Overhead Conductors: ACAR (Aluminium Conductor, Aluminium Reinforce)
Overhead Conductors: ACAR (Aluminium Conductor, Aluminium Reinforce)
Overhead Conductors: ACAR (Aluminium Conductor, Aluminium Reinforce)
The following tests are type test of electrical power cable.
1. Persulphate test (for copper )
2. Annealing test (for copper)
3. Tensile test (for Aluminium)
4. Wrapping test (for Aluminium)
5. Conductor resistance test (for all)
6. Test for thickness of insulation (for all)
7. Measurement of overall diameter (where specified)(for all)
Physical tests for for insulation and sheath
1. Tensile strength and elongation at break
2. Ageing in air oven
3. Ageing in air bomb
4. Ageing in oxygen bomb
5. Hot set
6. Oil resistance
7. Tear resistance
Insulating Material
Properties of Insulating Material
The materials generally used for insulating purpose is called insulating
material. For successful utilization, this material should have some specific
properties as listed below-
1. It must be mechanically strong enough to carry tension and weight of
2. It must have very high dielectric strength to withstand the voltage stresses
in High Voltage system.
3. It must possesses high Insulation Resistance to prevent leakage current
to the earth.
4. The insulating material must be free from unwanted impurities.
5. It should not be porous.
6. There must not be any entrance on the surface of electrical insulator so
that the moisture or gases can enter in it.
7. There physical as well as electrical properties must be less effected by
changing temperature.
Porcelain also should be free from porosity since porosity is the main
cause of deterioration of its dielectric property.
It must also be free from any impurity and air bubble inside the
material which may affect the insulator properties.
Property Value(Approximate)
Dielectric Straingth 60 KV / cm
Compressive Strength 70,000 Kg / cm2
Tensile Strength 500 Kg / cm2
Glass Insulator
Advantages of Glass Insulator
1. It has very high dielectric strength compared to porcelain.
2. Its resistivity is also very high.
3. It has low coefficient of thermal expansion.
4. It has higher tensile strength compared to porcelain insulator.
5. As it is transparent in nature the is not heated up in sunlight as porcelain.
6. The impurities and air bubble can be easily detected inside the glass
insulator body because of its transparency.
7. Glass has very long service life as because mechanical and electrical
properties of glass do not be affected by ageing.
8. After all, glass is cheaper than porcelain.
Disadvantages of Glass Insulator
1. Moisture can easily condensed on glass surface and hence air dust will
be deposited on the wed glass surface which will provide path to the
leakage current of the system.
2. For higher voltage glass can not be cast in irregular shapes since due to
irregular cooling internal cooling internal strains are caused.
Property Value(Approximate)
Dielectric Straingth 140 KV / cm
Compressive Strength 10,000 Kg / cm2
Tensile Strength 35,000 Kg / cm2
Polymer typer
In a polymer insulator has two parts, one is glass fiber reinforced epoxy
resin rod shaped core and other is silicone rubber or EPDM (Ethylene
Propylene Diene Monomer) made weather sheds. Rod shaped core is
covered by weather sheds. Weather sheds protect the insulator core from
outside environment. As it is made of two parts, core and weather
sheds, polymer insulator is also called composite insulator. The rod
shaped core is fixed with Hop dip galvanized cast steel made end fittings in
both sides.
Advantages of Polymer Insulator
1. It is very light weight compared to porcelain and glass insulator.
2. As the composite insulator is flexible the chance of breakage becomes
3. Because of lighter in weight and smaller in size, this insulator has lower
installation cost.
4. It has higher tensile strength compared to porcelain insulator.
5. Its performance is better particularly in polluted areas.
6. Due to lighter weight polymer insulator imposes less load to the supporting
7. Less cleaning is required due to hydrophobic nature of the insulator.
Disadvantages of Polymer Insulator
1. Moisture may enter in the core if there is any unwanted gap between core
and weather sheds. This may cause electrical failure of the insulator.
2. Over crimping in end fittings may result to cracks in the core which leads
to mechanical failure of polymer insulator
3. Subject to bird attack by Parrots, Cockatoos and Galahs.
4. Not resilient to bushfire temperatures.
5. Not recommended for location near surf beaches due to salt spray.
Types of Insulator
There are mainly three types of insulator likewise
1. Pin Insulator
2. Suspension Insulator
3. Stray Insulator
In addition to that there are other two types of electrical insulator available
mainly for low voltage application, e.i. stay insulator and shackle insulator.
1) type insulators are used for transmission and distribution of electric power
at voltages upto 33 kV. Beyond operating voltage of 33 kV, the pin type
insulators become too bulky and hence uneconomical
Safety factor of insulator =Puncture strength/Flash - over voltage
2) For high voltages (>33 kV), it is a usual practice to use suspension type insulators. They
consist of a number of porcelain discs connected in series by metal links in the form of a string.
The conductor is suspended at the bottom end of this string while the other end of the string is
secured to the cross-arm of the tower. Each unit or disc is designed for low voltage, say 11 kV.
The number of discs in series would obviously depend upon the working voltage. For instance, if
the working voltage is 66 kV, then six discs in series will be provided on the string
(i) Suspension type insulators are cheaper than pin type insulators for voltages beyond 33
(ii) Each unit or disc of suspension type insulator is designed for low voltage,usually 11 kV.
Depending upon the working voltage, the desired number of discs can be connected in
(iii) If any one disc is damaged, the whole string does not become useless because the
disc can be replaced by the sound one.
(iv) The suspension arrangement provides greater flexibility to the line. The connection at the
cross arm is such that insulator string is free to swing in any direction and can take up the
position where mechanical stresses are minimum.
(v) In case of increased demand on the transmission line, it is found more satisfactory to
the greater demand by raising the line voltage than to provide another set of conductors.
The additional insulation required for the raised voltage can be easily obtained in the
arrangement by adding the desired number of discs.
(vi) The suspension type insulators are generally used with steel towers. As the conductors
below the earthed cross-arm of the tower, therefore, this arrangement provides partial
from lightning.
3.When there is a dead end of the line or there is corner or sharp curve, theline is subjected
to greater tension. In order to relieve the line of excessive tension, strain insulators are used.
For low voltage lines (< 11 kV), shackle insulators are used as strain insulators
4. In early days, the shackle insulators were used as strain insulators. But
now a days, they are frequently used for low voltage distribution lines. Such insulators can
be used
either in a horizontal position or in a vertical position
Causes of Insulator Failure
There are different causes due to which failure of insulation in electrical
power system may occur. Let's have a look on them one by one-
Cracking of Insulator
The porcelain insulator mainly consists of three different materials. The
main porcelain body, steel fitting arrangement and cement to fix the steel
part with porcelain. Due to changing climate conditions, these different
materials in the insulator expand and contract in different rate. These
unequal expansion and contraction of porcelain, steel and cement are the
chief cause of cracking of insulator.
Defective Insulation Material
If the insulation material used for insulator is defective anywhere, the
insulator may have a high chance of being puncher from that place.
Porosity in The Insulation Materials
If the porcelain insulator is manufactured at low temperatures, it will make it
porous, and due to this reason it will absorb moisture from air thus its
insulation will decrease and leakage current will start to flow through the
insulator which will lead to insulator failure.
Improper Glazing on Insulator Surface
If the surface of porcelain insulator is not properly glazed, moisture can
stick over it. This moisture along with deposited dust on the insulator
surface, produces a conducting path. As a result the flash over distance of
the insulator is reduced. As the flash over distance is reduced, the chance
of failure of insulator due to flash over becomes more.
Flash Over Across Insulator
If flash over occurs, the insulator may be over heated which may ultimately
results into shuttering of it.
Mechanical Stresses on Insulator
If an insulator has any weak portion due to manufacturing defect, it may
break from that weak portion when mechanical stress is applied on it by its
conductor. These are the main causes of insulator failure. Now we will
discuss the different insulator test procedures to ensure minimum chance
of failure of insulation.
Insulator Testing
According to the British Standard, the electrical insulator must undergo the
following tests
1. Flashover tests of insulator
2. Performance tests
3. Routine tests
Let's have a discussion one by one-
Flashover Test
There are mainly three types of flashover test performed on an insulator
and these are-
Power Frequency Dry Flashover Test of Insulator
1. First the insulator to be tested is mounted in the manner in which it would
be used practically.
2. Then terminals of variable power frequency voltage source are connected
to the both electrodes of the insulator.
3. Now the power frequency voltage is applied and gradually increased up to
the specified value. This specified value is below the minimum flashover
4. This voltage is maintained for one minute and observe that there should
not be any flash-over or puncher occurred.
The insulator must be capable of sustaining the specified minimum voltage
for one minute without flash over.
Power Frequency Wet Flashover Test or Rain Test of Insulator
1. In this test also the insulator to be tested is mounted in the manner in
which it would be used practically.
2. Then terminals of variable power frequency voltage source are connected
to the both electrodes of the insulator.
3. After that the insulator is sprayed with water at an angle of 45o in such a
manner that its precipitation should not be more 5.08 mm per minute.
The resistance of the water used for spraying must be between 9 k 10
11 k per cm3 at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature. In this
way we create artificial raining condition.
4. Now the power frequency voltage is applied and gradually increased up to
the specified value.
5. This voltage is maintained for either one minute or 30 second as specified
and observe that there should not be any flash-over or puncher occurred.
The insulator must be capable of sustaining the specified minimum power
frequency voltage for specified period without flash over in the said wet
Power Frequency Flashover Voltage test of Insulator
1. The insulator is kept in similar manner of previous test.
2. In this test the applied voltage is gradually increased in similar to that of
previous tests.
3. But in that case the voltage when the surroundings air breaks down, is
Impulse Frequency Flashover Voltage Test of Insulator
The ratio of voltage across the whole string to the product of number of discs
and the voltage across the disc nearest to the conductor is known as string
efficiency i.e.,
String efficiency =Voltage across the string/Voltage across n disc
nearest to conductor
where n = number of discs in the string.
The following points may be noted from the above mathematical analysis :
(i) If K = 02 (Say), then from exp. (iv), we get, V2 = 12 V1 and V3 = 164 V1.
This clearly shows that disc nearest to the conductor has maximum voltage
across it; the voltage across other discs decreasing progressively as the cross-
arm in approached.
(ii) The greater the value of K (= C1/C), the more non-uniform is the potential
across the discs and lesser is the string efficiency.
(iii) The inequality in voltage distribution increases with the increase of number
of discs in the string. Therefore, shorter string has more efficiency than the
larger one.
(ii) The voltage across the string is equal to phase voltage i.e.,
Voltage across string = Voltage between line and earth = Phase Voltage
(iii) Line Voltage = 3 Voltage across string
(ii) Conductor size. The corona effect depends upon the shape and conditions
of the conductors. The rough and irregular surface will give rise to more corona
because unevenness of the surface decreases the value of breakdown voltage.
Thus a stranded conductor has irregular surface and hence gives rise to more
corona that a solid conductor.
(iv) Line voltage. The line voltage greatly affects corona. If it is low, there is no
change in the condition of air surrounding the conductors and hence no corona
is formed. However, if the line voltage has such a value that electrostatic
stresses developed at the conductor surface make the air around the conductor
conducting, then corona is formed
(i) Corona is accompanied by a loss of energy. This affects the
transmission efficiency of the line.
(iii) The current drawn by the line due to corona is non-sinusoidal and
hence non-sinusoidal voltage drop occurs in the line. This may cause
inductive interference with neighbouring communication lines.
It has been seen that intense corona effects are observed at a working
voltage of 33 kV or above. Therefore, careful design should be made to
avoid corona on the sub-stations or bus-bars rated for 33kV and higher
voltages otherwise highly ionised air may cause flash-over in the insulators
or betweenthe phases, causing considerable damage to the equipment.
In all practical cases the sending end voltage is higher than the receiving end
due to line losses, so current flows from the source or the supply end to the
load. But Sir S.Z. Ferranti, in the year 1890, came up with an astonishing theory
about medium distance transmission line or long distance transmission lines
suggesting that in case of light loading or no load operation of transmission
system, the receiving end voltage often increases beyond the sending end
voltage, leading to a phenomena known as Ferranti effect in power system.
both the capacitance and inductor effect of transmission line are equally
responsible for this particular phenomena to occur, and hence Ferranti effect is
negligible in case of a short transmission lines as the inductor of such a line is
practically considered to be nearing zero.
rise in voltage at the receiving end is directly proportional to the square of the
line length, and hence in case of a long transmission line it keeps increasing
with length and even goes beyond the applied sending end voltage at times,
leading to the phenomena called Ferranti effect in power system
Skin Effect
Wooden poles.
These are made of seasoned wood (sal or chir) and are suitable for lines
ofmoderate X-sectional area and of relatively shorter spans, say upto 50
metres. Such supports are cheap, easily available, provide insulating
properties and, therefore, are widely used for distribution purposes in rural
areas as an economical proposition. The wooden poles generally tend to
rot below the ground level, causing foundation failure. In order to prevent
this, the portion of the pole below the ground level is impregnated with
preservative compounds like creosote oil. Double pole structures of the A
or H type are often used (See Fig. 8.2) to obtain a higher transverse
strength than could be economically provided by means of single poles.
(i) tendency to rot below the ground level (ii) comparatively smaller life
(20-25 years)
(iii) cannot be used for voltages higher than 20 kV
(iv) less mechanical strength and (v) require periodical inspection.
Steel poles.
The steel poles are often used as a substitute for wooden poles. They
possessgreater mechanical strength, longer life and permit longer spans to
be used. Such poles are generallyused for distribution purposes in the
cities. This type of supports need to be galvanised or painted inorder to
prolong its life.
RCC poles.
The reinforced concrete poles have become very popular as line supports
inrecent years. They have greater mechanical strength, longer life and
permit longer spans than steel poles. Moreover, they give good outlook,
require little maintenance and have good insulating properties. Fig. 8.3
shows R.C.C. poles for single and double circuit. The holes in the poles
facilitate the climbing of poles and at the same time reduce the weight of
line supports.The main difficulty with the use of these poles is the high cost
of transport owing to their heavy weight. Therefore, such poles are often
manufactured at the site in order to avoid heavy cost of
Steel towers.
In practice, wooden, steel and reinforced concrete poles are used for
distribution purposes at low voltages, say upto 11 kV. However, for long
distance transmission at higher voltage, steel towers are invariably
employed. Steel towers have greater mechanical strength, longer life, can
withstand most severe climatic conditions and permit the use of longer
spans. The risk ofinterrupted serivce due to broken or punctured insulation
is considerably reduced owing to longerspans. Tower footings are usually
grounded by driving rods into the earth. This minimises the lightning
troubles as each tower acts as a lightning conductor
1. D.C. system
(i) D.C. two-wire.
(ii) D.C. two-wire with mid-point earthed.
(iii) D.C. three-wire.