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Grade Three: Fitness Component

Catherine McGeorge, Katarina Baziw, Emily Lorimer


Objectives: Students grasp an understanding of how strength, endurance and flexibility each contribute to the
overall component of fitness. Each component will be demonstrated by a variety of different movements and tasks
that allow students to experience how their bodies move when exploring these components.

Curriculum Expectations:
A1.1 actively participate in a wide variety of program activities, according to their capabilities, while applying
behaviours that enhance their readiness and ability to take part
A1.2 demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to their personal enjoyment of being active as they
participate in a wide variety of individual and small-group activities
A2.1 Daily physical activity (DPA): participate in sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity, with
appropriate warm-up and cool-down activities, to the best of their ability for a minimum of twenty minutes each
A2.3 assess their degree of physical exertion during cardiorespiratory fitness activities, using simple
self-assessment methods

Safety Considerations:
Proper stretching is necessary after all activity
Students dont overexert their bodies with these activities.
Appropriate clothing/footwear
Students should be aware of uneven surfaces/turf surfaces
Equipment suitable for students age
Be aware of hazards -holes or glass
Students understand boundaries
Appropriate/safe amount of space around students to move

Materials & Equipment:

Hulla hoops
Skipping ropes
Pool Noodles

1. Introduction
a. Flexibility, strength and endurance are all important to know about fitness. They are all different,
but they are all important. Today, we will be learning briefly about each one of these different parts
of fitness and spending time practicing them. We will talk about how they are similar and different
and how we can actually do them at the same time.
2. Warm Up
a. Zumba
b. What is Zumba? How can Zumba be a great way to work out?
c. Zumba incorporates endurance and strength- what moves did we do that required strength? What
about endurance?

3. Flexibility
a. Why is flexibility important? Why is it important to stretch? Can you improve flexibility? If so, how?
b. Put students into four small groups. Allow students to explore different stretches. What is considered
a stretch? What parts of the body can you stretch? How do you know that it is stretching?
c. Alphabet Stretch
i. Put students in partners and have them create stretches that create the letters of the alphabet.
ii. To make this activity shorter, assign different letters to different groups and have them show
their stretches to the other pairs.
4. Strength
a. Introduction
i. What kind of things do you do that require strength? Why is strength important? What can
you do to get stronger?
b. Jack and the Beanstalk
i. The students are seperated into seperate groups
ii. Their task is to climb an imaginary object in the most efficient way with their group
1. Ladder
2. Bunk bed
3. Playground
4. Pool
5. Stairs
iii. They then present their way of climbing to the class, allowing time for the class to practice it.
c. Pass the Power
i. Start with the group in a circle
ii. A ball will be passed around the circle. The ball is the power. When a student has the ball,
they will demonstrate a strength exercises (lunge, squat, crunch, etc.)
iii. All of the students will then copy the exercise 5 times.
iv. Go around until all students have demonstrated a strength exercise.
v. What did you find challenging about strength exercises?

5. Endurance
a. What is endurance? Why is it important to have endurance? What activities focus on endurance?
b. Climb The Mountain (Obstacle Course)
i. Start their journey by scaring off the bears at the top of the mountain (10 push-ups)
ii. Students then reach hot rocks that they have to avoid (jump 15 times)
iii. Students jog to swamp where they have to get across (hula hoops are set up in a line that
students have to run through)
iv. A cave appears, they must crab walk through the cave to the other side
v. Students reach a stream that they can only hop over (set two noodles parallel that can be
jumped over)
vi. Throughout the path students jump over boulders (hurdles) then continue on the path
vii. Path is marked by cones thus can be zigzag or straight
viii. The side of the mountain is steep, they have to do 10 mountain climbers to get to the very top
ix. To claim the mountain as their own, they must do 15 jumping jacks at the top
6. Culminating Activity
a. Fitness Bingo
i. Students are placed into groups
ii. Each group is given a fitness bingo playing board.
iii. Cards with activities are drawn by the teacher, to instruct the students on what activity they
will be performing to cross off their bingo card.
iv. The first group to bingo wins. In the case of fitness bingo, they have to create a vertical,
horizontal or diagonal line to complete the word active.
v. When a group has completed a line, they will yell the word active and sit down.
vi. The first group to do this wins.
b. What parts of fitness does each activity in fitness bingo incorporate? Which ones are strength?
Which one are endurance? Which ones are flexibility? Do any of them use more than one? Which
ones are a combination?
7. Cool-down
a. Stretching
b. Which area was most difficult? Why? How does your body feel now? Which activity do you think
made it feel that way? Why is fitness important?
8. Back-up Activity
a. Hickory Dickory Dock
i. Each student walks around the circle as the nursery rhyme is said
ii. At the moment the rhyme says the clock struck the students clap
iii. Then a time is said, the student must to the adjacent activity associated with the number
1. Down he ran: Shimmy to the Floor
2. He ran with glee: Run on the Spot
3. He came alive: Jump with arms stretched out
4. He stood as a line: Stand tall and strong
5. Flowers he picks: picking flowers from the ground
6. He flew in the air: moving back and forth in the breeze
7. His knees he did bend: Squat down
1. Observation
a. Are students engaged?
b. Do they understand the difference between endurance, strength, and flexibility? Do they demonstrate
this in their exercise choices?
c. Are they working as a team?
2. Class conferencing
a. Class discussion with students
i. Allow students to discuss freely and openly
ii. Look for clues of learning from students. Examples:
1. Endurance exercises make my heart pump really fast. The more I practice endurance,
the longer I can run, jump, and play.
2. Strength exercises make me stronger! After strength exercises, my muscles are tired.
3. Flexibility is important to do so we dont get hurt. I have to be patient because
sometimes it is harder for people to become flexible, but I can practice.
4. I can be healthy by all of these fitness exercise. It is important to be active!
Jack and the Bean Stalk

Hickory Dickory Dock

Climbing the Mountain

Fitness Bingo and Strength Endurance and Flexibility

Bean Bag Relay:
Fitness Charts

A 5 push ups Balance on 5 burpees Jog on spot Butterfly 5 squats

one leg (10 Stretch
sec each)

C 5 Sit Ups Log rolls Knee-Ups Jog around 10 Second Grapevine

gym Plank

T Seat walk 10 second Step-Ups 10 Jumping 10 second 5 Reverse

superman jacks hop/skip lunge

I Toe-touch 10 second Arm Circles 10 second 10 second Shoulder

butt kicks Plank Bear Crawl Rolls

V Jog around 10 Jumping Tree stretch In & Outs 5 Side lunges 5 sit ups
the gym jacks

E 10 second 10 Bicycle 10 second 5 Lunges 10 second Side arm

mountain kicks Crab Walk cobra stretch stretch (10
climbers sec each


A 10 second Shoulder 5 burpees 10 second Arm Circles Step-Ups

hop/skip Rolls Plank
C 10 second Toe-Touch 5 Sit Ups 10 second 10 Second Grapevine
Crab Walk butt kicks Plank

T Jog on spot 10 second 10 Jumping 10 Jumping Tree Stretch 5 Reverse

superman jacks jacks lunge

I In & Outs Balance on 5 push ups Seat walk 10 second Jog on the
one leg (10 Bear Crawl Spot
sec each)

V Jog around 10 second Butterfly Log rolls 5 Side lunges 5 sit ups
the gym cobra stretch Stretch

E 10 second 5 squats Knee-Ups 5 Lunges Bicycle Side arm

mountain Kicks stretch (10
climbers sec each


A 10 second Grapevine 10 second 10 second Jog on the Tree Stretch

Plank mountain superman Spot

C Arm Circles Toe-Touch 5 Sit Ups 10 second 5 squats Shoulder

butt kicks Rolls

T Jog on spot Side arm 10 Jumping 10 Second In & Outs 5 Reverse

stretch (10 jacks Plank lunge
sec each

I Bicycle 10 Jumping 5 push ups 10 second 10 second 10 second

Kicks jacks Crab Walk Bear Crawl cobra stretch

V Jog around Step-Ups Butterfly 10 second 5 Side lunges 5 sit ups

the gym Stretch hop/skip

E 5 burpees Log rolls Balance on 5 Lunges Seat walk Knee-Ups

one leg (10
sec each)

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