Steam Jet Ejectors: by B. H. Chandler
Steam Jet Ejectors: by B. H. Chandler
Steam Jet Ejectors: by B. H. Chandler
. -
under which the ejector is to operate and. the required capacity is knoxvn,
then a suitable unit can he supplieci.
Because of its conlp~rrativelylight \\,eight, an ejector unit may be
easily niounted in the most effective position, which is close to the head
of the condenser. Tllis dvoids the pressure loss caused by a long length,
of pipe.
Exhaust steani could either be blown through the roof to atmosphere
or, if steanl economy is required, eshaustecl to the low pressure main
for use in the boiling Irouse. Should the latter course be consiclered
undesirable and exhaust steam would l)e a nuisance, it could be con-
densed in an after-condenser and run into the cooling water system.
oprating at rated steam flow and pressure. If the steam flow be altered
by changing the steam pressure or steam nozzle size, then the discharge
pressure is similarly altered. However, the capacity remains essentially
the same. Consequently, once an ejector has been installed its maximum
capacity is practically invariable, unless the inlet pressure is raised.
Therefore, in selecting an ejector for a particular purpose, it is important
that the minimum inlet pressure at which it is required to operate be
known and also the n~aximumload it is likely to carq- at that pressure.
For a range of ejectors all operating at their rated capacities and steam
flows, it is found that for particular conditions of steam pressure and
inlet pressure, the steam flow vanes directly as the capacity.
An ejector operates neither on a weight nor on a ~yolumebasis, but
somewhere in between them. Generally, however, the capacity of an
ejector is expressed in terms of pounds per hour of dry air and correction
factors are applied to determine its capacity when l~andlinggases or air
vapour mixtures of different molecular weights.
Table I shows the correction factors to be applied to air : water
vapour mixtures. For example, the correction factor for an air vapour
mixture (A.V.M.) containing 76 per cent. air by weight is 1.07, i.e., an
ejector which can handle 100 lb. per hour of dry air can handle only 100
divided by 1.07, that is, 93.4 Ib, per hour of an ,%.T'.M. containing 76 per
cent. air by weight. \Then an ejector is used to remove non-condensables
from a barometric condenser head, it is assumed that the air entering
the ejector is saturated with vapour at the ejector inlet pressure and
a t the temperature of the injection water. Consecluently, using tables or
graphs and knowing the temperature of the inlet air, it is possible to
determine the percentage of air in the mixture. The vapour correction.
factor can then be found from Table I.
/ Air
per cent.
1 0 i 2 /
6 '
l_________I-v, 8
or two stage ejector unit is required in a sugar mill, as the figure of 3 in.
Hg. abs. is a t or about tlie operating pressure of pans and evaporators.
As single-stage, single-element ejectors are the simplest, their per-
formance and features will be used as a basis for comparison with other
units. Although there is no general formula which can express the
performance of ejectors, the following expression has been derived from
performance figures and covers tlie range of conditions normally experi-
enced in sugar millb. It applies to single stage ejectors only:
609U - - -1- - - 5 -1r,'j
(Ps--52)' (Pi-1.95) Pv-1.95
Where S - steam consumption in lb. per hr.
il =- ejector capacity in 117. per hr. of dry air.
PS == difterencr- betwen steam inlet and exhaust pressures in
p.s.i.g. (in general mithout after-condensers this is equal to
operating steam pressure in. p.s.i.g.).
N -
PC -= inlet pressure in in. Rg. abs.
constant for particular values of PS only.
ATvaries from 0.5 to 2 for values of Pc varying from SO-125
This formula is vLulidonly for thc following conditions and is then correct
to about 5 per cent. : -
P'alues of PV bet~rern3 in. and G in. Hg. abs.
Values of PSbetween 80 and l25 p.s.i.g.
This formula is purely en~pi~ical, and has little relation to other operating
conditions, or to multi-stage wits. In fact we are unable liere to produce
any type of equation 1~11ichcoulcl forecast the performance of two stage
ejectors. However, it may be statecl that the steam requirement of a
txvo stage ejector unit cnmpletc with inter-condenser is about one-half
to one-third of that of a single stage ejector of equivalent capacity.
On the other bancl, its capital cost is higher than that of a single stage unit.
The follot\-inc practical examples of ejector selection will indicate
average units which I\-oulcl be necessary in a typical sugar mill. The
figures used for the c,tpacities arca based on those given in the following
Selection of a Vacuum Pan Ejector Unit
The following conclitions arcaassumed :-
blinimum operating steam pressure .. . . 80 p.s.i.g
&Iaximumback preasurt7 . . .. .. .. l p.s.i.g.
bllnimum prcsssnr-cin condenser head . . . . 3 in. Hg. abs.
T701umeof condenser injection water . . . . 3000 lb. per min.
Temperature of condenser injection water . . 90" F.
TTolumeof vacuum pan . . . . . . .. 100Ocu.ft.
(i) Single stage t y c t o u . ---The ejector is assumed t o be required to
handle air equal to 13 per cent. of the volume of injection water,
measured at atmosplleric pressure, plus associated water vapour.
Volume of air at atmc~sphericpressure--
From tables, air saturated at 3.0 in. Hg. abs. and at 90' F. contains
0.57 lb. of water per lb. of air, and the mixture contains 64 per cent. air
by weight. Therefore the total load to be handled
= 32.5 + 32.5 X 0.57
= 51 lb. per hour A.V.M.
From ~ a b @ I the required ejector capacity in terms of equivalent
dry air is 51 x 1.11, i.e., 57.6 lb. per hr. A single stage ejector having
this capacity would require approximately 750 lb. per hour of steam,
would be about 4 ft. in length and would weigh about 300 lb. Its
pump out time for an air-tight vessel of 1,000 cu. ft. volume would be
about 19 minutes, and its initial cost about one-quarter of that of an
equivalent vacuum pump, I t would appear that a "hogging" ejector
would be an advantage in this case in order to reduce the pump out time.
(ii) Two stage ejector with inter-condenser.-Using the same required
capacity and conditions as in (i), a two stage ejector with inter-condenser
would require about 300 lb. per hour of steam, and about 15 gal. per
min. cooling water.
Selection of an Evaporator Ejector
The following conditions are assumed:-
Minimum operating steam pressure .. .. 80 p.s.i.g.
Maximum back pressure . . . . . . . . 1 p.s.i.g.
Minimum pressure in condenser head . . .. 3 in. Hg. abs.
Volume of condenser injection water .. .. 20,000 lb. per min-
Maximum temperature of condenser injection
water . . .. .. . . . . . . 90" F.
(i) Single stage ejector.-The ejector is assumed to be required t o
handle air equal to 15 per cent. of the volume of injection water at
atmospheric pressure, plus associated water vapour.
Volume of air at atmos~hericDresure
From tables, the air contains 0.57 lb. of water per lb. of air and
the A.V.M. contains 64 per cent. air by weight. The vapour correction
factor from Table I is 1.11.
.'.required capacity = 50 X 1.11 c.f.m.
= 392 lb. per hour.
A single stage ejector installation would be a twin element unit,.
having a total steam consumption of about 5,000 lb. per hour, and a.
pump-out time for an air-tight vessel of 1,000 cu. ft. vdume of abaut
10 minutes. Each element would be about B ft. in length and each
would weigh about 500 lb.
(ii) Two Stage ejector.-A two stage ejector of the same capacity as.
that above, and complete with inter-condenser, would require about
1,800 lb. per hour of steam, and about 70 gal. per min. of cooling water,
It can be seen that a two stage ejector installation serving an
evaporator, would, in a mill crushing at the rate of 100 t.p.h., use less
than 2 per cent. of the total steam output of the mill.
A comparison of costs of ejector units of equivalent capacity is
given in Table II, in which a single stage, single element ejector has
unit cost. Previously it has been stated that a two stage ejector unit,
complete with inter- and after-condensers, would cost approximately
50 per cent. of a bare vacuum pump of equivalent capacity. This, in
conjunction with Table 11, will be a guide to the relative 60sts of ejectors
and vacuum pumps.
, -p--- -
Type of ejector unit
-- --
-- - --
Unit ill
l i
TABLE Ill.-Suggested air loads for steam jet ejectors-lb. per hr.
Required capacity (AVM) = air load +
associated vapour load. ' '
l _ _ _ l l _ _ - l
:P 4 o r more 1 10
13 4 18:: 2 24 34 ::
45 69 110
1 Double 2
liquor in the vessel being evacuated. The latter are generally assumed
to be negligible and leakage and dissolved air in injection water taken
as the basis of the required capacity.
Table I11 gives capacities which have been found to be satisfactory
in overseas injector installations. I t is based principally on the air
released from injection water, but also allo\vs for the leakage wllic'tl
would occur in a vessel which is well maintained.
Leakage Test .
The following test rnay be carried out to determine leakage into any
vessel, and is based on the fact that leakage continues at a constant rate
when the pressure within the vessel is less than about 15 in. Hg. abs.,
and atmospheric pressure exists outside it :-.--
The vessel is evacuated to about 4 in. Hg. abs.
The pump is stopped and the connecting valve between it and the
vessel closed.
The time for the pressure to rise by any given amount is observed
(provided the pressure in the vessel does not rise above 15 in. Hg.
Leakage is calculated using the formula:-
L = 0.15 X V X P -.
where L .= leakage rate (lb. per hr.).
5' == volume of vessel (cu. ft.).
T = time in minutes for pressure to rise by P inches
of Hg.
An average figure commonly used for determining the quantity of
air released from injection water is 1.2 lb. per hour of air per 101) g.p.m.
of injection water. However, this depends on local conditions, par-
ticularly the injection water temperature and the degree of aeration of
the water.
In Australia, the steam jet ejector is not, as yet, widely used;
mainly it is believed because of lack of information about it, and perhaps
because of a natural hesitancy to use it in the face of already proven
alternative equipment,
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