The document contains an image labeled "Gambar 10.b. One Line Diagram of Electric Power System." It appears to be a single line diagram showing the layout of electrical equipment in a power system, including generators, transformers, transmission lines, and other components.
The document contains an image labeled "Gambar 10.b. One Line Diagram of Electric Power System." It appears to be a single line diagram showing the layout of electrical equipment in a power system, including generators, transformers, transmission lines, and other components.
The document contains an image labeled "Gambar 10.b. One Line Diagram of Electric Power System." It appears to be a single line diagram showing the layout of electrical equipment in a power system, including generators, transformers, transmission lines, and other components.
The document contains an image labeled "Gambar 10.b. One Line Diagram of Electric Power System." It appears to be a single line diagram showing the layout of electrical equipment in a power system, including generators, transformers, transmission lines, and other components.
(Doi 10.1109/ICMCS.2011.5945712) Amatoul, Fatima Zahra Lamchich, Moulay Tahar Outzourhit, Abdel - (IEEE 2011 International Conference On Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS) - Ouarzazate, Mor