NWN 2015 Select Options

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NextWorldNow Community Investments - 2015 SelectOptions

Project Wise Administration of Terrestrial Environment and

Resources (WATER)
Location Calabar Nigeria Project Conservation, forest management, community
Type development, poverty reduction
Number 394 direct + 586 Amount $8000 (with $8000 from community match)
of indirect = 980 Request
Recipien ed
Primary Chief Edwin Ogar Contact 6 AbasiIta Street, Off 138 MCC Road,
Contact Program Coordinator Informat Calabar - Cross River State, Nigeria.
ion Phone: +234 803 546 1507
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://sgp.undp.org/index.php?
Project WATER focuses on conservation, climate change, forest governance, community
Descripti development and poverty reduction. WATER is registered as an NGO in 2006
on with the Cross River State government, a sub-national in Nigeria with an
incorporated Board of Trustees (BOT). WATER has four critical programs areas: Natural
Resources Management, Climate Change, Community Development and Livelihoods,
each headed by a Project Officer. The amount of resources needed is $16,000 with the
amount requested from a donor $8,000. The other $8,000 is in-kind contributions from
New Ekuri Village and from WATER. The resources will be used for planning, training on
organic farming; training on agro-forestry; raising of 50,000 cash crops nurseries; Supply
of 5,000 banana/plantain sucker; Supply of 300 bundles cassava cuttings; land
development/ cultivation of food and cash crops; Management of the farms; Monitoring,
evaluation, reporting.
Project YayasanPlanet Indonesia International
Location Indonesia Project Biodiversity and forestry agribusiness
Number 1600 Amount $9958 (with additional in-kind funds provided by
of Request sponsoring organization)
Recipien ed
Primary Adam Miller Contact [email protected]
Contact Informat
Project Planet Indonesia is dedicated to the conservation of earth's ecosystems and
Descripti communities by providing market-based incentives that balance ecological and
on human livelihoods with cultural preservation. We incentivize conservation and
community development at the grassroots level. We help low-income communities to a
better life by providing economic benefits for preserving local resources and customs.
We create local business groups for each of our programsto self-fund. The small
cooperatives ensure that our projects can be completely self-reliant. We work ourselves
out of an area and empower communities to create their own sustainable business
models. The project funds will be used in three main areas: 1) developing, founding, and
training the local agroforestry business group. 2)conducting biodiversity surveys on the
degraded land to obtain baseline data in order to track how biodiversity increases
through time, and socio-economic surveys with members of the agroforestry business
group. 3) developing our seedling nursery to act as the bank where seeds are grown
into seedlings that are suitable for planting in the field.
Project Anjong Young Farmers Group
Location CameroonBonam Project Income generation and environment protection
bufei Type
NextWorldNow Community Investments - 2015 SelectOptions
Number 2800 Amount $10000
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary EldadUmenjoh Contact [email protected]
Contact CEO/Environmental Informat www.ayfg.org
manager ion
Project We promote sustainable management of natural resources, working peasant
Descripti farmers to change their attitude to produces sustainably whilst conserving and
on minimizing waste. We are looking for a partners grant to install a zero waste
management plant to recycle palm oil by product such as palm kernel to produce kernel
oil for soap making and waste vegetable oil for biodiesel. We plant trees, promote
organic framing to restore soil nutrients, reducing landslide. The trees serves as storm
buffers beside reducing flooding and carbon foot print. We promote sanitation in schools
and community, provide training on climate change to farmers enabling them to adapt
best practices to secure food production. We also generate income from sale of palm oil,
kernel oil and kernel shells and animal feed.
Project Veterinarians without Borders
Location Laos Project Food security, agribusiness
Number 150 Amount $10000
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary Thomas Weigel, M.A. Contact Phone: +856 20 28 221 097
Contact Informat Web: https://www.vetswithoutborders.ca
ion Blog: http://blog.vetswithoutborders.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VetswithoutB
Project Our proposal is to fund a community-led project on edible cricket farming to
Descripti improve income generation and food security for 30 households (approximately
on 150 household members) in Phonexay village in Central Laos. The Statements of
Support from 5 community members are attached as well.
Project Asilang Village Clinic Hope Care Child Foundation
Location Uganda Project Health clinic
Number 11000 Amount $12300
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary Richard Ogalo Contact [email protected]
Contact Informat P.O. BOX 544, Soroti Uganda
ion +256 701 364 110
Project The major goal of this project is to improve the health and medical services
Descripti rendered to the community at Atiira Sub County for better health. We can cope
on with the health problems by building two components: 1. an out patients
department to serve women, children,youths and men in the clinic for medical treatment
and further medical follow up; supply nutritious food for bed patients; reduce the
incidence of maternal mortality, child mortality and mortality and morbidity, dehydration
and malnutrition, antenatal care, post-Natal care and Immunization services. 2.
amaternity ward to serve the expectant and child-bearing mothers.
NextWorldNow Community Investments - 2015 SelectOptions
Project Sustainable Development For All
Location Kenya Project Youth center / Microloans
Number 1300 Amount $13000
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary Miller Achevih Contact [email protected], [email protected],
Contact Informat [email protected], g.mwombe@sdfa-
ion Telephone: +25420 2422516
Facebook:sdfakenya Twitter: @sdfakenya
Project SDFA-Kenya aims to help poor communities attain sustainable development,
Descripti and in turn live better lives, through initiatives that incorporate communities
on themselves. It strives to provide long-term solutions to socio-economic
problems affecting various communities and thus alleviate poverty. Setting up youth
resource center and womens entrepreneurship groups.
Project Foundation Cultural for the Development tnnic
Colombia Units FUNDECU
Location Columbia Project Food security/ productivity eggs and quail meat
Vereda Guayaba of Type
Number 55 Amount $10000
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary JUAN RAIMUNDO BONILLA Contact [email protected]
MOSQUERA NIT 8300619529; R.M S0011017,
Contact Director NGOs
Informat telephone 057 1 3102222657-3134507135 ,
ion address : Office 12C 71C No 11A -61 Office 11A Bogot DC.
[email protected]
Project The Project objective is to build physical facilities for the project and encourage
Descripti the production and marketing of quail eggs and meat, for breeding and
on reproduction of 3000 birds, in order to generate 10 jobs to benefit victims of
armed conflict, obtain income, food security of the family, creating micro productive
enterprise by promoting the exploitation of the quail in the area of influence and meet
the demand of local markets

Project Action for Environmental Sustainability (AFES)

Location Malawi Project Agribusiness honey and beeswax products
Number 200+ Amount $9600
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary Daniel Mwakameka Contact MagalasiRoad,Kameza,Gulliver,
Contact Informat Po Box 3415, Blantyre. Malawi.
ion phone: +265 888 377 823
[email protected]
[email protected]
Project Action for Environment Sustainability (AfES) is proposing to implement Mpangama
Descripti Beekeeping for Improved Livelihood project. Mpangama Beekeeping project is proving to
on be very viable in the lives of the indigenous people; it has worked as an effective tool to
reduce the poverty levels in Mpangama community, promoting very sustainable
NextWorldNow Community Investments - 2015 SelectOptions
environmental actions such as afforestation and reforestation, protect the forest
and its biodiversity from harmful bush fires, motivation community members to
have passion about environmental and biodiversity conservation and providing
alternative to other unsustainable forest based economic activities such as Charcoal
Project Dandora Dumpsite Rehabilitation Group (DADREG)
Location Nairobi Kenya Project Skill vocational hairdressing, carpentry, tailoring
Number 180 trained Amount $13000
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary George Onyango Contact Dumpsite Rehabilitation Group (DADREG)
Contact Informat P.O.BOX 14909-00100
ion Nairobi-Kenya
Descripti Dandora Dumpsite Rehabilitation Group (DADREG), is seeking support to help
on equip the training facility with equipment that will help us enable the youth and
women with skills that will make them become competitive in the job market and
creators of jobs as well. Dandora dumpsite is the largest dumpsite in Eastern and
Central Africa. The dumpsite employs 10,000 people most of whom are women, youth
and children. Majority of these people work here because of poverty and lack of skills that
would have enabled them to undertake decent jobs. Currently, DADREG is developing
training programs for the youth and women and wants to equip a catering/pastries
department. DADREG had already acquired tailoring facilities from Workaid, a Charity
based in the United Kingdom. The aim of this project is therefore to provide continuous
training to many women and youth in Dandora without limiting the numbers.

Project Agriculture Technology CATE Community Mango Juice
Processing Project
Location Uganda Project Agribusiness mango juice
Number 300 Amount $7500
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary Masereka Tony Contact CATE, PO Box 268
Contact Informat Kasese Uganda
Project This project is to develop mango processing as a step forward to help
Descripti impoverished farmers especially women improve their income through selling
on processed mango products. The farmers must carry their bags of mangoes 15
km to the nearest market and sometimes carry the same bags back home or throw the
produce away. This project would produce mango juice as a sellable product.
Project Pure Water for the World (PWW) & Agua Pura Para El
Mundo (PWW)
Location Honduras Project Water and sanitation
Number 300 school children Amount $9600
of Request
NextWorldNow Community Investments - 2015 SelectOptions
Recipien ed
Primary MegMcLaughlin, MPH Contact [email protected]
Contact Informat
Project The project: Clean water and hygiene education for underserved communities
Descripti living in Trojes, Honduras.Goal: Preservation and protection of the human right to
on basic needs and opportunity.Objectives:1. Provide clean water; 2. Provide hygiene
education. Clean water would be routed to the schools from the mountain top reservoir
by PVC gravity-fed piping. Each school would receive a bio sand filter for water filtration
and bucket with lid and spigot for safe water storage. Comprehensive hygiene education
workshops will be open to any community member, but specifically provided to all
students and teachers at the schools in which we will work. Our goal is to provide clean
water and hygiene education to the local schools, which will encourage kids to stay in
school, complete school, and achieve higher levels of social and economic success.
Project Friends of Women with Disabilities FWD
Location Uganda Project Vocational training, sewing and computers
Number 100 Amount $9500
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary Deborah Muwanga Contact [email protected]
Contact (Mrs.) Informat P.O.BOX 32136, CLOCK TOWER, KAMPALA UGANDA
Project The project intends to train and equip Women with Disabilities (WWDs) with
Descripti Vocational skills in tailoring, embroidery, weaving, crafts making, decoration,
on designs computer skills, etc who are the most disadvantage members of the
society with knowledge and skills for Life that will enable them live on their own, earn a
living and also where possible cater their dependants. It will help them to do away with
the dwindling standards of living caused by low levels of education and lack of
employment because women with disabilities are from a subsistence farming background
with little or no formal education thus not skilled to compete in the labour
Project MULEBA Association of Women Livingwith HIV/AIDS
Location Tanzania Mwanza Project Training for women with HIV
Number 60 Amount $10000
of Request
Recipien ed
The chairperson P.O.BOX 2441-MWANZA-TANZANIA
Contact Informat [email protected]
Project This is a skills training project for young girls whose living is dependent on
Descripti commercial sex in the slums of Buserasele and Bwanga ward. Young girls
on practicing commercial sex in red light areas of Buselasere andBwanga will be
trained in sewing, tailoring and embroidering, functional adult literacy and after wards
each girl given a sewing machine and assisted to get loans to start up their business.
The end result will be a well-functioningself-sustainable training centre with a
tailor/sewing training program able to provide skills to young girls (prostitutes). .
Project Humana People to People Congo
Location Congo Project Skill development - sewing
NextWorldNow Community Investments - 2015 SelectOptions
Number 80 Amount $10000
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary Dorthe Jensen Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Director of Informat Mobile: + 243 999 591 784
Partnership ion www.hpp-congo.org
Project Local Non-Government and not for profit organisation promoting:
Descripti Environmental conservation and protection; Access to safe water, sanitation
on and hygiene; Improve food security and livelihoods; and Improve child and
maternal health among the poor peri-urban and rural communities in Uganda.Our project
is being targeted at improving food security among rural poor marginalized farmers
through climate change adaptation by planting drought resistant plants and in this case it
will be cassava. This project has secured support from National Agriculture Research
Organisation (NARO) of Uganda as an additional source of funding.

Project Nature for Life Conservation Initiatives (NALCOI)

Location Uganda Kamuli Project Safe water and better farming process
Number 500 Amount $9900
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary Sadat Kalindi Contact P.O. Box 53 Kamuli, Uganda
Contact Executive Director Informat Phone: +256 775 216 468/ +256 702 463 125
Project NALCOIs project goal is to improve the health of 500 people through capacity
Descripti development and support in promotion of good sanitation and hygiene. Specific
on objectives: To increase by 50% the number of people who practice hand washing
with soap during the four critical times; after defecation, after cleaning a child, before
feeding a child and before preparing food, through dissemination of good sanitation and
hygiene knowledge. Activities: (i) Training 200 people from 10 villages in hand washing
with soap. (ii) Construct 10 hand washing facilities in 5 schools 2 facilities in each school
separating for girls and boys and support these schools in hand washing with soap. (iii)
Train in how to construct and Support 200 local people with materials to construct tip
taps in their homes. (iv) Purchase and design of Information Education and
Communication (IEC) materials with good sanitation and hygiene messages; 200 posters
and 80 t-shirts (v) Build capacity of 50 Village Health Teams (VHTs) in inspection and
support of households to practice proper sanitation and hygiene
Project Proyecto Meiker
Location Guatemala Project Agribusiness and community development
Number 200 Amount $8500
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary John S. Barrie Contact Barrio 3, San Marcos la Laguna, Guatemala S.A.
Contact Informat Ph: (502) 5199-9632
[email protected]
Project The Appropriate Technology Collaborative, Guatemala is submitting a grant application to
Descripti expand our Proyecto Meiker project. We plan for 4 classes of 5 - 10 students (partly
NextWorldNow Community Investments - 2015 SelectOptions
on grant funded); (1) class of Circuits and Solar, our popular solar power class, for
10-20 students ; 1 - 2 classes in natural building of 5 - 10 students each; A
community of 10 students, previously trained in our pilot projects will have
access to the Proyecto Meiker workshop and tools. Proyecto Meiker students will work
with the Meiker shop teacher to build an amaranth thresher to serve a cooperative of 110
women, bee hives that serve 15 youth, solar dehydrators that serve hundreds, and they
will install solar power at two community buildings serving over 100 people each. Each
Appropriate Technology project will require the end users of the technologies to
participate in their projects.
Project TOHL, Inc. (Mobile Infrastructure)
Location Chile Project water
Number 15000 Amount $8000
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary Benjamin Cohen Contact Cell (USA): +1 678 591 3939
Contact Informat Cell (Chile): +56 9 6121 6269
Google Voice: +1 678 541 8137
ion [email protected]
Project This project maintains sustainability of TOHL systems within an individual
Descripti community following a natural disaster disrupting water access. When the
on community's water infrastructure is 100% rehabilitated, the components of this
recovery system are removed and reused by the municipality for the water supply in an
adjacent social housing project that is on file to be executed in 2016. This positions the
project to not only achieve short term social impact but also achieve long term impact
within this community. The ongoing project phase for which we are applying for this grant
includes: Providing on-the-ground training in use of systems in any installation to that
project leaders can emerge in each project implementation. Be it a local governance of
water resources, or capacity building of existing municipal sources, we work with each
interested party to assure system success.
Project Rwenzori Development Foundation [RDF]
Location Uganda Project Access to clean water
Number 9000 Amount $10000
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary BiiraIrine Contact email: [email protected],
Contact Informat [email protected]
ion Tel: +256 755 566333
Project To support women under reproductive age with clean water through construction
Descripti of water harvesting tank at their homes. 10 tanks will be established with the
on resell of purified water to locals

Project Women Protection Society

Location Ugandambale Project Education
Type Vocational
Number 300 Amount $10000
of Request
Recipien ed
NextWorldNow Community Investments - 2015 SelectOptions
Primary MrsMebboOkweny Contact p o box 1219
Contact executive director Informat mbale Uganda
[email protected]
Tukei Benjamin ion
Project Enhancing abilities and potentials of rural women and young people for
Descripti sustainable self-development in order to restore self-esteem, The main goal is
on to establish vocational skills training center and provide vocational trainings
skills with other practices in communities so as to improve the capacity building of
women and young people (girls and boys) aged 10-45 years through empowering
participants in all activities in Namatala. Between 1 and 10 year The expected result of
the project to have 300 to 15000 women and young people be trained and actively
articulating various sustainable productive and self-employment skills like computer
skills, piggery, poultry, brick production and laying,carpentry, tailoring, knitting and
weaving, hairdressing, baking and cookery business skill childcare day skills etc.
Project Uyoma Food Security Self Help Project
Location Kenya Project Food security dairy farming
Number 50 Amount $15000
of Request
Recipien ed
Primary OtienoKo'obetto Contact [email protected]
Contact Churchill Informat
Project UYOMA Food Security Self Help Project is designed to provide: Community
Descripti Mobilization: working with 120 villages creating an understanding on challenges
on and scope of work; Community Education: providing information to 360
community leaders, 100 women, 60 youth and 40 children on a range of development
issues; External Linkages and Networks: working with Manor House College of Organic
Farming, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Water Supply & Sanitation
Collaboration Council, Kenya Water for Heath Organization

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