Appendix 74 - Instructions - IIRUP
Appendix 74 - Instructions - IIRUP
Appendix 74 - Instructions - IIRUP
A. The IIRUP is a report prepared by the Supply and/or Property Unit as basis to record
dropping from the books the unserviceable properties carried in the PPE accounts.
C. In cases where technical knowledge is needed for the determination of the true condition or
actual current value of the property to be inspected, a Technical Inspector with the required
knowledge and training shall inspect the same.
D. Certain property, due to its very nature, becomes worthless as a whole, but certain parts of
motor vehicles or of some equipment with brass ornaments, buckles, etc., which possess intrinsic
value in themselves or which may be useful in making repairs to other equipment. In such cases,
and wherever practicable, the valuable part or parts of the article or equipment shall be separated
from the worthless part/s for proper accounting by the Accountable Officer at their appraised
valuation or for proper disposition under Sections 79 of P.D. No. 1445.
E. When the property is sold, the record of sales shall be accomplished. The Inventory and
Inspection Report of Unserviceable Property shall be submitted to the Accounting Division/Unit
after the disposal is completed.
F. The original copy of the report shall be the basis for adjusting the accounts affected by means
of a JEV.
G. Request for Inspection shall be as follows:
I HEREBY request inspection and disposition, pursuant to Section 79 of P.D. No. 1445,
of the property enumerated above.
I CERTIFY that I have inspected each and every article enumerated in this
report, and that the disposition made thereof was, in my judgment, the best for the
public interest.
I. This report shall be prepared in three (3) copies and submitted by the Accountable Officer to
the following:
Origina Accounting Division/Unit
Copy 2 Supply and/or Property Custodian's file
Copy 3 COA, TSO, for inspection of PPE that requires evaluation by experts