Perlicia Terry
Explains at least two physical developmental milestones that typically developing children
should attain during this period of development.
The growth of the fetus in the abdomen creates physical changes in the interior of the
body. As the baby grows larger, the fetus will spread up into the abdomen and down into the
kidney area of the body, this growth causes the organs of the body to adjust into a smaller space,
( When a mom is expecting during the seventh month period a baby first touch
receptors is being developed in their lips and cheeks. Within the next few months it will spread
throughout their body by the time the mom reaches week 32 their touch receptor has become
sensitive to temperature, pain, and pressure. By week fifteen to eighteen weeks your baby
already possesses mature taste buds they are able to detect strong flavors in the amniotic fluid,
and will increase her swallowing in response to sweet tastes, (Brill baby).
Explains at least two language developmental milestones that typically developing children
should achieve in this period of development.
Explains at least one sign that may signal atypical development during this period of
When prefrontal cortex and related systems are disrupted because of injury, stress, or
disease, executive and socio-moral difficulties can surface and be challenging to remediate,
although researchers continue to examine treatment options, (Catanzaro, B. C. and Eslinger, P. J.
2016), Research has demonstrated that frontal lobe abnormality and poor executive control
likely play a significant role in the atypical development of social, emotional, and
communication functions in ASD (Cheng et al., 2010; Just, Keller, Malave, Kana, & Varma,
2012). Fetal alcohol syndrome has been recognized as causing not only facial dysmorphia and
growth deficiency but also brain alterations that underlie executive function and social
impairments (Kully-Martens, Denys, Treit, Tamana, & Rasmussen, 2012; Ware et al., 2012).
Describes at least one strategy that families can use to influence their childrens learning and
development during this period of development.
Middlemiss, Wendy; Barrasso-Catanzaro, Christina; Eslinger, Paul J.In: Family Relations. Feb
2016, Vol. 65 Issue 1, p108, 12 p.; Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Language: English,