Flower Shop Lesson Plan

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan

Name: Kelly Delisio Lesson Title: Flower Shop

Date: 28 March 2017 Grade Level: Preschool
Two Standards/Guidelines:
Domain: Approaches Toward Learning Strand: Creativity Topic: Innovation and Invention Standard Statement: Use imagination and creativity to interact with
objects and materials

Domain: Physical Well-Being and Motor Development Strand: Motor Development Topic: Small Muscle Standard Statement: Coordinate the use of hands,
fingers, and wrists to manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Prior to the lesson, the students have been exposed to the topic of flowers. For an introductory lesson on the topic, I
assessed what they children already knew about flowers. I also passed out real flowers for the children to manipulate and observe. Together the children and I
created a list of observations, including what the children smelled, saw, and felt when exploring their flowers.

Instructional Objectives (1-2) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

Two Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Objective(s): The student will be to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and Flower
able to... skill?) Florist
Order form
I will observe, take pictures, and take anecdotal notes as Bouquet
1. The student will be able to the children take on different roles and manipulate the
take on various roles by materials. Procedural steps:
filling out forms and I will begin by asking the children what they can remember
arranging flowers (cashier, learning so far about flowers. Together we will also brainstorm
florist, etc.) Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile what flowers can be used for (gifts, bouquets, etc.). I will then
your evidence into a class or group view? This is not how to ask the children what they can tell me about flower shops
2. The student will be able to display childrens work) (what you can see there, what types of people work there,
grasp and arrange flowers etc.). Once the children have had an opportunity to answer
I will create a whole-group checklist to determine whether and we have a chance to discuss, I will present to them the
or not they were able to meet the objectives. materials (pretend flowers, tissue paper, ribbons, order forms,
One Assessed Developmental etc.). (5 minutes)
Skill: (Social, Emotional, Physical, Checklist:
Language, or Cognitive) Did the child take on various roles? The children will have the opportunity to take flower orders,
Did the child use their hands to explore the various create bouquets, arrange flowers, and whatever else they can
Physical materials? think of that may take place in a flower shop. The teachers
Did the child pick up and arrange the flowers? will help the students to fill out the order forms and create the
bouquets/arrangements. (10-15 minutes)

Safety Considerations: Analysis: (What have you learned about your students? Once the children have had the chance to explore the
Ensure that the students do not eat How will this inform future instruction?) different materials and take on the various roles, we will
any of the flowers and do not throw gather again as a whole group. I will ask the children to recall
the materials. To begin the lesson, the students and I briefly discussed what they did with the materials. The children will also have
what we did in the prior lessons. It had been a few the chance to show their classmates their bouquets and order
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Plan

weeks since the previous lesson, so the students needed forms. They will then place their work in their cubbies and the
a quick review of the material that we covered in materials will be put away. (5-7 minutes)
regards to the parts of the flower. Then, I introduced the
days lesson by asking the students if they had ever Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on
been to a flower shop, or knew of what occurs inside a materials.)
flower shop. The students were unfamiliar with the idea
of flower shops and florists, so we had a discussion Variety of flowers
Order forms
about what happens inside of a flower shop and what Ribbons
the job of a florist entails. I then presented the students Tissue paper
with the large pile of flowers and the other materials
that would be used to make the bouquets. The children Adult Roles:
then had the opportunity to pick out their flowers and Prior to the lesson I will gather the necessary materials. As
the children are able to play with the materials, the adults will
materials and make the bouquets. The students were encourage the children to take on a variety of roles, including
able to pick out the flowers and manipulate the tissue the customer, cashier, and florist. The adults will also help the
paper, yet needed support from the teachers to properly children create their flower arrangements and will tie the
wrap the tissue around the flowers and tie the bouquet ribbons for the children if needed. I will observe, take
with the ribbon. Some of the students also grasped the pictures, and take anecdotal notes as the children explore the
idea of the order forms and asked each other if they
would like to order and flowers and talked about
possible costs. However, some students just used the
order forms to scribble on. Overall, it seemed that all of
the students enjoyed arranging the flowers, and some
continued to create more bouquets even after the lesson
was over.
In addition, this lesson allowed me to see that
many of the students have developed their small motor
skills, as they were able to grasp and arrange the
flowers to make their bouquets. This lesson also further
showed me the interest that the students have for
dramatic play. The students frequently play in the home
center and pretend to be families. This lesson provided
the students with more roles and situations for their
dramatic play. Lastly, this lesson taught me that the
students do not have much background knowledge on
the uses of flowers, as they were unfamiliar with idea
of giving flowers as gifts. If I were to implement more
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Plan

lessons on the topic of flowers with the students, I

would create lessons that expanded more on the many
uses for flowers. In conclusion, I enjoyed implementing
my lessons with the students of Classroom A and I feel
as if they were able to learn valuable information
throughout the mini-investigation.

Resources & Reference:

White, J. Flower Shop Dramatic Play Center. Play To Learn Preschool. Retrieved from: http://playtolearnpreschool.us/flower-shop-dramatic-play/

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