NSP 2.0 Operation Manual v2.0

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Operational Manual for National Scholarship Portal

Version - 2.0

Operational Manual

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Director General, National Informatics Centre

National Informatics Centre

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MEITY)
Government of India
National Scholarship Portal
The National Scholarship Portal Version 2.0 (NSP-2.0) is a unique and simplified platform created
for students to help them to avail benefits of educational scholarships in an efficient and transparent

The main objective of National Scholarship Portal is to provide Automation, Streamlining &
Effective Management of processes related to Application receipt, Processing, Sanction and
Disbursal of Centrally Sponsored Scholarship schemes to Students.

Vision & Mission

National Scholarship Portal is a single stop solution for end to end scholarship process right from
submission of student application, verification, sanction and disbursal to end beneficiary for all the
scholarships provided by the Government of India.
The Mission Mode Project (MMP) of National Scholarships Portal under the National e-Governance Plan
aims at providing common electronic portal for implementing various Scholarships schemes launched by
Union Government, State Government and Union Territories across the country.
Thus, this initiative aims at providing a Simplified, Mission-oriented, Accountable, Responsive &
Transparent 'SMART' System for faster & effective disposal of Scholarships applications and delivery of
funds directly into beneficiaries account without any leakages.
National Scholarship Portal Features

The main features of National Scholarship Portal includes following points:-

Students can Register and Submit their application online (For Applying for centrally/state
sponsored scholarship schemes), from anywhere at anytime
Students can View/Track the status of their own application with User ID and Password
generated by the system
Students can Renew their applications with same credential(Student ID/Password)
Uploading of documents by students in support of their claims (such as income, mark sheets, bank
account details, category, caste certificate etc.) be enabled for easy verification and transparency
Provision of SMS and e-Mail alerts to the Stake Holders such as Institution and students at
various stage of processing
Renewal of the application by the Institutes only by importing the application from previous year
Role Based Unique Login ID and Password will be made available for all stakeholders.
Auto & bulk processing of Scholarship application by the Institute
Easy Scholarship Sanctioning process for Sanctioning Authority
Auto disbursal of Scholarship to Students Bank Account
Easy monitoring of Scholarship by the Department and State Authority
Guidelines for filling the online Scholarship Application form on National
Scholarships Portal for 2016-17

For Students

Aadhar Number has been made optional. Students not having Aadhar number can register with
Enrolment ID or Bank Pass book for Academic Session 2016-2017.

Applicants are advised to go through the Information Bulletin carefully and acquaint themselves
with all requirements in respect to fill-up the scholarship form on National Scholarship Portal-

It will be the sole responsibility of the applicant to make sure that he/she is eligible to apply and
fulfils all the conditions prescribed for the scholarship.

If in-eligibility of the applicant is detected at any stage, before or after the applying for scholarship
scheme, or during any stage by verification by authorities, his/her scholarship will be cancelled
without any notice. Disciplinary action will be taken against him/her, further he/she will be
blacklisted to opt for scholarship sponsored by Central Government for period of five years.

Applicant must check that all details provided by him/her are correct before final submission
as there will be no provision to edit details thereafter

Mode of submission of application for scholarship will be online and no other mode for the same
will be entertained.

Titles/Labels marked as * are compulsory in Application


1. Online submission of Application form can be done through the website

http://www.scholarships.gov.in/ in any of the internet access point.

(For better visibility use Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer)

2. Click on Apply for fresh on Home Page

Apply for

Note: A new web page requesting to Enter the preliminary data as required for the Registration
is displayed
3. Fill the details and Click on Registration

Fill all the details corresponding to the titles/labels appearing on the Registration page.

Note: Those marked as * are compulsory required to be filled.

4. After successfully get registration done, Applicants will get their Student Registration ID

5. Through Student Registration ID Applicants will be able to login into the Account.
6. After successful login to the portal, Welcome Page Appeared


Check Your

Print Your

7. On Clicking Application Form Icon, Applicants will direct to the Application screen as
shown below.
Note: The Application Form contains three important segments of information as mentioned
7a) Registration Details
7b) Academic Details
7c) Basic Details

Magnified view of each title is shown below

Registration Details

Academic Details
Basic Details

7. On Clicking Save & Continue next page appeared.

Note: This Section of Application Form is also divided into three important segments of
information as mentioned below;
7d) Contact Details
7e) Scheme Details
7f) Upload Documents
Magnified view of each title is shown below

Contact Details

Scheme Details
Upload Documents

8) On Clicking Final Submission Application is finally submitted.

Student can also take the print of the Application if needed.

This will complete the online Application Submission Process for Applying
Scholarship on the National Scholarship Portal
Guidelines for filling the online Renewal of Scholarship Application form
on National Scholarships Portal for 2016-17

For Students

Those Student who are already got the scholarships from NSP Portal, need not
required to register again. They have to login with their last year Application ID and
Password to renew their online scholarship application for this academic year.

All Applicant applying for renewing scholarship application, are required to update
their Aadhaar Number and Mobile number

Applicants are advised to go through the Information Bulletin carefully and acquaint
themselves with all requirements in respect to fill-up the Renewal Scholarship form
on National Scholarship Portal-2016-17.

It will be the sole responsibility of the applicant to make sure that he/she is eligible to
apply and fulfils all the conditions prescribed for the re-scholarship.

If in-eligibility of the applicant is detected at any stage, before or after the applying
for scholarship scheme, or during any stage by verification by authorities, his/her
scholarship will be cancelled without any notice. Disciplinary action will be taken
against him/her, further he/she will be blacklisted to opt for scholarship sponsored by
Central Government for period of five years.

Applicant must check that all details provided by him/her are correct before
final submission as there will be no provision to edit details thereafter

Mode of submission of application for scholarship will be online and no other mode
for the same will be entertained.

Titles/Labels marked as * are compulsory in Application

To renew online scholarship application, the following step needs to be taken;


1. For applying online Renewal, Applicants visit the website

http://www.scholarships.gov.in in any of the internet access point.

Apply for (For better visibility use Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer)
2. Click on Apply for Renewal on Home Page
3. Login using your Registered Email ID and Password as shown below.

NOTE: Applicant applying for Renewal can use their old User Registration ID

4. After successful login, welcome page appeared.

5. On clicking Renew Application, Applicant will direct to Renewal Screen as shown

Those marked as * & shown in white are compulsory required to be filled as highlighted
Aadhaar/Enrollment ID/Bank Passbook
Mobile Number
Previous Class (%)
Admission Fee
Tuition Fees
Misc Fees
6. After adding all the required data, click Save & Continue to view next page

Note: If required, Applicants can also upload his/her Certificates before final Submission
7. On Clicking Final Submission Application is finally submitted.

Note: Student can also take the print of the Application if needed.
Guidelines of Online Verification of Registered Applicants By Institute
under National Scholarships Portal for 2016-17

Institute Section: This section deals with the institute related activities, ranging from the
profile updating of Institute to the verification of Applicants Application availing for
National Scholarship 2016-17.

Institute`s Profile Updates: An institute level user can change the profile of an institute and
can make necessary changes to update the information of an institute.

Institutes Add & Updates Details: Under this portal, Institutes are facilitated to update its
Course level, Course and Course fees.

Note: The Institute Profile Updates are must and should be done well in advance so that the
students can apply for the scholarship.

The step by step presentation of Institutes form Up-dation and Verifications of Applied
Applicant are shown below:

1. Login to the Institute Account

2. Welcome to Dashboard
3. Click Profile Edit on Dashboard
This page allows the Institute to update /edit his Profile


Those marked as * are compulsory to be filled.
Institute Name and DISE Code are not editable.
Institute should note that Institute Profile is editable only once.

Before final Submission, Institute required to upload his Registered Certificates.

On clicking Upload Icon, Pop-up/Dialogue box appeared to upload the documents.

4. Once required data filled, click Final Submit to view the final submission.


This will complete the Process of Institute Profile Edit.

8. After successfully Profile Edit Process, again go to Dashboard and click Add and
Update details
9. On clicking Add and Update Details, user are allowing to update the following

I. Add & Update Course level

II. Add & Update Course
III. Add & Update Fee

10. On clicking Add n Update Course level Option, page appeared highlighting
Offered Course Level

This allows the Institute to add and update the Course Level
11. On clicking Course Level option in dropdown, Menu bar appeared highlighting
courses level.
12. Example: On clicking Course level such as Postgraduate from dropdown menu,
next page appeared highlighting the courses up to post-graduation.

13. Clicking Add & Update Course Option, page appeared highlighting Course Level
and Courses.
14. Explain with Example: On selecting Postgraduate option from Course level, Add
and Update Course option facilitate user to choose suitable Courses.

15. Explain with Example: After selecting suitable courses from dropdown menu, next
appeared with selected courses.
16. After successfully completion of updating courses, click Add & Update Fee to add

17. After adding Courses fees, click Submit

This will complete the Institute Add & Update Details Option
For the National Scholarship Portal
18. After Adding & Updating Details Process, again go to Dashboard and click
Application Verification.

Note: On clicking Application Verification Icon Verification Screen will appeared

with the following data of applied Applicants;
Total Number of Registration
Applicant Registration ID
Name of Applicants/Father Name and Contact number
Applied Course Name
Name of Scheme Applied
Also facilitate user to filter the Applicants via Scheme wise/Academic
year, Course/Category wise.
User can also Verify/Reject & add remark as Defect by viewing the
complete Application form in View Details
19. On clicking Verify/Reject/Defect Icon from Applicant Verification page, next page
appeared highlighting selected applicant.

selecting any
applicant or
all applicants,
Institute can
verify the

20. On clicking Selected Applicant, user can view the complete details of Applicants
This page also facilitate user to add remark as defected application of Applicant and can also
comment on remark column.


After successfully adding value and comments through verification, the form again
went to the Applicant for correction and not more will shown in Verification Page.

Once correction done by Applicants, Application form will re-appeared for Re-

If user verify applicant with no defect, Applicant form will be approved at Institute

This will complete the Verification process of Applications by Institute for National
Scholarship Portal
21. On clicking Re-verification icon from Dashboard, the page appeared with data
displaying Applicant form for re-verification.

22. On clicking view details icons of particular Applicant details, user can view his
corrected form.
23. On clicking Applicant Renewal Verification the page appeared highlighting
application for renewal applied by previous session Applicants.

24. On clicking view details icons of particular Applicant details, user can view his
corrected form.

1. Online viewing of State wise registration can be done through by visiting website
http://www.scholarships.gov.in in any of the internet access point.

(For better visibility use Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) Ministry

2. Click Ministry Guest Login on Home Page Login
3. By clicking Ministry Guest Login, Welcome Page appeared with Graphical
presentation, representing following details;

a) State wise Total Quota Allotted and Applications Received against Quota
b) Total Verified Applications State wise (Verified by State and PFMS)

Total Quota
State wise


Total Verified

Applications Application
Verify by Verify by
State PFMS
4. Click on State Registration Icon to verify the Number of Verify State Wise

a) This page highlights number of State Wise Registration (i.e Registration done in all
36 States) displaying 15 items per page.

b) This list can also be downloaded by clicking Export Option in CSV/Excel/XML

5. On clicking any State, the page will shows the details of Total number of Registration of
that State at first place, and than number of registrations of each District and Blocks
belonging that particular State.

Example: 5.1 On clicking state Uttar Pradesh

Note: Given page, shows the total number of Verify Registrations in Uttar Pradesh
5.2 On clicking state, next page appeared highlighting No. of Verify Registration in every
5.3 On clicking any district like Lucknow, next page appeared highlighting No. of Verify
Registrations in each Block.

Note: Given page, shows the total number of Verify Registration in each block of Dist.

5.4 On clicking Block like Lucknow, next page appeared highlighting following details
of Applicant;
Name of Student
Application ID
Fathers Name
Scheme Opted
State/Block Name
5.4 On clicking Export Option user can save the details in Excel/XML/CSV format.

5.4 Once the Data saved, User can view the details in saved file.

1. Online State wise registration can be done through the website

http://www.scholarships.gov.in in any of the internet access point.

(For better visibility use Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer)

2. Click Ministry Guest Login on Home Page

3. Click on Pre and Post Scheme Registration

Pre & Post


Note: On clicking Pre & Post Registration Scheme the above page will appeared
highlights the following details;
Name of State
Number of Pre Matric Registrations
Number of Post Matric Registrations
Total and sub-total of Pre & Post Registrations.

1. For applying online complaints in scholarships portal, applicants can visit the website
http://www.scholarships.gov.in in any of the internet access point.

(For better visibility use Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer)

2. Click Complaints on Home Page
3. On clicking Complaints Icon, Complaint Form Appeared.

4. Login to the Complaint Portal through User Registration ID to view the

Complain Status
5. Complaint Status appeared in given format

This will complete the online process of applying and viewing Complaint status process
for National Scholarship Portal

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