Software Report Format
Software Report Format
Software Report Format
1. Cover Page
2. Inner Pages
a) Certificate by Company/Industry/Institute
b) Declaration by student
c) Acknowledgement
3. About Company/Industry/Institute
4. Table of Contents
5. List of Tables
6. List of Figures
7. Abbreviations and Nomenclature (If any)
8. Chapters
1 Introduction and detail of software used
2 Snapshot of tool
9. References
10. Data Sheet(If any)
11. Appendices ( If any)
For internal viva file will be in spiral binding so that suggested changes can
be incorporated and for external viva training report shall be hard bound
with cover page in Black color. The name of the students, degree, duration
of training period, name of the university including institute name shall be
printed in Golden letters on the cover page.
Students have to bring soft copy of report, project, ppt in CD attached at the
back of report.
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Submitted By (14 size)
Name: ______________________
University Roll No.____________
I hereby declare that the Industrial Training Report entitled ("Title of the project") is an
authentic record of my own work as requirements of 6- months Industrial Training during
the period from _______ to_______ for the award of degree of B.Tech. ( Information
Technology, college name under the guidance of (Name of Project Guide).
(12 size)
(Signature of student)
(Name of Student)
(University Roll No.)
Date: ____________________
Certified that the above statement made by the student is correct to the best of our
knowledge and belief.
Examined by:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Head of Department
(Signature and Seal)
(16 Times New Roman, bold)