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Structural Analysis of Powder Complex of [Mn(phen)3]


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State University
Jl Kolombo No 1, Karangmalang, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract. The objective of this work was to synthesise of complex containing mangan ese(II), 1,10-
phenanthroline (phen) as ligand and a counter anion of trifluoromethanesulfonate (triflate). The complex was
prepared by interaction of the corresponding nitrate salt and slightly excess of phenanthroline in aqueous solution,
whereupon the precipitate was produced on addition of an excess of saturated potassium triflate solution when
reducing the solvent. It was then characterised in terms of electrical conductivity, metal content, magnetic
moment, electronic and infrared spectral properties, and powder XRD. The atomic absorption spectral data and
the equivalent conductance suggest that the resulted complex was found to be ionic hydrated complex with the
content of three ions per molecule, with an equivalent conductance in the range values of the three ionic standard,
but much higher than the two ionic standard and much lower than the four ionic standard. The formula of
[Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)2.6,5H2O was then proposed. The corresponding IR spectrum indicated the presence of
typical function group of phenantroline and the triflate ion in the complex. The complex was found to be
yellowish, and paramagnetic (eff = 5.8-5.95 BM) corresponding to high spin Mn(II)-3d5. The electronic spectrum
of [Mn(phen)3]2+ revealed typical bands concentrated at 1 ~ 13966 cm-1, 2 ~ 16474 cm-1, 3 ~ 19493 cm-1, 4 ~
26325 cm-1 as a shoulder, and 5 ~ 30769 cm-1. These bands might be respectively associated with the spin-
forbidden transitions of 6A1g 4T1g (G), 6A1g 4T2g (G), 6A1g 4Eg, 4A1g (G), 6A1g 4T2g (D), and 6A1g 4Eg(D).
The powder X-ray diffraction of the complex was then solved with Rietica-Le Bail method, and found to be
structurally triclinic with space group of PI (lattice parameters, a = 12. 633 ; b = 17.062 ; c = 22.481 ; =
106.8760; = 110.9010; = 99.5620; V = 4130.4169 3; Rp = 3.67; Rwp = 7.34; Rexp = 3.61) for the cationic

The synthesis and characterisation of complexes containing transition metals with phenanthroline
(phen) as ligand and various common counter ions such as NO 3-, BF4-, ClO4-, PF6- have been reported long
time ago [1,2]. Triflate salts were already known as highly ionic since the corresponding acid might be
considered as super-acid which is much stronger than sulphuric acid, being Hammett acidity to be -12 [3,4].
Triflate ionic liquids are hydrolytically stable and in many cases they are the preferred reaction media in
comparison to ionic liquids with the hydrolytically unstable (PF 6) or (BF4) anions [5]. Thus the metal
complexes containing tris-phenantroline as ligand with triflate counter anion should result in highly ionic
complexes and the pure effect of phenanthroline ligand might be identified.
The divalen metal of tris-phenantroline complex of [Mn(phen) 3](CF3SO3)2 might be then synthesised.
In general, the divalen metal of tris-phenantroline complex preferably adopts an octahedral structure, and
therefore the ligand field strength may be easily characterised. On strong octahedral ligand field, the
3d5electronic configuration of Mn(II) will be low-spin contrary to that on the weak one which is high-spin.
The difference in the magnitute of magnetic moment between the two would be so easily measurable from
about 1.8 BM for the one-unpaired electron of the low spin configuration to about 5.9 BM for the five-
unpaired electrons of the high spin one.
The detailed single crystal of [Mn(phen) 3](B6H7)2 has been reported [6], but no magnetic and
electronic spectral properties are identified. Recently, another single crystal of [Mn(phen) 3](Cl2).8H2O has
also been reported [7] which was found to have different space group to the previous one. Again no magnetic
and electronic spectral properties were reported. Thus the preparation of [Mn(phen) 3] (CF3SO3)2 might be
useful in revealing the spin state nature of the complex, and the corresponding X-Ray powder diffraction may
be solved by Rietica program of Le Bail method leading to the cationic structure as compared to the known
single crystal structure described by Polyanskaya et al. [6] and Wang [7].

Preparation of tris-phenantrolinemanganese(II)
Approximately 10 mL of an aqueous solution of 0.1 mol Mn(NO 3)2 and 5 mL solution of 0.32 mol
phenantroline in water/ethanol were mixed. The mixture was well stirred and heated to obtain a
homogeneous solution. To this solution, an excess of saturated aqueous solution of KCF 3SO3 (0.4 mol in 5
mL) was added. The mixture was concentrated by heating, and the obtained solid on cooling was then
filtered, rinsed with a minimum cold water, and then dried in aeration.

Physical Measurements
Magnetism. The magnetic data for solid sample were obtained at room temperature only by using
Magnetic Susceptibility Balance (MSB) of Auto Sherwood Scientific 10169 model, calibrated with
CuSO4.5H2O. The molar magnetic susceptibility data were then corrected for diamagnetism calculated by
using Pascal's constant [8]. The corresponding effective magnetic moment (eff) was calculated from the
corrected molar susceptibility according the general formula, eff = 2.828 (M.T) BM.
Electronic and Infrared spectra. The electronic spectrum of the solid sample was recorded on
Pharmaspec UV 1700 spectrophotometer. The powders were spread on a 2x2 cm particular thin glass adhered
with ethanol. The fitting was then placed in the cell holder and the spectrum was recorded at 200-800 nm.
The infrared spectrum of the powdered sample which were pressed on the cell was recorded on an Infrared
Spectrophotometer FTIR Shimadzu Prestige 21 at 500 - 4000 cm-1.
Metal content and ionic property. The metal content in the sample was calculated based on the data
recorded by using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer of Shimadzu AA-6650 model. While ionic
property was estimated by recording the electrical (equivalent) conductance by using a conductometer
calibrated with an aqueous solution of 1 M potassium chloride at 25 0. The obtained data of sample was
compared to those of known ionic solutions, NH4Cl, CaCl2, Ni(NO3)2, and AlCl3.
Powder X-Ray Diffraction. The diffractogram of the complex was recorded by using a Rigaku
Miniflex Benchtop Diffractometer, CuK, =1.5406 . The powdered sample was spread on the glass plate
and then was placed on the cell holder. The reflection data were recorded in scan mode at 2-90 (degree of 2)
with interval of 0.02 and rate of 10. The resulting diffractogram was then analysed by Rietica program of Le
Bail method (5-55 degree of 2) usually applied to metal oxides, which was run within 30 cycles [9,10,11].


Chemical Formula of the Complex

Direct interactions of the phenanthroline and the manganese salt in solution produced a yellowish
cationic complex which could be precipitated on the addition of triflate anions. The electrical equivalent
conductance of this complex was recorded with respect to the known ionic simple compounds in aqueous
solution, and the result is shown in Table 1. It suggests that the corresponding value is in the range of ionic
compounds with three ions per molecule, and thus the possible empirical formula of [Mn(phen)n]
(CF3SO3)2xH2O is then proposed for this complex.

Table 1. Electrical equivalent conductance of the complex and some known salts as references in aqueous solutions

Compounds Equivalent conductance Ratio of cation/anion Number of ions

(c) -1cm2mol-1
NH4Cl 67.04 1:1 2
CaCl2 118.8 1:2 3
Ni(NO3)2 124.2 1:2 3
AlCl3 232.9 1:3 4
[Mn(phen)n](CF3SO3)2xH2O 101.51 1:2 3
The coordination number of the empirical formula, n, and the number of hydrates, x, were then
estimated on the basis of metal content obtained by atomic absorption spectral data as shown in Table 2. This
suggests that the chemical formula of the complex would be tris-phenanthrolinemanganese(II), [Mn(phen)3]
(CF3SO3)26.5H2O, as expected from the stoichiometric preparation. The conductivity data of this complex
confirms the highly ionic property of the triflate salts [5].

Table 2. The proposed formula of complex due to metal content

Compound Metal content

Theoretic calculation (%) AAS result (%)
[Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)26H2O 5.48
[Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)26.5H2O 5.44 5.44
[Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)27H2O 5.38

Magnetic Moment
On the basis of the formula as shown in Table 2, the magnetic susceptibility data obtained on
measurement (Table 3) were then calculated to the magnetic moment and the result of the three separated
samples in fact to be normal paramagnet, 5.80-5.95 B.M., corresponding to spin-only value (s) for five
unpaired electrons of manganese(II) in the electronic configuration. Thus, it is clearly in the range reported
for different pyridine derivative series of Mn(II) octahedral complexes, being 5.89-6.01 B.M. [12]. However,
for the molecular complex of [Mn(3dmepda)(phen)2], it was found to be also high-spin with the magnetic
moment of 5.16-5.20 B.M. [13], similar to another molecular complex, [Mn(Val)2(phen)], with the moment of
5.12 B.M. [14], being clearly less than the spin-only magnetic moment for 3d5 electrons.

Tabel 3. Magnetic Data of [Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)2.6.5H2O

Sample T (K) g x 10-6 (cgs) Magnetic Moment (BM)

298 14.223 5.95
(Sample 1)
298 13.975 5.89
(Sample 2)
298 13.472 5.80
(Sample 3)

Electronic Spectrum
The high spin nature of this complex as demonstrated by the magnetic moment suggests that the ligand field
strength of tris-phenantroline in [Mn(phen)3]3+ might be not enough to exert the 3d5 electrons to pair up, and thus the
ground state of the spherically symmetric electronic configuration should be 6A1g. Since there should be no possibility of
other sextet excited states, the only possible d-d transitions for the high spin Mn(II) are then spin-forbidden transitions,
being to four-fold multiplisity, quartet states. The electronic spectrum of the powder complex as shown in Figure 1,
reveals five main absorption bands concentrated at 13986 cm-1 (1), 16666 cm-1 (2), 19493 cm-1 (3), broad at 23000-
26315 cm-1 (4), and 30769 cm-1 (5). Following analysis of electronic spectrum of MnF 2 proposed by Lever [15] in
octahedral geometry, the ordering of increasing energy of the quartet excited states is 4T1g(4G), 4T2g(4G), 4Eg,4A1g(4G),
T2g(4D), and 4Eg(4D). Thus, the corresponding spin-forbidden transitions: 6A1g 4T1g(4G), 6A1g 4T2g(4G), 6A1g
Eg,4A1g(4G), 6A1g 4T2g(4D), and 6A1g 4Eg(4D) are then respectively proposed.
Absorbance (arbitrary unit)
5 = 325 nm
30769 cm-1

4 = 380 nm
26315 cm-1

1 = 715 nm
3 = 513 nm 13986 cm-1
Figure 1. Electronic spectrum of powder [Mn(phen)
19493 cm -1
2 = 600 nm
16666 cm-1
Those spectral bands are slightly lower energy for the lowest band but comparable for the others
observed by Salvadores [12] for different ligand, they are in the range 16970-19540 cm-1, 22280-24630 cm-1,
26109-28868 cm-1, and 34125-38022 cm-1. Wavelength
Another electronic
(in nm) spectrum of [Mn(Val) 2(phen)] reported by
Fayad [14], exhibited three main bands only in the region 14589 cm -1, 18570 cm-1 and 24220 cm-1 but,
they were assigned to different transitions 6A1g 4T1g(4G) (1), 6A1g 4T2g(4G) (2) and 6A1g 4Eg, 4T1g(4P)
(3) respectively.

Infrared Spectrum
The infrared spectrum of the complex recorded at the range 500-4000 cm-1 is only for showing the
typical vibration bands of function groups of phenanthroline and the corresponding triflate anion (Fig. 2). The
typical absorptions at 1000-1700 cm-1, special for the ring modes of phenanthroline ( C-C and C-N) were
obseved at 1593, 1508, 1423, 1370(vw) cm-1 which seem to be comparable observed at the bis-(1,10-
phenanthroline)-Cu(I)-Cu(II) perchlorate [16]. In the case of medium vibrational modes of ionic triflate, it
was observed at 1223 cm-1 (symmetric CF3 stretching modes), 1149 cm-1 (asymmetric CF3 stretching modes),
1030 cm-1 (symmetric SO3 stretching modes), 636 cm -1 (strong vibrational modes of ionic triflate), and 575
cm-1 (medium vibrational modes of ionic triflate) as also much the same observed by Johnston and Shiver
[17] and Sletten and Julve [18].
Figure 2. Infrared spectrum of [Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)2.6.5H2O

The Powder X-Ray Diffaction and Structural Analysis

The powdered diffractogram of [Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)2.6.5H2O was shown in Figure 3. The black signs
(+) represent the original diffractogram, the red full line is the analysis result according to Rietica-Le Bail
program (5-55 degree of 2 theta), the blue bar-lines represents the expected space group of the complex, and
the green curve indicates the different between the original diffractogram and the analysis result. As shown in
Fig. 3, it is clear that the red full line does almost pass through the black original data, and it is demonstrated
by the almost flat green curve indicating that the corresponding analysis is almost perfect . Detailed results of
lattice parameters of the crystal structure are presented in Table 4 together with known single crystal data of
Polyanskaya et al for the same cation complex [6]. Thus the complex might be considered to adopt triclinic
struture with space group of P .




2 theta (degree)

Figure 3. Diffractogram of [Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)2.6.5H2O (black sign +, a), and of triclinic space group of P (red full
line, b) with its posision of 2 theta (blue bars, c), and the difference of intensity between the back and the red curves
(green, d).
Table 4. Detailed lattice parameters of [Mn(phen)3] (CF3SO3)26.5H2O due to Rietica program of Le Bail method

Parameter [Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)26.5H2O [Mn(phen)3](B6H7)2 [6]

Crystal system Triclinic Triclinic
Space Group P P
() 12.633841 10.3131
b () 17.062666 13.4839
c () 22.480968 15.1132
() 106.876823 97.696
() 110.901382 108.324
() 99.562645 102.211
V (3) 4130.416992 1903.92
Rp 3.67 -
Rwp 7.34 -
Rexp 3.61 -
GOF 0.4133E+01 -

The powdered complex of [Mn(phen)3](CF3SO3)26.5H2O has been synthesised. The magnetic moment
was found to be 5.80-5.95 B.M., being normal paramagnet of high spin Mn(II) for the 3d5 unpaired electrons.
The electronic spectral property of the powdered complex reveals five bands in the region 200-800 nm. These
are concentrated at about 13986 cm-1 (1), 16666 cm-1 (2), 19493 cm-1 (3), broad at 23000-26315 cm-1 (4),
and 30769 cm-1 (5), being assigned as quartet excited terms 4T1g(4G), 4T2g(4G), 4Eg,4A1g(4G), 4T2g(4D), and
Eg(4D), respectively. The corresponding Powder X-Ray Diffraction analysed by Rietica program of Le Bail
method suggests that the complex adopts triclinic space group of P .

The authors thank to the Faculty of Mathematics and Science, YSU, due to the funding of DIPA-2015
for this work.

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