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Paper Paper Title Hours Marks
Foundation Course
Language - Paper - I 3 100
English - Paper - I 3 100
Core Courses
I Foundations of Sociology 3 100
II Basics of Anatomy 3 100
Allied I Social Psychology 3 100

Foundation Course
Language - Paper II 3 100
English - Paper II 3 100
Core Courses
III Social Research Methods
and Statistics 3 100
IV Basics of Physiology 3 100
Allied II Social Anthropology 3 100

V Core Courses
Medical Sociology 3 100
VI Community Health 3 100
VII Health Practices in Indian Society 3 100
VIII Social Problems in India 3 100
IX Application Oriented Subject
Hospital Management 3 100

* There is no practical for the B.Sc. Medical Sociology Course.


(Non - Semester)
(W.e.f. 2008 - 2009)



Unit - I : Introduction

Definition, Origin, Nature, scope and importance of

Sociology Relationship between sociology and other social
sciences (Anthropology, Psychology Political science and
Economics) Primary concepts : Society, Community,
institution, Association, Status and Role.

Unit - II : Individual, Group and Society

Definition and Characteristics of Society, Theories of

origin of society, Relationship between individual and society,
Classification of groups as given by Cooley and Summer,
Definition, characteristics and Functions of Primary,
Secondary and Reference groups.

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Unit - III : Social Institutions

Marriage : Rules of Marriage, Types of marriage -
polygyny, polyandry, Monogamy Functions of Marriage
Family: Types of family - Patriarchal and Matriarchal -
Functions of Family.
Unit - IV : Socialization & Social Processes
Definition and theories of socialization (Cooly and
mead) - Types of Socialization Agencies of Socialization :
Family, Peer group, School, Religion and mass media
Associative Social Processes : Co-operation, Accomodation,
Assimilation, Accularation Dissociate Processes :
Competition and conflicts.
Unit - V : Social Control
Definition and Objectives of Social Control Informal
means of Social control : Values, Norms, Customs,
Folkways, mores, public opinion, Taboo. Formal means of
Social Control, Laws, Agencies of Social control Importance
of Social Control.
1. Applebaum, Richard P. and William J. Chambliss (1997)
Sociology, Addission Wesley Educational Publishers Inc.
New York.
2. Giddens, Anthony (2001) Sociology, Fourth Ed., Prentice
Hall Inc. New Jersy.
3. Spencer and Alex Inkeles (1982) Foundations of Modern
Sociology, Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersy.
4. Alex Inkeles, Social Change : Reading on Modern Society,
Prentice Hall.

5. James M. Henslin (1997) Sociology : A down to earth

approach, Allyn and bacon Text Book.

6. Jayaram N. (1998) Introductory Sociology, Macmillan,


7. Bottomore (1975) Sociology, Blackie and sons India Ltd.


Unit - I

General Anatomy - Cell Structure - Basic Units of Body

- Muscles, Cartilage, Bones and Joints.

Unit - II

General Embryology - Theories of Development -

Process - Gestation Period - Fertilisation.

Unit - III

Upper Limb Lower Limb - Development of Upper Limbs

- Shoulder Joints / Elbow Joint - Axilla / Arm Development of
the lower limbs - Hip Joints / Knee Joint - Gluteal region.

Uint - IV

Thorax and Abdomen - Thoracic Wall / Thoracic cavity,

Pericardium - Development of the cardio - Vascular systems
- Development of the Abdominal Organs - Perineam / testes/
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Unit - V
Pelvis Wall / Sacral plexus / pelvic fascia - Blood
vessels - Penis / vagina / rectum / vas deferns - Seminal
vesicles / urethra - Public symptysis / sactrum / Bony pelvis.
1. A text-book of Human Anatomy - T.S. Ranganathan.
2. A Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy.
3. Human Embryology - Inderbir Singh.
4. Grays Anatomy.


Unit - I : Introduction

Scope and nature of Social Psychology - Methods of

Social Psychology - Importance of Social Psychology.

Unit - II : Social Perception, Motives and Attitudes

The Perceptual process : Person perception, Halo

effect, Evaluation effect and Stereo types, Empathy - Social
motives and behaviour - Nature of attitude - Measurement
of attitude.

Unit - III : Personality and Group Process

Role and personality formation - Theories of personality

- Social dependence and independence - Birth order and
personality - Culture and personality - Cohesiveness morale
social climate - Types of group - Centralized and
decentralized group structure.
Unit - IV : Leadership, Public Opinion and Propaganda

Characteristics of leadership - Types of Leader -

Functions of Leader - Dynamics and measurement of public
opinion - Propaganda - suggestion and education -
Techniques of propaganda - Instruments of propaganda -
protection against propaganda.

Unit - V : Communication Dimensions

Communication as perceived by laymen and

psychologists - Feedback and empathy in communications
- Interpersonal communication skills - Characteristics and
functions of mass communication.


1. Bhatia Hansraj (1974) Elements of Social Psychology,

Somaiya Publications, Bombay.
2. Kimball Young (1963) Handbook of Social Psychology,
Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
3. Liundgren, Henry Clay (1998), Social Psychology, Wiley
Eastern Publishers, New Delhi 1990.
4. Adinarayanan, S.P. Social Psychology, Longman, India.
5. Aronson, Elliot, Wilson K. Timothy and Akery M. Robert
(1997), Social Psychology, Longman Publishers.
6. Baron A. Robert Boon Byrne (1998), Social Psychology,
Prentice Hall of India, India.
7. Kenneth Gergen - Social Psychology - Exploration in
8. Barker - Communication.
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Unit - I : Introduction

Definition of Social Research - Nature and Scope of

Social research - Steps in Social Research - Types of
research - Importance of Social Research - Ethics in Social

Unit - II : Formulation of Research Problem

Identification of Research Issues - Selection of

Research Problem - Formulation of Research Problem -
Variables - Hypothesis.

Unit - III : Sampling Techniques and Data Collection

Definition and significance of sampling techniques -

Types of sampling methods - Merits and demerits of
sampling methods - Sources of data collection - Uses of
electronic sources - Methods of data collection - Organization
of data - Presentation of data.

Unit - IV : Statistical Analysis

Measures of central tendency - Mean, median and

mode meaning, computation, merits and demerits -
Measures of dispersion - Range mean and standard deviation
computation, merits and demerits.

Unit - V : Report Writing

Structure of Main body the research report - Title, Table

of contents, lists of tables and figures, acknowledgement -
Characteristics of good report.


1. Bose, Pradip Kumar (1995), Research Methodology,

ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Hughes, John (1987), The Philosophy of Social Research,
Longman, London.
3. Mukherjee P.N. (eds) (2000), Methodology in Social
Research, Dilemma and Perspectives, Sage Publication
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Punch Keith (1986), Introduction of Methodology, Sage
Publication India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Hoyle H. Rich et. al., (2002) Research Methods in Social
Relations, Wadsworth, Publication, U.S.A.


Unit - I : Introduction of Physiology

The Cell and General Physiology / Functional

organization of the Human body - The cell and its function :
Membranes / Cytoplasm / Nucleus / Mitocondria - Cell
function and cell reproduction : DNA / RNA - structure and
function - Membrance potentials and action potentials :
Homestasis aging.
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Unit - II : The Kidneys and body fluids

Introduction : Body fluid components : Extra cellular

volume / water / edema - Urine formation : physiology and
anatomy of the kidneys / Renal blood flow.

Unit - III : Respiration

Introduction : Mechanics / pulmonary volumes and

capacities / Tidal volume / functions of the respiratory
passages - Transport of oxygen and carbondioxide : Diffusion
and O2 uptake - Regulation of respiration : Carbon dioxide
and Hydrogen ions. Aviation / High altitude : Hypoxia / Chronic
Mountain sickness.

Unit - IV : Gastro - Intestinal physiology

Introduction general principles / motility / blood circulation

/ movements in the Gastro - Intestinal tract - Transport
mechanism : Chewing / deglutition / stomach emptying
regulation / Movements of the small intestine / Defecation
secretary functions : general principles / secretion.

Unit - V : Sports physiology

Introduction : strength / power and endurance of

muscles - Nutrients and muscle activity - Respiration in
exercise - Body heat in exercise - Drugs and athletes.


1. Text book of Medical Physiology - Guyton and Hall.

2. Review of Medical Physiology - William F. Ganong.
3. Text book of Physiology - Samson Wright.

Unit - I : Introduction

Meaning and scope of Anthropology - branches of

anthropology : physical, cultural and applied anthropology -
Relate with other social sciences.

Unit - II : Culture

Attributes of culture - Culture complex - Culture

integration - Enculturation and transculturation.

Unit - III : Marriage

Forms of marriage - exogamy and endogamy, Cross

cousing marriages, Levirate and sororate - Hypergamy and
hypo-gamy - Ways of acquiring a mate.

Unit - IV : Kinship

Types of kinship : Consanguineous and affinal, degree

of kinship descent, lineage, residence, authority - Kinship :
usage, moiety and phratry.

Unit - V : Religion and Magic

Religion animism - animatisms, bongaism toetemism,

natrism religion practicioners - Shaman, Witch and
Sorcerers, Priest Magic : types and functions of Magic.

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1. Lucy Mair, An Introduction to Social Anthropology, Oxford

University Press.
2. D.N. Madan and Majumdar, An Introduction to social
anthropology, Mayor Paper Backs.
3. Carol R. Ember, Melvin Ember, Anthropology, Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. New Delhi.
4. Mahan Jha, An Introduction to social anthropology, Sagi
Publication, New Delhi, 1994.
5. Beals, R & Haijer, H (1960) Introduction to anthropology,
Mac Millan, New Delhi.
6. Richney, H. Crapo (1999) Cultural Anthropology, Brown
and Bench Mart.

Unit - I : Introduction

Definition, objectives, principles, scope and its

relevance to patient care - difference between sociology of
medicine and sociology in medicine, historical development
of medical sociology in the west and in India. Current trends
in medical sociology in the Indian Health Scene. The
emerging relationship between medicine and sociology,
social perspectives of Health and health care.
Unit - II : Sociological perspectives on health

The sick role illness as lived experience - social

structure, health and disease - social and psychological
factors in health and illness Parsons role theory and health
interaction. Social context of health : Thinking about health,
disease, illness and sickness, official definitions of health,
lay definitions of health, towards a social model of health,
the contribution of sociology and social policy.

Unit - III : Social Epidemiology

Meaning socio cultural factors bearing on health in India

- Common occupational diseases and prevention of
occupational diseases - Infectious and Physical Deficient
Diseases - a) Tuberculosis, Malaria, b) Heart diseases,
diabetes, obesity.

Unit - IV : Health profession and health organization

Professional qualities of physician - professionalization

of physician - Doctor - nurse relationship, Doctor - patient
relationship - Hospital as a social organization - Structure
and function of a hospital - Cost of hospitalization - Medical
social service in a hospital.

Unit - V : Health Education

Preventive and protective hygienic habits sociology of

health policy in India population and health in India. Relevance
of sex education - Aids and HIV - aging - Social gerontology.
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Books for Reference

1. Cockerham, William, C. Medical Sociology Englewood

Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1978.
2. Park K. Text Book of Preventive and Social Medicine, M/
s. Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers, Jabalpur, 2000.
3. Anne, Marie Barry and Chris Yuill, Understanding health
- A sociological introduction, Sage Publications, New Delhi,
4. DAK T.M. Sociology of health in India, Kaveri Printers
Private Ltd., New Delhi, 1991.
5. Eugene B. Gallagher and Janardan Subedi, Global
Perspectives on Health Care, Prentice Hall, Jercy, 1995.
6. Graham Scombler Sociological theory and Medical
Sociology, Tavistock Publications : London and New York,
7. Kevin White, An Introduction to the Sociology of Health
and Illness, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2002.
8. Rajiv Mista et. al., India Health Report, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, 2003.


Unit - I : Introduction

Community as a central concept in sociology -

community as social and cultural capital, community
participation as a critical variable in health care, dysfunctions
of community - Its meaning and scope, evolution of social
medicine in India, Medicine and its relation to other social
institutions - Family and disease - Family, the basic unit of
study, the family and socialization - social change and the
family, the role of a family, influence of family, theories of

Unit - II : Social Epidemiology

Meaning of social epidemiology - Vital statistics - Uses

and sources of vital and health statistics, Components of
Epidemiology, Natural history of diseases, Social etiology,
ecology of health and diseases.

Unit - III : Disease, health and rehabilitation

Concepts of health and disease, Attitudes and beliefs
associated with diseases, preventive and curative medicine.
Types of Rehabilitation, systems of medical beliefs and
Unit - IV : The primitive and folk medicine
The commonalties between primitive and modern
medicine, characteristics of primitive and folk medicine, the
place of magic in primitive society, theories of primitive
medicine, The medical lore of the Azande, folk medicine in
western society : Folk medicine in Magdelan cultural
dimensions of health behaviour among Oraons in India.
Unit - V : Hospital and health professionals
Hospital and its evolution as a health institution, Types
of hospitals in India, hospital as community institution,
hospital - patient role, professionalization of the physician,
the specialization of the physicians, the physicians and social
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change, nursing profession: its past, present and future -

Community health in India : Health care system - levels of
health care and community participation - principles of
primary health care in India.


1. Benjamin, Paul D (Eds.) (1965) Health Culture and

Community, New York, Russelsage Foundation.

2. Coe, Rodney M (1970) Sociology of Medicine, New York :

McGraw Hill.

3. Cockerham, William C (1978) Medical Sociology,

Engelwood Cliffs : Prentice Hall.

4. Dubos, R.J. (1960), Man, Medicare and Environment, New

York : New American Library.

5. Freeman, Howard E and Sol Levine (1989) Handbook of

Medical Sociology, Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall.

6. Mahadevan, Kuttan (Etd.) (1992) Health Education for

Quality of Life, Delhi : B.R. Publishing Co.

7. Park, J.E. and K. Park (1989) Essentials of Community

Health Nursing, Jabalpur : Banarasidas Bharat Publishers.

8. Park, J.E. and K. Park (1983), Text Book of Preventive

and Social Medicine, Jabalpur : Banarasidas Bharat

9. Sunders, Cycle (1954) Cultural Differences in Medical

Care New York : Russelage Foundation.

Unit - I : Approaches to the study of Indian Society

Sociological and social anthropological approaches,

Historiographic approach, Social and cultural geographical
approaches, Ecological approaches, Demographic
approaches, Social and cultural approaches to health and
disease in India.

Unit - II : Tribal India and health practice

Classification characteristics, economic and

differentiation among tribal - changes, rise of middle class,
political participation, tribe to caste acculturation - tribal
movements, tribal policy and agenda, health problems and
medicine among Indian tribes.

Unit - III : Affliction, Therapy, Rehabilitation and Society

Concepts of health and disease, Attitudes and beliefs

associated with diseases, preventive and curative medicine
- Types of Rehabilitation, systems of medical beliefs and

Unit - IV : Health care delivery systems

Health infrastructure - Health care delivery system at

various levels education about prevailing health problems,
access to health services - Social and economic inequalities
of health historical evaluation private sector in health care
provision, reforms and insurance.
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Unit - V : Health care policy, planning and management

Introduction - Health infrastructure in India and

functional parameters - Policy and legislation / problems -
Medical ethics and law in India - First aid, disaster health
care management.


1. Benjamin, Paul D (Eds.) (1965) Health culture and

Community, New York : Russelsage Foundation.

2. Coe, Rodney M (1970) Sociology of Medicine, New York,

McGraw Hill.
3. Cockerham, William C (1978) Medical Sociology,
Engelwood Cliffs : Prentice Hall.
4. Freeman, Howard E and Sol Levine (1989) Handbook
of Medical Sociology, Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall.
5. Mahadevan, Kuttan (Etd.) (1992) Health Education for
Quality of Life, Delhi : B.R. Publishing Co.
6. Park, J.E. and K. Park (1989) Essentials of Community
Health Nursing, Jabalpur : Banarasidas Bharat
7. Park, J.E. and K. Park (1983), Text Book of Preventive
and Social Medicine, Jabalpur : Banarasidas Bharat
8. Sunders, Cycle (1954) Cultural Differences in Medical
Care, New york : Russelage Foundation.
9. Beteille Andre (1991), Society and Politics in India :
Essays in comparative perspective, London : Athlone

10. Beteille Andre (1971) Caste, Class and Power : Changing
Patterns of Stratification in a Tanjore Village, Berkeley :
University of California Press.

11. Bhadra, Bipul Kumar (1989) The mode of production,

Social classes and the state, Jaipur : Rawat.

12. Bose, Ashish (1978) Indias Urbanization 1901 - 2001,

New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill.

13. Fernandes, Walter (1996) The Emerging Dalit Identity :

The Re-assertion of the Subaltern, New Delhi : ISI.

14. Gill, Rajesh (2000) Cities and Ethnic Identities : A case

of De-ethnicization or Re-ethnicization, Sociological
Bulletin, 49 (2), 211-228.

15. Jayaram, N (2000) The Dynamics of language in Indian

Diaspora : The case of Bhojpuri / Hindi in Trinidad,
Sociological Bulletin, 49 (1), 41-62.

16. Karanth, G.K. (1997) Caste After Fifty Years of

Independence, Journal of Development and change, 11
(2), 319-337.

17. Pathy, Jaganath (1999) Tribe, region and nation in the

Context of Indian State, Sociological Bulletin, 8 (1 & 2),

18. Singer, Milton and Bernard Cohen (Eds.) (2001)

Structure and change in India Society, Jaipur : Rawat.

19. Vidyarthi, L.P. and B.K. Rai (1976) The Tribal Culture of
India, Delhi : Concept.

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Unit - I : Social Problems

Concepts of social problems - Characteristics of social

problems - Causes of social problems - Types of social

Unit - II : Social inequality and gender issues

Caste and social inequality - Constitutional categories:

SC, ST and OBC - Protective discrimination - Violence
against women : Female infanticide, female foeticide -
Dowry, domestic violence rape, sexual harassment,
Eveteasing - AIDS - drug addiction.

Unit - III : Social Disorganization

Drug abuse - alcoholism - cause, consequences and

remedial measures - Poverty - types, causes,
consequences and poverty eradication programs - Child
labour - cause, consequences and eradicative measures -
Alination, unemployment and occupational health hazards -
Current and proposed solutions to work problems.

Unit - IV : Emotional and behavioural problems

Nature and extent of emotional and behavioural

problems - Mental health - issues, treatment, counseling and

Unit - V : Problems of Elderly

Socio economic and emotional problems of Elders -

Health problems and cost of care - current and future status
of elders - Services available to elders.


1. Ahuja Ram (1999) Society in India Concepts, Theories

and Changing Trends.
2. R.N. Sharma (1982), Indian Social Problems, Media
Promoters & Pub Mumbai.
3. Beteille Andre (1992), Backward Classes in
Contemporary India, OUP, New Delhi.
4. Prabhu P.H. (1970), Hindu Social Organization, Popular
Prakasam, Chennai.
5. Bose N.K. (1975), Structure of Hindu Society, New Delhi.
6. Yogendra Singh (1975), Modernization of Indian Tradition.
7. Charles Zastrow (1999) Social problems - Issues and
solutions. Wadsworth Thomson Learning Canada.


Unit - I : Introduction

World History of Hospitals, History of Hospitals in India

- Definition and Functions of Management - Classification of
Hospital : Government Owned, Non-Government, Private or
Voluntary Organization, Individual Hospitals, Differentiation
of Hospital from Industry.
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Unit - II : Hospital Organization

Definition of an organization, Hospital management as

a service organizations, Administrative organization - Formal
and informal organization : Organization division - The
Department, Span of management & organizational levels,
Formal & informal groups - Types of groups, Informal roles
of employees, Goal conflict in perspective, Role conflict and

Unit - III : Hospital Planning and Health Care


Need of planning, constraints to planning in developing

countries, factors influencing modern hospitals, principles
of planning, steps in hospital - Planning, architects brief,
Project report, Basic steps in project development -
Equipment planning for a hospital, accident clinic -
Organization structure of the hospitals - Personal
administration - Financial administration - Material
administration. Health care administration : Nature and
scope of health care administration challenges of health and
health care administration - Modernizing health care

Unit - IV : Location & spacing of different department in

a hospital

A model design schematic layout of an ICCU : Quality

of water supply - Temperature of water, Quality of water,
Noise control in hospital - Additional suggestions.
Unit - V : Computers in Hospital Administration

What is computer? Introduction to computer

terminology, computer - Hardware and software, Some
typical problems areas, Benefits summary, Implementing


1. Culyer A.J., Health Indicators, St. Martins Press, New

York, 1983.

2. David R. Philips, Health and Health Care, in the Third

World, Longman Scientific & Technical, New York, 1990.

3. David Robinsaon, The process of becoming ill,

Routledge & Paul Ltd., London, 1971.

4. Goel, S.L. and Kumar, Hospital Administration and

Management, Deep and Deep publication, New Delhi,

5. Goel, S.L., Health Care Administration : Ecology

Principles and Modern Trends Sterling Publishers Private
Ltd., New Delhi, 1980.

6. Goel, S.L., Health Care Administration, Levels and

Aspects, Sterling Publishers Private Ltd., New Delhi,

7. Henry J. South Mayo and Geddes Smith, Small

Community Hospitals, the Common Wealth Fund, 1994.
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8. Joanna Kirkpatrick, The Sociology of an Indian Hospital

Ward, Firma KLM, Private Ltd., 1979.

9. John P. Elder, Behaviour Change and Public Health in

the developing world, sage publications, New Delhi,

10. Joseph M. Jacob, Doctors and Rules : A Sociology of

Professional Values, Routledge sweet and Maxwell,

11. Kamalamma, G., Health and Nutritional Status in India,

APH Publishing Corporations, New Delhi, 1996.

12. Roger A. Rosenblatt & Lrans. Moscovice - Rural Health

Care, A wiley medical publications, New York, 1982.

13. Sankara Rao, M. Hospital Organization and

Administration, Deep and Deep publications, New Delhi,


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