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MDG Technology for

UPDM User Guide

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

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MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

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4 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Table of Contents
Foreword 5

Part I Welcome 7
1 Copyright
Notice 7
2 Software
Product License Agreement 8
3 Acknowledgement
of Trademarks 12
4 Support
................................................................................................................................... 12
5 System
Requirements 12

Part II Getting Started 15

Part III Using UPDM 17

1 UPDM...................................................................................................................................
Add-In and Technology 17
2 UPDM...................................................................................................................................
Add-In Menu 19
3 Model...................................................................................................................................
Wizard 20
4 UPDM...................................................................................................................................
Diagram Types 22
5 UPDM...................................................................................................................................
Toolboxes 22
UPDM Stereotypes
.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Abstract Stereotypes
.......................................................................................................................................................... 53
6 Quicklinks
................................................................................................................................... 56
7 Tagged
Values 57
8 Model...................................................................................................................................
Validation 58
Model Validation
Rules 59
9 Relationship
Matrix 66
10 Model...................................................................................................................................
Views 68
11 UPDM...................................................................................................................................
Framework Diagram 69
12 Glossary
................................................................................................................................... 71
13 Using...................................................................................................................................
Enterprise Architect Elements 71
14 Example
Model 72

Index 74

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Foreword 5


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placed between table of contents
and topics

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Top Level Intro
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top-level chapter starts


Welcome 7

1 Welcome

Welcome to the MDG Technology for UPDM - Enterprise Architect MDG Add-In, Version 2.1.
This Add-in provides a UML profile that extends the capability of Enterprise Architect to enable creation of
Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM) architecture models.
DoDAF is the abbreviation of Department of Defense Architecture Framework (USA); MODAF is the
abbreviation of Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (UK). The UPDM profile provides a standard
approach for modeling systems and enterprise architectures in support of DoDAF and MODAF. It improves
interoperability of architecture data among architecture modeling tools, enhances reuse of architecture
data, and improves communication among DoDAF and MODAF stakeholders.
This technology is based on the Unified Profile for DoDAF-MODAF (UPDM) version 2.1 which is based on
DoDAF version 2.0 and MODAF version 1.2. Full details of the profile, including the latest specification, can
be obtained from the Object Management Group (OMG) website: http://www.omg.org/spec/UPDM/.

Getting Started
For instructions on how to begin using the MDG Technology for UPDM, see Getting Started.

See Also
Copyright Notice
Acknowledgement of Trademarks
License Agreement
System Requirements

1.1 Copyright Notice

Copyright 2015 Sparx Systems Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved.

The software contains proprietary information of Sparx Systems Pty Ltd. It is provided under a license
agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse
engineering of the software is prohibited. Please read the license agreement for full details.
Due to continued product development, this information may change without notice. The information and
intellectual property contained herein is confidential between Sparx Systems and the client and remains
the exclusive property of Sparx Systems. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them
to us in writing. Sparx Systems does not warrant that this document is error-free. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Licensed users are granted the right to print a single hardcopy of the user manual per licensed copy of the
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Sparx Systems Pty. Ltd.
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8 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Creswick, Victoria 3363,

Phone: +61 (3) 5345 1140
Fax: +61 (3) 5345 1104
Support Email: [email protected]
Sales Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.sparxsystems.com

1.2 Software Product License Agreement

MDG Technology for UPDM, version 2.1. Enterprise Architect MDG Add-In.
Copyright (C) 2015 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved

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"EULA" means this End User License Agreement
"SPARX" means Sparx Systems Pty Ltd A.C.N 085 034 546
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"REGISTERED EDITION" means the edition of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, which is available
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"SOFTWARE PRODUCT" or "SOFTWARE" means MDG Technology for UPDM, which includes
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"SUPPORT SERVICES" means email-based support provided by SPARX, including advice on
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Welcome 9

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Unregistered use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT after the 30-day evaluation period is in violation of Australian,
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This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of AUSTRALIA, in the
state of Victoria.MDG Technology for UPDM - Enterprise Architect MDG Add-In, Version 2.1.
Copyright (C) 2014 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved
IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This End User Licence Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement
between YOU as Licensee and SPARX for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT identified above. By installing,
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Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this EULA and warranty.

In this End User Licence Agreement, unless the contrary intention appears:
"EULA" means this End User Licence Agreement
"SPARX" means Sparx Systems Pty Ltd A.C.N 085 034 546
"Licensee" means YOU, or the organization (if any) on whose behalf YOU are taking the EULA.

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Welcome 11

"SOFTWARE PRODUCT" or "SOFTWARE" means MDG Technology for UPDM, which includes
computer software and associated media and printed materials, and may include online or
electronic documentation.

In accordance with the terms of this EULA YOU are granted the following rights:
a) To install and use ONE copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or, in its place, any prior version for the
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c) To make copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for backup, archival and instructional purposes.

The Trial Version of MDG Technology for UPDM is not free software. Subject to the terms of this
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Upon expiration of the 30 days, the SOFTWARE PRODUCT must be removed from the computer.
Unregistered use of MDG Technology for Unified DoDAF-MODAF after the 30-day evaluation period is in
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Windows 8 are trademarks of Microsoft.


2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

12 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of AUSTRALIA.

1.3 Acknowledgement of Trademarks

Trademarks of Microsoft

Trademarks of the OMG

Object Management Group
Unified Modeling Language

1.4 Support
Technical support for MDG Technology for UPDM 2.1 is available to registered users of Enterprise
Architect. Responses to support queries are sent by email. Sparx Systems endeavors to provide a rapid
response to all product-related questions or concerns.
Registered users can lodge a support request, by visiting: http://www.sparxsystems.com/registered/
Trial users can contact Sparx Systems with questions regarding their evaluation at:
[email protected].
An online user forum is also available for your questions and perusal, at http://www.sparxsystems.com/

1.5 System Requirements

MDG Technology for UPDM 2.1 runs under the following environments:

Operating Systems
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Home
Windows XP Media Edition
Windows XP Tablet Edition
Windows 2003 Server
Windows 2008 Server
Windows Vista (32 bit)
Windows 7 (32 bit)
Windows 8

Enterprise Architect Versions

Enterprise Architect Professional Version 11.0 (or later)
Enterprise Architect Corporate Version 11.0 (or later)

While the MDG Technology for UPDM 2.1 isn't specifically blocked from executing with the Enterprise
Architect Desktop Edition, be aware that the Desktop Edition cannot make use of some of the capabilities

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Welcome 13

of the product; e.g. Model Validation.

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Top Level Intro
This page is printed before a new
top-level chapter starts


Getting Started 15

2 Getting Started

To install the MDG Technology for UPDM 2.1 Add-In, first close down any open instances of Enterprise
Architect, then double-click the installer and follow the instructions in the installation wizard. Once the Add-
In has been installed, start Enterprise Architect; the Add-In should be fully enabled and ready to use.
If you are reinstalling over a previous installation, the MDG Technology might not be enabled when you
start Enterprise Architect. In this case:
Select the Extensions | Manage Add-Ins menu option and, on the Manage Add-Ins dialog, select
the Load on Startup checkbox against UPDM 2.1. Click on the OK button and restart Enterprise
If that does not enable the Add-In:
Select the Settings | MDG Technologies menu option and, on the MDG Technologies dialog,
select the Enabled checkbox against UPDM 2.1. Click on the OK button.

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Top Level Intro
This page is printed before a new
top-level chapter starts


Using UPDM 17

3 Using UPDM

UPDM is the Unified Profile for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and the
Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF). UPDM is an Object Management Group (OMG)
initiative; the specification is available from the OMG website at: http://www.omg.org/spec/UPDM/.
The MDG Technology for UPDM is an Add-In that enables you to use Enterprise Architect for UPDM
modeling. The Add-In provides:
The UPDM Profile (wrapped in an MDG Technology), which defines the stereotyped UML
elements that are used for UPDM modeling.
Add-in menu that enables you to access the Add-In functionality from Enterprise Architect's main
Custom diagram types for each UPDM view.
Custom Toolbox pages for each UPDM diagram, which give easy access to the elements used
on that diagram type.
Model wizard that can be used to import a template package for each UPDM view that provides a
brief description of the view and what might be expected of the modeler.
Quicklinks for stereotyped elements that guide you towards creating correct relationships
between elements.
Model Validation rules that enable you to check your models for correctness.
Relationship Matrix profiles for showing the relationships between elements.
Model Views that help you navigate your model quickly to find specific diagram more easily.
Glossary import, with items describing each UPDM stereotype for easy reference.
Tagged Values that enable you enter metadata specific to UPDM elements.
Example Model that illustrates a typical UPDM problem and its solution, implemented using
Enterprise Architect.

3.1 UPDM Add-In and Technology

Manage Add-Ins
After installing the Add-In, start Enterprise Architect. Select the Extensions | Manage Add-Ins menu option.
The Manage Add-Ins dialog displays, listing the currently installed Add-Ins.

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

18 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

If the UPDM Add-In is marked as Disabled, tick the Load on Startup checkbox and restart Enterprise

To display the UPDM Add-In menu, select the Enterprise Architect Extensions | UPDM 2.1 menu option.
The menu and the commands it offers are described in the UPDM Add-In Menu topic.

UPDM Technology
Enterprise Architect makes use of MDG Technologies to extend its capabilities in specific domains. The
UPDM Technology is automatically loaded by the UPDM Add-In if the Add-in is enabled.
As well as enabling the Add-In, you must enable the MDG Technology. This happens automatically the first
time you run Enterprise Architect after installing the UPDM Add-In, but thereafter you can enable and
disable the MDG Technology as required, and its state is persisted to the next time you run Enterprise
Architect. To enable or disable an MDG Technology, select the Settings | MDG Technologies menu option.
The MDG Technologies dialog displays.

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Using UPDM 19

Either set or clear the checkbox next to UPDM 2.0 and click on the OK button. You might also want to select
the UPDM 2.0 Technology and click on the Set Active button. Making a technology active opens all of its
Toolbox pages that have been defined as Common. The UPDM Technology has a common Toolbox page
named All UPDM Stereotypes, which lists all stereotypes in alphabetical order; this can be very useful for
finding stereotypes if you don't know which View they are commonly used in.

3.2 UPDM Add-In Menu

You can perform certain tasks on your UPDM model using the UPDM Technology menu, which you display
by selecting the Extensions | UPDM 2.1 menu option in Enterprise Architect.

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

20 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Command Use to

Open Example Model Open the UPDM example model; for more details, see the Example Model
Synchronize Tagged Add missing Tagged Values to all elements in the model that require them;
Values for more details, see the Tagged Values topic.
Import UPDM Glossary Import UPDM information into the Enterprise Architect Glossary; for more
details, see the Glossary topic.
Import UPDM Images Import the alternate images (as used in the Example Model) into the current
model. You may use these images to decorate your own models (select a
diagram object, right-click and Appearance | Select Alternate Image) or
you may prefer to design your own.
Help Open this Help file.
About Show the version of the MDG Technology for UPDM that you are using.

3.3 Model Wizard

To use the Model Wizard to load a UPDM template, right-click on a Package in the Enterprise Architect
Project Browser and select the Add | Add a New Model using Wizard context menu option. The Model
Wizard dialog displays.
Each available view template is listed in the dialog in alphabetical order. The first two items are DoDAF
Framework which includes all of the view templates that are defined by DoDAF, and MODAF Framework
which includes all of the view templates that are defined by MODAF. It is recommended that you select
either DoDAF Framework or MODAF Framework or a selection of other views excluding the previous two
items; if you select every item, some of the views will be created two or three times.

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Using UPDM 21

Option Use to

Technology Select Others and then UPDM 2.0 to access the UPDM model templates.
Name Select from the available templates by ticking the checkbox against each named
template to import; click on a name to show a brief description in the text box at the
bottom of the dialog.
All Select all of the listed templates.
None Clear all templates selected.

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

22 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

OK Load the templates for your project.

Cancel Abort the creation of templates.
Help Display the Help topic for the dialog.

3.4 UPDM Diagram Types

The MDG Technology for UPDM introduces a number of custom diagram types into Enterprise Architect.
These are, for the most part, extended UML diagrams. On opening a UPDM diagram, Enterprise Architect
automatically opens the appropriate UPDM toolbox pages for the view.
You can use the UPDM diagrams that are created by the Model Wizard, or create a new UPDM diagram.

3.5 UPDM Toolboxes

When you open a diagram, Enterprise Architect opens the Toolbox pages that are most useful for that
particular diagram type. For a UPDM diagram, Enterprise Architect opens the Toolbox pages that contain
elements and relationships appropriate to the particular view that the diagram is part of, as well the pages
for the diagram type. For example, if you open an SOV-5 Activity diagram, Enterprise Architect opens the
SOV-5 page, as well as the UML Activity and UML Activity Relationships pages.

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Using UPDM 23

In addition, the Common elements and relationships page is always available, regardless of which
diagram is open.
If you hide the default toolboxes and want to get them back, simply switch to the Start Page and back to the

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24 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

current diagram, and all the default toolboxes for the current diagram type are re-opened.

All UPDM Stereotypes

For your convenience, a toolbox page is provided that includes every stereotype in the UPDM profile, in
alphabetical order. If you cannot remember which context-sensitive toolbox page a stereotype appeared in,
just go to the All UPDM Stereotypes toolbox page instead. To make this page available at all times, either:
Select the Settings | MDG Technologies menu option, select UPDM 2.0 in the table, and click on
the Set Active button, or
Select UPDM 2.0 from the list box on the Default Tools toolbar.

3.5.1 UPDM Stereotypes

Description: A disposition to manifest an Activity. An Activity to be performed to achieve a desired effect
under specified (performance) standards and conditions through combinations of ways and means.
Extends: Dependency
Generalizations: MapsToCapability

Description: A wholePart relationship between a Project and an Activity (Task) that is part of the Project.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, PV-3
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be an ActualProject
client must be a ProjectActivity

Description: Links a Performer to the behavior that it can perform.
Extends: Dependency
Generalizations: IsCapableOfPerforming

Description: A physical location anywhere on the earth.
Used In: OV-2
Extends: Object
Specializations: Location
classifier must be a LocationType

Description: An actual specific organization.
Used In: AcV-1/PV-1, AcV-2/PV-2, OV-4 Actual, StV-5/CV-5, TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualOrganizationalResource
classifier must be an Organization

2011 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd

Using UPDM 25

Description: A relationship between two ActualOrganizationResources.
Extends: InformationFlow
informationSource must be an ActualOrganizationalResource
informationTarget must be an ActualOrganizationalResource
realizes must be a ResourceInteraction

Description: Named individual that fulfills an ActualPost. An individual human being (vs Person which is a
type), that is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
Used In: OV-4 Actual
Extends: Object
Generalizations: CompetenceProvider, LocationHolder
classifier must be a Person

Description: An actual, specific post, an instance of a PostType class - e.g. President of the United States
of America.
Used In: AcV-1/PV-1, AcV-2/PV-2, OV-4 Actual, StV-5/CV-5
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualOrganizationalResource
Specializations: IndividualPersonRole
classifier must be a Post

Description: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create Resources or Desired Effects.
Used In: AcV-1/PV-1, AcV-2/PV-2, PV-3, StV-3/CV-3, StV-5/CV-5, SV-8/SvcV-8
Extends: Object
Specializations: Project
classifier must be a ProjectType

Description: An event in a ActualProject by which progress is measured.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, StV-3/CV-3, StV-5/CV-5, SV-8/SvcV-8
Extends: Object
Specializations: NoLongerUsedMilestone, DeployedMilestone, IncrementMilestone,
classifier must be a ProjectMilestone

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26 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Description: A set or collection of ActualMeasurement(s).
Used In: AV-3, SV-7/SvcV-7
Extends: Object
Specializations: Measure, ServiceLevelValueSet
classifier must be a PropertySet

Description: A UPDM Artifact used to define an alternative name for an element as used by DoDAF or
Used In: AV-2
Extends: Note
annotatedElement must be a UPDMElement

Description: Represents a visual indication of a connection used in high level operational concept
diagrams. The connections are purely visual and cannot be related to any architectural semantics.
Used In: OV-1
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be a ConceptRole
client must be a ConceptRole

Description: Information describing an architecture.
Used In: AV-1
Extends: Package
Specializations: ServiceDescription

Description: Asserts that one architectural description (referrer) refers to another (referred).
Used In: AV-1
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be an ArchitecturalDescription
client must be an ArchitecturalDescription

Description: Information on ArchitecturalDescription. It states things like what methodology was used,
notation, etc.
Used In: AV-1
Extends: Note

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Generalizations: Metadata
annotatedElement must be an ArchitecturalDescription

Description: Asserts that there is a relationship between two entities.
Extends: Association
Generalizations: EntityRelationship

Description: A signal which is transmitted irregularly with respect to time.
Used In: SOV-2, SOV-4c
Extends: Signal

Description: A high level specification of the enterprise's ability.
Used In: AV-1, AV-3, CV-7, OV-2, OV-4 Typical, PV-3, SOV-3, StV-1/CV-1, StV-2/CV-2, StV-3/CV-3, StV-4/CV-4,
StV-5/CV-5, StV-6/CV-6
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Desirer, PropertySet, Capability
ownedAttribute must be a CapabilityProperty

Description: A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their
interactions) in an enterprise.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, OV-3, StV-3/CV-3, StV-5/CV-5, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-8/SvcV-8, SV-9/
SvcV-9, TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: PhysicalArchitecture

Description: A couple that represents the capability that a resource, node or enterprise phase exhibits
Extends: Dependency
Generalizations: Exhibits

Description: A property of a capability.
Used In: AV-3, StV-2/CV-2, StV-4/CV-4
Extends: Property
Generalizations: Property
type must be a Capability


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28 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Description: A type of weather condition, or combination of weather conditions (e.g. high temperature and
Extends: DataType
Generalizations: Environment

Description: Asserts that one OrganizationalResource (source) commands another (target).
Used In: OV-4 Typical, SV-1/SvcV-1
Extends: InformationFlow
Generalizations: ResourceInteraction
informationSource must be an OrganizationalResource
informationTarget must be an OrganizationalResource
conveyed must be an ExchangeElement

Description: A specific set of abilities defined by knowledge, skills and attitude.
Used In: AV-3, OV-4 Actual, SV-9/SvcV-9
Extends: Class
Generalizations: SubjectOfForecast, PropertySet
Specializations: Skill

Description: Usage of a ConcepItem in the context of a HighLevelOperationalConcept.
Used In: OV-1
Extends: Property
type must be a ConceptItem

Description: A definition of the conditions in which something exists or functions.
Used In: OV-2, OV-5, SV-4/SvcV-4
Extends: DataType
Generalizations: Environment
ownedAttribute must be a ConditionProperty

Description: Asserts that an Environment has one or more properties. These may be Climate,
LocationType, or LightCondition.
Used In: AV-3
Extends: Property
Generalizations: EnvironmentProperty
class must be a Condition

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Description: A type of ResourceInteraction where one Resource (source) controls another (target).
Used In: SV-1/SvcV-1
Extends: InformationFlow
Generalizations: ResourceInteraction
informationSource must be an OrganizationalResource
conveyed must be an ExchangeElement
informationTarget must be a ResourceArtifact

Description: A definition of an element in the architecture.
Used In: AV-2
Extends: Note
annotatedElement must be a UPDMElement

Description: Asserts that an ActualOrganisationResource started to use, or is slated to start using a
CapabilityConfiguration from a specific point in time.
Used In: StV-5/CV-5, SV-8/SvcV-8
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualProjectMilestone

Description: A desired state of a Resource.
Used In: StV-1/CV-1, StV-2/CV-2
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be a DesiredState
client must be a Desirer

Description: A tuple used to provide the relationship between an entityItem and an ExchangeElement.
Used In: OV-7/DIV-1/DIV-2, SV-11/DIV-3
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be an ExchangeElement
client must be an EntityItem

Description: A type of behaviour recognised by an enterprise as being essential to achieving its goals - i.e.
a strategic specification of what the enterprise does.
Used In: OV-5, StV-1/CV-1

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30 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Extends: Activity
Generalizations: Process

Description: Energy to be exchanged between Nodes.
Used In: OV-3, OV-5, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-2/SvcV-2, SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-6/SvcV-6
Extends: Class
Generalizations: OperationalExchangeItem, ResourceInteractionItem

Description: A specific, required objective of the enterprise that the architecture represents.
Used In: StV-1/CV-1
Extends: Class

Description: A specific, required objective of the enterprise that the architecture represents.
Used In: AV-1, StV-1/CV-1, StV-5/CV-5
Extends: Class
Generalizations: CapableElement
Specializations: WholeLifeEnterprise

Description: The overall aims of an enterprise over a given period of time.
Used In: StV-1/CV-1
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Desirer
Specializations: Vision

Description: A defined property of an EntityItem.
Used In: OV-7/DIV-1/DIV-2, SV-11/DIV-3
Extends: Property

Description: A definition (type) of an item of interest.
Used In: OV-6a, OV-7/DIV-1/DIV-2, SV-10a/SvcV-10a, SV-11/DIV-3
Extends: Class
Generalizations: SubjectOfResourceConstraint, SubjectOfOperationalConstraint
ownedAttribute must be an EntityAttribute
owner must be a DataModel

Description: Asserts that there is a relationship between two EntityItems.
Used In: OV-7/DIV-1/DIV-2, SV-11/DIV-3

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Extends: Association
Specializations: AssociationOfInformation
endType must be an EntityItem

Description: A definition of the conditions in which something exists or functions.
Used In: AV-3, OV-2, OV-5, StV-2/CV-2, SV-4/SvcV-4
Extends: DataType
Generalizations: ConditionType, PropertySet
Specializations: Climate, Condition, LightCondition
ownedAttribute must be an EnvironmentProperty

Description: Asserts that an Environment has one or more properties. These may be Climate,
LocationType, or LightCondition.
Extends: Property
Generalizations: Property
Specializations: ConditionProperty
type must be a ConditionType
class must be an Environment

Description: A relationship specifying the need to exchange information between nodes.
Used In: OV-3, OV-4 Typical, OV-5, OV-6a, OV-7/DIV-1/DIV-2, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-10a/SvcV-10a, SV-11/DIV-3,
SV-2/SvcV-2, SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-6/SvcV-6
Extends: Class
Generalizations: OperationalExchangeItem, ResourceInteractionItem, SubjectOfOperationalConstraint,

Description: Relationship between a Node and a capability the node provides.
Used In: AV-1, OV-2, OV-4 Typical, StV-1/CV-1, StV-2/CV-2, StV-3/CV-3, StV-5/CV-5
Extends: Dependency
Specializations: CapabilityOfPerformer
supplier must be a Capability
client must be a CapableElement

Description: An individual (i.e. something which has spatial and temporal extent) defined by an external
Used In: AV-2

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32 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Extends: Object
Generalizations: OntologyReference

Description: An instance of ExternalTupleType defined in an external Ontology.
Used In: AV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: OntologyReference

Description: A TupleType defined in an external Ontology.
Used In: AV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: ExternalType

Description: A type defined by an external ontology.
Used In: AV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: OntologyReference
Specializations: ExternalTupleType

Description: An actual, fully-realized capability.
Used In: SV-1/SvcV-1
Extends: Object
classifier must be a CapabilityConfiguration

Description: Asserts that ActualPerson fills an ActualPost.
Used In: OV-4 Actual
Extends: Dependency
client must be an ActualPerson
supplier must be an ActualPost

Description: A statement about the future state of one or more types of system or standard.
Used In: SV-9/SvcV-9, TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be a SubjectOfForecast
client must be a SubjectOfForecast

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Description: An activity which is specified in context of the resource (human or machine) that performs it.
Used In: OV-4 Actual, OV-4 Typical, StV-1/CV-1, StV-6/CV-6, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-10a/SvcV-10a, SV-4/SvcV-4,
SV-5/SvcV-5, SV-6/SvcV-6
Extends: Activity
Generalizations: Activity, SubjectOfResourceConstraint
ownedParameter must be a ResourceParameter

Description: A call behavior action that invokes the function that needs to be performed.
Used In: SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-6/SvcV-6
Extends: Action
behavior must be a Function
activity must be a Function

Description: Functional standards set forth rules, conditions, guidelines, and characteristics.
Used In: TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Standard

Description: An ActivityEdge that is used to model the flow of control/objects through a Function.
Used In: SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-6/SvcV-6
Extends: ControlFlow
owner must be a Function

Description: An instance of a GeoPoliticalExtentType.
Extends: Object
classifier must be a GeoPoliticalExtentType

Description: A geospatial extent whose boundaries are by declaration or agreement by political parties.
Used In: OV-3, OV-5, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-2/SvcV-2, SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-6/SvcV-6
Extends: DataType
Generalizations: ConditionType, ResourceInteractionItem, OperationalExchangeItem

Description: A generalized model for operations.

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34 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Used In: OV-1

Extends: Class
ownedAttribute must be a ConceptRole

Description: Asserts that a Function (at least in part) performs or assists in the conducting of an
Used In: OV-2, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-5/SvcV-5
Extends: Abstraction
supplier must be a Function, Node, OperationalActivity, ServiceFunction or OperationalExchange
client must be a Function, ResourceInteraction or SystemResource

Description: An ActualProjectMilestone that indicates the point in time at which a project is predicted to
deliver or has delivered a Capability.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, StV-3/CV-3, SV-8/SvcV-8
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualProjectMilestone

Description: An individual person.
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualPost

Description: Something of interest that is materialized -- in any medium or form -- and communicated or
Used In: AV-2
Extends: Note
annotatedElement must be a UPDMElement

Description: Links a Performer to the behavior that it can perform.
Used In: OV-2, OV-4 Actual, OV-4 Typical, OV-5, SOV-5, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-5/SvcV-5
Extends: Dependency
Specializations: ActivityPerformedByPerformer
supplier must be a Function, OperationalActivity or ServiceFunction
client must be a Node, ServiceInterface or SystemResource

Description: Asserts that a known Resource plays a part in the architecture.

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Used In: OV-2

Extends: Property
Generalizations: NodeRole
type must be a SystemResource

Description: A specification of environmental lighting conditions.
Extends: DataType
Generalizations: Environment

Description: All subtypes of Location, such as Facility, Site, etc.
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualLocation

Description: A general specification of the surroundings / scenario in which an operation may take place.
Used In: OV-1
Extends: DataType
Generalizations: ConceptItem, ConditionType

Description: A CompositeStructureModel whose parts are either NodeRoles, ProblemDomains, or
Used In: OV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: NodeParent

Description: Specification of business information requirements as a formal data structure, where
relationships and classes (entities) are used to specify the logic which underpins the information.
Used In: OV-6a, OV-7/DIV-1/DIV-2
Extends: Package
Generalizations: DataModel

Description: Asserts that a StandardOperationalActivity is in some way part of a capability.
Used In: PV-3, StV-1/CV-1, StV-6/CV-6
Extends: Dependency
Specializations: ActivityPartOfCapability
client must be an Activity
supplier must be a Capability


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36 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Description: Equipment, apparatus or supplies.

Used In: SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-2/SvcV-2, SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-6/SvcV-6
Extends: Class
Generalizations: ResourceInteractionItem

Description: The magnitude of some attribute of an individual.
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualPropertySet

Description: A property of something in the physical world, expressed in amounts of a unit of measure.
Used In: AV-3, SV-7/SvcV-7
Extends: Property
Generalizations: Property
class must be a MeasurementSet

Description: A collection of measurements.
Used In: AV-3, SV-7/SvcV-7
Extends: DataType
Generalizations: PropertySet
Specializations: MeasureType

Description: A category of Measures.
Extends: DataType
Generalizations: MeasurementSet

Description: Annotation that can be applied to any element in the architecture.
Used In: AV-1
Extends: Note
Specializations: ArchitectureMetadata

Description: A relationship between two milestones.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, SV-8/SvcV-8
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be an ActualProjectMilestone
client must be an ActualProjectMilestone


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Description: A purpose to which a person, organization or autonomous system is tasked.

Used In: AV-1, OV-1, OV-6a
Extends: Activity
Generalizations: SubjectOfOperationalConstraint

Description: A relationship between Nodes representing a bundle of InformationExchanges.
Used In: OV-2, OV-3
Extends: Connector
end[0].role must be a NodeRole or NodePort
end[1].role must be a NodeRole or NodePort

Description: A logical entity that performs operational activities.
Used In: OV-2, OV-3, OV-5, OV-6a, OV-6b, OV-6c, SV-1/SvcV-1
Extends: Class
Generalizations: SubjectOfOperationalStateMachine, NodeParent, ActivitySubject,
Specializations: Performer, SecurityDomain
ownedOperation must be a NodeOperation
ownedPort must be a NodePort

Description: A partial or full realization of an OperationalActivity.
Used In: OV-2, OV-6c
Extends: Operation
ownedParameter must be an OperationalParameter

Description: A property of a Node that specifies a distinct interaction point between the node and its
environment or between the (behavior of the) node and its internal parts.
Used In: OV-2
Extends: Port
type must be an OperationalExchangeItem

Description: Links a parent Node to its sub-nodes.
Used In: OV-2, OV-5, OV-6c
Extends: Property
Specializations: KnownResource, ProblemDomain

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38 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

type must be a Node

class must be a NodeParent

Description: Asserts that an ActualOrganisationResource ceased to use or is slated to cease using a
CapabilityConfiguration from a specific point in time.
Used In: StV-5/CV-5, SV-8/SvcV-8
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualProjectMilestone

Description: An activity is an action performed in conducting the business of an enterprise.
Used In: OV-2, OV-3, OV-5, OV-6a, StV-1/CV-1, StV-6/CV-6, SV-5/SvcV-5
Extends: Activity
Generalizations: Process, Activity, SubjectOfOperationalConstraint
Specializations: StandardOperationalActivity
ownedParameter must be an OperationalParameter

Description: The OperationalActivityAction is defined as a call behavior action that invokes the activity that
needs to be preformed.
Used In: OV-5
Extends: Action
activity must be an OperationalActivity
behavior must be an OperationalActivity

Description: An extension of ActivityEdge that is used to model the flow of control/objects through an
Used In: OV-3, OV-5
Extends: ControlFlow
owner must be an OperationalActivity

Description: A rule governing an operational behaviour or property.
Used In: OV-6a
Extends: Constraint
Generalizations: Rule
constrainedElement must be a SubjectOfOperationalConstraint


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Description: A time ordered examination of the resource flows as a result of a particular scenario.
Used In: OV-6c
Extends: Interaction
owner must be a Node
message must be an OperationalMessage

Description: Asserts that a flow exists or is required between Nodes.
Used In: OV-2, OV-3, OV-5, OV-6a, OV-6c, SOV-4c, SV-1/SvcV-1
Extends: InformationFlow
Generalizations: Exchange, SubjectOfOperationalConstraint
informationTarget must be a Node
realizingConnector must be a Needline or ServiceChannel
informationSource must be a Node
conveyed must be an OperationalExchangeItem
realizingActivityEdge must be an OperationalActivityEdge
realizingMessage must be an OperationalMessage

Description: Message for use in an Operational Event-Trace which carries any of the subtypes of
Used In: OV-6c
Extends: Message
receiveEvent.event.operation must be a NodeOperation

Description: Represents inputs and outputs of an OperationalActivity.
Used In: OV-2, OV-5
Extends: ActivityParameter
type must be an OperationalExchangeItem

Description: State identified in the context of an OperationalStateDescription.
Used In: OV-6b, StV-1/CV-1
Extends: State
Generalizations: DesiredState

Description: A state machine describing an operational behavior or property.
Used In: OV-6b

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40 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Extends: StateMachine
owner must be a SubjectOfOperationalStateMachine
region.state must be an OperationalState

Description: A group of persons, associated for a particular purpose.
Used In: OV-3, OV-4 Actual, OV-4 Typical, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-9/SvcV-9
Extends: Class
Generalizations: OrganizationalResource
Specializations: OrganizationType

Description: A relationship between an ActualOrganisation and a Project.
Used In: AcV-1/PV-1, AcV-2/PV-2
Extends: Dependency
Specializations: ProjectOwnership
client must be an ActualProject
supplier must be an ActualOrganizationalResource

Description: A type of Organization.
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Organization

Description: A ProjectMilestone that indicates a project's deliverable is to go out of service.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, StV-3/CV-3, SV-8/SvcV-8
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualProjectMilestone

Description: A couple of wholePart couples where the part in each couple is the same.
Used In: AV-2
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be a UPDMElement
client must be a UPDMElement

Description: Asserts that an ActualOrganizationalResource owns a Process.
Used In: StV-1/CV-1
Extends: Dependency

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client must be an ActualOrganizationalResource

supplier must be a Process

Description: Any entity - human, automated, or any aggregation of human and/or automated - that
performs an activity and provides a capability.
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Node

Description: A type of a human being that is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
Used In: OV-4 Actual
Extends: Class

Description: A category of persons defined by the role or roles they share that are relevant to an
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Post

Description: A configuration of Resources for a purpose.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, OV-3, StV-3/CV-3, StV-5/CV-5, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-8/SvcV-8, SV-9/
SvcV-9, TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: SystemResource
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration

Description: Defines the structure of the various kinds of system or service data that are utilized by the
systems or services in the Architecture.
Used In: SV-10a/SvcV-10a, SV-11/DIV-3
Extends: Package
Generalizations: DataModel

Description: A category of persons defined by the role or roles they share that are relevant to an
Used In: OV-3, OV-4 Actual, OV-4 Typical, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-9/SvcV-9
Extends: Class
Generalizations: CompetenceRequirer, OrganizationalResource
Specializations: PersonType

Description: The boundary containing those Nodes which may be realised by functional resources
specified in SV-1.
Used In: OV-2

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42 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Extends: Property
Generalizations: NodeRole
type must be a Node
class must be a LogicalArchitecture

Description: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create Resources or Desired Effects.
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualProject

Description: An activity carried out during a project.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, PV-3, StV-6/CV-6
Extends: Activity
Generalizations: Activity

Description: A call behavior action that invokes a project activity.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, PV-3, StV-6/CV-6
Extends: CallBehaviorAction
activity must be a ProjectActivity
behavior must be a ProjectActivity

Description: An activity edge used to model flow of control or objects through a project activity.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2, PV-3, StV-6/CV-6
Extends: ControlFlow

Description: An event in a Project by which progress is measured.
Used In: AcV-1/PV-1, AcV-2/PV-2
Extends: Class
ownedAttribute must be a ProjectTheme

Description: The role played by a ProjectMilestone in the context of an ActualProjectMilestone.
Used In: AcV-1/PV-1, AcV-2/PV-2
Extends: Property
type must be a ProjectMilestone
class must be a ProjectType

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Description: A type of OrganisationProjectRelationship where the organisation is the party responsible for
the project.
Used In: AcV-1/PV-1, AcV-2/PV-2
Extends: Dependency
Generalizations: OrganizationalProjectRelationship

Description: Asserts that one ActualProject (MODAF::Project) follows from another.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2
Extends: Dependency
client must be an ActualProject
supplier must be an ActualProject

Description: An aspect by which the progress of various Projects may be measured.
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2
Extends: Property
type must be a StatusIndicators

Description: Used to define a category of project.
Used In: AcV-1/PV-1
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Desirer

Description: The defining feature of an actual property, used to capture measurements.
Used In: AV-3, SOV-1, StV-2/CV-2, SV-7/SvcV-7
Extends: Property
Specializations: Measurement, ServiceAttribute, CapabilityProperty, EnvironmentProperty

Description: A Standard for communication. Protocols may be composite (i.e. a stack).
Used In: SV-2/SvcV-2, TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Standard

Description: Asserts that a Protocol (upperLayer) uses another Protocol (lowerLayer).
Used In: TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Property

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44 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

type must be a Protocol
class must be a Protocol

Description: Asserts that a Resource type provides a competence.
Used In: OV-4 Actual
Extends: Dependency
Specializations: SkillOfPersonType
supplier must be a Competence
client must be a CompetenceProvider

Description: A feature of a Participant that is the consumption of a service by one participant provided by
others using well-defined terms, conditions and interfaces.
Used In: SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-12
Extends: Port
Generalizations: ServicePort, RequestPoint

Description: Asserts that an Role requires a Competence.
Used In: OV-4 Actual
Extends: Dependency
client must be a CompetenceRequirer
supplier must be a Competence

Description: A combination of physical element, energy, and data that are combined used to accomplish a
task or function.
Used In: OV-3, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-9/SvcV-9
Extends: Class
Generalizations: PhysicalResource
Specializations: Software, System

Description: A physical connection between two resources that implements protocols through which the
source resource can transmit items to the destination resource.
Used In: SV-2/SvcV-2, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-6/SvcV-6, TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Connector
Generalizations: ProtocolImplementation
end[0].role must be a ResourcePort
end[1].role must be a ResourcePort

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Description: The range of permissible states for an object.
Used In: SV-10a/SvcV-10a
Extends: Constraint
Generalizations: Rule
constrainedElement must be a SubjectOfResourceConstraint

Description: A UPDM artifact that extends a UML Interaction.
Used In: SV-10c/SvcV-10c
Extends: Interaction
message must be a ResourceMessage
owner must be a SystemResource

Description: Represents data that is exchanged between the resources.
Used In: OV-4 Typical, SOV-4c, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-10a/SvcV-10a, SV-10c/SvcV-10c, SV-2/SvcV-2, SV-3/SvcV-
3a/SvcV-3b, SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-6/SvcV-6
Extends: InformationFlow
Generalizations: Exchange, SubjectOfResourceConstraint
Specializations: Control, Command
realizingConnector must be a ResourceConnector, ResourceInterface or ServiceChannel
conveyed must be a ResourceInteractionItem
realizingMessage must be a ResourceMessage
realizingActivityEdge must be a FunctionEdge
informationTarget must be a SystemResource
informationSource must be a SystemResource

Description: ResourceInterface is a contractual agreement between two resources that implement
protocols through which the source resource to the destination resource.
Used In: SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-10c/SvcV-10c, SV-2/SvcV-2, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-6/SvcV-6
Extends: Connector
end[0].role must be a ResourceRole
end[1].role must be a ResourceRole

Description: Message for use in a Resource Event-Trace, implements a ResourceInteraction.
Used In: SV-10c/SvcV-10c
Extends: Message

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46 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

receiveEvent.event.operation must be a ResourceOperation

Description: A partial or full realization of Function.
Used In: SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-10c/SvcV-10c
Extends: Operation
ownedParameter must be a ResourceParameter

Description: Represents inputs and outputs of Function.
Used In: SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-4/SvcV-4
Extends: ActivityParameter
type must be a ResourceInteractionItem

Description: An interaction point for a resource through which it can interact with the outside environment.
Used In: SV-2/SvcV-2, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Port
Generalizations: ProtocolImplementation
type must be a ResourceInteractionItem

Used In: OV-4 Actual, OV-4 Typical, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-10c/SvcV-10c, SV-2/SvcV-2, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-
Extends: Property
class must be a SystemResource
type must be a SystemResource

Description: State identified in the context of an ResourceStateDescription.
Used In: StV-1/CV-1, SV-10b/SvcV-10b
Extends: State
Generalizations: DesiredState

Description: UPDM Artifact that extends a UML StateMachine allied to Resources.
Used In: SV-10b/SvcV-10b
Extends: StateMachine
region.state must be a ResourceState

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Using UPDM 47

owner must be a SystemResource

Description: Asserts that a Post or Organization has specific responsibilities.
Used In: OV-3, OV-4 Actual, OV-4 Typical, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b
Extends: Class
Generalizations: CompetenceRequirer, OrganizationalResource
Specializations: RoleType

Description: An aspect of a person or organization that enables them to fulfill a particular function.
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Responsibility

Description: Asserts that two elements refer to the same real-world thing.
Used In: AV-2
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be a UPDMElement
client must be a UPDMElement

Description: The group of Information Security Marking attributes in which the use of attributes
'classification' and 'ownerProducer' is required.
Used In: AV-3
Extends: DataType
Generalizations: PropertySet

Description: A NodeType whose members (other Nodes, KnownResources) all share a common security
Used In: OV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Node

Description: A type of delivered functionality, specified independently of the resources that provide it.
Used In: SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-12
Extends: Port
Generalizations: ServicePort, ServicePoint

Description: The mechanism by which a service is accessed.
Used In: CV-7, OV-3, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-10b/SvcV-10b, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-4/SvcV-4, SV-5/SvcV-5, SV-
8/SvcV-8, SV-9/SvcV-9

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48 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Extends: Class
Generalizations: SystemResource

Description: A property of Service.
Used In: SOV-1
Extends: Property
Generalizations: Property

Description: Package containing the elements that describe a service.
Used In: AV-1
Extends: Package
Generalizations: ArchitecturalDescription

Description: Describes the abstract behavior of ServiceOperations, regardless of the actual
Used In: SOV-5, SV-5/SvcV-5
Extends: Activity
ownedParameter must be a ServiceParameter

Description: A call behavior action that invokes the ServiceFunction that needs to be preformed.
Used In: SOV-5
Extends: Action
behavior must be a ServiceFunction
activity must be a ServiceFunction

Description: An ActivityEdge that is used to model the flow of control/objects through a ServiceFunction.
Used In: SOV-5
Extends: ControlFlow
owner must be a ServiceFunction
target must be a ServiceFunctionAction
source must be a ServiceFunctionAction

Description: Interaction for a service interface.
Used In: SOV-4c
Extends: Interaction

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Using UPDM 49

message must be a ServiceMessage

owner must be a ServiceInterface

Description: A contractual agreement between two resources that implement protocols through which the
source service interacts to the destination resource.
Used In: AV-3, CV-7, SOV-1, SOV-2, SOV-3, SOV-4a, SOV-4b, SOV-4c, SOV-5, SV-12
Extends: Class
Generalizations: PropertySet, ServiceInterface
ownedAttribute must be a ServiceAttribute
feature must be a ServiceFeature

Description: A value specification for a set of ServiceAttributes indicating the level to which a Resource
delivers a Service, in a particular environment.
Used In: AV-3
Extends: Object
Generalizations: ActualPropertySet

Description: Message for use in a Service Interaction Specification, implements a resourceInteraction or
any of the subtypes.
Used In: SOV-4c
Extends: Message
receiveEvent.event.operation must be a ServiceOperation

Description: An instance of an AsynchronousMessage, applied in the service domain.
Used In: SOV-2, SOV-4c
Extends: Operation
Generalizations: ServiceFeature
signal must be an AsynchronousMessage

Description: Provides the access point for invoking the behavior of a provided service.
Used In: SOV-2, SOV-4c, SOV-5
Extends: Operation
Generalizations: ServiceFeature

Description: Represents inputs and outputs of Service.
Used In: SOV-2, SOV-5

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Extends: ActivityParameter
type must be a Resource

Description: A constraint governing the consumers and providers of services.
Used In: SOV-4a
Extends: Constraint
Generalizations: Rule
constrainedElement must be a ServiceInterface

Description: Extends a UML StateMachine.
Used In: SOV-4b
Extends: StateMachine
owner must be a ServiceInterface

Description: The ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well.
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Competence

Description: Alias for ProvidesCompetence, the tuple showing the skills and competencies required from
a particular role or organization.
Extends: Dependency
Generalizations: ProvidesCompetence

Description: An executable computer program.
Used In: OV-3, SV-1/SvcV-1, SV-3/SvcV-3a/SvcV-3b, SV-9/SvcV-9
Extends: Class
Generalizations: ResourceArtifact

Description: A ratified and peer-reviewed specification that is used to guide or constrain the architecture.
Used In: SV-2/SvcV-2, TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2
Extends: Class
Generalizations: SubjectOfForecast
Specializations: Protocol, FunctionalStandard, TechnicalStandard

Description: A comment that when attached to a CapabilityConfiguration indicates that it is a standard
pattern for re-use in the architecture.

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Used In: TV-1/TV-2/TV-3/StdV-1/StdV-2

Extends: Note
annotatedElement must be a CapabilityConfiguration

Description: An OperationalActivity that is a standard procedure that is doctrinal.
Used In: OV-5, StV-1/CV-1, StV-6/CV-6
Extends: Activity
Generalizations: OperationalActivity

Description: Specifies a status for a ProjectTheme (such as training status).
Used In: AcV-2/PV-2
Extends: Enumeration

Description: Defines an additional stereotype used in the architecture which is not defined in this meta-
Used In: AV-2
Extends: Note
annotatedElement must be a UPDMElement

Description: The EnterprisePhase elements that describe the structure.
Used In: AV-1
Extends: Property
type must be an EnterprisePhase
class must be an EnterprisePhase

Description: A DoDAF alias for ResourceArtifact.
Extends: Class
Generalizations: ResourceArtifact

Description: A ratified and peer-reviewed specification that is used to guide or constrain the architecture.
Extends: Class
Generalizations: Standard

Description: The EnterprisePhase elements that have a time based nature.
Used In: AV-1

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52 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Extends: Property
class must be an EnterprisePhase
type must be an EnterprisePhase

Description: Asserts that the trustingParty (either a Node or a KnownResource) trusts the trustedParty to a
given level (indicated by the level attribute).
Used In: OV-2
Extends: Dependency
supplier must be a Node
client must be a Node

Description: Asserts that a CapabilityConfiguration is a version of a WholeLifeConfiguration.
Used In: SV-8/SvcV-8
Extends: Property
type must be a SystemResource
class must be a WholeLifeConfiguration

Description: A specification of a way to present an aspect of the architecture.
Used In: AV-1
Extends: Package
Generalizations: View

Description: An instance of the specified View.
Used In: AV-1
Extends: Package

Description: The overall aims of an enterprise over a given period of time.
Extends: Class
Generalizations: EnterpriseVision

Description: A high-level textual description of an EnterpriseVision.
Extends: Note

Description: A set of versions of a CapabilityConfiguration over time.
Used In: SV-8/SvcV-8

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Extends: Class

Description: A purposeful endeavor of any size involving people, organizations and supporting systems
(including physical systems and/or processes).
Used In: AV-1, StV-1/CV-1
Extends: Class
Generalizations: EnterprisePhase

3.5.2 Abstract Stereotypes

Description: An abstract element that represents a behavior (i.e. a Function or OperationalActivity) that can
be performed by a Performer.
Specializations: Function, OperationalActivity, ProjectActivity, StandardOperationalActivity.

Description: Anything that is acted upon by an OperationalActivity.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, Energy, ExchangeElement, GeoPoliticalExtentType,
LogicalArchitecture, Node, Organization, OrganizationType, Performer, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture,
Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility, RoleType, SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess, Software, System.

Description: An ActualOrganization or an ActualPost.
Specializations: ActualOrganization, ActualPost, IndividualPersonRole.

Description: An abstract element that represents a structural element that can perform behaviors (i.e.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, EnterprisePhase, LogicalArchitecture, Node, Organization,
OrganizationType, Performer, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture, Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility,
RoleType, SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess, Software, System, WholeLifeEnterprise.

Description: Abstract element used to group ActualPersons and ActualOrganisationalResources.
Specializations: ActualOrganization, ActualPerson, ActualPost, IndividualPersonRole.

Description: Abstract element used to group Organizations, Post and Responsibilities.
Specializations: PersonType, Post, Responsibility, RoleType.

Description: An item which may feature in a high level operational concept.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, LocationType, LogicalArchitecture, Node, Organization,
OrganizationType, Performer, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture, Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility,
RoleType, SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess, Software, System.


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54 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Description: Abstract element indicating what an EnvironmentProperty can be typed by.

Specializations: Climate, Condition, Environment, GeoPoliticalExtentType, LightCondition, LocationType.

Description: A structural specification of data, showing classifications of data elements and relationships
between them.
Specializations: LogicalDataModel, PhysicalDataModel.

Description: Abstract element used to group Operational and Resource states.
Specializations: OperationalState, ResourceState.

Description: Abstract element used to group UPDM elements that might desire a particular effect.
Specializations: Capability, CapabilityConfiguration, EnterpriseVision, Function, LogicalArchitecture, Node,
OperationalActivity, Organization, OrganizationType, Performer, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture, Post,
ProjectActivity, ProjectType, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility, RoleType, SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess,
Software, StandardOperationalActivity, System, Vision.

Description: Abstract grouping for interactions that exchange messages.
Specializations: Command, Control, OperationalExchange, ResourceInteraction.

Description: Abstract grouping to capture elements that can have a location.
Specializations: ActualOrganization, ActualPerson, ActualPost, CapabilityConfiguration, Energy,
ExchangeElement, GeoPoliticalExtentType, IndividualPersonRole, LogicalArchitecture, Materiel, Node,
Organization, OrganizationType, Performer, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture, Post, ResourceArtifact,
Responsibility, RoleType, SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess, Software, System.

Description: An abstract element representing the owners/context of composite structure at the
operational level.
Specializations: LogicalArchitecture, Node, Performer, SecurityDomain.

Description: A reference to an element in a recognized external ontology or taxonomy.
Specializations: ExternalIndividual, ExternalTuple, ExternalTupleType, ExternalType.

Description: The element conveyed by an OperationalExchange.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, Energy, ExchangeElement, GeoPoliticalExtentType,
LogicalArchitecture, Node, Organization, OrganizationType, Performer, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture,
Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility, RoleType, SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess, Software, System.

Description: Either an organization or a post.
Specializations: Organization, OrganizationType, PersonType, Post, Responsibility, RoleType.

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Using UPDM 55

Description: The abstract type of a provider and/or consumer of services. In the business domain a
participant may be a person, organization or system. In the systems domain a participant may be a
system, application or component.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, LogicalArchitecture, Node, Organization, OrganizationType,
Performer, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture, Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility, RoleType,
SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess, Software, System.

Description: Abstract supertype for physical resources such as OrganizationalResource.
Specializations: Organization, OrganizationType, PersonType, Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility,
RoleType, Software, System.

Description: The abstract supertype of OperationalActivity and EnduringTask.
Specializations: EnduringTask, OperationalActivity, StandardOperationalActivity.

Description: A set or collection of Measurement(s).
Specializations: Capability, CapabilityConfiguration, Climate, Competence, Condition, Energy,
Environment, ExchangeElement, GeoPoliticalExtentType, LightCondition, LogicalArchitecture, Materiel,
MeasurementSet, MeasureType, Node, Organization, OrganizationType, Performer, PersonType,
PhysicalArchitecture, Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility, RoleType, SecurityAttributesGroup,
SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess, ServiceInterface, Skill, Software, System.

Description: A connector that implements a specific Protocol.
Specializations: ResourceConnector, ResourcePort.

Description: Abstract element placeholder to indicate that resources can be exchanged in Operational and
Systems views.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, Energy, ExchangeElement, GeoPoliticalExtentType,
LogicalArchitecture, Materiel, Node, Organization, OrganizationType, Performer, PersonType,
PhysicalArchitecture, Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility, RoleType, SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess,
Software, System.

Description: Represents the item(s) exchanged between the resources through a ResourceInteraction.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, Energy, ExchangeElement, GeoPoliticalExtentType, Materiel,
Organization, OrganizationType, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture, Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility,
RoleType, ServiceAccess, Software, System.

Description: A principle or condition that governs behavior; a prescribed guide for conduct or action.
Specializations: OperationalConstraint, ResourceConstraint, ServicePolicy.

Description: Abstract grouping used to ServiceFunctions to Serviceoperations and

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56 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Specializations: ServiceMessageHandler, ServiceOperation.

Description: The mechanism by which a Service communicates.
Specializations: Request, Service.

Description: Any element that may be subject to a Forecast.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, Competence, FunctionalStandard, Organization,
OrganizationType, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture, Post, Protocol, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility,
RoleType, ServiceAccess, Skill, Software, Standard, System, TechnicalStandard.

Description: An element of the architecture that may be subject to an OperationalConstraint or
Specializations: EntityItem, ExchangeElement, Mission, Node, OperationalActivity, OperationalExchange,
Performer, SecurityDomain, StandardOperationalActivity.

Description: The element being described by the state machine.
Specializations: Node, Performer, SecurityDomain.

Description: Anything that may be constrained by a ResourceConstraint.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, Command, Control, Energy, EntityItem, ExchangeElement,
Function, GeoPoliticalExtentType, LogicalArchitecture, Materiel, Node, Organization, OrganizationType,
Performer, PersonType, PhysicalArchitecture, Post, ResourceArtifact, ResourceInteraction, Responsibility,
RoleType, SecurityDomain, ServiceAccess, Software, System.

Description: Abstract element used as placeholder for resource properties.
Specializations: CapabilityConfiguration, Organization, OrganizationType, PersonType,
PhysicalArchitecture, Post, ResourceArtifact, Responsibility, RoleType, ServiceAccess, Software, System.

Description: Super type for all UPDM elements. It provides a means of extending UPDM elements in a
common way.
Specializations: all UPDM stereotypes.

3.6 Quicklinks

The MDG Technology for UPDM makes use of Enterprise Architect's Quicklink feature to make it quicker and
easier to create correct and self-consistent UPDM models.
To see an element's Quicklink pointer, select the element. In the following diagram, the Quicklink pointer is
the upwards-pointing arrow off the top-right corner or the element.

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Using UPDM 57

Drag the Quicklink pointer away from the element and release it over empty diagram space; the Quicklink
context menu displays. This context menu shows all the UPDM elements that would commonly be
attached to the element, as in the following diagram.

Selecting the UPDM::Performer | Implements option in the above context menu creates a new Performer
element connected to the Organization element by an Implements relationship.

3.7 Tagged Values

UPDM is an extension of UML. UML is extended by applying stereotypes to elements and these
stereotypes can apply tagged values. The tagged values can provide additional information to that normally
associated with a UML element. Since UPDM makes frequent use of tagged values, it is worthwhile
keeping the Tagged Values window opened and docked at all times.

Synchronizing Tagged Values

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58 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

The list of tagged values owned by an element can get "out of date". Tagged values can be deleted by the
user, or a new version of the UML Profile might define new or modified tagged values for an element type.
Also, you might apply the stereotype using the stereotype combo box which doesn't add tagged values. If
you wish to refresh the list of tagged values for a single element, you can drag and drop the stereotype
from the Toolbox onto the element and choose "Apply". This only works for diagram objects, not
connectors, and it only works for single elements. If you want to refresh the list of tagged values for every
element in your model, choose the command Add-Ins | UPDM | Synchronize Tagged Values.

URL/URI Tagged Value

In the UPDM profile specification, the stereotype UPDMElement, from which all profile elements are
derived, provides a tagged value "URI". In the MDG Technology for UPDM, this tagged value has been
omitted and you are asked to use the standard Enterprise Architect functionality to achieve the same result:
open the Properties dialog for any element, navigate to the Files tab, and enter a web location.

3.8 Model Validation

The MDG Technology for UPDM provides model validation of UPDM models, validating and reporting errors
against more than 130 different rules.

Configure Model Validation

Before validating a model, you should first indicate which rules to validate against. Select the Project |
Model Validation | Configure option from Enterprise Architect's main menu and switch off all of the rules
except for the UPDM ones, as below:

Perform Model Validation

To perform model validation, simply open a diagram or select a package or select a number of elements
and either select the Project | Model Validation | Validate Selected menu option or press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[V].
Validation results are displayed in the Output window, which is opened if it isn't already displayed. To go to
the element that caused a validation error, double-click the error message in the Output window.

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Using UPDM 59

3.8.1 Model Validation Rules

Errors will have an error code similar to "MVRxxnnnn" where "xx" will be "80" by default (if the MDG Technology
for UPDM is the only add-in that you have installed) but could be some other number, and "nnnn" will be a
hexadecimal number from "0001" to "0013" as indicated below.

MVRxx0001 - activity
Error Message: "The action has a missing or invalid activity (Required stereotype: <stereotypeList>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Action elements that they are owned by an Activity
with the required stereotype. In the following table, the first column lists the Action stereotypes and the
second column lists the Activity stereotypes.
FunctionAction Function

OperationalActivityAction OperationalActivity

ServiceFunctionAction ServiceFunction

ProjectActivityAction ProjectActivity

Solution: The solution to this error is to locate the action in the Project Browser, locate an activity with one
of the named stereotypes (or their specializations) or create a new one, and drag the action to the activity.

MVRxx0002 - annotatedElement
Error Message: "The note has an invalid annotated element (Required stereotype: <stereotype>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Note elements that they are attached (with a
NoteLink connector) to an element with the required stereotype. In the following table, the first column lists
the Note stereotypes and the second column lists the annotated element stereotypes.
Alias UPDMElement

ArchitectureMetadata ArchitecturalDescription

Definition UPDMElement

Information UPDMElement

StandardConfiguration CapabilityConfiguration

StereotypeExtension UPDMElement

Solution: The solution to this error is to attach the note to an element with the named stereotype (or one of
its specializations). You can do this by either dragging the opposite end of the NoteLink connector, or by
deleting the NoteLink connector and creating a new one with the quicklinker.

MVRxx0003 - behavior
Error Message: "The action has a missing or invalid behavior (Required stereotype: <stereotype>)"

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60 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped CallBehaviorAction elements that they call a
Behavior with the required stereotype. In the following table, the first column lists the Action stereotypes
and the second column lists the Behavior stereotypes.
FunctionAction Function

OperationalActivityAction OperationalActivity

ServiceFunctionAction ServiceFunction

ProjectActivityAction ProjectActivity

Solution: The solution to this error is to select the action, right-click it and select Advanced | Set Behavioral
Classifier, or press Ctrl+L, and select a behavior element with the named stereotype (or one of its

MVRxx0004 - class
Error Message: "The object does not have a valid owning class (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Property elements (parts or attributes) that they are
owned by a class with the required stereotype. In the following table, the first column lists the Property
stereotypes and the second column lists the Class stereotypes.
ConditionProperty Condition

EnvironmentProperty Environment

Measurement MeasurementSet

NodeRole NodeParent

ProjectMilestoneRole ProjectType

ProblemDomain LogicalArchitecture

ProtocolLayer Protocol

ResourceRole SystemResource

StructuralPart EnterprisePhase

TemporalPart EnterprisePhase

VersionOfConfiguration WholeLifeConfiguration

Solution: The solution to this error is to locate the property in the Project Browser, locate a class with one
of the named stereotypes (or their specializations) or create a new one, and drag the property to the class.

MVRxx0005 - classifier
Error Message: "The object does not have a valid classifier (Permitted value: <stereotype>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped instance elements (objects) that they are
classified by elements with the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the Object
stereotypes and the second column lists the Classifier stereotypes.
ActualLocation LocationType

ActualOrganization Organization

ActualPerson Person

ActualPost Post

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ActualProject ProjectType

ActualProjectMilestone ProjectMilestone

ActualPropertySet PropertySet

FieldedCapability CapabilityConfiguration

GeoPoliticalExtent GeoPoliticalExtentType

Solution: The solution to this error is to select the object, right-click it and select Advanced | Instance
Classifier, or press Ctrl+L, and select a classifier element with the named stereotype (or one of its

MVRxx0006 - client
Error Message: "The relationship does not have a valid client (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Dependency or Realization relationships that their
client (source) elements have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the
relationship stereotypes and the second column lists the client element stereotypes.
ActivityPartOfProject ProjectActivity

ArbitraryConnector ConceptRole

ArchitecturalReference ArchitecturalDescription

DesiredEffect Desirer

Details EntityItem

Exhibits CapableElement

Expose ServiceInterface

FillsPost ActualPerson

Forecast SubjectOfForecast

Implements Function, ResourceInteraction or


IsCapableOfPerforming Node, ServiceInterface or SystemResource

MapsToCapability Activity

MilestoneSequence ActualProjectMilestone

OrganizationalProjectRelationship ActualProject

Overlap UPDMElement

OwnsProcess ActualOrganizationalResource

ProjectSequence ActualProject

ProvidesCompetence CompetenceProvider

RequiresCompetence CompetenceRequirer

SameAs UPDMElement

Trustline Node

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62 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Solution: The solution to this error is to drag the end of the relationship without the arrowhead to a different
element, one with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).

MVRxx0007 - constrainedElement
Error Message: "The constraint has an invalid constrained element (Required stereotype: %s)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Constraint elements that they are attached (by a
NoteLink) to elements with the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the
Constraint stereotypes and the second column lists the constrained element stereotypes.
OperationalConstraint SubjectOfOperationalConstraint

ResourceConstraint SubjectOfResourceConstraint

ServicePolicy ServiceInterface

Solution: The solution to this error is to attach the constraint to an element with the named stereotype (or
one of its specializations). You can do this by either dragging the opposite end of the NoteLink connector,
or by deleting the NoteLink connector and creating a new one with the quicklinker.

MVRxx0008 - endRoles
Error Message: "The relationship does not have a valid end role (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Association or Connector relationships that the
elements at both ends of the relationship have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first
column lists the relationship stereotypes and the second column lists the end element stereotypes.
Needline NodePort or NodeRole

ResourceConnector ResourcePort

ResourceInterface ResourceRole

Solution: The solution to this error is to drag one or both ends of the relationship to different elements with
the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).

MVRxx0009 - endType
Error Message: "The relationship does not have a valid end type (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Connectors that the elements (Objects or Parts) at
both ends of the relationship are typed by the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column
lists the Connector stereotypes and the second column lists the end type stereotypes.
EntityRelationship EntityItem

Solution: The solution to this error is to drag one or both ends of the relationship to different elements
which have types with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).

MVRxx000a - informationSource
Error Message: "The relationship does not have a valid information source (Permitted values:
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped InformationFlow relationships that their source
elements have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the InformationFlow
stereotypes and the second column lists the source element stereotypes.
ActualOrganizationRelationship ActualOrganizationalResource

Command OrganizationalResource

Control OrganizationalResource

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Using UPDM 63

OperationalExchange Node

ResourceInteraction SystemResource

Solution: The solution to this error is to drag the end of the information flow without the arrowhead to a
different element, one with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).

MVRxx000b - informationTarget
Error Message: "The relationship does not have a valid information target (Permitted values:
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped InformationFlow relationships that their target
elements have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the InformationFlow
stereotypes and the second column lists the target element stereotypes.
ActualOrganizationRelationship ActualOrganizationalResource

Command OrganizationalResource

Control ResourceArtifact

OperationalExchange Node

ResourceInteraction SystemResource

Solution: The solution to this error is to drag the end of the information flow with the arrowhead to a
different element, one with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).

MVRxx000c - ownedAttribute
Error Message: "The element has an invalid attribute (Required stereotype: <stereotype>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Class elements that any attributes that they own
have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the Class stereotypes and the
second column lists the attribute stereotypes.
Capability CapabilityProperty

Condition ConditionProperty

EntityItem EntityAttribute

Environment EnvironmentProperty

HighLevelOperationalConcept ConceptRole

ProjectMilestone ProjectTheme

PropertySet Property

ServiceInterface ServiceAttribute

Solution: The solution to this error is to replace the attribute with one with the named stereotype (or one of
its specializations).

MVRxx000d - ownedOperation
Error Message: "The element has an invalid operation (Required stereotype: %s)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Class elements that any operations that they own
have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the Class stereotypes and the
second column lists the operation stereotypes.

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64 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

Node NodeOperation

SystemResource ResourceOperation

Solution: The solution to this error is to replace the operation with one with the named stereotype (or one
of its specializations).

MVRxx000e - ownedParameter
Error Message: "The element has an invalid activity parameter (Required stereotype: %s)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Activity elements that any ActivityParameter
elements that they own have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the
Activity stereotypes and the second column lists the ActivityParameter stereotypes.
Function ResourceParameter

OperationalActivity OperationalParameter

ServiceFunction ServiceParameter

ServiceFeature ServiceParameter

Solution: The solution to this error is to locate the activity parameter in the Project Browser and drag and
drop it to an element with the appropriate stereotype and/or replace the activity parameter in its current
owner with an activity parameter with the named stereotype.

MVRxx000f - ownedPort
Error Message: "The element has an invalid port (Required stereotypes: <stereotypeList>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Class elements that any Ports that they own have
the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the Class stereotypes and the second
column lists the Port stereotypes.
Node NodePort

Participant ServicePort

SystemResource RequestPort

Solution: The solution to this error is to locate the port in the Project Browser and drag and drop it to an
element with the appropriate stereotype and/or replace the port in its current owner with a port with one of
the named stereotypes.

MVRxx0010 - source
Error Message: "The relationship does not have a valid source (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped ActivityEdge connectors that their source elements
have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the ActivityEdge stereotypes and
the second column lists the source element stereotypes.
ServiceFunctionEdge ServiceFunctionAction

Solution: The solution to this error is to drag the end of the relationship without the arrowhead to a different
element, one with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).

MVRxx0011 - supplier
Error Message: "The relationship does not have a valid supplier (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Dependency or Realization relationships that their
supplier (target) elements have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the
relationship stereotypes and the second column lists the supplier element stereotypes.

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ActivityPartOfProject ActualProject

ArbitraryConnector ConceptRole

ArchitecturalReference ArchitecturalDescription

DesiredEffect DesiredState

Details ExchangeElement

Exhibits Capability

Expose Capability

FillsPost ActualPost

Forecast SubjectOfForecast

Implements Function, Node, OperationalActivity,

OperationalExchange or ServiceFunction

IsCapableOfPerforming Function, OperationalActivity or ServiceFunction

MapsToCapability Capability

MilestoneSequence ActualProjectMilestone

OrganizationalProjectRelationship ActualOrganizationalResource

Overlap UPDMElement

OwnsProcess Process

ProjectSequence ActualProject

ProvidesCompetence Competence

RequiresCompetence Competence

SameAs UPDMElement

Trustline Node

Solution: The solution to this error is to drag the end of the relationship with the arrowhead to a different
element, one with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).

MVRxx0012 - target
Error Message: "The relationship does not have a valid target (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped ActivityEdge connectors that their target elements
have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the ActivityEdge stereotypes and
the second column lists the target element stereotypes.
ServiceFunctionEdge ServiceFunctionAction

Solution: The solution to this error is to drag the end of the relationship with the arrowhead to a different
element, one with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).

MVRxx0013 - type
Error Message: "The object does not have a valid type (Permitted value: <stereotype>)"
Description: This validation rule checks for stereotyped Property elements (parts or attributes) that their
type elements have the required stereotypes. In the following table, the first column lists the Property

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66 MDG Technology for UPDM User Guide

stereotypes and the second column lists the type element stereotypes.
CapabilityProperty Capability

ConceptRole ConceptItem

EnvironmentProperty ConditionType

KnownResource SystemResource

NodePort OperationalExchangeItem

NodeRole Node

OperationalParameter OperationalExchangeItem

ProblemDomain Node

ProjectMilestoneRole ProjectMilestone

ProjectTheme StatusIndicators

ProtocolLayer Protocol

ResourceParameter ResourceInteractionItem

ResourcePort ResourceInteractionItem

ResourceRole SystemResource

ServiceParameter Resource

ServicePort ServiceInterface

StructuralPart EnterprisePhase

TemporalPart EnterprisePhase

VersionOfConfiguration SystemResource

Solution: The solution to this error for parts is to select the part, right-click it and select Advanced | Set
Property Type, or press Ctrl+L, and select a type element with the named stereotype (or one of its
specializations). The solution to this error for attributes is to open the Properties dialog for the attribute
and select a type element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations) in the appropriate data

3.9 Relationship Matrix

The Relationship Matrix is a spreadsheet display of relationships between model elements within packages.
You select a source package and a target package, the relationship type and direction, and Enterprise
Architect identifies all the relationships between source and target elements by highlighting a grid square
and displaying an arrow indicating the direction of the relationship.
The Relationship Matrix is a convenient method of visualizing relationships quickly and definitively. It also
enables you to create, modify and delete relationships between elements with a single mouse click -
another quick way to set up complex sets of element relationships with a minimum of effort.
To open the Relationship Matrix you select View | Relationship Matrix from the Enterprise Architect main
Setting up a Relationship Matrix

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You define the information that is shown in a relationship matrix by filling in the following fields:
Source and Target. Click the ellipsis (...) buttons next to either the Source or Target to choose a
root package for the rows or columns respectively. This will limit the elements shown to only
those in the chosen sub-tree.
Type. Choose the type of element shown in the rows and columns. Note that you can choose
<All> to show all elements in the chosen sub-tree.
Link Type. Choose the type of relationship shown in the matrix.
Direction. Choose the direction of relationship shown.

Saving a Relationship Matrix

Once you have a matrix configuration you are happy with and want to keep, you can save it by clicking the
Options button and choosing the Profiles | Save as New Profile command. You can then reload the saved
profile at any time by selecting it in the Profile listbox, or by creating a hyperlink to it. To create a hyperlink to
a saved matrix profile, drop a hyperlink element onto a diagram and open its Properties dialog. Set the
Hyperlink Type to Matrix and choose the required matrix profile from the list that pops up.

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3.10 Model Views

The Model Views window displays a variety of different views on the model data, providing an alternative to
the Project Browser. The MDG Technology for UPDM uses this window as a quick and easy method of
locating all of your diagrams in the current model.

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To open the Model Views window, select the View | Model Views menu option. Once you locate the
required diagram, double-click on it to open it.
Note: This functionality is not available with OpenEdge repositories.

3.11 UPDM Framework Diagram

When developing and distributing a model, it is useful to have a single front page diagram which has
hyperlinks to all the important information in the model. That is the aim of the UPDM Framework Diagram. It
is created with color-coded swimlanes for each set of views, and you may drag and drop Packages (which
act as hyperlinks to the documents that they own), Document Artifacts, Hyperlinks pointing to custom SQL
queries, relationship matrix profiles, or external files, or any kind of composite element that points to its child
To create a UPDM Framework Diagram, click the New Model from Pattern button in the Project Browser
toolbox. You will have the choice of DoDAF or MODAF framework.

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Editing Swimlanes
You can add, remove and modify the swimlanes on the framework diagram. From the Enterprise Architect
main menu, select Diagram | Swimlanes and Matrix. Click the Help button for assistance in using this
To change the width of swimlanes, use the mouse to drag their boundaries.
Changing Appearances
Each package, document and hyperlink on the framework diagram has an alternate image. To load these
images into your model, from the main menu use the command Extensions | UPDM | Import UPDM
Images. If you wish to apply your own bitmap image to these elements, you will first need to import your
own images into the model using the Settings | Images command. Then you can either select the element
and press Ctrl+Shift+W to add an alternate image to the element, or you can apply your own stereotype to
apply a shape script to the element. For example, you might define a stereotype with the following shape
shape main

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3.12 Glossary

The MDG Technology for UPDM add-in allows you to import descriptions of all UPDM stereotypes into EA's
Glossary. This gives you a quick reference to the meaning of each stereotype, and lists the views that the
stereotype may appear in and, for abstract stereotypes, lists the concrete stereotypes that inherit from the
abstract stereotype.

Import Glossary
The Glossary definitions will need to be imported into each model individually. To do this, use the Add-Ins |
UPDM | Import UPDM Glossary command from EA's main menu.

Viewing the Glossary

There are a number of ways to view the Glossary.
1. From EA's main menu, use the View | More Project Tools | Project Information command to
open the Project Information docked window and click on the Glossary tab.
2. From EA's main menu, use the Project | Documentation | Glossary command to open the
Glossary dialog.
3. From any Rich Text Format (RTF) notes field, click on any automatic Glossary hyperlink.
These will be underlined and colored blue.

3.13 Using Enterprise Architect Elements

Creating an instance from a class
UPDM has Classifier/Instance pairs where the classifier describes a class of elements and the instance
represents a single member of that class. The Classifier/Instance pairs in UPDM are: GeoPoliticalExtent/
GeoPoliticalExtentType, LocationType/ActualLocation, MeasurementSet/ActualProperytSet, Organization/

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ActualOrganization, Person/ActualPerson, Post/ActualPost, ProjectType/ActualProject, ProjectMilestone/

ActualProjectMilestone, and CapabilityConfiguration/FieldedCapability.
If you have an element that is the classifier part of one of the above Classifier/Instance pairs, there are two
main approaches to creating the instance: you can create the instance first and then set its classifier, or
you can create the instance from the classifier. How to do that is described below:
1. Setting classifier of an instance. To set the classifier for an existing instance element, locate the
instance element in a diagram, select it by clicking it once, and then either press Ctrl+L or right-
click it and select the Advanced | Instance Classifier command. The same command sets the
type of a port or part.
2. Creating an instance from a classifier. To create an instance from an existing classifier element,
locate the classifier element in the Project Browser window and, while holding down the Ctrl key,
drag it onto a diagram. When the Paste Element dialog appears, select the "Paste as Instance of
Element" option. An anonymous instance will be created with the appropriate stereotype. You can
select the instance and press F2 to give it a name.

Setting run state of an object

Where a classifier may own a set of attributes, an instance of that classifier may own a slot for each
attribute. The set of assigned values for these slots is known as the run state. You can set the run state of
an object by right-clicking it on a diagram and selecting the Advanced | Set Run State command or
pressing Ctrl+Shift+R.
Note that some stereotypes are defined by UPDM as extending the Slot metaclass. Each run state attribute
represents a Slot, but it is not possible to stereotype Slots in EA so you won't find UPDM's slot-extending
stereotypes in EA's implementation. UPDM Stereotypes that extend Slot are: ActualMeasurement,
ActualOrganizationRole, ActualProjectMilestoneRole, ActualProperty, ProjectStatus and ServiceLevelValue.

Some stereotypes in UPDM have been defined as extending the UML Property metaclass. This gives you
the choice of a number of different representations for these elements in your model. If you drag one of the
properties from the Toolbox onto a classifier element on a diagram, you will be given the choice of creating
an attribute, a part, or a port. These are all different representation of the UML Property metaclass, and
which one you choose depends on what rendering of the property you want to see in your model.
Another representation of the UML Property metaclass is the association end. To apply one of UPDM's
Property stereotypes to an association end, open the association's properties dialog by double-clicking it,
go to either the Source Role or Target Role tab, click the "..." button next to the Stereotype field, select
UPDM from the Profile field on the Stereotype for Association dialog, and choose all stereotypes that
Stereotypes that extend Property are: CapabilityProperty, ConceptRole, ConditionProperty, EntityAttribute,
EnvironmentProperty, KnownResource, Measurement, NodeRole, ProblemDomain, ProjectMilestoneRole,
ProjectTheme, Property, ProtocolLayer, ResourceRole, ServiceAttribute, StructuralPart, TemporalPart,

3.14 Example Model

To open the UPDM Example Model, use the command Add-Ins | UPDM | Open Example Model from
Enterprise Architect's main menu. The example shows the common civilian maritime search and rescue
operation scenario of a yacht in distress. It is based on the Search and Rescue (SAR) example given in the
UPDM specification document which was designed to illustrate how UPDM can support DoDAF and
MODAF, providing a model that illustrates a sample of DoDAF and MODAF views addressing a given
typical problem space.
Framework Diagram

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On opening the Example Model, you will be presented with the model's default diagram which is a UPDM
Framework Diagram. This diagram has colored swimlanes for each of All Views (AV), Strategic View (StV),
Operational View (OV), Service Oriented View (SOV), Systems View (SV) and Acquisition View (AcV). In
each swimlane are elements that act as hyperlinks to individual views. You may double-click on each
element to go to its view. The elements represent the following:
Most of the views are diagram hyperlinks and double-clicking one will open the linked diagram.
Some of the views, for example "AV-1 Overview and Summary Information", are document artifact
elements and double-clicking one will open the document in EA's document editor.
Some of the views, for example the StV-5 and SOV-3 elements, are hyperlinks to Relationship
Matrix profiles and double-clicking one will open the Relationship Matrix.
Some of the views, for example the OV-3 element, are hyperlinks to custom SQL queries and
double-clicking one will execute the query and present the results in a tabular form.

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Rules 59

Index Validation
Model Views
Model Wizard 20

-A- -Q-
Managing 17 Quicklinks
Create UPDM Connectors 56
Create UPDM Elements 56
Diagram Types 22 -R-
Relationship Matrix 66
Enterprise Architect Elements
Using 71
Example Model 72 Support 12
System Requirements 12

-F- -T-
Framework 69
Tagged Values
Synchronizing 57
-G- URI Tagged Value 57
Getting Started 15
Enabling and Disabling 17
Glossary 71
Toolbox Pages 22

-M- -U-
MDG Technology for UPDM
UPDM Reference
Acknowledgement Of Trademarks 12
Abstract Stereotypes 53
Copyright Notice 7
Stereotypes 24
Diagram Types 22
Getting Started 15
License Agreement
Menu 19
8 -W-
Model Wizard 20 Wizard, Model 20
Support 12
System Requirements 12
Toolbox Pages 22
Using UPDM 17
Welcome 7
Menu 19
Model Validation
Configuration 58

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Endnotes 2... (after index)

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