MurderHobos 3E PDF
MurderHobos 3E PDF
MurderHobos 3E PDF
A MurderHobo character (don't call him a hero) only cares Backstab: If you are the first person to attack someone,
about four primary things: add +2 to your Killing roll. This can be used multiple
times per day.
Avoiding Being Killed Fuckin' Badass: On one non-attack roll, instead of
Knowing Shit adding a primary or secondary stat, roll your class die
Talking Your Way Out Of Anything and use what you roll instead.
You get 4 points in one of these (which makes you pretty Fuck This Shit: You move up to 20 feet instantly without
good at it), 2 points in another, and 1 point in each of the anyone seeing you. You can use this to avoid taking
others. damage.
A MurderHobo has to avoid four secondary things: Blades Everywhere: Attack up to 3 enemies at once.
Magic Sticky Fingers: You steal an item about the size of a small
Traps apple or smaller.
Poisons Your class die is a d6.
The Law
You get 4 points in one of these, 2 points in another, and 1 Unhinged Priest
point in each of the others.
You have made deals with occult powers from beyond the
Choose your class. Each class skill can be used once per day. very walls of reality. In exchange for the ability to fuck with
other people's minds, you just have to kill a few things here
Brutal Fighte and there.
You walk right up to things and kill them with your sword, Choose one class skill:
your mace, or your bare hands. Mindfuck: Deal two hits to an enemy. If it dies, its skull
Choose one class skill: explodes.
Murderous Rage: When you succeed on an attack, deal 2 Aura of Pain: Roll your class die. Deal a hit to that many
hits. enemies within 50 feet of you.
Ah Keel Yew: Your attack automatically hits. Magic Choke: Hit an enemy. The enemy must make a
saving throw against 10 plus your Magic stat or fall
Suck It Up: When you take damage, ignore that damage. unconscious for about 5 minutes.
Insane Training: On one attack roll, instead of adding a Implant Trigger: An enemy must make a saving throw
primary or secondary stat, roll your class die and use against Magic, the difficulty being 10 plus your Magic
what you roll instead. stat. If your enemy fails, you can implant a single-word
command in the enemy's mind, and a trigger word.
Dumb Luck: Re-roll a non-Killing roll that you fail,
When that word is spoken, the enemy will immediately
continuing until your roll at least equals the difficulty.
complete the command.
Your class die is a d8.
Seduce: An enemy must make a saving throw against
Magic, the difficulty being 10 plus your Magic stat. If
your enemy fails, it does anything you tell it for the
next 10 minutes. Anything.
Your class die is a d6.
Fist of Fury: For the next hour, you generate a spectral More than target Hit!
hand that's about twice the size of your own. It has Equal to or Hit, but your enemy
mass but can take no damage, and can pick up and 1 below immediately attacks you
carry things up to 150 pounds in weight. It can move Killing (its target is 10 + your
up to 50 feet off the ground. It can also drop whatever Avoiding Being Killed).
it's carrying, all the way to the ground. It can move fast
enough to count as a ranged weapon. -2 or less than Miss, and your enemy
immediately attacks you.
Spectral Head: For the next hour, you generate a spectral
head that you can move up to 100 feet away from you. More than target You take no hit.
You can see, hear, smell, and taste through this head, Equal to or You can delay the hit
and make it visible and invisible at will. It cannot be hit. Avoiding
1 below until the instant the fight
Being Killed
Wall of Ice: You create a 20'x10' wall of ice. You can ends.
create this on top of enemies, in which case they must -2 or less than You take the hit.
make a saving throw against 10 plus your Magic stat or
be encased in the ice and die. The wall of ice has the More than target You know what you need
strength of a heavy wood door. to.
Equal to or You know something, but
In addition, you can cast a spell that acts like a weapon. Shit
1 below not the whole story.
Your class die is a d4.
-2 or less than Durrrrr.
More than target You totally pull one over
Your Hits on your target.
Talking Equal to or They trust you for a bit,
Every day in game, when the party wakes up, each player
Your Way 1 below but they're real
makes a Hangover Roll by rolling his or her character's class
Out of suspicious.
die. That's how many hits his or her character can take that
day. Sometimes, traveling just takes it out of you, and -2 or less than They don't buy it at all
sometimes you feel like you shit diamonds. (and you'll probably need
to kill them now).
This also means you might recover all your hits (or even get
more!) at the beginning of every day, because you're a
pumped-up fucking MurderHobo.
Saving Your Ass
Sometimes you're stuck in bad shit. When you're in over
your head, you'll have to make a saving throw. Roll a d20
Doing Shit and add the relevant secondary stat. You're generally rolling
against a 10 or 15 (ask your GM). If your result is higher than
Roll a d20 and add the relevant primary stat (usually, it's the target, you avoid the immediate problem.
Killing Things). When you're rolling outside of combat
which probably won't happen often, but what the hell
you're trying to roll more than 5 for something easy, 10 for a Geing Killed
moderate challenge, and 15 for something really tough.
Combat proceeds in rounds; each creature in the fight If you take all your hits, you die. Sucks to be you. Make a
(including each murderhobo) gets one turn per round. Roll new character.
Games Masteng
Hits 1
The PCs are murderhobos. They should kill lots of things and Hit Diffculty 7
take their stuff. Avoiding Being Killed -2 Knowing Shit -10 Talking -10
Starting monsters should have a difficulty of around 7 and Silent: Skeletons make no noise during any movement other than
only take 1 or 2 hits, so the murderhobos can murder a lot. attacking.
But then they should face something really tough and crazy. Troll Warrior
This shouldn't be a consequence; it should just be something
big and tough and memorable. Hits 2
Hit Diffculty 10
Here are some monster abilities that can really get your
Killing +3 (club)
murderhobos in trouble:
Heals Like Wolverine: On its turn, the troll regains up to 1 hit it lost
Poisonous aura which temporarily lowers primary this turn. This is in addition to anything else the troll does.
Acidic spit
Belching fire (which sets everything around it on
MurderHoboes was created by Brent P. Newhall with the
Good old rust monsters
wonderful encouragement of the Gamer Assembly,
Tentacles that pull prey to the ground, preventing
particularly Bob Smith. It was edited by Jim T.W. Wombat.
Tentacles that grab weapons This document was created in LibreOffice. The headers are
Tentacles in general set in Eadui, the text in Book Antiqua, and the stat blocks in
Gill Sans.
Monstes The cover image is by Khairul Hisham and the rest of the art
is by Peter Seckler.
Adult Giant Cetipede This is the third edition of the game. The first edition
included contradictory rules about healing. The second
Hits 1 edition didn't include anything about combat turns, and
Hit Diffculty 8 didn't include any monsters. Those editions suck. This
Killing +1 (mandibles) edition is vastly superior.
Paralyzing Venom: If an enemy is bit by a giant centipede, on its next This game is released under a Creative Commons
turn it must make an 8+ Avoiding Poisons roll or it is poisoned and Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC BY-SA 3.0).
cannot move (though it can still attack, communicate, etc.). On its
next turn, the poisoned creature must make a 10+ Avoiding
Poisons roll or fall unconscious.
MurdeHobo Characte Shee
Killing Avoiding Magic
Weapons: _____________________________________________
Other Shit: