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The text discusses the controversial idea that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that the Catholic Church has tried to cover this up.

The text discusses the idea that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that the Catholic Church has suppressed this information and portrayed Mary Magdalene inaccurately to distance her from Jesus.

Rennes-le-Château, a town in France, is discussed as a place where scholars first became interested in exploring this idea.

The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 1

The Truth About the Marriage

Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Pedro Rosario Barbosa

On November 17, 2003, I laid down on people, the idea of Jesus marrying would mean
my bed and opened the weekly issue of the the collapse of one of the most dear views about
National Catholic Reporter (October 31, 2003), Jesus, that He never married, He was God.
and found an article titled "Will the Magdalene Needless to say, the idea of him having children
Go Mainstream?" (pp. 8-9). It was about three would create lots of problems, since it would give
books written by Margaret Starbird called The the impression that the Roman Catholic Church,
Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Magdalene's Lost the supposed representative of Christ on Earth
Legacy: Symbolic Numbers and Sacred Union in through the Pope, usurped the legitimacy of Jesus'
Christianity, and The Goddess in the Gospels. in descendants.
which the author supposedly reexamined the
Gospels, the apocryphal Gospels, and even Is this true? Is this a conspiracy in the
Medieval symbols to find what was Mary Church? Is this information hidden in the Vatican
Magdalene's true role within the Christian Archives? Did the Church destroy the documents
movement that Jesus began. Even it contemplates that prove without a shadow of doubt that Jesus
the "real" possibility that Mary Magdalene was was indeed married to Mary Magdalene? Did the
married to Jesus. This concept of the marriage Church transform the image of Mary Magdalene
between Jesus and Mary Magdalene is also to the prostitute that the Gospels talk about, just
elaborated in the work of fiction The Da Vinci because the Church didn't want people to relate
Code, an all-the-way National Bestseller. This is her to Jesus in any way?
perhaps one of the most controversial subjects
that have ever been discussed in the twentieth Such a conspiracy theory seemed
century. Where did such an idea come from? It intriguing: that there is a conspiracy between
seems like during all these centuries no one those who know this truth and supposedly can
seemed to know about this secret, but in the end prove it, and the conspiracy of the Vatican to hide
of the twentieth century, it was a sensational and it. This is fascinating. Recently a book was
juicy concept, and many liberals and non- published in France titled Il Regno Dei Signori
Christian scholars, needless to say rabid anti- Degli Anelli by Laurence Gardner in which he
Christians, embraced this idea without question. carries out a "thorough" investigation to show
Even Bishop John Shelby Spong endorsed this how much J. R. R. Tolkien knew this secret about
idea and even published about it, and obviously Jesus' descendants, and how the ring of power
many of his followers accepted it too. Barbara represents the Holy Grail, the symbol of Jesus'
Thiering also peshered her brains out showing lineage. At this rate, I will not be surprised if in
how her technique proves that Jesus was married the future they involve J. K. Rowling in this
to Mary Magdalene. conspiracy and someone shows how the Harry
Potter series "reveal" this well-known "secret
Being a liberal myself, and also knowledge.
questioning the Church's doctrine as a way of
placing my faith to the test, I became familiar After careful analysis and much reading, I
with this story, and wanted to explore it deeply. I arrived to some conclusions on this subject. In
asked myself "if it is true, why would the Church this article I show the results of my investigations
hide this information?" Apparently to many on the subject.
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 2

covering her child with a Scottish mantle. He

How This Subject Came to engraved at the very entrance of the Church these
place is terrible). Within the Church, he placed all
kinds of images alluding to the Rose+Cross
The Renegade Priest1 (referring to the Rosicrucians). For example, in the
entrance he placed images of the four zealous
Rennes-le-Chteau. Three scholars were brothers for the Rose+Cross on top of the demon
interested in this place: Michael Baigent, Richard Asmodeus. He also built nearby a tower dedicated
Leigh and Henry Lincoln. This French town is to Mary Magdalene where he had a library.
located in the Pyrenees, in France, and was a place
where the Cathars used to flourish during the Middle Saunire also had problems with the
Ages. They were a branch of Christianity in the Vatican, because the Bishop didn't know where the
Middle Ages that evolved from the Gnostics and money he was investing came from, and why did he
were considered as heretics by the Catholic Church. build the Church the way he did. Saunire refused
According to Cathars, God revealed them a "gnosis" to tell the Bishop this information, and as a response,
or knowledge about the truth. The God of the Old the Bishop removed him from his post. Ironically,
Testament, according to them, is not the one true when Saunire appealed to the Vatican, it
God, but of an evil god, who created a world out of exonerated him. The reasons for this are not clear.
corrupting matter and who is the one ruling this However, he died on January 22, 1917, some
world. According to them, Jesus Christ didn't inhabitants reported that unknown people went to
become flesh, because He, being pure spirit, join Rennes-le-Chteau to perform a strange ceremony
with corruptible matter. They preached docetism, after his death.
the doctrine that Jesus Christ was only a man in
appearance, denied that He died on the Cross, and Finally, Rennes-le-Chteau seemed to be
they even denied the validity of the Sacraments. linked to the works of Nicolas Poussin, the famous
They were protected in the castle of Montsgur in painter who lived in the seventeenth century.
Languedoc until 1244 when it fell under the Poussin wrote many letters talking about a secret
Crusaders and the Cathars were practically information that was so very hidden that nobody else
extinguished. Among other things, it was said that would find, and one of his most intriguing paintings
the Cathars hid the Holy Grail in the castles of apparently seems to refer to some secret linked to
Montsgur, and took it somewhere else when the Rennes-le-Chteau. He painted "Les bergers
Crusaders attacked. d'Arcadie", a portrayal of shepherds gathered around
an ancient tomb, and engraved in it there are the
But more fascinating were more recent words: "ET IN ARCADIA EGO", which literally
events in the end of the nineteenth century with the means "And in Arcadia I . . ." and in the background
arrival of a Roman Catholic priest called Berenger there is a hill that is precisely Rennes-le-Chteau.
Saunire. According to the legend, he found in his This tomb, however, was not fictional, it actually
Church some very old writings, and some treasures. existed until a decade ago.
Whether this is true is unsure, but what we do know
is that he spent a great amount of money making
changes to the church of Rennes-le-Chteau, and
also making new buildings in the area. The A Discovery in the National Library of Paris
restorations he made indicated a deep mystery and in
fact, it is actually a connection of Saunire with Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, searching for
some secret societies, and his sympathy for esoteric the mystery behind Rennes-le-Chteau, went to the
doctrines. One of the things he did was to create National Library of Paris and found several
strange new images of the Stations of the Cross. For documents, which they describe as being too dense,
example, in Station XIV, that supposedly represents too confusing, and too incoherent (Baigent, Leigh
Jesus being buried, it presents the background as and Lincoln 96). One of these called Dossiers
evening with the full moon, as if he was implying secrets documents was attributed to Henri Lobineau,
that Jesus body was stolen in the middle of the night. and the other one was also attributed to Henri
In another Station he presented an image of Jesus Lobineau called Gnalogie des rois mrovingiens.
carrying the Cross, talking to a woman who was Henri Lobineau is a pseudonym since it reminds of
Alexis Loubineau, the author of History of Britain
1 Most of this information has been provided by and History of Paris. Also within the Dossiers
Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln 28-34.
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 3

secrets it states that Henri Loubinau's real name is already owned lands in Portugal, Spain, Scotland,
Leo Shidlof who died in Vienna (Austria) at an old France, England, Germany, Italy, Austria, Palestine
age, information which is proven to be false, and many other places. They were a powerful
because, contrary to what the documents claim, he influence in the establishment of a banking system
never published anything in an inexistent journal, throughout Europe. In fact, at one point they
and secondly he was never interested in the became a very opulent order, and the people began
genealogy of the Merovingian kings (de Sde 76- associating them with corruption. Eventually they
77). would end up being persecuted by the Inquisition,
tortured and killed.
These interesting documents tell the
existence of a secret society called the Priur de During their tortures, the Inquisitors wrote
Sion, and they allege that they were preserving the down many of their confessions. Apparently they
Merovingian dynasty of France ever since the were associated with heretical views, they denied
Church betrayed the dynasty in favor of the completely the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Carolingians. After this "betrayal", the Church Some of them, when presented with a crucifix would
proceeded to try to eliminate any reference to king literally throw it to the floor, step on it and state that
Dagobert II, a king of the Merovingian dynasty who Christianity was all a lie. Others confessed that they
was murdered during that time (Baigent, Leigh and worshiped a head of a demon called Baphoment.
Lincoln 232-237). But according to the documents, Others uncovered the fact that they were associating
Dagobert II had descendants, and one of them was with and protecting heretics, such as the Cathars.
Gottfried of Bouillon, who was the king of
Jerusalem by the end of the eleventh century. The The Priur de Sion and the Holy Grail
documents say that he founded an order called
"Ordre de Sion", although it is not clear if it was in While the Templars existed, they were
1090 or in 1099. According to the documents, the associated with the guardians of very important
see of this new order was the abbey of Notre Dame relics such as the Holy Grail, the Ark of the
du Mont de Sion in Jerusalem. Covenant, the treasures of Salomon's Temple,
among many others. According to the documents of
What is interesting about this is that the the Priur de Sion, not only the Order of Sion was
youngest brother of Gottfried of Bouillon, Balduin the one supported by the Merovingian Dynasty, but
the First, was king of Jerusalem when the Order of also it alleges that it was behind the foundation and
the Knights of the Temple (the Templars) was prosperity of the Templars. This very fact, appears
created. Who are the Templars? According to the to link the Priur de Sion to the Holy Grail.
legend, the Order of the Knights of the Temple, also
known as the Knights of Christ, was founded in But what is the Holy Grail? The first thing
1118 by Hugues of Payen and some poor men who that comes to mind is: "It is the cup with which
visited Baduin I and wanted to be warriors for Christ Jesus Christ celebrated the Last Supper". However,
in Jerusalem. This order of Christian warriors this can be misleading. If one studies thoroughly the
would make an oath to live in poverty, and loyalty to history of the Holy Grail, really nobody knows what
the king and the Roman Catholic Church. Their it is. The first official work about the Grail was
initial work was to protect pilgrims from any kind of written by Chrtien de Troyes and it is titled Le
attacks on the streets of Jerusalem. The fame of roman de Perceval or Le conte del Graal, but in this
their loyalty to the Church and their life of poverty, epic novel there is no link between the Holy Grail
obedience and chastity was spread quickly and many and Jesus. Later works would link the Holy Grail to
people decided to join the order. By 1139 Pope Jesus, but not necessarily to a cup. Robert Boron
Innocent II wrote a bull asking the Templars to be (1190?) said that Joseph of Arimathea took care of
loyal to no one except the Papacy, and much later St. the Holy Grail after Jesus died, and later was carried
Bernard of Clairvaux would support them during the to England. Another anonymous work at that time
Council of Troyes (1128) where the Templars were seems to relate the Holy Grail with the Templar
officially recognized as a religious-military order, Knights, because it says that the knights guarding it
and he also wrote their rules of conduct. However, were dressed in white and had a red cross on their
despite their oath of poverty, during the centuries the chest. One thing is clear, out of all of these romantic
Templars began accumulating wealth, even to the works about the Grail, and it is that they all focus on
point of becoming the most powerful economic the lineage of Perceval, the protagonist. Many of
force in all of Europe. As early as about ten years the romantic novels written afterward included these
later,after the Council of Troyes, the Templars
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 4

knights, which seem to be alluding to the Knights Priory of Sion was precisely the organization who
Templars. Even in one of them some men step and has been behind the creation of the Templar Knights
hit the cross after Perceval kisses it, which is a very (Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln 117).
strong reminder of what some Templars did when
they were questioned by the Inquisition. The Grail The Priur documents also offers a list of
also appears to another character first as a child, then the Grand Masters:
as flesh, and then a crowned king nailed to a cross.
In one of the apparitions during a mass, it appeared Jean de Gisors (1188-1220)
in five different manners until it appeared before Marie de Saint-Clair (1220-1266)
King Arthur as a chalice. Guillaume de Gisors (1266-1307)
Eduard de Bar (1307-1336)
Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln take account of Jeanne de Bar (1336-1351)
these beginnings of the stories on the Grail (Baigent, Jean de Saint-Clair (1351-1366)
Leigh and Lincoln 257-266), but they fix their Blanche d'Evreux (1366-1398)
attention on the Parzival written by Wolfram von Nicolas Flamel (1398-1418)
Eschenbach. The Holy Grail also is not exactly a Ren de Anjou (1418-1480)
chalice, it can be even a stone which kind of reminds Iolande de Bar (1480-1483)
the "sorcerer stone", and it is linked to the Phoenix, Sandro Filipepi (1483-1510)
the symbol of resurrection and rebirth. It also Leonardo da Vinci (1510-1519)
reveals the Knights Templars as the guardians of the
Conntable de Bourbon (1519-1527)
Holy Grail and talks also about guarding a family of
Ferdinand de Gonzague (1527-1575)
the Grail that live in the castle of the Grail in
Louis de Nevers (1575-1595)
Munsalvache (the Cathar castle of Montsalvat),
Robert Fludd (1595-1637)
which has been linked to Montsgur's castle by few
J. Valentin Andrea (1637-1654)
authors. Also the Holy Grail has the power to
appoint kings. Robert Boyle (1654-1691)
Isaac Newton (1691-1727)
The authors of The Holy Blood, The Holy Charles Radclyffe (1727-1746)
Grail, make also an analysis on the phrase "Holy Charles de Lorena (1780-1801)
Grail" in the French language: from "Saint Graal" to Maximilien de Lorena (1780-1780)
"Sang Ral" which would lead philologically to a Charles Nodier (1801-1844)
royal blood, blood of kings, a royal lineage. Victor Hugo (1844-1885)
Claude Debussy (1885-1918)
Could it be, then, that the Holy Grail may Jean Cocteau (1918- )
be the Merovingian dynasty, and that this dynasty
was somehow linked to Jesus? Was the Priur de At first sight we notice renowned names such as
Sion guarding this dynasty: the Holy Grail? Nicolas Flamel, the famous alchimist, Leonardo da
Vinci, Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton, great
scientists. Victor Hugo, the great writer and Jean
The Supposed History of the Priur de Sion Cocteau the painter are there. So, this is a very
unusual set of Great Masters. Apparently even the
These documents found by the three greatest minds of humanity formed part of it,
scholars also listed a series of stories about how the guarding the secret lineage of the Holy Grail,
Order of Sion evolved. It adopted the name Ormus wanting the Merovingian Dynasty to assume power
at one time, which provided the foundations of an once again. It is also very interesting that Ren
organization called "the Order of Rose-Croix d'Anjou appears on the list, because he was always
Veritas". It pretends to be the foundation of the related during the Renaissance to the theme of
Rosicrucians. Rosicrucians on the other hand state Arcadia, and it has been rumored that he and St.
clearly that their origins are based on a series of Joan d'Arc were lovers. According some, he was
works written by Christian Resenkreuz and a secret always fascinated by the stories of King Arthur and
organization he directed. There is doubt that this the Holy Grail, and that he was proud owner of a
person or this organization actually existed. cup which was used in the feast at Cana, and which
Resenkreuz's organization evolved into a series of was brought to Marseilles by Mary Magdalene
small organizations. However, the three authors of (Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln 125-129).
The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail believed that the
According to the same documents, the
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 5

Priur and the Sinclair were closely related to the by the Catholic Church. This later led to the
Scottish francmasonery, and also the name Plantard founding the Priur de Sion which was the
was related the Merovingian lineage. When finally organization behind the founding of the Knights
the authors got in contact with the Great Master of Templars. These Knights were the guardians of the
the Priur, they discovered that he was Pierre Grail and were related to the Castle Montsgur, of
Plantard de Saint-Claire. the Cathars. Later the region where the Cathars
lived, like Rennes-le-Bains and Rennes- le-Chteau,
this secret society would hide this secret and
Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail Berenger Saunire got to know it, leading him to
join different secret organizations. He took
Yes, there were some traditions that the advantage of this knowledge, and reflected all his
Holy Grail was brought there to France by Mary esoteric thinking in the Church of Rennes-le-
Magdalene. And if the Holy Grail is nothing more Chteau.
than the lineage of the Merovingian dynasty, would
it be possible that they are descendants from Jesus All of this sounds as a very interesting
Christ? If so, why Mary Magdalene? It seems that thorough research . . . right? Well, I'm sorry to say
the only explanation possible is that Mary this, but all those people who believed in this
Magdalene was Jesus' wife, and the Holy Grail is research will be disappointed when I say that all of it
nothing more than the descendants of both Jesus is based on a fraud. Yep, you've been had!
and Mary Magdalene. According to Baigent, Leigh
and Lincoln this is perfectly possible. There are
indications of this in the Gospels. Maybe the Why is All of This a Fraud?
celebration of the wedding at Cana was in reality
Jesus' wedding. And maybe, the reason why some One of the experts on the subject of Rennes-
apocryphal Gospels were forbidden by the Church, le-Chteau, Grard de Sde shows the evidence of
such as the Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Mary, why most of what is being said in The Holy Blood
and the Gospel of Phillip, was because they and Holy Grail is not true. When I was telling the
established beyond shadow of a doubt that Jesus had story of how the documents were discovered, I
Mary Magdalene for a wife and that he didn't die on mentioned the fact that most of the names, like the
the Cross. (Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln 348-350). name of the author, etc., were all fake. All the
sources of the documents are fake also because none
of them historically check out. Any wise scholar
The Inevitable Conclusions of The Holy would keep this in mind instead of giving the
Blood and The Holy Grail documents credit in any way (de Sde 75-78).

Gerard de Sde tells us the following: The

The circle is complete! Apparently one of only thing that the documents say is that there were
the things that happened with our dear renegade descendants from the tribe of Benjamin (a lost tribe
Priest Saunire, was that he was involved in a secret of Israel) in France, who migrated to Arcadia,
organization that knew the truth about Jesus and Sicilia, the Alps and nearby the Rinne River. From
Mary Magdalene. That's why he built the Meroveum to Clodoveum, that lineage was offered
Magdalene Tower, that's why he could get favors to the cult to the goddess Diana. According to the
from the Vatican, that's why he has a station of the documents, the Carolingians were illegitimate,
Cross with a child covered with a Scottish mantle as because they came to power due to the death of king
a sign of association with the Scottish St. Dagobert II. This led to his alleged descendant,
francmasonery, that's why there were Rosicrucian Gottfried of Bouillon to found the Priur de Sion in
signs all over the place. It might even explain why 1099, and the purpose of this order was to extend the
in a place in the cementary he engraved the words esoteric doctrines of St. John and defend the
CHRISTUS A.O.M.P.S. DEFENDIT, the initials Merovingian Dynasty. All the writings place the
probably meaning: Antiquus Ordo Mysticusque Plantard family as the legitimate dynasty to inherit
Priuratus Sionis. power. But what the documents of the Priur really
do is to mix legitimate family genealogies with made
Jesus did not die on the Cross, he married up genealogies, and make a mix up all kinds people,
Mary Magdalene, and at a certain point she went to places and events which contradict history (de Sde
France. Their descendants (the Holy Grail) became 79-84).
the Merovingian dynasty, which later was betrayed
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 6

The first documents we have at hand on the Rhedae because at the time it was Alfred I, and
Prieur de Sion are from the twentieth century. because he was killed at the same time as his father,
These are the papers and bulletins called Vaincre Dagobert II (De Sde 93-94).
pour une Jeune Chevalerie and also another bulletin
called Circuit, which were published no earlier than This is just a very small sample of all the
the 1950's apparently by Pierre Plantard de Saint apocryphal writings placed in the Paris library.
Claire. Interestingly none of these early writings Other writings suggest that John XXIII, the Pope,
tell us anything on Rennes-le-Chteau. Most of the could have been a Great Master of the Priur de
other documents made by the Priur allege that they Sion, because each Great Master is nicknamed
were written by Henri Loubineau in 1956, but as we "John", and the "John XXIII" of the Priur de Sion
said, Henri Loubineau didn't exist, and these coincides apparently with the papacy of Pope John
documents didn't appear on the French National XXIII. Many of the writings even contradict among
Library until 1964. Afterward, a good amount of themselves too. People might say that they
apocryphal texts added to the myth of the relation originated from different authors, which could
between Rennes-le-Chteau and the Prieur de Sion, explain why the discrepancy of historical facts.
these texts were associated falsely to other people. However, studies have shown conclusively that
For example, one of them has an address which these works were all typed with the same
stated that a "Philippe Toscan" lived in Paris, but typewriter.
Philippe Toscan really lived in Turkey. Another
work, apparently written in 1978, called Abrg de Other writings suggest that the family of the
l'histoire de Francs: les gouvernements et les rois "Plantard de Saint-Clair" has a Coat of Arms similar
de France, had the subtitle: "According to the to that of Rennes-le-Chteau, but in reality they are
archives of Saint-Hillier's library (Lys Castle)" and different, and the attribution of the writings
said "To the memory to the count Henri de concerning the Coat of Arms of the Plantard de
Lnoncourt, known as Henri Lobineau, who died in Saint-Clair are nothing more than pure fantasy.
May 29, 1978 when he was eighty-five years old, People notice the use the phrase "Et in Arcadia
who was my guide, and without which the present Ego . . ." in Plantard's Coat of Arms as evidence that
writings would not exist." One of the things that there is a link with Poussin's paintings, and hence
indicates us the fraudulent nature of this writing, is the link with Rennes-le-Chteau can be done. But in
not only the fact that it is dedicated to Henri reality the different pictures called "Et in Arcadia
Lobineau, but also because in the town of Saint- Ego" make reference to Snazaro's poem (1502)
Hillier there was is no library, and much less a called "The Arcadia". These paintings include those
castle. Also Henri de Lnoncourt couldn't have died of Buerchin and Poussin, which deal about the
in May 29, 1978 when he was eighty five years old, brevity of happiness and the fatality of death. This is
for the simple reason that he was born in January 5, the reason why in Poussin's famous painting, the
1872, so if he died in 1978 he would have had 106 shepherds are looking at a tomb trying to understand
years. And, he never had Henri Lobineau as a the phrase "Et in Arcadia ego". The selection of
nickname. Rennes-le-Bains and Rennes-le-Chteau as the site
for the painting is just a mere coincidence, specially
Part of this writing plagiarizes other works, when no other painting with the subject of Arcadia
and adds other imaginary information. De Sde refer to this specific place at all (de Sde 97).
gives the example of a passage that says that after
Charles Martel killed St. Dagobert II, his son, But what about the "clear" reference to the
Sigisbert IV, escaped from Martel's persecution and Priory of Sion at a tomb in Rennes-le-Chteau made
hid in Rennes-les-Bains and Rennes-le Chteau. He by Saunire in the inscription: CHRISTUS
was then healed miraculously close to a fountain at A.O.M.P.S DEFENDIT? Well, it is very surprising
Blesia, and later he was saved by a bishop. That's and silly that such renowned scholars like Lincoln,
where the name "Plant Ard" came from. He became Baigent, and Leigh didn't know that this inscription
count of Rhedae and died in 758. He was buried on was used in the Church. For instance, this same
the Church of St. Mary Magdalene which he built in inscription can be found on the obelisk of Pope
Rennes-le-Chteau. In reality, it is impossible that Sixtus V in Rome, and it means: Christus Ab Omni
Sigisbert IV would have escaped from a persecution Malo Plebem Suam Defendit (May Christ protect
by Charles Martel when he killed Dagobert II, His people from all evil) (de Sde 99).
because when Dagobert II died Charles Martel was
not born yet. There has never been a fountain at As far as we have seen, these documents,
Blesia. Sigisbert IV couldn't have been a count of though they are forgeries, do not talk at all about
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 7

Mary Magdalene, the Holy Grail, and makes just a defense of the rights and liberties of the HLM
very incidental reference to the Knights Templars houses" (cheap houses). And as de Sde points out
(that the Order of Sion was the one that founded the correctly, this group was not at all different in
Templars). Of course, it is not true that such an structure and rules to other pseudo-chivalry
organization founded the Templars, it doesn't matter organizations that were fashionable, and are still
what the mysterious origins of the Templars might fashionable, in Europe (de Sde 86-88).
be. In fact, the whole thing about Mary Magdalene,
the Holy Grail etc. came as a result of a reflection of When Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln wrote
our famous scholars Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln. their book The Holy Blood and Holy Grail, Pierre
They said: "Oh wow! . . . The Priory of Sion Plantard was the Great Master of the Priory. Let's
founded the Templars! So, according to the novels examine who is this person. Plantard became part of
about the Grail, the Templars guarded it. Holy Grail pseudo-Chivalry organizations as early as 1920, and
means "Royal Blood", hence they were guarding a later in 1942, he began publishing in Paris Vaincre
dynasty, and since the Holy Grail is related to Jesus, por une Jeune Chevalerie, in which the names, the
then it is Jesus' dynasty. So if the Priory of Sion address and director were all one and the same
deals with the Merovingian dynasty, then they are person, Pierre Plantard. Of course, in some editions
Jesus' dynasty. Then Mary Magdalene was Jesus' he was called Pierre de France, in others Pierre de
wife, because legends say that she went to France France-Plantard, and in others Pierre Plantard. In all
with the 'Holy Grail'." Presto chango! There is the of them, strangely, he never talks about the ideals of
amazing theory of our dear scholars! Perhaps that's Chivalry, but about political and economic issues. It
just an example of how historical facts can let had nothing to do with a so-called Priory of Sion,
imagination run wild. Gerard de Sde, who met nor with Rennes-le-Chteau, nor the Templars, nor
them personally, and who initially helped them in any other exotic subject. The monthly issues had
their research of Rennes-le-Chteau, never ceases to more in common with today's personal sites on the
denounce their scholarly work as being no more than Internet than the expression of an actual
fraudulent way of thinking, specially when they organization.
didn't analyze very well all the surroundings and
facts about Berenger Saunire, which he studied After founding the Priory of Sion, evidently
extensively in his book about this subject. And yes, what they did, as many pseudo-chivalry
Saunire was involved with secret societies, but it organizations try to do, is to give some "historical"
was not the Priory of Sion. He was involved clearly and secret background. For instance, in Spain,
with the Rosicrucians and also the Scottish today's different orders of the Knights Templars try
Masonery, which can explain all of the changes he their best to prove that they are the real McCoy by
made to the Church of Rennes-le-Chteau. saying that they come from the original Templar
However, the mystery of how he could finance the Order founded in the XII century. Of course, the
constructions of his church still continues. Priory tried to go a bit further than just claim it.
What they did was to forge supposed old documents
that prove their existence since the end of the XI
Where Does the Priory of Sion Come From? century, their relation with the Merovingian dynasty
and the Templars; wanted to give themselves credit
So if this is all false, then where does the for the strange affairs of Rennes-le-Chteau, and
Priory of Sion come from? Its origins go as far back also, it seems that Plantard, thinking he was a big
as the 1950's according to the Journal Officiel. It deal, created an entire mythical view of how he
was specifically founded on June 25, 1956 as a descended from the Merovingian dynasty, and
breakup with the Saint-Julien-en-Genevois (Haute- created for himself a Coat of Arms that supposedly
Savoie), with the modest objective of "Studying and belonged to his family. Apparently the members, or
Mutual Help Among its Members". Apparently the Pierre Plantard, said: "Let us create these
heads of these organizations were: Pierre documents, and submit it to the National Library of
Bonhomme, alias Stanis Bellas (Accountant Paris to see who is the first idiot to find them and
Secretary), Jean Delaval (Vice-President), Pierre believe the whole story." And alas! That's what
Plantard, alias Chyren (Secretary General), and happened. And better! Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln
Pierre Desfargots (Treasurer). The only activity of not only believed the story, but also added to the
this organization was apparently to publish their legend! And from then on, the Priory of Sion made
ideas through a bulletin called Circuit, which itself one of the most popular well known "secret"
presented itself as a "Bulletin of information and organizations in the world, specially because there
were many people, and because there were three
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 8

scholars who fell for it, that believed that they guard prostitute who was forgiven by Jesus (John 8, 1-11;
Jesus's dynasty. Luke 7, 36-50). However, no one knows 100% if
the prostitute in John 8 is Mary Magdalene. We
only know that the one in Luke 7 apparently is the
Mary sister of Lazarus, according to John 11, 2. St.
Now . . . About Mary Bernard de Clairvaux believed that this was Mary
Magdalene, but scholars are not so sure of this fact.
Magdalene Herself According to John, this Mary was the "woman with
the Alabaster Jar". We must point out that some
scholars doubt that in the original stages of this
Ever since the publication of The Holy Gospel the character of Mary was mentioned. For
Blood, and the Holy Grail there has been nothing example, earlier Gospels, like the Synoptics, fail to
short of what I call a "Magdalenemania" concerning mention Mary the sister of Lazarus as the woman
Mary Magdalene and her relation to Jesus. Some with the Alabaster Jar, even in Luke, where Mary of
scholars have made a very thorough, deep and Bethany plays a significant role of follower in that
serious study of these subjects, other "scholars" have Gospel (Vidal 227-229, 234-235). So we really
done nothing short of sensationalism about Mary cannot be sure that Mary of Bethany is the woman
Magdalene. The thing we must ask first of all is: with the alabaster Jar. And if we cannot know if
"Who is Mary Magdalene?" Mary of Bethany was Mary Magdalene, the link
between Mary Magdalene and the woman with the
alabaster jar becomes less likely.
Mary Magdalene in the Gospels
So we really don't have a great deal of
About Mary Magdalene during Jesus' information about Mary Magdalene in the canonical
ministry, these are the things we know for sure. Gospels, out of the fact that she was exorcised by
First, according to the Gospels, she was exorcised by Jesus, she was his follower, and that was present at
Jesus: the moment of resurrection.

[. . .] Mary of Magdala from whom he

had cast out seven devils (Mark 16, 9) The Apocryphal Gospels: The Love Between Jesus
and Mary
[. . .] Mary surnamed the Magdalene,
from whom seven demons had gone Apparently, since the Gospels don't provide
out (Luke 8, 24). much light concerning the supposed marriage
between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, many
And that she, along with other women, was a fervent researchers turn to the apocryphal gospels and
follower of Jesus: writings attributed to the early Apostles. From these
apocryphal texts, apparently the Gnostic Gospels
With him went the Twelve, as well as seem to be the ones most favored by this group.
certain women who had been cured of Among the relevant texts they can allude to for this
evil spirits and ailments: Mary subject we find: The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel
surnamed the Magdalene from whom of Philip, Questions of Mary, the Birth of Mary, and
seven demons had gone out. Joanna The Gospel of Mary (some of these writings have
the wife of Herod's steward Chuza, been lost). In the Gospel of Thomas, we can only
Susanna, and many others who find is this text about Mary Magdalene:
provided for them out of their own
resources (Luke 8, 1b-3). Simon Peter told him [Jesus]: Mary
should leave from among us, because
And apparently she was well known due to her women are not worthy of life. Jesus
presence in the tomb at the moment of the said: Look, I will make her be a male,
resurrection (Matthew 28, 1-8; Mark 16-20; Luke so that she achieves also a living spirit
24,1-11; John 20, 1-18). After this, we practically similar to yours the male ones;
know nothing else of Mary Magdalene. because any woman that makes
herself a male, will enter the Kingdom
Despite this, there has been a long held of heaven" (Gospel of Thomas 114).
tradition in the Church that Mary Magdalene was the
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 9

This admittedly strange passage apparently has as This passage reminds us of what we have seen
explanation the fact that Jesus endows women with already in the Gospel of Thomas. One of the
the same living spirit (the spirit from the heavens) Apostles, Matthew, tried defending Mary from
that men have, so that they can enter the Kingdom of Peter's accusation, and told him that the Savior made
Heaven. We can see here the confrontation of her worthy to receive this teaching. It was after
Simon Peter with Mary Magdalene, apparently the listening to her and Matthew that the Apostles went
reason is that she is a woman and hence she should out to preach the Gospel.
not be with them.
But all of these fascinating passages have an
The next gospel that may shed light of why explanation far less sensational than the marriage of
the confrontation of Peter with Mary Magdalene can Jesus and Mary Magdalene, but just as interesting.
be found in the Gospel of Philip: When looked within their historical and textual
contexts we can understand them better. The act of
And the companion of [the Savior kissing of the mouth found in the Gospel of Philip
is] Mary Magdalene. The [Savior] has a reason for being, for Gnostics a kiss on the
loved her more than all his mouth was a symbol for passing "knowledge"
disciples, and frequently kissed her (gnosis), so the jealousy of the Apostles had to do,
on the mouth. The rest of [the not with the fact that Jesus was in love with Mary
disciples] [got close to her to ask]. Magdalene, but the fact that he is giving her far
They told him: "Why do you love more knowledge than them. That's what the
her more than all of us?" The Gnostics understood. Of course, not to mention this
Savior responded and said: "Why makes modern day average people think that
do I not love you as I love her?" eventually there was a love affair between Jesus and
(Gospel of Philip 63-64). Mary. In the Gospel of Mary we see this more
clearly, since we see Mary Magdalene as the perfect
That's a very interesting passage, and perhaps one of Gnostic preacher, that at a certain moment talks
the most used by those who support the theory that about the way the soul ascends to divinity and the
definitely Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife. Some way Jesus revealed this to her. That's where the
scholars argue that the fact that she is called Jesus' jealousy of Peter comes from. It would make no
"companion" is enough evidence to prove that she sense for Peter to be jealous if Mary Magdalene was
was his wife, because "companion" in Aramaic only Jesus' wife, because Jesus in any case would have
means wife. There is a small problem with this responded that she is his wife, and that it is perfectly
argument, though: the Gospel of Philip was written reasonable to kiss her more. But he never responds
in Greek (although the original we have is Coptic), in such a way in the Gnostic Gospels.
not Aramaic, and throughout the entire Gospel we
can see reflected a very strong Hellenistic Gnostic The confrontation between Peter and Mary
way of thinking, and it is very distant from Hebrew Magdalene is also significant in another aspect. It
thinking. seems that Peter and Mary are fighting because of
leadership and their closeness to Jesus. This
But no other Gospel is more controversial selection of Mary Magdalene as Peter's rival was
concerning this subject than the famous Gospel of quite common in Valentinian writings and Gospels.
Mary, in which we see again a confrontation Mary Magdalene and James the Less played in those
between Simon Peter and Mary Magdalene. In this Gospels the roles of rivals of Peter, and Peter
Gospel, apparently, Mary Magdalene has a special becomes the symbol of the authority of the Apostles.
revelation, and Jesus blesses her for that (Gospel of In fact, it is known that Valentinians made in some
Mary 10). Mary seems to impart teachings about instance Mary the representative of James. These
Jesus to the Apostles themselves, telling them about stories represented symbolically the confrontation
the things that Jesus has revealed to her, and Simon between the traditional Apostolic-Pauline branch of
Peter confronts her saying: Christianity and the Gnostics. The Gnostics wanted
to show themselves superior to the Apostles, so they
Has he [Jesus] spoken to a woman make Mary Magdalene (which represents the
without us knowing it, so now we Gnostics) as having being kissed or as the receptors
have now to go back and listen to her of the secret teachings that Jesus did not reveal to
again? He has preferred her to us. the Apostles. Mary Magdalene is in many ways
(Gospel of Mary 17). ideal to this, because she was a follower of Christ,
and she was the first to see Jesus after the
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 10

Resurrection. Also, she is a female, a principle that confirm what Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln stated in
was constantly supported by Valentinian Gnostics, their book. However, this research is more an
as the soul is presented sometimes as female and interpretation of symbols in the Middle Ages that
superior to the "male" matter (see comments of Jos "suggest" that Mary Magdalene indeed went to
Montserrat Torrens in Piero, Montserrat and Garca France. A sadder part of this is that in her first work
127-137). about this, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, she
relies heavily on The Holy Blood and the Holy
Once all of this is seen these texts in light of Grail. She quotes it about 12 times in her book,
what they truly mean, I can ask, why Mary specially in key places when she needs the link
Magdalene should be the wife of Jesus. Apocryphal between Mary Magdalene and the Merovingian
texts also display another possible candidate: Dynasty. Furthermore, she quotes Henry Lincoln
Salome, one of Jesus' followers. The Gospel of and his book The Holy Place where he further uses
Thomas says that she shared her bed with Jesus his wild imagination to elaborate more on Rennes-
(Gospel of Thomas 61), but this passage is le-Chteau alleging that key sites form a star, having
deliberately omitted by those who say that Jesus a mountain as its center (giving all of this a symbolic
married Mary Magdalene. Why? The Gospel of meaning related to Mary Magdalene). She quotes
Thomas dates from the second century, far closer to too the book The Temple and the Lodge, by Michael
Jesus than any of the other apocryphal texts we have Baigent and Richard Leigh which the studies the
mentioned. But incredibly, they can't answer the presence of the Templars in Scotland. Unfortunately
question. In fact, they completely avoid this she wanted to go as far as even link the whole thing
problematic issue, only fixing their eyes on few texts with Tarot cards. What surprises me about this
in which Mary and Jesus are very close to each entire research is that not once did she question the
other. authenticity of the documents of the Priory of Sion
in the way we have done.

But the saddest part of this story is that she

Conclusion left the Catholic Church as the result of her research.
It is sad because I feel that her heart is in the right
place, but the means to accomplish what she wanted
Of course, the conclusion in light of all of was not the best. I think that women should be
this seems to be that there is absolutely no basis at ordained, they should have more voice within the
all to believe that Jesus did marry Mary Magdalene. Church, and they must be given more power. And I
Again, I'm not closing the possibility that this might don't mind them choosing the figure of Mary
have actually happened. But if this is what really Magdalene as a symbol of Apostleship and the place
happened, the silence of the Gospels and other women should have in the Church. Nor do I mind
writings, even apocryphal writings, is very strange. the thorough study of the symbolic dimension of
Yes, as we have seen, in the Gnostic Gospels she is Mary Magdalene, and the association of her with
close to Jesus, but not because they were married, other Christian and Pagan symbols. What I do mind
and certainly they don't talk at all about any is that as product of this overwhelming hoax, and
offspring coming from that marriage. All this products of rampant imagination of scholars and
closeness tells us is that Gnostics believed they had "scholars", people as good hearted and intelligent as
"knowledge" (gnosis) that the Apostles did not have. Starbird leave the Church.

The rest of the "evidence" of this claim is I hope that this work is made known by
the product of wild imagination of three scholars many to diffuse some sensationalist views that
(Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry become fashionable, but which in the long run are
Lincoln), basing themselves on forged documents. not true. Unfortunately, and it hurts me to say so,
Unfortunately this has led other people's imagination lies and misleading information are often more
run even wilder. popular than truth itself. If someone finds some
thing as sensational, regardless of whether it is true
Quite often I find also some Christians and or not, he or she makes it sell, because people like
liberal Catholics who subscribe to this theory. that which is "forbidden", or "heterodox", or that
Margaret Starbird is an example of this. I am challenges the establishment". The Church has
saddened that she believes this. She wanted been wrong in many issues and is hiding many
genuinely to research this whole issue and find the things to the public. But believe me, most probably
truth. She made a scholarly study that seemed to the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, as well
The Truth About the Marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene 11

as their supposed "descendants" of the Merovingian 149: 22-31.

Dynasty, is an information that the Church is not Leloup, Jean-Yves. The Gospel of Mary
hiding. It is possible that it never existed in the first Magdalene. 1997. Vermont: Inner
place. Traditions, 2002.

The New Jerusalem Bible. NY: Doubleday, 1990.

References Piero, Antonio, Jos Monserrat Torrents, Francisco
Garca Bazn. Textos gnsticos:
Ares, Nacho. "La ltima Cena de Leonardo da Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi II, Evangelios,
Vinci." La historia perdida. Madrid, hechos, cartas. Madrid: Editorial Trotta,
Mxico, Buenos Aires, San Juan: Edaf, 1999.
Thiering, Barbara. Jesus the Man. Great Britain:
Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. Corgi Books, 1992.
El enigma sagrado. Barcelona: Ediciones
Martnez Roca, 1985. Original title: The de Sde, Grard. El misterio de Rennes-le-Chteau.
Holy Blood and the Holy Grial. London: Trans. F. Garca-Prieto. Barcelona:
Jonathan Cape, 1982. Ediciones Martnez Roca, 1991. Original
title: Rennes-le-Chteau. Paris: ditions
Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci Code. NY: Doubleday, Robert Laffont, 1988.
Starbird, Margaret. The Goddess in the Gospels:
Conroy, Ed. "Will the Magdalene go Mainstream?". Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine.
National Catholic Reporter. Vol. 40. No. Rochester, Vermont: Bear & Company,
2. October 31, 2003.: 8-9. 1998.

Gardner, Laurence. La herencia del Santo Grial. - - -. The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Mary
Barcelona: Grijalbo, 1999. Trans. of Magdalen and the Holy Grail. Vermont:
Bloodline of the Holy Grial. The Hidden Bear & Company, 1993.
Lineage of Jesus Revealed, 1996.
Vidal, Senn. Los escritos originales de la
La Cruz, Luis G. "La historia oculta de El seor de comunidad del discpulo "amigo" de Jess.
los anillos." Ao Cero. Ao XIII. No 12- Salamanca: Ediciones Sgueme, 1997.

2004 Pedro Rosario Barbosa

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