10 OSHS Template Hepatitis B Workplace Policy Program
10 OSHS Template Hepatitis B Workplace Policy Program
10 OSHS Template Hepatitis B Workplace Policy Program
This guideline is formulated for everybodys information and reference for the
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Hepatitis B. This will inform the employees of
their role as well as the company in dealing with Hepatitis B. A healthy environment
encompasses a good working relationship and great output for continuous business
I. Implementing Structure
II. Guidelines
A. Education
B. Preventive Strategies
1. There shall be no discrimination of any form against employees on the
basis of their Hepatitis B status consistent with the international
agreements on non discrimination ratified by the Philippines (ILO C111).
Employees shall not be discriminated against, from pre to post
employment, including hiring, promotion, or assignment because of their
hepatitis B status.
2. Workplace management of sick employees shall not differ from that of any
other illness. Persons with Hepatitis B related illnesses may work for as
long as they are medically fit to work.
B. Confidentiality
E. Compensation
The company shall provide access to Social Security System and Employees
Compensation benefits under PD 626 to an employee contracted with Hepatitis B
infection in the performance of his duty.
A. Employers Responsibilities
2. The Health and Safety Committee shall ensure that their company policy
and program is adequately funded and made known to all employees.
3. The Human Resources Department shall ensure that their policy and
program adheres to existing legislations and guidelines, including provisions
on leaves, benefits and insurance.
6. The management together with the company focal personnel for human
resources and safety and health shall provide appropriate personal protective
equipment to prevent Hepatitis B exposure, especially for employees exposed
to potentially contaminated blood or body fluid.
B. Employees Responsibilities
5. Employees with Hepatitis B may inform the health care provider or the
company physician on their Hepatitis B status, that is, if their work activities
may increase the risk of Hepatitis B infection and transmission or put the
Hepatitis B positive at risk for aggravation.
Within the establishment, the implementation of the policy and program shall
be monitored and evaluated periodically. The safety and health committee or its
counterpart shall be tasked for this purpose.
This Policy shall take effect immediately and shall be made known to all
______________________ ___________________________
Owner /Manager Employees Representative
DATE: ______________