Mary Magdalene e Book
Mary Magdalene e Book
Mary Magdalene e Book
I also want you to know that I am not present I, Mary Magdalene, will wait until he has preceded
on Earth in any form right now. Until recently, me and has gone through the sacred channel back
I stayed in unity with Jesus. We have never been to Earth to reappear to men in physical form.
apart in all that time. We form a stream of Christ’s
love combined in the Christ-Shakti and Christ- Until then I will wait, abiding the time in my
Shiva. Now, after eons, after an eternity, we have prayers, preparations, and rituals with which I
separated to retreat into our own Heavens and infuse the worlds before coming back to Earth.
into our individual god-consciousness.
I am melded with my soul Heaven and preparing
Jesus gave himself into the care of the Father in myself for the return to Earth.
order to concentrate his light and contemplate his
soul in preparation for his arrival. I am Mary Magdalene, the eternal lover, whose
heart belongs solely to the Lord.
I myself withdrew into the Great Mother who
provides shelter for my soul Heaven. Here I Much has been written about me. Much of that
prepare for my return to Earth. was overwritten and much forgotten. I do not
hold it against men that they have said so many
This is my message to all of you, to whom I have things about me that derive only from their own
dedicated this book: Mankind, prepare for the perception of me.
arrival of Jesus.
I am not surprised that my true identity has been
forgotten, as I have not completely incarnated
10 Mary Magdalene DAWNING 11
since my time with Jesus. It never was and never will be my intention to
reveal the secrets of my inner mysteries. My life
Realize the truth today. with Jesus belongs only to my heart and to me. It
served only the purposes of loving him as a man
I want neither to be worshipped nor praised. It is and at the same time loving those who are our
not my nature to accept these streams of worship. brothers and sisters. These are the ones that were
incarnated with us and who accompanied us and
My only desire is to serve the Lord once again. supported us in our great assignment that wanted
to find a way between light and darkness. This was
I am a female, loving, serving stream that flows my mission at that time, as it was in later years
toward Him with the eternal light to nurture Him while I walked with him and experienced the
with my love. highest level of fulfillment of happiness and love.
I would like you to know that none of what has All this, I would like to keep in my heart.
been written about me over the past 2000 years
comes even close to describing who I really am. Jesus deliberately chose those who should proclaim
his name and teachings. You know that he chose
I have been denied and the memory of me has been twelve disciples, his stars, who went into the world
distorted. My place at Jesus’ side has been erased, to spread his message, brought to Earth from his
my role in his life negated. direct dialogue with God, our Father in Heaven. But
there were many more beings that accompanied
him. There were three women in his close circle; I
12 Mary Magdalene DAWNING 13
was one of them, chosen by him to also be one of I want to be recognized as a servant of the Lord who
his apostles. The Essenes and the 108 guardians of gives herself completely. I seek to share everything
the gates of Heaven also joined us at Jesus’ side. In I have with those who are thirsty and seeking and
his wider circle, 2000 souls were incarnated at the who have forgotten themselves. It is your decision
time with Him. Each of them was entrusted with which messages from which sources you want to
a task according to the individual quality of their listen to.
soul, their origin, and their power.
Your heart will show you the truth.
I want the world to understand:
But if you want to know me, Mary Magdalene, you
We were and always will be in the service of can only do so from heart to heart. This is how I
humanity, as we are always connected with the want to be understood, neither revered nor adored,
ones we love. for I simply am.
Know today: none of Jesus’ apostles, male or I am here to support the Earth during its
female, ever wanted to be worshipped or seen as transformation.
an independent being. Our intention was solely to
be his voice – not his representative. He initiated At times I am close to Earth and perform my
us into his love, and we now convey this message service and my work.
of love to mankind.
I turn to you because the Earth turned to me.
This is how we saw ourselves and how we want to
be recognized today.
I am Mary Magdalene.
pregnant mother, Earth has now begun her labor Mankind is called upon to move ahead, to
and mankind will consciously witness all phases reconsider, and to change its orientation.
of this delivery in full awareness of its importance.
If you are able to harness the collective power that As you know, the Mayans announced the end of
you can experience together with Earth in order to their calendar and therefore the end of the old
give birth to yourself through the Light of Christ, world in the year 2012.
mankind will not need to endure so much pain
and destruction. It can be reborn together with These and similar astronomical calculations and
Earth within the Light of Christ. predictions have been echoed by others at different
This will not happen overnight – but the cycle
already began in August of 1999 at the time of the What they don’t take into consideration and what
solar eclipse. humanity always forgets is the real reason Jesus
came to Earth before: to call on the Father in
Now the second cycle begins and I will prepare Heaven.
you for it, step by step. The more of you who
understand it, the easier it will be. Jesus taught us to realize our connection to the
Father who is full of grace, love and graciousness
Only the old, refusing to give birth to the new, for His children.
must be destroyed.
The grace of God can only be achieved by turning
to Him in devout prayers and with pure love.
20 Mary Magdalene MESSAGE 21
If mankind does not turn to the Father, the These things will happen no matter what.
destruction will be immense and devastating.
After darkness’ long reign, it is now time for Earth
The more you turn to him, the more He can let His to experience a rebirth and man with her.
grace flow to you and your misgivings need not
come true. You don’t have the slightest idea of how many
beings from all Heavens are collaborating in order
Mankind has come to a crossroads. What the to create this process of initiation, renewal, and
future years will bring depends on your decision. rebirth on this Earth. More beings than you know
It is a question of learning through destruction are already incarnated. Most of the truly initiated
or through the grace of God. He is prepared to ones work in secret and are directly connected
present this Earth with the gift of His miracles. with the spiritual world. Many communication
channels on Earth are now open. A defining sign
Remember, during the time of Atlantis you of this time for you will be the necessity to make
learned through destruction. You experienced the the decision which “prophets” to follow.
destruction of the Earth’s creation right in front of
your eyes. Ever since then you have walked a long Long ago, during his journeys after his crucifixion,
path, separated into light and matter in order to Jesus gave us many lessons and taught us to follow
heal this deep traumatic shock. our own perceptions and our own hearts, and to
listen to our own inner voice of God.
You must understand that everything that will follow
depends entirely on your attitude towards life.
22 Mary Magdalene CONVERSATION WITH GOD 23
Know that God never chose an authority to speak Therefore between Heaven and Earth many
to Him in your name. For God Himself speaks to creatures will try to have their voices heard for
every creature. He speaks to me, He speaks to you, a longer period of time. Some will be light and
and He speaks to all. some will be dark because the great council wants
the people to realize for themselves where they
How could mankind ever believe that God would belong.
separate Himself from some and give others the
privilege of staying in contact with Him? Know that everything is God — neither light nor
darkness is separated from Him. In darkness,
I beg mankind and every individual to explore and however, it is always destruction that is born, while
cultivate this dialogue with God again. This is the within light creation is born.
only way to endure the imminent crisis.
The Light of Christ is the only light in the universe
Know that many spiritual forces have gathered that connects the two.
around the Earth to join forces. But also realize
that these forces are of light as well as dark nature. The Light of Christ finally wants to rise on Earth.
God grants everyone the same opportunity. It wants you to learn from the long times of wars,
Mankind has to decide for itself which it will serve: destruction, mutual hostility, exclusion, and curse
God’s will and His Throne, or those who promote that neither light nor darkness can prevail. Both
willfulness, darkness, and the impulses of the ego possess within themselves powerful and inborn
26 Mary Magdalene RHYTHM OF CREATION 27
must learn to let go and give everything you have Many today are trapped in a world that you call
and are to creation in order to be reborn. You can pain and trauma. You cultivate pain because you
arise in the light and be recognized in God’s holy mistakenly believe that you can only realize the
face. This is the rhythm between the Great Mother depth of creation within the darkness of pain.
and Earth.
The depth is much more than you dare to hope.
If this rhythm is not accepted, oscillations between It is the safety, the initiation and the arrival in the
the Great Mother and Earth will arise and structures primordial existence of trust.
on Earth and in Heaven will burst.
Within the depth of darkness you understand
In this case the crisis must be experienced as a power, guidance, life, and creation.
result of the inability to let go.
This darkness has nothing to do with the darkness,
Like creation, ceasing is a process of eternal life, now formed into a disease pattern, that you know
just like being born and the abundance of life. on Earth. The Earth is also trapped and has fallen ill
Everything comes and goes. to the same cancer, which the humans experience
within their bodies.
If humanity can finally understand this original
rhythm, deep healing will enter your souls, for you Due to the long, uncontrolled run of free will of
would reconnect with the initiations of life, and mankind on Earth and the long wars between
a deep respect and reverence for creation would light and darkness, the Great Mother has had to
arise in you. experience her cells adopt a corrupted growth.
30 Mary Magdalene EARTH AND PEOPLE 31
Now the time has come for the initial seeds, planted
by Jesus 2000 years ago, to begin to flourish in the
light of the rising age.
For 2000 years these seeds had to wait, embedded, are leading the way.
hidden, and veiled in the darkness of the earth
until the day in August 1999 when the world In recent years many of them have worked hard
experienced a zero-time during the solar eclipse. to raise their consciousness from within and let it
That’s when the new time began. At that moment advance toward the surface of their being. With all
all seeds left by Jesus were activated and began to their strength they have lifted their light upward
move within the earth. in preparation for the great time that has been
promised to mankind.
Now, after this time of maturing, a new cycle
begins, and I would like to tell you about it. Many of them have already paved the way on
Know that now an exceptional time dawns for
mankind, a time of decisions. Jesus and I were In the face of the praise to the Lord and the sweat
lovingly connected together in an eternal stream of the Earth, many of those who accompanied us
and have interwoven the Light of Christ with our then as well as now have taken the preparations
male and female powers to prepare it for the Earth, upon themselves. They really live among you.
this solar system, and the surrounding universes.
We have also prepared the paths and networks As they promised Jesus, they radiate their essence,
together with many others who we call brothers their blessings, and their love to mankind. But
and sisters in the unity of love and in the unity of there are also some beings who want to incarnate
the Light of Christ. A large number of them are just now.
already reincarnated on Earth and some of these
36 Mary Magdalene JESuS 37
Beginning in December of 2009, a wave of special upon you. At the same time you will experience
children will start to incarnate. They will enter the the greatest decision that has been presented to
Earth through a golden stream of light, and this man for ages.
new generation will help you.
Before I completely retreat to my soul Heaven,
Along with others, Sarah, Jesus’ and my daughter, I will give you the following messages Jesus’ has
will soon incarnate among you. She already dwells, asked me to convey.
waiting to be born, within a loving mother who
does not know of her good fortune yet. I have
entrusted my beloved child to her, since it was
Sarah’s desire to lead the way. She is part of the
golden light wave of children who return to Earth
when the golden age may reappear in its entire
In the simultaneity of grace, parallel, coexisting They all are embodiments of His love.
worlds are developing.
Nevertheless, there is a measure of decision that
40 Mary Magdalene REIGN 41
can only be understood by humans through God’s realm, His will and the reign of His throne
the omnipresence of the Light of Christ and the to bring fulfillment to all the people on Earth.
primordial love of God.
But now the time has come.
You have now seen a long era of the Kali-Yuga,
where darkness was allowed to rule the world. Mankind, be aware of how much love flows from
Before that time there was the reign of the light. God’s heart to you. Now comes a time like never
God wants both and both are God’s children. before on Earth.
The reign of the light failed with the downfall of The throne of God wants to manifest on Earth.
Atlantis. Now you can witness the failure of the
reign of the darkness. At this moment, God gives each of His creatures
permission to enter His kingdom and accept the
Neither in their time succeeded in achieving the rule of His realm under His throne.
will of God and elevating the welfare of all beings.
shadows they have thrown onto Earth during For those who deliberately served the darkness
their incarnations, and to finally arrive on Earth and the dark princes, the gates to a new world are
again. Those serving the light and feeling like the open if they want to leave their estrangement from
embodiment of light are missing the shadow that God behind. Their task will be to relearn. The laws
allows their connection with the Earth. The light of God’s throne which are concentrated in the
forces of the mighty are still cut off from the forces mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” will bind all beings
of the Earth and the Mother. to the will of God through His Love.
Those who are still living in the dark and in Those who have despised or denied the will of
unconsciousness are given the task to finally turn the Lord must undergo a learning phase. They
to the light so that they might remember and, after will experience how the presence of the Lord will
a long night of darkness, leave their dark hole and break their own ego until they can return to that
walk into the open, where bright sunlight awaits reality which is solely created by the “Om Namah
them. The Light of God wants to warm them again, Shivaya.”
relieve the pain of their souls until they find their
way home. With each of these three waves that I describe to
you, the energies on Earth will concentrate.
They will have the task to relive their own pain,
because their pain will carry them home. If The margin for making your decision to accept
someone has lived in the darkness for a long time, your tasks is getting narrower. It will be easier for
the sun and the light are painful at first. you if you accept your tasks and your realizations
and work on yourself so you can bit by bit integrate
46 Mary Magdalene 1st WAVE 47
of love that will accompany him to Earth and Those who have not yet conquered their own
announce his arrival. heart and do not hear God’s voice within will face
a serious challenge. Thousands of prophets will
But this will only happen when the time is right. appear on the horizon at the same time. This is a
manifestation of polarity.
Jesus will come as a pioneer, as a destroyer of your
structures. He will break open the new time with a Jesus will quietly dwell among you, hidden and
powerful and divine force. unrecognized by many. And those who are false
prophets will become loud. It will be up to each of
You have created a false picture of Jesus. Those you to hear the gentle, quiet, barely audible voice
in power have buried him under their own of God that lies far away from the noise of the
thoughts. world, within you. Only those to whom He shows
Himself will recognize him.
Love – yes, that is what he is.
For mankind a daunting task lays ahead.
At the same time he is the embodiment of the
divine will, which will break what is not meant to With his arrival, whether acknowledged or not, his
last. presence will release endless waves of love. You will
be able to feel these waves. You can prepare yourself
Silently he will arrive on Earth. by reflecting your innermost being constantly and
every moment to find God and Jesus there.
50 Mary Magdalene 1st WAVE 51
Everything that wants to obstruct the waves of love that will occur when the Earth has no other outlet
will not be able to hold its ground. The old must anymore and will express itself through them or
die in order to give birth to the new. through the collapse of all your known values and
Humanity is collectively proceeding towards
a chokepoint of evolution, which must be They will die to make room for Love.
Be aware that a parallel world of beings, coming to
No one will be spared. hold the world, is beginning to form around you.
Those who are willing to purify their souls, to repent Wherever the Earth bursts open, she opens herself
and show insight and at the same time remember to new visions and takes them in, only to give birth
that God is the Father of all life will pave the new to them again in the near future.
path. Search for those who are already incarnated
and standing by to help you through these times. From now on the world will change. For a long
time she has granted mankind its free will. The
Be gentle and judicious. Listen to your heart and Earth never set up terms or conditions, but has
you will find those who can help you initiate your allowed you to make your experiences on her, even
transformation, for there is no other way. letting you destroy, disrespect, and exploit parts of
her being.
Whatever opposes the transformation will be
destroyed, either through emerging catastrophes
52 Mary Magdalene 1st WAVE 53
The Earth will no longer take in or give birth to Find the way back to the center and seek out those
anything that is not ordained and blessed by God. who can help you with this.
This is not her decision but the decision of the
Great Mother, whom the Earth remains in constant Only those who are anchored within themselves
contact with. and in God will overcome the upcoming harsh
winds and storms that will blow over the Earth.
Move now! You will not only encounter them on the outside
through storms and destruction; on the inside
Be willing to open up yourselves, expand your they will be even more evident.
channel of Love and volunteer your Self as a vessel
of Love. Now about your fear: I want you to understand
that fear is only a product of one’s own mind. Fear
Search for the path to the Lord. pierces and weakens you. This will destroy your
aura and your self. Try to let go of the fear and
It is not difficult for God is always there. begin to trust. Constantly repeat God’s name,
regardless of your faith or religious affiliation.
He is omnipresent. You only must be aware of
Him. God hears and understands every language.
You do not notice him in the noisy world, in the During the first wave you will live in a phase of
sounds or the distractions. You will notice Him only simultaneity: you will experience the arrival of the
in the silence and in accordance with yourself. highest grace on Earth and at the same time you
54 Mary Magdalene 1st WAVE 55
will experience the narrowest gate that mankind Together the Earth and mankind are on their way
ever had to pass through. to immerse themselves into the Light of Christ in
order to synchronously prepare for the arrival of
Both worlds will exist simultaneously and it is your the messiah.
choice whether you apply yourself in fear to one
or devote yourself to the other, willing to change In the near future you will experience many
your ways. phenomena that are unfamiliar to you.
Millions of people pray daily for the arrival of Jesus When the Light of Christ continues to expand,
on this Earth – and trust me, Jesus hears every your electronic devices and timepieces might not
single one of them. Every voice reaches his heart. function in the accustomed manner. Time leaps
and time gaps will occur.
He knows how much the people and the Earth miss
him. He has promised to return when mankind Face these many time phenomena by feeling your
has learned to love out of its own desire. own power and centeredness in your center, your
navel chakra, your hara. That is where your eternal
Know that Earth herself ignites the Light of Christ time is kept, unaffected by polar time.
for her own being from within her fire core. It will
expand from the inside of the Earth through all Many familiar structures will be unsettled and no
her layers. There will be no obstacle for this Light longer available to you.
of Christ, for it is time for it to be born.
56 Mary Magdalene 2ndWAVE 57
This does not mean that you will leave the Earth,
but you will finally recognize the divine light
within your body, which is a sacred vessel
You also know, from a long time ago, that During this time many issues of male and female,
the unilateral domination of feminine power of creator and creation will rise again. They want
unbalanced by masculinity becomes a cruel reign to be recognized from many times and they want
because she will inwardly turn dark being distanced to be released.
from the creative impulses of the male principle.
In their origin creator and creation are one.
But all this is over.
God’s throne and the Great Mother necessitate
You shall now understand that only the balance each other.
between male and female, between creator and
creation, man and woman, will be able to restore Without the creator there would be no creation,
the balance between the worlds. but without the womb of creation, the creator
would not be able to express himself.
As an initial preparation you will encounter an
enhancement of feminine forces that have existed None of these forces can exist without the other.
disconnected from Earth for too long. Women
will notice this particularly. Creation and the Mankind will experience a major upheaval during
Great Mother are sending new impulses to Earth. this time, since the change of the balance at first
This will not only affect women, because everyone strengthens the imbalances.
carries a male and a female part within himself.
Your inner harmonization will bring you outer God’s plan and the Great Mother’s plan both seek
balance. to restore the balance within creation, and between
60 Mary Magdalene 2ndWAVE 61
the Earth and the divine throne. As always, the transitional processes are the most
Endless streams of creation will enter into and
onto the Earth during this time. Mankind can You would do yourself a great service by avoiding
support this by creating places of power through falling from one extreme into the other during this
their love, sites dedicated to these rays of creation. time.
Honor these places and incorporate them into
your rituals. Remain centered within the “Om Namah Shivaya”
and do not let yourselves be led astray.
By doing so you invite these creational impulses
into your life, and they will not be drawn to At the same time a rising energy will awaken, in
unprepared and lifeless places. which every being with an open heart, spirit, and
body will be able to realize its destination and its
At the same time you will also experience how origin.
destructive the initial creative force of the Great
Mother can be when she finds places that do not If you are not able to reach the core that God
praise her. has created within you, then reach out for help.
Be wise with your choice. There are beings that
The scope for the people will diminish even more can recognize you. Ask for their help. Within
through the concentration of polarity, which is simultaneity every person’s destiny goes into
striving for resolution. effect.
62 Mary Magdalene 2ndWAVE 63
If you live outside of your destiny, you may It will not be easy for you during the second wave.
experience strong upheavals, diseases, or other Things will seem to be drifting apart even farther
phenomena in your life. than they have ever done. The parties will split and
the opinions of men too.
If you are willing to let your purpose awaken
within you, you will enter a new path that emerges Those who are willing to accept their light and
from within. their divine origin will walk through the times of
disasters unaffected only because they are centered
Polarity, which pulls you to the left or right, towards between Heaven and Earth.
good or bad, will not impress you anymore. Deep
inside you will know what there is to do and this The union of Shiva and Shakti will be a great gift
will carry you through these times. for mankind. At this moment a dignified and long
desired world plan of the universes will be fulfilled.
Maybe you do not remember: every being is These moments are rare and have happened only
born with a purpose. Destiny means only that the twice in the history of creation.
fortune bestowed onto you by God at the time of
your birth wants to fulfill itself. The following happens in this unification: all gifts
of creation are released at the same moment —
Turn to your personal destiny. Only those who a big birthday for the universe.
have arrived within themselves can participate in
the large network that is forming on Earth. The first time it happened during the creation of
the worlds, and the second time it happened at a
64 Mary Magdalene MIRACLES 65
divine realm. and you will need those to face the future.
The era of miracles is approaching. It is up to you The future will challenge you; you will only survive
how deeply you will get involved in uniting the through divinity and the development of your own
male and female elements within you. divinity and no longer through the limitations of
being human.
During this time the sacred couples will find
each other again, for these holy couples will form Stop worshiping material things, for they will
the future. Only where male and female exist in decay like the dust on Earth. Apply yourself to
respect and complete recognition of each other your inner self where God dwells within you. Let
can the future have a foundation. this core weave through your cells piece by piece,
until you become the enlightened being again,
God also has a spouse, creation herself. which realizes God in every other being.
At the same time the creational patterns of the There are only divine creatures in God’s kingdom.
divine throne will lay themselves on the Earth in They depend on each other and serve each other
the form of perfect mandalas. These open up new and together they will bring forth creation – and
possibilities, perspectives which go far beyond this will be the sign by which you will recognize
what you can imagine. this wave.
New technologies, inventions, and access to New creational patterns will form into new
knowledge will become available for the Earth, networks and new connections between people,
68 Mary Magdalene MIRACLES 69
some who have long been lost to each other. Finally open the door for Him.
they can reconnect this network on Earth again.
My love and my grace are with you always and
At the same time those not ready to serve will forever.
experience a massive fall.
Prepare the ground for God inside yourselves and
Jesus has a message for you for this period. you can return home within yourselves and you
will have arrived at home – where you will meet
Know that it is not God’s wish for any creature on the Lord face to face. For this is the inheritance of
Earth to experience disaster or misfortune. But if your soul.
you don’t enter the light of love and face the reign
of God, then you do not accept the love in your Om Namah Shivaya
heart, which is inherent in you and inspirits you.
A large wave of light will pass over the Earth in withdrawn, but participates in the Earth and its
many pulses, and a wave of destruction will rise affairs.
again - destruction of everything resisting this
wave of love, light, and divine reign. All of a sudden new systems for the Earth will
develop, ones you would have never expected,
Those who want to be part of it have to seize perhaps even in governments, forms of sovereignty
their own place. Accept help finding this place by that are ordained to the light.
contacting Agni within yourself. You will find it
easy to reach him, since he will be omnipresent Then there will be the final negotiations between
during this time the Lords of the light and the Lords of the darkness
to finally make peace.
Fire will appear everywhere.
Everyone has his place in God’s kingdom. They
The fire announces the rebirth and the new must not neutralize each other but must support
creation. each other.
The Earth will burn. She herself will bow before You have seen the battle between light and darkness
Agni to pay homage to his arrival. on Earth as a war for a long time.
At the same time the gates of Shambala will Also world politics will have to adapt to these
open and will become ubiquitous on Earth. This vibrational guidelines and create peace.
is the sign that the reign of the light is no longer
74 Mary Magdalene 3rd WAVE 75
The understanding of one another will be advanced, their prediction, because all of them have been
yet individuals may still believe in the leadership Earthbound and limited.
that is not derived from the compromise of many
opinions but emerges solely from the divine plan. Also all revelations ultimately only described the
decline of the secular power.
Governments that decide to accept the offered
help in order to follow the divine guidance will Deep inside, the human race should now
survive; otherwise your system will disintegrate understand that God never was and never will be
before your eyes. a punisher, a destroyer, but that which is old and
outdated destroys itself.
The blind will be under the impression that God is
punishing them. The reign of Agni will bring peace to the world.
The seeing will realize that God is fulfilling His Great lights of peace will flood the Earth from all
promise given a long time ago, the promise to help worlds. The enlightened universes will guide their
His family to reachieve the reign of light. During streams of peace constantly towards Earth, and
this time the reign of light is dawning under the they will help the beings.
leadership of God’s throne.
The gates between the dimensions will again
Forget all your prophecies. Up until now none become permeable, and communication with
has ever achieved the level of understanding at other worlds and with Heaven will overcome the
which the time after 2012 could be described in fog of oblivion. For those who deny God, this will
76 Mary Magdalene 3rd WAVE 77
This is why a new medicine will develop which There will be no more room for shadows.
is not aimed at diseases, but will help humans to
lighten their bodies and become a vessel of love, so Golden waves will spread over the Earth and
they can find their way. proclaim the message of peace.
Know that Agni is benevolent. Mankind can now prepare by accepting the holy fire
again. Fire is the creation from which everything
He loves. once was born, even the Earth. Only if you do not
evade the fire will you be able to face the fire.
78 Mary Magdalene 3rd WAVE 79
Otherwise Earth must produce the fire that creates You will find your way home.
the balance between her and Agni in order to give
birth to the new creation. Those who are searching will recognize their
spiritual families again and will finally be able to
However, this she must only do if the people do retrieve what they have been missing for a long
not acknowledge the fire. You can find the fire in time.
your heart. It is the expression of your love. It is
the burning of God’s desire in your heart. The boundaries of separation will dissolve and
many things you can’t even fathom will appear
Now again a wave of children will come to Earth, in a new light. This will be the time when the
a wave of special children, whom you can only plan is implemented and God’s will allows me to
accept if you acknowledge them for who they return to Earth and to you: me, Mary Magdalene,
are. But this knowledge cannot yet be introduced. not to be worshipped in any way, who through
Nevertheless, I would like to advise you to welcome Jesus’ assignment is his apostle, his voice, and his
these children, for they carry knowledge about the mediator.
healing of the Earth and the new creation, which
you have long forgotten. They carry these tools During that time you will learn to understand
within themselves. The light will be so bright that that the true avatars living amongst you cannot be
at times it will be unbearable. understood by listening to words in polarity. But
there will be mediators helping you to understand
But fortune in you will begin to blossom again. the language until you return to unity.
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It is God’s wish for His word to be manifest on Earth Don’t be afraid, but sing your hearts’ song.
and for it and His throne to become visible to all
His children. To experience and accompany this is
the blessing of our time, and we can open our hearts
toward it now. Om Namah Shivaya.”
You will be given the chance to experience God as New teachings come to Earth and for the first time
no longer separate from you but as in unity with after a long wait you will understand again God’s
you. Everything is intertwined. The Earth will true laws. God’s law wants to be alive again on
develop a new awareness for the great whole. The Earth in form of the Dharma.
awareness of separate countries and cultures will
dissolve or will have to dissolve.
I love you, just as Jesus loved you. For you are all
my brothers and sisters.
Om Namah Shivaya