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Heaneys Belief Matrix

Curriculum Instructional Strategies Classroom Management

All lessons should be Teacher Centered: Direct Interactionalist Perspective
aligned to Common Core Instruction keeps the Students need to be able to
State Standards or Wyoming students most engaged in the make good decisions, and
State Standards where CCSS learning because they are learn how to make those
do not apply practicing how to do decisions for themselves, but
Lesson plans should be something with the help of a teacher
planned according to Wiggins Student Centered: when needed
and McTighes Backward Cooperative Learning is Rules and procedures are
Design Model beneficial because it allows vital to successful classroom
students to work together management
and learn from each other
Differentiation and Assessment Technology
Expectations Formative and summative Proficient in computer skills
All students should be held are both important because and programs on Mac and PC
to high standards and they respectively show what such as Word, SMART
expectations a student is currently Notebook, and some aspects
Differentiation can and learning, and show what a of Excel. Also proficient in
should take place where it is student has already learned. online programs such as
needed, but it should not They both promote thinking. Canvas and Office Outlook
cause the teacher to lower 5 important characteristics: I use SMART Notebook
standards or provide the Assesses student knowledge, every day in my classroom,
student with a less than assesses student ability, is and I have also used
complete education valid and reliable, is the same Tumblebooks to support
for all students except where student learning
it must be differentiated,
authentic when possible
School as a Community Parent Involvement Personal Strengths
Teachers need to be in Parent involvement at I dress, speak, and act
communication and home greatly and positively professionally
collaboration with each other affects a students learning I care about the students
Parent involvement is Parent involvement in the and giving them a quality
highly important and classroom provides another education
valuable set of adult hands, and allows I am a good team player
Students should feel safe the parent to play a direct I am a leader
with each other, and need to part in his/her childs I have experience working
know that their voices are education with ELL learners
heard by each other, by the I have attended
teacher, and by the school. development trainings on
School is a safe place where Technology, Classroom
we learn together Management, Brain-based
Classroom meetings learning, and Professional
Learning Communities

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