Veterinary Medicine: 1 History

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Some of the key takeaways from the passage are that veterinary medicine deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in animals. It also discusses the history and establishment of veterinary profession.

The first veterinary college was founded in Lyon, France in 1762 by Claude Bourgelat.

The Odiham Agricultural Society was founded in 1783 in England to promote agriculture and industry.

Veterinary medicine

Animal hospital redirects here. For the BBC television

show, see Animal Hospital.
Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that

Shalihotra manuscript pages

1.1 Premodern era

The Egyptian Papyrus of Kahun (1900 BCE) and Vedic
literature in ancient India oer one of the rst written
records of veterinary medicine.[1] (See also Shalihotra)
A veterinary technician in Ethiopia shows the owner of an ailing ( Buddhism) First Buddhist Emperor of India edicts of
donkey how to sanitize the site of infection. Asoka reads: Everywhere King Piyadasi (Asoka) made
two kinds of medicine () available, medicine for
people and medicine for animals. Where there were no
deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dis-
healing herbs for people and animals, he ordered that they
ease, disorder and injury in non-human animals. The
be bought and planted.[2]
scope of veterinary medicine is wide, covering all animal
species, both domesticated and wild, with a wide range The rst attempts to organize and regulate the practice
of conditions which can aect dierent species. of treating animals tended to focus on horses because
of their economic signicance. In the Middle Ages
Veterinary medicine is widely practiced, both with and
from around 475 CE, farriers combined their work in
without professional supervision. Professional care is
horseshoeing with the more general task of horse doc-
most often led by a veterinary physician (also known as
toring. In 1356, the Lord Mayor of London, concerned
a vet, veterinary surgeon or veterinarian), but also by
at the poor standard of care given to horses in the city,
paraveterinary workers such as veterinary nurses or tech-
requested that all farriers operating within a seven-mile
nicians. This can be augmented by other paraprofession-
radius of the City of London form a fellowship to reg-
als with specic specialisms such as animal physiotherapy
ulate and improve their practices. This ultimately led to
or dentistry, and species relevant roles such as farriers.
the establishment of the Worshipful Company of Farriers
Veterinary science helps human health through the mon- in 1674.[3]
itoring and control of zoonotic disease (infectious dis-
Meanwhile, Carlo Ruini's book Anatomia del Cavallo,
ease transmitted from non-human animals to humans),
(Anatomy of the Horse) was published in 1598. It was
food safety, and indirectly through human applications
the rst comprehensive treatise on the anatomy of a non-
from basic medical research. They also help to main-
human species.[4]
tain food supply through livestock health monitoring and
treatment, and mental health by keeping pets healthy and
long living. Veterinary scientists often collaborate with 1.2 Establishment of profession
epidemiologists, and other health or natural scientists de-
pending on type of work. Ethically, veterinarians are usu- The rst veterinary college was founded in Lyon, France
ally obliged to look after animal welfare. in 1762 by Claude Bourgelat.[5] According to Lupton,
after observing the devastation being caused by cattle
plague to the French herds, Bourgelat devoted his time
to seeking out a remedy. This resulted in his founding a
1 History veterinary college in Lyon in 1761, from which establish-
ment he dispatched students to combat the disease; in a


1790, through the campaigning of Granville Penn, who

persuaded the Frenchman, Benoit Vial de St. Bel to ac-
cept the professorship of the newly established Veterinary
College in London.[7] The Royal College of Veterinary
Surgeons was established by royal charter in 1844. Vet-
erinary science came of age in the late 19th century, with
notable contributions from Sir John McFadyean, credited
by many as having been the founder of modern Veterinary
In the United States, the rst schools were established
in the early 19th century in Boston, New York and
Philadelphia. In 1879, Iowa Agricultural College became
the rst land grant college to establish a school of veteri-
nary medicine.[10]

2 Veterinary workers
Claude Bourgelat established the earliest veterinary college in
Lyon in 1762.
2.1 Veterinary physicians
short time, the plague was stayed and the health of stock
Main article: Veterinary physician
restored, through the assistance rendered to agriculture
by veterinary science and art.[6]
Veterinary care and management is usually led by a vet-
The Odiham Agricultural Society was founded in 1783
[7] erinary physician (usually called a vet, veterinary surgeon
in England to promote agriculture and industry, and
or veterinarian). This role is the equivalent of a doctor
played an important role in the foundation of the veteri-
in human medicine, and usually involves post-graduate
nary profession in Britain. A founding member, Thomas
study and qualication.
Burgess, began to take up the cause of animal welfare
and campaign for the more humane treatment of sick In many countries, the local nomenclature for a vet is a
animals.[8] A 1785 Society meeting resolved to promote protected term, meaning that people without the prereq-
the study of Farriery upon rational scientic principles. uisite qualications and/or registration are not able to use
the title, and in many cases, the activities that may be un-
dertaken by a vet (such as animal treatment or surgery)
are restricted only to those people who are registered as
vet. For instance, in the United Kingdom, as in other ju-
risdictions, animal treatment may only be performed by
registered vets (with a few designated exceptions, such as
paraveterinary workers), and it is illegal for any person
who is not registered to call themselves a vet or perform
any treatment.
Most vets work in clinical settings, treating animals di-
rectly. These vets may be involved in a general prac-
tice, treating animals of all types; may be specialized in
a specic group of animals such as companion animals,
livestock, laboratory animals, zoo animals or horses; or
may specialize in a narrow medical discipline such as
Minutes taken at the establishment of the Odiham Agricultural surgery, dermatology, laboratory animal medicine, or
Society, which went on to play a pivotal role in the establishment
internal medicine.
of the veterinary profession in England.
As with healthcare professionals, vets face ethical deci-
The physician James Clark wrote a treatise entitled Pre- sions about the care of their patients. Current debates
vention of Disease in which he argued for the profes- within the profession include the ethics of purely cos-
sionalization of the veterinary trade, and the establish- metic procedures on animals, such as declawing of cats,
ment of veterinary colleges. This was nally achieved in docking of tails, cropping of ears and debarking on dogs.

Some roles are specic to a species or group of animals,

such as farriers, who are involved in the shoeing of horses,
and in many cases have a major role to play in ensuring
the medical tness of the horse.

3 Veterinary Research
Veterinary research includes research on prevention, con-
trol, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of animals and
on the basic biology, welfare, and care of animals. Vet-
erinary research transcends species boundaries and in-
US and South African army veterinary technicians prepare a dog cludes the study of spontaneously occurring and exper-
for spaying. imentally induced models of both human and animal dis-
ease and research at human-animal interfaces, such as
food safety, wildlife and ecosystem health, zoonotic dis-
eases, and public policy.[11]

3.1 Clinical veterinary research

As in medicine, randomized controlled trials are fun-

damental also in veterinary medicine to establish the
eectiveness of a treatment.[12] However, clinical vet-
erinary research is far behind human medical research,
with fewer randomized controlled trials, that have a
lower quality and that are mostly focused on research
animals.[13] Possible improvement consists in creation of
An eye exam of a kitten under way prior to the kittens adoption.
network for inclusion of private veterinary practices in
randomized controlled trials.
2.2 Paraveterinary workers

Main article: Paraveterinary workers 4 See also

Paraveterinary workers, including veterinary nurses, Animal drug

technicians and assistants, either assist vets in their work,
or may work within their own scope of practice, depend- Animal science
ing on skills and qualications, including in some cases,
Federation of veterinarians of Europe
performing minor surgery.
The role of paraveterinary workers is less homogeneous National Oce of Animal Health
globally than that of a vet, and qualication levels, and the
associated skill mix, vary widely. One Health

Veterinary physician

2.3 Allied professions WikiVet

A number of professions exist within the scope of

veterinary medicine, but which may not necessarily 4.1 By country
be performed by vets or veterinary nurses. This in-
cludes those performing roles which are also found Veterinary medicine in the United Kingdom
in human medicine, such as practitioners dealing
with musculoskeletal disorders, including osteopaths, Veterinary medicine in the United States
chiropractors and physiotherapists.
History of veterinary medicine in Pennsylva-
There are also roles which are specic to animals, but nia
which have parallels in human society, such as animal
grooming and animal massage. History of veterinary medicine in the Philippines

5 Notes Done, Stanley H. (1996), Color atlas of veterinary

anatomy: The dog & cat, Elsevier Health Sciences,
[1] Thruseld 2007, p. 2. ISBN 978-0-7234-2441-3, retrieved 21 November
[2] Finger 2001, p. 12.
Dyce, Keith M.; Sack, Wolfgang O.; Wensing, Cor-
[3] Hunter, Pamela (2004). Veterinary Medicine: A Guide to
nelis Johannes Gerardus (2010), Textbook of veteri-
Historical Sources, p. 1. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
nary anatomy, Saunders, ISBN 978-1-4160-6607-
[4] Wernham, R. B. (1968). The New Cambridge Modern 1, retrieved 21 November 2011
History: The Counter-Reformation and price revolution,
1559-1610, Volume 3, p.472. Cambridge University Fenner, William R. (2000), Quick reference to vet-
Press. erinary medicine, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-0-
397-51608-7, retrieved 21 November 2011
[5] Marc Mammerickx, Claude Bourgelat: avocat des vtri-
naires, Bruxelles 1971 Lawhead, James B.; Baker, MeeCee (2009),
[6] J.L.Lupton, Modern Practical Farriery, 1879, in the
Introduction to veterinary science, Cengage Learn-
section: The Diseases of Cattle Sheep and Pigs pp. 1 ing, ISBN 978-1-4283-1225-8, retrieved 21
November 2011
[7] Pugh, L.P (1962), From Farriery to Veterinary Medicine
1785-1795, Hener, Cambridge (for RCVS), pp. 819 Pfeier, Dirk (2009), Veterinary Epidemiology: An
Introduction, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 978-1-
[8] Cotchen, Ernest (1990), The Royal Veterinary College 4051-7694-1, retrieved 21 November 2011
London, A Bicentenary History, Barracuda Books Ltd, pp.
1113 Radostits, O. M.; Gay, C. C.; Blood, D. C.; Arun-
[9] Exacting researcher brought profession into modern age, del, J. H.; Hinchcli, Kenneth W (2000), Veterinary
American Veterinary Medical Association Medicine: A Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle,
Sheep, Pigs, Goats and Horses (9th ed.), Elsevier
[10] Widder, Keith R. (2005). Michigan Agricultural College: Health Sciences, p. 1877, ISBN 0-7020-2604-2
The Evolution Of A Land-Grant Philosophy, 1855-1925,
p. 107. MSU Press

[11] National Research Council, (US) Committee on the Na- 6.2 Monographs and other speciality texts
tional Needs for Research in Veterinary Science (2005).
Critical Needs for Research in Veterinary Science. Wash- Dunlop, Robert H.; Malbert, Charles-Henri (2004),
ington (DC): National Academies Press (US). Veterinary pathophysiology, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN
978-0-8138-2826-8, retrieved 21 November 2011
[12] Sargeant, JM (2010). Quality of reporting of clinical tri-
als of dogs and cats and associations with treatment ef- Eurell, Jo Ann Coers; Eurell, Jo Ann; Frappier,
fects.. Journal of veterinary internal medicine. 24 (1): Brian L.; Dellman, Horst-Dieter (25 May 2006),
4450. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2009.0386.x.
Dellmanns textbook of veterinary histology, Wiley-
[13] Di Girolamo, N (2016). Deciencies of eectiveness Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-7817-4148-4, retrieved 21
of intervention studies in veterinary medicine: a cross- November 2011
sectional survey of ten leading veterinary and medical
journals. PeerJ. 4: e1649. doi:10.7717/peerj.1649. Foreyt, William J.; Foreyt, Bill (2001), Veterinary
parasitology reference manual, Wiley-Blackwell,
ISBN 978-0-8138-2419-2, retrieved 21 November
6 Further reading
Gupta, Ramesh Chandra (2007), Veterinary toxicol-
6.1 Introductory textbooks and references ogy: basic and clinical principles, Academic Press,
ISBN 978-0-12-370467-2, retrieved 21 November
Aspinall, Victoria; Cappello, Melanie; Bowden, 2011
Sally (2009), Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy
and Physiology Textbook, Jeery, Andrea (forward), Hirsh, Dwight C.; Maclachlan, Nigel James;
Elsevier Health Sciences, ISBN 978-0-7020-2938- Walker, Richard L. (2004), Veterinary microbiol-
7, retrieved 21 November 2011 ogy, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-8138-0379-1,
retrieved 21 November 2011
Boden, Edward; West, Georey Philip (1998),
Blacks veterinary dictionary, Rowman & Littleeld, Hunter, Pamela (2004), Veterinary Medicine: A
ISBN 978-0-389-21017-7, retrieved 21 November Guide to Historical Sources, Ashgate Publishing,
2011 Ltd., p. 611, ISBN 0-7546-4053-1
6.4 Related elds 5

Merck, Melinda D. (2007), Veterinary forensics: Lane, D. R.; Cooper, B. (2003), Veterinary nursing,
animal cruelty investigations, John Wiley & Sons, Elsevier Health Sciences, ISBN 978-0-7506-5525-
ISBN 978-0-8138-1501-5, retrieved 21 November 5, retrieved 21 November 2011
Pattengale, Paula (2004), Tasks for the veteri-
Murphy, Frederick A. (1999), Veterinary virol- nary assistant, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-7817-
ogy, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0-12-511340-3, 4243-6, retrieved 21 November 2011
retrieved 21 November 2011 Riviere, Jim E.; Papich, Mark G. (2009), Veterinary
pharmacology and therapeutics, John Wiley and
Nicholas, Frank W. (2009), Introduction to Veteri-
Sons, ISBN 978-0-8138-2061-3, retrieved 21
nary Genetics, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 978-1-
November 2011
4051-6832-8, retrieved 21 November 2011

Robinson, Wayne F.; Huxtable, Clive R. R. (2004), 6.4 Related elds

Clinicopathologic Principles for Veterinary Medicine,
Cambridge University Press, p. 452, ISBN 0-521- Anthony, David; University of Pennsylvania. Uni-
54813-6 versity Museum (1984), Man and animals: liv-
ing, working, and changing together : in celebration
Slatter, Douglas H. (2002), Textbook of small ani- of the 100th anniversary, the School of Veterinary
mal surgery, Elsevier Health Sciences, ISBN 978-0- Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, UPenn Mu-
7216-8607-3, retrieved 21 November 2011 seum of Archaeology, ISBN 978-0-934718-68-4,
retrieved 21 November 2011
Kahn, Cynthia M., ed. (2010), The Merck Vet-
erinary Manual, Whitehouse Station, N.J., Merck, Catanzaro, Thomas E. (1998), Building the Suc-
ISBN 978-0-911910-93-3 cessful Veterinary Practice: Innovation and creativ-
ity, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-8138-2984-5, re-
Thruseld, Michael (2007), Veterinary epidemiol- trieved 21 November 2011
ogy, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-1-4051-5627-1,
retrieved 21 November 2011 Finger, Stanley (2001), Origins of neuroscience:
a history of explorations into brain function, Ox-
Zajac, A.; Conboy, Gary A.; American Associa- ford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-514694-3,
tion of Veterinary Parasitologists (2006), Veterinary retrieved 21 November 2011
clinical parasitology, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-
0-8138-1734-7, retrieved 21 November 2011 Rollin, Bernard E. (2006), An introduction to vet-
erinary medical ethics: theory and cases, Wiley-
Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-8138-0399-9, retrieved 21
6.3 Veterinary nursing, ophthalmology, November 2011
and pharmacology Sherman, David M. (2002), Tending animals in the
global village: a guide to international veterinary
Adams, H. Richard (2001), Veterinary pharmacol- medicine, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-0-683-
ogy and therapeutics, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978- 18051-0, retrieved 21 November 2011
0-8138-1743-9, retrieved 21 November 2011
Shilcock, Maggie; Stutcheld, Georgina (2003),
Bryant, Susan (2010), Anesthesia for Veterinary Veterinary practice management: a practical guide,
Technicians, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 978-0- Elsevier Health Sciences, ISBN 978-0-7020-2696-
8138-0586-3, retrieved 21 November 2011 6, retrieved 21 November 2011
Smith, Gary; Kelly, Alan M., eds. (2008), Food
Cannon, Marthaxcx; Hijfte, Myra Forster-van
Security in a Global Economy: Veterinary Medicine
(2006), Feline medicine: a practical guide for
and Public Health, Phila.: University of Pennsylva-
veterinary nurses and technicians, Elsevier Health
nia Press, p. 176, ISBN 0-8122-2044-7
Sciences, ISBN 978-0-7506-8827-7, retrieved 21
November 2011 Swabe, Joanna (1999), Animals, Disease, and Hu-
man Society: Human-animal Relations and the Rise
Crispin, Sheila M. (2005), Notes on veterinary of Veterinary Medicine, Routledge, p. 243, ISBN
ophthalmology, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-632- 0-415-18193-3
06416-8, retrieved 21 November 2011
Swope, Robert E.; Rigby, Julie (2001),
Gelatt, Kirk N. (2000), Essentials of veterinary Opportunities in veterinary medicine careers,
ophthalmology, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-683- McGraw-Hill Professional, p. 151, ISBN 0-658-
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Swabe, Joanna, Veterinary Courses and CE., p. 244,

ISBN 0-415-18193-3
Anthony, David; Zoetis (2014), VeritasDVM, Dr.
Donal Smith, ISBN 978-0-934718-68-4, retrieved
21 November 2012

7 External links

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book.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Original publication: Odiham Agricultural Society minute book
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Veterinary_Outreach_Hawaye_Kebele_Ethiopia.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Veterinary Outreach Hawaye Kebele Ethiopia
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