Introduction To Transportation Planning and Engineering
Introduction To Transportation Planning and Engineering
Introduction To Transportation Planning and Engineering
Course Introduction
Transportation II , BE, Civil, IV/I
Books and References - Transportation Engineering I course manual by: Parthamani Parajuli - Highway Engineering I & II by C A OFlaherty Highway Engineering : :S.K. Khanna : C.E.G. Justho
Course Outline
Full Marks : 125 Theory : 100 Internal: 20 Final : 80 Practical: 25 One day field visit
Course Outline
1) Introduction to Transportation Planning and Engineering 2) Highway Surveys 3) Geometric Design of Highways 4) Hill Roads 5) Highway Drainage 6) Highway Material Laboratories
Modes of transportation
- Fixed facilities: physical components of the system that are fixed in space and constitute the network of links and nodes
- Flow entities: Units that traverse the fixed facilities Vehicles considered only in terms of their generic characteristics such as size, weight and acceleration and deceleration capabilities rather than their specific technological design
- Control system:Vehicle control, Flow control
Secondary Modes
Ropeways Belt Conveyors Canals
Commuter rail roadsbetween suburban areas and cities during peak hours
Initially cities were pedestrian oriented Private transportationhorseback and animal drawn carriage Public transportation in the form of sedan chairs in European cities and rickshaw in Japan First public transportation Pascalhorse drawn service in Paris Cable car
Motor bus for urban transportation systemIC engine1920transition to the hybrid trolley bus system first
Articulated System: - flow units can be connected to form trains - articulated bus (bandy bus)
Maglev Train
- Dual mode systemvehicles can operate on street under manual control and on automotive guide ways
Cable Cars
Continuous planning Part of overall regional and national transportation infrastructure Policy decision at one level may have severe effects on proposed plans Transportation plan affect its own environmental when implemented. This change of environment will modify the demandinvalidates the criteria and input used in the initial formulation of the plan.
Articulated Bus Jitney Services
Types of planning
1. Short term 2. medium term 3. long term Short/medium term less complex No great demand on construction activities No large scale capita l requirements Concerned with obtaining maximum capacity or optimal operation from existing facilities
Long term
Comprehensive and strategic transportation planning Very complex problem huge financial expenditure involves large and extensive construction programs affects the economic, social and natural environments Desired solution can only be achieved through carefully constructed policy making at the multi levels of government and administration involved Could be solved best through systems approach
System engineering
Organizing and scheduling the complex strategies from problem solution and development of procedures Tackling the problem considering all facets of the problem Use of scientific methods Working as per predetermined sequence Scientific decision
Population model Economic activity model Land use model Trip generation model Trip distribution model Modal split model Traffic assignment model
No. of models have been developed that relate changes in land use to such independent variables as:
Accessibility to employment Percentage of available vacant land Land value Intensity of land use Measures of zone size Amount of land in different uses
Road Transport Focus of IOE transportation engineering I course is on road transportation only. Advantages of Road Transport
Wide geographical coverage Large influential area Low capital investment Door to door service Flexibility Quick and assured deliveries Highest employment potential Low cost of packaging Personalized travel and service Economy Safety
Safety Land coverage Environmental pollution Economy Energy consumption Parking
Highway engineering and its scope The science which deals with: planning design construction operation and maintenance of roads and roadway facilities for the convenience of road traffic is known as HIGHWAY ENGINEERING. Answers the questions as: How highways are planned and designed? how they are constructed and maintained? Answers to each of these questions contribute to the development of the subject.
Development, Planning and location Highway design Materials, Construction and maintenance Traffic operation and its control Roadside development, landscaping and other road furniture Economics, Finance and administration
Modern Roads
Different types of bituminous roads Cement concrete roads
Classification Criteria Traffic Flow Location / Function Tonnage
Nepal Road Standard: