by this software were performed following
(e.g., Pennebaker, Colder, & Sharp, 1990), or either past or ongoing
procedures described in Cooper and Hedges (1994). In cases where an
traumas (e.g., Francis & Pennebaker, 1992). If the effects of writing
effect was noted as nonsignificant, but no other inferential or descriptive
are based on disinhibition through the modulation of a physiological
information was provided, the effect size was assumed to be zero (Ro-
system (see Pennebaker, 1989), the effect may be influenced by the
senthal, 1984), Cohen's ds were computed in two manners: (a) an
recency of the trauma {that is, older traumas having a more pronounced
overall effect size for each study and (b) one effect size for each specific
effect due to longer inhibition). Recency may also interact with the
outcome type examined (discussed below), averaged across all out-
outcome type if certain systems are more reliant on the physiological
comes within outcome type and within study. Additionally, one d for all
drain produced by inhibition. For example, systems possibly more influ-
short-term distress measures was generated. Although allowing more
enced by disinhibition (e.g., immune function) would show greater
than one effect size per study can result in nonindependence, it should
change if the trauma was in the past than if it was ongoing. Conversely,
be noted that the primary analysis used a single effect size from each
systems possibly less reliant on disinhibition and more dependent on
study. Furthermore, analyses by content group were run independently,
cognitive factors (e.g., affect) may prove equally influenced by the
and one study never contributed more than one d to any one analysis
writing intervention regardless of the trauma being past or ongoing.
(although studies with a wider range of outcome types did contribute a
Recent work by Lutgendorf and colleagues (Lutgendorf, Antoni, Ku-
single d to a greater number of analyses). The corresponding correlation
mar, & Schneiderman, 1994) found that a verbal disclosure induction
coefficient (r) for each d was also computed.
produced greater benefit for participants writing about older, more trou-
blesome events. Although it is not clear if it is the length of time the
trauma has existed or the severity of the trauma expressed that is related
Evaluation of Effect Sizes to positive outcomes (cf. Greenberg & Stone, 1992), there is accumulat-
ing evidence that the nature of the traumas written about may be an
The magnitude and significance of the overall mean weighted effect important moderating variable. The writing instruction given to partici-
size was computed for all outcomes (averaged within study) and all pants (i.e., write about past trauma, current trauma, or either past or
studies. This procedure was repeated again for each of the five outcome current trauma) is examined as a moderating variable.
types, providing an estimate of the mean weighted effect size within Outcome type. The effect of the written emotional expression task
each outcome type across all studies. All measures were scored so that may vary across the type of outcome. Outcome types are groups of
when the experimental group was superior to the control group the effect outcomes that are conceptually similar, that is, are attempts to measure
size was in the positive direction, regardless of whether high or low the same construct (see the Results section for outcome type informa-
scores on the measure were desirable. Each effect size was weighted tion). The outcome types used are reported health, psychological well-
inversely to its conditional variance (Shadish & Haddock, 1994). The being, physiological functioning, general functioning, and health behav-
homogeneity of the effect sizes was examined to determine if the ds iors. Certain types of outcomes may be more readily influenced if they
varied more than would be expected by sampling error. If the homogene- are conceptually more closely related to the mechanism of action. For
ity test is significant, it suggests that there is significant variance among example, if written expression influences health by evoking a cognitive
effect sizes and moderator variables should be examined (Hedges & shift, one might expect greater change in cognitive skills than in the
Olkin, 1985). Noncontinuous moderator variables were tested by divid- function of the immune system. Pennebaker and Francis (1996), for
ing effect sizes into groups on the basis of study qualities and comparing example, found that positive emotion word use in writing predicted
the mean effect size between groups. This test results in Qh, the between- health changes but not grade improvements, suggesting that health may
group goodness of fit, with an approximate chi-square distribution with be more closely tied to mood than is academic performance. Outcome
p - 1 degrees of freedom, where p is the number of groups (Hedges & types are examined to see if any act as moderating factors for the overall
Olkin, 1985). A brief discussion of each potential moderator variable effect of the writing task. Additionally, as experimental participants typi-
included in analyses follows. cally experience distress immediately following the writing task (e.g.,
Table 1
Effect Size, Correlation, Significance, Sample Size, and Outcome Types for Each Study
Study d r P n types
Note. Outcome types are indicated as a = reported health, b = psychological well-being, c = physiological
functioning, d = general functioning, and e health behaviors.
increases in symptom reporting, negative mood, heart-rate, etc.), the "fail-safe N" (see Cooper & Hedges, 1994). The fail-safe N
effect of the writing intervention on short-term (pre- to postwriling) for this analysis, including all studies used, is 199. As this
measures is examined separately. (The calculation of the overall effect number may itself be biased by the inclusion of outliers, the
size is confined to health outcomes measured at least 1 month after the
fail-safe N was computed excluding the largest outlier, yielding
final writing session.)
a fail-safe N of 117. Overall, it seems unlikely that unpublished
Publication type. One of the primary strengths of meta-analysis over
studies (that were not included) would compromise the results.
traditional narrative reviews is the formal inclusion of unpublished work.
This reduces potential bias in the review sample that can result from There existed concern that the calculation of the overall effect
editorial preferences to particular, typically significant, findings. The size may have been biased due to the fact that Pennebaker was
inclusion of theses, dissertations, and unpublished manuscripts should involved in 8 of the 13 studies used in this research synthesis.
allow adequate representation of studies that report no effect. Con- This may have resulted in artificially high effect sizes for those
versely, publication status may reflect underlying differences in method- studies due to ' 'experimenter effects'' or low within-group vari-
ological quality that produce differences in observed results. Effect sizes ance (due to increased homogeneity in studies conducted by
of the writing manipulation are compared between published and unpub- Pennebaker and his colleagues). Furthermore, if significant ef-
lished work. The correlation between proxies of study quality (random-
fect sizes were limited to work performed by Pennebaker and
ization, attrition, manipulation checks, etc.) and publication type is also
his colleagues, it would suggest that this research group can
reliably elicit effects but would not allow generalizability of
these results. Accordingly, a group contrast was performed be-
Results tween those studies in which Pennebaker was an author (n =
Effect sizes for each study are shown in Table 1. The mean 8) and those in which Pennebaker was not an author (n = 5).
weighted effect size across all studies and outcomes was d = Studies in which Pennebaker was not listed as an author had
.47 (r = .23) and was significant at the p < .0001 level. The slightly higher mean effect sizes than those studies in which
mean weighted effect size excluding the largest outlier was d Pennebaker was listed as an author (mean ds = .57 and .42,
= .41 (r = .20) and was still significant (p < .0001). The respectively), although this difference was not significant (Qb
difference between these overall effect sizes was not significant, = 0.90,p = .34). This result indicates that although Pennebaker
Qh 0.30, ns, so analyses included all effect sizes. As this was involved in the majority of studies included in this research
analysis included only randomized experiments, one can infer synthesis, effects generated by other research groups are both
the causal relationship that the written emotional expression reliable and not significantly different in magnitude.
task leads to positive long-term outcomes. Despite the inclusion Although the overall effect is compelling, it must be examined
of all available unpublished studies, there exists the possibility in light of the considerable variability in effect sizes across
that unpublished studies with null findings may have been studies. The test for homogeneity of effect sizes was significant
missed, positively biasing the overall effect size (the "file- (Qw = 22.75, p < .03), indicating significant within-group
drawer' ' problem). It is possible to calculate the number of such variance and suggesting that moderating variables should be
null finding studies that would have to exist for the observed examined. Variability of effect sizes was first corrected for sam-
effect size to become nonsignificant, which is referred to as the pling error according to Hunter, Schmidt, and Jackson (1982,
Table 2
Outcome Types
No. of studies
Outcome type formed Specific outcomes assessing this outcome
The precise health behaviors used in each study were often not provided, so frequencies assessed are not available.
pp. 100-108), with <T$ = .313, supporting an examination of lead to improved reported health, psychological well-being,
moderators. First, outcome types were examined as moderating physiological functioning, and general functioning. Contrasts.
variables. Outcomes were grouped by type according to concep- among group means were performed according to Hedges and
tual similarity and groupings used in the articles reviewed (i.e., Olkin (1985) and the resulting Qb$ were evaluated against a
domains of dependent variables used in the study). Five types cm-square distribution. The mean effect size for health behav-
were formed: reported health, psychological well-being, physio- iors was significantly lower than the overall mean effect size,
logical functioning, general functioning, and health behaviors. but no other group d was significantly different from the overall
The specific outcomes used to form each outcome type can be d (Qb = 8.8, p < .005; all other Q& < 2.5, ns). The mean
seen in Table 2. effect size for health behaviors was also significantly lower than
Mean weighted effect sizes, correlation coefficients, signifi- each of the other outcome types, all Qbs > 4.7, ps < .05.
cance, and effect size variability corrected for sampling error The effect sizes for psychological well-being and physiological
across all outcomes and for each outcome type can be seen in functioning outcomes did not differ from one another, Qb - 0.57,
Table 3, The mean effect size associated with each of the out- ns, but were significantly higher than the general functioning
come types differed significantly from zero, with the exception outcome type, Qb = 4.74, ps < .01. As significant within-group
of health behaviors. The written emotional expression task thus effect size variation existed in the psychological well-being and
physiological functioning outcome types (see Table 3), they quality also did not change over time, suggesting that there was
were examined along with the overall effect size when other not a general improvement of research methodology over time.
moderating variables were tested. There exists the possibility that a third variable may explain
As most studies using written emotional expression reported these moderator relationships. The correlation matrix between
experimental participants experiencing greater distress during the moderating variables, as well as their correlation with out-
writing than control participants, a mean d was calculated for come variables, was examined. In summary, there appears to be
short-term distress. The written emotional expression task pro- little relationship among the moderating variables. Among all
duced a significant rise in experimental participants' pre- to of the moderating variables (gender, student status, age, number
postwriting distress (d - .84, r = .39, p < .0001). This short- of sessions, length of sessions, length of time over which the
term distress d was significantly higher than all health outcome writing sessions were spaced, publication status, and writing
ds, all Qbs > 3.84, ps < .05. Short-term distress d was not content instructions), there were only two significant correla-
related to any of the health outcome ds (all ps > .40). tions. Publication status was related to the number of writing
The participant characteristics of student versus nonstudent, sessions (r = .3, p < .01; studies using more writing sessions
age, and gender ratio were tested as moderator variables for were more likely to have been published [to date]), and student
overall, well-being, and physiological ds. Students had slightly status was inversely related to age (r = .78, p < .0001). In
higher mean ds than nonstudents overall (.49 vs. .39), Qt = both cases, the second variable was unrelated to the outcome
0.32, ns, and within the physiological functioning outcome type variable moderated by the first, and therefore cannot explain
(.78 vs. .37), Qb = 1.26, ns. Students had significantly higher the moderating relationship. That is, neither number of writing
dthan nonstudents within the psychological well-being outcome sessions nor age were related to well-being effect sizes (both
type (.76 vs. .34), Qb = 3.92, p < .05. Age was not associated ps > .22).
with d in any of the three outcome types (allps > .10). Gender In summary, there were six moderating variables across the
ratio (scored as % male) was significantly related to overall d three outcome types found to explain significant within-group
(0 = .80, p < .05), but unrelated to psychological well-being variance in effect size. Overall effect sizes were moderated by
or physiological functioning effect sizes. two variables: Higher percentages of males in a study were
Three measures of "dose" were examined: number of writing related to higher mean effect sizes, as was longer periods over
which writing sessions were spaced. Psychological well-being
sessions (ranging from 1 to 5), length of each writing session
effect sizes were moderated by three variables, each increasing
(from 15 to 30 min), and the time period over which the writing
mean effect size: the use of student participants, instructions to
sessions were spaced (from 1 to 28 days). Number of writing
write about current traumas (as opposed to past or current
sessions and length of sessions were unrelated to all ds (all ps
trauma), and unpublished studies. Lastly, physiological func-
> .10). The time period of writing was associated with overall
tioning effect sizes were higher in studies that instructed partici-
d (^ = .76, p < .02) such that studies with writing sessions
pants to write about past or current traumas (as opposed to past
spaced out over a longer period of time had higher mean overall
trauma only).
ds, but spacing was not related to psychological well-being or
physiological functioning effect sizes.
Whether participants were instructed to write about past, cur- Discussion
rent, or either past or current traumas was not related to the
The first goal of this research synthesis was to establish an
overall effect size (.39 vs. .50 vs. .54, all contrast ps > .70).
overall effect size and significance level for the writing task.
Participants instructed to write about current traumas had sig-
Results demonstrate that written emotional expression produces
nificantly higher mean psychological well-being ds than partici-
significant health benefits in healthy participants. The binomial
pants instructed to write about either a past or current trauma
effect size display (BESD) is a method of showing the practical
(.99 vs. .18), xL = 14.28, p < .001, whereas participants
importance of an effect size (Rosenthal & Rubin, 1982), and
writing only about past traumas fell between (M = .56, contrast
is presented as the difference in outcome rates between experi-
ps > .50). Although no studies assessing physiological func- mental and control groups. The effect size of d = .47 represents
tioning outcomes instructed participants to write about only a 23% improvement in the experimental group over the control
current traumas, participants asked to write about either past or group. For example, illness rates decreasing from 61% in the
current traumas had significantly higher mean ds than partici- control group to 38% in the experimental group. This effect
pants asked to write about only past traumas (1.04 vs. 0.41), size is similar to or larger than those produced by other psycho-
XL = 3.86, p < .05. logical, behavioral, or educational treatments (Barnes, 1986;
The publication status of studies (published vs. unpublished) Lipsey & Wilson, 1993; Meyer & Mark, 1995; Smith & Glass,
was unrelated to overall d (0.48 vs. 0.47), Qb = 0.002, ns, 1977; Wells-Parker, Bangert-Drowns, McMillen, & Williams,
although unpublished studies were associated with higher psy- 1995). Although it is not possible to strictly compare effect
chological well-being ds (1.04 vs. 0.25), Qb = 16.91, p < sizes between studies when the outcome measures are dissimilar,
.0001. All studies assessing physiological functioning outcomes these findings suggest that the effect of the writing task is similar
were published, so no comparisons could be made within this to that found in other quantitative analyses of psychological
outcome type. Three proxies of study quality (randomization, interventions.
attrition, and treatment manipulation checks) were not corre- The question thus becomes how does writing about traumas
lated with publication status (all ps > .10). Proxies of study produce these improvements? Traumatic stress research has
Table 3
Summary of Effect Sizes
Mean Homogeneity
Outcome type k d r within (Q,) 0-4
Note, k = number of studies; d ~ mean weighted effect size; r = correlation corresponding to mean
weighted effect size; af = effect size variability corrected for sampling error.
* p < . 0 5 . **p<.001. ***p<.0001.
noted the distinction between memories for ordinary and trau- provement. Effect sizes did, however, differ across outcome
matic events; traumatic memories seem immutable, and are more types. Psychological well-being and physiological functioning
emotional and perceptual in nature (Terr, 1993; van der Kolk, outcomes had higher effect sizes than reported health or general
Blitz, Burr, & Hartmann, 1984). Traumatic memories are en- functioning outcomes, and the effect size for reported health
coded differently, and are not integrated into a personal narrative outcomes was higher than general functioning outcomes.
(Christiansen, 1992; van der Kolk, 1994). Thus, the memory Changes in psychological well-being may result from cogni-
is stored as sensory perceptions, obsessional ruminations, or tive shifts about the trauma following writing. Tests of cognitive
behavioral reenactments (Janet, 1909; van der Kolk & van der shifts using traditional information processing models (e.g., as-
Hart, 1989, 1991). It is the persistence of intrusive and dis- sessments of reaction time), however, have found no support
tressing symptoms, avoidance, and hyperarousal that results in for this hypothesis (Pennebaker & Francis, 1996). Alternatively,
observed psychological and biological dysfunction (Creamer, the increased usage of insight words (e.g., understand, realize)
Burgess, & Pattison, 1992; McFarlane, 1988, 1992). One goal is associated with more improvement (Pennebaker, 1993). The
in treating traumatic memories is thus to facilitate the processing strong effect on physiological measures provides support for
of traumatic memory (Foa, Steketee, & Rothbaum, 1989; Foa, the biological impact of writing. Written expression may free
Rothbaum, & Molnar, 1995). Foa and Riggs (1993) noted that physiological resources previously used for inhibition (Penne-
traumatic memories are particularly disorganized, and treat- baker, 1989, 1993). Alternatively, memories for trauma-related
ments aimed at organizing memory should thus be more effec- subjects can result in alterations in a variety of psychophysiolog-
tive. This is supported by work in both clinical and healthy ical systems, including: autonomic, neurohormonal, neuroana-
populations. DiSavino and colleagues (DiSavino et al., 1993) tomical, and immunogical changes (see van der Kolk, 1994).
analyzed victims' trauma-related narratives during exposure and Assimilation of the traumatic memory may lead to reductions
found that evidence of decreasing disorganization over time was in the intrusions and hyperreactivity associated with traumatic
associated with improvement. Similarly, Pennebaker (Penne- memories, ultimately attenuating physiological responses. Un-
baker, 1993; Pennebaker, Mayne, & Francis, 1997) found that fortunately, there is currently no information on the relation
a narrative becoming more focused and coherent over writing between ongoing intrusive thoughts, assimilation, and physio-
sessions was associated with increased improvement. Writing logical functioning.
about the traumatic event may force the transduction of the The impact of writing on reported health outcomes may be
memories from sensory-affective components into an orga- lower than on physiological functioning because overall health
nized, linguistic format (Pennebaker, Mayne, & Francis, 1997), is only partially mediated by physiological competence. For
facilitating processes central to the treatment of traumatic mem- example, decrements in immune function may negatively impact
ory. Namely, the deconditioning of traumatic memories and af- health to a smaller degree as other factors (diet, exercise, etc.)
fectual-physiological responses, and the restructuring of disso- also influence resistance to disease. Similarly, the impact of
ciated traumatic memories into a personal, integrated narrative writing on general functioning may be lower yet because it is
(Foa & Kozak, 1986; Herman, 1992; van der Hart, Steele, in turn mediated by changes in well-being, reported health, and
Boon, & Brown, 1993). physiological function. For example, re-employment may be
The writing task produced superior health outcomes in several more likely for individuals with improved well-being (who may
outcome types, each measured at least 1 month postwriting: be more pleasant), whereas grade point average will be higher
reported health, psychological well-being, physiological func- for those who are healthier (who don't miss classes). Penne-
tioning, and general functioning. As each outcome type was baker, Mayne, and Francis (1997) found that outcomes included
improved by the writing task, the overall effect is not solely in the general functioning category (grade point average and re-
dependent on any one outcome type. That is, if one subgroup employment) were associated with physical health outcomes. It
of outcomes (e.g., health center visits) was responsible for the should also be noted that the relationship among outcome types
entire effect, other outcome types would not have shown im- is likely quite dynamic.
The effect size for health behaviors was negligible and non- ing the time course of the writing task would increase its effect.
significant. Although consistent with earlier research (Penne- Number and length of writing sessions were unrelated to im-
baker, 1993), this is surprising in light of changes in other provement. The salutary process (e.g., the integration of nega-
domains. Successful change of health behaviors requires a com- tive information) may progress over a period of time, increasing
plex set of conditions, including both the intent to change and the benefit to the writer (Horowitz, 1986; Suls & Fletcher,
the behavioral execution of these intentions (Miller, Shoda, & 1985). Similarly, prolonged exposure strategies are thought to
Hurley, 1996). Health behaviors would thus seem to be more provide greater opportunity for improvement (Foa & Riggs,
influenced by commitment than by emotional factors, although 1993).
the importance of Person X Situation interactions is noted Unpublished studies were associated with higher well-being
(Miller et al., 1996). In fact, the negative affect produced by effect sizes. As available proxies of study quality were not corre-
writing ("hot" representations; Miller et al., 1996) may spe- lated with publication status, this finding is not likely a result
cifically undermine successful health behavior change. of obvious methodological differences. Because the typical as-
Short-term distress was also increased by the writing task. sumption of publication bias assumes that published studies will
Short-term distress has been thought to be related to long-term have higher effect sizes (Smith, Glass, & Miller, 1980), this
improvement (Pennebaker, 1993). Average short-term distress finding is unexpected, although it should be noted that effect
was unrelated to all long-term outcomes examined. Thus, al- sizes were higher for unpublished studies only within one spe-
though all studies report mean increases in distress, experienc- cific outcome type.
ing relatively more short-term distress does not appear to lead The instructional set given to participants regarding the
to greater benefit. This supports the view that the trauma-rele- trauma they were supposed to write about (past trauma, current
vant fear network must be activated for improvement to be made trauma, or either) was also related to effect size. Instructional
(e.g., Foa & Kozak, 1986; Foa, Riggs, Massie, & Yarczower, set was unrelated to overall effect size, but participants writing
1993). It suggests, however, that this may be a boolean pro- about only current traumas had well-being outcomes superior
cessshort-term distress may be required for cognitive change, to those of participants instructed to write about any trauma
but the amount of short-term distress is not related to (either past or current). Addressing ongoing traumas more inti-
improvement. mately linked to daily life may produce greater well-being
Considering moderator variables, student participants were change than addressing past traumas that may be less salient
found to have significantly higher effects for psychological well- to daily experience (similar to students writing about ongoing
being outcomes than nonstudents (although overall effect size trauma). Participants assigned to write about any trauma (past
did not differ). Most student participants were first year or or current) had physiological outcomes superior to those of
transfer students who were writing about the stress of college. participants assigned to write about only past traumas. This
It is possible that much of this stress involved issues of insecu- seems contrary to inhibition theory, where past traumas should
rity and self-esteem common to college students. The writing have the greatest physiological load and produce more benefit
task may more directly impact students' well-being because when disinhibited (cf. Lutgendorf et al., 1994).
their writing topics are ongoing hassles that have immediate Although it is possible to conduct a research synthesis with
affectual consequences. Examination of students' essays, how- 2 studies, the fewer the number of studies, the less stable the
ever, reveals they were not trivial; topics included isolation and results (Rosenthal, 1995). It seems valid to perform this analysis
loneliness (54% of participants), loss of family (51%), and with 13 studies, but analyses using subgroups of studies should
even thoughts of suicide (11%; from Pennebaker, Colder, & be viewed more cautiously. Although the writing task produces
Sharp, 1990). As nonstudent participants were older on average health benefits in healthy participants, there may be negative
(48.5 vs. 18.8 years), it is plausible they had more rigidly interactions with other treatments or a subset of participants.
defined views of the self, making it more difficult for writing Unfortunately, research synthesis is limited to the data collected
to produce change (cf. Epstein, 1991; Harber & Pennebaker, within the studies, and examination of this issue is not currently
1992; Horowitz, 1986). That age was unrelated to well-being possible. Use of the writing task may be limited by hesitation
outcomes, however, lessens the plausibility of this explanation. to foster distress in the absence of support resources (e.g., a
The proportion of male participants was positively related to therapist). Exposure therapy, though acknowledged as effective,
the overall effect size (fl = .80), suggesting that writing may can have negative effects on its participants (e.g., Pitman et al.,
be more effective for males. As traditional sex roles make it 1991), and writing produces exposure without a therapist pres-
less likely for men to disclose a trauma or express emotion ent to control the degree of exposure. Conversely, in all of
than women (e.g., Ptacek, Smith, & Zanas, 1992), they may the studies examined in this analysis, few participants reported
experience greater benefit due to lower prewriting levels of emo- difficulty in dealing with the negative emotions evoked by
tional expression. Males also tend to use more problem-focused writing.
coping (Ptacek et al., 1992), and may focus more on the trauma The hypothesis that the writing task facilitates cognitive pro-
when writinga difference that may facilitate the beneficial cessing and assimilation of traumatic memories must be tested
effects of expression (Pennebaker, 1993; Solomon, Avitzur, & by assessing ongoing cognitive, affective, and physiological
Mikulincer, 1990). changes. This will allow evaluation of whether cognitive changes
One measure of dose, the amount of time over which the (e.g., assimilation) drive affectual and physiological changes.
writing intervention was spaced, was positively related to the Evaluation of short-term distress should occur over time, as
overall effect size. This unexpected result implies that lengthen- well as include measures of participants' reluctance to disclose
distress. The effects of moderating variables revealed by this Psychiatric Press review of psychiatry (Vol. 12, pp. 273-303). Wash-
synthesis should also be examined. For example, manipulating ington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
the spacing of writing sessions may suggest an optimal spacing, Foa, E., Riggs, D., Massie, E., & Yarczower, M. (1993). Post-traumatic
stress disorder in rape victims: Exposure to corrective information.
perhaps related to trauma severity (cf. van der Hart et al., 1993).
Psychological Bulletin, 99, 20-35.
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fer between various populations. Finally, evaluation of the writ- quences of stress: From normal adaptation to post-traumatic stress
ing task as a potential intervention needs to examine a number disorder (pp. 483-494). New York: Raven Press.
of issues: whether specific types of trauma are related to out- Foa, E., Steketee, G., & Rothbaum, B. (1989). Behavioral/cognitive
comes, the role of writing parameters (e.g., the use of insight conceptualizations of post-traumatic stress disorder. Behavior Ther-
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The impact of writing on physiological, absentee, and self-reported
somatic (e.g., chronic disease) nature.
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