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CHARACTERS In the premiere Adan ‘2 performed with nine eo Compa SOP UELIP/SECOND COP. wie mg 23 P ON GUARD HU PETERFIRST COMPULLER soy ET COP DECE: a black man, 24, GRANDFATHER: a black man, 60s, HOMELESS WOMAN/MOTHER/TAMRA JANE black woman, 30s, MAN/FATHER/MARLEY: a black man, 305 DRAY/DEALER/BARTENDER/ERIC: ‘black man, tens/20s, MRAL/COBBS/MARGARET/TINA; a black woman, 305 YOUNG DECE/KEVIN MARTELL/QUINTON: « beck bor ‘The main playing space ithe ving oom connected othening toam. Door chen off te dining room door sow of he living room. Upstag: sats othe secon Hoor, Scenes ouside home may be played, pethaps in = downsag ea Dest gs mule pions fai A dr ah a tes An involuntary. tier nero son i pra HeiGNOT dhe cet soup orang on Keer all endeaty Covers with he Iu Te Bc ith 1 Should be a Dece the audience has 4 nin actors doubled ag M0 he py FORCE CONTINUUM ACT ONE Scene 1 wn nt re die sotiat gh meer teete Sie Ae congas PES COP 1. Ho C002, Hs ot a afr C2 un Da fe saraw RCE (td) Wh Wha do COP. ating Dee Yo el me Bece: fhe OP hands Da, md behind back) Tin the emi whack et BECE, Wht youst (ip ape De writ ack. De pl EF 1 Tenant dine neighborond boy Satur we mom eee OP Sm Cp 2) Wi O82. Rech pac! rn? 2005, gx peat 5 ee hh a cee < COP 1. Fifteen two i GOP 1. They care more’ COP 2, Boe Te, bo thc han hi kis DECe rz aa mode as no right — (Cop 1 snaps Deces 4 tert pelt) Raymond Becket Cop ne ert ain De GRANDEATHE feeds agi)" AE DECE, How! become one? (As and Dece wil enter te ning hom ker geet at GRANDEATHER onze 7m: taking a ber and drinking) Smary ain this yout home), fiom the communi, know the community hats Tenn op wwe did it right. (Dece mumunity, thas how T come up, sede hee king at ln: i ee ‘ifr The nthe ph ‘De ena en ne E Guest hat al of em ow could 2 My mts, GiANDEATHER FFifcen-yar-old pull nif on your mama once but she nostranges I vain hes igh sh athe gh qo lon —- “Aint Gladys Marquee your game?” (Der ng) He hook, the acknowledgement, but sleep his ough mouth Yael tutu ean Pe sway the groceries" “Se te your mama, 9 these sc Sob in ce) “SO” (Dec lng) Gre he se ‘Minuten she dont prs take le be bend hat aie ve he = cryin’ her embrace Se a BREE Wen they ak who my mom my dd x yell ie cece all oid buc'Iaie sre” Maybe tee cope tik “Who Carel They dead Laugh) SERNDEATHTER Yor mama was. gad ep! cana es GRAND EATER jour daddy hin nin pel fcr ome loo in Fw NYPD pea ots ol Ban ee oe ro nee MO Meee se someimes no See fe me DECE, In bets pa ge Dec feve You word pi iy aarp geen alee rae ne nots a NYPD» GRANDFATHER. Old days Howie! abe a Hack, NYPD ay stor, anda tion all white. Your daddy one ¢ the integrators, ane ® surge i tpi Ti a pond hey signed ‘to black areas, ‘course the Peo flesemed hat Resented 2" job Prey brave, he didnt know 2 My ifchem white Fe ta hie New Yorkers white? GRANDFATHER. (A quiz.) What percent a = Se ee : ECE Frac pcan ipl ce white! BEE, In rm she babs sey dot GRANDEATHER, Soe ocple on thi wor ay Fao ton, hr te For epost ee ly Noman ee lyse lack ie never deb ch et ye dnb. Cote ei SEE ay tsb Bre Tati ee tak SE EE ee er tt no vlan, look See a a sh dk ye vel SRRSESER SUE aty Sew bow dnd ECE ti it My furs work Drage Some oe shoe GR? _ SRSA io id sa Whee mend gt tide Marthe people we was soft! We put away the big and bad: ECE. 1 gt SRANOPRTHER hm aay cu pore sed Sehratn ta ua Fareed Riots tall weap on es ‘en. okey ar er ong ope jr think of join the enemy, we knew the people! "am provided SS oe Gk ay up the stairs, me RANDEATHER Negi Dont let me deep pa ten own the inten make 7 Dace driving FUR 1, wenty-sevent She the hell invites the whe een Cee 9 (Deeg) Who revenyantie the whole damn cas? (Dee lag frome Qe sand this one lle boy nnn ed a ee eer ede ais finally had to say “You dnt playa ESE Eni bop ale your mommy ee you Foe on bole 2 the previous sri (Det lng) hd GTS thee thre sheets which of cue ih spn as Bein Dee leah) sai’ glasy-eyed athe bin rt, 9 ‘move coward him but the run keeps hin fom mov fat pont and Jess grab that lle boy quick rakes him othe atk oom, Jes who grow up in tha eaty mans howe mcm nk, ‘whac wat next Mets lester tle and he one he’ me? Bizbuckle. (Dee laugh) Mel andl never ada pray fn il father son-in-law seladonsip buts have ony sw in then, (Deelah) Noah, kis know I every hand Butler. No more. We ook ew rolex pure pln fr Tt remember tunis’ scven by cu cig gona bes Glee ii ‘nuclear Family ali (Dev ough Sine) Ove tng eve kin Ihe cant deny five for pec Pre gandhi Lake bb! (Gua the wondos) What shes ovo ESatng i rd nig) Noe peti sighe Fe penis and mend ow ol Sen ape SR aay ten cull eld yas emer Dues fete on tare the mayor hr al eon oh pe ete on sant mayer hi scone ideas sulda Ses ou i meee Suny a a el 1 i sty ci ke lr Fa Bn ele tocierwine Ga hl oe pata dee od) Yah ap Stor) Bote et et ar oe Co aerate atl ns no Se Oe ee yom ya poor io OEE ey rough And howell when or dul aes oe ae Fe eens CN ee et pg at ee a pene expect ethno me A ra bane ay eee ee a oe de da i et Be emer ae corse ee ee eg Re ere a pi, (Oe loo Dae che ee ee seer Ci ee 7 eg a re ial ace ae cg oe me ee Te et ee etre pay ery pore er ora ore Rep arte tein ace ce rt Beceem ce ae ra ROE ee En en Yo en meted ns en ee Sp yd FE Ta lhe) And ED cy pp eae Pere ith ted EDM, ay po aia eee Tan ea ip bop mos) Jena (ds dwn es they pat.) How can people F oy let oth then suddenly. boom. (Dee moke « * Pip linea in) Ye in By ad Bat, your el Pr on the line forth thing, Spi for wks how a Wore thing it the endless Boredom wo a7, YU sn wey. Al he ple sae ny (ee i on en aie BS roms man! Hear some tke dat» gue Goa rete) Bat then you gtcercoakeps theta ha someone for a kickin’ bag. Cowboys and ieee Plunger? (Dece. ind bed spple Bente? Mang (Det rans) Schein! nk hang em pt Pack Pall oer stop th ps ee See ee) Dost Dei (i ih nod 4 ick mn a ead Flip get ou of ther a) id oak yout geo oh yur vehicle I did nor want ave ree Sennen ge fre LIP Ted ose your — (hen hand Fi i Bes nd a SEAR What da lcm a Nth do ip conan off Wh AD nomad igh pera he oe) MAN ter) Though cs elim FLIP ant men) Wit MIAN ot ough wa elon ip mad ma Ime then go back ig) sion think the wenn our (Dee ned cu then when ometit FLIP Tewari continer writing. The man loka De, Ds Tooke atthe man The man loks ay Rip ck of ie men) SG ee, kay? Can nod vaguely ars back scar Dt weipamenad) Se et wx wa we FE A canara nee mmr Me i ire Be iercdaas “ Tipe it cae. He nl pen ie a sibel es tenes a Setar est lect bre “I y a ee —_ ot yon lk sno wink i Ras dow se ta ane re See i Ge ne og) BEE i ef) Tine eye Py om 2S enh aoe Fi coh oy Gakyoeane ny ore a iris nn Se ae teen ane Ber Hee Ea ch few tapes mca Ga ene a cnn fe coms ap Ce en te Be oP CU dae See nag dap dew Needs eR Mp ottbcy ae hr rept tg Hon TRIP, tana woh ao ot re Serr Gath ieh cantlnas ncn laorh de Se Macrae coy pd Se el ies pete ie Sec testg Se bi dae ace Eee i ea a fapcesgieren be erheeten omni n et watching TV, pat ch sein big pl, hon, sag Cn JY ping on pap wth wat ck Meanie me Of bye () — Mri ene, charg she )— Mri mourns wil bly bl, a et shedognaly one? poate ©) — bral te seacingfanialy @ ee baby powder and exits from where shed (5)—_ Mt nes earcing mae fare (Moa nd pacer fom whi el en Om Bat ag RAT, | dre mvs ier ae) go Bae Inova ae you hang ope tn Sons ne 2 ea hy ome ee See T a eel thar pa exp i) = Se ray Dut we Bch i i a ee Pe vanjan ar me ocean ie) 3) ene a nde pie You i eg ey mn sae me PS ie am ta eh ee sar, Gu ck ut a a teria fi a) Ta Ue fhe Sa rl jordans beer) Boro ne wi SSA ce ben at eee wn eck a ey fined ia DAY, Excuse me ind. 1s Mri Hah? ‘RAL. a Dray! RAY. How come! . RAY Ho rc you ee me! quit he aby? MRA a Se pe ing) What How many pope DRA ee? Ue er) Cal ae, ag op) we Te i) Ya Sweep the kitchen? yeah, Read DRA ack pain) she kiche? 7 DR oe el toc en yeah (Dn rematecono Whack on Noo nae ot) FRAT sce ol i wp paper of de They astra Me i ah tir Sg he Eta cee ee Eat an now ek ie cop pi eer To pono no eae snd ame Sse iw tumon SEG sc yey chi ute ule Dn poring rat (pa Rean wo ton wah on our chore se Ha ou Brut eto) Ys welcome MEAL Shee toe wet oh DRA Hn ge ey won Se i hea ‘ResnuyT ok you (Dy ae) I es ou MEAL Tse sry Tak you: (Dry hb a er) a eto Bie ant Sa tnd bebo Biot Peers HAS, Stn Tin Sunde owe dy ES Ricco rare omens ipa ee dadcaar denna Seal HE ee cate ron eka earns ols ay Sen” Gn alee nk Ee poe chine bee eee g tee Niet nde Sie uc ty arate! TRL pela min tacit ee eee tata oe Tm ‘ait another job (oka fer) Not jus you was 1 dunno, air you dropped ou, jus lyin 3 Ao hye = thinkin’ about ic bef y pefore. School ain RAY When! Ming thee DRAY. Mayte ag you ouphs conse ete Mra. Hed dosdana noe ante tae ink — ? (Mra suddenly inh ‘while he was aan) ty inhale barby Delt Hae BRAY. Maa? (ges wore: Monica ae swore Mra cent Semin deers searching) Mra! re junp Mn mati ae tof drauer gins her Shee ec MRA Tf my family don kil me he so DRAY Il gresjol MRA Tall 1 planned on moonlighting Bie uy het ps (Bee) Tak abou i ine (Dayton ld oy ovina rones ewer Nok eh ere Tingle Sour the td tery soreanig fs DRI. Wht (gone er ath) Sa Wen et Tooke at him. He picks up a fourvrade paper, rods) My fhe tte ne fishing nickle a went ARAL. (Snatching paper) Why'd you take chat BRAY rgd atyborone Grebe, EIRAL Wig Soe snoop dough my we dence paper eA Rhee eee MRAL Dray — (Dray shows his irons eat with cpt Out Pn lean weno PRAY Merah 17 Baal a Winn ak Th OE roe” Thucday grape my ir o emer Prerpewan por being ema Ose (We ap or Ft ens book bones .) i on Seene 4 ‘er in ufo (at leat fom te toma wp). Grandfither ppg many piesa of Pim CIHER. Why Tain choughes this before. Third gen GRANDFA ga his be ee pol ti amy anda yee recorded ECE Only ewen-our nly been police vo years, nos ike yo oe a GeRear.eR Don en ke Mo re) Len | 2 Fe ee ce weal tuned ot? Yow ama, add ‘nc Sa how ie we i, ser sset Cas burs couple hows ou ur lies ard tere sends ‘Tepe SomatayT dag you tere ba ineim, 1 know a sendaway SE pst boone thx lowed up eight by ten, cheap Bice How come thy alway lle at me’ (Bea, Every cme we pull ver sombody black Lik, I dunno, I'm tatorin’ my race spi’ Conshr one nepaper tree Dee pick i xp, lnc at frontpage, drops it) ko GRANDFATHER “Teo long a history « evidence — cops and DECK. a -) White cope GRANDFATHER ‘And when they look at you .. Yeah Sines scemon, Other timer may ay Jas eon fised. ike you, black man in Confederete uniform. Bice Tiare ar GRANDFATHER ‘Ho’ police ECE Hout pole deagie) GRANDFATHER Ered knew me, Once ina grea while « BERET pine he lok Buc whole lor mare endothe cue eta Thy thy wpb had gies aegnyy deine Cachan ens 1DPATHER Makes hppen Tot mony cops complicate 1s e.fitstion by commis’ more Sate Ps ay “emotionally dimateon Bey Heo ren fiw guna ser tor fe ey aes itv uncles oe ROUEN ime techn Aree HD de Bin targets, oughta be about mkt dachone san cde ule earl dow ig unarmed physical force ska hand cond Gab canto you havet, stp ‘em wich nothin burs ong hand. Tht ‘tin nonlethal weapon inches mace ina pepe: Kore Precaions on the tc Ise prprane Dos ane nt Keep ‘em sti’ upg ny bean Fur ce i ‘weapons i.e. baton, A flashlight is not a legal inpec woon tum tno legal ipacr weapon esp your me i For in bree oe you grt arc youn = the cada the Gominaum Beene ung lly Moo Nowe cari sin el a Cl. Otel Novia bor mention row once ns whe come ht Merion a Contin, deal fee pre) wines shy Cissy or ‘Resage, you thin gift gab be the sesed pon sl SEE Xa en he fs ce RRNDEATHER ern Ber espe ot a a) Ne ec the pie a SESE i i ei Ae Fa a inc he Ie ve Soave SeaNorareee sii RANDEAT Hy ips cat ti SRE pe ce) a an paises ehh “ie Sh tek Seah a See eres eee “e. Mde = ow ok end enile ater and Young Dece ead or th ble and st do wT ne hig nd ca ele i es ed Teh feats ee a me) Sie ee SE eeu — SE psig Fee ae oe al am nee Ce Lae ach a dango ie BO Cot a a ee tn ope Be ra CRATER tol pl fi, hy pct our Gn, Aad pe, se emer Tonos me cop gota weight problems Obviously they ant Seacrest reek Oly hy at Bic ennaaeey seve Cn ad iy YOUNG oben ie an a ve in Shey YOUNG DEE tw oar om Stl ERE only. he“ me STEEN hen ip Dp erat Yr ii Cod gy MeN ie a ona meri ee Yo Ho oe bot dont sane opi com the line, Reco ot hig inkl Foureen een feo Sm in Se Ron wy ep Oem wih Ary this deer — more SANDER ind encering be + G 7 sed meticul leks bis tongue) Cick an Son the other side nab Youn ing his ik cea FATHER. Perp tps, ills, he goon YOUNG DECE. Badayt “Sete? FATHER. Now: we tee- oui hn Here be toppa him, then me. “et GRANDFATHER. Black man and FATHER, Who sid he ees GRANDFATHER Ware FATHER. Pep! Colores! What, him go ahs ‘hey, ache ed hada ands Tn cca ed ache Sto meta toe atti YOUNG BECE I wannabes dace dan hai (Gos herd sles, ang mote nl bad us cored ‘pea ora le Tot on GRANDEATHER Eo al he od eee ay Gh our aly ae he pu a esi, MTB thea ne ec ER burnt sana ae ye SRISER Tice dae: hg ab, ee ey adi ri Ponca men Pee ae oo tae 1 aes cs whic man on packs Bei why bean ON ay SEGUE Randy wii. sehat = savas Pies ip afer» dead ree ead for 2 Soe nein’ Lice ee oh ky wa wide) "Lata - one, EATER ie ira? She say she ctor” a Pen Ui er a ld ‘nm, foo ready a temptation: drugs, nie ee ATHER. Socal wor works prevention. CRUNDEATHER Mot vil polie wok JOUNG DECE. Mom, can I have MOTHER. Mik YOUNG DECE. Kool-Aid? MOTHER. Ware. dese YOUNG DECE. Milk other exis tothe hitchen. Quiet eating tik) FATHER, Saw your paper today. (Young Dece docon look up.) Foetal player . YOUNG DECE. (Intent oking wp) They been makin’ us ie hac sme dab ey tncestond grade “Whaddya wanna $2 Second ade I nay cop." Teacher "Ooooh, but think you be ‘eae cough Thitd gre "cop." “Oooeh, you think you be sone Fouth grade Scop” "Ooooh, bat can you be brave?= lt grade “oda player” no comments get tay B and lene! en et in id. Father targa bine Mate, Demerath al eno i eat MOTHER fore canbe eee ? ays hs family spend din ion and polis like someciat normal ECE. T wanna bea cop! wanna bes cop What if wl be. Time come the cou Roe et ecto human Oe HE Al Sure pene bee Gad dg Bg Communi ora hearty Caring wt Pathog) PATHE 7 tort el) You orgs the bend Mt ft doe on heck (er Fe Sieben buses i eet Hell oe Dec, promise (ourg Dece nod) ow resume eating) What’ ein yosab inl mak beep Fae ‘inues cating.) Daddy? (Father sil eating bas oe Dece before speaking} Sone et FATHER. Yeah. I think you be brave enough. (Fushi iy ‘gazing at Young Dece. Young Dee gers batt) Seene 5 A dg dealer waits oma corner De ene. DECE, Hey . EALER Tie) Wha an am DEALER tthe Der aly ur De om see i fe BEE ue auan mm, nr tt fn arch om me tee Ore money com ST number |S - fi ~ sghs litle oe eg) Yo a cope (Dee Heng 4 TES Be ebm Dee a fone, seve smile Tene pe Lt gh Hands Dee a smal paper mans De ii a ule, ree le i akon intB ler euckles to bmself Dece, shaker, ny et gs bck deer) ination do Fede: ‘emia Scene 6 Living rom. ECE. Frndine we! Rec black why? Puc us on che Buy and Bas the lt tour mor dangerous! most dangerous! We blend in, ‘They sy thor crack dealers find out we cope... What is this? esman?(Bea,) Wheres the backup I Know cat be roo close OF the be spond but how long it ake»? Beat) GRANDFATHER, "(Shrugs.) Your buddies miscalculate the tins. Happens. Ox distracted, Radio. Or seared. (Dece had been ‘gud slening at (without touching) the newspaper on te tae ‘we bi. and now groan) ECE Tyne Smt a tthe doge No creel Fiat ne Seine re Seon er st aubei tck sat wy Sch ae Bie Why we phe ; Deceit a "a oot ae GRANDFATHER. pd ™ergency room! Wy iE 1 es Wie people mile sounder Chiat Heyer EE eye ses hapa eon Rothin’ happen black ‘men bese fe (Sa wage MORE BLACK COPS! DECE. Guringat pundit pnd) Crow black cop to commit an abucve ce GRANDFATHER. (Looky ens) Why youd DECE. I wanted ide Boni nent Lg aint happened yer, What they mae fra wep phone? CD? TV remote (gs) GRANDFATHER Pin sat DECE. (Beat, “Biv “xc fs roan Sete got such low vision spelicton® (Lng by ica, ee La Scene 7 ipl ri, Uni fol 8 Dg in Wii ft grok mde PS Deion cect Ce ea wees amend do ects ma gent. (The present is 30 1 BOE JO sta the side, puss eh pe Pa i ey a i i on br tan Cayo inde er mor mt She was already usin ‘was in this morn- ‘heap it, Fae she was lence.) Mom a ine any Sra Succ sve up, Sen er he ho are Fee She's takin’ you Y the kids overnigt 1 Shes Den wach’ de kids overnight, he rr ee hak yee. ral ror win Pe i le meg ‘Sho Genet burn wal she door im our ihe nthe euch and nighimarng, groaning and aie the ovadet wat me op, No T dunno. (Shrugs,) 1 four " ‘were you dreaming? snechut roa I the remote control.) Dot Sin ins he i po ap te rete coral) Doss shel ak ine Gt mere, Par rea Fle con rr pi Yu ink eet ere emThe sg pl aoc you tao a rning subway anc sr fect yan Weal ponte org bay ‘Sltoch, etme trough choo strong pill in the evening ? Sith mara ine deel Meo Pregl Eon fn mir sang an weak se thogh proting midnight seem then de hone Siete ert amen an ie hae Setwel eho The wren you those oboe” ey Nap my tans down Tac wed pce ac ae, weayand te eae aA ch de ec eet it none se ene Sou ee cunt cn boom cee wh Bl ou on Rad wa chy er ee Which one laughed Ta kill “em if Ico nul! Whar. 2 Dray snatches cayon, fad rites ote blade Learn ring arm and hand ato chee deformed. Te tak Scene 8 en Dace and Pip, pleinceted, walt back i frobly bought cups of effec they mon i de monn? Six more mon i dtl Sa St ge deo and gw aE you on, Leat ya only eid do vi cinanstres te scientfially cessed bo ks Seed dot wis. cop. BY ze. Lose guys sae. ies your os outs Ree. be 60 Epa Shred ple ap gis ese Ge niga Her wind a i we hy Become “he bl Ie pond) ee Et 0 fa “ten Cokie nwa een 0 ae enbin, mer hk Gr nt nds pce ant bar) Ne ag hand he _ i to irl oor she coher see iw whl No ... No work I'm off , fo No a quite 1 Comin’ home Me fe ind fort Ae off early ‘Three? (She looks back tm on) ate her tn irae Then ber ers say fo ee and Fip who deni CEE Oe aoc NAL Noite ELE ei i een Ym drowsy — RAL. Pll vem IE Whe meine MRL ad col oe 0 FLIP Line, Mare vs EA iho me in) . ori ohne eae Si ee Se ea SS le grin cn dy hp er [Ub What kinds meine you presbed al NEM Ser «Bet UP Thought you aid your mother? Maar Na COPS: (De ple endef. BEC. Condon MEAL (Sutter) NO? Jue. took too much BEE Come al ing hae Sle tried big DRAM. DRAY! (Dee ail Mote nda Mra ‘he deny Es uta fs oe ine el sty Dee grabs ber, they bot le They are strug Bre eagle me Sind on hes He tt io! You dit whelhae hint eA er fe pe, lt it Ruy St tie 2 Fp gi ie Ma Tek again) Me y SAY SOMETHIN mat ou te the gua ETH BU Nos cha? Coe MRAL te FU aw op TAL MONEE 50 bande ber, anochen abysitter. (My “ wa re fae gota aw ny me eh fe ces DECE Yah Wha id afta ld, (Glancing at ber DECE, No — (De ma ra eg iin ee paras, gist epiend t s inp things co wie bl handel og ges an bby pecan omc Flip, re MRAM ISTEN TOMELISHEN TONE DECE. Don’t put all your weight — Me FLIP I know! (They bol br hE wd iis of the meine, he pes. Her ch isd fo ro bat tpg) ECE. She olay? PLE Yel (Chk br wr ple) eh wha eo a ee) BEC Tico? ECE, Tita T dont een tnow ii fm Ss EID dar eo iS know (nl i on “Sar mond Sued take their hands off Met hare dee as Stan, ner 2 the fl a sande er com. Backp, EMS they know 8 Bee! Sha BEC, Oe aon ft satin DECE, Olay. OH) me lose ume Dealy for FL cen oe — pee Int, fora second | deh Bi Ti rere FLIP, Foe Dok nn re by sine che iawing owe ie eset es Fa : ° i neonate ane: / L “Dede , a Saag be ACT TWO Seene 1 Bare room folding cin. Hud, pnd ert looking at the others. ° HUDSON, Once more es FLIP. Around vr the sven bos Pl fie fd mpc whe on rosin para came een whl tran EDE The spEmodndly Duel Fre HUDSON. Judge iow FLIP. An EDP Toe beet — HUDSON. Car what he Be hing? LIP Wate ot Rice ou igh FSO Ta New York Sate pian mae sesh wo igh bon 2 HOBSON, Too may cop ha kwh wih say dd when Bt Te Fl Co a Dein wa iy dd he 2 rd came upon he. 1 id rae SO windows. 1 Becker and I rch point abe began ling PH oe, yi af at an bce ot hee Same eed ic until much being on drags. eae unl much 5 fee 0 Win 0 cold medicine. The $0 ttn ofr Beker aprcended ee ‘See i en inn Becker an i die i of Ms. Deshon tha ie was ee ot eh aso with pepper sry She Siar shied eflecively by dhe pepper sPrn 2S 20S Non Oey epee i nem the aay of ourselves and Me Bohan, Oftcer Becker and | did invoke physical force — HUDSON Injure FP Teal eel brutes om my ight arm and srapes on Sota Whe pysey HUDSON. Documents Ep Tbe hi he dacs report While physically holding torn the mje ihe at shes aly wobec (Pee) try Ofer Ber snd hed eh sen in the tance foe sing after and che smbuance and. before they wed. ong paste) Oficer Becker and I did notice that aba een mowonls longtime lathe seg ie sso abd the sje ad in he Seog abe ‘Srebe bing on her stomach. Wedd not know th subject ane HUDSON Di ow ON: PHlyou ak (ip conied) The judge might wanna DECE. Yes Yes wd ECE Yes Ye we id a ifthe abject was aha TERT gat of convel and we hie "oetmatic bur che Boosey rahe ner from her. meee Res J ssid ie, srnenrns ds HS ame pny RUDSON. You ber Raaetgasg cme ent comi pwn Tape ety ¥y dow loa the judge's bose te beer gece ‘ores setght, Ca one the other — He ids your hou bef ty quae he, RES: Peleg. Weekend phe you ns don yrs tat es eh ae te gl eat) aint just yourself goin dog et DECE. Yeah but only oncofusisthat Mes FLIR S02 DECE. Nothin’ (Bea,) Harder on blac they gonna geet lw they gonna get me. FLIP" You? Whos he whie cop kiled ome ua ina black neighborhood ECE: You ges penn. pid Oe DECE. oe =e a HUDSON Quiet (Qui) Md uy ens {i een onthe tin ie rec pees the ow ni pe ee FLID Resa ares ase omg influence — Ihe og eg os hat sy aly Ret | west more char pd ei Se en ee dapinn pan! Seibocher tue eer wor pint HUDSON. What's the idence she was the WI ed rank arg et i de ECE. Mivale! We "sen? om stoner id your Ace Yo HUDSON. jum, college ase dropped neva ain, ty aeons. tem wih amare cor? oc a problem wiht J a wae Sl Ber ck ti I somethin’ inthe ym it Some ECE. A ean i FuDSON. ht a ‘ova wil iely wot SEE. How come ee nd this ease, in the Deck, Wh? sco gee you and this ease FRUDSON, Ca tho way pariclae case a bit high profile, Seed eer other tee week Before. Stoppened eo er Bh nd he wen eon one IRION cham pet lou bee Te apy to ale ou the empl FRE Youu have vo lve by wot HUDSON "IFT tum om hess her goddamn wheelchaie Sather beak don sit she mile of his goddamn spec oir ine Pe, Fp) Wen BaP Ohrid Sot ‘sy weapon We nha ih Nit Ga) Car phone? pure? Dee groans) 1 Sperry ine Sree whch oe fame) SR Ber ol han pr oe our records sy ei ‘nor. o peed porns Jur jah ne PUP Ror Dare oo ink ing you might ¢hi in tre ome pats nom as 8 7° ur not guilty plea. ro admit mistakes. and subjects vehicle 7 rhe) Behe The eat The a we tre the guod se? bea cop. 1 mad a edith The sedemy se he bee Pata ar 8 OE oe a “Fertig Sm by we oer on Fem ms fn DECE. "Bou HUDSON the ... subdue ~ subduing actions At so t0-employ nye me later point int whois a ECE Re at ny i en HUDSON, Gamut, but monly Toor Sere Oe {o You smal. foe eat | oe he ie ees I ay When Huon pata Spe Dece and Fip ok at bim Eensaly na der an, fers) at some private joke.) “We aempted to pace the ae, Swing his anew Soa ene ee swing his arms wildy. Before we were se had swung so wildy as ro crash trough he ga ara = fone Th weld ean nm rei the severed ea. To prec the subject we gin bp 2 pst but the Blood ss fom th harm fl oe hie Singing ne thou chs explains the numerous bres as wel a his concion. i Seoiapecd bee the jes apn eae i Sw Highs sain co the barement Ths accounts fre ke 2 Behe i oes eee ce sae ie cn lacy ep ne oe sie) Th je lit estou he oP ce heatd #3 thousand times Soil in reais oe aes fehl fie cae no Sm in his goddamn sepia Swing ne ee to te bles li’ dwn the pe Langa Se punsioecete ia heer on oigeteame tg ia “vil laweuits. Ninery percent HUDSON. or, sxcy three ih HU EON stipe io Str cy Ny cnge Cr ie nme Cae te dn a cr aa sa . Whoopee! We fp Scene 2 white op soca theron sto ? ta print dnt loo aot er sa a tn wats lass, hepsi es 0m Be De tee bly dunk: no suring, mo sagging. DECE. Ten: thry-four domestic, nutcase wavin’ a hammer ‘ound wife under the table, we ready for whatever we gorea. He {Beit wp sbi. Her with a black eye, arm all limp all wrong. Ske Bat got hec in, side a his face cut and bloody. Razor. So Bk the charges we bring him in, overnight in the cank she ‘ars im, He "Sony baby sorry” Shes “Sorry ‘honee = ve her lifes “Why you. ember? (The last to daa cop knew y bastard puts & knife co body the Hock word leaked i black too bat ee mornin nab ‘what word om sedges Set es ke SEE iets Me Ldn ak unten | Bet vn hen = srough red Ng they 2 COPE bars, BN aia ond ae OF ese cope ranted. Noe ie = ate wher eh ta eet cant. (Dec DECE. No deren Hitt) ination ant dep seg Dea ng to himself ws That oben, Onesie cee Soe lip will gee off his tome point in De Goren en ecegh is talbrch ply one baton ates ‘indy one comes bine ine ECE. (Back to DECE. | (Back to bis audience.) One fri Tike oo there soo’ we thecal when we se nou Sale always “What took you 20 long Cin Te money the dann whitecoled ae olson ty haw ‘wrong but while you writin’ ie up: “Why arent you out cachig real etiminale™ Complain compan Tye henson mes FRomelesthteaenin’ Rover nt cine but Ge may thee: Keep em inline, Ke ‘am ots igh peer Pt the slene Seder ays Balsa omer oe swe ondered in em? “Brukiy? “How cold yo do Se © The oreind complancs one wo pat tr ee ‘fore place Bisco whine indignant (Ban. Guee fom ni Fi ee A ete arm. Ta De ein a) MOP i Tin an hee bed YOU te OU ‘ibod not my hande Noe AGAIN! ME lee sy rene) ee ri sia oem Evel te be Seep te bthraom den nen oti Excal (Big swig of Coe, oe io Deve) You Se Bee geri se goneet Fin mp be Scene 3 ve cunt and aber 0 ets Geek mel mamerel Come of foe andthe numeral, penile im) a re alsa Daily News in the living room CGrniher points oa door MOTHER. Tweforpat the Wiltons, Grandmather Bille, prndagea Bends ewer Lane si Brenda likes mystery Ein tlbe ence dacs’ (Gundicher points) Two- for setae Hr ir pany Randy Tiga. Lave week 1d chad bia number wo he he party gues: his ‘Sin on cls lbs Derk ored Serine onde aids ner Grenier pina) Reheat Maret alr her ton Qucntiny threes GRANDFATHER Lt mpenber scene Sl ew To go vey rh imeem fac Sour a Cee indfsher pose, SUPA art Se twee eae gr he yf e-Aesi litt 4 mile watch and see here: wet roy Trt fom on CRANDEATTIER” m GRAND Suehee She Soe ne 2 Timon ei DEATHER jase She Shes Suan ite, AER, Bean tke oe SE, "yaa Seanbrariaeg te Knie "bed enn eTHeR et nie eb ey wa mp as thom A mane? [Kevin Bae ae Se feats tena taph ae te, i pe {He io Ll pe Gal ste Kern Mategags nd gor cau St SECOND OB py 305 cope eh ith * Olay secc engh, dct oo up Oo he from bit paper) Potent FIRGND,SOR Catering) Mast be some bet ig — FIRST COR. Okay (They are gone. Afier a moment, Grane nok on 28, Meargere ansuers the door and igh, nat baggy randficher) MARGARET. Fred we GRANDFATHER: Come on, Margret lemme i. estate) To white badges jus come ji by Meo teat ef th de, ener ie fm he MARGARET, (Nor loking a ber) Hi ‘nters Quincn oom. Quon ov bibl digo fecal bi UINTON. 1 dat do notin GRANDEATIER Biate Remene os MARGARET. Quinton set) | DIDNT D QUINTON. hard comic Maret) NOTHIN (Book oer bf a a tie SERRE EN eet Saree i denier gekiroe ene fetteSiel SECOND cop Bice. Sosei

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