Rant Rubric
Rant Rubric
Rant Rubric
(1) locate and select information to -minimum 2 sources
appropriately support ideas for writing, -completed works cited page
using a variety of strategies and print,
electronic, and other
resources, as appropriate
(3) produce pieces of published work to -everything is handed in, on time
meet criteria identified by the teacher,
based on the curriculum expectations
Media Texts
(2) identify several different conventions -worksheetthe rhetorical device you used
and/or techniques appropriate to a media (pathos, ethos, logos), how you used it, and
form they plan to use, and explain how why it would be effective
these will help them communicate meaning -identify the production techniques use used
(3) produce media texts for several (close up, distance, sound, etc.) and explain
different purposes how they enhance your message
and audiences, using appropriate forms, -rantfilmed (audio/visual) or recorded(audio),
conventions, and techniques 1.5 minutes minimum Includes opening,
closing, credtis, etc.