Nuclear Ap1400
Nuclear Ap1400
Nuclear Ap1400
3.12.1 Introduction
This section covers the design of the APR1400 piping systems and piping supports
consisting of seismic Category I, Category II, and Category III (non-seismic). The piping
design of the reactor coolant loop (RCL) is described in Subsection 3.9.3. The seismic
classifications are described in Subsection 3.2.1.
This section addresses the adequacy of the structural integrity as well as the functional
capability of the safety-related piping system, piping components, and their associated
supports. The design of piping systems provides reasonable assurance that they will
perform their safety-related functions under all postulated normal operating conditions,
system operating transients, postulated pipe breaks, seismic events, and combinations.
This design boundary includes pressure retaining piping components and their supports,
instruments lines, and the interaction of seismic Category II piping and associated supports
with seismic Category I piping and associated supports.
This section also covers the design transients and resulting loads and load combinations
with appropriate specified design and service limits for seismic Category I piping and
piping supports, including those designated as ASME Class 1, 2, and 3, and those covered
by the ASME B31.1 and B31.3 (References 1, 2, and 3).
Applicable codes and standards used in the design fabrication, construction, testing, and
inservice inspection (ISI) of the piping systems and piping supports are consistent with the
codes and standards specified in 10 CFR 50.55a; the applicable General Design Criteria
(GDC 1, 2, 4, 14, and 15) for nuclear power plants, 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, as described
in Section 3.1; and 10 CFR 50, Appendix S.
3.12-1 Rev. 0
[The safety-related piping system design and analysis for the APR1400 are performed in
accordance with the 2007 Edition with 2008 addenda of the ASME Section III (Reference
[However, for socket weld leg dimensions, ASME Section III, Footnote 11 to Figure
NC/ND-3673.2(b)-1 in the 1989 Edition is used for socket weld with leg size less than 1.09
tn instead of Footnote 13 from 2007 Edition and 2008 Addenda to Figures NC/ND-
For ASME Class 1 piping, the material and D0/t requirements of NB-3656(b) are met for all
service limits when service limits include reversing dynamic loads, and alternative rules for
reversing dynamic loads are used.
The non-safety-related piping system design and analysis for the APR1400 are performed
in accordance with the 2010 Edition of ASME B31.1 (Reference 2) and the 2010 Edition of
ASME B31.3 (Reference 3).
As described in Subsection 3.12.6, all pipe supports are designed in accordance with
Subsection NF of the 2007 Edition with 2008 addenda of the ASME Section III.
ASME Code cases applicable for the piping systems and pipe supports of the APR1400 are
Code Cases N-122-2, N-71-18, and N-249-14 (Reference 4).
Other ASME Code cases may be used if they are conditionally or unconditionally approved
in NRC RG 1.84 (Reference 5). ASME Code cases listed in NRC RG 1.193 (Reference 6)
may be used with the approval of the NRC.
The design specification for all ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 piping systems including loading
combinations, design data, and other design inputs is to be developed in accordance with
ASME Section III. The design specification defines the code and the edition to be applied
to the piping system design. In addition, ASME Section III requires that design reports for
3.12-2 Rev. 0
all ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 piping systems demonstrating and documenting that as-built
piping system and pipe support configurations adhere to the requirements of the design
specification (Reference 7). The COL applicant is to prepare design reports for ASME
Class 1, 2, and 3 piping system in accordance with ASME Section III (COL 3.12(1)).
Seismic analysis methods used for all seismic Category I, seismic Category II, and non-
seismic piping systems, as described below, include the response spectrum method, time
history method, or where applicable, the equivalent static load method in accordance with
[This section covers the procedure used for analytical modeling, selection of frequencies,
damping criteria, combination of modal responses, the analysis for small bore piping, and
interaction of seismic Category I piping systems with other piping systems.]*
For the APR1400, experimental stress analysis methods are not used for the design of the
piping system and its supports. General
The modal response spectrum method is a measure of how the piping system with certain
natural frequencies responds to an earthquake applied at its pipe supports. To determine
the piping system natural frequencies, each piping system is idealized as a mathematical
model consisting of lumped masses connected by elastic members.
The response spectra are applied to the piping system at locations of structural attachment,
such as pipe supports or equipment for each of the three orthogonal spatial components.
The response spectra analysis is performed using either uniform support motion (USM) or
independent support motion (ISM) method.
3.12-3 Rev. 0
The response spectra analysis for piping systems uses the damping values specified in NRC
RG 1.61 (Reference 8). No combination of piping damping values in NRC RG 1.61 is
As described in Subsection, a floor response spectrum is a curve that represents the
peak acceleration responses verses frequencies of a series of single degree of freedom
spring mass systems, which are excited by an earthquake time history motion.
To account for the uncertainty in the structural frequencies due to uncertainties in the
material properties of structures and soil and to approximations in the seismic analysis
modeling techniques, the floor response spectra are smoothed with the peak values
broadened in accordance with NRC RG 1.122 (Reference 9).
For analyzing the piping systems or components supported at multiple locations within a
single structure or multiple structures, a uniform response spectrum (URS) that envelops all
of the individual response spectra at the various support locations is used to calculate the
maximum inertial responses of the piping system or component, which is defined as the
uniform support motion (USM) method. The enveloped response spectrum is developed
and applied in the two mutually perpendicular horizontal directions and in the vertical
direction. Typically, the USM method can result in considerable overestimation of
seismic responses.
The modal and spatial combination methods using the USM method are described in
Subsections and
The piping system analyses performed using the USM method use damping values
specified in Table 3 or the frequency-dependent damping values of Figure 1 of NRC RG
3.12-4 Rev. 0
The response of individual modes is calculated and combined with the other modal
responses using the methods as described in NRC RG 1.92 (Reference 10).
For the piping system modes with no closely spaced (two consecutive modes are defined as
closely spaced if their frequencies differ from each other by 10 percent or less of the lower
frequency), the representative maximum responses are obtained by taking the square root of
the sum of the squares (SRSS). This method may not produce conservative results for
piping systems with closely spaced modes.
Therefore, to combine the modal responses of the piping system with closely spaced modes,
the 10 percent method described in Subsection is applied. The responses of low
frequency modes are obtained from all the low frequency modes with frequencies at least
up to the ZPA cutoff frequency.
In addition, the residual rigid response of the missing mass modes as described in
Regulatory Positions C.1.4.1 and C.1.5.1 of NRC RG 1.92 (Reference 11), and the missing
mass correction (MMC) method in the ADLPIPE computer program are considered. The
left-out-force (LOF) method in the PIPESTRESS computer program is used for calculating
the effect of the high frequency rigid modes. The LOF and MMC methods are described
in the PIPESTRESS Theory Manual (Reference 12) and the ADLPIPE Manual (Reference
The responses due to each of the three orthogonal spatial components of earthquake motion
are combined by SRSS as described in Regulatory Position C.2.1 of NRC RG 1.92
(Reference 10).
Seismic anchor motion (SAM) analysis is a static analysis and includes the following
effects acting on the piping system supported by either a single structure or more than one
3.12-5 Rev. 0
The effects of SAM on the piping system are considered for the safe shutdown earthquake
In the SAM analysis, the relative displacements at the support are considered. The
maximum relative support displacements are obtained from the structural response
calculations. The support displacements are then imposed on the supported item in the
most unfavorable combination by static analysis procedures.
In case of the seismic analysis using the USM method, the effects of SAMs in each of the
three orthogonal spatial components are analyzed separately considering all dynamic pipe
supports to be active. These interspatial responses are combined by the SRSS method to
obtain cumulative effect of pipe support displacements.
The effects of these seismic anchor motions are then considered by combining with SSE
inertia by the absolute summation method.
In case of the seismic analysis using the ISM method, the effects of SAMs are analyzed
with the method specified in Section 2 of NUREG-1061, Volume 4 (Reference 13). The
responses from SAM of each group for each spatial direction are combined by the absolute
summation method. These interspatial responses are combined by the SRSS method to
obtain the cumulative effect of pipe support displacements. The effects of these seismic
anchor motions are considered by combining with SSE inertia using the SRSS method.
Independent support motion (ISM) method may be used in lieu of the uniform support
motion (USM) method when piping systems are supported by more than one supporting
structure or at multiple levels within the same structure because the USM method can result
in considerable overestimation of seismic responses.
3.12-6 Rev. 0
In the analysis using the ISM method, the supports are divided into support groups. Each
support group consists of the supports that have similar time-history inputs. Typically, all
supports in each support group are located on the same floor or portions of the floor of a
The responses caused by each support group are combined by the absolute summation
method. The modal and directional responses are then combined as described in Section 2
of NUREG-1061 Volume 4 (Reference 13).
Analyses performed using the ISM method are used for damping values identified in Table
3 of NRC RG 1.61 (Reference 8).
The time-history method may be used for other types of dynamic analyses such as
hydraulic transient loads caused by water or steam hammer, safety and relief valve
discharge actuation loads, jet force loads, postulated pipe breaks, or any other dynamic
loading associated with fluid flow transients.
For the dynamic response of the piping system, the time history analysis may be performed
using the modal superposition method (Reference 14).
When the modal superposition method is used, the cutoff frequency for the determination
of modal properties is selected to account for the principal vibration modes of the piping
system based upon mass and stiffness properties, modal participation factors and the
frequency content of the input forcing function. As required on a case-by-case basis, the
analysis is repeated with more modes in order to verify the cutoff frequency for the
determination of modal properties.
The missing mass effects of high frequency modes are included based on the same
principles described in Subsection
Alternatively, the cutoff frequency is determined so that the calculated number of modes
produces dynamic analysis results within 10 percent of the results of the dynamic analysis,
including the next higher mode.
3.12-7 Rev. 0
For the APR1400, inelastic analysis methods are not used for the design of the piping
system and its supports.
Small bore piping system is defined as ASME Class 1 piping less than or equal to nominal
diameter (DN) 25 (nominal pipe size (NPS) 1) and smaller, and the other classes piping
with nominal diameter DN 50 (NPS 2) and smaller. These small bore piping systems are
analyzed using the response spectrum method or the equivalent static load method.
The modal response spectrum method is described in Subsections and,
and used when the equivalent static method cannot be justified.
The equivalent static load method produces conservative results in their responses. The
masses of piping, its contents, and any in-line component are considered as lumped masses
at their center of gravity locations.
The static forces are determined by multiplying the contributing mass by a seismic
acceleration (g factor) at each location. To obtain an equivalent static load of small bore
piping system, which is represented by a simple model, a factor of 1.5 is applied to the peak
acceleration of the applicable floor response spectrum. This static force analysis is
performed for all three spatial components of seismic excitation, and the results of these
static analyses are combined by the SRSS method.
3.12-8 Rev. 0
Similarly, for non-seismic piping attached to seismic piping, the dynamic effects of the non-
seismic piping account for the modeling of the seismic piping. The attached non-seismic
piping up to the analysis boundary is classified as seismic Category II and designed to
preclude causing failure of the seismic piping during a seismic event. Non-seismic piping
classified as seismic Category II is isolated from the continuing non-seismic piping by the
analysis boundary, such as seismic boundary anchor. The seismic boundary anchor
provides reasonable assurance that the seismic response of the seismic Category II is not
affected by the dynamic effect from the non-seismic side of the anchor. The seismic
boundary anchors are designed considering the plastic hinge moment from the non-seismic
The seismic design of the buried seismic Category I piping is performed in accordance with
the procedures described in Subsection
The following computer programs are used in the analysis of seismic Category I piping
designated as ASME Class 1, 2, and 3, and non-ASME piping systems. These computer
programs are further described in Subsection The applicable computer programs
are as follows:
3.12-9 Rev. 0
PIPESTRESS is a piping analysis program that is used for the analysis of ASME
Class 1, 2, and 3 as well as ASME B31.1 and B31.3 piping systems. This
program is described in Subsection
ADLPIPE is a linear finite element program for the static and dynamic analysis of
piping systems. The program performs ASME Class 1 analysis in any manner
specified by the user to create the appropriate loading cases applicable for each of
the ASME Code stress equations. This program is described in Subsection
d. RELAP5/MOD3.3
3.12-10 Rev. 0
For dynamic analysis, the seismic Category I piping systems and pipe supports are modeled
as a three-dimensional space framework using a linear finite element analysis program.
The analysis model consists of a series of nodes connected by beam elements with stiffness
properties representing the piping and other components. Node points are modeled at
points that define piping geometries as well as lumped mass locations, support locations,
flange locations, expansion joint locations, or locations of structural or load discontinuities;
other appurtenance locations of interest along the piping system are modeled as a node
In the dynamic mathematical model, the distributed mass of the piping system, including
pipe, contents, and insulation weight, is represented as lumped masses placed at each node.
To provide reasonable assurance that there are a sufficient number of mass points for an
accurate dynamic model in the PIPESTRESS program (Reference 16), the length, L (ft), is
determined by the following formula based on a simply supported pipe element with
fundamental natural frequency.
L4 = (2 / fR2) (EI / W)
= 0.743
If the distance between mass points exceeds L/2 when the automatic mass modeling is used,
then additional mass points are generated.
3.12-11 Rev. 0
Concentrated weights of the components, such as valves, flanges, and other appurtenances,
are also modeled as lumped masses. The torsional effect due to eccentricity of an
eccentric mass, such as a valve operator, is considered.
In general, pipe supports are modeled as rigid with the rigidity verified by checking support
deflection in the restrained direction, if springs with actual stiffness values for the
restrained degrees of freedom. Pipe support hardware weight for snubbers, struts, and
spring hangers supported by piping system is considered in the piping analysis. The
weight added by the component support is included in the piping analysis when it is greater
than 10 percent of the total mass of the adjacent pipe span including pipes, contents,
insulations, and in-line components.
In general, an entire piping system cannot be modeled and analyzed as a single model; the
piping system is therefore conveniently divided into multiple, smaller piping subsystems
that satisfy the analysis size limitations of the computer program used for the piping system
analysis. Branch piping that does not have a significant effect on the run piping is
decoupled from the run pipe analysis based on the branch decoupling criteria defined in
Subsection Intermediate pipe anchors such as wall or slab penetration sleeve
anchors and structural anchor supports may also be used for subdividing the piping systems.
The computer programs used for the piping system analysis are verified in accordance with
NRC benchmark problems.
Small branch lines including instrument connections may be decoupled from the analysis
model of the larger run pipe provided that either the ratio of the branch pipe mean diameter
to the run pipe mean diameter (Db/Dr) is less than or equal to 1/3 or the ratio of the
moments of inertia of the two lines (Ib/Ir) is less than or equal to 1/25.
3.12-12 Rev. 0
In the run pipe analysis, the applicable stress intensification factors (SIF) and/or stress
indices are incorporated. The mass effects of the branch line, where the mass of half the
span of the branch pipe is greater than 10 percent of the mass of the pipe run span, are also
considered at the run pipe connection point. If a large valve or other large concentrated
mass is located within the first span of the branch piping, the torsional effects of the
eccentric mass is considered. In these cases, the branch pipe is included in the run pipe
model up to the first anchor or four seismic supports in each of the three perpendicular
directions to consider eccentric mass effect.
In the decoupled branch pipe analysis, the run pipe connection point is modeled as an
anchor with the same SIF and/or stress indices as the run pipe and the effect of seismic
excitation from run pipe is considered as follows. The analysis of the branch line
considers run pipe movements greater than 1/16 inch at the header connection. The
movements of the run pipe due to the thermal, seismic anchor motion (SAM), or pipe break
analyses at the header connection are applied as anchor motions in the branch line analysis.
In addition, seismic inertial movement from the run pipe analysis is also considered at
header connection. The inertial effects of the run pipe on the branch line are considered in
the branch piping analysis in order to capture the possible amplification of inertial input
from the run pipe. The effects of seismic excitations from the two seismic supports in
each of the three perpendicular directions to the branch connections in the run pipe are
included in the branch piping analysis.
Seismic input envelope and site-specific spectra of the APR1400 are described in
RCS design transients used for the design and fatigue analysis of ASME Class 1 piping
systems and support components are addressed in Table 3.9-1.
3.12-13 Rev. 0
APR1400 DCD TIER 2 Pressure
[Internal design pressure, P, is used in the design and analysis of ASME Class 1, 2, and 3
piping (Reference 1). Minimum pipe wall thicknesses are determined using the
formulations of NB/NC/ND-3640 and the design pressure. The applicable design and
maximum service level pressures are used in load combinations as identified in Tables 3.12-
1 and 3.12-2.]*
[The weight of the piping system, its contents, any insulation and in-line equipment, and
any other mechanical loads identified in the design specification are considered in the
piping analysis. The weight of water during hydrostatic testing is considered for steam or
air-filled piping systems.]*
[The effect of linear thermal expansion range during various operating modes is considered
along with thermal movements of terminal equipment nozzles, anchors, or restraints
(thermal anchor movements) corresponding to the operating modes. The stress free
temperature is taken as 21 C (70 F). The piping systems operating at a temperature of
65 C (150 F) (Reference 1) and below are not analyzed for the effects of linear thermal
[Thermal anchor movements less than or equal to XX mm (1/16 in) may be excluded from
analysis since this represents the industry practice for acceptable gaps in pipe supports
(Reference 30).]* Seismic
[The effects of seismic inertial loads and anchor movements are included in the design
analysis. The ground motion of the operating basis earthquake (OBE) for the APR1400 is
equal to one-third of the ground motion of the SSE. Per Appendix S to 10 CFR Part 50,
the OBE load case does not require explicit design analysis. In the event of an earthquake
that meets or exceeds the OBE ground motion, plant shutdown is required and seismic
3.12-14 Rev. 0
Category I piping and supports are inspected to provide reasonable assurance that no
functional damage has occurred. The design of the APR1400 seismic Category I piping
and supports includes analysis of the inertial and anchor movement (greater than 1/16 inch)
effects of the SSE event. These loads are Service Level D loads.]*
[Fatigue effects due to earthquake loads are addressed in Table 3.12-1. Tables 3.12-1 and
3.12-2 identify SSE inertial and displacement loads in various load combinations for ASME
Class 1, 2, and 3 piping and piping supports.]*
[The relief/safety valve thrust loads for open or closed systems are functions of valve
opening, flow rate, flow area, and fluid properties. The analysis of these loads is usually
accomplished using static loads as input to the piping analysis with appropriate dynamic
load factors. Dynamic analysis of relief valve thrusts is used when static analysis
produces undesirably conservative results. These loads are considered in Service Level B,
C, or D load combinations.]*
[The water hammer phenomenon involves the rapid change in fluid flow creating a shock
wave effect in the piping system. They are usually set in motion by rapid actuation of
control valves, relief valves, and check valves. Rapid start or trip of a pump or turbine
can also initiate such a phenomenon. The water hammer phenomenon is analyzed using
dynamic analysis methods. The water hammer loads are considered in Level B, C, or D
service load combinations.]*
[ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 piping for the APR1400 within the DC scope is not exposed to
wind or tornado loads. The COL applicant is to design those piping exposed to wind
and/or tornado, if any, to the plant design basis loads (COL 3.12(2)).]*
[High-energy line breaks cause loads in the form of pipe whip, jet impingement, and
changes in environmental conditions. Design basis pipe break (DBPB) loads include the
3.12-15 Rev. 0
impact of the RCPB piping break, main steam and feedwater line breaks except for piping
breaks that meet the leak-before-break (LBB) criteria (see Subsection 3.6.3) or inside the
pipe break exclusion area. DBPB loads are considered in Level D service load
[Thermal and pressure transients are evaluated in the analysis of ASME Class 1 piping by
calculating the range of primary plus secondary stress intensities. For ASME Class 2 and
3 piping, these transients are included as load cases in the appropriate ASME Code
[Piping systems are tested for leaks by filling the system with the test fluid and pressurizing
to test pressures specified in the design specification. Piping systems that normally carry
operating fluids, such as steam or gas, have stops placed in spring hangers and temporary
supports added as needed. The effects of the test pressure and fluid weight are considered
in satisfying the appropriate ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 stress equations. The effects of
hydrostatic pressure tests on ASME Class 1 piping fatigue are in accordance with NB-
[Using the methodology and equations from the ASME Code, pipe stresses are calculated
for various load combinations. The ASME Code includes design limits for design
conditions; Service Levels A, B, C, and D; and testing. Load combinations for ASME
Class 1 piping are given in Table 3.12-1. ASME Class 2 and 3 load combinations are
given in Table 3.12-2.]*
Damping values in Table 3 of NRC RG 1.61 (Reference 8) are used for dynamic response
spectra and time-history analyses.
3.12-16 Rev. 0
Seismic responses to each mode are calculated in accordance with the method described in
NRC RG 1.92 (Reference 10) and combined with other responses. Seismic responses to
periodic modal response with sufficiently separated frequencies are combined by SRSS.
Closely spaced frequencies are combined by the ten percent method.
PIPESTRESS and ADLPIPE computer programs use left-out-force (LOF) and missing
mass correction (MMC) methods to calculate the effect of high-frequency rigid modes
(References 12 and 19). The result obtained from this method is multiplied by scalar
amplitude that is equivalent to the highest spectral acceleration for frequencies, which is
greater than the last natural frequency being calculated by LOF and MMC methods
regarding the corresponding directional spectrum.
Fatigue evaluation of ASME Class 1 piping systems is performed for loadings caused by
thermal and pressure transients, thermal stratification, and other cyclic events including
earthquakes. [Fatigue evaluation of ASME Class 1 piping greater than DN 25 (NPS 1) is
performed per ASME Section III, Subsection NB-3653.]* The COL applicant is to
perform fatigue evaluation of ASME Class 1 piping except for the RCS primary loop (COL
The fatigue evaluation considering the effects of the reactor coolant environment in ASME
Class 1 piping follows the guidance in NRC RG 1.207 (Reference 20).
3.12-17 Rev. 0
The calculation for the cumulative usage factors of ASME Class 2 and 3 piping is not
required. Fatigue evaluation of ASME Class 2 and 3 piping is not performed in
accordance with the requirements in NC/ND-3653.2(a). Acceptable cyclic stress is
reduced by applying stress range reduction factor, f, to thermal expansion stress ranges in
accordance with Table NC/ND-3611.2(e)-1. The stress intensification factors that are
applicable to piping components and joints are based on fatigue testing. The COL
applicant is to perform stress evaluations for ASME Class 2 and 3 piping (COL 3.12(4)).
Unisolable sections of piping connected to the reactor coolant system (RCS) that could be
subjected to stresses from thermal stratification caused by valve leakages or turbulent
penetrations are reviewed to provide reasonable assurance of the structural integrity of the
APR1400 conforms to the requirements in U.S. NRC Bulletin 88-08 (Reference 21) for all
piping connected to the reactor coolant system. Data available from the reference plant
have been evaluated and incorporated into the design of the APR1400.
Based on the temperature distributions in the piping between the direct vessel injection
(DVI) nozzle and the first isolation valve, and the piping between shutdown cooling system
(SCS) nozzle and the first isolation valve, which were evaluated using commercial thermal
hydraulic analysis code, it is determined that the temperature difference in stratified flow is
so small that the thermal stratification effects will be negligible for SCS suction line.
Thermal stratification is anticipated in the horizontal section of the piping between the DVI
nozzle at the reactor vessel and the first isolation valve.
The effect of thermal stratification on the piping system is analyzed in two parts:
3.12-18 Rev. 0
To consider the global stratification, the global bending stress due to a vertical temperature
distribution in horizontal and non-horizontal members is mathematically defined in the
computer program PIPESTRESS (Reference 16) as follows:
gu =
Then, gu is the load on the pipe due to the temperature distribution T(v), where is the
coefficient of thermal expansion of the pipe. The unit of gu is rotation-per-unit-length.
Local stresses due to thermal stratification are confined to thermal stratification zone. The
boundary conditions are such that local thermal stresses are due only to temperature
distribution across the pipe wall. The local stress intensity due to thermal stratification is
calculated for the fatigue analysis of the ASME Class 1 piping system. The steps for
piping fatigue analysis are as follows:
3.12-19 Rev. 0
The reactor vessel and piping segments away from the stratified zone are not affected by
thermal stratification and are not considered in local stress determination. The maximum
stress intensity extracted from three-dimensional finite element analysis is added to the T2
term of ASME Section III, NB-3653.2 Equation (11) without considering stress index.
NRC Bulletin 79-13 (Reference 22) addresses the effect of thermal stratification that leads
to the cracking of the feedwater line. The APR1400 feedwater lines are designed to
minimize the thermal stratification. The feedwater lines are angled downward from the
horizontal to minimize the potential for thermal stratification. This is also described in
NRC Bulletin 88-11 (Reference 23) was issued in response to the results of an inspection of
the surge line at Trojan that showed large, unexpected movements that closed available
gaps between the line and pipe whip restraints. NRC Bulletin 88-11 requires that holders
of operating licenses or construction permits establish and implement a program to provide
reasonable assurance of the structural integrity of the surge line when subjected to thermal
stratification in the pressurizer surge line.
The APR1400 conforms to NRC Bulletin 88-11 pressurizer surge line requirements.
Available data from construction plants have been evaluated and incorporated into the
design of the APR1400. The design will continue to be assessed as new data become
available and will be evaluated for applicability to the APR1400.
In response to NRC Bulletin 88-11, a test in a Korean nuclear power plant was performed
to obtain operating plant data that were needed to characterize thermal stratification in the
surge line. Data obtained at operating plants showed that temperature differences in the
surge line walls due to thermal stratification were related to the mode of plant operation.
These data confirmed that the maximum temperature differences in the surge line were
bounded by the difference in temperature between the pressurizer and the hot leg. The
APR1400 surge line is designed for the maximum temperature difference that is
experienced between the pressurizer and the hot leg.
Piping systems subjected to stratified flow are evaluated for additional thermal stresses due
to thermal stratification. Stratified flow exists when a hotter fluid flows over a colder one.
3.12-20 Rev. 0
This condition induces a vertical thermal gradient, resulting in increased overall bending
stresses and localized thermal gradient stresses. Stratified flow effects consist of (1) local
stresses due to temperature gradients in the pipe wall and (2) additional thermal pipe
bending moments generated by the restraining effect of supports on the stratified-flow-
induced curvature of the piping. The extent of stratification is reduced by sloping
generally horizontal pipe runs and is mitigated by carefully selecting designs and operating
Structural evaluations are performed using elastic and/or simplified elastic-plastic analyses
in accordance with the ASME Code, considering the applicable loadings in addition to the
stratified flow loadings.
The stratified-flow-induced curvature of the piping and local stresses due to a temperature
gradient are obtained from finite element analyses. These analyses provide the local
effects and pipe rotations for an unsupported pipe segment. A stratified flow thermal
hydraulic model with the top half of the fluid at hotter temperature and the lower half of the
fluid at colder temperature is used to determine the pipe wall temperature based on the
thermal hydraulic conditions. Heat transfer and structural thermal stress analyses are
performed using the ANSYS computer program to determine the rotations and local
stresses. Rotations are considered to act over all horizontal portions of the pipe. The
resulting bending moments are calculated in the piping analysis with the ADLPIPE
computer program by allowing the pipe to thermally expand unconstrained and by then
applying a set of equal and opposite displacements at the rigid support points. Local stress
effects due to top-to-bottom thermal gradients are also considered to act over all horizontal
sections of pipe. For ASME Class 1 piping, gross bending stresses due to stratification are
considered as secondary stresses, while local stresses due to thermal gradients are
considered as peak stresses.
The design and installation of the safety valves and relief valves for overpressure protection
are performed per the requirements in Appendix O of the ASME Code (Reference 24).
A static method with a conservative dynamic loading factor is used to calculate the
discharge forces of safety valves and relief valves that use open vent stacks for discharging
fluid directly into the air. Dynamic transient loads of fluid discharged from safety/relief
3.12-21 Rev. 0
valve to vessels or headers are considered as forces acting on the changes in direction such
as elbows or branch connections. Piping stresses and support/restraint loads resulting
from these discharge forces of safety and relief valves are assessed by dynamic time-history
analysis or by an equivalent static force analysis in piping systems.
See Subsection for the computer program used in the analysis.
Functional capability of all ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 piping systems essential for safe
shutdown of the plant is reasonably assured in accordance with NUREG-1367 (Reference
25) to provide sufficient fluid flow path under Service Level D loading conditions.
The inertial and seismic anchor motion (SAM) effects are analyzed separately. The results
of SAM analysis are combined with those of seismic inertial analysis by absolute
summation when an enveloped USM method is used, per SRP 3.7.3, and by the SRSS when
ISM method is used for the dynamic analysis per NUREG-1061, Volume 4 (Reference 13).
The applicable earthquake load in the design of APR1400 piping systems is described in
Section 3.7. The operating basis earthquake (OBE) ground motion has been set as one-
third of SSE and, therefore, is not considered in the seismic design in accordance with 10
CFR 50.
If integral welded attachments are used to attach supports on piping systems, they are
evaluated by the nonmandatory Appendix Y of ASME Section III, Evaluation of the
Design of Rectangular and Hollow Circular Cross Section Welded Attachments on Class 1,
2, and 3 Piping.
3.12-22 Rev. 0
The composite modal damping for coupled building and piping systems is used for piping
systems that are coupled to concrete building structures, if applicable. The procedure used
to determine the composite modal damping value for the piping system is described in
The stress-free state temperature for a piping system is typically defined as 21 C (70 F).
The analysis for a piping system with an operational temperature of greater than 65 C
(150 F) or less than 4 C (40 F) is performed for the effect of thermal expansion/contraction.
Minimum wall thickness of piping systems that are influenced by pressure of reactor
coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) and connected to part of the RCS components is
calculated according to the requirements of ASME Section III NB-3640.
The fatigue evaluation considering the effects of the reactor coolant environment in ASME
Class 1 piping follows the guidance in NRC RG 1.207 (Reference 20). The COL
applicant is to perform a fatigue evaluation of environmental impact on ASME Class 1
piping, except in the RCS primary loop, using methods acceptable to the NRC at the time
of evaluation (COL 3.12(5)).
This section provides piping support design methods, procedures and criteria, and piping
support design criteria provided in Subsection 3.9.3 are used as references.
Seismic Category I pipe supports are designed in accordance with ASME Section III, NF
for Service Levels A, B, C, and D, and the acceptance limits of Appendix F of ASME
Section III for Service Level D.
3.12-23 Rev. 0
Standard component supports are designed, manufactured, installed, and tested pursuant to
Subsection NF of the ASME Section III.
For non-seismic category pipe supports supporting piping analyzed to ASME B31.1, the
requirements of ASME B31.1 for supports (Sections 120 and 121) are met, where
applicable. In addition, the structural elements are designed using guidance from the
AISC 360-05 (Reference 15).
In addition to the pipe support design codes mentioned above, expansion anchors and other
steel embedments in concrete are designed in accordance with Subsection
The jurisdictional boundary between the pipe and its support structure follows the guidance
of NB-1132, NC-1132, or ND-1132, as appropriate for the ASME Section III Class of
piping involved.
The jurisdictional boundary between the pipe support and the building structure follows the
guidance of [ASME Section III, NF-1130.]* In general, for attachments to building steel,
the boundary is taken at the interface with the building steel, with the weld being designed
to the rules of NF. For attachments to concrete building structures, the boundary is
generally at the weld of the support member to a baseplate or embedded plate, with the
weld again being designed to the rules of NF.
Seismic self-weight excitations (Subsection for Service Level D and friction loads
(Subsection for Service Level A are considered in addition to the above-
mentioned guidances. Table 3.9-10 is also referenced.
The stress limits for pipe support designs meet the criteria of [ASME Section III, Subsection
3.12-24 Rev. 0
Although the use of baseplates with expansion anchors is expected to be minimized in the
APR1400 design, baseplate designs are likely to be needed. For these designs, the
concrete is evaluated using [ACI 349-97,]* Appendix B (Reference 26), subject to the
conditions and limitations of NRC RG 1.199 (Reference 34). This guidance accounts for
the proper consideration of anchor bolt spacing and distance to a free edge of concrete. In
addition, all aspects of the anchor bolt design, including baseplate flexibility and factors of
safety, will be used in the development of anchor bolt loads, as addressed in NRC Bulletin
Letter 79-02 (Reference 28).
Energy absorbers and limit stops for pipe supports are not used for the APR1400 design.
Snubbers for piping systems are used for situations requiring free thermal movements,
while restraining movements due to dynamic loadings. Typical snubber components are
manufactured standard hardware, and may be either hydraulic or mechanical in operation.
Snubbers are not capable of supporting gravity loads. Under certain circumstances, the
weight of the snubber bearing on the pipe is included in the piping stress analysis.
Snubbers in general are not to be used where thermal movements are small. Also, use of
snubbers is minimized to the extent that is reasonable due to the maintenance and testing
requirements for these components. As such, accessibility of any snubbers that are used is
considered in the design of the piping system.
The functional requirements and design specifications provided to the supplier of snubbers
contain the information described in Subsection
Rigid stiffness is used for the piping supports in the piping analysis model with a check on
support deflection in the restrained directions to verify the rigidity. The actual stiffness is
3.12-25 Rev. 0
modeled for variable spring supports. If the actual support stiffness is used for any
support other than variable spring supports, all supports within the piping model use the
actual support stiffness.
Each support modeled as rigid is checked with the deflection in the restrained directions to
a maximum of 1.6 mm (1/16 in) for SSE loadings, and a maximum of 3.2 mm (1/8 in) for
other loadings.
The excitation of the support structure to SSE loadings is to be included in the pipe support
analysis. Damping values for welded and bolted structures are given in Revision 1 to
NRC RG 1.61 (Reference 8). This support self-weight SSE response and the piping
inertial load SSE response are to be combined by absolute summation.
As addressed in Subsection, all seismic Category I pipe supports for the APR1400
are designed to ASME Section III, NF. For non-seismic pipe supports, AISC 360-05
(Reference 15) is used for the supplementary steel, as it is for the main support structure.
Friction forces are developed in the pipe support when a pipe slides across the surface of a
support member in the unrestrained directions under thermal expansion conditions.
Because friction is due to the gradual movement of the pipe, loads from friction are only
calculated using the deadweight and thermal loads normal to the applicable support member.
Specifically, the friction forces need to be calculated only if the thermal movement in the
applicable unrestrained directions is greater than 1.6 mm (1/16 in). The coefficient of
friction is taken as 0.3 for steel-to-steel conditions and 0.1 for low friction slide/bearing
3.12-26 Rev. 0
For guide type pipe supports modeled as rigid restraints in the piping analysis, the typical
industry design practice is to provide small gaps between the pipe and its surrounding
structural members. These small gaps allow radial thermal expansion of the pipe as well
as allow rotation of the pipe at the support. The normal design practice for the APR1400
is to use a nominal cold condition gap of 1.6 mm (1/16 in) on each side of the pipe in the
restrained direction.
The design and analysis loadings, load combinations, and acceptance criteria to be used for
instrumentation line supports are similar to those used for pipe supports. The applicable
design loads include deadweight, thermal expansion, and seismic loadings where appropriate.
The applicable loading combinations similarly follow those used for the ASME Section III
Levels in Table 3.9-10 using the design loadings mentioned above. The acceptance criteria
are in accordance with ASME Section III, Subsection NF for seismic Category I
instrumentation lines, AISC 360-05 (Reference 15) for non-seismic instrumentation lines.
For standard component pipe supports using standard manufactured hardware components,
the manufacturers recommendations for limitations in its hardware are followed. The
limitations are travel limits for spring hangers, stroke limits for snubbers, swing angles for
rods, struts, and snubbers, alignment angles between clamps or end brackets with their
associated struts and snubbers, and the variability check for variable spring supports. In
addition to the manufacturers recommended limits, allowances are made in the initial
designs for tolerances on such limits. This is especially important for snubber and spring
design in which the function of the support may be changed by an exceeded limit.
COL 3.12(1) The COL applicant is to prepare design reports for ASME Class 1, 2, and 3
piping system in accordance with ASME Section III.
3.12-27 Rev. 0
COL 3.12(2) The COL applicant is to design the piping exposed to wind and/or tornado,
if any, to the plant design basis loads.
COL 3.12(3) The COL applicant is to perform fatigue evaluations of ASME Class 1
piping except for the RCS primary loop.
COL 3.12(4) The COL applicant is to perform stress evaluations for ASME Class 2 and
3 piping.
3.12.8 References
1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section III, Division 1, 2007 Edition with 2008 addenda.
5. NRC RG 1.84, Design, Fabrication, and Materials Code Case Acceptability, Rev. 35,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October 2010.
6. NRC RG 1.193, ASME Code Cases Not Approved For Use, Rev. 3, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, October 2010.
8. NRC RG 1.61, Damping Values for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Rev. 1,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, March 2007.
3.12-28 Rev. 0
9. NRC RG 1.122, Development of Floor Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design
of Floor-Supported Equipment or Components, Rev. 1, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, February 1978.
10. NRC RG 1.92, Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Seismic
Response Analysis, Rev. 1, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, February 1976.
11. NRC RG 1.92, Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Seismic
Response Analysis, Rev. 3, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October 2012.
12. DST Computer Services. S.A., PIPESTRESS Theory Manual, Geneva, Switzerland.
13. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Evaluation of Other Loads and Load
Combinations, NUREG-1061, Volume 4, Washington DC, USA, December 1984.
14. K. Gordis, Outline of Dynamic Analysis for Piping Systems, Nuclear Engineering
and Design, Volume 52, No. 1, March 1979.
15. ANSI/AISC 360-05, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, March 2005,
American Institute of Steel Construction.
16. DST Computer Services. S.A., PIPESTRESS Users Manual, version 3.7.0, Geneva,
Switzerland, 2012.
17. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Piping Benchmark Problems. Vol. 1 and Vol.
2, NUREG/CR-1677, Washington DC., USA, August 1980.
19. ADLPIPE, Inc., ADLPIPE Static and Dynamic Pipe Design and Stress Analysis, Input
Preparation Manual, March 1987.
20. NRC RG 1.207, Rev. 0, Guidelines for Evaluating Fatigue Analyses incorporating the
Life Reduction of Metal Components Due to the Effects of the Light Water Reactor
Environment for New Reactors, Washington, DC, March 2007.
3.12-29 Rev. 0
23. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification,
Bulletin 88-11, Washington DC., USA, December 1988.
24. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section III, Division 1 Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix O, 2007
26. [ACI-349-97, Appendix B,]* Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete
Structures, February 2001, American Concrete Institute.
27. NRC RG 1.199, Anchoring Components and Structural Supports in Concrete, U.S.
nuclear Regulatory Commission, November 2003.
28. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Pipe Support Base Plate Designs Using
Concrete Expansion Anchor Bolts, Bulletin 79-02, Revision 2, March 1979.
29. IEEE Std. 344-2004 (Reaffirmed 2009), Recommended Practice for Seismic
Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), June 2005.
30. Welding Research Council Bulletins 353, Position Paper on Nuclear Plant Pipe
Support, May 1990.
31. SECY-93-087, Policy, Technical, and Licensing Issues Pertaining to Evolutionary and
Advanced Light-Water (ALWR) Designs, July 21, 1993.
3.12-30 Rev. 0
Table 3.12-1 (1 of 4)
Loading Combinations and Acceptance Criteria for ASME Section III, Class 1 Piping
Eq. 11
Peak S.I.R. Load (3), Cyclic Thermal Load (4), Material Discontinuity Stress,
Earthquake Inertial Load (7), Thermal Radial Gradient Stress (linear NB-3653.2
and non-linear)
Thermal Expansion Load (3), Thermal Expansion Anchor Motion Eq. 12
Normal Thermal S.I.R. (5) 3 Sm
A/B Load (3), Cyclic Thermal Load (4) NB-3653.6(a)
Primary plus Secondary
Service Pressure, Steady State Flow Load, Dynamic Fluid Load (2), Eq. 13
Membrane plus Bending 3 Sm
Material Discontinuity Stress, Earthquake Inertial Load (7) NB-3653.6(b)
S.I.R. (5)
Service Pressure, Steady State Flow Load, Dynamic Fluid Load (2), NB-3653.3
Thermal Expansion Load (3), Thermal Expansion Anchor Motion NB-3653.4
Alternating Stress Intensity
Load(3), Cyclic Thermal Load (4), Material Discontinuity Stress,
(S.I.) (Fatigue Usage) (6) NB-3653.5
Earthquake Inertial Load (7), Thermal Radial Gradient Stress (linear
and non-linear) NB-3653.6(c)
Thermal Stress Ratchet Linear Thermal Radial Gradient NB3653.7
Rev. 0
Table 3.12-1 (2 of 4)
Acceptance Criteria
Service Service
Category Loading Equation
Condition Level Stress Limit
Permissible Pressure Maximum Level B Service Pressure NB-3654.1 1.1 Pa
Coincident Level B Service Pressure, Deadweight, Steady State
Upset B Primary Stress NB-3654.2 (1.8 Sm,
Flow Load, Dynamic Fluid Load (2)
1.5 Sy)
Deformation Limits As Set Forth in the Design Specification NB-3653.7
Permissible Pressure Maximum Level C Service Pressure NB-3654.1 1.1 Pa
Rev. 0
Table 3.12-1 (3 of 4)
(1) Acceptance criteria are taken from the referenced section in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or are as noted.
(2) Dynamic fluid loads are occasional loads associated with hydraulic transients caused by events such as valve actuation (safety or relief valve
discharge, rapid valve opening/closing), water hammer, or steam hammer.
(3) Thermal expansion and thermal expansion anchor motion loads are not calculated for those operating conditions where the piping system does not
exceed 65 C (150 F).
(4) Cyclic thermal load includes loads due to thermal stratification, and stresses due to high cycle thermal striping and thermal penetration (i.e., thermal
(5) The thermal bending and primary plus secondary membrane plus bending stress intensity ranges (Equations 12 and 13) are only calculated for those
load sets that do not meet the primary plus secondary stress intensity range (Equation 10) allowable.
(6) The cumulative fatigue usage factor is calculated by summing the Level A and Level B fatigue usage. If applicable, fatigue usage from Level C and
pressure testing conditions is also included in the calculation of the cumulative usage factor (see Notes 9 and 14).
taken as one-third of the peak SSE inertial load, then the number of cycles to be considered for earthquake loading is as described in Subsection (the equivalent number of 20 full SSE cycles as derived in accordance with Appendix D of IEEE Standard 344-2004 (Reference 29)).
(8) The resultant moment calculated is the maximum of the resultant moment due to the full range of earthquake inertial load or the resultant moment
due to the consideration of half of the range of earthquake inertial load with all other applicable loads.
(9) If a piping system is subjected to more than 25 emergency condition transient cycles that result in an alternating stress intensity (Sa) value greater
than that for 106 cycles, as determined from the applicable fatigue design curves of Figures I-9.0 in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, then those cycles in excess of 25 are included in the fatigue calculation that determines the cumulative usage factor. See Section NB-
3113(b) in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
(10) The rules given in Appendix F of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code may be used in lieu of those given in NB-3656(a) and NB-3656(b)
when evaluating Level D primary stress.
(11) Loads due to dynamic events other than high energy line break (i.e., loss-of-coolant accident and secondary side pipe rupture) and SSE are combined
considering the time phasing of the events (i.e., whether the loads are coincident in time). When the time phasing relationship can be established,
dynamic loads may be combined by the square-root-sum-of-the-squares (SRSS) method, provided it is demonstrated that the non-exceedance criteria
given in NUREG-0484 (Reference 18) is met. When the time phasing relationship cannot be established, or when the non-exceedance criteria in
NUREG-0484 are not met, dynamic loads are combined by absolute sum. SSE and high energy line break loads are always combined using the
SRSS method.
Rev. 0
Table 3.12-1 (4 of 4)
(12) This secondary stress check is only necessary if the stresses (including those due to earthquake inertial load) exceed the Equation 10 (primary plus
secondary stress intensity range for the upset service condition) allowable stress. See Section NB-3656(b)(4) in Section III of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code.
(13) Sm = Allowable design stress intensity value from Part D of Section II of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
(14) If a piping system is subjected to more than 10 pressure test cycles that result in an alternating stress intensity (Sa) value greater than that for 106
cycles, as determined from the applicable fatigue design curves of Figures I-9.0 in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, then
those cycles in excess of 10 are included in the fatigue calculation that determines the cumulative usage factor. See Sections NB-3657 and NB-
3226(e) in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Rev. 0
Table 3.12-2 (1 of 2)
Loading Combinations for Acceptance Criteria for ASME Section III Class 2 and 3 Piping
Acceptance Criteria(4)
Service Service
Loading Equation Stress
Condition Level
(NB-3650) Limit
Pressure, Weight, Other Sustained Eq. 8
Design - 1.5 Sh (3)
Mechanical Loads NC/ND-3652(3)
Pressure, Weight, Other Sustained Eq.9 Min
Mechanical Loads, Dynamic Fluid Loads NC/ND-3653.1 (1.8 Sh, 1.5
(DFL)(1), Wind (7) (Level B Only) (6) S y)
Thermal Expansion, Thermal Anchor Eq.10 SA(2)
Normal Movement (TAM) NC/ND-3653.2(a)(2)
/Upset Eq. 10a
Building Settlement 3Sc
Pressure, Weight, Other Sustained
Eq. 11
Mechanical Loads, Thermal Expansion, Sh +SA (2)
NC/ND- 3653.2(c)(2)
Eq. 9 Min(2.25
Emergency C Pressure, Weight, DFL(1), Tornado(7)
NC/ND-3654.2(a)(5) Sh,1.8 Sy)
Pressure, Weight , DFL(1), SSE Inertia, Eq. 9 Min(3 Sh,
Design Basis Pipe Break NC/ND-3655(a)(5) 2 S y)
Faulted D
Thermal Expansion, TAM, Seismic Anchor
NC/ND-3665(b)(4) 6Sh(6) (8)
Motion (SAM)
Pressure, Weight, Other Sustained Eq. 8
Design - 1.5 Sh (3)
Mechanical Loads NC/ND-3652(3)
Pressure, Weight, Other Sustained Eq.9
Mechanical Loads, Dynamic Fluid Loads NC/ND-3653.1
Sh, 1.5 Sy)
(DFL)(1), Wind (7) (Level B Only) (6)
Thermal Expansion, Thermal Anchor Eq.10 SA(2)
Normal Movement (TAM) NC/ND-3653.2(a)(2)
/Upset Eq. 10a
Building Settlement 3Sc
Pressure, Weight, Other Sustained
Eq. 11
Mechanical Loads, Thermal Expansion, Sh +SA (2)
NC/ND- 3653.2(c)(2)
Eq. 9 Min(2.25
Emergency C Pressure, Weight, DFL(1), Tornado(7)
NC/ND-3654.2(a)(5) Sh,1.8 Sy)
3.12-35 Rev. 0
Table 3.12-2 (2 of 2)
Acceptance Criteria(4)
Service Service
Loading Equation Stress
Condition Level
(NB-3650) Limit
Eq. 9 Min
Pressure, Weight , DFL(1), SSE Inertia,
(3 Sh, 2
Design Basis Pipe Break NC/ND-3655(a)(5)
Faulted D S y)
Thermal Expansion, TAM, Seismic Anchor
NC/ND-3665(b)(4) 6Sh(6, 8)
Motion (SAM)
(1) Dynamic fluid loads (DFL) are occasional loads such as safety/relief valve thrust, steam hammer,
water hammer, or other loads associated with plant upset, emergency, or faulted conditions as
(2) Stresses are to meet the requirements of either Equation 10 or 11, not both.
(3) If, during operation, the system normally carries a medium other than water (air, gas, steam), sustained
loads are to be checked for weight loads during hydrostatic testing as well as normal operation weight
(4) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III.
(5) When causal relationships can be established, dynamic loads may be combined by the square-root-
sum-of-the-squares (SRSS), provided it is demonstrated that the non-exceedance criteria given in
NUREG-0484 are met. When the causal relationship cannot be established, or when the non-
exceedance criteria given in NUREG-0484 are not met, dynamic loads are to be combined by absolute
sum. SSE and high energy line break loads are always combined using the SRSS method.
(6) OBE inertia and SAM loads are not included in the design of Class 2 and 3 piping (Reference 31).
(7) Wind and tornado loads are not combined with earthquake loading.
(8) ASME Code equations and paragraph numbers refer to the 2007 Edition through 2008 Addenda of the
ASME Code.
3.12-36 Rev. 0