Parking Eye Generic Nonsense Evidence

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Section A

Evidence Checklist
Verification code 6

Vehicle Registration Mark

Please put a splitter page between each section

Evidence Tick No of
Sent Pages
A Evidence checklist 1
B Case summary and rules/conditions 2
C Parking charge notice and any notes 3
D Registered keeper details and liability trail 2
E Original representations and notice of rejection 22
F Images, plans etc 40
G Other evidence 1

Amount of the full 100.00 Amount received 0.00

parking charge and retained (if any)

I confirm that the Appellant has been

sent copies of all evidence in accordance
with current POPLA requirements 19/04/2017

Number of pages 80
Including this one and all dividers
Section B

Case Summary

Copy of any Terms/Conditions

Case Detail
Site Welcome Break Charnock Richard-Chorley (North), PR7 5LR
Type ANPR monitored and enforced

Vehicle Colour

Time Paid For 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds

Payment Options Payment Kiosk terminals & PayByPhone
Number of Paid Parking 5

21/12/2016 Date of event
System check/manual check identified breach of terms and conditions, prior to DVLA request
26/12/2016 Request queued to DVLA for keeper details
28/12/2016 DVLA response received - Success (
28/12/2016 Parking Charge Letter Issued - Letter1 - Ltr01-116
27/01/2017 Email response sent to the motorist advising that ParkingEye have received their
appeal and they will receive a response within 28 days.
07/02/2017 Website appeal processed, please see section E
Check undertaken to locate vehicle registration on paid parking system
(Evidence G)
07/02/2017 Letter sent to motorist advising charge has been placed on hold whilst we are
looking into the appeal further.
16/02/2017 Letter sent to motorist advising that in order to park beyond the initial free stay
period, payment for additional parking time must be made inside at the site as
per the regulations on the signage.
16/02/2017 Email response sent to the motorist advising that ParkingEye have received their
appeal and they will receive a response within 28 days.
22/02/2017 Website appeal processed, please see section E
22/02/2017 Letter sent to motorist advising charge has been placed on hold whilst we are
looking into the appeal further.
28/02/2017 Letter sent to motorist advising appeal unsuccessful as no parking was purchased
on the date of the event POPLA reference and details provided.

Rules and Conditions

This site is a 2 hour free stay car park, after this time parking tariffs apply as clearly stated on the signage
(enclosed). There are 40 signs, placed at the entrance, exit and throughout the site.

The facility to pay by phone is also available at this site on the provision of the vehicle registration and payment
card detail.

Evidence G
System generated print out showing that the motorists vehicle registration number does not appear in our
systems on the date of the event.
Please find enclosed a witness statement signed on behalf of the landowner showing that on the date of the
parking event ParkingEye had authority to issue and pursue a Parking Charge to this vehicle.

ParkingEye can confirm that the above site is on private land, is not council owned and that we have written
authority to operate and issue Parking Charge Notices at this site from the landowner (or landowners agent).
It must also be noted that any person who makes a contract in his own name without disclosing the existence
of a principal, or who, though disclosing the fact that he is acting as an agent on behalf of a principal, renders
himself personally liable on the contract, is entitled to enforce it against the other contracting party. (Fairlie v
Fenton (1870) LR 5 Exch 169). It follows that a lawful contract between ParkingEye and the motorist will be
enforceable by ParkingEye as a party to that contract.

Further Information

Grace period
ParkingEye operates a grace period on all sites which gives the motorist time to enter a car park, park, and
establish whether or not they wish to be bound by the terms and conditions of parking.

There is a sufficient grace period in place at this site which is fully compliant with the BPA code of practice. All
grace periods in place are a minimum of 10 minutes or more in line with the BPA Code of Practice.

ParkingEye ensures that all its signage is clear, ample, and in keeping with the British Parking Association (BPA)

The signage at this site demonstrates adequate colour contrast between the text and the backgrounds advised
in the BPA Code of Practice, you will note the colour contrast at this site is black text on yellow background.
There is sufficient ambient lighting on site and we have highlighted some of the lighting poles within the
images. (Enclosed)

There are also signs at the entrance to the car park which adjoin an illuminated public road and so we can
confirm that there is sufficient ambient lighting at this site.

As the images show, the vehicle had its headlights on. This would have rendered the signs in the car park, of
which there are many, visible. (We enclose images of the signage in situ in the car park. (We also include a
signage plan to demonstrate the prevalence of the signs).

Initially, ParkingEye would like to state that we are a leading user of ANPR Technology. We ensure that our
cameras, technology and processes are of the highest quality, and have built up this expertise with almost 10
years of experience of using ANPR cameras. We ensure that we use the best cameras, and that these are
expertly configured.
We have also developed a robust process for handling the data and ensuring the accuracy of the system.
ParkingEye is regularly required to provide data taken from these ANPR cameras for Police investigations.
Once ParkingEye has installed the cameras, signage and other technology at a site, we will test the system
extensively before Parking Charges are issued on site. This involves allowing the site to function normally
without Parking Charges being issued, to ensure that the system is functioning correctly.
The British Parking Association Code of Practice contains guidelines for the use of ANPR cameras at Section 21.
We comply fully with this;
21.1 ParkingEye uses ANPR cameras in a reasonable, consistent and transparent manner. All signage contains
the universally recognised symbol for the use of these cameras, and it is made clear that ANPR technology is in
use on site.
21.2 All data undergoes a multiple stage checking process, undertaken by trained ParkingEye staff to ensure
that Parking Charges are issued correctly.
21.3 All ANPR equipment is monitored and kept in good working order. A central team of trained Technical
Support Engineers proactively monitor the performance of all systems to ensure the accuracy of data collected.
Automated monitoring and alerting ensure potential issues are highlighted and dealt with quickly along with
data management routines to ensure affected data does not result in a Parking Charge being issued. Dedicated
mobile engineers respond to physical faults which require on-site resolution with testing periods to ensure
equipment is configured and working to our high standards. Equipment is selected and deployed to ensure a
reliable and robust solution which performs consistently and accurately.
Physical and logical access to data is restricted and processed securely. Full auditing of user access and actions
ensures clear and full accountability. Dedicated server facilities are protected by named user access control
ParkingEye has passed the relevant and most recent BPA audit.
21.4 ParkingEye complies with all of the relevant guidelines including those set out by the ICO, DVLA and CO.
21.5 The Notices to Keeper comply with Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.
ParkingEyes Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras and software are fully compliant with the
British Parking Association Code of Practice. We ensure that the cameras are checked regularly by both
automated routines and Technical Support Engineers to ensure that they are in good working order, and
that they are producing accurate data. We have passed both our British Parking Association and DVLA audits
and follow all DVLA requirements concerning the data that we obtain.
Images recorded by the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) systems are time-stamped at source. The
ANPR servers use NTP to regularly verify the accuracy of the local time clock with any adjustments being logged
thus ensuring that all images are captured and stamped with an accurate time and date. Network Time
Protocol (NTP) is a widely used standard to accurately synchronise computer time over wide area networks.
Institutions that use NTP technology include; HM Revenue & Customs, The Metropolitan Police, NASA, Inland
Revenue, The Land Registry, RBS, NASDAQ, Buckingham Palace, GlaxoSmithKline, Deutsche Bank, BBC, NHS,
BAE Systems, BT, HP, DELL and the Bank of England. We firmly believe that these time-stamped images are
Any time deviance detected on the ANPR servers generates an automatic alert monitored by the Technical
Support Team at ParkingEye Head Office. If at any stage of the process the ANPR cameras are found to be
deviating, Parking Charges are not issued. There are automated and manual checks to ensure that the cameras
are accurate.
It is important to note that cameras and ANPR servers are directly attached as an integrated solution situated
on-site therefore ensuring the accuracy of the ANPR read and associated date-timestamp. Transactional data
and images are recorded locally before batch transfer to our central systems.
There is no evidence to suggest that a Parking Charge has been issued incorrectly, and ParkingEye goes to great
lengths to ensure that all Parking Charges are issued correctly. The data taken from the Automatic Number
Plate Recognition cameras is sent to ParkingEye, where it undergoes a checking process of up to 19 stages. This
ensures that no errors have been made. There are various other procedures in place to ensure that Parking
Charges are issued correctly, and there is no reason to believe that an error has occurred in this case.
Section C

Parking Charge Notice

Any notes of the operative

28/12/2016 - Letter1 - Ltr01-116 (Page 2 of 2)
Section D

Registered Keeper Details

Liability Trail
Case Detail
Case Details
Case Reference

Current Value 100.00
Outstanding 100.00
Paid To Date 0.00
Section E

Original Representation

Notice of Rejection
27/01/2017 - Website Appeal Response (Page 1 of 1)
07/02/2017 - P1090532.JPG
07/02/2017 - policyscheduleipby.PDF (Page 1 of 4)
07/02/2017 - policyscheduleipby.PDF (Page 2 of 4)
07/02/2017 - policyscheduleipby.PDF (Page 3 of 4)
07/02/2017 - policyscheduleipby.PDF (Page 4 of 4)
07/02/2017 - 2017-01-27 - Website Appeal.pdf (Page 1 of 1)
07/02/2017 - Holding Response (Page 1 of 3)
07/02/2017 - Holding Response (Page 2 of 3)
07/02/2017 - Holding Response (Page 3 of 3)
16/02/2017 - Terminal Inside Patron Evidence Required (Page 1 of 3)
16/02/2017 - Terminal Inside Patron Evidence Required (Page 2 of 3)
16/02/2017 - Terminal Inside Patron Evidence Required (Page 3 of 3)
16/02/2017 - Website Appeal Response (Page 1 of 1)
22/02/2017 - 2017-02-16 - Website Appeal.pdf (Page 1 of 1)
22/02/2017 - Holding Response (Page 1 of 3)
22/02/2017 - Holding Response (Page 2 of 3)
22/02/2017 - Holding Response (Page 3 of 3)
28/02/2017 - Unsuccessful POPLA PP Not Purchased (Page 1 of 4)
28/02/2017 - Unsuccessful POPLA PP Not Purchased (Page 2 of 4)
28/02/2017 - Unsuccessful POPLA PP Not Purchased (Page 3 of 4)
28/02/2017 - Unsuccessful POPLA PP Not Purchased (Page 4 of 4)
Section F

Images, photographs and plans etc.

Section G

Other Evidence
Whitelist Lookup -
Whitelist Name Plate Description Start Date/Time End Date/Time Input Date/Time Duration

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