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Professor Jadranka Jovic, Ph.D.

Transport and Traffic Engineering Faculty, University of Belgrade
Professor Smiljan Vukanovic, Ph.D.
Transport and Traffic Engineering Faculty, University of Belgrade


During last few years considerable activities on developing city transportation

system have been initiated in Belgrade, capitol of Serbia. These activities are
related to reconstruction and revitalization of the existing elements of traffic
infrastructure, as well as to preparation of the study, planning and design
documentation for investments into further development of the transport

For the purpose of establishing optimal development of the transport system

in Belgrade, it was necessary, using existing resources, to create a modern
transport model as a tool for the optimisation of Belgrade transport system
development. City Council of Belgrade financed the Belgrade Transport
Model (BeTraMod). It was a first experience of city government of Belgrade in
developing huge data basis about transport system using software (VISUM
PTV Vision).

Activities on creating the Belgrade Transport Model (BeTraMod) initiated in

the end of 2002. and it was finished in 2003. The main work was done by
research team from university of Belgrade, Transport and Traffic Engineering
Faculty. During 2005. the activities on Model upgrading were continued.

The primary requirement of the Transport Model was that it be used as a

functional tool in the process of effecting balance between benefits and the
costs invested into transportation infrastructure of the city.

Another task of the Transport Model was to provide basis for transportation
planning in terms of medium-term and long-term investments into transport

The last, although not least important, objective was training of certain number
of people to acquire relevant knowledge and skills in the field of planning and
management of transport system development (including learning and
application of the up-to-date software tools).

Transport model is used as official planning-design basis for elaboration of:

- study/analyses/expertise of transport system of specific inner zone in
relation to the purpose of this transport model formation, that are aimed at

Association for European Transport and contributors 2005

development planning and programming, selection of strategies and/or
tactics, etc., of the zones they are prepared for;
- studies/analyses/expertise being prepared for specific components of
transport system (modes and/or infrastructure), aimed at planning and
research of development, selection of strategies and/or tactics etc., of the
selected component;
- studies/plans of locations allotted for construction of apartments,
commercial, service, industrial, storage, trans-shipment and similar
facilities, traffic structures and areas, or facilities in which said use is
partially represented;
- general and draft designs of infrastructure and transport structures; and
- pre-feasibility and feasibility studies of infrastructure and traffic structures.

In view of general application value of the Transport Model, it is obvious that

concept of the user of Transport Model has broader meaning. In this case,
having in mind the basic purpose of creating Transport Model, application
value is oriented to users mainly in the scope of planning, programming,
management and development of transport system.

Since BeTraMod is created it was already used for project documentation of

three projects: pre-feasibility study and general project of Inner-city Ring
Road, pre-feasibility study and general project of First Line of Light Rail
Transport and feasibility study of Bypass road of Belgrade.


Transport Model implies a set of relevant data (numeric, graphic and other),
indicators, parameters and simulation models, expressed in space and time,
in such way that:
- characteristics and behaviour of transport system in the past can be
- certain regularities in transport demands and transport supply, on one
hand, and socio-economic and land use parameters, on the other hand,
can be established;
- present state of transport system can be presented and evaluated;
- future functioning of transport system, or its parts, can be evaluated,
forecasted or designed;
- specific, existing states or states defined by development scenarios can be
evaluated using Transport Model elements.

Belgrade did not have, so called, transport model till now. Certain elements of
transport model in the form of isolated numerical and graphical data, studies,
analyses, expertise and development scenarios could be found at various
institutions, but, in most cases, they were not compatible. In some cases,
however, they were systematized into an applicable form, but some data were
in the form of draft materials with limited application possibilities.

Belgrade Transport Model basically contains:

classified and described street and road network,

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network of passenger public city transportation
freight transport network,
basic matrix of passenger vehicle work trips
basic matrix of passenger public transportation work trips
load of street network with adequate basic matrix
load of public transportation network by adequate basic matrix.

Street network is based on the Master Plan of Belgrade. Besides that, a

portion of lower-category street network used on the route ends by various
sub-systems of Public City transportation was added to it.

Total length of the primary street network in the Transport Model is 801 km.

Street and road network classification system was designed specially for this
Transport Model on the basis of route capacity and speed, traffic management
system, composition of traffic flow, number of lanes per direction, etc.

Road network categories in the Transport Model are defined by 4 basic

categories, each category comprising adequate sub-categories. Total number
of sub-categories is 22.

Portions of network used exclusively by pedestrians (transfer links), as well as

right-of-ways used exclusively by trams and railway corridors are classified
into a special category.

Public transport network has been formed according to data obtained from all
modes: bus, trolleybus, tram and rail. This network consists of 141 lines.

Basic OD matrix in Belgrade Transport Model is based on the work trip matrix
prepared by the City Bureau of Statistics. This matrix relates to spatial
distribution 160 x 160 traffic zones. Volume of work trips is 536,706 trips per

This matrix is calibrated by factors related to trip purpose distribution,

transportation means distribution, peak-hour rate, percentage of internal-
internal trips, vehicle occupancy, etc.

Two peak-hour matrixes have been obtained, as follows:

passenger vehicle matrix, and
public transport trip matrix

Matrixes were calibrated according to the result of count and survey in the
public city transportation and on the street network.


Model enables generation and analysis of various development strategies

related to changes in transport demands or interventions in the transport

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Traffic flows are described on macro level using software and adequate data
and information.

Result of passenger flow simulation represents a set of data that can be

calibrated to results of adequate counts and other research.

In the street network segment it is possible to analyze:

On level of entire network: Total network length per categories, Total

number of nodes, Number of links, Number of directions not allowed
on the network, Number of intersections with specific number of
intersection legs, Locations of traffic count stations with values of
entrance-exit flows from intersections, Isochrones related to selected
zone or node, etc.
On level of links: Flow rate, capacity and speed of link, Distance of link,
Transport operation on link (veh/hour and veh/km), Ratio of capacity
and flow on link, etc.
On level of nodes: Node load, Number of entrance-exit legs, Traffic
regime in the node, etc.
On level of zones: Number of origin and destination trips, Travel time
between zones, Number of connected nodes in a zone, Minimal paths
(for passenger cars and public transportation) between zone pairs per
impedance, distance and time travel criteria)

Figure1. Assignement in peak hour a detail

In the public transportation segment it is possible to analyze:

On level of entire system: Number of trips in the system (this

parameter is direct and determined by travel matrix), Number of tours
in the system and per sub-systems (sub-system share in realization of
travel volume represents the basis for analysis of potential systems
utilization and for correction on line network), Number of transfers in
the system presented by number of trips realized by through-trips, with
1, 2 or more than 2 transfers, Average trip distance in the system and

Association for European Transport and contributors 2005

per sub-systems, Average time of travel, trip and waiting for vehicle
arrival (in the system and per sub-systems), Transport operation
realized in the system and per sub-systems.

Parameters of offered and utilized transport operation, as well as their mutual

relationship provide possibility to evaluate transport quality and rationality in
the system and its parts.

On level of corridors: passenger flow coefficient of capacity utilization,

unbalance of capacity utilization between core corridors (they represent
basis for the analysis of transport capacity utilization of the existing or
planned sub-system on the corridor).
On level of lines: passengers getting in vehicles at all stops in the
simulation period, passengers getting off vehicles at all stops,
passenger flow at stops, travel time between stops, with dwell time at
stops (this should be checked), utilized transport operation, average
trip distance, average travel time, passenger exchange coefficient.

Locations of intensive passenger transfers on the network and transfer flows

between lines represent significant indicator of deficiency of lines on the
network. Simulation model enables analysis of: transfer volume realized
among lines, total transfer time, walking time, if transfer is realized between
two different stops.

Figure 2. NOx Pollution

All presented data for corridors, lines and stops, as well as a number of other
characteristics can be listed from the model.

Besides simulations of flows in public transportation on real network there is

also a possibility of network loading with equal offers on lines. Such load
provides possibility to analyze line potentials according to their positions on
the network. Results of line network loads with assumed change of dynamic
traffic state are valuable as well. This model provides possibility to correct
planned dynamic parameters of street network to public transportation sub-

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One of the first experiences in the application of the Belgrade Transport Model
was in the General Project and the Pre-Feasibility Study of the Inner-city Ring
Road together with the associated studies during 2003.

The Urban -Traffic Study, among other things, comprises the following:

Definition of the impact of ICRR on the existing and planned urban

tissue in its corridor and immediate vicinity:
Establishing urban and traffic elements, criteria, conditions and
limitations for the preparation of the General Design;
Establishing impacts of ICRR on operating characteristics of the
existing and planned primary road and street network.

The analyses and forecast comprise the entire existing and planned road and
street network. More detailed analyses include the ICRR route itself and all
intersections with roads having direct connection with this stretch. The urban
survey comprises the area of the ICRR corridor itself, as well as the contact
zone in which impact of the newly built road was anticipated either due to
changes in the physical structure or due to changes in the traffic intensity and

From the methodological point of view, a part of the Study relating to state
analysis and traffic forecast is based on the standard procedure of traffic
planning in the cities. The methods applied were partially conditioned by the
Belgrade Transport Model potentials.

To be more specific, from the Transport Model the following was used:
network categorization, macro traffic regime, link capacity (section directions),
speed or travel time, zone system, adequate movement matrix.

The work on the Pre-Feasibility Study of the construction of the first line of the
First Line of Light Rail Transport with the General Project (with the elements
of conceptual design), which was initiated during 2004, is now in its final

The main purpose of this Study is to establish main characteristics needed in

the process of decision making related to the investment into development of
the light rail transit in Belgrade.

Within Phase I of the General Project, the transport system has been
analyzed on the basis of available documentation with the aim to provide
design base which will be used in the system dimensioning and adequate
forecast for the subsequent period. The Belgrade Transport Model
(BeTraMod) served as the basis for the survey of the existing conditions of the
public transport in Belgrade, as well as for generating options for the public
transport by introducing a new system (light rail transit line).

Association for European Transport and contributors 2005

In the correction of the line network, such as definition and introduction of the
lines of the new system (light rail transit) or alterations in the operating
elements of the existing lines and systems, the Belgrade Transport Model
proved to be remarkably flexible.


Forming a Transport Model, generally, requires continuity during longer

periods of time. Substantial financial and human resources are needed in the
initial phase. When certain elements are completed, intensity of activities on
Transport Model decreases. However, due to constant need to update data
and changing circumstances, this Model is continuously upgraded. This
applies to the Belgrade Transport Model, as well.

After using this model in several projects, the City Concil of Belgrade decided
to have this model revised in some of its segments. These activities are
currently in the process.

Traffic surveys in Belgrade area were done. This implies a survey in

households on characteristics of citizens local trips and passenger
surveys on terminals and outer ring on origin-destination and transit
trips. Such research enables formation of OD matrixes and
determination of relationship between socio-economic parameters and
trip characteristics.
Street network was enlarged adding new routes to it, in compliance
with the new zone system.
Model was upgraded with adequate database on ecological parameters
being consequence of traffic. These elements are particularly important
in the procedure of appraisal of alternative solutions.


1. Jovic, J. (2003.) Modern Tools in Transportation Planning: Transport

Model of Belgrade, Trasporti Europei, No 24, 31-36.
2. Jovic, J. and others, (2003.) Transport Model of Belgrade I phase,
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade
3. Jovic, J. (1996.) Transportation Planning in Cities and Towns, Faculty
of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade
4. Vukanovic, S. and others, (2003) Optimization of traffic flow conditions
on primary road network in Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic
Engineering, University of Belgrade.
5. Vukanovic, S. and others, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering,
University of Belgrade (2002.) Research on Traffic Characteristics in
the Area of Belgrade.
6. Vukanovic, S. (1997)Traffic Networks 1, Faculty of Transport and
Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade
7. Belgrade City Planning Institute, (2003) Master Plan of Belgrade 2021.

Association for European Transport and contributors 2005

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